If we’re gonna talk politics, we might as well have a pint or two. Ballots + Brews features local Topeka, KAN brewers followed by discussion on all things government and politics at all levels. Featuring interviews with elected officials, Ballots & Brews help break down all those political things you’ve always wondered about and we try and have fun along the way. Think of it like the “Daily Show” meets CSPAN meets “Schoolhouse Rock?” Ballots & Brews host Angel Romero, show airs on KSEF-DB Topeka 785Live.com
S2 E27: Sit down with the Mayor
Interview with Mayor Padilla plus our final Take Action moment of the session. Cheers!
Mo 23.05.2022
48 : 34 min
S2 E26: Interview with Salut Wine and Cocktail Lounge and Lalo Munoz
Plus Salut Cocktail Lounge
Mo 09.05.2022
65 : 17 min
S2 E25: Interview with Hannah Naeger and Tap That Topeka
Learn about the upcoming Tap That Topeka beer event in Downtown Topeka plus we speak with Hannah NaegerAll that and more on this week's episode of Ballots + Brews with your host Angel Romero
Mo 18.04.2022
64 : 34 min
S2 E24: Wes Thulin and Tim Carpenter
Summer beer releases, beer trends and beer events - all while we chat with our friend Wes from Strathman Distribuuting. Then a look inside Kansas Reflector with journalist Tim Carpenter. That and more on this week's Ballots + Brews with host Angel Romero.
Mo 11.04.2022
72 : 47 min
S2 E23: Willcott Brewing and Topeka Interim City Manager Bill Cochran
Interview with Willcott Brewing (Jackson County’s Oldest and Largest (and only ;)) brewery, as well as a sit down with Topeka Interim City Manager Bill Cochran.
Di 05.04.2022
75 : 22 min
S2 E22: Jacqueline Lightcap - League of Women Voters
Interview with Jacque Lightcap, League of Women Voters
Mo 28.03.2022
53 : 25 min
S2 E21: The Pennant and Sherman Smith, Editor of the Kansas Reflector
Interview with Seth from The Pennant and then Sherman Smith from Kansas Reflector
Mo 14.03.2022
74 : 56 min
S2 E20: Adam VanDonge and Deputy Mayor Spencer Duncan
Interview with Spencer Duncan and Adam from The White Linen
Mo 07.03.2022
61 : 30 min
S2 E19: Celtic Fox and Representative Annie Kuether
We speak wioth Representative Annie Kuether about her many years of service, local bills and equity across the board. But first, we talk beer, food and remodel of Celtic Fox with Katie. Plus what's been happening in local and state government. Grab a pint, it's been one wild week. All that and more with host Angel Romero on this week's Ballots + Brews, presented by seveneightfive magazine and KSEF digital radio. GET SOCIAL TWITTERFACEBOOKSupport this Podcast
Di 01.03.2022
53 : 53 min
S2 E18 - Beer Trivia w/ Kerrice and Kansas Action for Children’s John Wilson
Play along as we quiz Kerrice Mapes- Publisher/Editor of 785 Magazine on beer trivia! Then listen for our Beer Flight as we recap all the craziness of the last week in state and local government!Our special guest this week is "recovering legislator" John Wilson, President of Kansas Action for Children. We talk all things early ed, and how the legislature can give all kids a successful start! PLUS we talk about our NEW time! That's right- we're moving! Catch our shows now on 785live.com MONDAYS at 8 pm, with a re-airing Tuesday morning at 8 am, starting Monday Feb 28th!Don't forget to follow us on social media, and leave a review if you like what you hear!
Fr 18.02.2022
73 : 22 min
S2 E17: @TopekaBeer and Senator Kristen O'shea
It's a hot mess in the KS Legislature, let's be real. To help is all go down better, we talk beer and new releases with Wes from Strathman Sales / @TopekaBeer and then our interview with Senator Kristen O'Shea.
Fr 11.02.2022
51 : 20 min
S2 E16: Specks Tavern and Representative Jesse Borjon
Try the 3lb burger at Speck's TavernInterview with Representative Jesse BorjonPlus all the local and state politically happenings, recapped. That and more on this week's Ballots + Brews with host Angel RomeroTWITTERFACEBOOK
Fr 04.02.2022
75 : 57 min
S2 E15: Kelly Rippel, Kansans for Hemp + Ryan Cavanaugh, Brew Bank
Here's the tap menu for the show! We're excited to start off talking with our friend Ryan from Brew Bank! Then we've got LOTS of ground to cover both locally and at the statehouse- from big dollars getting spent on city infrastructure to the absolute hot mess that was this week's redistricting nonsense. And of course we get to talk with Kelly Austin Rippel from Kansans for Hemp about the push for medical cannabis and more in Kansas!TWITTER
Fr 28.01.2022
70 : 17 min
S2 E14: Rep Fred Patton & Ryan's Pub
We talked with Ryan's Pub, a local watering hole in Brookwood Shopping Center keeping tradition alive. Then a chat with Rep Fred PattonThat and more on this week's Ballots + Brews with host Angel RomeroFOLLOW USTWITTER
Fr 21.01.2022
52 : 00 min
S2 E13- Kerrice Mapes and Senator Brenda Dietrich
Interview with Brenda Dietrich and Kerrice Mapes from seveneightfive magazine shares her 2022 beergoals. CHEERS!
Fr 14.01.2022
67 : 20 min
S2 E12 - Verns & Derik Flerlage, Shawnee County Health Department
Interview with Morgan Lynn from Vern's Retail Liquor and an update on the status of COVID-19 in our community, and how we can stay safe during the holidays, with Derik Flerlage from the Shawnee County Health Department.
Do 16.12.2021
70 : 20 min
S2 E11 - Brett Kell and Happy Basset
Upcoming events at Happy Basset and Barrel House plus interview with city councilman Brett Kell BALLOTS & BREWS TWITTERFACEBOOK
Fr 10.12.2021
54 : 04 min
S2 E10 - Interview with Spencer Duncan and Kerrice Mapes
Holiday events by seveneightfive magazine and interview with Spencer Duncan, city councilman district 8FOLLOW BALLOTS + BREWS ON SOCIAL MEDIATWITTERFACEBOOK
Fr 03.12.2021
61 : 21 min
S2 E9 - Interview with Crooked Post Winery & Sarah Sanders
Write-in ballot "how-to" from Sarah Sanders and how and when to crush Kansas grapes and enjoy amazing wine - it's all happening at Crooked Post Winery. Here what's coming up from co-owner Lori Henderson. It's all tonight on Ballots & Brews with host Angel Romero. Cheers!TWITTERFACEBOOK
Fr 12.11.2021
44 : 38 min
S2 E8 - Interview with Mayor-Elect Mike Padilla
Interview with newly elected mayor of Topeka Mike Padilla
Fr 05.11.2021
39 : 59 min
S2 E7 - Meet the Candidates
Interview with Wes Thulin from Strathman Sales plus a one-on-one interview with candidates Regina Platt, Ariane Davis and Neil Dobler. All here on Ballots & Brews. TWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 28.10.2021
72 : 50 min
S2 E6 - District 5 and Johnny's Tavern
Interview with candidates for District 5 plus we check in with Johnny's TavernTWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 21.10.2021
50 : 12 min
S2 E5 - Meet the Candidates - District 1 & District 9
Meet the Candidates running for District 1 and District 9 plus we chat with Arial Coffman from Fedeli's Steak and Pasta located at The Weather Room in Cyrus Hotel. All that and more on this week's Ballots and Brews with your host Angel Romero.LET'S GET SOCIALTWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 14.10.2021
71 : 56 min
S2 E4 Candidate Forum - Part Two
Part Two - Questions from the audience
Fr 08.10.2021
65 : 41 min
S2 E4 - Candidate Forum - Part One
Hear from 11 candidates in the upcoming election BONUS - play the drinking game while you listen TWITTERFACEBOOK*This is a two-part podcast
Fr 08.10.2021
47 : 40 min
S2 E3 - Norsemen Brewing
Learn more about Norsemen Brewery's "Spookeasy" Halloween-themed pop-up bar! Plus a recap from this week's Mayoral and City Council Candidate Forum! FOLLOW THE SHOWTWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 30.09.2021
70 : 40 min
S2 E2 - Leo Cangiani
Interview with the Pennant (audio issues - sorry - you can skip to timestamp 12:30 min if needed) but summary of what is happening there plus interview with mayoral candidate Leo Cangiani FOLLOW US ONTWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 23.09.2021
75 : 36 min
S2 E1 - Happy Basset + Mike Padilla
Season Two of Ballots + Brews, and just in time to talk about local elections. Join host Angel Romero every Thursday at 8p as he talks all things beer and politics. This week Angel visits with Happy Basset Brewing plus has an in-depth conversation with Topeka mayoral candidate Mike Padilla.TWITTERFACEBOOK
Do 16.09.2021
70 : 18 min
#29 - Mayor De La Isla
Season 1 Finale we interview Mayor Michele De La Isla (and also figure out that we are related by two cousins removed). Hear how Topeka's Mayor got her start, her experience as Mayor and hopes for the future. It's all right here on Ballots + Brews, KSEF Digital Radio, 785Live.com
Do 27.05.2021
37 : 37 min
#28 - Shawnee County Health Officer Dr. Erin Locke
Our special interview with Shawnee County Health Officer Dr. Erin Locke covering all kinds of ground from vaccines to masks to a "return to normalcy", and her hometown of WaKeeney, KS!
Do 20.05.2021
40 : 18 min
#27- Tony Emerson // Joanna from Burger Stand
Interview with Tony Emerson and reprise of interview with Joanna from Burger Stand
Do 29.04.2021
76 : 27 min
#26 - Jacqueline Lightcap // Nic from Brass Rail Tavern
Lots of school board talk and how to take action. Black Lives Matter Visit with Nic from "the oldest tavern" in Topeka and staple of Oakland Community. Preview of their annual Derby Party on May 1. #GetRailed
Do 22.04.2021
75 : 47 min
#25 - Christina Valdivia-Alcalá // Tap That Topeka
Christina Valdivia-Alcalá gets real with her role on city council and what it takes to be a good leader plus we get the first draw on the 2021 Tap That Topeka, the largest beer fest in the Midwest. You won't want to miss it, and be sure to grab a pretzel necklace (life changing). SHOW NOTES: Link to purchase Tap That Topeka Tickets: https://tickets.topekapartnership.com/e/tap-that-topeka/ticketsShawnee County Health Department Vaccine Info: http://www.snco.us/hd/COVID19_Vaccination.aspKansas Vaccine Info: https://www.kansasvaccine.gov/
Do 15.04.2021
68 : 31 min
#24 – Derik Flerlage
We've got an EXTRA SPECIAL edition of Ballots & Brews coming to you for tonight's new episode! We sit down and crack open a beer with Derik Flerlage, Infectious Disease Division Manager with the Shawnee County Health Department to talk all things COVID-19! Why do I still need a mask after I get vaccinated?What percent do we need to reach for "herd immunity" in our county?What can we expect in the months ahead?And more! There is also a robust discussion about the awesomeness of Rossville, and a couple other side-notes.HOST: Angel RomeroFACEBOOK PAGELISTEN LIVE every Thursday at 8p and Friday at 8a on KSEF digital radio Topeka
Do 08.04.2021
58 : 03 min
#23 – Neil Dobler // @TopekaBeer
Featuring interviews with Wes Thulin, Strathman Sales @TopekaBeer and City Councilman Neil Dobler. Plus, grab that beer as we take you through the past week of local, state and national politics. It's a doozie (again), so get your drinking game face on. Cheers!Ballots & Brews airs Thursday at 8pm on KSEF digital radio Topeka. Learn more at 785Live.com Host: Angel Romero
Do 01.04.2021
68 : 36 min
#22 – Brent Trout // The Burger Stand
Get a beer, or five...because this week has been a doozie. We start with a great interview with Joanna Baker from Burger Stand and talk about the opening at their new location in Brookwood Shopping Center.Next is our round up (and thoughts on why you should still be wearing a mask).City Manager Brent Trout visit the show and shares with us what exactly a city manager does, what his team has been up to and then has a bit of fun as we school him on some local trivia. Finally, as always, is your Take Action moment.Nestled in today's Podcast (before Take Action moment) is a 60-second spot created for seveneightfive magazine / KSEF digital radio by local artist Seuss Mace. Sit back, crack a cold one or pour yourself a pint of local goodness and get ready for another jam-packed episode of Ballots & Brews with your host Angel Romero.CHEERS!
Fr 26.03.2021
59 : 40 min
#21 – Aaron Mays // The Pennant
It was another busy week in local politics. Join Ballots & Brews host Angel Romero for a recap, a look at The Pennant's new pop-up bar plus interview with Shawnee County Commissioner Aaron Mays and the who, when, where, how of COVID vaccine shots in Shawnee County. It's all on this week's episode of Ballots + Brews, KSEF digital radio Topeka. Learn more at 785Live.com Follow Ballots & Brews on Facebook to stay-up-to-dateCHEERS!
Fr 19.03.2021
76 : 06 min
#20 – Mike Lesser // Norseman Brewing Co.
An interview with City Councilman Mike Lesser and Adam from Norseman Brewing Co. A throw-back to Top City Thursdays, where and what the City Plan looks like and what happened this week in local politics. All with your host Angel RomeroCheers!Ballots & Brews airs Thursdays at 8p and Fridays at 8a on KSEF digital radio Topeka. Learn more and listen live at 785Live.com KSEF-DB is part of the seveneightfive magazine family
Fr 12.03.2021
74 : 20 min
#19 - Lalo Munoz // Happy Basset Brewing
featuring Happy Basset Barrel House and interview with Lalo MunozORG. AIR DATE: 02.25.21 on KSEF-DB Listen live, learn more about the show, past episodes, etc all at 785Live.com seveneightfive.com#BallotsBrewsFollow us on Facebook for updates and links we mention in our showsBALLOTS & BREWSThursdays at 8pm + Fridays at 8am
Sa 06.03.2021
61 : 52 min
#18 - Vicki Schmidt // White Linen
Ballots & Brews takes a siesta from beer and talks cocktails with Chef Adam VanDonge, owner and chef of The White Linen. Next, we discuss JEDO (drink if this acronym is new to you) and the similes of college and the KS legislative session.Finally, (and most exciting) Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt joins us for a convo all insurance style.ORG. AIR DATE: 02.25.21 on KSEF-DB Listen live, learn more about the show, past episodes, etc all at 785Live.com seveneightfive.com#BallotsBrewsFollow us on Facebook for updates and links we mention in our showsBALLOTS & BREWSThursdays at 8pm + Fridays at 8amHost: Angel Romero
Do 25.02.2021
59 : 59 min
#17 - Mike Padilla // The Burger Stand
Interview with Topeka Deputy Major Mike Padilla, who visits Ballots & Brews on his birthday. Round Up discussion on sports gambling in Topeka plus exciting news about The BurgerStand moving from College Hill to Brookwood Shopping Center and Happy Basset's 785 Pale Ale. Ballots & Brews airs every Thursday at 8p on KSEF-DB. Listen and learn more at 785Live.com Host: Angel Romero
So 21.02.2021
69 : 42 min
#16 - Karen Hiller // Celtic Fox
Interview with Katie from Celtic Fox located in downtown Topeka plus interview with councilwoman Karen Hiller who debuts a new city-wide project which includes Mosiac conversations with area organizations, leaders and neighborhoods. Plus a look at her favorites in District 1. Host: Angel RomeroBallots & Brews airs on KSEF-DB every Thursday at 8pm. Listen live at 785Live.com brought to you by seveneightfive magazine
So 21.02.2021
67 : 05 min
#3 - Chief of Police // Brew Bank
Episode 3 featuring Brew Bank and Chief of Police
Do 15.10.2020
56 : 41 min
#2 - Hannah Neager // Norseman Brewery
Interview with Norseman Brewing, Hannah Neager Topeka City Council plus weekly round-up and take action steps. Hear it live Thursday nights at 8p and Friday morning at 8a on 785Live.com CHEERS!
Do 08.10.2020
64 : 05 min
#1 - Scott Schwab // Happy Basset Brewing
Political and pint aficionado, Angel Romero, checks in with Happy Basset Brewing (Topeka, KAN) and interviews Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab plus obscure Kansas law trivia. The interviews end with a political music piece: My Shot by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Anthony Ramos, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Leslie Odom, Jr., Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
Do 01.10.2020
46 : 24 min
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