Rock FM Weekend Late Show with Craig Pilling Podcast
Craig Pilling Podcast #17 - Podcast 17
After admitting his own lethargy, Craig hears your tales of EXTREME laziness...President Barack Obama makes another appearance on Craig's show after being sworn in (finally)...Do you ever think that you should be holding something, but don't have an idea of what that something is? Well Craig's got a special machine for you...Craig unveils his new game: "STD Medication or character from 'Never Ending Story"...Magic goats that rob cars!...After collecting suggestions for rubbish Super-powers, Craig calls up the American makers of TV show 'HEROES' to offer them our suggestions...And Craig recalls the exact moment President Obama snapped...
Mi 29.04.2009
17 : 29 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #16 - Podcast 16
Boy George was sentenced to 15 months in prison for being naughty, so Craig wants your ideas of what we can change the lyrics of 'Karma Chameleon' to now that "I'm a man without conviction" isn't true...Is Bear Grylls the toughest man alive? In 'Craig's Celebrity News', Craig explains why he thinks so (it involves eating a live snake!)...In a TV show special, Craig wants to know your suggestions for making darts better (exploding dartboards and 'decimal darts' etc)...What do people need to do more of? Craig's favourite answers from you include: 'stuff', 'going up and down on office chairs' and 'ginger loving'...It's 'Random Animal facts Night' and all you have to do is tell Craig an animal you want to know about. It's going great until some of the facts become rather, erm like non-facts. Or if you prefer: lies...and Craig starts getting emails from his Dad from 14 years ago...
Mo 23.02.2009
15 : 59 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #15 - Podcast 15
Rather stupidly Craig agrees to let you, the listener, come up with a new game for the show - and gets 'New Loo Roulette' (please don't complain)...Craig agrees with the email that suggests having a whip-round to fund Ben Fogle being fed to one of the animals on TV's 'Animal Park'...Craig's resolution this year is to create more mischief, and he's impressed with your suggestions...Because of the bad weather, Craig is here with the latest travel advice (don't forget to ask any policemen in their cars for your free mug of piping hot soup)...The Top 10 list of excuses for not giving your kids any pocket money...Craig says 'I bet there's nobody listening who has almost died because of an animal' (and gets scary and stupid answers – hooray!)...Craig explains why the new Doctor Who – Matt Smith – isn't young enough (and shows you how exciting a 7-year-old Doctor Who would be)...and have you missed any of the show? Craig unveils the pointless new service: 'Listen again very quickly'...
Mo 23.02.2009
15 : 20 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #14 - Podcast 14
Craig explains his genius plan how, if you're northern, you can keep cool in Summer and get a nice snack for breakfast (it involves mushy peas)...The Top 10 list of genuine comments written in the customer suggestions book of a certain supermarket in Burnley (that Craig has stolen)...If you're a celeb with your own perfume range, Craig unveils the new rules about what it must smell like...Craig's new obsession is the headlines of silly gossip magazines. Can you spot which are real and which are lies in 'Real Life or Fake Life?'...The 'Internet Hall of Fame' is graced with the presence of a piano playing cat, and a Japanese game show involving stacking ham on a dog's head ...Craig unwisely announces it is another 'Rubbish Joke Day' on the show, and manages 1 hour and 10mins of your low quality humor before he caves-in (10mins more than last time)...And it's disappointment all round as the first annual 'Seagull Powered Go-kart Race' is cancelled...
Mi 21.01.2009
17 : 44 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #13 - Podcast 13
Lancashire's premier entertainer (and painter and decorator) Mike Clive is back on the show with is big keyboard...It's VERY foggy so Craig tells you how to have fun in the fog by wrapping your cat in fairy lights so it freaks people out when running around outside, and he convinces a listener to stand in a park being a foghorn to warn others... After getting a heartfelt email about a boy's pet dog, Craig dishes out his expert advice ("It's broken, throw it away")...Craig wants to know if there is anybody listening who has ever broken more than 5 bones in separate accidents (and after listening to a whole load of clumsy stories, finally finds his man)...In Craig's Celeb News, the shocking revelation that an Australian supermodel has married an old, rich, gravely ill billionaire – I wonder what first attracted her?...
Mi 21.01.2009
15 : 12 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #12 - Podcast 12
Craig wants to know what's the guiltiest you've ever been?...Want to know what a horse sneezing is like? What about a dolphin using an ATM? Of course you do!...In 'Magnificent Mysteries' Craig explains why other people's chips taste better...Craig tries to sell somebody else's holiday photographs he picked up from the shop by mistake (if you have a blonde haired wife and 2 kids, these would be perfect for you)...Craig is SOOO excited after getting a personal message from the Christopher Ellison who played 'Frank Burnside' in The Bill...What is your 'Lame Claim to Fame' (things like meeting Chesney Hawkes' brother)... The Top 10 things that happen in movies but not real life (your make-up stays on all day, even if you go scuba diving etc)...And after finding out all your guilty secrets, Craig announces that next week is 'Blackmail Week'...
Mi 21.01.2009
17 : 02 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #11 - Podcast 11
It's the last shows of 2008! Craig introduces the Rock FM Boxing Day Sale. All money goes straight to Craig and items include Access to Rock FMs Vicky Warham, and Polaroids of Hywel & Jamie on the toilet...Craig also wants to know what Xmas presents you'd liked to have received even if they don't exist yet, fave's include: A gold dog, and 'a magic whistle that lets you see any lady you want bare'...Craig interviews Andy from 'Blue Peter' after he made a right pig's ear of sticking the star on top of the big Xmas tree in Trafalgar Square...Craig also celebrates YOU, by revealing his favourite listener generated noises of 2008..Craig and Mike Clive look forward to 2009 with their 'Ones To Watch' (like Mike's brother coz he robs stuff...Craig likes your suggestions for making his long train journey bearable - dress up as a 'rival ticket collector and have a fight with the real one' etc...And someone pretending to be Diana Vickers texts in so Craig makes them send in a photo of themselves. He then gets all embarr
Di 20.01.2009
18 : 57 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #10 - Podcast 10
It's the day after the Rock FM Xmas party, so Craig decides to tell you all the secrets of who misbehaved. The big one everyone wants to know is what happened to Hywel? So Craig says that if 'Hywel and Jamie's Beard Race' is more 50/50 on Sunday night he'll tell you...The 'See How Long it Takes Cats to Make a Snowman' competition...Craig doesn't believe Brian May's claim that he didn't know Freddie Mercury was gay (the band was called 'Queen' for God's sake!)...After getting angry with a newspaper article that claims to tell you 'true' cost of the 12 Days of Christmas, Craig adds it up himself and is very confused...Craig believes there is 'evil' in everyone, even Santa, so he sets up an answer machine so Father Christmas can ruin people's Christmas surprises by telling them what presents they're going to get...On Sunday night Hywel and Jamie's Beard Race is 50/50! So as promised, Craig tells you all he can about Hywel's naughtiness...And the return of the Top 10 @ 10 in 10.
Di 13.01.2009
18 : 57 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #09 - Podcast 9
Craig brings another useless public service to the show, warning you about the world's most disturbing animals (including flying snakes (!) and shrimp that can create heat that's hotter than the Sun)...Brand New Feature: 'The All Request Half Minute' - How many requests can Craig play in 30 seconds? And is there any point to playing 2 seconds of someone's favourite song?...'IACGMOOH' finishes, and Craig gets the exclusive first interview with the 'King of the Jungle' Joe Swash (kind of)...Craig unveils the 'Magical Coin of Fate', allowing you the chance to have your dilemmas solved by the toss of a coin (featuring: Dead hamsters! Cheating boyfriends! Lazy alcoholics!)
Di 13.01.2009
18 : 22 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #07 - Podcast 7
Kev from Blackpool is on a long bus journey and is listening to Rock FM, so Craig decides to make things more interesting for him...The Internet Hall of Fame features a 'lyrically realistic RnB song'...Craig talks about the puzzling items that he's found under his bed...Craig's mate 'Slaphead Bob' who works in TV has foolishly trusted Craig with more exclusives about upcoming new TV shows...After getting annoyed about a story in the news featuring a tortoise sanctuary, Craig decides to give them a ring...With the help of Vez, Craig learns to play the piano...Jodie from Leyland needs help with her art homework and Craig is inspired...and Amy in Manchester is the first person ever to play the 'Volvo Game'....
Mo 27.10.2008
17 : 53 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #06 - Podcast 6
Mr T is back with some more rubbish showbiz tattle, and Craig's not happy he's just reading out pages from the 1982 'Look-In' annual...In the 'Internet Hall of Fame' Craig shows how certain movies would be different if the lead characters just had mobile phones on them...If using a nicotine patch can help you stop smoking, can sellotaping a crisp to your arm stop you eating chips?...In the 'Events Guide': 'Horseworld' and tortoise wrestling...Craig has bought some walkie-talkies on impulse, and then hides one at a bus stop near the studios to see if anybody will contact him – and they do!...Do female astronauts need bras in outer space?...In today's fast paced world, Craig explains his plan to make news bulletins quicker and more interesting...It's the first ever 'Rubbish Joke Day' on the show, and Craig can only stand 1 hour of your rubbish jokes...And Craig's special guest is local entertainer (and part time painter and decorator) Mike Clive who is testing you in the 'Theme Tune Game'...
Mi 15.10.2008
27 : 27 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #05 - Podcast 5
Craig explains why you might be stuck on the M55 (it's being sold to the Germans and loaded onto the backs of lorries)...Jennifer plays the 'Odd One Out Game' and loses...Craig unveils the 'Antiques Roadshow' theme drum n' bass remix...After his latest rubbish stunt in New York, David Blaine is a guest on the show...Craig provides the 'Who Tall Are You?' public service (tell him 'how' tall you are, and he'll tell you which celeb you are the same height as)...Once again Craig is sulking that he doesn't get to do 'normal' radio features – cue 'Overnight Sports Reports'...Craig explains about a job involving looking at, and squeezing, baps...Craig's Celeb News: Nicole Kidman is deluded about how she became pregnant...And Craig says "I bet there's nobody listening who has ever had a body part re-attached", and he's proved VERY wrong in horrific ways...
Mi 15.10.2008
20 : 56 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #04 - Podcast 4
This was the week Sir Cliff Richard failed to get a Number 1 single, so Craig had to put up with increasingly bitter voicemail messages from him...In order to prove that the show is 'fun for all the family,' Craig invents a game for the over 65's called 'OAP Tennis'...Find out which 80's TV mega-star Craig found working at Fulton Services on the M6 motorway...Even though nobody cares, Craig explains what's wrong with Revels...Today's Magnificent Mystery: Can an apple a day keep the Doctor away?...How to win the 'Make the DJ Jump' competition...Who is the bravest of all the listeners?...And Craig makes one little mistake about nineteenth century British Prime Ministers and suffers the wrath of one obsessed listener...
Mi 15.10.2008
23 : 26 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #03 - 24 September 2008
This was the week Sir Cliff Richard failed to get a Number 1 single, so Craig had to put up with increasingly bitter voicemail messages from him...In order to prove that the show is 'fun for all the family,' Craig invents a game for the over 65's called 'OAP Tennis'...Find out which 80's TV mega-star Craig found working at Fulton Services on the M6 motorway...Even though nobody cares, Craig explains what's wrong with Revels...Today's Magnificent Mystery: Can an apple a day keep the Doctor away?...How to win the 'Make the DJ Jump' competition...Who is the bravest of all the listeners?...And Craig makes one little mistake about nineteenth century British Prime Ministers and suffers the wrath of one obsessed listener...
Mi 24.09.2008
16 : 25 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #02 - 19 September 2008
Rock FM DJ Paul Webster is a very excited expectant father, so Craig decides to sell his unborn baby's name for quick cash...Craig refuses to carry on with the show unless we can figure out what that 'eggy' smell is on the M65 by Junction 3...This week's Mystifying Mystery: Do too many cooks spoil the broth?...Craig declares war on 'Wacky' wind-up phone pranks on the radio by shaming the culprits...And last week Craig told you who had their Gold-Disc up in the Rock FM gent's toilets, this week Craig phones America to find out what this singer thinks of that fact...
Mi 24.09.2008
17 : 36 min
Craig Pilling Podcast #001 - 12 September 2008
It was Craig's first week so he played the 'Getting To Know You' game. Todd in Blackburn played the french-horn and Craig won June Whitfield. The 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson popped into the studio and allowed Craig to celebrate his 50th birthday with him. Craig unveiled his brilliant science experiment to make the weather better by getting everyone in the North West to jump up and down at the same time. (Did it work? And did Will in Blackpool survive being told off by his Mum?). 'Slaphead Bob' (Craig's mate who works in TV) smuggled out some amazing 'Dragon's Den' outtakes and made Craig promise not to play them on the radio. Craig immediately played the 'Dragon's Den' outtakes on the radio. After getting into trouble for playing 'The Biscuit Game', Craig came up with 'The Crisp Game' and it was won by a very drunk 'Theresa'. And the news says that elephants are good at maths so Craig tested this by phoning up a zoo.
Fr 12.09.2008
18 : 03 min
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