A podcast dedicated to everything San Fernando Valley hosted by Albert Corado and friends.
CD Trader w/ Daniel Edery
This week we're joined by visual effects artist and friend of Veronica, Daniel Edery, to talk about CD Trader! email the show at [email protected] follow us on social media: Twitter and Instagram: : @allvalleyeverything
Do 19.12.2024
106 : 04 min
Valley Plaza w/ Chad Fisher
This week we are joined by comedian Chad Fisher to discuss the crown jewel of the East Valley and the inspiration for our cover art, Valley Plaza!
Mo 01.07.2024
94 : 06 min
Reseda Round Up w/ Carla and Anthony Orendorff
We sat down with siblings Carla and Anthony Orendorff to talk about Reseda, the Northridge Earthquake, flyer parties, and so much more! Email us at [email protected] follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @allvalleyeverything Check out Aetna Street Solidarity https://www.instagram.com/aetnastreetsolidarity/
Di 11.06.2024
100 : 12 min
All Valley Everything Presents: All Valleys Everywhere: San Lorenzo Valley w/ Devon Green
This week we kick off a new sub series called "All Valleys Everywhere"! This series will highlight different valleys across the state of California, the country, and beyond and will feature a guest who grew up there going into depth about their experiences living there. First up in our series is the San Lorezno Valley, located in the nothern part of California. We had co-host Veronica's boyfriend, Devon Green, on to talk about his time growing up there and why every teen boy in the early 2000's wanted to recreate their own version of "Jackass"
Mi 03.04.2024
106 : 57 min
The Vegan Valley w/ Joshua Heller
This week we're joined by writer and radio host, Joshua Heller, to talk about some of the valley's most prominent vegan restaurants! We also talked about Joshua's early years in the valley, 9/11, Art Laboe, and, of course, Tool's timeless classic, "Schism"
Mi 27.03.2024
110 : 08 min
The Ventura/Cahuenga Corridor
This week we sit down to talk about the end and beginning of the valley, the Ventura/Cahuenga corridor! The Baked Potato! Miceli's! Panda Express! We also talked about 9/11 and told some stories about our recent times in the valley.
Di 19.03.2024
118 : 33 min
Ranch 99 Market w/ Emma Berman
This week we're joined by return guest Emma Berman to discuss the wonderful and tasty Ranch 99 market! Or is it 99 Ranch? We get into all of that and do a good old fashioned asian snack taste test! Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter and @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Mi 06.03.2024
109 : 47 min
Northridge Mall w/ Kaycee Felton-Lui
This week we're joined by writer and the host of the podcast, "Petty Astrology", Kaycee Felton-Lui, to discuss the commodification of Astrology, emo music, and the Northridge Mall! We also talked about Tool's timeless classic, "Schism" Listen to Kaycee's podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/petty-astrology/id1692998497 Email us at [email protected]
Mi 14.02.2024
123 : 21 min
Ventura Place w/ Leah Stone
This week we're once again joined by Leah Stone to talk about everyone's favorite little street in the valley, Ventura Place! We also talked about the surrounding chunk of Ventura, valentine's date spots in the valley, and, of course, Umami Burger. Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Mi 07.02.2024
140 : 30 min
The 5 Freeway w/ Alex Fernie
This week we're joined by writer/director, Alex Fernie, to discuss what is perhaps the best freeway in all of California, and a freeway that passes through the valley, the 5! Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Di 30.01.2024
109 : 50 min
Waxing Deadly w/ Todd Drootin
This week Albert sits down with Todd Drootin, the owner of one of the valley's best record stores, Deadly Wax! They talked about Todd's upbrining in the valley, old valley haunts, the valley music scence in the 90's, and what it's like to run a record store. Visit Deadly Wax in person at: 21903 Devonshire, Chatsworth, CA, United States, California Follow Deadly Wax on Instagram: @deadlywax
Mi 17.01.2024
85 : 39 min
Sardo's w/ Alyssa Sabo
This week we're joined by comedian, writer, and actress, Alyssa Sabo, to talk about the gone but not forgotten jewel of valley karaoke, Sardo's! Follow us on social media: Instagram: @allvalleyeverything Twitter: @allvalleypod Email us at [email protected]
Mi 10.01.2024
111 : 12 min
Victory and Tampa Plaza w/ Emma Berman
This week we are joined by Simon's sister, Emma Berman, to discuss the shopping center on Victory and Tampa (formerly known as Loehmanns's Plaza)! Ross! Pizza Hut! Kaye's Music Scene! Fab Hot Dogs!! And of course we talked about Tool's timeless classic, "Schism" Listen to Emma and Brodie Port's song "Town of Cats" here: https://open.spotify.com/track/1OZVcsIjZTaxDTh0qZcHSe?si=f42746d4db854841
Mi 03.01.2024
124 : 21 min
Valley Delicatessens
This week we sit down to chat about the valley's many delis! Art's! Brent's! Jerry's! We also go over the books, movies, music, and events that got us through 2023 as well as Tool's timeless classic, "Schism"
Fr 22.12.2023
134 : 21 min
Sherman Oaks Galleria w/ Jamie Manelis
This week we're joined by writer and comedian, Jamie Manelis, to talk about the Sherman Oaks Galleria! We also talked about Jamie's upbringing in the valley, the Jewish valley experience, and Tool's timeless classic, "Schism"
Fr 15.12.2023
116 : 52 min
Valley Tiki Bars w/ Bethy Squires
This week we are joined by writer Bethy Squires to talk about the valley's many Tiki bars! We also talked about Bethy's upbrining in a Quaker household, her time as a radio DJ, and not driving in LA! We also talked about Tool's timeless classic, "Schism" Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter @allvalleyeverything on instagram Email us at : [email protected]
Fr 08.12.2023
96 : 15 min
BONUS: Galleria Market Taste Test w/ Jose, Luis, and Alex
Bonus episode!! Albert was joined by his close friends Jose, Luis, and Alex to chat about their valley upbringings and to do a taste test of some snacks from the Galleria Market in Northridge! Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Do 23.11.2023
73 : 27 min
A Conversation with Terry Winter
This week we are joined by the writer of the Wolf of Wall Street, the creator of Boardwalk Empire, and the writer of 25 episodes of The Sopranos, Terry Winter! We talked about his time living in the valley, eating at Quiznos, his childhood on the east coast, being a lawyer and leaving that behind to become a writer, working with Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, and of course, what it was like to work on the greatest show ever made, The Sopranos. Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Fr 17.11.2023
102 : 55 min
The LVC Intersection w/ Luis Ramirez
This week we're joined by Luis Ramirez to talk about the most wild intersection in the valley, the Lankershim/Vineland/Camarillo intersection! Odyssey Video! The Idle Hour! Little Toni's! And more! Veronice Shirley joined me as co-host for this episode. Follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on Twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram Email us at [email protected]
Fr 10.11.2023
102 : 46 min
Dancing Through The Valley w/ Rachel Sanoff
This week we're joined by editor Rachel Sanoff to talk about the valley's many dance studios and her experience taking classes at them! tappa tappa tappa! Simon Berman helped me co-host this episode Follow us on Twitter @allvalleypod Follow us on instagram @allvalleyeverything Email us at [email protected]
Fr 03.11.2023
113 : 33 min
Mapping Los Angeles w/ Eric Brightwell
On this week's episode we're joined by cartographer, writer, and LA explorer, Eric Brightwell for a conversation that spans the length of the valley and beyond! We talked about his love of making maps of LA, Plaza Del Valle, Jug Jug Sports Bar, the LA River, and so much more! Veronica Shirley joined me to help with co-hosting duties! Find Eric at ericbrightwell.com and @ericbrightwell_official on Instagram Follow us on social media! @allvalleypod on twitter, @allvalleyeverything on instagram, and email us at [email protected]
Do 26.10.2023
119 : 12 min
The Murder of Bonny Lee Bakley by The Coward Robert Blake w/ Kevin Cookman and Madi Parsley
On this week's episode I'm joined by co-host Kevin Cookman and guest Madi Parsley to talk about the murder of Bonny Lee Bakley outside of Vitello's restaurant in Studio City in 2001. ROBERT BLAKE DID THAT SHIT follow us on social media: @allvalleypod on twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram and email us at [email protected]
Fr 20.10.2023
119 : 17 min
Tarzana Square w/ Veronica Shirley and Simon Berman
This week, the founder of the Valley Girl Hiking Club, Veronica Shirley, joins me as co-host and we talk to guest Simon Berman about the Topanga Square shopping center! Follow the Valley Girl Hiking Club on Instagram: @valleygirlhikingclub Follow us on social media! @allvalleypod on Twitter, @allvalleyeverything on Instagram, and emial us at [email protected]
Fr 13.10.2023
150 : 09 min
All Valley Everything Pilot/ Van Nuys Airport w/ Shervin Aazami and Leah Stone
Hello world and welcome to the very first episode of All Valley Everything, a brand new podcast dedicated to everything San Fernando Valley, hosted by me, Albert Corado! On our pilot episode I'm joined by co-host Shervin Aazami and guest Leah Stone to get into why the valley is so great and we dig deep on the Van Nuys Airport! Follow us on social media: Twitter: @allvalleypod Instagram: @allvalleyeverything Email us at [email protected] Special thanks to Phillip Kim for our theme song and Maddy Peters for our artwork. Find more of Maddy's work at maddypeters.com
Fr 06.10.2023
104 : 41 min
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