ESPN First Take for the Otaku world! A debate and review podcast about Anime, Video Games, Movies...and other nerdy things. Check out our #Amazon storefront to see all the items discussed on our show at!
Level 123 - Pokemon Go Porygon
Get ready for September's #PokemonGo #Porygon #CommunityDay with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest Pokemon Go #gaming news including Go Battle Night, #Victini Special Research and #MegaEvolution's!
Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
#Games #VideoGames #MobileGames #Pokeball #Anime
So 20.09.2020
59 : 49 min
Level 122 - Your Name Review
Join the #ANXGamecast crew as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #KommonRider01???
We also debate if American made #animation is even worth discussing. THEN we get into the #YourName review! Does #MakotoShinkai have another banger???
Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #AnimeReview #WeatheringWithYou#Gohan #DBZ #Goku #AVersionTV
So 20.09.2020
73 : 44 min
Level 121 - Promare Review
Join the #ANXGamecast crew as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #JetMan???
We also have another debate on what determines an Anime's genre. THEN we get into the #Promare review! Can #StudioTrigger live up to #KillLaKill???
Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #AnimeReview #Gohan #DBZ #Goku #AVersionTV
So 20.09.2020
79 : 06 min
Level 120 - Pokemon Go Magikarp
Wrap up August's #PokemonGo #Magikarp #CommunityDay with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest Pokemon Go #gaming news including Shiny #Deoxys, the #PokemonGoFest make up day and bonus weeks!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
#Games #VideoGames #MobileGames #Pokeball #Anime
Sa 22.08.2020
53 : 09 min
Level 119 - The Last of Us Part II Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #GoblinSlayer!
We also have a #debate on what determines an Anime's genre. THEN we get into the #TheLastofUsPartII #review...#Ellie!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #PS4 #PlayStation #GameReview #Gohan #DBZ #Goku #TLOU2 #TLOU #PS3
Mi 19.08.2020
62 : 29 min
Level 118 - Pokemon Go Fest Review
Wrap up #PokemonGoFest with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including Remote Raid invites, a flying #Pikachu and the REAL #TeamRocket...THATS RIGHT!
We also review the last two community days featuring #Weedle and #Gastly!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
#Games #VideoGames #MobileGames #Pokeball #Anime
Di 28.07.2020
65 : 01 min
Level 117 - The Last of Us Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #ZombieLandSaga and #ThePromisedNeverland!
We also have a debate on last gen systems and if they suck. THEN we get into the #TheLastofUs #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #PS4 #PlayStation #GameReview #Gohan #DBZ #Goku #Ellie #TLOU #PS3 #Wii #PS2 #XBOX
Mo 13.07.2020
77 : 24 min
Level 116 - Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapters 6-11 Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #NeonGenesisEvangelion and #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon!
We also lay out our favorite Anime genres and why we prefer them. THEN we get into the #FinalFantasy7Remake chapters 6-11 #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #PS4 #PlayStation #GameReview #Gohan #DBZ #Goku #Cloud #FF7 #FinalFantasy
So 28.06.2020
64 : 52 min
Level 115 - Pokemon Go Weedle Community Day Preview
Get ready for June's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Weedle with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including #MegaEvolutions, new legendary #Pokemon and a virtual #PokemonGoFest!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
#Games #VideoGames #MobileGames #Pokeball #Anime
Sa 20.06.2020
60 : 16 min
Level 114 - NBA 2K20 Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks shows. #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine, #TheLastDance and #TheNews!
We also lay out how we feel about developers adding fluff to sequels while ignoring the flaws. THEN we get into the #NBA2K20 #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 11.06.2020
77 : 07 min
Level 113 - Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapters 1-5 Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also lay out how we feel about developers drastically changing #games to reach a larger audience. THEN we get into the #FinalFantasy7Remake chapters 1-5 #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 07.06.2020
81 : 11 min
Level 112 - Pokemon Go Seedot Community Day Preview
Get ready for May's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Seedot with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including our remote raiding review, new legendary #Pokemon and another #CommunityDay voting poll!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
#Games #VideoGames #MobileGames #Pokeball #Anime
So 24.05.2020
71 : 58 min
Level 111 - Nioh 2 Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #FairyGone, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also debate, does having fun playing a #game mean its a good game??? THEN we get into the #Nioh2 #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 17.05.2020
93 : 18 min
Level 110 - Resident Evil 3 Remake Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #BookofBantorra, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also dive into our feelings on #games created to be beaten multiple times! THEN we get into the #ResidentEvil3 #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 03.05.2020
69 : 43 min
Level 109 - Pokemon Go Abra Community Day Preview
Get ready for April's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Abra with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including #Niantic's #COVID-19 efforts, mass event Pokemon transfers and a possible level cap increase!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 24.04.2020
68 : 22 min
Level 108 - Call of Duty: Warzone Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #LupintheIIIrd #Fujiko's Lie, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also dive into our feelings about online #gameplay and the #COD #hackers! THEN we get into the #CallofDuty #Warzone #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 19.04.2020
64 : 06 min
Level 107 - Animal Crossing New Horizons Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #TowerofGod, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also dive into how far is too far to take #videogame fandom before it becomes unhealthy? THEN we get into the #AnimalCrossing New Horizons #review for the #NintendoSwitch!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 12.04.2020
70 : 10 min
Level 106 - Doom Eternal Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also dive into how Terence decides to buy and play the #videogames he plays...personal preference or peer pressure??? THEN we get into the #DoomEternal #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 06.04.2020
62 : 43 min
Level 105 - One Piece Stampede Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #TekkamanBladeII and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also answer if #NeonGenesis should be included in the #SuperRobo genre and if that genre is still prevalent in America. THEN we get into the #OnePieceStampede #MovieReview!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 30.03.2020
57 : 59 min
Level 104 - Street Fighter V Champion Edition Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #SeranKagura and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!
We also answer if the #Sony #PS5's loading times will help #StreetFighter and if #Capcom was wrong for releasing multiple versions of the #game when they promised they wouldn't. THEN we get into the #StreetFighterVChampionEdition #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 23.03.2020
51 : 46 min
Level 103 - My Hero Academia Heroes Rising Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #MyHeroAcademia and #NoGunsLife with Terence.
We then ask the question, how old is too old to watch #MyHero and #Pokemon before we give #MyHeroAcademiaHeroesRising a full #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 16.03.2020
76 : 37 min
Level 102 - Sonic The Hedgehog Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #AttackOnTitan and #MobPsycho100 with Mike B.
We then get into or history with the #Sega superstar #Sonic before we give #SonicTheHedgehog a full #review! And...Genesis and Mike B get into it again about #movie end credits!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 09.03.2020
87 : 25 min
Level 101 - Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #MyHeroAcademia and #Kyousougiga with Mike B.
We then get into why they changed the name of the #DC #HarleyQuinn #comicbook #movie before we give #HarleyQuinnBirdsofPrey a full #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 02.03.2020
62 : 21 min
Level 100 - Pokemon Go Piplup
Its official...we made it to episode 100!!! Get ready for February's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Rhyhorn with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including results from January's #CommunityDay.
We also take a look at our #PoGo #pokedex, cover a list of new #shinies, the #ValentinesDay event, #Tornadus, mystery & spotlight hours and the new battle features!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 21.02.2020
55 : 18 min
Level 99 - Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #AttackOnTitian and #InSpector! Genesis has beef with on a few of Terence's take on #AOT but...whats new.
We also answer if there is a lack of #games and give #DragonBallZ #Kakarot a full #review on this #Playstation episode! Will this #videogame live up to the hype? Find out now!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 17.02.2020
76 : 51 min
Level 98 - Steins Gate The Movie Review
TONS of #anime from #ANXGamecast in 2020! Join us as we discuss this weeks anime, #DemonSlayer and #Kabaneri with Mike B.
Then straight from the living room couch, we give #SteinsGate The Movie a full #review! #DejaVu!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #AVersionTV #SCFirst
Mo 10.02.2020
62 : 13 min
Level 97 - Suicide Squad Review
With the release of #BirdsofPrey the something something something of #HarleyQuinn this week, we decided to take a look at and #review #SuicideSquad! #DCComics, bad script writing and #WillSmith...all things Genesis loves wrapped up into one!
We also touch on #AttackOnTitan and put a bow on the #Disney plus #StarWars exclusive #TheMandalorian! #BabyYoda!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 03.02.2020
61 : 20 min
Level 96 - Weathering With You Review
MORE #anime please and thank you! Join us as we discuss this weeks anime, #DemonSlayer and #SpaceRunawayIdeon with Mike B. Genesis also has public service announcement for all the anime fans out there so listen up!
Then straight from the theater, we give #WeatheringWithYou a full #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 27.01.2020
71 : 57 min
Level 95 - Pokemon Go 2019 Holiday Review
Get ready for January's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring#Piplup with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from December's Community Weekend.
We also take a look at our #pokedex, cover a list of new #shinies, the #Holiday event, new buddy syatem, and Legenday #ShadowPokemon!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 19.01.2020
53 : 04 min
Level 94 - Pokemon Shield & Sword Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #SwordArtOnline, #GoblinSlayer, and #GunGaleOnline with Terence. Then, we get into episode 6 of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian! Spoiler free-ish!
And FINALLY we give #Pokemon Shield and Sword a full #review on this #Nintendo episode!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 13.01.2020
52 : 17 min
Level 93 - Berserk Season 2 Review
#2020 is here! Its time to ring in the #NewYear with some #Anime! Genesis finally starts #GoblinSlayer and Mike B shares his thoughts on #VoltageFighter...or is it #Voltron?
A question about #Anthem turns into a conversation about basing our actions on hearsay...#deep. We also give #Berserk Season 2 a full review and choose our next major title to #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 07.01.2020
77 : 04 min
Level 92 - 2019 Year In Review
Join us as we discuss some of our favorite #games, #movies, and #anime of #2019 including #GoblinSlayer, #Dragonball, #Berserk, #Joker, #AvengersEndGame, #CallOfDuty, #ResidentEvil2, and a ton of #Nintendo Switch titles!
Genesis also gets heated about games missing from the the #GameOfTheYear discussion and we preview things to comes with our show in #2020!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 30.12.2019
70 : 57 min
Level 91 - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #FireForce and #DemonSlayer, with Terence. Then, we get into episode 5 of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #BabyYoda I mean... #TheMandalorian! Spoiler free!
Genesis also has a few things to say to all the people claiming #Disney produced Star Wars movies are BAD before we give #StarWarsTheRiseofSkywalker a full #review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 24.12.2019
63 : 15 min
Level 90 - Death Stranding Review
The whole gang is here! Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #FireForce and #DemonSlayer, with Terence and Mike B. Then, we get into episode 4 of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian! Spoiler free!
We also give #DeathStranding a full #review on this #Playstation episode. Is it worth the hype? Is #Kojima a genius or terrible at making #games?
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 17.12.2019
88 : 28 min
Level 89 - Pokemon Go Chimchar
Get ready for December's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring all the Community Day #Pokemon from 2018-2019 with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from November's #CommunityDay.
We also take a look at our Collector, Scientists and Breeder medals, cover a list of new #shinies, the #BestFriends event, #Terrakion and another round with #TeamRocket.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 09.12.2019
54 : 18 min
Level 88 - The Outer Worlds Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #BlackClover and #DemonSlayer, with a sick Terence. Then, we give our second impressions of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian!
We also give #TheOuterWorlds a full #review on this #Xbox episode. Should it be considered an original idea for a #game? And, find out what #SuperSmashBrosUltimate has to do with it and what we think about the 12 minute speed run!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 02.12.2019
76 : 23 min
Level 87 - Call of Duty Modern Warfare Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #FireForce, #DemonSlayer and a little #DragonballSuper! Then, we give our first impressions of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian!
We also give #CallOfDutyModernWarfare a full #review on this #Xbox episode and Genesis, sick and all, has a few choice words for #DrDisRespect, #Shroud and other "#ProGamers".
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 25.11.2019
74 : 16 min
Level 86 - Pokemon Go Trapinch
Get ready for November's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Chimchar with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer and birthday girl Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from October's #CommunityDay.
We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies, the #Halloween event, #Regigigas and #TeamRocket. Oh by the way, how do you pronounce #Cobalion?
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Sa 16.11.2019
51 : 19 min
Level 85 - Berserk Season 1 Review
Genesis FINALLY finished #DragonballSuper and Mike B is back to talk about it! Join us as we review some #anime...#Berserk Season 1 and discuss #TheMonkeyKing starring #DonnieYen! We also recap a little more action from our time at #Retropalooza!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 11.11.2019
55 : 16 min
Level 84 - Top 5 Games Holiday 2019
Join us as we discuss three things we hate about doing a #gaming podcast with Terence.
We also list our #Top5 #games to buy this holiday season! Does your favorite #videogame make the list?
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 04.11.2019
41 : 49 min
Level 83 - Borderlands 3 Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #FoodWars and #DragonballSuper!
We also give #Borderlands3 a full #review on this #Xbox episode and talk a little bit about #TomClancy's #GhostReconBreakPoint and how #Retropalooza turned out!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 27.10.2019
65 : 47 min
Level 82 - Joker Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Mike B. #FatalFury The Motion Picture and #DragonballSuper! And you cant miss what Mr. #DetectiveComics scored Joker!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 20.10.2019
96 : 44 min
Level 81 - Pokemon Go Turtwig
Get ready for October's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Trapinch with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from September's #CommunityDay.
We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies and Stephanie talks about her experience during an exclusive #Niantic sponsored event in #Houston!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Sa 12.10.2019
59 : 40 min
Level 80 - Gears 5
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #OnePiece and #DragonballSuper!
We also give #Gears5 a full #review on this #Xbox episode and finally get Terence to talk about #achievements! #Gears4 and #ManOfMadan to be exact.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 11.10.2019
76 : 15 min
Level 79 - Berserk: The Advent
Mike B is back to wrap up the #Berserk #movie series! Join us as we review Berserk: The Advent and discuss #MyHeroAcademia along with #DemonSlayer!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 07.10.2019
70 : 52 min
Level 78 - Fire Emblem Three Houses
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #DemonSlayer and #DragonballSuper...again!
We also give #FireEmblemThreeHouses for the #Switch a full #review on this #Nintendo episode and raise the question, who is #FireEmblem's target audience?
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 29.09.2019
76 : 56 min
Level 77 - Pokemon Go Ralts
Get ready for September's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Turtwig with #ANXGamecast! Actually...this show is a few days late. Sorry guys, Ian The Sound guy decided to have a baby! Congrats!
#PokemonTrainer Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from August's #CommunityDay, Gen 5 release, Shiny #Mewtwo, #Jarachi and flower crowned #Eevee???
We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies including the legendary dogs and Diane talks about her experience during #PokemonGoFest!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 17.09.2019
64 : 39 min
Level 76 - Wolfenstein Youngblood Review
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #DemonSlayer and #DragonballSuper! Somehow we start a conversation about #FunkoPops...
We also give #WolfenstienYoungBlood for the #Switch a full #review and take a look at #Nintendo's fall lineup including #Zelda Links Awakening and #Pokemon Sword and Shield! *Ahem* Someone thinks #SuperMario is wack...*Coughs*
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 17.09.2019
77 : 21 min
Level 75 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?...probably and #DragonballSuper!
We also give #MarvelUltimateAlliance3 The Black Order a full #review and take a look at #SwitchLite on this #Nintendo episode!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mi 04.09.2019
77 : 57 min
Level 74 - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Mike B. #Memories and #DragonballSuper to be exact and we give #Sekiro a full #review!
We also take a look at our #trophies for #Judgement on this #PlayStation episode!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 26.08.2019
83 : 21 min
Level 73 - Berserk: The Battle for Doldrey
MORE #Anime talk from #ANXGamecast! Join us as we review #Berserk The Golden Age Arc II and discuss #SwordArtOnlineII and #TheBoyandTheBeast!!
We also #debate the old vs new anime #art styles and what defines a classic anime.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 19.08.2019
82 : 30 min
Level 72 - Dark Phoenix
Ray from #VagabondNerds is here to review #DarkPhoenix! Join us as we get to know more about him, his podcast, and phase 4 of the #Marvel Cinematic Universe with updates from San Diego #ComicCon! We also get into some nerdy #XMen...Omega level #mutant talk!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 12.08.2019
93 : 07 min
Level 71 - Pokemon Go Mudkip
Get ready for August's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Raltz with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back in the building to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from July's #CommunityDay, the much needed storage upgrade, #Entei Day, and the #TeamRocket takeover.
We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies including #Rayquaza, and #ANXProTips on Shadow Pokemon and the new rating system! Genesis also has some big news about Armored #Mewtwo, aaaaand...what does #OnePiece have to do with anything...find out!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 02.08.2019
73 : 23 min
Level 70 - Spider-Man: Far From Home
Terence is back to review #Spiderman Far From Home and discuss the #Anime we're currently watching...#NeonGenesisEvangelion, #ToTheAbandonedSacredBeasts, and #MyHeroAcademia! Wait until you hear what Unbiased Anne has to say about Far From Home!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 29.07.2019
61 : 08 min
Level 69 - Pokemon Go Slakoth
Get ready for this months #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Mudkip with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Stephanie returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from Junes #CommunityDay, her trip to #PokemonGoFest, #Raikou Day, Jump Start research tasks and the 3 year anniversary event!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 21.07.2019
62 : 50 min
Level 68 Part 2 - Man of Steel Debate
Since we took a week off, we decided to drop two podcasts this week! Join us as we dive into a full #ManOfSteel #debate!! Did you enjoy this #movie? How does it live up to the current #DC movies? Be sure to comment.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 18.07.2019
65 : 27 min
Level 68 Part 1 - Steins Gate
Mike B is back for some #Anime talk! No trailer reviews today...we decided off air to review #Berserk The Battle for Doldrey on our next anime episode! But join us as we give a full #SteinsGate review!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 15.07.2019
49 : 13 min
Level 67 - Devil May Cry 5
#ANX took a week off but now we're back! Join us as we discuss #JoJosBizarreAdventures and #DragonballSuper with Mike B and give #DevilMayCry5 a full #review!
We also take a look at our #trophies for #SamuraiShodown!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst kusay9nm
Mo 08.07.2019
70 : 16 min
Level 66 - Resident Evil 2
Join us as we discuss #HunterxHunter and #DragonballSuper with Mike B and give #ResidentEvil2 a full #review even though Genesis said...he...would never #review remakes again! SMH!
We also take a look at our #trophies for #PathOfExile and #StarWarsBattleFront2!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 24.06.2019
78 : 36 min
Level 65 - Detective Pikachu
A new #Trainer has joined the battle! Join us as we get to know #PokemonTrainer Stephanie with some #PokemonGo talk and we finally #review #DetectivePikachu!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 16.06.2019
72 : 31 min
Level 64 - Pokemon Go Torchic
Get ready for this months #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Slakoth with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Diane returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from Mays #CommunityDay, shiny #Lapras and #Cresselia, and the current #AdventureWeek!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Sa 08.06.2019
58 : 58 min
Level 63 - Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Join us as we discuss #WiseMansGrandchild...whatever that is and #DragonballSuper! We also give #TheDivison2 a full #review with our new scoring system!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 03.06.2019
70 : 07 min
Level 62 - Avengers: Endgame
#ANXGamescast went to the movies again! Join us as we discuss #MyHeroAcademia and give a full #review to the lowest grossing #movie of the Spring...#AvengersEndgame! #YeahRight!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 30.05.2019
90 : 09 min
Level 61 - Pokemon Go Bagon
Get ready for this months #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Torchic with #ANXGamecast!
#PokemonTrainer Billy returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including shiny #Lapras and #Aipom, #Azelf, and #DetectivePikachu!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Sa 18.05.2019
46 : 13 min
Level 60 - Anthem
Join us as we discuss #JoJosBizarreAdventures and the silly #DragonballSuper along with a Summer #movie preview! We also give #Anthem a full #review and get into a small tiff about #MetalGear versus #SplinterCell!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 14.05.2019
82 : 04 min
Level 59 - Jump Force
Join us as we discuss #BlackClover and hear Genesis go OFF about #DragonballSuper vs #MyHeroAcademia! We also give #JumpForce a full #review and check out our #TheDivision2 trophies!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mi 08.05.2019
73 : 29 min
Level 58 - Shazam!
Join us as we discuss #MyHeroAcademia and hear Genesis take a jab a #DragonballSuper!! Also, we take a look at the new #Joker trailer and give a full #Shazam! review!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 25.04.2019
83 : 39 min
Level 57 - Dead Or Alive 6
Join us as we discuss #LuOverTheWall...whatever that is... and #SwordArtOnline2! We also give #DOA6 a full #review and check out our #Sekiro & #Anthem achievements!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
So 14.04.2019
92 : 38 min
Level 56 - Pokemon Go Treecko
Join us as we discuss #Pokemon Go's community day 15 featuring #Treecko! And, we get you ready for this months Community Day with a quick conversation about #Bagon!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Diane returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including shiny #Lotad and #Castform, #Giratina Origin form, and the new Community Day start time!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 11.04.2019
56 : 02 min
Level 55 - Kingdom Hearts 3
It seems like forever since we've talked about a #videogame! Join us as we discuss #RisingOfTheShieldHero and how Genesis and Unbiased Anne FINALLY get to the Tournament of Power in #DragonballSuper!
Last but not least, we give #KingdomHearts3 a full #review! Our scores will shock you!
Our #giveaway is live! Check our #Instagram page for all the details!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 01.04.2019
80 : 36 min
Level 54 - Captain Marvel
Join us as we discuss/#debate #MyHeroAcademia and if #Midoriya is a crybaby!! Also, we give a full #CaptainMarvel review! Terence's score causes more ruckus than the end credits!
Our #giveaway is live! Check our #Instagram page for all the details!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 25.03.2019
92 : 22 min
Level 53 - Pokemon Go Swinub
Its been a while since we've checked in on #PokemonGo! Join us as we discuss Pokemon Go's community days 12-14 featuring #Totodile & #Swinub! And, we get you ready for this months Community Day with a quick conversation about #Treecko!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Diane returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including #Smeargle, #Dialga, switching teams and the #TempestCup! And, we find out who has the most shiny #Pokemon!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 18.03.2019
68 : 43 min
Level 52 - Alita: Battle Angel
Our #giveaway still isn't live...thanks Genesis...but episode 52 is ready to go!
Join us as we review #AlitaBattleAngel or is it #BattleAngelAlita?? We also discuss #DragonballSuper and #MobPsycho100 while we try to keep Terence awake!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mi 13.03.2019
55 : 42 min
Level 51 - Marvel Puzzle Quest Support Circuit
Billy is back for another #MarvelPuzzleQuest episode!
Join us as we discuss our current player levels, roster size, review our 3 strongest characters, and chat about the all new #SupportCircuit!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Do 07.03.2019
61 : 31 min
Level 50 Part 2 - Dragon Ball Super Broly
It's here! Part 2 of our 50th podcast! Genesis, Terrence, Mike B and Unbiased Anne are all in studio for this milestone episode!
Join us as we review the #DragonballSuperBroly #movie and discuss #DragonballZ VHS tapes?? Genesis goes off about dubbed movies, episodes and #manga being released in a weird order! We also reveal the results of our #Twitter and #Instagram polls. Is #Gohan wack wack??? Find out now!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mi 27.02.2019
74 : 21 min
Level 50 Part 1 - A Spirited Dragon Ball Super Debate
It's here! Our 50th podcast! Genesis, Terrence, Mike B and Unbiased Anne are all in studio for this milestone episode!
Join us as a conversation about #DragonballSuper and #DragonballZLegends turn into a full on #Dragonball debate! Is turning #SuperSaiyan in four minutes cool?? Find out now!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 18.02.2019
45 : 07 min
Level 14 - A Holly Jolly...Zombie...Rising?
Well, we're in a #Zombie kinda mood. Join us as we give a full #DeadRising4 review on our latest #Xbox episode and Mike B gives his thoughts on #ResidentEvil7!!
#Anime fans...We also discuss #Shigurui and #SwordArtOnline2!!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 15.02.2019
85 : 22 min
Level 13 - Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
From the vault! We're releasing this show a few days late but hey...Mike B is back! This sounds...fa..miliar...anyway!
Join us as we give a full #StreetFighterVArcadeEdition review on our latest #Playstation episode!! We also sprinkle a little #GodOfWar and #MonsterHunterWorld in there!
No #Anime this week...We're watching something a little different...#VentureBrothers and #StarTrekTNG!! Also, what the heck is cannon?
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Fr 08.02.2019
73 : 44 min
Essentials Level 13 - Fallout 76
Join us as we #review #Fallout76 for the #Microsoft #XBoxOne! Is it as bad as everyone says it is? We weigh in on the homophobic attack and slurs that got players permanently banned.
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #RisingOfTheShieldHero!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 28.01.2019
95 : 03 min
Bonus Level 21 - Spider-Man Into the Spider Verse
#ANXGamecast has been spending a TON of money at the box office! Join us as we review #Spiderman Into the #SpiderVerse ! We also have deeper discussion about how #MilesMorales' culture compares to #TheCulture of #BlackPanther and the #TheBlackPantherMovement that came with it.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Di 22.01.2019
58 : 51 min
Essentials Level 12 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Join us as we #review #SuperSmashBrosUltimate for the #Nintendo #Switch! Genesis thought he had another completed #game but...came up short.
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #FairyTail!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
So 20.01.2019
51 : 29 min
Bonus Level 20 - Aquaman
#ANXGamecast showed #DetectiveComics some love at the box office! This time we take a look at new #CaptainMarvel, #DetectivePikachu, and #Shazaam trailers and give a full #Aquaman review!! All hail...#KingArthur??
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 07.01.2019
81 : 45 min
Bonus Level 19 - Once Upon a Deadpool
#ANXGamecast spent more money at the box office! This time we take a look at the #CaptainMarvel, #DetectivePikachu, and #DarkPhoenix trailers and give a full Once Upon a #Deadpool review!! #XForce!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mi 02.01.2019
75 : 51 min
Essentials Level 11 - Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
Join us as we #review #LetsGoPikachu and #LetsGoEevee for the #Nintendo #Switch! Is it for #Pokemon or #PokemonGo fans? Terence falls asleep and goes on and on about #Netflix streaming.
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #HeroMask!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Sa 29.12.2018
69 : 34 min
Level 12 Part 2 - Is Gohan wack? Let's debate!
Join us as we take on one of the biggest #Dragonball questions from the past two decades...Is #Gohan wack???!!!
Mike B is locked and loaded.
Is Genesis ready?
Find out now! (See what I did there?)
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mi 19.12.2018
52 : 36 min
Level 12 Part 1 - Berserk: The Egg of the King
Mike B is back for some #Anime talk! Join us as we review the #SteinsGate and #FLCLProgressive trailers and give a full #Berserk: The Egg of the King review!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 17.12.2018
46 : 47 min
Bonus Level 16 - Marvel Puzzle Quest
Billy refused to leave the studio after a recent #PokemonGo podcast so...we decided to do a #MPQ episode!
Join us as we discuss our current player level, roster size, review our top 3 and our favorite characters, and chat about #Deadpool daily!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 10.12.2018
50 : 55 min
Bonus Level 18 - Pokémon Go Cyndaquil
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's eleventh community day featuring #Cyndaquil! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Diane returns to the show to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including Adventure Sync, #Meltan and the newest legendary raid boss! Oh and #RIPStanLee while were at it.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst
Mo 26.11.2018
63 : 55 min
Essentials Level 10 - Soul Calibur 6
Join us as we #review #SoulCalibur6 for the #Sony #PS4! What did the self-proclaimed #fightinggame expert Mike B have to say about the #game. And friend of the show Keenan weighs in on the action as well!
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #OutlawStar!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 15.11.2018
98 : 10 min
Bonus Level 17 - Pokémon Go Beldum
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's tenth community day featuring #Beldum! And, we get you up to date with a preview of this months Community Day!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Roman makes his second appearance on the show to discuss the #Halloween event, #Gengar Day, and we share our thoughts on our declining interest in the #game!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Sa 10.11.2018
52 : 44 min
Essentials Level 9 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Join us as we #review #CallOfDuty #BlackOps4 for the #Microsoft #XboxOne! Was #COD able to pull of their version of #Fortnite? And, what did #Terence do to get #Genesis worked up?
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #AttackOnTitan!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Fr 02.11.2018
81 : 30 min
Essentials Level 8 - Super Mario Party
Join us as we #review #SuperMarioParty for the #Nintendo #Switch!
We also discuss the #Anime we're currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #GoblinSlayer...whatever that is!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Sa 27.10.2018
70 : 32 min
Bonus Level 15 - Venom
Fall #movie time with #ANXGamecast! This time we give a full #Venom review and take a look at the #Aquaman, #Shazaam, #Spiderman Into the Spiderverse and #DarkPhoenix trailers!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 18.10.2018
99 : 38 min
Bonus Level 14 - Pokémon Go Chikorita
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's ninth community day featuring #Chikorita! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Billy makes his third appearance on the show to discuss #Deoxys, #Moltres Day, #Mewtwo and we share our thoughts on new vs original #trainers!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 11.10.2018
60 : 19 min
Level 11 - Fire Emblem Warriors!
We're releasing this show a few days late but hey...Mike B is back! Join us as we give a full #FireEmblemWarriors review on our THIRD #Nintendo episode!!
#Anime fans...We also discuss #OnePiece and #SwordArtOnline2!!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 04.10.2018
61 : 07 min
Essentials Level 7 - Marvel's Spider-Man
Join us as we #review #SpiderMan for the #Sony #Playstation4! Genesis gives Terence a few spoilers...ah well!
We also discuss the #Anime of the week. #DragonballZBrolyTheLegendarySuperSaiyan and #OnePiece!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 24.09.2018
63 : 35 min
Level 10 - Through the Woods and Over the Horizon
One of the last vaulted shows with Mike B! Join us as we review the #DeadRising4 and #ValkyriaRevolution trailers and give a full #ForzaHorizon3 review on our THIRD #Xbox episode!
We also discuss a few achievements we unlocked on #WarriorsOrochi3Ultimate and #SouthParkTheFracturedButWhole!
Anime fans...We also discuss #SpaceAdventureCobra...whatever that is and #DragonballSuper!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 18.09.2018
95 : 36 min
Level 9 - Destiny...Yeah the first one...
Another one with Mike B from the vault! Join us on this previously unreleased show as we review the #StreetFighterVArcadeEdition and #SouthParkTheFracturedButWhole trailers and give a full #Destiny review on our THIRD #Playstation episode!
We also discuss a few trophies we unlocked on #TonyHawkProSkater5 and #GundamVersus!
Anime fans...We also discuss #ShootFighterTekken...whatever that is and #DragonballSuper!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 10.09.2018
61 : 10 min
Essentials Level 6 - Madden NFL 19
Join us as we #review #MaddenNFL19 for the #Sony #Playstation4! Hear how #Madden Ultimate Team, Longshot and online play turned into a #Hiphop conversation...
But first and foremost, we discuss the tragic events in Jacksonville.
We then cover the #Anime were currently watching. #DragonballSuper and #AttackOnTitan to be exact! Who likes filler??
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 04.09.2018
79 : 17 min
Essentials Level 5 - Crash N Sane Trilogy
Join us as we #review #CrashNSaneTrilogy for the #Nintendo #Switch!
#Anime fans...We promised you more and we brought it! We start off the show with a debate about #Goku...Find out who likes him better with a halo over his head!
We also have discussion about the current shows we're watching including #DragonballSuper and #BlackClover!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 27.08.2018
69 : 17 min
Bonus Level 13 - Pokémon Go Eevee
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's eight community day featuring #Eevee! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, #PokemonTrainer Diane makes her third appearance on the show to discuss #Celebi, #Moltres Day, #Regirock, #LuckyPokemon and we debate the 8 hour rule!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 21.08.2018
71 : 39 min
Level 8 Part 2 - Marvel Vs DC Debate
Two #debate shows in a row! Well...kind of. This is another #podcast from the vault with Mike B!! Join us as we take on a topic straight from the 90's. #Marvel Vs #DC!!! You have to check out what Genesis thinks about #BatmanVsSuperman!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 13.08.2018
48 : 02 min
Bonus Level 12 Part 2 - Movie Critique Debate
Join us as we finish our #AntmanAndTheWasp #review and have a spirited #debate on the art of reviewing #games and #films.
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 06.08.2018
50 : 46 min
Bonus Level 12 Part 1 - Ant-Man and The Wasp
#ANXGamecast took another trip to the #movies...We give a full #AntmanAndTheWasp #review on our 12th bonus episode! You HAVE to hear what #Genesis thought of this #film!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 30.07.2018
54 : 39 min
Bonus Level 11 - Pokémon Go Squirtle
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's seventh community day featuring #Squirtle! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Billy back to the show to discuss #PokemonGoFest, legendary bird days and #PokemonQuest!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 24.07.2018
77 : 41 min
Essentials Level 4 - Mario Tennis Aces
Join us as we #review #MarioTennisAces on the #Nintendo #Switch!
#Anime fans...We start off the show with a lengthy discussion about the current shows we're watching including #DragonballSuper and #Meglobox!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 16.07.2018
70 : 43 min
Level 8 Part 1 - Serial Experiments LAIN
Another previously unreleased show with Mike B! Join us as we review the #Berserk The Egg Of The King and #Lupin The 3rd: Daisuke Jigens Gravestone trailers and give a full Serial Experiments #LAIN review!!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mi 11.07.2018
62 : 05 min
Bonus Level 10 - Pokémon Go Larvitar
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's sixth community day featuring #Larvitar! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Diane back to the show to discuss the new friends and trading update and the announcement of #LetsGoPikachu and #LetsGo Eevee!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 05.07.2018
61 : 01 min
Level 7 - Puyo Puyo Time!
Mike B has #respawned! From the vault that is! Join us on this previously unreleased show as we review the #FireEmblemWarriors and #TatsunokoVsSNK trailers and give a full #PuyoPuyoTetris review on our SECOND #Nintendo episode!
Anime fans...We also discuss #LupinThe3rd, #DragonballZKai and Serial Experiments: LAIN episodes 8-10!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Do 28.06.2018
85 : 09 min
Essentials Level 3 - State Of Decay 2
We review the #MarioTennisAces and #BlazBlueCrossTagBattle trailers and give a full #StateOfDecay2 review on our THIRD Essentials episode! Did the group get their monies worth on this #XboxOne exclusive??
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 18.06.2018
88 : 07 min
Bonus Level 9 - Solo: A Star Wars Story
#ANXGamecast went to the #movies again...We give a full #Solo #review on our ninth bonus episode!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Fr 08.06.2018
67 : 08 min
Bonus Level 8 - Deadpool 2
We get "R" rated as we review the official #Antman and The Wasp #trailer and give a full #Deadpool2 #review on our eight bonus episode! You HAVE to check out what Terence said about this #movie!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 29.05.2018
44 : 15 min
Bonus Level 7 - Pokémon Go Charmander
Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's fifth community day featuring #Charmander! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Roman to the show as he discusses advanced spoofing tactics and its impact on #PokemonGo!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 22.05.2018
79 : 35 min
Essentials Level 2 - God of War
We review the #StateOfDecay2 and #HyruleWarriors Definitive Edition trailers and give a full #GodOfWar review on our second Essentials episode! I wonder how many times we said BOY during this #podcast!
If you enjoy our podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 15.05.2018
88 : 18 min
Bonus Level 6 - Avengers: Infinity War
"Come Rabbit!", as we review the official #Deadpool2, #Solo, and #Venom #trailers and give a full #AvengersInfinityWar #review on our sixth bonus episode!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 07.05.2018
70 : 05 min
Bonus Level 5 - Pokémon Go Mareep
LAST #CommunityDay podcast for a while...WE PROMISE! Join us as we discuss #PokemonGo's fourth community day featuring #Mareep! And, we get you up to date with a preview of next months Community Day!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Billy to the show as he weighs in on #Ingress and the possible future of #PokemonGo!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 01.05.2018
73 : 01 min
Bonus Level 4 - Pokémon Go Bulbasaur
Another #CommunityDay has come and gone. We discuss #PokemonGo's third community day featuring #Bulbasaur! And, we get you up to date with #Mew, our highest CP #Pokémon and the new quest system!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Josh to the show as he weighs in on the action!
If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Di 24.04.2018
67 : 56 min
Update 1.0 - Unbiased Anne's Surgery
No #reviews today! Just a quick update on the status of our show. Tune in hear what happened to #UnbiasedAnne and find out why we have been missing in action for the past month!
And hear a few tracks created and edited by our sound guy Ian from @s-c-media!
Don't forget to #like, #subscribe and #share!
Mo 23.04.2018
10 : 48 min
Bonus Level 3 - Pokémon Go Dratini
We finally dedicated a full show to #PokemonGo! We discuss #PokemonGo's second community day featuring #Dratini! Was it a hit? And, we get you up to date with our levels and highest CP #Pokémon!
Also, we welcome #PokemonTrainer Diane to the show as she weighs in on spoofers!
If you like our #podcast, please don't forget to subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC
Mo 05.03.2018
75 : 31 min
Bonus Level 2 - Black Panther
We review the #AntMan and #TheWasp, #Solo, and #Venom #trailers and give a full #BlackPanther #review on our second bonus episode!
Di 27.02.2018
103 : 38 min
Essentials Level 1 - Monster Hunter World
We review the #SecretOfMana and #SevenDeadlySins trailers and give a full Monster Hunter World review on our first Essentials episode! With over 5 million copies sold...we had to see what the hype was about!
Also, we welcome Terence to show as he weighs in on the #StreetFighterV vs #KingOfFighters14 and DC vs Marvel debates!
Check us out and don't forget to #subscribe!
Mi 21.02.2018
73 : 35 min
Level 6 - Gears of Gears
We review the Forza Horizon 3 and The Witcher III trailers and give a full Gears Of War 4 review on our second Xbox episode!
Anime fans...We also discuss The Count Of Monte Cristo, Dragon Ball Super and Serial Experiments: LAIN episodes 5-7!
Di 13.02.2018
85 : 14 min
Level 5 - An Injustice 2 Fighting Games
We review the Destiny and Binary Domain trailers and give a full Injustice 2 review on our SECOND PlayStation episode!
Di 06.02.2018
76 : 03 min
Level 4 Part 2 - Street Fighter Vs KOF Debate
You DO NOT want to miss this episode! Tensions rise when Genesis and Mike B finalize their Street Fighter V vs The King Of Fighters XIV debate! We also discuss our visit to the Let's Play Gaming Expo 2017 in Irving, Texas!
Mi 31.01.2018
46 : 11 min
Level 4 Part 1 - Higurashi When They Cry
We review the Serial Experiments: LAIN and Dimension W trailers and give a full When They Cry review!
Mi 31.01.2018
57 : 09 min
Bonus Level 1 - Star Wars The Last Jedi
We review the Avengers: Infinity War and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse trailers and give a full Star Wars The Last Jedi review on our FIRST bonus episode!
So 14.01.2018
80 : 27 min
Level 3 - Breath Of The Wild Best Game Ever Made?
We review the Puyo Puyo Tetris and Ultra Street Fighter II trailers and give a full Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review on our FIRST Nintendo episode!
So 14.01.2018
69 : 24 min
Level 2 - Black Ops Vs Everybody
We review the Gears of War 4 and Castlevania: Lords of Shadows trailers and give a full Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare review on our first Xbox episode!
Mo 09.10.2017
72 : 31 min
Level 1 - King of Fighters 14
We review the Spice and Wolf, When They Cry, Tekken 7 and Injustice 2 trailers and give a full King of Fighters 14 review on our first PlayStation episode!
Mo 09.10.2017
74 : 13 min
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