Cleveland Rhodes is the host of the Biblical Editorial Review, The Family Unit Radio Show and Spotlight on RESILIENT CHRISTIANS on The Resilient Christian Radio Network. The Biblical Editorial Review airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST; The Family Unit Radio Show airs on Fridays @ 7 PM CST & Spotlight on RESILIENT CHRISTIANS on Fridays @ 10 PM CST
Preview Audio of the Heart of Man series
I am giving you the updates of why I have been and where I am going with the networks (radio & television); and the reason why I haven't done a new broadcast over a year.
Also, giving you the preview of what will be a very controversial series that will challenged you to read His Word and not listen to lies from the world.
Do 01.07.2021
13 : 35 min
Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 3: The "Woke" Tenets of Satan
This week on the Biblical Editorial Review. Cleveland Rhodes will talk about Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 3: The "Woke" Tenets of Satan.
Woke Christianity is the newest movement in the evangelical Church that is causing a wave of division unseen and unmatched in the history of the Church since the Protestant Reformation. The movement has hijacked the Christian Church, disguising itself as a gospel-centered movement calling for reconciliation, it has done nothing but create division. While there have always been denominational differences, the true Church has been united around the essentials of sound biblical doctrine and truth — until recently. This is part 3 of a 4-part series.
Please join us this Thursday for The Biblical Editorial Review @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST and 7 PM PST on
Also, you can watch the Biblical Editorial Review on IMP Streams...Our new video platform!!!
Fr 26.06.2020
99 : 54 min
Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 2: The Dirty List of Sin
This week on the Biblical Editorial Review. Cleveland Rhodes will talk about Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 2: The Dirty List of Sin”.
In Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, the apostle spends more time dealing with the Christian’s victory over sin than he does with the forgiveness of his sins. While Romans 5-8 deals with the subject of sanctification (the lifelong process of our growth in grace, to God’s glory), its teaching is much broader. These chapters are rooted in our justification by faith (chapters 3b-4). Chapter 5 begins with the blessing of peace with God and the confidence of exulting in the “glory of God” in eternity (5:1-2), and chapter 8 ends with the complete restoration of this fallen and chaotic world. Romans 5-8 describes the roots of sin and the restoration of the creation from the ravages of sin.
This week's broadcast, Cleveland is presenting the case against sin with several lists that some of the Body of Christ overlooked every time. This is part 2 of a 4-part series.
Please join
Fr 12.06.2020
97 : 40 min
Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 1: The Timeline
Last week on the Biblical Editorial Review. Cleveland Rhodes will talk about Stupidity Among Heathens, Part 1: The Timeline”.
In Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, the apostle spends more time dealing with the Christian’s victory over sin than he does with the forgiveness of his sins. While Romans 5-8 deals with the subject of sanctification (the lifelong process of our growth in grace, to God’s glory), its teaching is much broader. These chapters are rooted in our justification by faith (chapters 3b-4). Chapter 5 begins with the blessing of peace with God and the confidence of exulting in the “glory of God” in eternity (5:1-2), and chapter 8 ends with the complete restoration of this fallen and chaotic world. Romans 5-8 describes the roots of sin and the restoration of the creation from the ravages of sin.
This week's broadcast, we are going through a timeline that brings up the questions on why Christians are acting like the heathens and why we need to actually go before our Holy God and seek His Kin
Fr 12.06.2020
113 : 34 min
Worldviews Exposed, Part 2: XINO - Christian In Name Only
A Christian in Name Only (abbreviated XINO), also called a cultural Christian, nominal Christian, or more often, a liberal Christian is someone who professes to be a Christian in public but has a considerable lack of knowledge about the basic tenets of one's professed faith, often "knowing" it only from what is half-remembered from Sunday school or pop-cultural osmosis.
This includes ignorance of the contents of the Bible in general and may specifically include not being able to name the Four Gospels, the Ten Commandments, or even the fact that Jesus Christ gave the Sermon on the Mount. They may hold beliefs contrary to the teachings of Jesus, including considering abortion, special rights for homosexuals, social justice, gun control, adultery, and cohabitation between unmarried people to be morally acceptable and following situational ethics rather than the absolute morality of the Bible.
They also might believe in other ways to attain salvation rather than accepting Jesus as one's Lord and Savior or otherwi
Fr 22.05.2020
99 : 28 min
Worldviews Exposed, Part 1
This week on the Biblical Editorial Review. Cleveland Rhodes will talk about Worldviews Exposed, Part 1”.
During this COVID-19 Pandemic, people around you are expressing their fears, emotions, and undertones about their safety, health, and livelihood. However, there's another part of the person that is not considered to be a factor, their worldview. On this week's broadcast, Cleveland exposes these "heart issues" that are not being taught or discussed in churches and homes. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.
Please join us every Thursday for The Biblical Editorial Review @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST and 7 PM PST.
Also, you can watch the Biblical Editorial Review on IMP Streams...Our new video platform!!!
Fr 15.05.2020
104 : 30 min
True Repentance, True Forgiveness, True Restoration with Evangelist Barbara Hawthorne
This week, the spotlight is on Evangelist, Barbara Hawthorne, the host of The N.O.W. Hour of the Resilient Christian Radio Network.
"Mother" Hawthorne brings to us about what is True Repentance, True Forgiveness & True Restoration that only Father God made happen in a believer's life. This spotlight will give you more than just a feeling, but actually real solutions to overcome false remorse.
Sa 25.04.2020
63 : 46 min
Your Glass - Half Empty or Half Full (Your Worldview)
So here’s the perennial question: Is the glass half empty or half full?
You know the standard answers that supposedly determine whether you’re a pessimist or an optimist. But pessimism and optimism are both over-rated and unrealistic because they don’t see the whole picture. In fact, they ignore part of the picture.
Fr 24.04.2020
79 : 19 min
Cleveland Rhodes (Trailer)
Fr 20.03.2020
0 : 57 min
Coronavirus: A Blessing in Disguise
As empty shelves appear in our social media feeds and in our local retailers, it’s easy to sense the apprehension and fear surrounding the threat of the coronavirus. Knowing how many lives it has taken, how quickly it has taken them, the fact that there is no vaccine and the seeming inability to stop the virus has put many in a state of uneasiness. However, is it really as bad as it seems? How should Christians respond? Please join us every Thursday for The Biblical Editorial Review @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST and 7 PM PST.
Fr 20.03.2020
96 : 14 min
Stop F.E.A.Ring and Trust God!!!
Stop fearing with the World because of their hopelessness and lies about Father God. Trust God, through Lord Jesus with the Holy Spirit that will lead to His Will.
Sa 14.03.2020
27 : 04 min
Spotlight RC: Let's Be Very R.E.A.L. with Dr. Sha'ron Westbrooks & Dr. Belynda Holmes
This week, the spotlight is on Evangelist, Dr. Sha'ron Westbrooks, host of "God's Inputs for You" and Dr. Belynda Holmes. Together with the ministry, All Things New Ministries, having a conference on February 22, 2020. The title of the conference: Let's Be Real!!!
The focus of this Conference is to cultivate a life of genuine fellowship with GOD and others. The Conference Presenters and Worship Service will help attendees understand that GOD created everyone on purpose with a purpose, and designed each of us to enjoy unpretentious fellowship with GOD and each other by being authentic.
Join us on Fridays @ 10 PM CST, 11 PM EST, & 8 PM PST on
Sa 15.02.2020
95 : 36 min
New Themes for the Broadcasts for 2020
New broadcasts for the upcoming shows in 2020!!!
Fr 17.01.2020
35 : 37 min
The Biblical Role of Christian Wives
This week we are in part 6 of our series. This will be the last installment of "A Wife according to God's Word". If you have missed any of the other shows of this series, be sure to check them out from the archives. The topic we cover this week is the God-given Role of Christian wives. Let's ponder on some things for a moment.
Does God's Word have anything to say about a believing wife's role in the home and marriage? If so, what part do the older and younger women play in this? We will walk through scripture to see what the answers to those questions are. We also share the Greek meanings in Titus 2:3-5 of the terms used from the KJV.
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays @ 7 PM CST, 8 PM EST & 5 PM PST on
Sa 28.12.2019
164 : 51 min
Should a Believing Wife Submit to an Unsaved Husband?
This week we are on part 5 of our series "A Wife according to God's Word". Last time we talked about what submission and what it looks like for Bible-believing wives. This time we want to continue on that topic, but we'll address a common concern. Does the Word of God require a saved wife to submit to an unsaved husband? Does God expect a believing wife to submit to a husband who does not obey God's Word? 1 Peter 3:1-6 is where we will find the answer to questions of that nature.
As we learned last time, submission is a very misunderstood topic for both men and women in and outside of the church. There have been some wrong teachings that have hurt many. There are biblical guidelines we must follow so that it is truly done according to God's Will, Plan, and Purpose. We will also discuss what submission does not look like so that everything is kept in its proper perspective. We invite you to tune in to hear what we share as we dig into scripture.
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays @ 7 PM CST, 8 PM
So 22.12.2019
180 : 44 min
True Submission is Biblical
This week is part 4 of our series "A wife according to God's Word". God calls all Christian wives to submit to their husband's authority. The husband was given the position as head over the wife from Father God. There has been a lot of misunderstanding of what true Biblical submission is according to God's Word. It is not to be abuse or something a woman is forced to do by man. A woman putting all her trust in God is key in doing this the way He asks her to. It is crucial that a wife not bring dishonor to God by choosing not to submit to her husband the way He commands her to. We invite you to listen in as we cover this controversial topic.
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays @ 7 PM CST, 8 PM EST & 5 PM PST on
Sa 14.12.2019
199 : 34 min
Social media policies and updates
Huge changes on social media that will affect the way we share broadcasts from our media platforms
Do 12.12.2019
24 : 07 min
Intimacy from a Biblical Perspective
This week is part 3 of our series "A Wife according to God's Word". You can read what inspired this series by checking out "God's Plan for the Christian Wife". This week we discuss 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 where we learn in the marriage that the wife does not have authority over her own body just as the husband does not have authority over his own body. Each one has authority over their spouse's body. Both husband and wife are not to deprive one another sexually.
Sex within marriage is designed to strengthen the relationship as well as be pleasurable for the couple. A true believer of Christ would not act sexually selfish but aim to bring pleasure to his or her spouse. It is indeed God's Will for the married couple to enjoy a vibrant marriage bed together. Proverbs 5:18-19 says "Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love".
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays
Sa 07.12.2019
105 : 59 min
A Wife Who Fears The Lord
A Christian wife should strive to live a life that reflects God's glory through her attitude and actions.
In Proverbs 31:10-31 we see a description of an Excellent, Virtuous, and Worthy wife. She's a woman of great character. Her husband can safely trust her. She is a loving mother, a homemaker, and looks well to the ways of her household. She does not live in fear because she's a wise woman who fears the Lord.
This week on the Family Unit Radio Show, we will talk about A Wife Who Fears The Lord.
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays @ 7 PM CST, 8 PM EST & 5 PM PST on
Fr 06.12.2019
171 : 46 min
A Wife according to God's Word, Part 1: Practical ways to be a Helpmeet
Calling all Christian wives! Can you be found being the kind of wife that:
* Follows your husband's lead without grumbling, criticizing, or complaining?
* Adapts to your husband's callings and endeavors in life?
* Assists him with tasks when he asks for your help?
* Is his biggest cheerleader?
* Resists the urge to condemn your husband about his shortcomings and failures?
* Praises your husband's strengths and efforts when he makes decisions?
These and other questions will be covered during a 6-part series: A Wife according to God's Word with Cleveland & Tajuana Rhodes. This week the topic will be Practical ways to be a Helpmeet.
Join us on the Family Unit Radio Show, Fridays @ 7 PM CST, 8 PM EST & 5 PM PST on
Sa 23.11.2019
112 : 01 min
BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK!!! Part 4: Who Are You Bowing Down To? Father God or The World
This is part 4 of a 4-part series from the Biblical Editorial Review with Cleveland Rhodes.
Who Are You Bowing Down To? Father God or The World.
This week, the live broadcast was aired on two radio platforms: The Resilient Christian Radio Network and My Genre Radio Network. This broadcast was a live call-in show with an audience of 1.9 million listeners.
The Biblical Editorial Review airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST & 7 PM PST on
Fr 08.11.2019
164 : 07 min
BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK!!! Part 3: The "Sinful" Rights Movement, Installation 2
This is part 3 of a 4-part series from the Biblical Editorial Review with Cleveland Rhodes. Are You A Brotha/Sista, Or Are You Born Again? Because You Can't Be Both.
This week, our special guest, Gary Binford from Nation's Saver 2020, will be giving a thesis about why this isn't a "Black" issue, but a "Godly" command that we have to obey.
The Biblical Editorial Review airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST & 7 PM PST on
Read Brother Gary's thesis here.
Check out the Naked Communist to learn more about it lies from the far-Left.
Fr 25.10.2019
138 : 24 min
BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK!!! Part 2: The "Sinful" Rights Movement, Installation 1
This is part 2 of a 4-part series from the Biblical Editorial Review with Cleveland Rhodes. When you think about "rights" for some Blacks, you will think about "civil" rights, "voting" rights or "education" rights. In this generation, these "rights" has changed into "racism", "intersectionality", and "equality". Those "rights" made it clear that some Blacks still have to depend on someone to identify them for those "rights". The question is that what "rights" are some Blacks willing to sell their "souls" for? This week, we will explore the "sinful" rights that most Blacks did sell their souls to Satan for and abandon Lord Jesus Christ for nothing. This is the first installment of a deeper issue. The Biblical Editorial Review airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST & 7 PM PST on
Fr 18.10.2019
123 : 06 min
BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK!!! Part 1: Starting on the Lies Circle
This is part 1 of a 4-part series from the Biblical Editorial Review. When it comes to understanding why there are so many LIES that Blacks believing in that they make themselves more of the disciple of Christ. This episode, we explore the number of church denominations that Blacks hold dear into and no fruit has made a difference in the urban core.
The Biblical Editorial Review airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST & 7 PM PST on
Fr 11.10.2019
118 : 59 min
Premiere of BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK!!!! series
There's a problem within the people of Color that they don't realize how they are the one ethnic group that is very spiritual, very emotional, very passionate and very entitled about negativity if it is about them. In this new 4-Part series from the Biblical Editorial Review, we are going to bring the case of why in a lot of communities in the urban core are not thriving, producing wealth, or connecting with Father God. Our goal is to break these 4 key points that are keeping Blacks from actually be part of society that can move forward.
The Biblical Editorial Review with Cleveland Rhodes airs on Thursdays @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST & 7 PM PST on
Do 10.10.2019
3 : 37 min
Spotlight on RESILIENT CHRISTIANS: Minister Lorrie Timbs
Minister Timbs is originally from Millington, TN, and God guide her to Oregon to ministered Lord Jesus Christ. Her testimony about spiritual warfare with BOLD TOPICS for BOLD CHRISTIANS!!!
So 29.09.2019
59 : 54 min
Updates for you
Updates on the networks and business ventures
Mo 26.08.2019
27 : 46 min
Spotlight on RESILIENT CHRISTIANS: Minister C "Coach" Halbert
The spotlight is on Minister Cedric Halbert better known as Minister C "Coach" Halbert.
He is a minister, motivator, life coach, recording artist promoter and speaker. He's the host of "Fight for Your Dreams" on RCR Network.
Brother Ced heard the call to minister at a younger age, but God had him go another direction. He became a speaker to the youth in the urban core about the Positive/Non-Derogatory Music to listen to, plus with the humbleness, Brother Ced promotes one of an upcoming artist that known for his hits, Natural Woman and I Just Wanna, Gentry Kozia.
Brother Ced's life demonstrates that you have to be a fighter to overcome the trials of this world. That is why he is RESILIENT!!!
Sa 17.08.2019
69 : 14 min
Updates for You
Updates about what is going on with my live broadcasts, and my input about last weekend events. Plus, my Facebook jailhouse mood.
Di 13.08.2019
64 : 36 min
Black Issues
Part 1: Response to the World. Part2: You can’t talk to me like that!!!
Fr 09.08.2019
47 : 20 min
What Happened, Cleveland!?!
What happened to me on Facebook; Mr. Cummings and Baltimore; Mr. Dollar and Tithing
Di 30.07.2019
34 : 13 min
Why Racism?
What is the problem about racism and why are people not really finding the real truth about it.
Fr 19.07.2019
33 : 08 min
Wow and Really?
Give an update on W.R.A.P., ripping into religious folks and exhorting about speaking hatred.
Mo 08.07.2019
21 : 26 min
Greater Is He Who Is in Her with Lady Ty
This week, the spotlight is on Titanya Verdun Johnson, better known as Lady Ty the Great.
She is an Author, Speaker, Truth Consultant and Host of Pure Truth Session on RCR Network.
Her call to ministry was an unexpected one as she was groomed in the hip-hop culture. She was an entrepreneur by the age of 16 and worked in Music & Radio at WBLS 107.5 as well as the Film Industry venturing into Promotions and Productions. She was married by the age of 18, which ended violently 14 years later. She is now an advocate for Domestic Violence, Mental Illness, and Suicide Awareness.
She developed a true heart for those who are forgotten, rejected, and broken. Those who endure hardship and are left with questions for God. She testifies of her real encounter with Jesus, leading the lost to Christ.
Often thought to be “too holy for the hood, and too hood for the church,” this misfit became the perfect candidate and a strategic tool in the hands of God. She is used to bringing the church to the streets with he
So 30.06.2019
97 : 50 min
W.R.A.P.: Witnessing Real Authentic Politicians Made by God
Christians in America are not holding these politicians' feet to the fire when it comes to their behavior. True Christians must represent God when it comes to everything that Lord Jesus Christ fought for.
Fr 28.06.2019
193 : 31 min
Spotlight on RESILIENT CHRISTIANS: Gary Binford
The spotlight is on Gary Binford, Founder of Nation Savers 2018. Brother Gary was a sports writer at Newsday and New York Daily News. A former manager to DManns Music recording artist Dwayne Kerr, Brother Gary left that life to serve Father God through Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Gary's testimony is an example of what a RESILIENT CHRISTIAN are born through Christ meant to be.
Sa 08.06.2019
72 : 36 min
The WAR within the Body of Christ, Part 4: The Tares Classification System
This week is The Tares Classification System. A believer’s greatest persecution comes from others who identify themselves as believers.
Remember that even the most faithful can be used by Satan if they are not careful. When Jesus was telling His disciples that He must suffer many things, Peter protested and denied that would happen. Jesus said to him: “Get Behind Me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:21-24).
Jesus knew that Peter wasn’t Satan, but He made it clear that Peter was being influenced by Satan.
In addition to misguided believers, some people are Satan’s outright pawns who are determined to cause chaos and turmoil in the believer’s life. Jesus refers to them as tares.
An investigation of Scripture reveals that sometimes aggressive, attacking people are actually not believers — even though they say they are — but in reality, are agents of Satan who have a goal of robbing you of your joy and sidetracking you in your calling.
Fr 07.06.2019
147 : 04 min
The WAR Within the Body of Christ, Part 3: The Feminist Apostates Worldview
This week is the The Feminist Apostates Worldview. Modern feminism is a counterfeit solution to the real issue of the inequality of women in a sinful society. Feminism arrogates to itself the right to demand respect and equality in every aspect of life. Feminism is based in arrogance, and it is the opposite of the call to the born-again believer to be a servant. The modern, militant feminists call women to rise up and rebel against the order that God has given to mankind. That brand of feminism seeks to impose humanistic values in direct opposition to the Word of God. Feminism was originally a positive movement, focused on giving women the basic rights God intends for every human being to have. Tragically, feminism now focuses on destroying all distinctions in the roles of men and women.
Fr 24.05.2019
115 : 37 min
Preview of The WAR within the Body of Christ, Part 3
Preview on this week's episode: The Feminist Apostates Worldview
Do 23.05.2019
26 : 29 min
The WAR within the Body of Christ, Part 2: Social Justice Gospel of Satan
With the recent rise of progressive “Christianity” in the last few years, it’s no surprise that one of the prevailing themes is social justice. Many denominations have been caught up in the movement forever. But social justice is not the Gospel, and saying that it is is heresy.
It’s really disheartening to say that so many otherwise sound Bible teachers have been led astray, and are leading astray so many to the social gospel heresy. This is a pure adulteration of what the Gospel is. Paul clearly states that if anyone, be it an angel from Heaven or any man on Earth, preaches another gospel, they are accursed.
Fr 10.05.2019
73 : 23 min
The WAR with the Body of Christ, Part 1: Introduction of Progressive Christianity
The WAR within the Body of Christ is a 4 part series that deals with the worldviews of the world instead of the worldviews of our Lord, Jesus Christ. These worldviews are causing division within the Church that promotes outsider's insight instead of the direction of the Holy Spirit.
This week is the Introduction of Progressive Christianity. This worldview is not just within the Body of Christ, but also within the Conservative movement. These "agents" pretend to be believers, but actually promoting things that are against the Word of God like social issues to identity aspirations.
Fr 03.05.2019
114 : 54 min
Sri Lanka and Easter Worshippers
Praying for the Brothers and Sisters, who was martyred in Sri Lanka. Also, calling out the Democrats who did not call out “Christians”, instead calling our Brothers and Sisters: Easter Worshippers.
Mo 22.04.2019
24 : 52 min
Trade School of America with Corey and Ana Duncan
This is a new broadcast featuring Christians that are doing more for the Body of Christ and making disciples in the process. This broadcast will go beyond the religious posturing to true Christians that gets the real resistance from the world and from those in the church.
This week, the spotlight is on Corey and Ana Duncan from the Grassroots Conservative Association Group. Corey and Ana Duncan talk more about the Trade Schools of America and the reasons why Christians need to rethink about reaching the youth.
Sa 20.04.2019
68 : 11 min
Opinions, Updates and Previews
Quick update about the shows on RCR Network; my opinion about Nipsey Hussle and preview on a new broadcast called: Spotlight on Resilient Christians.
Fr 19.04.2019
15 : 06 min
Quick check in from Cleveland Rhodes
Giving an opinion about the craziness of today’s events and updates about broadcasting in April
Mi 27.03.2019
13 : 11 min
The Expository Truth Series, Part 3: The Master's Plan Stage 1
This event was broadcast to over 3 major radio networks that we run: The Resilient Christian Radio Network - over 80 major cities and 515 affiliates worldwide, My Genre Radio Network - over 65 major cities and 235 affiliates plugging into the network, and God Is Powerful Radio Network - over 15 stations that will increase to the major cities in America and aboard. These networks will be hosting this event tonight and next week as we set up the plans that God want us to do with the Black Youth that is BLEXIT the Demon-rats for good.
Fr 02.11.2018
120 : 04 min
The Expository Truth, Part 2: Christian-Conservatism vs SJW Activism
Latest episode of The Biblical Editorial Review & The Family Unit Radio Show
Fr 26.10.2018
124 : 18 min
The Expository Truth Series, Part 1: The LBJ Cover-Up
This series will have 3 parts that will bring light to the truth of why the Church needs to not side with lies from those of darkness.
Fr 19.10.2018
82 : 43 min
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