Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna and Jennifer Lynn. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From Urban Yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews w...
The Beauty Of Your Own Experience + The Non Linear Path Of Exploration
It seems the deeper we go into our beingness, the more challenging it becomes to actually talk about God with any level of conviction, knowing how ephemeral words can be in attempting to illuminate the absolute. To be honest, the deeper I fall into my own stillness, the less I feel compelled to talk about it. After all, how can we clearly point to that which has no defined and conclusive destination. Of course, that doesn’t mean to lay down our spiritual tools and give up the search altogether. Perhaps a better more productive way of approaching this path, is to renounce the idea of their being a teacher responsible for taking us there. After all, a teacher can only speak from their experience, which ultimately isn’t your experience.
However, this understanding can be a great equalizer in the realm of enlightenment because it shows us that we are all capable of arriving to the same destination, though through different means of exploration. The beautiful thing about the spiritual journey is how i
Di 16.01.2024
26 : 34 min
What We Get Wrong About Meditation + Silence Is Not The Absence Of Sound
The benefits of meditation most certainly can’t be under estimated. It is one of the most potent tools we have in grounding a busy mind and calming the restless thoughts that we carry with us in life. It is estimated that 2 - 500 million people meditate around the world, and its popularity continues to grow as we fall deeper into the Kali Yuga era of time, where it seems imperative that we find strategies to cope with the often unforgiving consequences of our continued descent into the collective shadow. One thing is definitely certain; meditation helps many and has the potential to juristically alter the way in which we perceive the world outside; that is of course, if we are doing it correctly.
Just as with anything, the more popular something becomes, the more of a tendency we have to trivialize the sanctity of sacred practices like meditation, and a few hundred meditation apps later, we have a global industry worth an estimated 522.21 million and no shortage of instructional content there to gu
Di 26.09.2023
41 : 41 min
Why We Romanticize Toxic Relationships + The Trauma Of Codependency
The connection between codependency and relationships is something I’ve contemplated for many years. Primarily due to my own experience in relationships being a codependent in the past, but also being a significant other to many codependent partners. If you’ve ever had the unique opportunity to be either of these individuals, than you know how heartbreaking it can be to love someone to the extent that you lose yourself in the relationship, or love someone so wounded that they have an inability love you in a healthy way. At this time in our world, it doesn’t seem too far of a stretch to conclude that we live in a wildly codependent society, not just in relationships to people, but in our inward striving towards pleasure, fame and the perpetual need for a constant distraction to pull us away from our own deep spiritual inquiry.
While the pursuit of happiness does appear to be a normalized part of our culture, we seldom explore the deeper implications of where these needs arise from. Of course, ther
Mi 23.08.2023
59 : 44 min
The Archetypal Journey Through The 7 Chakras
There are many elements built into the foundation of the spiritual journey that seem to slowly unravel over time. Quickly we learn how imperative it is that we understand, not only the eternal nature of spirit, but the inner workings of how the mind and body are interwoven into the new age phenomenon we all know as spiritual evolution. Often it’s the mystical things that draw our attention first. Spontaneous moments of unadulterated bliss and the idea of a sleeping serpent known as the kundalini laying dormant in our bodies, just waiting to shoot our egos out of a cannon directly into the unknown. I mean who wouldn’t want to be happy all the time without the patronizing watchtower of organized religion taking all the credit for it. Seeking our own inward wisdom is certainly a far cry from the western programming of dogmatic christianity we’ve all grown up with. Perhaps the most profound aspect of eastern spirituality is that it allows us the opportunity to grow independent of the ephemeral father
Di 20.06.2023
69 : 07 min
A Healers Journey Into Ayurveda + Shannon Mcinteer
I’ve met many healers along my path in spirituality. Many in which reside within this extended family of practitioners attempting to bring a bit more softness, love and healing into our shared communities. In Los Angeles, it’s not uncommon for us to collaborate on workshops and healing events together, and in doing so cultivate lasting friendships with those we can share our journeys with. I met Shannon several years ago during a time in which sound bath events were quickly gaining momentum, and amongst this evolution, lasting friendships were formed around the mission of bringing sound healing into the lives of anyone open to receiving it.
The beautiful thing about sound healing is that every practitioner brings their own unique set of gifts and talents to it, and because of this, opens the door to an infinite well spring of knowledge and wisdom we can learn from each other. Shannon has always been a part of that community, and thus a part of my journey as well.
Shannon has always been a pure,
Di 23.05.2023
96 : 32 min
Returning To The Innocence Of Being + Reflections On The Pandemic
It’s surreal to think that it’s been three years since the pandemic started. It’s even more disorienting to reminisce about how different the world was than in contrast to now; and although many have collectively adjusted to the changes in daily life, one thing is definitely certain; the pandemic changed the way in which we see the world and how we see ourselves. Whether these changes came as a result of losing someone we loved, falling ill from the virus, or feeling through all of the unexpected changes in the way that we lived life, it seems that we were all collectively faced with the reckoning of a type of dark night of the soul experience…at a global level.
Almost overnight, the many conveniences and societal norms we had grown accustomed to co existing with were no longer available to us. And while I won’t list all the ways in which we were negatively impacted, what seemed absolutely clear from the spiritual perspective, is that many of us were grieving the loss of certain parts of ourselves
Di 04.04.2023
64 : 24 min
Finding Stillness In Nature | The Art Of Seeing Things As They Are + Eric Ajna
I’ve always had an affinity to quiet spaces in nature. Of course many people do, and for their own reasons. Though, have you ever felt the presence of a quiet space without the many distractions that tend to keep our attention bound to certain stories we have circulating in the mind at all times?
Many people love being in nature for the simple fact that it provides us with a certain type of perspective. Typically the perspective is that of escaping the clutches of a chaotic world which provokes feelings of anxiety in us. We hear that often right, “I love nature because it allows me to escape the static and noise of my job, my life, or my career”. Though we seldom contemplate whether escaping is the most constructive thing we can do in nature.
The truth is, we can escape, though only for short periods of time until we have to return to the chaos and slowly assimilate into the person we were before. And although there seems to great peace in temporarily escaping the burdens in life, we are seldom concer
Sa 25.02.2023
37 : 29 min
Illuminating The Inner Workings Of The Ego + Eric Ajna
Have you ever tried to invoke a feeling of love in something you knew in your heart you didn’t feel love for? Though, despite the conviction you’d feel over this absence of feeling, you’d still push forward in expressing a type of love that felt true to others, but not at all true to yourself.
I’ve always found it fascinating how we tend to embody two polar opposite and contradictory sides of ourselves at all times. We can keep friends we secretively despise, yet on the surface behave in such a way that implied how much we truly care about them at the same time. We can tell our partners how truly happy we are with them while at the same time longing for the touch of another person. Of course, when we reflect on this quality of behavior in others, it’s easy for us to access a type of moral compass and judge this as irrational and perhaps even erratic behavior. The part we often overlook is how we unconsciously buy into this same form of neurosis in how we live our lives. It’s fairly easy for human
Do 02.02.2023
24 : 32 min
The End Of Your World + How Life Changes After Awakening
At the beginning of every spiritual journey, we often approach the idea of enlightenment with magical thinking. Our understanding of the process starts off as a type of grandiose experience only meant to be encountered by the most dedicated of sages. When we think of enlightenment, we think of the Sri Ramana Maharshi’s, the Sidddhartha Gautama’s and the Paramahansa Yogananda’s of the world. Typically they’re stories we read in any number of spiritual self help books.
Theres a certain mystical quality to the idea of a spiritual awakening that grabs our attention. We hear stories of transcendent experiences often sharing a close resemblance to the most psychedelic of experiences we’ve had. Though, spiritual awakening is far more profound than one single moment of pure bliss. One thing we learn along our path is how deeply personal and subjective many of these experiences can be. With good reason of course. It would be silly to limit the vastness of God to one linear moment of transcendence.
Do 29.12.2022
76 : 18 min
Do Positive Affirmations Work? + Eric Ajna
I get it, what's not to like or admire about affirmations, especially positive ones. I mean, why wouldn't we want to keep such a positive voice nearby in the instance that we fall short on any given day? Especially when he have big dreams of living an abundant life full of love, joy and all the things these self help gurus say is possible when we begin believing in our own power to manifest the life we desire. And while the practice of incorporating positive affirmations into our every day life does come with many noticeable benefits, it's important to not lose sight of the reasons we need them in the first place. Not using affirmations as a way to trick us into believing something we don’t fundamentally feel might be the best place to start.
Join me in this solo cast as I take a deep introspective look at whether positive affirmations work, and whether we can use them in a way that is genuine, sincere and true to the person that we are.
In this episode I discuss,
- What are affirmations?
Do 01.12.2022
21 : 21 min
The Mastery Of Mediumship + Candice Rebollo
It’s always such a blessing to share space with thought leaders and light workers who carry a type of unfettered charisma for their practice. It places the energetics of the spiritual journey into a clear focus and allows us to get lost in the passion someone shares for love, life, magic, mysticism and healing. That's certainly one thing “and there are many” things we absolutely loved about our guest Candice Rebollo.
There are many seekers/teachers on this path that share a mutual passion for their work. Though Candice had the charisma and drive of a sage embarking on a journey to change the world. Speaking to us from the calm and tranquil region of Tulum Mexico, she shares her journey as a medium, a healer and a light worker on the quest to help up illuminate the often hidden strengths we carry underneath our own traumas. Join us as we explore the deepest realms of spirituality from the perspective of a true medicine woman.
In this episode we discuss,
Candice's Journey Into Mediumship
Do 10.11.2022
100 : 37 min
The Illusory Truth Effect Of Our Own Words + Reflections On Suffering with Eric Ajna
Our mind is a phenomenal tool when used correctly. Though, our interpretation of what we consider “correct” can vary depending on societal norms, cultural institutions and popular culture. Much of what we are taught about how to use our mind rests in our societies continued efforts in indoctrinating its people to be contributing members to society through means of materialistic intelligence. It’s no surprise then that we develop such a complex yet hard-nosed system of beliefs about how to efficiently operate in society. I mean, it’s quite literally programmed into our hardware at the start of this 3 dimensional video game we’ve all been playing.
At a certain point in our spiritual journey we realize that we came to the door of awareness with a mind hardwired to believe the things it tells itself. When the spirit works so intimately close to an ego at such a young age, we can easily fall into a very innocent trap of mistaking our divinity with the random circumstances that happen in lif
Mo 10.10.2022
18 : 08 min
In Memory Of A Friend + Learning From Loss
There are so many things we are equipped to feel through in life. Some trivial and some serious. We are often subject to situations or challenges that test the boundaries of what we are able to handle both emotionally and spiritually. We can lose our jobs, witness the ending of a relationship we’ve invested so much of ourselves into, we can find ourselves in heated conversations with those who share contrasting viewpoints on life. All of which seem hardwired into the human experience, and as difficult as it may be to experience these situations, they often teach us very valuable lessons about the world in which we live.
Collectively, these seem to be situations we tend to find our way through. Though, when it comes to abruptly losing someone we love through illness, we are seldom prepared to feel the grief, sadness and heartbreak of such an event.
The irony of death is that it is an integral part of our humanness, yet we deliberately deny its existence in our every day lives, and with good reason ; mostly.
Di 20.09.2022
52 : 10 min
The Life Of A Digital Nomad + Valerie Low
My friend Val has always been a truly unique human being. With a heart of gold and the intelligence of a gifted scientist, she's always had this uncanny ability to bring people together through community, love and friendship. We all have that circle of friends we would consider to be the movers and shakers of our lifetime. The ones that seem to be on a mission to bring beauty and love into the world. She always comes to mind. She's the type of person you start a conversation with, and four hours later you still have so much more to talk about. I’ve always admired her courage to follow her dreams and embody her passion. Of course, it makes sense for someone as talented as she is. A few things to note about her,
She created a non profit called “Yoga For A Cause”
A repeated supporter of “Cycle For Survival” charity events
A gifted artist
A gifted musician
Helped build the Woogie Stage at Lightning In A Bottle
Lead engineer for “Cosmic Entanglement” art installation at Burning Man 2022
Di 30.08.2022
100 : 49 min
Common Phrases To Avoid In Relationships + How To Nurture Loving Communication
There aren’t many things in life that can help illuminate unconscious patterns in the way that relationships can. They’re real, they’re unique and they often take precedence over just about everything that encapsulates the experience of being human. Relationships, if healthy, can grant us access to the most beautiful reservoirs of love and spiritual evolution. However, gaining access to the benefits of a beautiful union don’t always come easy, and of course, we shouldn’t expect them to. A part of what makes a relationship sacred is their ability to test the waters of our spiritual foundations. We can be as ready as we want for love, though when we introduce another human being into the equation, it calls for us to really practice everything we’ve spent years trying to master…….love.
Relationships teach us in a way no other human experience can, and a part of that teaching involves how we communicate with our partners. The tricky thing about communication is that its often quite
Do 11.08.2022
76 : 48 min
Ego Hears + Heart Listens (The Art Of Mindful Listening)
When we think of listening to someone or something, we often approach it in a fairly practical way. There is sound and there is someone there to listen to it. Easy enough right? Yes and no. At the most fundamental level we acknowledge how important it is to be able to hear, but what if the act of listening is something different? For example, when we are sitting with a friend and engaged in conversation, do we listen to their words or do we hear them? How we answer this will largely depend on how present, aware and receptive we are to not only the world outside, but to ourselves. Mindful listening starts with you. Of course, this doesn’t mean to just sit and listen to the ongoing narrative we have going on in our mind at all times.
Mindful listening is something different. Mindful listening involves using silence, space and the presence of our environment as away ground the ego and illuminate the spirit within. When we can practice listening to the subtle vibrations of our own awarenes
Mi 27.07.2022
69 : 48 min
How To Not Be Triggered By Toxic People + Eric Ajna
Have you ever found yourself lodged in a conversation with someone you would consider toxic? Whether in a committed relationship or with a friend or family member, we’ve all experienced what it's like to engage in verbal gymnastics with these types of people. They often leave us drained, confused and wondering whether or not we are the crazy ones contributing to the madness. Whatever the cause, typically the outcome is always the same. We can leave feeling hurt, angry and just as toxic as them at times. In this solo cast, I invite you to take this journey with me in discovering another vantage point we can use when we find ourselves in these types of situations.
In this episode we discuss,
How To Communicate With Toxic People
Developing Awareness With Language
Understanding The Utility of Language
The Language Of Love and Ego
The Radio Of The Body and Its Stations
Tuning Into The Right Frequencies
How To Not Identify With Toxic Projections
Full video episode on YouTube:
Fr 15.07.2022
26 : 40 min
Roe V. Wade & The Issue With Christian Fundamentalists
Although I don't typically wax poetic about political issues openly, I feel that it is our responsibility as light workers to bring these issues of spiritual dogma to light.
For years, and often against our will, we are conditioned to believe that God is vengeful and that we are born sinners without the merit or justification for deserving that title; and the megalomaniacal ideologues that believe that judicial laws "largely instigated by men" are divinely inspired by God, have been largely at the helm of this religious war against its own people.
To say that they are pro life, yet refuse to offer universal healthcare to families in need.
To say that they are pro life, yet invest little to no energy in making sure children can attend school without getting shot.
To say that they are pro life, yet invest little to no money in support of families trying to make a living in a world crippled by inflation.
To say that they are pro life, yet refuse to raise the minimum wage while doing nothing to com
Mi 29.06.2022
15 : 28 min
Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Retreat In Colorado
There are several spiritual teachers that Jenn and I have grown very fond of through out the years. Some have played integral roles in our evolution since the very beginning. All of which have illuminated a path forward into spiritual awakening. One beautiful thing to appreciate about spirituality is how diverse it can be in terms of proficiency. Whether you’re dipping your toes into the water of enlightenment or jumping head first into bliss with no parachute, this journey has guides carefully crafted to suite whatever level of dedication you happen to find yourself in. Some seekers gravitate to the more fiercely honest Hindu sages like “Sri Ramana Maharshi” or “Jiddu Krishnamurti”, while others gravitate towards the more grounded teachings of “Eckhart Tolle” or Marianne Williamson”. The beautiful thing about these teachings is they all point to the same place. In the end, it's really about how quickly you want to arrive at awakening. It’s a really beautiful thing to feel so s
Di 14.06.2022
71 : 36 min
The Hidden Depths Of Hypnotherapy + Lauren Bruno
When we think of hypnosis, we often think of televised sidewalk performers wandering the Hollywood streets looking for volunteers. You know, the ones willing to miraculously fall asleep within 60 seconds in the middle of a crowded subway station. Thats not at all awkward right? Well, luckily there is a much deeper and more profound context for hypnosis that isn’t tied to entertainment. They call it Hypnotherapy, and no it won’t have you on one foot barking like a dog with your eyes closed. That is of course, unless you’ve had a past life as an animal.
Hypnotherapy is both mysterious and esoteric ; and speaks to a side of us that is deeply curious about the hidden potential of our spiritual journeys. If you’ve been on your path for sometime, at some point you’ve pondered the idea of past lives. Especially as our understanding of reincarnation begins to take precedence over a limited christian belief system that we are only granted one life to live; the idea of past lives start to make more sen
Mo 23.05.2022
78 : 27 min
Memoirs Of An Ex Meth Addict : How Tarot, Art And A Chicken Saved My Life + Lizzie Luna
As humans we often experience many challenges in life that can alter the trajectory of certain unconscious patterns that we have. From the spiritual perspective, these challenges seem to be worked into the fabric of awakening. At first, these challenges can be perceived as a largely negative series of events leading us down dangerous paths in our lives ; and often, we make the decision to take these paths. The unfortunate thing is that some people fall victim to circumstance while others find ways to transcend their trauma. One thing is for certain; whether we take the path of least resistance or the path of resistance, we are always given the opportunity to use each experience as a way to awaken from the illusion of our own unconscious patterns. This was certainly the case with Lizzie.
Lizzie Luna is a personal friend. One I’ve known for more than a decade, and if you’ve ever shared space with her you’d quickly learn how gentle, sweet and loving of a person she is. However, one thing
Di 03.05.2022
132 : 16 min
Attachment Theory : Exploring The 4 Attachment Styles
It feels natural for us to seek out feelings of love and emotional intimacy, both within and with others. As humans we are hard wired for connection and feelings of belonging within our collective tribes. Although the inherent energy of love appears quite natural, there is still a delicate balancing act that occurs when our spirits decide to incarnate onto earth. A balancing act between our spirit and the natural human counterpart we call ego. This involves learning how our spirits collaborate with not only our emotions, but with others. Incidentally, when the forces of awareness and ego aren’t properly integrated, we leave ourselves open to many challenges in relationships.
At a young age, our parents are typically the main contributing factors to us learning how to navigate through life. Consciousness is an extremely complex energy that moves in all directions, and so it becomes important to develop life lessons that can ground our energy in this dimension. These lessons are of love, compassion,
Di 19.04.2022
84 : 34 min
The Rise & Grind of Hustle Culture
It’s true, if you’re alive in 2022 then by default you’ve either voluntarily or involuntarily knighted yourself as a “hustler” at some point. Not to get too 3D on everyone but we are all a part of one of the most confusing times in our human history………financially. A time when exiting the womb essentially means taking on a job you likely don’t resonate with, helping your single parent survive by either consoling their troubles at 13 or dropping out of college in an effort to collaborate with your family on rent.
Whatever your struggle is or has been, we all have them ; and In an effort to mitigate the mundane world of the 9-5, we continue striving for a life and a world more like the one Barbara Marciniak talks about in “Bringers Of The Dawn”. A world where we can collectively co exist amongst our pleasures and passions. A world where we can fulfill our moral obligation to meaning and love. Though, how we “reach” for this reality will determine how graceful or chaotic our
Mi 06.04.2022
60 : 27 min
Our Relationship To Suffering + How To Transcend It
Our relationship to suffering is quite complex. It adds a quality to life that seems built into the fabric of our three dimensional reality. And although it appears within the backdrop of many things we experience; we continue developing an aversion to it at all costs. Why? Well, it seems to encompass many parts of the human experience we would rather not participate in.
Suffering seems to find its way into literally everything. Every emotion, every heart break, every unfortunate loss of someone we love and even moments when we experience joy knowing that it may not last ; and despite our best efforts, it seems to enter into our field in moments where we are at our most vulnerable. We often spend years trying to resist the clutches of suffering, until one day we realize how imperative it is that we stop resisting it.
Have you thought about how suffering feels in the body and how it speaks to you? Have you thought about why you suffer and for what reason? From the spiritual perspective there appear to
Di 22.03.2022
65 : 16 min
Into The Light : When Our Pets Transition
There’s something beautiful that happens when they come into our lives, even if it’s just for a little while. Our nights seem less lonely, a casual walk becomes a teaching in presence and devotion to something other than ourselves. As long as I can remember there has always been a pet companion somewhere in my life. Whether it be my own or someone else’s, and each time we cross paths with these beautiful animals we always leave with a little more love in our hearts than we initially came with.
It’s easy to forget our pets as having mortal linear paths limited to age and health just as humans, and considering how little baggage they seem to keep with them, we often forget that they aren’t immortal. And as we slowly begin to accept our mortality as we age, it’s hard to believe that our pets and animals age along side of us, sometimes in the most beautiful of ways, but also the most tragic. If there was any indicator of beauty and grace existing in this life, our pets and animal companions
Mo 07.03.2022
66 : 22 min
A Sensitive Heart : Exploring Empaths & HSPs with Sara Nicole
Nestled in the peaceful solitude of the mountain state Colorado, the contrast of her calmness was immediate and tranquil. There's a certain flow and energy to where I’m from in Los Angeles; one that you typically grow into and evolve with, and it isn’t always easy. As I’ve heard many say, its like being in a toxic relationship with someone we deeply love but know isn’t good for us! Thats LA for you. So when Sara came online, I instantly felt a shift that may have felt quite baseline for her, however was very grounding for me.
You could hear the trees behind her, the faint glow of perhaps a quiet forest in the distance. It made complete sense why she would choose this path for herself and for others. She had a quiet confidence and grace to her cadence that felt warm and wise. Like she’s been here and lived this life before, and is quietly waiting for another opportunity to help others and understand just a little bit more about this life thing before returning to that beautiful magical sch
Mi 23.02.2022
100 : 16 min
The Inevitability Of Change : Lessons From 2021
We all tend feel this wave of mixed emotions during the new year. Ones of excitement, love and often sadness. Each year we revel in these feelings again and again in attempt to understand a bit more about ourselves and how we may have showed up that year. But this year, I find myself less interested in trying to solve that mystery. A part of me understands that although we change each and every day, although we are graced with beauty and puzzled with sadness, it is a part of the experience of being human, and it is also the process of letting go of who we used to be in order to welcome who it is that we are in each moment, that truly matters.
The happiness, sadness or love that we may feel during this time are truly powerful gifts to feel, because these emotions contain every and all opportunities for growth and awakening to occur within us. It is the greatest opportunity and gift we can give ourselves when we acknowledge that these feelings exist to help catapult us into perhaps a new era of light. It
Do 03.02.2022
65 : 14 min
The Wisdom Of Alan Watts : On Love, Life, Awareness & Zen
When we think of spiritual pioneers in the Zen community, we often think of the Thich Nhat Hanh’s, Osho’s and Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki’s of the world. All of which brought a very unique and beautiful perspective of Zen buddhist teachings. The difficulty we often experience in the west is how to accurately translate the mysterious and subtle teaching of Zen in such a way that it doesn’t come across as yet another teaching for the ego to “try” and personify as our own. In this sense, our ability to translate it becomes imperative to understanding it, at least at the beginning.
One Zen teacher we often hear about at some point in our journey is Alan Watts! In many ways, Alan seems to be worked into the fabric of our western spiritual landscape, and for reasons that are pretty obvious. He was one of the only teachers at the time that had the uncanny ability to translate and interpret the teachings of Zen in such a way that appealed to not only a younger audience, but to a vast demographic of see
Di 18.01.2022
65 : 04 min
How To Collaborate With Life (Tips For Manifesting A Better Day)
Rituals, we all have them. Whether your a kundalini yoga master rising at 4 am to meet your morning sadhana, or an urban yogi balancing your day between remote work and that daily 12 PM instagram post, we all have our own daily wellness practices that help us cultivate a better sense of wellbeing through out our day!
We live in a wildly productive world and so the expectation to show up for life can come across as a very real dilemma for most of us, especially our ego. In the polarity realms of our world it's important not to go to war against the contrasts of our spirit and ego. One typically wants peace, love and stillness, while the other wants to experience the extrasensory luxuries and challenges that life has to offer. Both equally share real estate within our bodies and so balance is the most important practice we can cultivate to keep both our light and shadow integrated in each present moment. How we show up for these experiences can often determine how each moment manifests in our day to day.
Di 04.01.2022
56 : 43 min
A Grateful Heart : Lessons In Gratitude
If each of us created a list of everything we have to be grateful for, how long would it be? One page or two? Three pages or five? What would it contain and how far would we go to openly recognize the things we have to be grateful for? How we answer this question points us to a really important teaching that isn’t always as obvious to us until after we’ve taken the time to really sit with how we’ve answered this for ourselves.
We are often grateful for many things including our homes, friends, family, jobs, but how often do we point this attention inwards and express gratitude for our hands, our eyes, our legs, our ability to hear and so on? How often are we thankful for the trees, the sun, the stars, the moon? One really integral part of expressing gratitude has to do with the type of attention and presence we embody while answering this question for ourselves.
The buddhists often embody gratitude as one of the most sacred and central practices to the dharma. Gratitude is actively used
Di 14.12.2021
62 : 46 min
The Art Of Losing Your Mind (A Meditation For Life) with Eric Ajna
When you think about the practice of meditation, what thoughts come to mind? Do you think about that one hour long binaural beats You Tube video on how to open your third eye using 432 Hz frequencies? Do you think about the work of Robert Monroe and the myriad of Hemi Sync resources available that can allow you to communicate with your guides in the astral realms? Or do you think about that early morning sadhana you share with yourself at 5 AM in the morning before getting up to start your day? One thing is certain ; we all have our own ideas, beliefs, methodology and concepts about what meditation is and how useful it is or isn’t in our every day life.
The practice of meditation is shrouded in equal parts mystery, mysticism and practicality. One can meditate in attempt to manifest a twin flame or soul mate and another can meditate in attempt to end world hunger. The reasons we engage in meditation can be very personal, but also very impersonal. Perhaps that is the beauty of meditation ; it can
Mi 01.12.2021
36 : 50 min
Twin Flames And Soul Mates : Everything You Need To Know
It’s such a beautiful feeling when it all happens, though it's often difficult to determine exactly when it does. The second they enter into your field it all makes sense. The sun seems brighter, colors seem more vivid, and the internal camera in our heart turns on and begins recording a story so beautiful, we wish we could watch it on repeat. The songs seem more meaningful and we find ourselves singing to a beautiful chorus we didn’t even realize we knew by heart.
Sounds beautiful right? But is it really that easy? Well, yes and no, and might as well drop a “it depends” in there.
Falling in love is such a mysterious process, but what happens when spirit graces you with the beautiful chaos of a stranger you remember and “know” but have no fucking clue how or why? Throw in the fact that you’ve never met before in this life.
If you’ve been on your spiritual path for sometime, you’ve likely reached the conclusion that life is even more magical and mysterious than you had once thou
Fr 19.11.2021
65 : 04 min
The Courage To Be You (Life, Love And Divine Masculinity) with Alexxander Om
When we contemplate the dynamics of divine masculinity, what does this cultivate in us? Is it a skillset based on a type of endurance we have for life and its challenges? Is it a story engulfed in hero archetypes destined for a victory over the proverbial shadow? Is it as heroic as it appears or is it perhaps as subtle as embodying our highest truth in the midst of an emotional tidal wave moderated by elements of our ego?
The quality of being that makes up divine masculinity is both practical and mystical, and as we explore the realms of this archetype we tend to only scratch the surface of what actually defines a divine masculine man, or even divine masculinity in general.
Our guest Alexxander (Intuitive Business Coach) placed it perfectly into perspective when he shared a metaphor of a the divine masculine being that of a mountain. In contrast to the ethereal flow of the divine feminine’s abundant reservoir of emotions, the masculine foundation is stable, strong and self actualized enough
Mi 10.11.2021
109 : 04 min
Understanding Anger : The Art Of Cooling The Flames
We’ve all been there before; your hearts racing and every thought seems to cascade through your mind like a wave of uncontrollable fuck you’s singing in unison and dancing through your veins in a perfectly choreographed performance art piece directed by David Lynch and produced by every ex that’s ever broken your heart.
In these moments of unadulterated inner conflict, we tend to get our hearts stuck in the VCR of EGO and in result are left with a memory reel of emotional pain playing on repeat and displaying highly pixelated yet barely noticeable memories of our past on the screen of our consciousness, and when we experience this……well, we lose our shit!
Anger is a tricky thing, yet it’s one quality of life that we all have some level of common ground in. It seems that life, in all its complexity and unpredictability, leads the charge in subjecting us to these piercing and often debilitating emotions that come along with being angry. As humans, we face injustice, cruelty, hate and tre
Mi 27.10.2021
63 : 50 min
Embracing The Goddess with Grace Om
There was a calm confidence to her cadence. She was a soft yet profoundly powerful movement of graceful presence and unshakable courage; and when she spoke you could feel the sincerity in her words and the humility in her voice.
For years Jenn and I have contemplated the dynamics of what makes something beautiful. Beauty is such a mysterious force, yet we attempt to define it in largely superficial ways. Is it a sunset or a memory? Is it a story between two lovers? Is it a first kiss or the warmth of our mothers love? Perhaps it is all of those things, but does it end there? Is beauty something that is illuminated through a series of experiences?
The powerful thing about beauty is that to understand it, it seems we must undergo many seasons of spiritual and emotional evolution. It seems that every emotion we feel, every joy felt, every heart break, every happiness and every sadness experienced, leads us closer and closer to understanding what beauty means. In the end, perhaps beauty falls somew
Mi 13.10.2021
81 : 27 min
Soul Retrieval : Healing The Fragmented Self
There you are, staring into their eyes as they convey words that you never thought you would ever have to hear let alone feel; and in that moment you wonder whether your dreaming or whether gravity pulled the eject button on your heart as you see the fragments of it floating away in all directions as he/she leaves the room, and your life forever.
What do you do when your heart breaks into a million pieces? Where do these pieces go; And where do we even begin to find them? In the moment of a break up we become so consumed by what ifs that we don’t even realize how much of ourselves we leave in these moments of despair. One part of you is left in the bed where you used to make love, another part of you is left in the memory you have of the first time you kissed. Its surreal how loving memories that once made you feel loved, can quickly transform you into a living embodiment of the ten of swords in the tarot; and just like that, you have hundreds of pieces of your soul thrown around and lost in diffe
Di 28.09.2021
62 : 44 min
Transcending The Ego And Awakening The Self
What if I told you that you typically co exist with another element of yourself on a daily basis? Doesn’t sound too spooky right? That is, unless you aren’t entirely aware of it. Most if not all people work alongside of a shadow element of their psyche that influences most of their day to day behavior. No need to fear though, because this conceptual self is moderated and nurtured entirely by you!
If you’ve been on your spiritual journey for sometime, eventually you come across the infamous shyster we all know as the Ego. So what it is the Ego and why does every awakened spiritual seeker seem to want to catch it in a dark alley and beat its ass? Well, because the Ego has proven to be quite a destructive force in our world. Why? Because many of us have no idea how much power it has over our lives. When we begin on our journey it seems to be the one force that takes the initiative to obscure everything we understand about ourselves and God, while simultaneously claiming to be God at the same time.
Mo 20.09.2021
72 : 32 min
The Pursuit Of Meaningful Work (Manifesting Success)
What do you get when you place two air signs into a room waxing poetic about the puzzling enigma of professional work? Well, you get something like 50% utopian idealism blended with 50% real world wisdom extracted from what intergalactic aliens are now calling "The Tijuana of Space" otherwise known as Earth! In this episode we explore the complex 3D generated spiritual training ground we call professional work!
Whether you're a light worker laboring under the guise of a typical 9-5 job pretending not to be awakened, or a fully actualized bodhisattva of Instagram; the question of work seems to have taken a permanent sanctuary in the complex of our collective world and with good reason. The question of work is a tricky one, though it often lends itself to being one of the most potent teachings we have to learn from in terms of self discovery and how we find meaning in life. It is that one question that seems to haunt us as we go through out our lives in the pursuit of meaning.
One quote comes to mind "I
Sa 11.09.2021
61 : 52 min
Starseeds & Alien Civilizations (Everything You Need To Know)
Hello earthlings! My name is Eric CP311X3 from planet Arcturus speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation Of Light, and I’ve come to deliver an extremely important message to you and your new age starseed cronies! Wait, what? We’ve all been there, your at the annual light workers symposium at the Hilton Inn in Manhattan Beach CA and someone dressed up as a psychedelic Han Solo from Star Wars approaches the podium to deliver a stark warning to humanity about the future of our planet. He closes his eyes, takes a few deep breathes and suddenly the man we all once knew as Travis is replaced by Cepheus of the high council of Andromeda!
Jenn and I have always been huge advocates for channeled messages. Aside of the typical existential spookiness we sometimes encounter with these messages, we find them quite useful in helping us gain perspective about life, the universe and ourselves. Love can unveil itself in so many mysterious ways on our planet, and so we always want to keep an open mind along our
Mo 30.08.2021
72 : 58 min
When The Heart Speaks (A Journey In Self Love) with Maria Juzwin
In this episode we share space with a truly exceptional human being, Maria Juzwin. One thing we absolutely respect and admire about Maria is her courage! It takes a truly humble and fearless soul to venture deep into the unknown spaces of the heart in order to master the art of human connection and self love.
We often dance along the surfaces of our pain, hoping to gather pieces of our heart we've left through out our relationships with others and ourselves. At what point are we taught that it's ok to walk through the dark hallways of heartbreak? At what point do we realize that we have the power to overcome and heal our trauma?
One thing is certain; the path to love is a warriors journey, and it is the one and only teaching that will awaken us to the light of divinity inside of our hearts. The question is, what direction will you take to get there?
In this episode, Maria shows us steps we can all take in mastering how we love ourselves and others as well!
In this episode we discuss,
Maria’s Journey To
Do 19.08.2021
79 : 07 min
Misconceptions About Spirituality
Picture this for a moment. You're sharing space with your proverbial twin flame, enjoying your 60 day supply of Mud Water in the calm and tranquil zen den of your downtown LA apartment, when suddenly your neighbor starts blasting Norwegian Black Metal at full volume, and that blissful Joe Dispenza meditation you completed an hour before quickly fades into the oblivion of your egos impulse to react.
We've all been there, contemplating our spiritual strength when unlikely things come to break down the doors of the sacred yoga studios we have quietly meditating in our hearts. How do we react? Do we get angry? Can we get angry? It is ok to get angry? These are perhaps some of the most important questions we can ask ourselves while living in the 3rd dimension. Especially when we've chosen to live a life of mindful service to inward peace.
In this episode we take a deep and comprehensive dive into the common misconceptions about spirituality we've all encountered at some point in our lives, though are often
Di 10.08.2021
90 : 40 min
The 4 Phases Of Life By Carl Jung (How They Apply To You)
In this episode we take a deep dive into the mind of the Swedish psychologist Carl Jung, and one of his many works “The 4 Phases of Life”. If you’re in the spiritual community, It’s likely that he’s come across your path before. His work can be found within the landscape of our current framework and understanding of analytical psychology and psychoanalysis. He is responsible for our understanding of the collective unconscious and archetypes such as “The Shadow” and the “Wounded Warrior”. In this episode we analyze the archetypal journey of life broken down into 4 common phases that we all experience at some point in our spiritual evolution.
Among the central concepts of analytical psychology is individuation. Individuation is the lifelong psychological process of differentiation of the self out of each individual's conscious and unconscious elements. Jung considered it to be the main goal of human development. He created some of the best known psychological concepts, including synchronic
Di 27.07.2021
72 : 04 min
Becoming Your Own Guru with Ramona Soriano
In this episode, kundalini yoga teacher and holographic sound healer Ramona Soriano joins us to talk about her journey from NYC business owner representing commercial artists and large scale corporate industries, to a spiritual teacher and healer in Los Angeles CA!
After a series of spiritual awakenings, medicine ceremonies with ayahuasca and deaths in her family, Ramona began the humbling journey into self discovery, self inquiry and inward healing through the practice of kundalini yoga. Speaking to us from a school bus in Joshua Tree, we were able to share space with her during her recent pilgrimage offering sound meditation ceremonies to guests visiting the city.
There is a strong magnificence to Ramona's cadence and how she approaches her work. It is both a mixture of fierce grace and radical understanding of where us healers land on the spectrum of our ever changing and often chaotic world. One of many things we can definitely learn from her, is that true spirituality embodies equal parts light and s
So 11.07.2021
94 : 46 min
Exploring The 5 Love Languages
Have you ever wondered how it is that you give and receive love from other people? As obvious as it may seem to some, it can come across as somewhat of a mystery to those that often experience difficulty in both platonic and non platonic relationships. Why? Well we typically have a stable grasp as to what we anticipate giving to any one given relationship, but whether that effort is understood by the other person is just as important as the love we give.
Whether we prefer to give kind gestures, our time, or meaningful service to the ones we care about, there are many people out there that either accept these qualities as acts of love, or they don't. In this episode we explore the five love languages as it is mentioned in the book "The Five Love Languages: How To Express Heartfelt Commitment To Your Mate" by Gary Chapman.
Understanding your love language as well as your partners love language can help bridge common disconnects that some couples experience in relationships. In this episode we will discu
Mo 28.06.2021
57 : 36 min
Imposing Our Beliefs On Others And The Practice of Acceptance
In this episode we discuss a trigger that many of us have laying dormant within our energetic field and awaiting for someone to come along and wind us around the proverbial axel that is our ego. Whether Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Atheist, we all have a denominational system of beliefs (whether conscious or not) that influence who we are or believe to be, and often times these systems eclipse our connections with others in a pretty major way.
Our western world is unbelievably complex and contains within it a melting pot of different views, perspectives and truths, yet we've all come across those along our path that have challenged those ideas and have either gone to great lengths to prove our ideas or beliefs wrong, or deliberately spent energy making us feel inferior for thinking differently. Let's be honest, we've all done it, and its interwoven with both good and bad intentions depending on the context and where we are on our journey.
Spiritual awakening can be exciting, and it seems natural and
Fr 18.06.2021
63 : 02 min
An Idiosyncratic Journey Into #Love
In this episode we dive into the peculiar yet wildly mysterious hashtag we all know and frequently utilize when tagging our favorite quippy new age memes ; #love. If you're a part of social media then you're familiar with the universal language of tagging your favorite #love memes in attempt to show the world how much you truly despise your ex.
We thought it would be fun, entertaining and enlightening to take to Instagram and search our favorite hashtag #love in hopes to derive some hidden wisdom, truth and real world feels from the vast community of instagram armchair poets. In this episode we discuss memes, quotes and content relating to all things #love.
In this episode we discuss,
- Whether To Call Or Text New Dates
- Archetypal Tinder Profile Photos
- Pet Names In Relationships
- Baby Talk Linked To Sexual Abuse
- Idiosyncratic Relationship Habits
- The Hashtag #love
- Mercury Retrograde June 2021
Watch The Full Video Podcast Episode on YouTube:
Mi 09.06.2021
69 : 55 min
The Art of Not Taking Things Personally
In this episode we discuss a topic that many if not all people have experienced at some point in their lives ; Taking things personally. If you're human, and potentially even an alien hybrid, you've experienced the complex and often times confusing nature of this feeling. We've grappled with it, bargained with it and have created narratives trying to convince ourselves that we don't feel the blunt force of someone else's bullshit, yet deep down....we really do; and it runs alot deeper than we think.
The ego is a powerful tool, yet it seems to get us into quite a bit of trouble when left unchecked. When we allow our egos to over identify with objects, people, situations and memories, we leave ourselves open to being bruised by a world that doesn't want to be controlled by it. This appears to be the culprit, "control". When we draw our attention back into the source of where negative reactivity plays, we find a much deeper drama enfolding in our lives. We unravel a story about self worth, acceptance, f
Mi 02.06.2021
70 : 13 min
Journey Through The Afterlife : A Near Death Experience with David Ditchfield
Both Jenn and I have always had an affinity to After Life Studies and Near Death Experiences, but rarely does a book come into our field with the power to fully captivate us in the way that this book had. In this episode, we sit down with author, painter and musician "David Ditchfield" to talk about his very intimate and compelling book "Shine On", which is a first hand account of his Near Death Experience (NDE).
An NDE is commonly referred to in the new age community as an experience someone has as a result of an accident, traumatic experience or situation where ones life is temporarily placed on hold and the spirit temporarily leaves the body. Many people experiencing NDE's often return with phenomenal stories of the afterlife, beautiful heavenly realms of unconditional love and being immersed and absorbed in a light so pure, warm and real, it can often be difficult to comprehend with the logical mind.
Although we have read many books on this very subject, David has a particularly unique and special cad
Fr 21.05.2021
118 : 33 min
Chakras 101: Everything You Need To Know
In this episode we take a deep dive into one of the most profound systems of Hindu theology, "The Chakras". If you've ventured into new age thought, taken a few yoga classes or studied the eastern teachings of India's most prolific gurus, you've likely heard about the ancient system of Chakras and the influence they have on our mind, body and spirit.
In short, Chakras are etheric energy centers and focal points of energy that exist through out the linear stretch of our spines and beginning at the base, then spanning upwards through our crown located right above our head. These chakras represent the full spectrum of human experience and help accelerate the evolution of the spirit in its journey towards awakening.
In this episode we break down all 7 chakras, their meaning, the role they play in our lives and how to utilize the power of these energy centers to activate our full potential. If you're looking to manifest more abundance in your life, speak and embody your truth, activate your creative gifts
Mi 12.05.2021
100 : 12 min
Space Cleansing and Animal Communication with Heather Mccall
In this episode we sit down for a call with Animal Communicator and Home Clearer "Heather Mccall" to discuss her professional work with clearing and cleansing unwanted spirit activity in homes and also psychic communication with animals.
Heather is a truly dynamic energy worker that uses the gift of reiki to psychically tune into the energy frequencies of various homes and occupied spaces. While doing this she's able to successfully pick up on numerous unwanted energies and spirits and clear them from the space. In this episode she discusses her experience with spirits, and also provides some useful insight into how we can cleanse our homes independently and keep a high vibrational space!
We also discuss her gift of tuning into the energy of animals and the differences in communication between dogs and cats, sentient and non sentient animals, and the various ways in which we can communicate with our pets and collaborate with them!
In this episode we discuss,
- Heather's Journey as a Healer
- How Remot
Mi 05.05.2021
68 : 16 min
Practicing Healthy Boundaries In Relationships
One common struggle in relationships are the dynamics of boundaries. What are they, why are they important, and how imperative is it that we utilize these forces as a way to preserve our own inner and outward values? Too often we enter into relationships with the expectation of becoming one, however it's important to correctly interpret the quality of oneness in relation to another human being.
Becoming one can often mean losing yourself in a relationship that is really meant to compliment your own solid emotional and spiritual foundation. A healthy practice in oneness should mean that we mutually share a fundamental core energy when we are being open and transparent, that energy being love.
In this episode we discuss the importance of self love in relation to another's self love. It is in this shared value system that we can begin to truly love and respect our partners, as to love ourselves we are given the gift of knowing how to love another. In the end, we teach our partners how we need, want and desir
Mo 26.04.2021
83 : 12 min
The Epic Saga of Sancho The Dog, Sensory Entrainment, Passion Of The Christ & Oracles For Life
In this episode Eric checks in with Jenn regarding her lifelong friend and pet Sancho, who unfortunately is reaching the end of his incarnation here on this planet. As a revisiting of our previous episode "Animals As Teachers" Episode 40, we spend some time holding space for Jenn as she approaches the very difficult decision on whether to put her dog down as a way to end his suffering. What begins as a very curious and unpredictable union, becomes a lifelong journey with the animals that remain by our side as we experience the ebbs and flows of life. We can learn so much from the pure compassion and love that our animals so graciously offer to us. In this episode we bid a very humble farewell to her furry friend Sancho.
We also discuss a sensory entrainment app Eric discovered for IPhone and has shown unbelievable promise in catapulting our consciousness to the next level, bridging a neural pathway to our pineal gland and allowing novices to access the mystical state.
In this episode we discuss,
Do 15.04.2021
59 : 44 min
Dream Interpretation, Channeling The Arcturians, Astral Projection and The Most Common Dreams
In this episode we examine the mysterious phenomenon we all know as dreams! The beautiful thing about dreams is that they are a reflection of our collective world and the various levels of experience we accumulate through our lives, past present and future. Dreams often give us a glimpse into not only our collective shadows, but our own internal struggles, hopes and deepest longings in both this life and all the lifetimes surrounding it.
Have you had dreams of falling, dying, lovers you’ve never met, being someone else? Dreams give us a special vantage point to analyze our own emotions in an effort to add clarity to our own lives. In this episode we take a journey into dream interpretation by sharing our own dreams, but also comparatively interpreting common dreams many experience when they sleep at night.
Eric also shares a very intimate and personal dream involving Pleiadian’s, Arcturians and Reptilians, ultimately inspiring him to intuitively channel a message directly from our 5D alien family.
Do 08.04.2021
68 : 16 min
Animals As Teachers, Soul Contracts With Pets And The Magic Of House Plants
Aside from other human beings, we seldom cultivate connections as deep and meaningful as our personal connection to animals, particularly our own companions. In life, we often carry with us two versions of ourselves. One carefully formulated by ego, and the other perhaps more vulnerable, innocent and childlike. Our animals often experience both, and also intuitively know which one speaks to a more sincere version of who we are.
Theres a very unique and quite honest truth to random Tinder profile descriptions that speak to the trustworthiness of humans in relation to our own furry friends. Animals not only act as mirrors, but can illuminate and teach us very important lessons in love, trust, compassion and how to be present in the moment. In this episode, we reflect on our own experience with animals, and what we can learn from cohabitating with them.
We also discuss the mystery and magic of plants, particularly house plants. There's a unique vibrational blueprint to plants that can liven a space, but ca
Di 30.03.2021
59 : 44 min
The Emotional & Spiritual Dynamics Of Reincarnation, Evolution Through Change & The Urban Dictionary
Reincarnation, a topic that often comes up, especially when you're a part of the spiritual community. Is it real? How does it work? Do you believe in it? Often anecdotal, we hear about it through various books, teachings, near death experiences and through sometimes psychic and mystical adventures in meditation or plant medicine.
Whether you believe it to be real, or merely fantasy, the one beautiful thing we can extract from the idea of reincarnation is a metaphorical allegory of hidden truth that we can often observe in our current incarnation. In this episode we touch on the mystery of reincarnation, not only as a life, death and rebirth scenario, but as a spiritual life, death and rebirth of the many facets of our own human experience while awake. Whether it be through change, relationships, aging and heartbreak, we are much closer to reincarnation than we think.
We also discuss the various dimensions of change and evolution the spirit goes through in life. We all play a particular part and often in
Di 23.03.2021
72 : 44 min
Overcoming Panic Attacks, Dreams Into Reality and My Octopus Teacher
In this episode we discuss a common experience that many in our fast paced, hyper stimulated world get to embark on at least once in their lives, "Panic Attacks". Whether it happens during times of great stress and emotional turmoil or randomly during a business meeting while sitting at the feet of the big cheese at your job, it is something that is unconsciously integrated in with the cultural zeitgeist of our generation. One thing we all collectively have in common, is that it's often times difficult to harness the unpredictability and sometimes unforgiving nature of the Kali Yuga.
With the advent of new technology allowing us to instantaneously connect with our environment, friends and loved ones, the internet has set a precedence for our generation to follow a steadfast curriculum of evolution both good and bad. A byproduct of this acceleration is the anxiety we feel when attempting to cope with a ship moving one thousand miles an hour.
In this episode we discuss the mysterious shit show we all kn
Mi 17.03.2021
70 : 35 min
The Art of Breathing with Audra Bear (Holistic Health Coach)
Audra Bear is a holistic health coach, detoxification specialist and breath work facilitator based in Los Angeles, California. (and yes thats her real last name, cool right?)
After years of searching for optimal health and practicing many diets and routines, she decided to get a formal education in the field of healthcare. After graduating from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she began a practice in health coaching. What she realized is that no matter how healthy people ate, if they have stored emotion or trauma, it is often difficult and challenging to sustain consistent levels of happiness and wellbeing.
She discovered the integrative and ancient practice of breath work, which is a powerful and natural way to heal the emotional and energetic body, and integrates the missing piece often left out of modern medicine, the spirit.
In this episode we discuss,
- What is Breathwork?
- Mystical Experiences With Breathwork
- Detoxing The Body Through Deep Breathing
- Emotional Release During Breathwork
Mo 08.03.2021
64 : 41 min
Redefining Success In Wellness with Alyssa Barrios (Spiritual Business Coach)
Alyssa K. Barrios is from Long Beach. CA and the Spiritual Business Coach for Healers. Alyssa has been working as a healer most her life, but devoted herself to learning the business aspects of healing since 2018. During her work as a healer, she’s worked with creatives, Reiki Masters, EFT practitioners, attorneys, and now healers who are running their own Healing businesses.
A month before the 2020 global shutdown, Alyssa received the message from God that her new role was to serve healers and teach them how to open their business. Alyssa has helped our healers generate over $50,000 during a global pandemic in just 2020 alone. She’s a witness, testament, and believer that the healing industry is growing rapidly.
Her work remains dedicated in helping healers serve their clients and gain the confidence in using their gifts to spread light across their communities.
In this episode we discuss,
- Redefining Your Truth And Mission
- The Integration of Reiki And Christianity
- What Is Reiki
- Monetizing Your
Mi 24.02.2021
70 : 24 min
The Highly Sensitive Person (HSPs)
In this episode, our friend Sam drops by the studio to discuss a subject that Jenn and I have always been interested in, HSPs (Highly Sensitive People). HSPs are largely considered empaths in new age theology, however with the advent of new discoveries in clinical psychology, a new term has been utilized to identify certain highly sensitive traits (Highly Sensitive Person).
Originally coined by psychologist Elaine Aron HSPs are a subset of the population who are high in a personality trait known as sensory-processing sensitivity, or SPS. Those with high levels of SPS display increased emotional sensitivity, stronger reactivity to both external and internal stimuli—pain, hunger, light, and noise—and a complex inner life.
In this episode Sam shares a very intimate story of his youth, being incorrectly diagnosed as autistic, sent to an institution and battling depression which ultimately lead him to almost taking his own life. As a musician and an artist, Sam has had to develop his own practice in working al
Di 16.02.2021
78 : 56 min
Home Of The Soul with Haley Cole (Golden Light Healer & Transformational Artist)
Haley started her spiritual journey at 8 years old when she was introduced
to various wonderful teachers and philosophies. Throughout her childhood and young adult life, she continued learning about meditation, utilizing her intuition, communicating with Divine Beings, and energy healing through various experiences and becoming a Reiki Master at the age of 16.
As a Golden Light Healer and Intuitive, she has now devoted her life to
helping others discover just how powerful they are through her healing
certification, artwork, YouTube, and programs. She believes this work is so
important because once we discover just how magical we are, we can change the world.
In this episode we discuss -
- Breaking Out Of Orthodox Christianity
- Golden Light Healing vs. Reiki
- How To Contact Your Guides
- Past Lives
- Creating Your Home Of The Soul
- Atlantis & Lemuria
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Mi 10.02.2021
62 : 08 min
Millennial Dating Culture, Dissolving Gender Roles and The Rise of The Divine Masculine/Feminine
As we begin the process of integration with the age of Aquarius, our collective world is evolving in more ways than we can begin to fathom. With the advent of new technologies changing the way we interact with each other, a new generation of human design is emerging. One that is fully integrated with male/female energy centers. As we begin this evolution, a rise in many important social issues will come to the surface for humanity to experience and heal through. This evolution will take place largely in the realm of how we treat each other and collaborate for our planet.
Now more than ever we are experiencing a rise in men and woman wanting to come together to heal collective wounds and embody their divine masculine and feminine yin and yang energy fields. It is in this restoration that we will find and establish balance in our shared world. In this episode, Eric And Jenn explore the connection between the masculine and feminine in popular culture, and what we can do to embody both.
Watch Our Video
Di 02.02.2021
71 : 33 min
Why We Stay In Toxic Relationships, How To Break The Cycle & Ghosting In Dating
In this episode we discuss one of our favorite topics "relationships". Though we take a journey into the Kali Yuga and embrace the shadow side of the polarity realms by venturing into one of the most complex yet confusing social issues of our time, "Why we stay in toxic relationships". Although this subject is difficult to quantify, we offer some valuable insight as to the nature of why we attract toxic partners and even friends. From childhood, to emotionally unavailable parents, we discuss the various dynamics that assist us in cultivating our future partners both good and bad. Love, at the core of all of this, invites us to look a bit deeper into our wounds to discover personal and spiritual freedom hidden beneath our shadow selves.
We also discuss the social dynamics of "Ghosting" in dating. Largely driven by online dating platforms, we dive into why people get ghosted by potential partners, how it affects us and what we can do to be more mindful of how we respond to new connections.
Watch Our Vide
Di 26.01.2021
69 : 32 min
Epigenetic's And Generational Trauma
In this episode, Divine Nobodies Podcast breaks down the correlation between epigenetic's and generational trauma which is often experienced by people having undergone various levels on unconscious conditioning as a child, and at the hands of their parents. Whether our parents where emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, addicts or emotionally abusive, there are noticeable characteristics and traits people inherit as they approach young adult years which lead to more of the same dynamics in their interpersonal relationships. In this episode we discuss the science, spiritual underpinning and some steps we can take to break the cycles of abuse and reclaim our power!
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This episode (#31)
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Di 19.01.2021
71 : 20 min
Remembering 2020, Episode Recap And The Birth Of Divine Nobodies Podcast
In this episode, we venture into the realms of introspection by reviewing one of the most profound yet wildly unpredictable years of our lifetime; 2020. Not only did our collective world undergo a cultural and spiritual dark night of the soul, but our very own podcast "Divine Nobodies" was alchemized as a result of that deep universal healing. Created as a way to further accelerate the collective consciousness of our communities, Divine Nobodies started in exile while many of us in our communities underwent a very difficult transition from a seemingly normal life, to a life in quarantine amidst a global pandemic.
Divine Nobodies came as a result of our passion for truth in a greatly uncertain world. Not only did our podcast come to serve those who chose to listen, but it quickly became a shelter and safe space for Jenn and Eric to explore their own teaching and spiritual growth. As a result, Divine Nobodies became a home for all of those in our community that still wanted to learn and embody the light
Mo 11.01.2021
74 : 40 min
Tarot, Manifestation & Magic with The Gem Goddess
Watch the video episode on YouTube:
This week we welcome a very special guest into our studio, one with the wisdom, drive and determination of a true spiritual visionary. With a successful YouTube channel of over 650,000 subscribers, and a masterful practice incorporating Tarot, Oracle, Astrology and Manifestation "The Gem Goddess" has created a potent and powerful following as a content creator for a new generation of light workers. As personal subscribers to her work, we wanted to venture a little deeper into her story and find out "Who exactly is the Gem Goddess"? We were extremely humbled to have Gem stop by the studio to discuss her practice, her life, her teachings and her most inspiring stories of spiritual awakening and truth. If you follow her on YouTube, you don't want to miss this intimate talk with YouTube's The Gem Goddess!
In this episode we discuss:
- Tarot vs. Oracle
- Does Spirituality "look" a certain way?
- The light and dark sides of manifestation
- Gem's
Mo 04.01.2021
79 : 12 min
Thanksgiving, Seasonal Emotions, Cycles of Life & Death, A.I. Virtual Companions, 20 Tips To Cope With Holiday Stress.
In this episode we open up the format to include an intuitive flow of ideas between Jenn and I. We discuss everything from seasonal depression and how the cycles of nature inspire and influence various emotions in each of us. We discuss how nature represents not only our mortality and the cycles of life and death, but also the divinity within. We integrate various topics including artificially intelligent companions that can be downloaded to your smartphone and lastly, a list of 20 tips that may help you cope with holiday stress, according to the internet.
You Tube:
Mo 14.12.2020
74 : 44 min
Conscious Manifestation (Bridging Business with Spirituality) with Sarah Rose
In this episode, guest and Embodiment Coach Sarah Rose talks with us about a topic that comes into the space for almost all spiritually driven businesses; monetizing our practice. Whether it be through energy healing, life & business coaching, content creation, wellness industry practices etc. One question always enters the conversation in this field "How do we charge for our work in a spiritually driven field where money appears secondary?" In this episode Sarah shares with us some tips on how to create a thriving business in these every evolving and changing times. We also discuss ways in which we can change our relationship to money and wealth, so that we can allow more abundance into our lives, and use it for good!
You Tube:
Guest Instagram:
Mo 07.12.2020
73 : 30 min
Sacred Sexuality with Sequoia Satori
In this episode, guest and Sacred Sexuality Coach Sequoia Satori talks with us about the dynamics of Sacred Sexuality in relationships. At the core of every sacred partnership is a potent portal of vulnerability, trust and openness. When we are fully integrated with our own sexual energy, be that of self pleasure, self awareness, body coherence and deep intimacy with ourselves, then we can easily connect with our partners in a sincere and intentional way. Sequoia talks about the mastery of tantra in partnerships, and difference practices we can incorporate into our personal lives, and in partnership with another, that can lead us down a path in union with source and the divinity within.
Sequoia is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Reiki practitioner, Sound Healer, Active Meditation Facilitator and Sacred Sexuality Coach. In her ongoing spiritual quest she has become passionate about plant medicines, ancient wisdom, and anchoring light on earth. Sequoia is on a mission to help people find a deeper inner aw
Mo 30.11.2020
59 : 44 min
Learning From Failure, Dating/Business Failure Stories and Up-Leveling Your Relationship To Success
In this episode, Eric and Jenn explore a common human experience we all share, "Failure". Whether it be in romantic relationships, business and in life, failure is something we all have in common. At the core, it exists as a form of personal shadow work working in collaboration with our goals, hopes and dreams in this life. It brings up feelings of self lack, insecurity and emotional density, and when we feed into the narrative of failure being the end result, we find ourselves stuck and unable to move forward.
When we change our relationship to failure, and acknowledge this force as an opportunity to check in with ourselves, we can use it as fuel to re organize our approach to life and continue pushing forward in chasing our dreams and also manifesting the life we long to create for ourselves. Remember, failure is feedback, and it can be the greatest tool we use on our journey to success!
You Tube:
Mo 23.11.2020
79 : 11 min
Practicing Kindfulness with Bhante Saranapala "The Urban Buddhist Monk"
We are honored and humbled to have spent some time with our guest this week "Bhante Saranapala" also known as "The Urban Buddhist Monk". Bhante is a global public speaker, Teacher of Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Counselor & founder of "Canada: A Mindful Nation". In this episode, we present Bhante with the questions relevant to our generation, and together we discuss how to implement these buddhist skills and precepts into our own lives.
Bhante Saranapala has been acclaimed as a consummate teacher of meditation by a growing number of seekers of spiritual and healthy life and peace of mind in North America and Europe who admire his simple and all-embracing approach in transmitting the universal message of love, kindness, compassion, understanding and wisdom.
He has earned an enviable reputation as a global public speaker and a meditation master par excellence. Born in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Bhante Saranapala, after receiving both his monastic and secular education in Sri Lanka, made his way to Canada
Mo 16.11.2020
96 : 00 min
Channeling The Akashic Records with Sofia Araya
In this episode, a very special guest Sofia Araya (Akashic Records Channel/Life Coach) joins us to share her journey into mediumship and how she learned how to access the Akashic Records. Together we will discuss the various dynamics and practices involved in order to tap into this energetic field which contains the blueprint of our lives past, present and future. She will discuss various ways in which we can enter into this field and extract layers and layers of divine wisdom that we can utilize in our everyday lives. We will also discuss orthodox Christianity/Catholicism and the cultural disconnect we experience in our modern times when approaching fundamental religion. Lastly, Sofia gifts us with a very special and unique "Live Channeling" of the Akashic Records for both hosts of the Divine Nobodies Podcast and also the listeners. Definitely, one of our favorite guests!
You Tube:
Mo 09.11.2020
78 : 15 min
The Nature of Awareness, Heart Coherence and The Social Dilemma
In this episode Eric and Jenn discuss the various ways in which the spirit plays victim to the physiological temptations of the mind. Whether it be through drugs, sex or relationships, one thing is for certain; when our egos go unchecked, we become vulnerable to various unconscious behaviors that dampen our awareness and crush our ability to deeply love ourselves, and others.
When we practice mindful awareness of source moderating our existence, we can create space between the divinity inside and the mind body structures that allow us to have and embody this human experience. The key isn’t to eradicate the pleasure centers that help us experience joy, but to work in harmony with the body by maintaining a sense of heart/spirit coherence and tapping into awareness.
We also discuss our recent experience watching the documentary “The Social Dilemma” and segments relating to the world in which todays teens live. Driven by social media likes, follows and audience engagement stats, these artificially gene
Mo 02.11.2020
80 : 07 min
3D vs.5D Consciousness with Sam Kempner (Vibe Tribe Series)
In this episode, Eric and Jenn introduce a new series called "Vibe Tribe Series" where they invite friends of the podcast into the studio to join the conversation and contribute to the weeks topic. This months Vibe Tribe Guest "Sam Kempner" (musician, artist, public speaker) stops by the studio as we discuss 3D vs 5D Consciousness.
One theme often comes up in our spiritual community, what exactly does it mean to embody a 3 dimensional consciousness verses a 5 dimensional consciousness? In this episode we lay out the ground work in the most practical and relatable way. Often when we are asleep we become vulnerable to the physiological limitations of the body and the 3 dimensional sphere of feelings and emotions around us in this carbon based platform of matter. This often leaves us overtly chasing superficial things like money, sex, abusive relationships and behaviors that lead us down a path of accumulative karma and unsettled thoughts. However, when we awaken to the intrinsic source energy inside, a newfou
Mo 26.10.2020
76 : 30 min
Finding Zoe Through Her Art with Luke Ollett (A Sons Journey To Understand His Deceased Mother)
In this episode, Author and Artist Luke Ollett shares an empowering story about his life which inspired the journey into writing the book "Finding Zoe Through Her Art", which is a true story about his mother who had suddenly passed away when he was 18, and the various pieces of art she had left behind. What started as a way for him to learn more about his mother, became a personal and transformative journey into him finding himself through her art.
You Tube:
Mo 19.10.2020
73 : 33 min
Loving The Heart & Nourishing The Body with Tyler Rolling (Intuitive Eating Coach)
In this episode, our guest Tyler Rolling (Intuitive Eating Coach) explains how diet culture deeply impacts and influences how we perceive ourselves and our self worth; by encouraging us to identify with not only the curriculum of diets, but whether or not we are able to sustain a program not at all conducive to our spiritual well being.
Diets are systems that tend to bypass the real fundamental issues laying dormant beneath all our anxieties we have about weight loss. When we explore a bit further we realize a much deeper force exists within us, that is inviting our minds to explore the subtleties of spirit and the awareness of self.
When we practice deeply engaging with our awareness we find an emotional underpinning at the helm of every decision we make, and this force is self love.
When we can listen to our bodies from the perspective of spirit, an intuitive impulse begins to guide our hearts to a space where we can be attentive to our spiritual and thus dietary needs. We can then by pass the overtly m
Di 13.10.2020
75 : 31 min
Journey's in Mediumship, Alien Contact, Jenn's UFO Experience and Time Travel
In this episode, Eric and Jenn discuss a Tarot reading each of them received from previous guest Tyler Victoria and Jenn's newfound discovery as a psychic medium. They explore the many facets of mediumship and how these psychic qualities manifest in both of them.
They also explore the realm of 3rd dimensional extraterrestrials and their role in popular culture. They explore Zoo Theory, Fermi's Paradox and the possibility of time travel. Jenn also shares her most recent UFO sighting in Marfa Texas, which can also be seen on our Instagram page and YouTube Channel Episode!
You Tube:
Mo 28.09.2020
67 : 02 min
The Art of Tarot with Tyler Victoria
In this episode, Intuitive Channeler "Tyler Victoria" comes by our studio to discuss the wildly mysterious and also misunderstood practice of Tarot! Together we explore the collective impact and relevance of Tarot in our modern world, and how each and every person can tap into this reservoir of information by not only incorporating it into their spiritual practice, but also using it in collaboration with our own inherent psychic and intuitive abilities.
In this episode we discuss the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana of the Tarot and the meanings of cards such as "The Tower", "Death", "Fool", The Hangman". She also shares with us her very unique journey into spirituality and each catalyst that brought her to the place of being the powerful goddess and healer she is!
IG: www.instagram.com/divine.nobodies.podcast/
Web: www.divine-nobodies.com
Email: [email protected]
YouTube: Divine Nobodies Podcast
Mo 14.09.2020
83 : 27 min
Skydiving Through Fear,The Akashic Records and Love's Frequency in The Astral Plane
In this episode Eric and Jenn discuss her younger years skydiving and base jumping. With over 2k jumps Jenn has conquered a practice not many people ever get the courage to attempt; primarily due to the fear one feels at the thought of what can go wrong. As we explore her experience, Eric learns how skydiving changed her relationship to fear and has allowed her to access deeper realms in her life. They also explore the mysterious yet fully accessible realm of the Akashic Records. Primarily brought to light by the theosophy society, Egyptians and even Edgar Cayce, they explore the various people impacted by their experience tapping into this realm and steps we can all take to fully access them ourselves! Lastly, they discuss the various types of beings and entities and how we can utilize the frequency of love to by pass the clutches of the 4th dimension, on the way to the Akashic realms!
Di 08.09.2020
68 : 52 min
Exploring The Masculine with Jameson Rikel
In this episode Spiritual Philanthropist Jameson Rikel visits our studio to discuss the various dynamics of Divine Masculinity and how men can embody more of their balanced masculine/feminine energy in all areas of life and relationships.
He discusses the emergent subculture of Men's groups and the medicinal exploration of self in relation to other men. The most imperative quality a man can have in our world, is the ability to feel his emotions while also anchoring in his strength and stability with those surrounding his field.
In contrary to how men are portrayed in our media, a true divine masculine man embodies a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy. Join us as we explore the various ways in which men can show up for everyone in their lives!
IG: divine.nobodies.podcast
Mo 31.08.2020
77 : 26 min
Embracing Your Shadow with Sedef Culha (Personal Freedom Coach)
In this episode, Personal Freedom Coach "Sedef Culha" visits our studio to discuss one of the most powerful yet misunderstood dynamics of light work, "Shadow Work". She provides a very potent perspective and teaching that we can all utilize as a way to feel through these challenging and uncertain times in quarantine. She provides useful guidance and tools we can implement in our lives to help us develop a better and healthier relationship with ego and the shadow living within the depths of our personal and collective experience.
Originally from Turkey, Sedef grew up in a culture where women's rights were not respected nor accepted. Her life's work has been to not only empower women healing through various injustices at the hand of wounded masculinity, but to also assist the collective in healing through our cultural conditionings preventing us from accessing our full potential.
IG: @divine.nobodies.podcast
Mo 24.08.2020
66 : 16 min
The Lions Gate Portal, The Art of Letting Go, Lucid Dreaming & Making Peace with the Past
In this episode Eric & Jenn discuss the annual Lions Gateway Portal which occurs once a year on August 8th. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. They also discuss the various lifestyle changes occuring as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the different ways people are turning towards a more minimal lifestyle as a way to free themselves from the bondages of material things as well as old relationships. Additionally, they discuss the power of lucid dreaming and letting go of old antiquated relationships as a way to move forward and make peace with the past.
Di 18.08.2020
66 : 06 min
Angel Numbers, The Story of The Buddha & Learning from Heartbreak
In this episode Eric and Jenn discuss the mysteriously profound synchronicities surrounding Angel numbers and how they show up in our day to day lives. Angel numbers are spontaneous occurrences that happen when our Angels and guides relay important information to us in our 3D reality. When we contemplate these messages, truly profound and magical things are possible.
Eric also discusses the story of the buddha, and how his story can be utilized for awakening in our modern lives. Lastly, Eric and Jenn discuss how imperative it is to practice self love both in relationships and also while healing from heartbreak, as we cannot truly love another until we love ourselves.
Mo 10.08.2020
57 : 23 min
The Energy Vortex at Mt. Shasta, Ancient Lemuria, The Telos Civilization, Atlantis & Artificial Intelligence
In this episode, Eric and Jenn discuss the various energy grids surrounding Earth and the energetic ley lines connecting sacred sites such as Mt. Shasta, Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle. Eric also discusses his recent trip to Mt. Shasta and the mysterious multidimensional civilization the "Telos" which live within the mountain and regularly work in collaboration with various extraterrestrials such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and the Sirians. Lastly, they discuss the implications surrounding artificial intelligence in our modern world, and how Atlantis may have used AI to communicate.
Mo 03.08.2020
74 : 40 min
Evolutionary Astrology, Sexual Compatibility, Soulmates and How Past Lives Effect Relationships
In this episode, Jenn and Eric will be interviewing Evolutionary Astrologer Yvette Thomas of @Ichatastrology on Instagram. Most people are familiar with the Tropical Zodiac, Vedic astrology etc.
Evolutionary astrology is the practice of integrating past life relationships into our current interpersonal and romantic relationships. When we dive into how we are impacted by these past life connections, it becomes much more clear as to where our lessons are derived from, and why we select and choose the partners we ultimately end up with.
In this episode we will be discussing Mercury Retrograde, Synastry, Sexual Compatibility and the Soul Mate Connection.
Mo 27.07.2020
59 : 10 min
Dark Night of The Soul, Returning to Innocence and Demystifying Meditation
In this episode, Eric and Jenn Discuss the The "Dark Night of the Soul" which is often described as the most integral movement of divine grace while also being the most confusing to our ego. It is the primary glimpse into the truth of our divinity, while still being attached to the various dimensions of the 3D self.
They will also discuss the nature of innocence, how it is impacted in our society and the various ways children and adults cope with living in a culture that does not fully support the preservation of innocence.
Lastly they will discuss the complexities surrounding one of the most asked questions "How do I meditate?", and the many challenges each seeker faces when they approach this sacred practice from the space of ego.
IG: @divine.nobodies.podcast
Mo 20.07.2020
67 : 56 min
Cacao Ceremonies, Astral Projection and The 18 Mistakes People Make in Early Relationships
There are many beautiful experiences to be had within our spiritual communities, Cacao Ceremonies being one of them. While we show reverence and respect for the many facets of plant medicine, Cacao is an emerging movement flowing through our communities, opening the doorway to a new generation of healing. In this episode Eric Ajna And Jennifer Lynn discuss the medicinal use of Cacao in Sacred Ceremony and the beautiful souls that occupy these magical spaces. They will also be discussing the multidimensional realms of the astral and beings that can be experienced in this realm. They will end the podcast by discussing the 18 mistakes people commonly make in the early stages of dating!
Di 14.07.2020
85 : 25 min
Exploring The Stigma Behind Death & The Near Death Experience
There are only a few things that we can be certain of in this lifetime, one being that one day we will pass away and begin our transition into the various realms and dimensions moderated by source energy. The one dynamic of emotion we must all overcome in this lifetime in order to access this love, is fear. Whether alive, or approaching death, at some point we must come to terms with the antiquated instinctual human trait of emotional fear, so we can fully embody our divinity and ascend to 5D consciousness.
In this episode, Eric and Jenn explore the many dynamics of death, fear and awakening. They will also touch on various subjects including Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, time travel and the process of dying!
Sa 04.07.2020
69 : 08 min
A Therapists Journey into Meditation, Mindfulness and Healing with Ryan Heapy LMFT
One integral conversion that has taken place within the field of clinical psychology is the integration of eastern wisdom teachings as a way to ground, center and bring patients into the natural flow state of meditation. In this episode, our guest Ryan Heapy LMFT will be joining us to explore the many facets of clinical psychology and provide insight as to how he incorporates Buddhist practices into his healing work.
Ryan is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist trained in Post Modern/Narrative Theory from Pepperdine University, DMDR Therapy (based on Bilateral Brain Stimulation) and DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy).
So 28.06.2020
76 : 48 min
Online Dating, Erotic Blueprints and Divine Masculine/Feminine Archetypes with Kathryn Eipl
In this episode, Relationship & Life Coach Kathryn Eipl will be joining us in the studio to discuss relationships, online dating and how to embody a more authentic you in our search for love. In this episode we will be discussing the paradox of online dating, hot yoga, Divine Masculine/Feminine Archetypes and Erotic Blueprints.
So 21.06.2020
85 : 22 min
Reclaiming Our World (In Memory of George Floyd)
In todays episode we will take a more in depth look at the heightened social and political climate around the tragic death of George Floyd and the uprising of protests happening all over the world. In the midst of great change, the societies of our world are uniting to bring about a cosmic shift in the war on consciousness. We will discuss the social injustices permeating our planet and what we can do to inspire global transformation in both the spiritual and physical realms.
Mo 01.06.2020
32 : 16 min
The Division of Spiritual Belief
Eric will be discussing the spiritual dynamics of belief within organized religion and how our personal and collective beliefs shape our reality. Eric will begin by sharing the journey of a beloved eastern spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti and his affiliation with the Theosophy Society, ultimately leading to a renunciation of all spiritual belief systems shared in a discourse entitled "Truth is a Pathless Land".
So 31.05.2020
24 : 40 min
Welcome to Divine Nobodies Podcast
Welcome to the Divine Nobodies Podcast, an intimate multi sensory platform created to empower the modern day mystic on the path to spiritual awakening. Here we explore life’s most fundamental questions about the nature of our existence and provide useful and practical tools designed to accelerate the process of spiritual evolution by witnessing it through the teachings of modern day visionaries in the new age community.
So 17.05.2020
1 : 20 min
A Beautiful Collision (Soulmates & Twin Flames)
In this episode Eric discusses the dynamics of love in twin flame and soul mate relationships. Each relationship whether romantic or platonic serve as the most potent catalyst for spiritual growth. Whether we experience the most beautiful moments, or the hardest challenges, the sacred union between two souls inspires us to dive deep within ourselves to uncover the layers of truth and shadow hidden deep within our hearts.
So 17.05.2020
24 : 08 min
Fear & The Collective Shadow
In the midst of uncertain times, Eric Ajna explores the dynamics of fear and the collective unconscious conditioning that eclipses our awareness and prevents us from accessing our true self. In this episode we discuss Swedish Psychologist Carl Jung's perspective on the collective shadow, and some useful insight we can use to transcend our shadow and operate from love.
Mo 11.05.2020
10 : 08 min
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