Community Pulse is a special report on the unfolding coronavirus situation in mid-Missouri featuring local family physician Elizabeth Allemann, M.D. and public health advocate Ginny Chadwick. Catch it live every Monday and Wednesday at 9am on KOPN 89.5 FM or streaming at
A fond farewell
This is the FINAL edition of Community Pulse. Hear host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann reflect on the pandemic. If you have turned to Community Pulse for information during the darkest days of the pandemic, or if KOPN has positively impacted your life in any other way, please consider supporting us during our summer pledge drive. Fare thee well!
Mi 09.06.2021
26 : 58 min
More reflections on the arc of the pandemic
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann says farewell to the show, and indicates that Matthew Holloway on Facebook is a good source for tracking rates of infection. over the arc of the pandemic, Dr. Allemann emphasizes that it is not over until it is over for everyone. There was amazing progress with rapid genetic sequencing, vaccines were developed in record time, and China did admit fairly quickly that infection was happening. In comparison, the last flu pandemic got called the Spanish Flu because no other country would admit it was happening. Stumbles: the US created its own test rather than using the WHO test; we minimized masks at first; and we had insufficient masks, PPE, tests, and test materials. Surprising: masks were more important than ventilators. Not surprising: public health matters to us all, and nurses are essential. Many underpaid workers are essential. Inequality is
Mi 02.06.2021
30 : 12 min
Updated CDC guidelines
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses the CDC guidelines on masking and vaccinations.Here are precautions recommended for the unvaccinated population.Information on recurrent infection, which is difficult to define and seems to be rare.Find the CDC's rationale for the new guidelines.
Mi 26.05.2021
29 : 01 min
Children and vaccines
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann speaks with guest Sarah Davis about COVID vaccinations for children. Pfizer press release with some data
Mi 19.05.2021
30 : 06 min
Ongoing guidelines
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann speaks with Sara Humm from the Boone County/City of Columbia Health Department about the end of the public health order and ongoing guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Mi 12.05.2021
29 : 55 min
Health orders expiring in Columbia
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses the Columbia health orders that expire on May 12 and will not be renewed.
Mi 05.05.2021
30 : 27 min
Goodbye, Ginny, and thank you for everything!
Ginny Chadwick reflects on the past year of co-hosting Community Pulse. Today was her last time hosting the program, and from now on Community Pulse will air only on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. with host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann. Thank you, Ginny!Ginny also discussed CDC guidelines for wearing a mask indoors. You can find that information here.
Mi 28.04.2021
30 : 55 min
Frontline perspective
Co-host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann speaks with Dr. Erik Martin, an emergency room physician who has worked in New York, Missouri, Oklahoma, and the Southwest US during this pandemic.
Mo 26.04.2021
30 : 34 min
Vaccine sharks
Missouri Foundation for Health's Messaging to Missourians About COVID-19 Vaccines:
Dr. Allemann and Sarah Davis address two questions from listeners:1. What can we do after vaccination with other vaccinated people? Can we be inside without masks? How do we think about the other people in our bubbles who aren’t vaccinated?2. Do we change the way we think about receiving a vaccine if we have had COVID 19? Are there increased risks to the vaccine? Are the benefits different? What if we had asymptomatic disease?They also address many frequently asked questions, such as: is the vaccine free? Do I have to have insurance? How do I know if it’s my turn? What if I am breastfeeding? What if I am pregnant? How do I protect my children who are too young to get the vaccine? What if I have a health condition that affects my immune system? Is the vaccine safe and effective for me? How can I assess how much my condition might affect my response to the vaccine? In addition, they discuss the J/J vaccine, the AstraZenica vaccine and Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis.
Mi 14.04.2021
30 : 55 min
B117 variant of COVID-19
B117 variant What these mutations actually areEvery person in MO who is 16 years and older can sign up for a vaccination appointment. Visit here. Finally, a study shows that the vaccine works pretty much the same in 12-15 year-olds as in older teens and adults. The first doses of study in 6 months to 11 years old started last week.
Cases are up in the world, the US, and Missouri. Michigan is a hot-spot, and Missouri should pay attention to their challenges and try to learn from them: issues new travel guidance for people who have been vaccinatedExcess deaths in the US—more than what has been documented as COVID deathsMissouri officially offers vaccines to everybody over age 16 starting Friday.But in reality, pretty much anyone who can get to a vaccine event can get vaccinated already.Phase 2: Homeless, Disproportionally affected (racial and ethnic groups)Chemical, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Defense, Financial, Food and Agriculture 2, Government, higher Ed,How to find a vaccine appointment:Vaccinespotter.orgFacebook group: COVID 19 Vaccine Information—they will help you get a vaccine appointment.Two more pertinent
Mo 05.04.2021
31 : 04 min
Adventures in vaccination
Co-host Ginny Chadwick speaks to Dr. Angie Hull, a public policy professor, who took an adventure to rural Missouri to snag a coveted Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Mi 31.03.2021
31 : 47 min
Post-vaccination infection
Vaccination and recovery from infectionQuestion from a listener about air filtration Air dataVaccine infoVaccine info
Mo 29.03.2021
33 : 26 min
Vaccine access for disproportionately affected populations
Further reading/resources:The Language TreeSpanish Registration FormState Vaccination PrioritiesCity Health Order Modification
Mi 24.03.2021
31 : 16 min
Legislative update with Rep. Martha Stevens
Further reading/resources: Central Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine InformationMap of state vaccine sitesEntire list of vaccine sites in MissouriGoogle sheet of state supplied vaccines
Mo 22.03.2021
32 : 15 min
Grassroots organizing for vaccine access
Further reading/resources:Central Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine InformationMap of state vaccine sitesEntire list of vaccine sites in MissouriGoogle sheet of state supplied vaccines
Mi 17.03.2021
30 : 21 min
Local case numbers increasing, vaccines available for Tier 3
Further reading/resources:Boone County COVID-19 case numbersSewershed Surveillance project dataCDC says vaccinated grandparents can visit their grandchildrenMissouri Vaccine SpotterMissouri Vaccine InformationCentral Missouri COVID-19 vaccine information Facebook Group
Mo 15.03.2021
32 : 39 min
Grassroots efforts to increase vaccine access
Further reading/resources: COVID-19 Vaccine SpotterCentral Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine Information (Facebook group)Women form group of vaccine-finders and use Facebook to help those who need it (Columbia Missourian)
Mi 10.03.2021
30 : 36 min
Mid-Missouri vaccine updates
Further reading/resources: Vaccinespotter.org
Mo 08.03.2021
17 : 30 min
Cheering through the pandemic
Further reading/resources: Cheer Coach's Facebook PostMSHSAA says masks are dangerous for cheerleaders in competition (KOMU)NCA School Competitions
Mi 03.03.2021
29 : 30 min
Understanding the newest COVID-19 vaccine
Further reading/resources: A Guide to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine ( Vaccine — Frequently Asked Questions (New England Journal of Medicine)Missouri expects 50K doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine this week (Missourian)
Mo 01.03.2021
33 : 14 min
Global Vaccine Development and Distribution
Further reading/resources:World Bank threatens to suspend vaccine funding to Lebanon (ABC News)High-End Medical Provider Let Ineligible People Skip COVID-19 Vaccine Line (NPR)Will drug companies make bumper profits? (BBC)Airfinity website
Mi 24.02.2021
30 : 51 min
Missouri Teacher of the Year recipient discusses prioritizing teachers for vaccines
Further reading/resources: CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout RecommendationsSee How the Vaccine Rollout Is Going in Your State (New York Times)Here are the states prioritizing educators in COVID-19 vaccine rollouts: Map (ABC News)Missouri State Teacher Association Facebook post of the letter by Teachers of the YearSafe Schools Require Prioritizing the Vaccination of Educators Petition with letter from Missouri National Education Association PresidentMissouri Priority PhasesHow to Get Vaccinated by State (NPR)Boone County Health Department Homebound Call
Mo 22.02.2021
28 : 20 min
Mid-Missouri Vaccine Information Hubs
Further reading/resources:Central Missouri Covid-19 Vaccine Information Facebook GroupMO State Mass Vaccine EventsMap of all Vaccine Providers in MOBoone County Health Department Sign-up informationMU Health Care Sign up FormD& H DrugSt Louis County Sign upCape Girardeau Health Department Covid Vaccine InfoAudrain County Vaccine Info & Appointment SchedulingBothwell Covid Vaccine Sign upCole County Vaccine InfoBJC/Washington University Sign upLake Regional Sign upWalmartGreenways Wellness
Mi 17.02.2021
30 : 34 min
Finding the best performing face mask
Further reading/resources: CDC's Mask GuideBadger Seal (Mask Fitter, Mask Sealer, Mask Brace)Strategies to minimize SARS-CoV-2 transmission in classroom settings: Combined impacts of ventilation and mask effective filtration efficiency (medRxiv)Maximizing Fit for Cloth and Medical Procedure Masks to Improve Performance and Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Exposure (CDC)
Mo 15.02.2021
31 : 51 min
Tracking COVID-19 data in Columbia Public Schools
Further reading/resources: Como For a Safe Return to School Facebook GroupCoMo COVID Data - April's Facebook GroupCOVID 14-Day Rate for CPS Info PageBoone County, MO COVID-19 Information HubMissouri Vaccine Navigator
Mi 10.02.2021
30 : 53 min
The difficulty in comparing SARS-CoV2 vaccines
Further reading/resources: Evaluating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines After Emergency Use Authorization or Licensing of Initial Candidate Vaccines (JAMA Network)SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines: Much Accomplished, Much to Learn (American College of Cardiology)Handicapping the COVID Vaccine Horse Race (Medscape)New COVID-19 vaccine trials starting in children (MSN)Pfizer says its Covid vaccine trial for kids ages 12 to 15 is fully enrolled (CNBC)South Africa Halts AstraZeneca Vaccine Rollout Over Effectiveness Doubts With New Variant (Slate)
Mo 08.02.2021
31 : 22 min
Big business behind vaccines
Further reading/resources: LOCAL Compass Health COVID-19 Testing EventNovavax bosses cash out for $46 million with COVID-19 vaccine trials still under way (Reuters)Covid vaccines: Will drug companies make bumper profits? (BBC)Good morning. The vaccine news continues to be better than many people realize. (New York Times)City of Columbia Vaccine InformationMU Healthcare Vaccine Survey
Mi 03.02.2021
29 : 55 min
News round-up: variants and vaccines
Further reading/resources: Genomic Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 Variants (CDC)New coronavirus variant spreads in Denmark despite epidemic receding (Reuters)SARS-CoV-2 Variant – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (WHO)See How the Vaccine Rollout Is Going in Your State (New York Times)Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker (New York Times)
Mo 01.02.2021
30 : 23 min
Outlining attempts to access the vaccine in Missouri
Further reading/resources: Missouri Vaccine Priority InformationCity of Columbia Vaccine Information St. Louis County Vaccine InformationAudrain County Vaccine InformationVaccine Sign-Ups: MU Health CareBJC HealthCareLake Regional Health SystemCape Girardeau CountySte. Genevieve CountyPerry County (more information here)
Mi 27.01.2021
29 : 31 min
Tracking the virus through human waste
Further reading/resources: The Sewershed Surveillance ProjectMissouri, on the hunt for the coronavirus, tests community wastewater facilities (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Mo 25.01.2021
31 : 49 min
Exploring the Novavax vaccine trial in Mid-Missouri
Further reading/resources: Dr. Dandachi's MU Health Care ProfileMore information and sign up options: Novavax Vaccine Trial Website or MU Trial Screening
Mi 20.01.2021
31 : 36 min
Science education in the time of COVID-19
Further reading/resources:CPS Science WebpageCPS Science Facebook PageCPS Reopening InformationA tweet at a time, CPS science educator builds a record of COVID-19 in Missouri (Columbia Missourian)Columbia School Board votes to go forward with in-person and hybrid learning plan (Columbia Missourian)New trash system means new strategies (Columbia Tribune)Mr. Szydlowski on Twitter: @Szydlowskim
Mo 18.01.2021
31 : 33 min
Breaking down COVID-19 transmission with Infectious Disease Expert Dr. Martinello
Further reading/resources: Dr. Richard Martinello, Associate Professor at Yale School of Medicine; Medical Director, Infection Prevention at Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale New Haven Health, Quality & SafetyCoronavirus can travel farther and faster inside restaurants than previously thought, South Korean study suggests (Seattle Times)
Do 14.01.2021
32 : 31 min
Vaccine distribution and access
Further reading/resources: Novavax Vaccine TrialCity of Columbia COVID-19 Vaccine InformationMissouri Vaccine Distribution PlanSee How the Vaccine Rollout Is Going in Your State (New York Times)From West Virginia: All nursing homes, long-term care facilities will have received COVID-19 vaccine by Monday (MetroNews)
Mo 11.01.2021
30 : 59 min
Wastewater data, vaccine rollout, and more
Further resources/readings: The Sewershed Surveillance ProjectSome Health Care Workers Say They Are 'Forgotten' In COVID-19 Vaccination Plans (NPR)Missouri's Red Zone Report from the White House Task ForceCPS Board of Education Meeting: January 11th at 6:30 pm for decision on planned return for January 19th Columbia COVID Testing Information:Boone Hospital: 1504 E. BroadwayPhone Screening: (314)391-4930 Online Screening Form: https://healthbot.covid19.bjc.orgHours: M-F 7 AM - 3 PM, S 8 AM - 12 PMCOST: No information published onlineGS Labs: https://gslabstesting.comPhone Screening: (573)318-1432Online Screening: Broadway Bluff Dr.Hours: M - Sun 8 AM - 8 PM COST: $49 (for insurance accepted), $380 (uninsured/unaccepted insurance), further information and discounts available at HyVee Pharmacy: https://hy-vee.
Mi 06.01.2021
33 : 02 min
Community Spread, Vaccines, and More
Further reading/resources:Evidence of Long-Distance Droplet Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by Direct Air Flow in a Restaurant in KoreaInfected after 5 minutes, from 20 feet away: South Korea study shows coronavirus’s spread indoorsInflatable Costume May Be Behind Outbreak at California Hospital
Mo 04.01.2021
33 : 08 min
COVID-19 Testing with GS Labs Medical Director
Boone County Testing Locations, Contact, Hours, and Costs: Boone Hospital: 1504 E. BroadwayPhone Screening: (314)391-4930 Online Screening Form: https://healthbot.covid19.bjc.orgHours: M-F 7 AM - 3 PM, S 8 AM - 12 PMCOST: No information published onlineGS Labs: https://gslabstesting.comPhone Screening: (573)318-1432Online Screening: Broadway Bluff Dr.Hours: M - Sun 8 AM - 8 PM COST: $49 (for insurance accepted), $380 (uninsured/unaccepted insurance), further information and discounts available at HyVee Pharmacy: W Broadway405 E. Nifong Blvd25 Conley RoadOnline Screening: Hours: T/TH 7 AM - 9 AM, S 8 AM - 10 AMCOST: FREEMU Health Care:
Mi 30.12.2020
31 : 47 min
Year in review: masks, shut downs, testing, and more
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann takes a look back on how the coronavirus shaped 2020 and looks ahead to next year as one that holds both concern and hope regarding the pandemic.
Mi 30.12.2020
35 : 03 min
Regional differences in COVID-19 responses and reporting
Davis Dunavin, WSHU news reporter
Mi 23.12.2020
31 : 35 min
Columbia neonatal doctor shares experiences navigating the pandemic
Further reading/resources: Tracking the coronavirus vaccine, state by state (Washington Post)Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker (New York Times)COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2): information about the new virus variant (UK GOV)Dr. Sarah Younger, MU Health Care
Mo 21.12.2020
30 : 44 min
Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
Host Ginny Chadwick speaks with Certified Nurse Midwife Lori Maybrier of MU Health Care about getting the vaccine as a first priority health worker.
Do 17.12.2020
32 : 15 min
Addressing listener questions on COVID-19 vaccines
Further reading/resources: Vaccine rollout to start next week in Missouri (Columbia Missourian)
Mo 14.12.2020
30 : 56 min
Meeting the needs of Columbia's unhoused population
Further reading/resources:
Mi 09.12.2020
31 : 10 min
Vaccine development and distribution
Further reading/resources:Missouri's COVID-19 Vaccination PlanFind Your Place in the Vaccine Line (New York Times)Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker (New York Times)Tracking the Coronavirus Vaccines That Will End the Pandemic (Bloomberg)Trump’s Operation Warp Speed promised a flood of covid vaccines. Instead, states are expecting a trickle. (Washington Post)Q&A: What we know about the COVID-19 vaccine (Columbia Missourian)Mayor Brian Treece
Mo 07.12.2020
32 : 07 min
Emerging career paths and training programs in the age of COVID
Further reading/resources: The Geek FoundationFor some Missourians, COVID-19 has paved way to new careers (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Mi 02.12.2020
30 : 49 min
Addressing changes in contact tracing protocols
Further reading/resources: CDC Quarantine GuidelinesCDC Guidelines for caring for a sick person at homeCDC Guidelines for sick parents and caregiversCity of Columbia COVID resources & guidelinesLocal testing sites: Google Maps list & Boone Hospital Center Information about ways to get help with utilities, groceries, etc. if finances are a barrier to quarantine or isolation:Central Missouri Community ActionVAC
Mo 30.11.2020
32 : 28 min
Reemerging stay-at-home orders across the U.S.
COVID-19 infections are soaring. Lockdowns could be coming. A list of restrictions in your state. (USA Today)See Coronavirus Restrictions and Mask Mandates for All 50 States (New York Times)Are The Risks Of Reopening Schools Exaggerated? (NPR)Low-Income Children and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the US (JAMA Pediatrics)As COVID-19 soars in many communities, schools attempt to find ways through the crisis (Science Magazine)Blue states and red states are both doing school reopenings wrong (Vox)Mask mandate issued for all of Boone County (Columbia Tribune)School District Responses to COVID-19 Closures - CRPE TrackerShow Me Strong Recovery Plan COVID-19 School District Tracker
Mi 25.11.2020
31 : 42 min
Health justice strategies for combating the pandemic
Further reading/resources:Health Justice Strategies to Combat the Pandemic: Eliminating Discrimination, Poverty, and Health Disparities During and After COVID-19 (Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics)The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity at SLUProfessor Yearby's publicationsAre Cities and Counties Ready to Use Racial Equity Tools to Influence Policy?
Mo 23.11.2020
32 : 25 min
An Update on Mid-MO Hospitals with Dr. Robin Blount
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses the current state of Missouri hospitals with Dr. Robin Blount, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Boone Hospital Center.
Mi 18.11.2020
28 : 53 min
Columbia Neighborhood Free Lunch Clubs
CoMO Neighborhood Lunch Clubs HQ - Facebook PageCoMO Neighborhood Lunch Clubs WebsiteLunch Club Map
Mo 16.11.2020
32 : 41 min
A return to virtual learning
CPS School Board Member Chris Horn Bio Page
Mi 11.11.2020
31 : 40 min
Hospital capacity, animal transmission, and Biden's COVID plan
Further reading/resources: Covid Infections in Animals Prompt Scientific Concern (New York Times)BHC Med Staff COVID Alert: November 6Pfizer’s Early Data Shows Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective (New York Times)The Biden-Harris plan to beat COVID-19Vivek Murthy Wikipedia PageDavid A. Kessler Wikipedia PageMarcella Nunez-Smith Wikipedia Page
Mo 09.11.2020
29 : 44 min
Election results and their implications for the pandemic
Ward 2 Council Member Mike Trapp
Mi 04.11.2020
31 : 02 min
News round-up: long-term COVID symptoms, household transmission, and more
Further reading/resources:Transmission of SARS-COV-2 Infections in Households — Tennessee and Wisconsin, April–September 2020 (CDC)One in 20 people likely to suffer from ‘Long COVID’, but who are they? (COVID Symptom Study, UK)Attributes and predictors of Long-COVID: analysis of COVID cases and their symptoms collected by the Covid Symptoms Study App (medRxiv)Broadly-targeted autoreactivity is common in severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection (medRxiv)Cognitive deficits in people who have recovered from COVID-19 relative to controls: An N=84,285 online study (medRxiv)Risk of hospital admission with coronavirus disease 2019 in healthcare workers and their households: nationwide linkage cohort study (BMJ)Association between SARS-CoV-2 infection, exposure risk and mental health among a cohort of essential retail workers in the USA FREE (BMJ)
Mo 02.11.2020
29 : 49 min
Race, Health, and COVID-19
Further reading/resources: Robert Fullilove faculty page
Mi 28.10.2020
30 : 25 min
County-level responses to the pandemic in Mid-Missouri
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by Lynelle Phillips, Assistant Professor at MU and Extension Nurse Specialist with the Department of Public Health, and Kara Clovis, graduate student in public health at the University of Missouri. They discuss recent research about CARES Act funding distribution and mask ordinances in Central Missouri counties.
Mo 26.10.2020
30 : 37 min
Regional Differences in Fighting COVID-19
Further reading/resources: Corina Pfeil Bio
Mi 21.10.2020
30 : 41 min
Clarifying a recent CDC statistic about mask use
Further reading/resources:Trump repeats inaccurate claim about masks, citing CDC study. (NBC News)CDC study referenced in today's episodeLow zinc levels at clinical admission associates with poor outcomes in COVID-19 (MedRxiv)COVID-19: Poor outcomes in patients with zinc deficiency (ScienceDirect)Zinc: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals (National Institutes of Health)Low plasma 25(OH) vitamin D level is associated with increased risk of COVID‐19 infection: an Israeli population‐based study (The FEBS Journal)The link between vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19 in a large population (MedRxiv)
Mo 19.10.2020
30 : 34 min
Voting Information for Boone County
Further reading/resources: CoxHealth Facebook Postvote.boonemo.orgBoone County Clerk Facebook Page
Mi 14.10.2020
31 : 20 min
Returning Students to Public Schools: Teachers' Considerations & Concerns
Further reading/resources: CMNEA website
Mo 12.10.2020
30 : 42 min
A Conversation with Columbia School Board Member David Seamon
Further Reading/Resources: Show Me Strong Recovery Plan - School District InformationUnder new CPS plan, pre-K-5 students would go to school four days a week (Columbia Missourian)David Seamon Facebook Page
Mi 07.10.2020
31 : 48 min
What We Can Learn from High Profile COVID Cases
Further Reading/Resources: Sen. Josh Hawley tests negative for the coronavirus; Missouri positivity rate hits new high (Columbia Missourian)As Trump Seeks to Project Strength, Doctors Disclose Alarming Episodes (New York Times)Does the White House Outbreak Invalidate the Strategy of Frequent Testing for COVID-19 Control? (NEJM Journal Watch)
Mo 05.10.2020
29 : 57 min
The Latest COVID News
Further reading/resources: The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Forcing Millennial Mothers Out of the Workforce (Center for American Progress)
Mi 30.09.2020
31 : 57 min
Local Testing, Positivity Rate Explained & More
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and Ginny Chadwick discuss the latest COVID news for Mid-Missouri, including access to testing, analysis of the positivity rate, and more.
Mo 28.09.2020
30 : 33 min
A Columbia Resident's Experience with COVID-19
For this episode, we hear from Columbia resident Daryle Bascom, who tested positive for COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic. He joins host Ginny Chadwick to discuss his perspectives on safety precautions and local public health policies as someone who has experienced the virus firsthand.
Mi 23.09.2020
31 : 28 min
How to cast your ballot in the upcoming General Election
Further reading/resources:Register to vote by October 7!Boone County Clerk Facebook PageRequest an Absentee BallotFind Your Polling PlaceMore information: vote.boonemo.orgBoone County voters have options as general election approaches (Columbia Missourian)
Mo 21.09.2020
30 : 15 min
Travel Safety During the Pandemic
Further reading/resources: How Clean is the Air on Planes? (National Geographic)Case Investigation, Quarantine Protocols Raise Concerns About MU Coronavirus Outbreak (KBIA)Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services issues correction of COVID-19 positivity rate (City Press Release)
Mi 16.09.2020
32 : 19 min
City Council's Role in Developing Local Public Health Policy
Further reading/resources: Council Member Ian Thomas
Mo 14.09.2020
37 : 23 min
Life in the "Red Zone"
Further reading/resources:The White House's Secret Coronavirus Red Zone Reports (Center for Public Integrity)Columbia COVID-19 Community Testing Details
Mi 09.09.2020
31 : 53 min
Boone County COVID Updates
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann covers testing access, hospital capacity, local infection rates, and more.
Mo 07.09.2020
30 : 57 min
Biking, Trails, and Other Outdoor Activities During COVID
Further reading and resources: PetNet Coalition
Mi 02.09.2020
30 : 37 min
Educating Kids Outside
Further reading and resources:Fern and Feather Forest School
Mo 31.08.2020
31 : 40 min
Listening to Teachers' Voices on Safely Reopening Schools
Further reading and resources:Columbia Missouri National Education Association (CMNEA)
Mi 26.08.2020
31 : 50 min
Schools, Bars, and COVID-19
Further reading: Boone County, MO COVID-19 Information HubCPS 14-day-rate trackerMU Student Health Center opens temporary outdoor COVID-19 testing site (Columbia Missourian)Silverball cited for health order violations Saturday night (Columbia Missourian)Brookside Midtown pool shut down, operating permit suspended (Columbia Missourian)Quick and affordable saliva-based COVID-19 test developed by Yale scientists receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization (Yale News)Effect of Convalescent Plasma on Mortality among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Initial Three Month Experience (medRxiv)Limited Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Child Care Programs — Rhode Island, June 1–July 31, 2020 (CDC)Risk for Severe COVID-19 Illness Among Teachers and Adults Living With School-Aged Children (Annals of Internal Medicine)
Mo 24.08.2020
31 : 19 min
Taking Learning Outside
Links / documents mentioned in this program:Taking Learning Any Subject AreaColumbia Public Schools Science Facebook page
Do 20.08.2020
23 : 22 min
The Food Bank
Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri
Mi 19.08.2020
21 : 31 min
Voting by Mail-in and Absentee Ballots
Boone County Clerk website:
Di 18.08.2020
30 : 34 min
COVID in a College Town
Articles and links discussed in this program:
Mo 17.08.2020
31 : 01 min
Mask Efficacy and Virus Transmission
Links to studies and articles mentioned in this show:
Do 13.08.2020
31 : 56 min
COVID-19 and the Missouri State Budget
Host Ginny Chadwick and Representative Kip Kendrick of the Missouri State House 45th District discuss how COVID-19 and other policies have affected the Missouri state budget. Representative Kendrick serves as the Ranking Minority Member of the Budget Committee and has served as a Boone County representative since 2014.
Mi 12.08.2020
26 : 06 min
Outdoor Education
City Garden School (Columbia, MO)
Di 11.08.2020
30 : 21 min
A Conversation with Ashley Millham of Boone County's Department of Public Health
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by Ashley Millham MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services.
Mo 10.08.2020
31 : 35 min
Research Recap: Transmission Among Children
Further reading and resources: CDC report: SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Infection Among Attendees of an Overnight CampContact tracing during Phase I of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Province of Trento, Italy: key findings and recommendationsAge-Related Differences in Nasopharyngeal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Levels in Patients With Mild to Moderate Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Fr 07.08.2020
33 : 33 min
Matthew Holloway on Collecting COVID data in Missouri
Further reading and resources: Matthew Holloway's Facebook Page (where he posts data tracking updates)
Mi 05.08.2020
24 : 52 min
Doctors Seeing Fewer Premature Births
Further reading and resources:During Coronavirus Lockdowns, Some Doctors Wondered: Where Are the Preemies? (New York Times)
Di 04.08.2020
31 : 30 min
COVID News Roundup
Further reading/resources:PPIs and COVID-19 Risk: A Closer Look at the Data (Medscape)Link to the pre-print articleUniversity of Missouri looks at requiring students to report positive COVID tests (Columbia Tribune)GUEST COMMENTARY: Let's clear the air about COVID-19 preparedness at MU (Columbia Missourian)
Mo 03.08.2020
23 : 38 min
Reopening Schools: Examples from Around the World & Data on Transmission Among Children
Further reading and resources: Why Is There No Consensus About Reopening Schools? (New York Times)How to Reopen Schools: What Science and Other Countries Teach Us (New York Times)Confused by CDC’s changing guidance on school reopening? Here are recommendations from experts not pressured by the White House. (Washington Post)Contact Tracing during Coronavirus Disease Outbreak, South Korea, 2020 (Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases)Shut and re-open: the role of schools in the spread of COVID-19 in Europe (medRxiv)
Do 30.07.2020
34 : 09 min
COVID Fatigue
Host Ginny Chadwick discusses the topic of COVID fatigue. How do we stay grounded in the reality of the pandemic, while also caring for our entire well-being, especially mental health?
Mi 29.07.2020
28 : 51 min
2020 Census Information for Mid-Missouri
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: City of Columbia Press Release: Census takers begin visiting Boone County householdsOnline Census Questionnaire 2020 Census Won’t Have Citizenship Question as Trump Administration Drops Effort (New York Times)To confirm the identity of a census worker visiting your home, call 312-579-1500 to speak with a Census Bureau representative.
Di 28.07.2020
32 : 16 min
Barriers to Testing for "Close Contacts" of COVID cases in Boone County
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann explains a change in testing access announced over the weekend from the Boone County Department of Health and Human Services. They will no longer provide test orders for CDC-defined "close contacts" of known positive COVID cases that live outside of the infected person's household. Instead, these "close contacts" will need to seek their own test orders through a primary care physician or a telehealth visit via urgent care.
Mo 27.07.2020
32 : 36 min
Absentee & Mail-In Voting for August 4th Primary Elections
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: vote.boonemo.orgRequest an Absentee Ballot - Online Form - form must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 22.PDF Absentee Ballot Application - must be dropped off at the Boon County Clerk office (801 East Walnut, Rm 236) or faxed (573-886-4300) by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 22. August 4, 2020 Primary Election Ballot Summary (Daniel Boone Regional Library)
Di 21.07.2020
28 : 55 min
An Update on Vaccine Development
Links to resources related to this episode: Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker (New York Times)Coronavirus vaccine: Are we close to finding one? Here's what's happening (CNET)
Mo 20.07.2020
25 : 48 min
Quarantine vs. Isolation vs. Social Distancing
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Resources:COVID-19: Quarantine vs. IsolationWhat to Do If You Are SickQuarantine If You Might Be SickQuarantine for COVID-19 (Cornell University)Moberly Five and Drive
Do 16.07.2020
30 : 31 min
Making Masks
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: DIY Face Mask Tutorial (YouTube)Karis Church Initiative to Make Masks for Students Sew For Safety Facebook GroupWhat material is best for homemade masks? (Medical News Today)The most and least effective cloth face masks to protect you from coronavirus (BGR)
Mi 15.07.2020
26 : 35 min
COVID in Boone County
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Chart of Boone County COVID Data by Dr. Allemann
Di 14.07.2020
36 : 05 min
The Functionality of Schools in the COVID Era
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry (American Academy of Pediatrics)AAP interim guidance on school re-entry focuses on mitigating COVID-19 risks (American Academy of Pediatrics)Considerations for School (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)COVID-19 in Children and the Dynamics of Infection in Families (Journal of Pediatrics)Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (Clinical Infectious Diseases)
Mo 13.07.2020
32 : 47 min
Columbia's Mask Ordinance
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Columbia's Mask Ordinance (City of Columbia)Mask Ordinance FAQ (City of Columbia)
Fr 10.07.2020
30 : 37 min
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & COVID-19
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Agonizing Lag in Coronavirus Research Puts Pregnant Women and Babies at Risk (Pro Publica)Evaluation and Management Considerations for Neonates At Risk for COVID-19 (CDC)Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine's Statement on Coronavirus
Mi 08.07.2020
30 : 48 min
COVID News Updates: "Long-Haulers", Testing Info, Airborne Data & More
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Meet the Covid-19 'long-haulers' whose symptoms won't seem to go away (Advisory Board)COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months (The Atlantic)COVID-19 Update: Airborne Virus Controversy, Stem Cells (Medscape)Here’s Exactly Where We Are with Vaccines and Treatments for COVID-19 (HealthLine)Council votes to make face masks mandatory in Columbia (Columbia Missourian)
Di 07.07.2020
27 : 40 min
Mandatory Mask Policies
Community members have until 4:00 pm today (July 6) to submit a comment on the mask ordinance by emailing . The Council requests that written public comments include the agenda item being commented on and the name and address of the person submitting the comment. Members of the public can also give a three minute public statement in-person at the 7:00 pm meeting at the Council Chambers, located at 701 E. Broadway. Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Columbia City Council July 6 Meeting AgendaMandatory mask ordinance up for City Council vote Monday (Columbia Missourian)Proposed Mask Ordinance for Columbia
Mo 06.07.2020
35 : 01 min
Using Wastewater to Track Coronavirus
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:A dirty job: Tracking coronavirus using human waste (Mizzou News)
Do 02.07.2020
25 : 07 min
A Conversation with Boone Hospital Center’s Chief Medical Officer
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Boone County, MO COVID-19 Information Hub
Mi 01.07.2020
23 : 44 min
A Doctor's Experience Treating COVID Patients in Joplin
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. Martin's testimony on the mask ordinance for Joplin City Council
Di 30.06.2020
24 : 25 min
New Antibody Data for Missouri & More
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Commercial Laboratory Seroprevalence Survey Data (CDC)Black Lives Matter, Social Distancing, and COVID-19 (National Bureau of Economic Research)Protests against police brutality and systemic racism most likely did not spark coronavirus uptick: study (NY Daily News)
Mo 29.06.2020
28 : 10 min
Coronavirus Transmission Among Children
For today's episode, Dr. Elizabeth Allemann explains the scientific data related to coronavirus transmission among children.
Do 25.06.2020
26 : 56 min
Columbia Public Schools' Re-Entry Plan
Links to resources related to this episode: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Considerations in children (UpToDate)Children and COVID-19: State-Level Data Report (American Academy of Pediatrics)Age-dependent effects in the transmission and control of COVID-19 epidemics (Nature Medicine)CPS COVID-19 Re-Entry Plan 2020-2021
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: COVID-19 Treatment Research Summaries (University of Washington / IDEA Program)Coronavirus cases spiking in southwestern Missouri (News Tribune)Tocilizumab for treatment of patients with severe COVID–19: A retrospective cohort study (The Lancet) Low-cost dexamethasone reduces death by up to one third in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19 (University of Oxford)
Di 23.06.2020
23 : 54 min
The Latest Science Behind Mask Wearing
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Efficacy of face mask in preventing respiratory virus transmission: a systematic reviewand meta-analysis (medRxiv)Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review (NCBI)
Mo 22.06.2020
26 : 36 min
How the Pandemic is Affecting Columbia's Unhoused Community
Links mentioned in this episode: comocrisisshelter.comCAR Camp offers shelter for Columbia's homeless population (Columbia Missourian)
Do 18.06.2020
23 : 25 min
Harm Reduction & Coronavirus
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again (New York Times)Safer Sex and COVID-19 (NYC Health)Principles of Harm Reduction (Harm Reduction Coalition)What is Harm Reduction? (Psychology Today)8 ways to go out and stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic (Vox)
Mi 17.06.2020
24 : 26 min
Three killers: Systemic Racism, the Opioid Crisis, & the Coronavirus Pandemic
For today's edition of Community Pulse, Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined guest Dr. Kanika Turner to discuss the intersections of COVID-19, race, and the opioid epidemic. Dr. Turner is the Associate Medical Director of Family Care Health Center in St. Louis and physician consultant to the Missouri State Opioid Response Team.
Di 16.06.2020
22 : 34 min
The Politics of Public Health Policies: Face Masks
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Facing Your Face Mask Duties – A List of Statewide Orders, as of June 15, 2020 (Littler)These Colorado cities and counties require masks be worn in public places (Denver Post)Massachusetts Cities And Towns That Now Require Face Masks, Coverings In Public (WBUR)
Mo 15.06.2020
22 : 23 min
Citizen Questions & Concerns Related to COVID-19
For this edition of Community Pulse, host Ginny Chadwick and local Columbia resident, Lindsey Smith, discuss unanswered questions and ongoing concerns related to the coronavirus.
Mi 10.06.2020
22 : 02 min
Asymptomatic Carriers of Coronavirus
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says (CNBC)Nearly Half of Coronavirus Spread May Be Traced to People Without Any Symptoms (Time)Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection - A Narrative Review (Annals of Internal Medicine)SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in primary municipal sewage sludge as a leading indicator of COVID-19 outbreak dynamics (medRxiv)Assessing the utility of a smart thermometer and mobile application as a surveillance tool for influenza and influenza-like illness (Health Informatics Journal)Harnessing wearable device data to improve state-level real-time surveillance of influenza-like illness in the USA: a population-based study (The Lancet Digital Health)More than 60% of the 400 sailors tested on carrier had COVID-19 antibodies (ABC News)
Di 09.06.2020
25 : 43 min
Health Implications of Tear Gas
Links to resources mentioned in this article: Tear Gas Is Way More Dangerous Than Police Let On — Especially During the Coronavirus Pandemic (ProPublica)Huge turnout at Sunday's Black Lives Matter protest (Columbia Missourian)White Coats 4 Black Lives brings health care workers together in moment of solidarity (Columbia Missourian)
Mo 08.06.2020
25 : 33 min
Protesting in the Time of Coronavirus
For this edition of Community Pulse, Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses protesting during in time of coronavirus. She also touches on how this crisis has illuminated weaknesses in our for-profit healthcare system, including the limited and possibly unreliable data private hospitals release to the public.
Do 04.06.2020
24 : 20 min
Graphing the Virus with CPS Science Coordinator
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Mike Szydlowski's Facebook PageMike Szydlowski's TwitterProtesting safety precautions issued by City of Columbia Department of Public Health & Human ServicesYou can make a secure online donation to support Community Pulse and KOPN by clicking here!
Mi 03.06.2020
31 : 44 min
Endothelial Cell Infection in COVID-19
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 (The Lancet)
Di 02.06.2020
22 : 23 min
A Surge in Reported Boone County Cases
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: O-chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile (CS Riot Control Agent) Associated Acute Respiratory Illnesses in a U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Cohort (NIH)CHLOROACETOPHENONE (CN) : Riot Control/Tear Agent (CDC)Boone County positive COVID-19 cases surge (Columbia Missourian)A positive COVID-19 case from Boone Count visited the Lake of the Ozarks pool bars on Memorial Day Weekend (Columbia Missourian)
Mo 01.06.2020
24 : 43 min
An Update on Coronavirus Therapeutics
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Low Dose of Hydroxychloroquine Reduces Fatality of Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 (PubMed)Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 (New England Journal of Medicine)Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis (The Lancet)The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro (Science Direct)Usefulness of Ivermectin in COVID-19 Illness (SSRN)Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Preliminary Report (New England Journal of Medicine)
Do 28.05.2020
21 : 32 min
Citizen Mask Makers & CPS Summer Options
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Sew for Safety Facebook GroupCPS School Lunch Information (scroll down to "Nutrition" section)
Mi 27.05.2020
21 : 07 min
Coronavirus Vaccines in Development
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Doubts over Oxford vaccine as it fails to stop coronavirus in animal trials (The Telegraph)A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers (NCBI)Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a recombinant adenovirus type-5 vectored COVID-19 vaccine (The Lancet)Pool party at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri draws a packed crowd (CNN)State health department to run COVID-19 testing event at Hickman High School (The Missourian)
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs (CDC)Grandparents & Day Care (Emily Oster, parenting blog)
Do 21.05.2020
20 : 37 min
Citizen-Gathered COVID Data for Missouri
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Matthew Holloway's COVID-19 UpdatesThe deadline to apply for a mail-in absentee ballot for the June 2, 2020 municipal election in Boone County is 5:00 PM TODAY, May 20th. Requests for a mail-in ballot can be made online at
Mi 20.05.2020
23 : 32 min
Planning for a Safe Summer
Links to related resources: What We Know About Your Chances of Catching the Virus Outdoors (New York Times)Antibody study shows just 5% of Spaniards have contracted the coronavirus (El País)The risk levels of everyday activities (Business Insider)
Di 19.05.2020
21 : 05 min
Boone County Clerk Brianna Lennon on Voting & Local Elections
For more information on voting in Boone County or to request an absentee ballot, visit Absentee voting is still available. The deadline to request a mailed absentee ballot is May 20th.
Mo 18.05.2020
18 : 19 min
Reducing Risk of COVID-19 with Vitamin D
Also related: Dr. Allemann's interview on Your Health Matters with Chris Link MD, Integrative Medicine Specialist in Jefferson City, where they discuss how to strengthen and support the immune system with lifestyle and diet. Listen here:
Fr 15.05.2020
20 : 00 min
Antibody Testing
On this episode of Community Pulse: antibody testing. We discuss what they mean or don’t mean, and the challenges with sensitivity, specificity, and emergency use application.
Do 14.05.2020
22 : 00 min
CoMo Mutual Aid
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: CoMo Mutual Aid Facebook Page Phone: (573) 542-0502Alameta Crayton's Community Programs
Mi 13.05.2020
20 : 20 min
COVID in the Whitehouse
Two White House staffers have tested positive for the coronavirus, and some members of the Trump's coronavirus task force have entered quarantine due to exposure.
Di 12.05.2020
12 : 53 min
New Information on Cases of Virus Transmission
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them by Erin Bromage
Mo 11.05.2020
22 : 33 min
Views on the Plandemic Video
On this edition of Community Pulse, Dr. Elizabeth Allemann offers her perspective on some of the claims made in the Plandemic video that is currently circulating online.
Fr 08.05.2020
21 : 44 min
Variations in State & County Stay-At-Home Orders
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Attorney argues for businesses that COVID-19 order is illegal in Columbia, Boone County (Missourian)Boone County Reopening PlanReopening Order for state of Missouri
Do 07.05.2020
19 : 46 min
COVID & Meat Processing Plants
Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Press Release for Buchanan County food plantWhy the Coronavirus Is So Confusing (The Atlantic)Coronavirus: France's first known case 'was in December' (BBC)Dr. Amy Acton, Director of Ohio Department of Health
Mi 06.05.2020
23 : 01 min
Coronavirus Testing Access as Missouri Reopens
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:"Show Me Strong Recovery" Plan
Di 05.05.2020
22 : 37 min
Modifications in State & Local Stay-At-Home Orders as Missouri Reopens
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:Reopening Missouri - Show Me Strong Recovery PlanCity of Columbia Reopening Plan - Phase 2
Mo 04.05.2020
21 : 22 min
Convalescent Plasma & Remdesivir
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses some of the emerging treatments for COVID-19, including the ongoing trials of convalescent plasma and Remdesivir.
Fr 01.05.2020
20 : 23 min
Local Elections with Boone County Clerk Brianna Lennon
For more information on voting in Boone County or to request an absentee ballot, visit Absentee voting is still available and the deadline to request a mailed absentee ballot is May 20th.
Do 30.04.2020
22 : 35 min
Racial Disparities Highlighted by Coronavirus
Links to resources mentioned in this segment: Race Matters, FriendsIntersectionality Matters with Kimberlé Crenshaw The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard RothsteinKilling the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty by Dorothy RobertsDying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland by Jonathan Metzl
Mi 29.04.2020
21 : 45 min
Clinical Trial for New Vaccine & Confronting Frontline Worker Trauma
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:In Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine, an Oxford Group Leaps Ahead (New York Times)Top E.R. Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Suicide (New York Times)Contact Pamela Wible MD
Di 28.04.2020
20 : 01 min
What Does Safely Reopening Look Like in Missouri?
Today on Community Pulse, as yet another week of life on lockdown begins, we continue the conversation about what opening up our community might look like, and what conditions we’ll need to do this safely.
Mo 27.04.2020
22 : 01 min
Coronavirus Timeline Shifts with New Information
Today on community pulse, new information has surfaced this week that may shift the timeline of the spread of the coronavirus through the country to weeks earlier than previously believed. We also discuss a preliminary survey of New York state residents which found that nearly 14% of those tested had antibodies against the coronavirus. And we continue the discussion about correctional facilities and explore why some are advocating for the release of the incarcerated during the pandemic.
Fr 24.04.2020
21 : 38 min
A Review of Hydroxychloroquine
A link to the hydroxychloroquine study discussed in this episode:
Do 23.04.2020
21 : 24 min
Examining Stay-At-Home Orders Around Missouri
On this edition of Community Pulse, we continue the conversation about stay at home orders. Cole County is allowing their stay at home order to expire on April 25th. Meanwhile, Missouri has extended the initial stay at home order to May 3rd. What has Boone County done, what are medical experts recommending, and what will the public do? Guest Ginny Chadwick, community advocate and public health professional, joins Dr. Elizabeth Allemann to discuss the details.
Mi 22.04.2020
24 : 29 min
How COVID is Affecting Columbia's Unhoused Community
On today's episode we hear about the current community efforts to address the needs of the unhoused in Columbia during the coronavirus pandemic from guest Michael Trapp, second ward Columbia City Council member, and advocate for the local unhoused community.
Di 21.04.2020
21 : 47 min
Conditions Needed to Remove Stay-At-Home Order
Today on Community Pulse we discuss the conditions needed for lifting stay at home restrictions and what this might look like.
Mo 20.04.2020
21 : 31 min
Economic Consequences of the Pandemic
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and Kip Kendrick, Missouri state representative from the 45th district, discuss how Missouri is dealing with the economic consequences of the pandemic.
Fr 17.04.2020
24 : 10 min
Criteria for Relaxing Social Distancing Measures
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and returning guest Ginny Chadwick, community advocate and public health professional, discuss what policy makers and influencers are saying about the criteria needed for a safe relaxing of social distancing measures.
Do 16.04.2020
23 : 56 min
Immune Health in the COVID Era
Today's guest is Chris Link, MD, Integrative Medicine Specialist in Jefferson City. Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and Dr. Link speak about ways to stay well and get well with regards to viral illnesses.
Mi 15.04.2020
23 : 00 min
How COVID is Affecting the Food Supply Chain
Are we beginning to see the positive effects of social distancing and a flattening of the curve? And a conversation about the place of small farmers in our food supply chain as larger, industrial suppliers begin to feel strained due to worker shortages and other disruptions cause by the coronavirus.
Di 14.04.2020
21 : 08 min
Contact Tracing & Thinking About the Future
Mo 13.04.2020
15 : 47 min
Answers to Listener Questions
On this episode, Dr. Allemann answers a variety of listener questions we've received throughout the week. If you have a question to submit, leave us a message at 573-874-1139 or email it to [email protected].
Fr 10.04.2020
21 : 21 min
A Review of Stay-At-Home Orders Around the Country
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and Ginny Chadwick discuss stay at home orders, their variability and effectiveness, and what is and isn’t included across the nation and the state.
Do 09.04.2020
24 : 13 min
Tobacco Use, Vaping & COVID
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann speaks with guest Chris Bostic, Deputy Director for Policy for Action on Smoking & Health, about how tobacco use and vaping affect response to COVID-19, both in individuals and collectively in policy.
Mi 08.04.2020
23 : 18 min
The Accuracy of Case Counts & Safely Social Distancing Outdoors
On today's Community Pulse: COVID-19 case count numbers and their accuracy; social distancing outside: what is considered safe?; and a discussion of the conditions needed to reopen public spaces and begin to return to normalcy.
Di 07.04.2020
26 : 03 min
Definitions of Pandemic-Related Terms
Read the full text of Missouri's stay at home order here.
Mo 06.04.2020
23 : 35 min
Rural Communities & Coronavirus
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and guest Eli Bohnert of Cape Girardeau, MO discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting rural areas in Missouri.
Fr 03.04.2020
19 : 49 min
The Effectiveness of Stay-At-Home Orders
Links to articles that were discussed in today's show:Cell phone data tracking: Counties Stay at Home Orders: Stay at home orders across the country (at statewide level): Matthew Holloway’s Missouri graphic for today (at least this one is fun to follow personally): Boone County’s COVID page: State of MO COVID page: NYT National Map (which now includes rate of doubling): John Hopkins Case Tracking globally:
Do 02.04.2020
26 : 20 min
Why Wear A Mask?
On today's edition, Dr. Elizabeth Allemann and Sarah Williams, social worker with a background in community preparedness, discuss protective masks, including N-95 masks, surgical masks, and homemade masks.
Mi 01.04.2020
24 : 42 min
Antigen & Antibody Tests
Dr. Allemann discusses antigen and antibody tests for the coronavirus, as well as the public health messaging about protective face masks.
Di 31.03.2020
19 : 14 min
Answering Listener Questions: Preparedness, Pets, and Hugs
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses practical ways people can prepare for times of crisis, and what we can do to prepare in during this growing pandemic. She also takes listener questions: Are indoor/outdoor pets a risk for transmitting COVID-19? Is it safe to hug someone outside your household?
Mo 30.03.2020
21 : 18 min
Airspace Transmission
Dr. Elizabeth Allemann discusses how the virus can linger in airspace as an aerosol or droplets and answers listener questions: If you’ve been exposed to and contracted the virus, how long will it take for symptoms to appear (if at all), and at what point does one become contagious? Can you continue to test positive for COVID-19 after recovering from the virus? Now that we have been asked to shelter in our homes, is it safe to take a walk down the street, or do we have to keep entirely inside?
Fr 27.03.2020
20 : 20 min
Emergency Preparedness
For this segment, host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by Conne Burnham, Emergency Management Coordinator for Mizzou Extension, to discuss emergency preparedness in the time of coronavirus.
Do 26.03.2020
20 : 37 min
Community Transmission & Essential Services
For this segment, host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by public health advocate Ginny Chadwick to discuss community transmissions and essential services in Boone County and beyond.
Mi 25.03.2020
30 : 01 min
Access Local Testing
For this segment, host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by social worker Sarah Williams to discuss the Boone County stay-at-home order, access to local testing, and health practices to boost the immune system.
Di 24.03.2020
23 : 03 min
Safely Obtaining Essential Services
For today's episode, host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by social worker Sarah Williams to discuss safely obtaining essential services during the Boone County stay-at-home order.
Mo 23.03.2020
17 : 10 min
Coronavirus Symptoms, Testing, & Quarantine
Host Dr. Elizabeth Allemann is joined by social worker Sarah Williams to discuss coronavirus symptoms, testing, social isolation, and quarantine.
Fr 20.03.2020
16 : 14 min
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