RLC GLOBAL TALK with clients, RLC Team Members, and business owners from across the USA and Europe sharing their advice, ideas with you the listener. Serving the Entrepreneur, the Coach, the Owner, the Leader or Manager, and more.
CONSULTERVATION We speak with a business start-up addict Vince Howard
We meet with Vince Howard from Howard Howard and Hodges as a bonus episode of Season 2. Vince Howard who runs a second-generation accounting business that has been on the meteoric rise and expansion over the last few years shares how he does his growth. A committed RLC Framework implementor who sticks to his process and builds his people, systems, and culture.
Vince talks all things business, all things cars, and all things that make a great conversation.
We are joined by Kevin Turnbull who executes an interview with a twist, as Dave demonstrates once again technology on the move.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular gues
Fr 12.11.2021
39 : 23 min
CONSULTERVATION with BLAIR MOTL we talk about business building
Blair shares his thoughts on business building and how he makes an intentional difference daily. As a Payroll Rockstar, mechanic, creative - he is also a metal artist, an accountant, a property owner, and husband, Blair loves building things.
He is joined by Dave Evans, founder of RLC, and his regular partner in crime, Kevin Turnbull, Debbie Halls-Evans RLC COO, and a surprise visit from Mark Sunderland, owner of Sunderland Group, RLC Consult, and mad cyclist.
CONSULTERVATION is a show where Dave Evans talks to friends of RLC, Consultants and advisors and they talk about what is going on, who they are, and share success about their work.
Want to know more - reach out to them [email protected] or join the community at www.rlc-global.com
Fr 05.11.2021
41 : 58 min
We even know that you probably know already like many of us, that having a good mindset is critical to and not exclusively;
Yet have you ever considered the things that make up your mindset?
Or, if your mindset was a static thing, what are the things you could do that can influence it, daily, instantly, and make an improvement right then?
🌟 ✨ ⚡️ 🔥 💥
Great News
We meet with Charlie Revett a professional CTO ‘Chief Technology Officer’ who shares his experience of learning the RLC Mindset Fuel Gauges for the 1st time.
Eric Swick, Kevin Turnbull, and I talk through how it works, the impact they have, and WHY we should consider using them.
Sa 16.10.2021
42 : 15 min
We are joined by Dave Evans founder of RLC Global, Eric Swick Swick Business Strategies, Kevin Turnbull RLC LA, and VP of RLC Consult together we invited back the only BADASS Accounting firm we know in the USA Douglas Holsted - to look at the whole of Season 2 and some of the conversational highlights.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reac
Mo 04.10.2021
44 : 14 min
Did you know that more businesses start in a period of global business uncertainty than at any other time? We talk with the owner of Nova Botanics from Dunkeld in Scotland and we explore how a 'major change' in business direction has led to a brand new business opening and on the high street too.
Michell shares how she managed to take action, apply her values, put passion into a new venture, faced a difficult question, and still keep doing a job she still calls a hobby!!!
She is joined by Kevin Turnbull RLC LA founder, VP of RLC Consult, and Dave Evans as they talk about the lessons and adventures Michelle has had.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Busines
Mo 27.09.2021
42 : 17 min
CONSULTERVATION - Business Resilience and Team Well-being with Tammy Coakley
We are joined by the owner of 'Spa Bleu Salons', Inspire Bleu, and RLC Legacy team member Tammy Coakley who talks to us about what it has been like over the last 18 months running a service salon business and how she has prioritized caring for her team, her business and therefore her guests.
Spa Bleu
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC C
Do 09.09.2021
29 : 54 min
This week we are joined by Debbie Halls-Evans, winner of 'The Taste' on Channel 4 and the permanent UK champion of the show. Debbie, talks to us about the importance of Business Congruency, and asks us are we asking the question - 'Am I who I want to be?'.
The conversation covers everything to do with congruency from a rich and diverse set of perspectives. Tune in to hear about the top 4 tips given right at the end on 'why' and 'how we can all become more congruent and aligned in how we go about ourselves in the world we are part of.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of
Mi 25.08.2021
41 : 14 min
Consultervation - Master your MINDSET with Martin Cody Co-Founder Cellar Angels
We all know the importance of having the right mindset. Martin Cody joins the team to talk about the impact of MIND-SET on his life and his business. He shares the 15 principles that he uses and inspires us to think about owning our intent as we are what we eat, read and do.
This episode is rich with tools. ideas and things we can take action with right now today. If you are a wine connoisseur then joining the Cellar Angels Wine Club is a great idea. Subscribe or Enrol here.
Consultervation is a podcast where RLC friends and clients get together to talk business and consult. You can join our community and be part of the RLC Global conversation here - be part of our conversation.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - P
Mi 18.08.2021
47 : 55 min
CONSULTERVATION - The power of Shared Thinking in association with Chatham House Lisa O'Daly
We are joined this week by the MD of Profesional Services of Chatham House, The Royal Insitute for International Affairs® the originators of the Chatham House Rule, and Lisa O'Daly.
Together we talk about the vital importance of multi-disciplinary thinking the powerful effect it has and the role it plays around the world. The way to overcome the fable of simplicity, which many of us apply to everything. When sometimes we have to accept some things are just complex and it takes a different approach to overcome them.
Join Kevin and Dave as they talk with Lisa about some super things from EDI to conflict economies, and, more.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick
Mi 11.08.2021
45 : 38 min
A great conversation between Eric Swick and Kevin Turnbull, talking about the power and importance of reflections in business today. Join them as they explore the magnitude and application of the right-thinking done at the right times.
A great conversation amongst two friends.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holste
Mo 02.08.2021
43 : 30 min
Eric interviews Barb Gay owner and president of a modern-day Accounting and Consulting firm. Barb talks with Eric and Kevin sharing how she has handled some of the challenges of running the business in the last year and more. She gives a hands-on insight into managing to work from home and returning to the office with her team and clients.
Barb also shares her story about who she is stay tuned to a great conversation with Eric and Kevin. Looks back at her journey from team member to firm owner and more.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish
Do 22.07.2021
33 : 37 min
This episode sees Kevin Turnbull interview the fabulous duo of Cynthia Cox and Doug Holsted as they talk about their business and how they manage the relationship they share and their businesses.
Dave also explores with them the power of intentionality in business and how to become an ultimate optimistical intentionalist.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracu
Mi 14.07.2021
43 : 06 min
Dave is joined by Kevin Turnbull, and, Kurt RIckhoff and they explore together the key to running a family business in this day and age. Kurt shares his insights of working across multiple generations and the key of working to a Success Framework to make the most of your business.
A great episode and timely as we enter the literal second half of the year.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Ba
Mo 12.07.2021
34 : 12 min
Join George Powers, Eric Swick, and Dave Evans to explore the importance of having your Business Framework thought through for the second half of this year.
Ask yourself this- Are you ready for the second half of 2021?
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Mo 12.07.2021
1 : 28 min
Working ON Your Business with CORE 24
This week Kevin Turnbull, Eric Swick, and Dave Evans are joined by the founder of Payroll Vault - a client focussed, local, personalized Payroll Franchise System. Sean is talking to us about his other business The Mastery Network and how they are helping entrepreneurs build their business education via their CORE 24 Product.
Sean shares insights from his career to date and the conversation provides many insights into -
Why we should all find time to work ON our business education
What the 24 modules are doing for business owners right now
How we can all use them
What business owners are saying as they discover the knowledge found in them.
For more information about The Mastery Network or to connect with Sean Manning [email protected]
Remember if you want help from RLC get in touch with our team [email protected]
If you are an entrepreneur, a co
Di 22.06.2021
37 : 25 min
This week we meet the wonderful Dr. Leigh Vallance, CEO of a Hospice, Influencer, and Advisor - proud member of our RLC Consult Community. We talk about the challenges of the last year in her role, her experience as a Leader, and the best advice she has about Daily Disciplines and why you need them. This episode is one not to miss.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounti
Fr 18.06.2021
1 : 29 min
It is the half-year of 2021 - June gives us all a chance to stop and actively take control of July to December onwards. Join, Kevin, Dave, and Eric as they meet with the show's guest Colette Bell VP of Franchise Sales at Ace Handyman Services.
The key question asked is: What intervention do you need to put into the second half of this year in order to make the most of it?
Listen to Colette as she shares some incredible insights from her role and lessons of her career.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and St
Do 10.06.2021
40 : 04 min
Great session with Eric Swick and our first non-CPA guest on the show Adam Wagster [www.unitingambition.com] where he shares what he is doing right now helping companies recruit the right people, fuel their ambition, and connect the WHY to the work people do every day.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from C
Mi 19.05.2021
35 : 58 min
CONSULTERVATION - The problem with Recruitment
Join Eric Swick as he takes you through the challenges in Recruitment today in business, in the CPA space, and across multiple industries. He walks through several challenges today and is joined by guests who explore it with him!
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Cons
Fr 14.05.2021
35 : 13 min
Language of Leadership
Join our Consultervation conversation this week hosted by Kevin Turnbull as he explores the power of leadership language. Explores the importance of it in business today and shares insights with Eric Swick, Dave Evans, and Kurt Rickhoff about Semantic Priming.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Hols
Do 06.05.2021
39 : 00 min
Is your business in an Illusion or Reality?
Join Kevin, Eric, and Dave as they explore the question and differences around illusion and reality-based leadership in business. Also, find even further information about it and 20 options you can take to build reality in your business today at RLC GLOBAL
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted
Fr 30.04.2021
40 : 54 min
Eric Swick takes us on a journey of exploring values both personally and profesionally. Looking at them from a clean perspective. We are also joined by Debbie Halls-Evans too from the RLC Global Team. She is joined by George Powers and Kevin Turnbull.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted B
Di 20.04.2021
37 : 23 min
REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? - Does your business need one?
This week Eric, Vince, and Dave explore the big business question 'Does your business need a revolution or evolution?' listen to the conversation as it explores the importance of being revolutionary yet using evolution as the process and 'killing' the word change in your language.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Mon
Fr 16.04.2021
37 : 57 min
This week is hosted by Eric Swick, who talks with Dave Evans, Mark Sunderland - who joins us for the first time from Sunderland Group in Boulder and the wonderful Barb Gay.
We discuss the vital impact of having a clear vision, having a purpose and setting, vetting, and getting goals.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Di 13.04.2021
27 : 35 min
HOW STRONG ARE YOU BELIEFS? We will show you how to make them even stronger in 2 steps...
This week Eric, Kevin, and Dave look at the importance of BELIEFS in business and life. Share two simple steps to address it and the role Easter plays in the USA and the UK. Look out towards the end as Dave shares the most powerful daily affirmation and Belief builder he knows.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Hol
Fr 02.04.2021
32 : 21 min
MEANINGFUL or meaningless?
Is what you are doing in your company meaningful or meaningless? Join us as we talk about the impact of meaningful work and how to put a higher ideal into the great work you chose to do.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Mi 24.03.2021
38 : 45 min
CONSULTERVATIONS - How Set is your Mind? It is time to make sure our MIND-is-SET?
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at inf
Mo 15.03.2021
33 : 38 min
This week we ask is your leadership inspiring your people or making them feel like they are expiring? Join Kevin Turnbull, Eric Swick, as they look at true local inspiration and into the full debate.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owne
Di 02.03.2021
33 : 52 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Di 02.03.2021
36 : 07 min
CONSULTERVATION - the podcast where conversation meets consulting, creating great consultervations!!!
This week Kevin Turnbull talks with Dave Evans about the importance of Motivation and Mindset? Kevin asks the astute question - why did the consultervation chicken cross the road? Tune in to listen to the answer.
Setting our MINDSET has never been more important and is still one of the most important subjects of the mind.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in
Mi 17.02.2021
31 : 23 min
Consultervation: Big Leadership question, Selfish or Selfless?
This week Kevin, Eric, and Dave talk about the importance of Leadership in the business right now and more specifically, the need to know when to be Selfish and when to be Selfless. Listen to hear some great insights and applications.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC
Di 09.02.2021
36 : 03 min
Consultervation Authentic or Fake
This week we are looking at the argument or comparison of 'Authentic or Fake' from the book by Dave Evans.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - President RLC LA, VP RLC Consult USA www.rlc-la.com
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conve
Mi 03.02.2021
38 : 45 min
CONSULTERVATION > Thoughts & Actions = Results
Kevin, Eric, and Dave talk about two things in business.
2. Is your Leadership, Leaderfit or Leaders£@!
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull, President RLC LA, VP of RLC Consult® USA
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any
Do 28.01.2021
33 : 32 min
PART 2 of DAILY LEADERSHIP RULES with Kevin Turnbull, Eric Swick and Dave Evans. This week they finish the two rules from last time out and discover how they link to well being.
They reference a BLOG too at 7 Leadership Principles
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Kevin Turnbull - Owner of RLC Los Angeles, VP of RLC Consult USA
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consu
Di 19.01.2021
38 : 30 min
This week, Dave Evans, Eric Swick, and Kevin Turnbull get together to talk about Intentional Leadership. They discuss the 7 RLC Daily Leadership Rules visit our blog to get the full details and how you can apply them today.
Kevin Turnbull is joining our panel as part of his role with RLC, as VP of RLC Consult® our program for training coaches on our business programs, and his role as President of RLC Los Angeles.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor a
Mi 13.01.2021
38 : 05 min
This week Eric, George Powers, Barb Gay, and Dave Evans explore the power of intentionality in 2021. They dissect a blog from RLC GLOBAL - www.rlc-global.com and review 25 questions about intentionality in life and business.
Join the crew for some brilliant conversation about applying this right now!
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Con
Mi 06.01.2021
36 : 03 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
This week Eric Swick, Dave Evans, and Barb Gay explore the whole idea of Organizational Consciousness. Together they take a look at what it is.
Acknowledge the critical foundational blocks a company needs and Dave then shares what it is and how it could transform the way we all do business.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Di 15.12.2020
34 : 45 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
This week we are joined by Barb Gay, Eric Swick, George Powers, and Dave Evans.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to he
Di 08.12.2020
35 : 45 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Di 01.12.2020
36 : 32 min
GRATITUDE, SOULFOOD and sure ways to engage and encourage your company.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Mi 25.11.2020
37 : 52 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Mi 18.11.2020
30 : 21 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Do 12.11.2020
34 : 45 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Mi 28.10.2020
39 : 34 min
If you are an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner an aspiring leader, or just someone who is addicted to learning. Consultervation is built around our friends, clients, and team members from around the USA bringing real insight to conversations.
The show has regular guests who are:
Eric Swick - Business Coach and Strategist Swick Business Strategies [RLC COACH]
Barb Gay - Owner of Watson Accounting and Radish Moder Business Advisory [RLC Partner]
Kurt Rickhoff - Owner of Rickhoff Business in Balance [RLC Partner]
George Powers - Business Doctor and Money Therapist Powers Accounting, Syracuse New York State [RLC Consult®]
Doug Holsted - from Cox Holsted BADASS Accounting [RLC Consult®]
Vince Howard - the owner of Howard Howard and Hodges from Florida [RLC Partner]
If you want any help from the conversations today - do reach out to us at [email protected] where our team would be delighted to help.
Fr 23.10.2020
37 : 24 min
Building prosperity through developing your skills
Dave Evans from RLC Global meets with CPA Friends, RLC Team Members and they talk all things business.
Mi 21.10.2020
34 : 14 min
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