Web 2.0, Interactive, Showcases, Multimedia, Usabilty, Podcasting, Deutsche Welle, Best Practice
Audio – B.N.M.W. Podcast – # 01
This is the first episode of our Audio Podcast… Brand New Media Podcast | Test in Hanoi (mp3) Brand New Media Podcast | Test in Hanoi (mp3) Brand New Media Podcast | Episode 01
Do 11.09.2008
0 : 00 min
Deutsche Welle joins Livestation with broadband TV
Livestation.com, the company that streams live TV over broadband, has teamed up with the German broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, to carry its TV and radio offerings. Germany’s international broadcaster becomes the ninth partner channel to join Livestation and is now a channel choice alongside BBC World, EuroNews (English, French, German and Italian), France 24 (French and […]
Mi 10.09.2008
0 : 00 min
Video – Hanoi Traffic
The streets of Hanoi, Vietnam are always very crowded. So, here is a short movie to give you an impression. But – believe it or not – it’s sometimes even worse! Also keep an eye on the helmets, they are sometimes more a fashion item, instead of a protection. Watch the Video…!
Mi 10.09.2008
0 : 00 min
Mozilla Fights Back With New Firefox Benchmarks
The dust hasn’t even settled on Chrome’s release and already Mozilla is feeling the pressure. The company today released a series of benchmarks showing Firefox 3.1 will be faster than anything Google can muster with Chrome. Chrome is running V8, an open source Javascript engine, which Google claims, is faster than anything currently offered on […]
Mi 10.09.2008
0 : 00 min
Video – VOV classroom
After a long flight from Frankfurt to Hanoi we finally arrived and took a look at the classroom which will be our place to stay for the next two weeks. Besides, we also prepared all the training equipment and received excellent help from the VOV colleagues. What it looks like? Well, watch the clip!
Sa 06.09.2008
0 : 00 min
Video – Mission to Hanoi, Vietnam
It’s time to go and catch the flight to Hanoi. My colleague Jan Petzold and me, will have a training course at VOV (Voice of Vietnam), which is the public Vietnamese broadcaster. So, we’ll be trying to transfer our knowledge, give advises and hints. Besides, we also hope to have a good time over there. […]
Fr 05.09.2008
0 : 00 min
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