ARE YOU READY TO OPEN YOUR MIND? Instagram @alovinglight A Loving Light is the artist name of Bradley Lake. This page was formerly known as Outsidetheboxdetroit when the page was more of a band, but now it is mainly Bradley on his own occasionally working with Zeek the Freak. Outsidetheboxdetroit started 9 years ago in 2011 and the songs will remain. Together we've derived a collection of tracks with a soul purpose of waking up the masses and creating enlightenment. Together we will change the world. One...
Bloody War
A message to the world in response to corruption in the form of genocide and war. #FreePalestine #cleanthewater #protectthechildren #bloodywar #savethetrees
Mo 17.06.2024
5 : 08 min
What Are You Holding Onto?
Highlighting the importance of releasing pain, trauma, and acknowledging the shadow and egoic unconsciousness.
So 04.02.2024
6 : 56 min
Love each other. Everyone. You are everyone!
Mo 06.11.2023
4 : 07 min
What's Your Favorite Corporation
A Light hearted humorous song about capitalism, corporations, and the pressure to invest into stocks and spend every waking hour of our adult lives thinking about dollar signs. ft. the hottest product zico spice, and McMurder Collin
Mi 11.10.2023
3 : 54 min
We've Got A Whole Lot Of Self Love
This song is about self love and the importance of self love in how we move through this miracle called life.
Mo 18.09.2023
14 : 48 min
Leave It Better Than We Found It
A song about putting up boundaries to protect your energy and connecting to the source for guidance, compassion grace, kindness and love for humanity.
Di 08.08.2023
3 : 37 min
Open Your Eyes
Lyrics to come.
Featuring Phil Matthewson on keys and drums.
Sa 08.04.2023
3 : 38 min
If We Are To Survive
We must change if we are to survive on this planet. Time is running out. Take accountability for your actions. Every act matters and you matter. Your kindness could change everything.
Mo 23.01.2023
5 : 14 min
Be Yourself
Be yourself. Be yourself no matter what life brings. There's always tomorrow. Tomorrow holds. A brand new day. There's always tomorrow.
So 15.01.2023
5 : 15 min
Instrumental song to space out to.
Fr 07.10.2022
4 : 57 min
Have Fun Yah
Remember to have fun, not take life too seriously, and let go!
Featuring TripleFire aka Zico Alame.
Fr 07.10.2022
8 : 19 min
The Red Wood Forest
Wisdom from exploring the Red Wood Forest in Northern California.
Sa 23.07.2022
3 : 20 min
Authentic Capitalism
Immerse yourself in a trippy authentic ride that is raw and real that depicts the dysfunctional reality of capitalism. Brad Lake & Collin Macdougall
Fr 08.04.2022
5 : 20 min
Feel the Floor
Feel the floor and let yourself go! Become alive and find the well within that never runs dry.
Sa 26.02.2022
3 : 16 min
The Sound of Om
Love Love Love I will wait for love and be in love forever.
So 26.12.2021
8 : 29 min
Realization of Flow
Realization of Flow by Bradley Lake
Sa 18.12.2021
3 : 54 min
Objective Truth
I know that in order for us to progress as a society, we have to agree on certain objective truth. In an era of misinformation, opinions, and subjective beliefs, there still must be truth that can direct us as a society.
So 21.11.2021
4 : 18 min
Episode 1 OTB
Episode 1 of Outsidethebox Detroit Podcast Show!
Sa 13.11.2021
87 : 07 min
I Hear The Thunder Storm
I hear the thunder storm rolling on in. Knocking at my door. Flashing It's Lights. Through my window.
Do 29.07.2021
7 : 34 min
Sweet Mother
Impromptu basement session in the Clippert Studio. Sweet mother we surrender to you. We give you all that we have. We don't need it anymore. All we want is your grace. Bless Mother Earth. Featuring Zico Alame and Brad Lake.
Fr 18.06.2021
4 : 12 min
The Farther You Go, The Less You Know
Chapter 47&48 of the Tao Te Ching.
Featuring Colin MacDougal
Sa 24.04.2021
3 : 10 min
Cappuccino Feet
A Valentines day song about someone special.
You help me be free.
The way you look at me
With those magical dark brown gorgeous eyes
and your cappaccino feet all over me
You send chills down my spine
The way you look at me
I feel so free
And all my problems fall to the ground
When I am with you
You make me find all beautiful
All the beauty in the world
All shines bright when I'm with you
It all comes visible at your feet
The way you look at me
(musical harmony)
You are so special to me
You are so special ah ahh
And I believe that you can do anything
That you choose to see
Oh I believe in you and all that you
Are supposed to bring to this beautiful earth
Oh you are such a beautiful angel
How lucky am I
To have met your soul
You are so beautiful to me
(Crystal Crystal Clear)
The way you look at me
(Crystal Crystal Clear)
You help bring me to the present moment
(Crystal Crystal Clear)
When I look into your eyes I see.
(Crystal Crystal Clear)
So 14.02.2021
4 : 26 min
We Can Be The Revolution
We can make a change in the world if we start agreeing with each other, accept each other, and help each other. We all want the same things. Just believe in a different way of attaining it. Let's all learn from each other and grow, progress, evolve, and flower!
Fr 15.01.2021
15 : 48 min
I Let You Go
The Art of letting someone go and moving on.
Mi 16.12.2020
1 : 32 min
Catch The Wind
Zico Alame on classical guitar and vocals, Brad Lake acoustic guitar and production.
So 06.12.2020
7 : 50 min
Jam session in Brad's basement.
Do 19.11.2020
17 : 20 min
Andrea Marie's Time Cover off of her Album Low. Since I first heard this song I fell in love with the ambient wavy simpleness to this song. Enjoy!
Mi 07.10.2020
7 : 20 min
As You Walk
You are so beautiful as you lay there in your bed
You will be made new by the presence of the day.
Love Love Love Love Love Love
You can do anything you set your mind to
You will be a light that shines through your darkness
It will light up those tunnels of insecurity
That you don't know where it will lead you to
But Love love love love love love will guide you through it
You may not know where you have it but this light will carry you
Through all of your questions through the great mystery.
You will not know where it leads but it will guide you with nothing but love at the core.
Love Love love Oh love love love it'll guide you through it all
You are so loved x7 ahh ahh ahh
You may think this is dumb but I promise it will change the foundation of life
It will bring you peace and joy
You'll let go of all the material and temporary things that make you bonded
to all that is vain.
(Instrumental lead)
Love Love love love love love love
You can do anything you set your mind to
With great intention and
Fr 07.08.2020
9 : 00 min
Living For Today
Living for today means taking time to be still and reflect and then releasing that energy into beautiful actions.
Mi 05.08.2020
3 : 17 min
Trust The Journey Instrumental
Sa 09.05.2020
4 : 01 min
Staying Open Session
Staying Open Session by Bradley Lake
Do 23.04.2020
66 : 15 min
Your Ruins
Your ruins, All your baggage
You can let it all go right now
This is the safe space you were waiting for
It's time to stop waiting
Time for you to stop being.........
All that you have ever been looking for
Is right here Its right now
You are so so special
You have life in your hands
You let it all go down the drain
You will find time
Everything you really are supposed to do
Will be easy easy
Smooth as silk
Mo 06.04.2020
3 : 24 min
All For Love
Mo 02.03.2020
9 : 26 min
Let's Go Out and Explore the World
Let's get lost today x2 Yeah
Lets go and drive around the house
And not be afraid to explore the world
Lets go out and explore the world x8
There's so many beautiful things
To set our eyes upon
Lets not be afraid.
Lets go out and explore the world x3
Let's not be afraid
To unite with other people
We must realize we are connected to all places and people despite their language.
Lets not put up walls of difference
Lets bring a way together
With all bridges and understanding
Lets stop being afraid.
Mi 26.02.2020
2 : 02 min
Off Time Trip
Off Time Trip by Bradley Lake
Fr 20.12.2019
3 : 06 min
Hold On
Hold On by Bradley Lake
Fr 20.12.2019
3 : 27 min
Let Go Of All You're Holding On To
Let all go everything that you are attached to.
Sa 14.12.2019
5 : 24 min
Warrior of Truth
Warriors of the truth and light.
Sa 14.12.2019
4 : 10 min
Jeff Belbacks Christmas Party 2019
Jeff Belbacks Christmas Party 2019 by Bradley Lake
So 08.12.2019
0 : 58 min
Get Over Yourself
Get Over Yourself by Bradley Lake
Fr 06.12.2019
25 : 59 min
Instrumental featuring Anton Teasley on the vibrations.
Sa 30.11.2019
2 : 11 min
Smyth Jumps Off The Roof
Smyth Jumps Off The Roof by Bradley Lake
Di 26.11.2019
2 : 27 min
The Only Thing
Love is the most powerful medicine. It is more powerful than electricity. It is the only thing I want to know.
Written and performed by Zico Alame
Bass and production: Brad Lake
Mi 16.10.2019
3 : 06 min
This song was written in response to countless friends and acquaintances losing their lives to addiction. The opiate epidemic is certainly alive in our world and this song goes out to all of those struggling with addiction in anyway. You are loved and I accept you.
Do 10.10.2019
25 : 30 min
From Eternity To Time
A paradoxal example of the dimensions: The eternal realm to the constructed time realm.
Do 08.08.2019
2 : 15 min
We All Bleed Red
We all Bleed Red and have different life experiences. Honor All!
Do 08.08.2019
5 : 44 min
Think Freely and Open
We live In the new age of culture where we're constantly bombarded with information with subtle agendas trying to influence our identities and the same people are using that influence to profit off of all of our insecurities. Well, you and your uniqueness is beautiful and you have a special purpose for the restoration of humanity in our society. Namaste.
Fr 26.07.2019
12 : 18 min
You Can Grab Your Dreams
This one goes out to anyone who was told by someone important to them that their dream and goal is impossible, that you can't do it, it's impossible. Well, the impossible becomes reality when you truly believe in it. There is nothing that can stop you.
Mi 24.07.2019
7 : 27 min
The Magic Herb
The instrumental version of the Magic Herb
So 21.07.2019
4 : 47 min
For Once in your Life Just Open your eyes to the other side.
So 23.06.2019
14 : 58 min
We Receive your Love
Love, Peace, and Harmony. World peace. Together we can do all things. No boundaries, no fear, no division.
Do 13.06.2019
10 : 51 min
Bite It You Scum
GG Allin's Bite it you Scum cover. Detroit, MI: Zico Alame
Di 11.06.2019
3 : 45 min
You Are A Miracle
How Quickly we are to forget that we are a miracle. Life moves so fast and we spend so much time conforming to a sociological system of acquiring and collecting, we forget to slow down, be still, and see beauty. We are here for a reason and collectively all have a responsibility of taking each and every breath intentionally. Peace and love to you all! Thanks for listening.
Fr 31.05.2019
8 : 12 min
Who Are You?
Who are you entices the listener to think about life's deepest questions: "who are you and what is your purpose?" The psychology and social work background has significantly influenced the course of Brad's music as of late. Hopefully all who listen ponder the question of the ages, "Who are you" and are able to live life with more authenticity, intention, and contentment. Peace and love to you all.
Do 23.05.2019
3 : 22 min
Heart Opened Ram
A segment of a live meditation jam session.
Mo 06.05.2019
3 : 15 min
Love Love Love Ram Jesus
A live meditation.
Mo 06.05.2019
7 : 11 min
Hanuman Chalisa
Guitar and vocals: Zico Alame
Bass and production: Brad Lake
Sri Hanuman Chalisa
Shri Guru Charan Sarooja-raj Nija manu Mukura Sudhaari
Baranau Rahubhara Bimala Yasha Jo Dayaka Phala Chari
Budhee-Heen Thanu Jannikay Sumirow Pavana Kumara
Bala-Budhee Vidya Dehoo Mohee Harahu Kalesha Vikaara
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar
Ram doot atulit bal dhama
Anjaani-putra Pavan sut nama
Mahabir Bikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi
Kanchan varan viraj subesa
Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesha
Hath Vajra Aur Dhuvaje Viraje
Kaandhe moonj janehu sajai
Sankar suvan kesri Nandan
Tej prataap maha jag vandan
Vidyavaan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur
Prabu charitra sunibe-ko rasiya
Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari lank jarava
Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye
Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye
Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai
Tum mam priye Bharat-hi-sam bhai
Di 30.04.2019
13 : 04 min
LOVE=RAM by Bradley Lake
Do 07.03.2019
6 : 02 min
Winter can be depressing, bone crunching, and it can bite, but death is a lie.
Mo 21.01.2019
4 : 00 min
Seek First The Kingdom Of God and the Rest Will be Added to you
"Seek First the Kingdom of God and the Rest Will be Added to you"
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly
Do 08.11.2018
3 : 57 min
The Cry of the One's Suffering from Capitalistic Greed
The cry I feel from all of those destined to a life of struggle in our society.
Our world is filled with so many genuinely good people who are filled with so much love, I often wonder why we allow so much pain to exist in our world?, Why do we allow certain people to physically rot to death with nothing, while some people have billions of dollars? It hurts me. Why does our species feel like we need to gain the world and forget about the majority?
Sa 06.10.2018
5 : 00 min
Trust Our Journey
If you can get a plant to develop strong roots then the whole plant will absorb whatever you feed it with tremendous capability
However, if love is not the main ingredient the plants will absorb more of all the wrong things and the plants will never amount to it's greatest potential or producing a mighty bountiful harvest that will transform and change lives.
And we are like plants. You need to develop your roots and you do this through discipline and setting an intention every single day to look for the light and to look for the things that are good for us all.
We've got to trust our journey
(Peace be upon us)
Trust our journey
(Angels will guide us)
Trust our journey
(Follow the light)
Trust our journey
We've got to trust our journey
(We're all in this together)
Trust our journey
(Lets trust each other)
Trust our journey
(And love each other)
Trust our journey
(And there will be peace on earth)
And the heavens will manifest themselves right here right now
on this earthy plane
All because we've set
Do 20.09.2018
7 : 44 min
I Am Prevost
In memoir of our good friend Joey Preevost. (June 18th 1989-June 8th 2018)
Take of your mask
Show your true colors
Don't be afraid
To Stand for Freedom
But we've lost it
It's time to get it back
Fight for their right
Iam Preevost x4
Mi 20.06.2018
1 : 34 min
The Open Sky
We as human beings all need to remember our place and humble ourselves to the beautiful mother earth. This song depicts one observing the infinite realm of a deep blue sky and all his or her worldly problems are melted away by this awareness of their connection to all that is, even beyond the all powerful mother Earth. Our ego's dissipate once entranced with the infinite shining light that melts all darkness away. Love begins to be the only thing that really matters.
Never let the world be all you are
This world will try to rob you of it
You have to hold on
and follow the light that shines deep
So when it all seems like its falling down on you
Just remember how big the open sky is
It'll bring you back to where you need to be in this life
I promise anything you want
Can be achieved by giving it all to God
Because she will bring you all of
your desires
because she instilled them within you
so when you're fully present
all that you are destined for
will be easily accessible
ohhh ohhhhh...
So 18.02.2018
5 : 24 min
Palm Trees And Pine Trees Coexist
This song uses trees and plants as a metaphor in regards to humans of all different ethnicities and backgrounds living together in harmony adding to the overall beauty and aesthetics of this planet. Diversity is beautiful!
Mo 11.12.2017
7 : 36 min
Bring Us Back Together
It seems like just yesterday that you and I were one.
We were living the dream.
But then along came a spider of obstacles and pains
And it tried to take it all away from us
The darkness is strong, but it cant survive the light
because i believe in the power of love
It is at the core of our being
And i know it will outlast all the confusion, resentfulness, and grief
You are always and forever the key to my soul
May God's will bring us back together my love
I promise that I want the absolute best for you
Even if that means that I have to let you go.
~For Megan Genereaux
Fr 28.04.2017
3 : 33 min
Resolve And Rest
Sit back and look within yourself and all of the things you call problems and let them melt away once you transcend them with the power of self actualization.
One Love
Di 28.03.2017
5 : 19 min
Love Will Save Us All
This song came to be due to the unconditional nature of love. The only think that will save us is love. The picture shown above was a moment captured where I felt this presence very strongly.
Do 02.03.2017
5 : 11 min
Valentines Day
Happy Valentines day to all. The motivation of this song was from my beautiful girlfriend Megan Genereaux.
Happy Valentines Day to the one I love. Her hair shines so red and vibrant all day. I remember the day I first met her. She pulled up to the packing lot at Oakland University. I can't help but think about you always all day and night. It gets so strong sometimes that I fall to the ground and I collapse, like I'm having a heart attack. I won't know what hit me, its so powerful. Time! Time doesn't mean a thing to me when I'm with you by your side. It's always like we're at the beach in Muskegon. We float on the waves. Holding each other like it's the last day on this earth. I keep you close in my heart. Always and forever through my life. My love for you is so unconditional. I'll do anything for you always anytime whenever you want me to. I can't help but think about you always all day and night. It get so strong sometimes that I fall to the ground and I collapse, like I'm havi
Mi 15.02.2017
6 : 06 min
No One's Gonna Stop Me
Rolling down the street
Looking for that money because i can't stop until im lving comfortably
Prince Fielder in the house looking
Looking for me
I won't stop
Looking for me
You won't
Looking for me
I wont stop until
You are free
I'm never going stop roling down the block because im going to be with you until the end
I'm for the people i'm going to root for them forever
Never gonna stop
Gonna be there
Gonna always be for the people
They are mine
I will put them first before the money
No one's going to stop me
Not even a dream
Not even if I can't beat the political regimen
Nothing can stop me
No no uhhh uhh
Mi 01.02.2017
2 : 16 min
Had an experience in Jupiter. Here it is...
So 15.01.2017
5 : 04 min
Time To Take Our Land Back
This song is for the fueling of inspiration that will allow the people of the United States of America to take back their land from the central banking institutions and corporate America. We Are one and we need to take care of our planet!
Mi 04.01.2017
10 : 48 min
The End Of The Oil Industry
This song was made in response to the awakening of people all across the globe that realize we need to stop depending on oil as energy. The difficult part about all of this is that many people profit billions of dollars of this destructive industry. It is a full blown self harming addiction. The recent feat in North Dakota on December 5th 2016 was beyond inspiring and revolutionizing for the future of people uniting to protect our land. This was the beginning to the downfall of the oil industry!
Di 06.12.2016
12 : 19 min
Sitting On The Front Porch In Dearborn
Sitting on the front porch in Dearborn
All I want is to know
How do i get through the dark times?
How do i get through the dark?
I won't ever be the one who comes in and takes it all
Away from your glory
From your glory
All i want is to see you thrive and make it better.
To make it better.
How many times did i have to say
That I love you X2
How many times did I have to say
That I love you X2
Somebody's always trying to push you over the edge
But its always up to you
You have the choice to do what you want
This life you don't have to let the world effect you
You have a mind you have a choice
You have a reason to be all that you are within side your soul
Let it out and don't be afraid to broadcast it
to the world and be filled with passion and fire and
the wind and fire and the ocean will pour out
It will pour out your soul and your spirit
Your words will speak and they'll vibrate with wisdom
You'll never be afraid again to be
All that you were meant to be
Everything that you were designed to be
Sa 05.11.2016
5 : 08 min
I Cast Out These Negative Forces
Negative forces are an inevitable facet of life. Thankfully, we have the metacognition and choice to let these negative forces teach us positive lessons and ultimately grow into what God desires us to become.
Shawn Smyth: Drums
Photo credit: Megan Genereaux
(Here is the live recording video of this song)
So 30.10.2016
7 : 34 min
Empowering The People
Empowering The People by Bradley Lake
Do 13.10.2016
5 : 56 min
Everybody's Having Some Fun
Just a jumping fun live track!
With Zico and Anthony
Do 22.09.2016
3 : 16 min
Stand Up
This song is all about courageously being yourself regardless of what the social norm is. It's about doing what is right within your heart, rather than just following laws. Listening, rather than hearing. Seeing, rather than looking. Its about making yourself vulnerable, fearlessly, because we know that our heart and soul will live on forever. Life is about making it better for the good of humanity!
Don't let this go right to your head
For you were made to bring the world glory
Don't ever let this world ever bring you down
Just hold on be strong and be yourself
Wooh hoo hoo
I said stand up
Stand up for you are
Stand up and never be afraid
When will we realize about our lives
We can't do this on our own
Don't ever stop being independent
Just hold on live, love, and give with grace.
Everybody sing with me Wooh hoo hoo
Stand up
Stand for who you are
Stand up and never be afraid
Every time i close my eyes
All i see is beauty arise
Every time i am with you
When i look out the window all i see
So 17.07.2016
7 : 22 min
This song is a spontaneous live jam recorded in the basement in Detroit Michigan. We were releasing negative built energy about time running out. Ultimately time is a psychological illusion and the only time we ever have is now. So lets stand up with each other, regardless of race, culture, or religion and stand up to this ruthless anti humanistic society that has come to power. With us people as one the injustice cannot last.
Mi 13.07.2016
4 : 04 min
January 2nd 1992
This song was written for my sister on behalf of her 24th Birthday. I hope you all can appreciate the unconditional love captured within this song that radiates from sibling love.
January 2nd 1992
There was a girl born who would bring love
To this planet called Earth
She goes by the name of Stephanie Lake
There aint nothing on this Earth
That could separate our bond
That we have as brother and sister
You'll be mine forever through eternity and thick and thin
I wouldn't change one thing
I like you just the way you are
Sometimes we get into fights and arguments(The spirit and soul)
They don't define our relationship ohhhh (We have a bond so powerful that nothing can take it from us)
So much more powerful
And strong
I take this moment to tell you I love you
I love you more than anything else in this life
Your spirt's so beautiful
I would put my life on the line just to tell you this
There aint nothing this world could offer
Thats more valuable than our relationship
In what we have as brother and sis
So 03.01.2016
5 : 54 min
Such An Intense Beauty
During the making of this song that was originally written in 2013, finally was captured in a live session that wasn't traditional to the original song in any sense. However, the song summons an emotion that is derived from such an intense free feeling that fills your whole body, soul, and mind with the most incredible beautiful grace that you could ever imagine. This feeling cleanses you, purifies you, gives you a new beginning. We hope you can feel it and let its healing begin.
If it feels right, then I say just go for it.
If it feels right I say go for it.
You can feel by the energy
In everything that you do
Everything you do
Everything you do is surrounded by an intense beauty
Such an intense beauty
Shines from everything newness everything that's in motion
You could say that ?
Deep within my soul
It outbreaks So humbling
Shakes every cell in my body
It shakes every cell within my body
It is so intense it makes me alive
I don't know what to call it
But Im sure.
It is so powerful
Di 24.11.2015
7 : 18 min
Day Of The Dead
Happy Halloween means to pay homage to the dead. Remembering those who once walked this earth and to apply their learned knowledge to our present lives.
This was an impromptu live recording focused on the near approaching holiday of Halloween. This song's energy is focused on giving homage to all those who have once walked this planet! However, the beginning of this song is about not being afraid to take off your mask and liberate yourself. Also about it being America's time to take back their freedom.
Do 29.10.2015
14 : 36 min
Rumination Or Contemplation
I made this song out of pure excitement, joy, appreciation, and without expectation just messing around with my new controller that Phil Matthewson gave me. It turned out to be quite an inducer of deep thoughts and self introspection. Thanks Phil!
Mi 21.10.2015
4 : 10 min
Let It All Out
This song is all about destroying social roles, identities, and ideologies that hold us back from being genuine.
I'm gonna be myself and let it all out
Jump! Don't be afraid to dance.
Let it all out Let it all out
Don't be afraid to scream.
Mi 07.10.2015
1 : 01 min
What Keeps You Up At Night
Drew Swatta is back on the attack!
Di 08.09.2015
3 : 08 min
Say What's On Your Mind
This song is all about speaking your mind and not being afraid of being judged or perceived to be a certain way. Be yourself!
Say what you got to say
Let it all come out
While I get my groove on
Say What's on your mind
You should never repress things like that or it'll cause you trouble
I promise!
Di 08.09.2015
1 : 28 min
We Are Young
We are young We are young
We won't stop until we get home
We are young We are young
We won't stop until we get home
Mi 26.08.2015
0 : 20 min
Understanding Your Direction
This song was creatively expressed after finishing the reading of the famous novel called, "The Alchemist." It's all about following the omens observed in life as a guide for the real compass which is your heart to find your unique treasures in life. My dream and personal legend tells me to share music of peace and encouragement to the world. Where it will lead me is what I'm still learning.
This song is about understanding your direction
Knowing your purpose in life
Don't allow people who haven't reached their dreams
To tell you that you can't reach your dreams
Follow your heart
And I promise you will attain your goal
And I won't wait for
Never will it wait for comfort
Be yourself today
Don't wait for comfort
Put it all on the line
Make yourself vulnerable
Yeah, Here we go
Run around with all your egos
Always inflating them with some new material object or a thing or whatever you want to call it
Stop and wake up and see your life
Stop blindfolding yourself
Stop blindfolding yourself f
Mo 24.08.2015
5 : 00 min
Accepting It All
Anthony and myself embarking on a musical journey that takes place on a summer night outside in dearborn heights michigan. I hope you enjoy the percussion. My sister purchased me an authentic hand made cajon/bongo from the Dominican Republic, which is what you hear in this track.
Di 11.08.2015
9 : 39 min
The Sun Is Shining
One of the most beautiful things in life is to appreciate the sun shining. It's magnificent power and abilities to give energy to all of the life sources on this planet is impeccable. This song is a dedication to the unbelievably gorgeous sun and all of its loving energy! Thanks be to God!
So 26.07.2015
19 : 14 min
Set Free
This song was made for the lost, the weak, the pain inflicted, and the ones who are searching for the purposes of living this life.
Lyrics are below and if you've never heard the original birth of this song here's the link:
There are times in our lives when we fall to our knees
and we beg for mercy because were in so much pain
So we reach up to the sky in search of
The truth will set you free
So spread your wings and fly away
The truth will set you free
So open your mind
And spread your wings (and fly away)
The truth will set you free
So spread your wings
And fly away
And open your mind
To the truth
I promise
All your fears will go
All Away
If you trust in God
(If you Trust in God)
I promise if you have faith there'll be a seed inside your soul
It will grow like plants in the garden and you'll never be the one
Who's mislead and deceived
and taken advantage of by the enemy
Put your trust in him and I promise you'll be free
You will be set free!
Mo 20.07.2015
4 : 06 min
As Pure as a Child
Sometimes we all get distracted by futile and useless things
It's time to wake up
It's hard to wake up when you're filled with so much pain
It's hard to go when you're living in the past
I've come to call you into a new life
It's time to open your wings and let the love come flooding in
Come flooding in
It's time to find
That place within your heart
That brings you back to childhood.
Fr 26.06.2015
2 : 55 min
Remarkable Days Ahead
Hope is Now! Don't be afraid to be you. Allow unconditional love to flow through you like rain! The truth will set you free!
Mi 27.05.2015
19 : 05 min
Transmute the Darkness
This song was fueled by the ability to trust and focus on the light, even when it seems it has abandoned you. Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right.
Di 26.05.2015
3 : 53 min
Peak At The Garden
Sweet and subtle start, transitioning into a blend of hard and other worldly to finish.
Sa 23.05.2015
3 : 21 min
I'd Lay My Life Down For You Mom
This is a song I made for my mother for mother's day.
I watch the days roll on by
And I realize that I have a beautiful mother
A beautiful mom that gave birth to me
I thank you mom for all you've done
I don't know how to share it with you any more
(spoken word)
Mom I just want you to know that any time that I think of you or hear the word Irene it puts a smile on my face and it makes my heart flutter like a butterfly.
I don't mean to make this sound cheesy but I swear
Your the best mom in the world
I want to give you my whole heart
I don't express myself enough
I hope this just shows you how
How much that I love you
This is the best way I could show
Show you what I think about you
It expresses my soul
And I just want you to know that I would take a bullet for you
I'd throw myself in front of a car
And get hit by the truck again to save your life
You'll never know how much I love you
I feel you next to me no matter what
Even if your physical form were to diminish
Oh, the day you die you'll alway
So 10.05.2015
6 : 02 min
The Year 1989 was the theme of this spontaneous impromptu song derived by Detroit's Zico Alame & Brad Lake
Share it all on a saturday
We're not afraid to let it go
We're not afraid to run amongst
Those whom call themselves free
We won't be weighed down by the world
We'll never let ourselves be labeled to a title
You wake up and now it's sunday
It's our day to wake up and enjoy the sun
Shining on my skin
Shining on my skin
I don't know if the year in 1989 means any significance
to most of the people in this world
It just happens to be the year that
Zico and myself were born
We came out of the canal from
A beautiful conception
Let's have fun and make it like our last
Should be living this way irregardless of what i say
The time is now
To go out and fill your dreams
And never give up
I said don't let the world weigh you down
Don't let the world
It's time to wake up and stop playing these games
That we're drawn out of the 52 cards that the government deals you
I'm sorry that i sound like an
Di 28.04.2015
5 : 17 min
Lucky Clovers
Spontaneous live session jammed by Shawn Smyth and myself on March 20th 2015. This song captures a very dark ambient experience perpetuated by stress and family dysfunction.
Mo 23.03.2015
6 : 14 min
Finding Yourself Amongst The Mental Noise
This is where we take control of all the noise
That limits us in this world
We call it mental noise
Showing you how
To become conscious
and overcome all
the mental noise.
We can change the structure of this failing system
This failing system
It doesn't have to hold us back anymore!
Yeah, This is where we come together
and we make a change.
We'll make a change
We'll make a change
to this corrupt world
Don't exclude
Be all you are
Don't be afraid
Transform your mind
Transform your mind
Don't ever be afraid again
to include.
The only actions that do not cause opposing reactions are those that are aimed at the good of all.
Mo 16.02.2015
4 : 12 min
This Is Where We Win The War
This is where we start
Walking down the path
That leads to life
That leads to life
Walking down the path
(Whoo ohh oh ohh)x2
This is where we win the war
This is where we win the war
Not with hate, but with love.
So 01.02.2015
2 : 20 min
Light As A Feather
Shawn Smyth:Drums
Bradley Lake: guitar/humming
Mi 28.01.2015
2 : 23 min
We Are Here To Save You
Shawn Smyth: Drums
Brad Lake: Guitar/vocals
I will never be the one to take you from
From all the lies you offered
We are here to save you
We are here to save you
It's six in the morning
I just got up to go to work
Am I living or am I living in a world where
I just need to wake up
oh this knife in the eye
this knife in the eye
So 25.01.2015
2 : 46 min
You Can Move The Mountains
Shawn Smyth: Drums
Bradley Lake: Guitar/Vocals
You won't ever give up in this great storm.
you feel the rain come down
Drizzling from the top of the mountains
All you've got to say
"You can move the mountain"
By just believing in yourself
Shawn Smyth says, "Why does it always have to go into a punk rock fast part? Well because, thats just how we do it
Thats how we do it
Thats how we do it
We go to Stayyyyyyyyyyyyyytttttteeeeeeeee!
Detroit Michigan
This is called the Detroit Michigan Music
Detroit Michigan Hardcore music
Best hardcore in the nation
With one purpose
To overcome this
This extremely intoxicated world.
Sa 24.01.2015
7 : 32 min
Harmony Begins With Discord
This is what happens when you use a drum key to play guitar.
Sometimes we all fall down along our journeys. The important thing to remember is that no matter what you fall into, it never defines you as a human being. You as a human being are so sacred, immaculate, divine, and ever so loved. Pick your head up and keep on going! It's always worth it! Just like a bicycle, we need to keep proceeding forward in order to maintain stability. Keep Going!
Sa 17.01.2015
5 : 15 min
When All Nations Bow Down
Anthony Wendler: Drums
Zico Alame: Bass
Bradley Lake: Guitar
No matter what happens
I'll promise
I'll do my best
I'll give it all I have
Living inside of me.
I'll promise to do all i can
To bring you life
Mi 07.01.2015
11 : 26 min
Ben Smyth PT 3
Ben Coopack: Acoustic guitar
Brad Lake: Bass
Shawn Smyth: drums
Di 06.01.2015
7 : 26 min
Ben Smyth Pt 2
Ben Smyth Pt 2 by Bradley Lake
Di 06.01.2015
17 : 20 min
Ben Smyth Pt1
Ben Smyth Pt1 by Bradley Lake
Di 06.01.2015
14 : 47 min
Guidance Through The Dark
If you appreciate music that arises from the moment, isn't orchestrated in anyway, and is spontaneously written without thought or organization then you might like this. Enjoy!
Do 04.12.2014
13 : 43 min
It's So Great to Be Alive
It's so great to be alive.
Living every day like it was our last.
We won't stop
Singing nah nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah nah
Jesus you are life.
We won't stop.
I feel it I feel it I feel it in the air.
I see it I see it I see it everywhere.
You are why I see
in full color
I see
Without you I'm lost
Without you I'm nothing
Nothing at all
You, you gave me life
So i choose
To give it all
All for your glory.
It's so great to be alive
Living everyday like it was our last
Singing nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah nah
Jesus you are life
Whoa oh oh
I'll never be afraid
Because you're on my side
I am all you are
I take this time
to lift my hands
up to the sky
So i can thank you
For this glory
We call life
I don't ever take it for granted
Fr 07.11.2014
6 : 41 min
Its So Great To Be Alive
Sample/demo of work in process!
Mi 04.12.2013
1 : 18 min
Detroit Michigan
This song was created to show the world how much we love and support our hometown. A musical expression screaming with energy, but filled with wisdom, truth, and love.
Special treat for all my Michiganders at the end of song!
A BIG thanks to "D.J. Nero for the intro.
I am from Detroit Michigan X4
Lesson number one
Don't allow someone else's perception distort your own judgement.
Detroit is our home
We love this city and we'll stay faithful until the end of time.
I'm not saying nothing's wrong. That we need no change.
Just wanna show our commitment and strength.
I promise that you'll see this city rise and we'll be the crutch of the change of the whole wide world.
For the time has come where the people will not endure the sound teachings.
But wanting to have their ears tickled
They will accumulate for themselves
Teachers in accordance to their own desires
And will turn away their ears from the truth
And will turn aside to myths
My brothers and sisters Detroit is a formidable example of what happe
Fr 01.11.2013
4 : 56 min
Allan Richard Lake
This song goes out to the reason I have life, the reason I am who I am today! Happy Birthday Mr. Allan Lake
Thank you to JJheller and Dave Heller for the music I covered.
Hey Dad, I just wanted to make you this birthday song because I knew
I knew that no tangible gift that money could ever buy
Would ever truly explain to you how deeply grateful and thankful
and how much that I care for you and love you like this song would!
First of all just wanna say Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Day to Allan Richard Lake
Born on October 18th
I remember all the early morning hockey practices
You woke me up for and drove me in the morning
you gave your time for me
and you did it again with all the camping trips we went on
You always thought of the children first.
So dad, (I Love You) I want you to realize (I Love You)
You have been such a positive influence in so many peoples lives
Don't ever let yourself get down again.
I love you without you I'd have no life
I love you with all of
So 20.10.2013
2 : 16 min
Happy 18th Julie
This is the song I made for my beautiful sister Julie for her birthday! The guitar cover was ripped off of City and Color's, "Hello I'm In Delaware" with my own little twist!
Julie I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Your my sister.
And I would do anything for you.
Life has been tough.
Look how strong it's made you blossom.
I promise I
I'll always be there for you
and ill never leave you
I will let myself die
Before I ever
Let you be hurt in the world.
Sa 29.06.2013
1 : 52 min
Stand Up (Live)
This is a song that me and Anthony are in the process of working on. This is a raw live sample for you guys to give us some feedback. No bass, no editing, just raw to the bone.
Don't let this go right to your head
For you were made to bring the world glory.
Don't ever let this world ever bring your down.
Just hold on be strong and be yourself.
Pre Chorus:
Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoe hoo hoe hoe hoo hoe hoo
Stand up!
Stand up for who you are!
Stand up, and never be afraid!
Verse2: Repeat of first (for now)
When I look out the window
All I see
Is the glowing of your face.
Your smile lights up the whole room
It's incredible to me.
When I look into your eyes
Everything is perfect
Not a worry on my mind
When I am with you
All the unsettling thoughts
They have no power
Jesus, you bring me to life
My life is in your hands
Mi 19.06.2013
8 : 46 min
To Our Earth
As the Earth has approached 7 billion souls living in synchrony on October 31, 2011 It's time we start taking care of our planet and be cognizant of the consequences we cause. It's time we change the perception of the earth as more than just the land of molten rock we make our homes on, but we need to view it as part of us. Next time your walking down the street and you see litter or witness somebody else litter, pick it up and remind that individual that their destroying themselves. If we destroy the earth, we are destroying ourselves.
This song is an instrumental featuring Shawn Smyth and Anthony Wendler on drums,
Andrew Sheldon on bass, Phil Matthewson on synth or keyboards, and Brad Lake on guitar, editing, mixing, and mastering.
Much Love and please remember to take care of each other and our beautiful home called earth! We Love you!
This is the remix of Light Through Stained Glass that Zico and myself revised for my Psychological Human Sexuality class.
This song was written on behalf of self-awareness in correlation with the mainstream music industry’s influence or socialization upon the youth throughout the world. In this song, that topic deals with human sexuality on behalf of Dr. Rizo’s human sexuality class. The song was written in both narrative format and switches off to the first person format, multiple times, in order to inform listeners and to assist in conjuring up the imagery portrayed. Zico and my self’s purpose in writing the lyrical content was to allow listeners to observe the blissful ignorance portrayed in most mainstream music in current times through our exaggerations. The first major dilemma we raise: is the demoralization and objectification of women as nothing more than sex objects, secondly we focus on men and their gender roles in today’s society impacted majorly by celebrities and individuals they l
Fr 15.03.2013
4 : 10 min
You Are Not Alone
Drums: Anthony Wendler
Synthesizer: Phil Matthewson
Engineering, Production, Guitar, Bass, and Harmonica: Bradley Lake
Good day to you all, whether it be morning, afternoon, or evening. Whether your in China, America, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Brazil, or ect this song was created for you to help you remember that you are not alone in this world. We live in a very difficult time. Where our society seems to be worried about materialism and external attributes that don't matter one bit. The few of us whom have either just reached, or are pursuing our journey towards self actualization are on a very narrow road, and it can seem lonely sometimes because the rest of the world is lost. This song is for all of you individuals beginning to see through the darkness, the deception, or the illusion. Don't let the negativity bring you down. You should be ecstatic that you are blessed to see the truth!
Psychological theory on human division and competition:
An imperative
Mi 13.02.2013
4 : 24 min
Lightning (W/Lyrics)
This is a song originally prescribed to represent a recently lost family member by the name of Lightning. Her soul was the motivation and energy used to derive the ideology for this song. This family member taught me the meaning of grace.
R.I.P. Lightning Lake May 2000-Nov 9th 2012
Being real consists of rediscovering truth and reality in an age of deception and illusion.
Now it's time for the transformation.
The day of age where we all come together and we gain strength
to overcome adversity
to destroy artificially developed racism and discrimination that's bringing us down.
Just let it out!
Be yourself no matter what life brings
Sometimes life will make it difficult to be truthful
But anything's achievable when you believe in yourself.
I just wanna be your source of light in this world
But all you do is flee
Don't ever judge anybody, but your own self
Your never gonna be the same.
Just let it out!
Be yourself no matter what life brings
Sometimes life
Do 17.01.2013
4 : 54 min
Change the Course of History (Forgiveness)
Shawn Smyth: Drums Brad Lake: Guitar, synth, bass, vocals, and production
We are looking for a vocalist with a splendid punk rock style who wants to have fun and record to this track.
This is a song in progress about the deceptions of our world, the men behind the curtains, and the group of elitists who call the shots. Lyrics to come, but there is a sample of the lyrics at the 3:38 marker.
(video relevant, in correlation to this song)
Mi 19.12.2012
4 : 50 min
Light Through Staind Glass (W/Lyrics Mastered)
Outsidethebox productions presents: Zico Alame: Lead Vocals
Anthony Wendler: Drums, and Bradley Lake: guitar, synth, vocals, and production.
This song is about a man who is on the verge of suicide in a cold dark world, but is strengthened by the light through the stained glass! No matter where you are in life, no matter how bad it can get, there is always light. (positivity) You just have to find it! Much Love!
Mi 21.11.2012
4 : 06 min
Light Through Stained Glass
Song in progression (Vocals coming shortly) Catch the vocal content added this week!
Let us know what you think of this tune so far!
Bradley Lake:guitar, bass, synth, and production
Anthony Wendler: Drums
There is always good and bad, light and darkness, positives and negatives. In reality we as human beings will be faced with negative circumstances, that's just being a realist. However, the motive of this song is to teach and/or remind everyone that through the transformation of your heart with love, we have the choice to decide how we react to every stimulus. With each negative or darkness faced, (stained glass) we have the ability to choose our attitudes and shine light through the stained glass. This is the purest and realest form of love. The love that shines through all negative situations. I love you guys!
So 28.10.2012
4 : 06 min
Fight For Freedom
Good day to all my brothers and sisters! This song was created to motivate, anger, and give you courage to stand up for your liberties and not be afraid to speak out. We are all living in a historic time period. Do we want to be remembered as the zombies who were manipulated and lied too and didn't do anything to stop it, or do we want to be remembered as the heroes of our time?
Ft. Shawn Smyth on drums, Phil Matthewson, Andrew Sheldon, and Zico Alame (chanting), and Bradley Lake production, guitar, bass, synth, and vocals.
LYRICS: (Braveheart 1995 Mel Gibson Speech) ~Introduction
Fight For Freedom (chant)
It starts with getting a little angry
Stand up for what you believe in
Wake up the sheep with the truth
Before your led into the slaughter houses
Act now before it's to late.
Yeah, Don't be like the elite
Allow reason rather than appetite
To initiate the will to stand and fight
America is ours so lets all unite
Listen to Mel Gibson
Before we don't have the choice to make this decision
Im done observing
Fr 28.09.2012
4 : 00 min
Nature (Click for Lyrics)
Hello all my brothers and sisters. This is a partially sad song inspired by the loss of love in humanity. Our ideology in deriving this song was to make you aware of humanity's true nature being corrupted and lost in our current society that places material things before the deep spiritual aspects that really matter.
Lyrics and vocals by Zico Alame and Bradley Lake
Drums: Anthony Wendler
Guitar and Production: Bradley Lake
The nature of man is not hate or greed.
This illusion we are a part of puts us all in need
The need we all thirst is often unknown
As a result, we feel broken, we feel alone
A void within our soul we seek to fill
This battle we call life is often up hill
We must all search deep within ourselves
To realize enlightenment is not derived from materialistic wealth
People of this world, we must learn not to fill our emptiness with substance and negative substitutions. Rather we must let the joy of love, forgiveness, and compassion, not just refill, but overflow t
Do 30.08.2012
4 : 46 min
Lost but Now Found
This song is a story of how I was lost spiritually in a corrupt society that places temporary fixes and illusions before anything else. I found God and the Lord filled me up with grace, love, hope, forgiveness, and faith.
Shawn Smyth on Drums
Brad Lake guitar,bass, synth, violin, and production
So 29.07.2012
4 : 46 min
110 Degree Symphony
On behalf of the scorching, record breaking, unbearable, and extremely hot weather we've been having here throughout the United States; this song was created to mentally cool you off and help you relax! Much Love! From Detroit Michigan!
Guitar, production, synth, and bass: Bradley Lake
Drums: Anthony Wendler!
So 15.07.2012
6 : 22 min
Let me know what you think of this beat that i made today while waiting for my car at Taylor Ford to fix my tire. Lyrics in the process of being made!
Fr 13.07.2012
3 : 48 min
This song is a dedication to the greatest, most humble, outstanding, leader, defensemen, perfection, and invincible hockey player ever to play the game. We show you through music how much focus, dedication, determination, tenacity, and what an extreme hard worker this individual is not only as a hockey player, but a human being!
Featuring Shawn Smyth on drums and Brad Lake guitar and production!
Di 10.07.2012
5 : 20 min
Paradise Palms
Picture yourself lying in the sand staring into the sun behind palm tree's on this beautiful Fourth of July! I love all of you! God Bless!
Featuring Shawn Smyth on Drums
Phil Matthewson Synth
Bradley Lake guitar and production
Do 05.07.2012
7 : 22 min
Don't Be Afraid
This song is a reminder from the Holy Spirit to remind each and every soul on this Earth how loved that you really are. Never be afraid when you have God on your side.
Bradley Lake production and vocals combining ambient chillwave with hiphop.
Thanks for listening! Let me know what you think of this side of my work.
Mi 20.06.2012
3 : 14 min
Greatest Day of Your Life
A way to keep you thinking with a positive mentality to enjoy this summer. Summertime fun!
Thank you to the makers of Tony Hawk Pro Skater for releasing the game of inspiration.
Life is Beautiful! Go Out and Enjoy it!
Don't let society decide if your smiling or not, but rather allow your smile to change the world!
Outsidethebox Productions Featuring Drew Swatta and Bradley Lake
Di 29.05.2012
3 : 30 min
Spread Your Wings
Spread your wings and fly away!
This song takes Biblical wisdom and intuition to spread the truth around the world.
Follow your heart!
Produced by Bradley Lake
Vocals: Zico Alame and Bradley Lake
Guitar:Bradley Lake
Synth: Phil Matthewson
It's a pleasure to see all of us together today. I want you to look at the person next to you in the eyes and tell them that you love them. For it is through love that you heal the spirit. Embrace that magnificent smile blooming on your face. Don't hide it! Just show the world.
The truth, which is love, hope, and faith. Should never be confused with the illusions of a mortal life. The Truth, and only the truth will live forever.
Do not be conformed by this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. Surrender your soul to the truth.
The Truth Will set you free. (jump and grab it) So spread your wings and fly away. (its all achievable) (Be Free, Just fly Away) The truth will set you f
Mi 16.05.2012
4 : 51 min
Mom I Love You
For all the moms out there! Happy Mother's day! ;)
So 13.05.2012
3 : 52 min
The Guilty Truth
Loud Andy, Zeek Nasty, Scruffball, and Drew Swatta deliver a beautiful display of truth through the magic of music. This particular piece delivers a wide range of emotion from anger, to pure joy while keeping it purely passionate. This is a must listen for anyone into any kind of music, for this particular song also displays a variety of genres.
So 29.04.2012
2 : 24 min
Within Yourself
Anything is possible within yourself. You must believe to achieve and strive to thrive.
Featuring Drew Swatta on vocals, Bradley Lake on vocals and production, and Blake Tackett vocals and production.
Sa 21.04.2012
3 : 17 min
Miserable Until God Was Found
This song was made to make human beings conscious of how dead and miserable we are until you surrender to God. God is most merciful and God brings hope, love, and forgiveness into our world. You must also realize that God is glorified through the human weakness. You have two choices next time you are suffering or feeling miserable. Let it bring you closer to the Lord, or let it drag you towards Satan. I hope you make the right choice.
Sa 14.04.2012
5 : 02 min
The Temporary Illuision
A message to the world. Be yourself and cherish the moment.
By Bradley Lake
So 25.03.2012
3 : 12 min
Distinctive Wallpaper and Broken Promises
This song will make you close your eyes and smile. SImply put, you will visualize yourself in a dream like perfection. Put on your seatbelt and take the ride!!!
If you enjoyed this tune, check out "You Are Not Alone." This is the remake of this track
Featuring Bradley Lake on guitar and production, Anthony Wendler on drums, and Phil matthewson on synth
Mi 14.03.2012
3 : 06 min
Don't Let Them Take Your Liberties
Featuring Shawn Smyth on drums and Bradley Lake produce and playing guitar
So 11.03.2012
4 : 48 min
Become Aware
Part of The "Wake up America 2012" Campaign Featuring Brad Lake, Anthony Wendler, and Zico Alame
Fr 09.03.2012
5 : 06 min
Reach For It
Feat Anthony Wendler on drums
Fr 02.03.2012
4 : 50 min
Get Up and Dance
Get up and Dance. This is your time to shine. Own the moment and be yourself!
Sa 11.02.2012
3 : 13 min
In Heaven (Produced by Pastlife Omarcmusic)
Imagine yourself skipping down a field looking in on the beach with palm trees, a rainbow glaring, the sun going down, seagulls all around, and a smile as big as can be.
In heaven with Brad Lake and Omarcmusic
Brad Lake on Guitar and adding special effects to the song In heaven by Omarcmusic off Past Life
Mo 06.02.2012
4 : 00 min
Jamacan me crazay
Jamacan me crazay by Bradley Lake
Mo 30.01.2012
3 : 28 min
Smythsonian by Bradley Lake
So 29.01.2012
2 : 22 min
With Every Negative There is Equal Positive
With Every Negative There is Equal Positive by Bradley Lake
Mo 23.01.2012
3 : 34 min
Getting older
Getting older by Bradley Lake
Mo 23.01.2012
2 : 40 min
Owen Wilson
Shawn Smyth's dad is the Global finance manager for Ford Motor Company and because of that, one day Shawn went and knocked on Owen Wilson's house in California. They instantly became best friends. Now they skype every night making weird faces at each other and chatting about sports.
Do 19.01.2012
4 : 02 min
Floating on the cloud
Who hasn't dreamt of floating on a cloud? Whether we are looking up at the sky or gazing out of an airplane window, those giant beds of fluff are irresistible. New York designer Tiago Barros is on the same wavelength and created an incredible, cloud-like balloon that takes travelers for a floating ride around the country. While the project, called Passing Cloud, may be making all our dreams come true, it is also a treat for the environment as it may turn out to be one of the greenest forms of transportation yet.
Read more: Tiago Barros Designs a Passing Cloud that Lets You Float Through the Sky | Inhabitat New York City
Do 19.01.2012
2 : 16 min
To the Dogs Ron Paul 2012
Ron Paul for president 2012. Speaks the truth. One Love
Sa 07.01.2012
3 : 14 min
Clown Town
Anthony Trash LLC Feat Drew Swatta and Bradley Lake on vocals!
Mo 02.01.2012
4 : 47 min
Operation timing
My first software made song. While I was eating at the dinner table! LOL Don't even ask me what the lyrics mean!
Fr 30.12.2011
0 : 48 min
Ron Paul 2012
Vote Ron Paul 2012! Change history
Mo 21.11.2011
3 : 46 min
Mr babes
A deep chill punk rock collaboration made in dedication to Anthony Wendler's beautiful cat, "Big Baby."
Mo 14.11.2011
5 : 54 min
Beautiful In Every Way
Don't give up and know that there is always someone out there who believes in you and loves you just the way you are. Your beautiful just the way you are. Don't change yourself to look like satan on the tv.
Mo 14.11.2011
4 : 06 min
Illuminati means cymbalism
Words such as the Illuminati may be known as secret groups or secret societies. Illuminati is a word symbolic for the illusion and manipulation through different forms of media or entertainment.
Mo 07.11.2011
3 : 52 min
The Power of Now
The Power of Now feat Drew Swatta!
Mo 19.09.2011
5 : 22 min
The Egoistic mentality
The Egoistic mentality by Bradley Lake
Mo 22.08.2011
4 : 34 min
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