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Childish Gambino – Feels Like Summer

You can feel it in the streets
On a day like this, the heat
It feel like summer
I feel like summer
I feel like summer
You can feel it in the streets
On a day like this, the heat
I feel like summer
She feel like summer
This feel like summer
I feel like summer

Seven billion souls that move around the sun
Rolling faster, faster and not a chance to slow down
Slow down
Men who made machines that want what they decide
Parents tryna tell their children please slow down
Slow down

I know
Oh, I know you know that pain
I'm hopin' that this world will change
But it just seems the same
(It is not the same)

You can feel it in the streets
On a day like this, the heat
It feels like summer
(I feel like summer)
I feel like summer
(I feel like summer)
I feel like summer

Every day gets hotter than the one before
Running out of water, it's about to go down
Go down
Air that kill the bees that we depend upon
Birds were made for singing
Waking up to no sound
No sound

I know
Oh, I know you know my pain
I'm hopin' that this world will change
But it just seems the same
I know
Oh, I hope we change
I really thought this world would change
But it seems like the same

I know
Oh, my mind is still the same
I'm hoping that this world will change
But it just seems the same
I know
Oh, I hope we change

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Interpretation of Feels Like Summer

The lines of the song by Donald Glover, commonly known by the pseudonym Childish Gambino, point to a contribution to climate change in which the air in the streets gets hotter, water runs out, people move faster, and bees and birds die.
The music video is an animated clip and contains numerous references and cameo appearances by well-known figures from music and entertainment such as Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Rihanna and many more. The singer himself walks through a street lined with houses and is merely an observer who looks disinterestedly to the left and right without stopping.
For example, a dispute between Nicky Minaj and Travis Scott about the top position in the charts is depicted as a game among children in the front yard, with one toppling a tower of building blocks that the other has built. Will Smith, on the other hand, is portrayed as a character washing his car. This points to a line in his 1991 song Summertime. At a later date, one sees Michelle Obama embrace Kanye West, who has become known as a follower of Donald Trump.
The music video focuses on how we can be distracted by celebrities and popular culture from the real problems of this world.

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