Helping people find their way back to God | Locations: The Clarendon Centre, At The Villas Hove, The Oasis Hangleton and The Shoreham Centre.
The World Turned Upside Down // 20 The Church - Matt Carvel // Acts 11:1-30
The World Turned Upside Down // 20 The Church - Matt Carvel // Acts 11:1-30 by Emmanuel
Do 06.03.2025
31 : 39 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 19 The Foreigners - Matt Simmonds // Acts 10:1-48
In this exploration of Acts 10, Matt Simmonds challenges us to confront the barriers that divide and embrace the unifying power of the Gospel. The story of Peter and Cornelius reminds us that God shows no partiality - a revolutionary concept in a world marked by division. We see how the Holy Spirit breaks down walls between Jews and Gentiles, foreshadowing the inclusive nature of God's kingdom.
Fr 28.02.2025
32 : 20 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 18 The Raising - Stephen Dawson // Acts 9:32-43
In this message, Stephen Dawson explores the miraculous healings of Aeneas and Tabitha in Acts 9, reminding us that God's power to heal is still active today. We're challenged to examine our faith and expectations when it comes to divine intervention. The story emphasises how these miracles not only transformed individual lives but also led many to turn to the Lord.
So 23.02.2025
38 : 08 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 17 The Conversion - Matt Simmonds // Acts 9:1-31
The transformative power of God's grace takes center stage in this exploration of Saul's conversion in Acts 9. We're reminded that God's grace doesn't just save us - it saves us into His church, bringing us into profound union with Christ. When we hurt, Jesus feels it personally. The story of Saul, the church's archenemy turned apostle, showcases how God's grace brings powerful change, often starting with our hearts rather than our circumstances.
So 16.02.2025
34 : 20 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 16 The Scattering - Matt Carvel // Acts 8:1-40
In this exploration of Acts 8, we're confronted with a profound truth: God often works through seasons of suffering to bring about His greatest purposes. The early Christians faced intense persecution, yet this very hardship became the catalyst for spreading the Gospel beyond Jerusalem. We see how Philip, despite likely grieving the loss of his friend Stephen, becomes a vessel for miraculous conversions and healings.
So 09.02.2025
32 : 16 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 15 The Martyr - Stephen Dawson // Acts 6:8-7:60
In this exploration of Acts 7, Stephen Dawson delves into the life and martyrdom of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. The central message revolves around imitating Christ through our actions, even in the face of persecution. Stephen's unwavering faith and bold proclamation of the gospel serve as a profound example for us today. The parallels between Stephen's death and Jesus' crucifixion are striking, reminding us that following Christ may involve suffering, but also brings ultimate victory.
So 02.02.2025
40 : 47 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 14 The Call - Matt Carvel // Acts 6:1-7
In this talk, Matt Carvel explores the early church's growth and challenges as described in Acts 6:1-7. We're reminded that the church, despite its imperfections, has been a force for good for 2,000 years. God uses ordinary, imperfect people to spread His message and meet the world's needs. Just as the apostles appointed seven men to address the neglect of Hellenistic widows, Jesus continues to call and empower us today. We're challenged to consider: What is Jesus calling us to do? How can we bear fruit in our current season? In Christ, there's no 'subs bench' – we're all called to active ministry, whatever form that may take in our lives.
So 26.01.2025
38 : 05 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 13 The Imprisonment - Tobi Ford-Western // Acts 5:17-42
In this exploration of Acts 5, Tobi Ford-Western reminds us of the early church's unwavering commitment to proclaiming Jesus Christ. The apostles faced intense opposition, yet their faith remained unshakeable. We see God working through both supernatural means (angelic intervention) and practical wisdom (Gamaliel's advice), teaching us that He uses various methods to accomplish His purposes. The apostles' joy in suffering for Christ challenges us to examine our own perspective on hardship. Are we willing to rejoice when faced with opposition for our faith? This passage encourages us to boldly proclaim the name of Jesus, regardless of the consequences, trusting that God is building His church through our faithfulness.
So 19.01.2025
42 : 31 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 12 The Power - Neville Jones // Acts 5:1-11
In the first talk of the new series, The World Turned Upside Down, Neville Jones looks at the story of Ananias and Sapphira. This passage challenges us to examine the authenticity of our faith and the dangers of hypocrisy. We're reminded that true Christianity isn't about following rules, but about experiencing a heart transformation that leads to genuine generosity and honesty. The stark consequences faced by Ananias and Sapphira serve as a sobering reminder of God's holiness and the seriousness of attempting to deceive Him.
So 12.01.2025
39 : 34 min
Prevailing Prayer - Neville Jones // 1 Kings 18:41-46
Neville Jones challenges us to embrace the power of prayer, drawing lessons from Elijah on Mount Carmel about persistence, private communion, and praying God's promises.
So 05.01.2025
36 : 51 min
Advent #3 - He Shall Be Called A Nazarene - Matt Carvel // Matthew 2:19-23
Christmas, the incarnation, is God coming to dwell with His people. It is God coming to make a home in a broken world. But thirdly, it is also God coming to identify with us as individual people too. Jesus did not float 2cm above the earth but was content to become like us, even live under the labels like, ‘Nazarene’ that even everyday people would wince under.
Christmas is a story of how Jesus became like us, became like you, to rescue us, to rescue you. God became flesh. He was born as a human baby. With feet and hands and eyes and tummy button. He lived in obscurity, he lived under threat, he lived a life of misunderstanding, persecution and injustice. And He did it all for our sake.
He has become like us, even identified among sinners like us. He has made His home with us. To make His home, with the Father, our home.
Mo 23.12.2024
31 : 15 min
Empowered… in crisis - George Benson // John 16:33
In this final message of our Crisis of Confidence teaching series, George Benson reminds us that crisis is an inevitable part of life, but peace is always possible through Christ. The central scripture, John 16:33, offers a profound truth: 'In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.' This teaching doesn't shy away from the reality of suffering, but instead prepares us for it. We're encouraged to find our peace not in circumstances, but in our union with Jesus. Just as He remained calm in the storms of life, we too can access His supernatural peace that surpasses understanding. This message challenges us to develop consistent prayer rhythms and to approach Jesus in both good times and bad, finding in Him a source of strength and tranquility that the world cannot provide.
So 01.12.2024
39 : 33 min
Empowered… in parenting - Stephen Dawson // Proverbs 3:4-5
Stephen Dawson reminds us of the profound responsibility and privilege of parenting as a spiritual journey. We're challenged to see our role as parents primarily as spiritual formators, shaping the souls of our children. He draws parallel between our earthly parenting and God's perfect parenting of us. It's a call to acknowledge God in all our ways, with wholehearted embrace. Stephen invites us to courageously trust God, even when parenting feels overwhelming, reminding us that it's not about having the biggest trust, but about trusting the biggest God.
So 24.11.2024
40 : 44 min
Empowered… in caring for our city - Neville Jones // Matthew 25:31-40
Neville Jones takes us through an overview of scripture looking at references to caring for the poor.
In our journey of faith, we're called to reflect on God's heart for the poor and marginalised. The Old Testament, from Exodus to Isaiah, consistently emphasises God's command to care for the needy, strangers, and oppressed. This isn't just a suggestion but a divine mandate. When we serve the poor, we're essentially giving to the Lord Himself. This powerful imagery reminds us that our acts of compassion are deeply intertwined with our worship. The early church exemplified this beautifully, sharing possessions and ensuring no one was in need. Their care for the vulnerable went hand-in-hand with powerful ministry and church growth.
So 17.11.2024
33 : 41 min
Empowered… in standing before God - Tobi Ford-Western // Hebrews 4:14-16
This powerful message reminds us of our profound need for a great high priest - Jesus Christ. The sermon takes us through biblical history, from humanity's original role as priests in Eden to the Old Testament sacrificial system, culminating in Jesus as the ultimate high priest. We learn that Jesus isn't just sympathetic to our struggles; He intimately understands them, having been tempted in every way yet remaining sinless. This gives us the confidence to approach God's throne of grace, no matter our past or present struggles.
So 10.11.2024
36 : 16 min
Empowered… in becoming better people - George Benson // Colossians 3:1-17
In our journey of faith, we often grapple with the question of how to become better people. In this talk, George Benson challenges us to reconsider our approach, focusing on the transformative power of Christ rather than mere self-improvement techniques.
Mo 04.11.2024
43 : 00 min
Empowered… in relationships - Stephen Dawson // John 15:8-17
In this talk, Stephen Dawson explores the transformative power of abiding in Christ's love and how it empowers our relationships. The central scripture, John 15:8-17, invites us to dwell in Jesus' love just as He dwells in the Father's love. This beautiful imagery of interconnectedness reminds us that we're not just servants, but friends chosen by God.
So 27.10.2024
45 : 14 min
Empowered... In Our Wallet - Neville Jones // 2 Corinthians 8:1-9
In our journey of faith, we often grapple with the concept of money and its place in our spiritual lives. This message challenges us to reframe our perspective on wealth through the lens of biblical stewardship. The key scripture, 2 Corinthians 8:1-9, invites us to consider the Macedonian Christians' example of joyful generosity despite their extreme poverty. Their secret? They 'gave themselves first to the Lord.' This profound act of surrender reminds us that everything we have ultimately belongs to God. We're called to be faithful stewards, managing His resources for His glory. This shift in mindset can liberate us from the grip of materialism and open our hearts to a life of God-honouring generosity.
Do 17.10.2024
32 : 43 min
Empowered... In Your Own Skin - Matt Carvel // Psalm 139:1-16
In this exploration of self-worth and identity, we delve into Psalm 139, uncovering the profound truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. The story of David's anointing reminds us that God sees beyond outward appearances, choosing the overlooked and underestimated. We confront the epidemic of shame in our society, recognizing how childhood experiences and societal pressures can deeply affect our self-perception. However, the message of being knitted together by God's loving hands offers a transformative perspective on our inherent value. As we grapple with the tension between longing to be known and fearing rejection, we're reminded of Christ's ultimate act of love - taking on our shame so we can experience the Father's unconditional acceptance. This message challenges us to see ourselves through God's eyes, embracing our uniqueness and finding empowerment in His love.
Mi 16.10.2024
41 : 00 min
Empowered... In the Future - Stephen Dawson // 2 Peter 1:3-4
In this message, we're reminded that our confidence in the future doesn't come from knowing what lies ahead, but from knowing who holds the future. Drawing from 2 Peter 1:3-4, we explore how God's divine power grants us everything we need for life and godliness. The sermon challenges us to shift our focus from worldly anxieties to eternal matters, encouraging us to fear the right things – not tomorrow's uncertainties, but the state of our souls before a holy God. Yet, this fear is quickly relieved by God's grace and the precious promises He offers us. We're called to treasure these promises, guarding them against the enemy who seeks to steal our confidence in God's goodness. As we face the future, we're invited to partake in the divine nature, sharing in God's holiness and becoming more like Him. This incredible truth should empower us to live with confidence, knowing that we're united with Christ and equipped for whatever lies ahead.
So 06.10.2024
36 : 29 min
Empowered... In the Gospel - Neville Jones // Romans 1:16
In this day and age many people feel that Christianity is irrelevant. To find empowerment today we need to have greater self-esteem, tell ourselves we can do it and manifest our goals.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ starts from a very different place, in fact an opposite place. In the Gospel we find strength in our weakness. It may seem like, ‘foolishness to the Greeks’, but the power of God begins at the end of ourselves.
So 29.09.2024
32 : 43 min
Empowered... In the workplace - Matt Carvel // Colossians 3:22-24
In our exploration of work through a biblical lens, we uncover profound truths about our purpose and identity. The passage from Colossians 3 invites us to view our daily labour as more than just a means to an end, but as a divine calling.
Do 19.09.2024
38 : 21 min
Empowered... In a messed up world - Matt Carvel // Habakkuk 3:17-19
In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, how can we find strength and joy? The book of Habakkuk offers us a powerful lesson in transforming our perspective. We're introduced to a prophet who begins in a state of despair, questioning God's care for the world. Yet, by the end, Habakkuk sings a song of joy and strength, despite unchanged circumstances. This transformation isn't about external factors; it's about the internal 'song' we choose to sing. We're challenged to examine the narratives we tell ourselves about our lives and the world around us. Are we singing songs of fear and anxiety, or are we tuning into God's song of love and salvation?
So 15.09.2024
36 : 35 min
Unclogging the wells - Stephen Dawson
At the start of the new term, Stephen Dawson brings a word of encouragement about unclogging wells from Genesis 26 and the story of Isaac reopening the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham.
So 08.09.2024
45 : 13 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 150 - Stu Gibbs
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 150 - Stu Gibbs by Emmanuel
Mo 02.09.2024
33 : 53 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 16 - Matt Simmonds
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 16 - Matt Simmonds by Emmanuel
Do 29.08.2024
34 : 49 min
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 34 - George Benson
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 34 - George Benson by Emmanuel
So 18.08.2024
37 : 55 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 117 - Matt Carvel
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 117 - Matt Carvel by Emmanuel
So 11.08.2024
27 : 29 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 147 Part 2 - Stephen Dawson
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 147 Part 2 - Stephen Dawson by Emmanuel
So 04.08.2024
35 : 44 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 147 Part 1 - Stephen Dawson
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 147 Part 1 - Stephen Dawson by Emmanuel
So 28.07.2024
36 : 58 min
Otherside // 12. From Bitter to Sweet - Tobi Ford-Western // Exodus 15
In the final message of our series, Tobi examines God's testing of his people through the contrasts of Exodus 15. In a 3 day period, Israel goes from singing to sighing. In it, we see the grace of God, as he exchanges what is bitter for what is sweet.
So 21.07.2024
39 : 35 min
Otherside // 11. Crossing the Red Sea - Stephen Dawson // Exodus 14
In this week's message, Stephen delves into Exodus chapter 14 and the crossing of the Red Sea. He addresses what to do when you feel hemmed in by your circumstances. How should we view difficulty and trouble through God's perspective? What does it look like for God to make a way?
So 14.07.2024
38 : 53 min
Otherside // 10. Pillars of Cloud and Fire - George Benson // Exodus 13
In this talk, George Benson looks at the importance of remembering God's salvation through rituals like the dedication of firstborns and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, paralleling them with Christian practices such as the Lord's Supper. He also highlights Christian life as a relationship with Jesus, guided by God's presence, which leads to true fulfillment and restoration.
So 07.07.2024
38 : 49 min
Summer 2024 Gift Campaign // Time To Plant - Stephen Dawson
Stephen Dawson talks about the church's June giving campaign, Time to Plant from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 looking at Paul's words that whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
So 30.06.2024
38 : 59 min
Otherside // 9. The Exodus - Matt Carvel // Exodus 12
As the Israelites finally begin the walk from slavery in Egypt to freedom away from it, we unpack how Jesus sets us free from slavery to sin. How do we get free from sinful habits and negative thought patterns? Believe in Jesus, receive His grace and walk in obedience.
So 23.06.2024
37 : 31 min
Otherside // 8. The Passover - Stephen Dawson // Exodus 11,12
Stephen Dawson looks at the Passover and how that points to the work of Christ in redeeming His people.
So 16.06.2024
40 : 21 min
Otherside // 7. The Plagues - Matt Carvel // Exodus 7 - 10
Matt Carvel looks at the character of God revealed through His judgement on the people of Egypt through the plagues
So 09.06.2024
37 : 34 min
Otherside // 6. Promise to Moses - George Benson // Exodus 6
Continuing in our Otherside teaching series, George Benson looks at how God responds to our doubt and disappointment through the revelation of His name and His promises.
So 02.06.2024
35 : 09 min
Otherside // 5. Moses Before Pharaoh - Neville Jones // Exodus 5
In this talk, Neville Jones looks at some of the things that can hold us back spiritually but Christ sets us free to worship and serve Him.
In the fourth talk in the Otherside teaching series, Tobi Ford-Westerm takes us through Exodus 4, where Moses gives a number of reasons not to obey the call of God.
We look at...
"Who am I?"
"They won't believe me"
"I'm not eloquent"
"Please send someone else"
And what they mean in the context of the battle of the mind.
Mo 20.05.2024
42 : 28 min
Otherside // 3. Moses and the Burning Bush - Tobi Ford-Western // Exodus 3
In the third talk in the Otherside teaching series, Tobi Ford-Westerm takes us through Exodus 3, where we see the call of Moses. In it, we see what the Burning Bush symbolised, what “I am who I am” signified, and considered ‘The Angel of the Lord’ personified. Along the way, we see not only how God responds to prayer, but are given fascinating insight into how he receives it.
So 12.05.2024
37 : 10 min
Otherside // 2. Moses' Early Life - Matt Carvel // Exodus 2
In the second talk in the Otherside teaching series, Matt Carvel looks at God's pattern of working in our lives that involves preservation, humiliation, and exaltation, leading us closer to Him.
So 05.05.2024
33 : 50 min
Otherside //1. Slavery In Egypt - Neville Jones // Exodus 1
In the first talk in the Otherside teaching series, Neville looks at how God has rescued us through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, setting us free to worship and glorify Him, which is our true meaning and purpose. Despite tough circumstances, God is at work in ways we may not understand, and He is closer to us than we think.
So 28.04.2024
37 : 59 min
The Good News about Life and Death // 3 Our Death - Matt Carvel // 1 Corinthians 15:20-26
The Good News about Life and Death // 3 Our Death - Matt Carvel // 1 Corinthians 15:20-26 by Emmanuel
So 14.04.2024
35 : 02 min
The Good News about Life and Death // 4 Our Resurrection - Matt Carvel // 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
The Good News about Life and Death // 4 Our Resurrection - Matt Carvel // 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 by Emmanuel
So 14.04.2024
32 : 35 min
The Good News about Life and Death // 2. Jesus' Resurrection - Neville Jones// 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Neville Jones continues our Easter series, the Good News about Life and Death by looking at the significance of the resurrection for the believer.
So 31.03.2024
28 : 54 min
The Good News about Life and Death // 1. Jesus' Death - George Benson // 1 Corinthians 15:1-3
This week George Benson began our Easter series, the Good News about Life and Death by looking at how the cross shows us the seriousness of sin and the wonder of the love of God.
So 24.03.2024
35 : 50 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 11 The Generosity - Stephen Dawson // Acts 4:32-37
In the final talk in The World Turned Upside Down series, Stephen Dawson looks at the generosity amongst the early church. As a generous community, we can be channels of blessings to others.
So 17.03.2024
39 : 16 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 10 The Prayer - Tobi Ford-Western // Acts 4:23-31
In the penultimate message of our series, Tobi takes a look at quite possibly the most significant prayer meeting in the church age. In an age of protest, he examines the role of prayer as a form of protest particularly in a year of election.
So 10.03.2024
33 : 29 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 9 The Witness - Matt Carvel // Acts 4:13-22
Matt Carvel looks at the unwavering commitment of the apostles to boldly witness for Christ despite opposition and persecution. They were witnesses to and participants in the victory of Jesus Christ, and therefore they were utterly unyielding in the face of opposition. In their minds, the reality of the pressure to deny Christ was in no way equal to the fact of His triumph in their thought and conduct.
So 03.03.2024
33 : 20 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 8 The Opposition - Neville Jones // Acts 4:1-12
In this talk, Neville Jones emphasises the unstoppable power and impact of the Gospel, urging confidence in its transformative reach.
Mo 26.02.2024
34 : 30 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 7 The Miracles - Stephen Dawson // Acts 3:1-26
In this talk, Stephen Dawson looks at the story of Peter and John healing a lame beggar outside the temple and Peter subsequently preaching about Jesus to the crowd.
Mo 19.02.2024
43 : 31 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 6 The Unity - Matt Carvel // Acts 2:42-47
The passage from Acts 2:42-47 is highlighted as an idealised example of their devotion to teaching, fellowship, sharing, and prayer. The video emphasises communal identity's importance and challenges Western society's prevalent individualistic thinking.
So 11.02.2024
37 : 20 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 5 The Devotion - Matt Carvel // Acts 2:42-47
In this talk, Matt Carvel focuses on the vertical relationship between the people and God. The features of that relationship are described in the passage: signs and wonders, joy and generosity, praise and favour.
So 04.02.2024
39 : 11 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 4 The Message - Stephen Dawson // Acts 2:14-41
In this talk, Stephen Dawson reflects on the day of Pentecost when the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in different languages, leading to powerful preaching. He explores the principles, content, and application of Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, highlighting the importance of tailoring messages to the audience, the themes discussed by Peter, and the need for repentance and baptism.
So 28.01.2024
39 : 13 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 3 The Spirit - Matt Carvel // Acts 2:1-13
In this talk, Matt Carvel explores the significance of the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts, looking at the filling of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the early church. Matt emphasises the unity and empowerment of believers through the Holy Spirit.
So 21.01.2024
36 : 46 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 2 The Promise - Neville Jones // Acts 1:6-11
In this talk, Neville Jones looks at the importance of understanding the work of the Holy Spirit and how it relates to our lives as followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live out their purpose. He encourages us to seek a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit's role and to embrace the power, purpose, and plan that comes with His presence in our lives.
So 14.01.2024
34 : 25 min
The World Turned Upside Down // 1 The Apostles - Stephen Dawson // Acts 1:1-5, 12-14
Continuing from the Gospel, Luke seems to refer to the ascension three times. There’s overlap as well as continuity between the start of Luke, its end, and the start of Acts. This period - the resurrection of Jesus - is clearly emphasised to show its importance to the birth of Christianity - the event that Luke is aiming to give an ‘orderly account’ of. The resurrected presence of Jesus and the commissioning of the disciples (as well as their subsequent empowerment by the Spirit) is therefore key.
So 07.01.2024
40 : 48 min
Revelation at Christmas // 3 From Animals to Angels - Tobi Ford-Western // Revelation 5 and Luke 2
In "From Animals to Angels" Tobi takes a look at the Revelation 5 worship of the nations, along with the Revelation 5 worship of creation, in what is quite possibly, the happiest chapter in the bible.
So 24.12.2023
34 : 01 min
Revelation at Christmas // 2 Receiving Gold to Retrieving Scrolls - Tim Jones // Matt 2:9-11 & ...
What is Jesus worth, what are you worth, and how can you know?
So 17.12.2023
33 : 36 min
The Revelation talk - Simon Brading | Revelation: The Emmanuel Christmas Production 2023
Uncover the profound meaning behind the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh in this Christmas sermon. Explore the unexpected royalty of a baby King, the divine worship embodied in a child, and the poignant purpose behind the gift of Myrrh. Discover how Jesus, born to bring light to a dark world, invites us to turn away from self-centered worship and find hope, joy, and restoration in His Kingdom. Join us in adoration as we reflect on The Revelation of God through the birth of Jesus.
Do 14.12.2023
19 : 37 min
Revelation at Christmas // 1 From Manger to Majesty - Tobi Ford-Western // Luke 2:7 & Revelation 4
In "From Majesty to Manger" Tobi takes a look at the Manger of Christmas contrasted against the majesty of Revelation. Beholding the divinity seen in Revelation against humility seen in the incarnation. In the process we consider the 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures and what they mean, in this context.
So 10.12.2023
40 : 30 min
Virtual Jesus // 10 I Am He - Neville Jones // John 18:1-11
Whatever we might think about Jesus, we all have created a ‘virtual Jesus’ in our minds. The real Jesus constantly challenges us. The real Jesus can’t be put in a box. In this final encounter, Jesus is about to be arrested and when He simply pronounces, ‘I am He’ soldiers are literally knocked off their feet.
The Jesus of eternity, the Jesus of history, the Jesus of today and forevermore is still doing this. Still surprising us, still with the power to knock us to the ground and build us back up again. He is God. He is real. He is with us. The real Jesus is here.
So 26.11.2023
30 : 42 min
How to Care for our City // #LiveLunch Season 16 Episode 7
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Rachel Fellingham along with Matt Carvel and Yohaan Philip discussing Jesus’ heart for the vulnerable in our city.
Di 21.11.2023
29 : 59 min
Gift Day Sunday // Stephen Dawson - Luke 4:16-21
Throughout the month of November, we ran a giving campaign into caring for our city and the most vulnerable around us. The money given will enable the CARE team to deliver many initiatives we are involved in, in our local area
Mo 20.11.2023
42 : 54 min
How Do I Abide In Jesus? // #LiveLunch S16E6
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had George Benson along with Christina Omoloso and Yohaan Philip discussing Jesus’ claim that He is the 'true vine'.
Mi 15.11.2023
33 : 42 min
Virtual Jesus // 9 I Am the True Vine - George Benson // John 8:48-59
Sunday school impressions of Jesus can be of a feeble kind, where Jesus is just nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s no threat, He can be ignored. He probably wouldn’t be able to survive today’s social-media rage-fuelled climate and he would melt into the background just like other ‘snowflakes’ - the world today likes opinionated, brazen leaders, not weakling nice guys. On a personal level, we want those who will bring real change and power to our lives.
Hidden in a horticultural analogy, Jesus presents himself as someone who brings real fruitfulness to our lives. He’s not weak, he’s robust. God is in the pruning business. He’s not weak or impotent, He brings about real fruitfulness in our lives as we trust in Him and follow His ways.
So 12.11.2023
35 : 09 min
Can I Trust My Feelings as Truth? // #LiveLunch Season 16 Episode 5
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Jess along with our hosts Matt Carvel and Yohaan Philip discussing Jesus’ claim that He is the truth.
Mi 08.11.2023
32 : 24 min
Virtual Jesus // 8 Irrelevant Jesus - Rich Joseph // John 14:1-7
What is most important to me is my truth. What I feel is my reality. My experiences are my existence. Whatever Jesus said thousands of years ago, might be interesting, but it's hardly relevant to my life right now.
Into the context of the deeply personally defined ideas of truth of today, Jesus makes a startling claim, “I am the Truth’. Not even, I am true, but I am truth itself. Truth about life. Truth about existence. Truth about me and truth about you, is found in him.
So 05.11.2023
36 : 12 min
Is Jesus The only Way? // #LiveLunch Season 16 Episode 4
On Tuesday, we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Matt Carvel along with our hosts George Benson and Yohaan Philip discussing Jesus’ claim that He is the Way. What does He mean and how do we know this is true?
Do 02.11.2023
29 : 30 min
Virtual Jesus // 7 Guru Jesus - Matt Carvel // John 14:1-7
Jesus. One of many spiritual sages over the span of human history, offering a path to enlightenment, right? Another voice from many that we can listen to as we see fit. None should be elevated above others - they’re all equally valid.
So goes many people’s attitudes to the words of Jesus. But Jesus said, ‘I am the Way’. He didn’t see himself as offering an alternative, but the definitive and exclusive way to eternity. How can such an emphatic claim be taken seriously in the pluralistic world of today?
So 29.10.2023
36 : 18 min
Virtual Jesus // 6 I Am The Door - Matt Carvel // John 1:1-18
Religion. Famously the ‘opium of the masses’. A trick. An illusion. A way to control people. Although some may see the claims of Christianity as a trap, Jesus in his own words claims, ‘I am the Door’.
In a world of a myriad of options, could this be a door worth opening? What is behind it? Is this another confidence trick or a promise that can be trusted?
So 22.10.2023
31 : 38 min
How Do We Deal With Death? // #LiveLunch Season 16 Episode 3
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Tobi Ford-Western along with our hosts George Benson and Matt Carvel discussing the topic of death; what is it? how do we deal with it? and what does Jesus' death mean for us today?
Find out more about Live Lunch at
Join us Live and ask your questions on Instagram:
00:00 Intro
00:43 Updates & Guests
02:57 Preach Summary
04:53 Jesus IS the resurrection?
07:31 Why Have a Physical Cross In Churches?
09:27 Why We Should Focus on the Resurrection
14:16 Importance of Grief
15:02 How To Handle Death
19:10 Christian Perspective of Death
22:28 Creatures of Hope
24:46 End
Di 17.10.2023
25 : 38 min
Virtual Jesus // 5 I Am The Resurrection and the Life - Tobi Ford-Western // John 11:1-44
To many, the idea of giving your life to Jesus would be the end of the type of life we really want to live. It’s a death to my own autonomy, it’s death to certain relationships or habits or behaviours that I enjoy. It’s ‘game over’. And perhaps that’s why Christianity is only for people who mess up their lives and are really desperate.
But Jesus says to come to Him is not ‘game over’, it is life only just beginning. He is the resurrection and the beginning of life that lasts forever. Whatever we enjoy about life now is actually just a taste of the eternal life that Jesus offers us. In our short time on earth, understandably our instinct is to grab hold of all the good things that we can, but Jesus raises the dead. That changes the landscape, entirely. Why snatch all we can out of life, when we can come to the one that gives life that lasts forever?
So 15.10.2023
46 : 37 min
Virtual Jesus // 4 Moral Jesus - I Am The Light Of The World - Matt Carvel // John 8 - 12 - 20
Another oft imagined perception of Jesus is a moral teacher who dispensed guidelines for life. The moral, ritualistic context of the Feast of Tabernacles, complete with shining lamps, is the backdrop for Jesus’ mighty claim, ‘I am the Light of the World’. The religious leaders are quick to jump on Jesus here, challenging the authority of his testimony. Jesus replies, ‘you judge according to the flesh’ and instead appeals to the witness of His Father.
Jesus is not a moral system. In fact he set himself as a fulfilment of the religious system of the Bible. He is not just a light that helps us navigate the world, He is the light - the source of life itself. Notice v12, when we receive Him, we won’t just avoid the darkness but will obtain the ‘light of life’ itself.
So 08.10.2023
39 : 36 min
What Does It Look Like To Follow The Good Shepherd? // #LiveLunch Season 16 Episode 2
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Neville Jones and along with our hosts Yohaan Philip and Matt Carvel discussing the topic of what it looks like to see Jesus as the Good Shepherd over our lives and the practical ways to outlive that.
Find out more about Live Lunch at
Join us Live and ask your questions on Instagram:
00:00 Intro
00:43 Introducing our Guest
01:10 Lunch Recommendation This Week
01:41 What's on Matts Mind? - The Roman Empire!
02:00 Neville's anger towards sheep
03:04 Sunday Preach Summary
06:49 Misuse of Authority
08:29 Does Authority mean Suppression?
09:33 Are we made for submission?
11:20 What the Culture says about Authority
13:27 Why Jesus' Authority is GOOD
15:24 What it looks like to be a 'sheep'
17:19 Practical Tips on Following Jesus
19:10 We Need to CHOOSE the Good Shepherd
20:41 How to hear the voice of
Mi 04.10.2023
30 : 21 min
Virtual Jesus // 3 I Am the Good Shepherd - Neville Jones // John 10:1-18
We live in an age that is highly sensitive to ‘toxic leadership/authority’ figures, and understandably so. Toxic authority and the abuse of power is horrific. If Jesus demands people submit to his leadership, then he must be toxic too.
Yet, Jesus boldly and graciously claimed, ‘I am the Good Shepherd’. Could this really be good news? Is this an authority that avoids the toxicity we have become so familiar with?
So 01.10.2023
38 : 42 min
How Does Jesus Truly Satisfy? // #LiveLunch S16E1
On Tuesday we continued our weekly podcast 'Live Lunch' where we unpack our Sunday teaching and answer your questions live. We had Christina Omoloso and Tobi Ford-Western along with our hosts Yohaan Philip and Matt Carvel discussing the topic of Jesus truly being the bread of life and what that practically looks like for us as Christians.
Find out more about Live Lunch at
00:00 Intro
00:52 What is LiveLunch
01:47 What is Virtual Jesus?
03:25 Student Update & Freshers Events
04:09 First week of Virtual Jesus Highlights
04:54 Sunday Preach Recap
5:49 How Does Jesus Satisfy (Practically)
11:48 How To Respond To Difficult Verses In The Bible
14:48 How To Desire God
21:14 Dangers of Not Seeking Jesus
23:22 Next Week Sneak Peak
Di 26.09.2023
24 : 06 min
Virtual Jesus // 2 Cancelled Jesus - Tobi Ford-Western // John 8:48-59
Jesus said many things that people today find hard to swallow. Some of what the Bible says is simply, ‘yuck’ to many modern hearers. It may be surprising to realise that the hearers in Jesus’ day also found his message distasteful and unpleasant!
Crowds that had gathered soon turned away when Jesus said, ‘I am the Bread of Life’. Jesus may have been cancelled at the time, but his offer to satisfy us, spiritually and eternally is still held out to all today.
So 24.09.2023
40 : 57 min
Virtual Jesus // 1 Relic Jesus - Matt Carvel // John 8:48-59
While some might be sceptical, most people today accept that Jesus was a real person in history. But they leave him there, consigned to history, a relic, of interest only to the historian. He might have been a good teacher, but little more.
But this harmless, good teacher of history is a ‘Virtual Jesus’. He doesn’t exist. Jesus, faced with the religious leaders of his day, boldly claimed to be divine, with the words, ‘Before Abraham was, I AM’.
So 17.09.2023
33 : 42 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 121 - Stu Gibbs
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 121 - Stu Gibbs by Emmanuel
So 03.09.2023
31 : 10 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 1 & 2 - Glen Scrivener
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 1 & 2 - Glen Scrivener by Emmanuel
So 20.08.2023
43 : 27 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 91 - Andrew Wilson
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 91 - Andrew Wilson by Emmanuel
So 13.08.2023
28 : 06 min
Summer in the Psalms // Psalm 23 - Steve Walford
Steve Walford shows us that Psalm 23 teaches a lot about life, particularly comparing life to a long-distance walk with ups and downs, with Jesus leading and guiding us.
He emphasises that Jesus is always with us, even in the darkest valleys of life. Jesus knows us personally, leads us to the best places, is always with us, and lavishly provides for our needs. Steve invites us to embrace Jesus as our shepherd and follow Him in our walk through life.
So 06.08.2023
34 : 39 min
Buried // 14 Joseph Dies - Matt Carvel // Genesis 50
Matt Carvel looks at the public and private reactions to Jacob's death, as well as the ongoing fragility of the relationship between Joseph and his brothers.
So 30.07.2023
33 : 06 min
Buried // 12 Owning your truth - Matt Carvel // Genesis 47
The main focus of Sunday's passage is Jacob's journey to Egypt and how his family navigates living in a foreign land. Matt parallels between Joseph's family navigating Egypt and how Christians navigate a world that may be hostile to their beliefs.
When Pharaoh asks Jacob how old he is, Jacob responds with a negative view of his life. Matt highlights the significance of Jacob blessing Pharaoh, indicating that Jacob understands his purpose as a carrier of God's blessing. He encourages Christians to recognise their role in carrying God's blessing to the world, even in foreign and hostile environments.
So 16.07.2023
36 : 41 min
How Does God Speak Through Our Circumstance? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 9
This week on live lunch, Tobi Ford-Western, George Benson and Rachel Jeffs discuss the different ways that God speaks through our circumstances. How do we know when God is moving in our lives? What does this look like?
In this talk, Tobi Ford-Western looks at the need for biblical tools to navigate through physical and spiritual famines. He highlights the character development of Joseph, who has learned humility and maturity through his hardships and challenges. The story of Joseph is not outdated but rich in wisdom and guidance for navigating the challenges of the present day.
So 09.07.2023
41 : 38 min
Why Does God Test Us? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 8
This week on Live Lunch, Matt Carvel, George Benson and Rachel Jeffs discuss how and why God tests us. How do we know when we are being tested? How does God shape us through trials? Are we to be joyful during trials?
Di 04.07.2023
30 : 51 min
Buried // 10 A Test of True Repentance - Matt Carvel // Genesis 44
In this talk, Matt Carvel explains that this testing was done by Joseph to see if his brothers had truly changed and were remorseful for their past actions. He draws connections to the Bible's instances of testing and trials, explaining that these are used by God to reveal and shape one's heart. Going through difficult times can be confusing and make us question why God allows it, but we must keep seeing the big picture and having faith in God's plan.
So 02.07.2023
36 : 15 min
Buried // 9 Return to Grace - Matt Carvel // Genesis 43
A story of Grace. The brothers return, burdened with guilt. They return with double the money, hoping to pay back the debt they owe. They are invited into the palace, trembling at the prospect of judgement and retribution. They receive a feast. Their seats had their names on and they were amazed at the lavish banquet laid out for them.
So 25.06.2023
36 : 03 min
Why Do We Give? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 7
This week on Live Lunch George Benson, Christine Liddiard, and Rachel Jeffs discuss why and how churches give money. Check out last Sunday's preach here:
Di 20.06.2023
29 : 13 min
Summer 2023 Gift Campaign // Time To Plant - Stephen Dawson
Across the month of June, together with churches in Amsterdam, Berlin, London and Ottawa, we will be giving towards continuing to help establish churches in key cities. We are committed to helping people find their way back to God, and starting new churches is something that we feel God has called us to.
So 18.06.2023
29 : 59 min
Why Do We Need To Forgive? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 6
This week on live lunch Matt Davis, Matt Carvel & Rachel Jeffs talk about themes such as forgiveness and reconciliation.
Watch last week's preach here:
Di 13.06.2023
31 : 05 min
Buried // 8 The journey towards reconciliation - Matt Carvel // Genesis 42:1-28
From the story of Joseph's relationship with his brothers, Matt Carvel looks at the common experience of family members who do not speak to each other due to a relationship breakdown.
So 11.06.2023
37 : 53 min
Buried // 7 Joseph Rises to Power - Stephen Dawson // Genesis 41:37-57
Buried // 7 Joseph Rises to Power - Stephen Dawson // Genesis 41:37-57 by Emmanuel
So 04.06.2023
36 : 59 min
What Does It Mean To Have Faith? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 5
This week on live lunch George Benson, Tim Jones & Rachel Jeffs talk about last weeks preach, discussing themes such as faith, trust, and personal relationship with God.
Last Sunday's Preach:
Di 23.05.2023
28 : 59 min
Buried // 6 Underneath the Surface - Stephen Dawson // Genesis 41
In this talk, Stephen Dawson looks at how God intervenes in history and uses Joseph's situation to bring about a greater purpose beyond what anyone could have imagined. This is a reminder that God is in control, and His timing is perfect. We may not always understand why we're going through certain things, but we can trust that God has a plan and purpose.
Mo 22.05.2023
42 : 33 min
How Can I Hear From God? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 4
This week on live lunch Tim jones, Christine Liddiard, and Rachel Jeffs discussed the different ways we can hear from God. Can God speak to us in dreams, visions, can we hear an audible voice?
Listen back to Sundays talk:
Di 16.05.2023
32 : 00 min
Is Temptation a Sin? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 3
This week we are joined by Tobi Ford-Western, George Benson, and Rachel Jeffs as we discuss Sundays preach, highlighting topics such as temptation, Gods favour, and what to do in times of hardship.
Sundays Preach:
After being sold in Egypt as a slave, Joseph served Potiphar, an Egyptian officer. However, God was with Joseph, and he became successful. Joseph was put in charge of Potiphar's house and all that he had. One day, Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, but he refused and fled. Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to assault her, and Joseph was put in prison. However, God was still with Joseph, and he was put in charge of the prison.
So 07.05.2023
47 : 36 min
Who do we emulate in this story? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 2
Who do we emulate in this story? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 2 by Emmanuel
Di 02.05.2023
25 : 23 min
Buried // 3 The Pit of Our Own Making- Matt Carvel // Genesis 31:1-30
Judah's decision to turn away from his family eventually leads him to a pit of his own making. In this context, the importance of family in the Bible is emphasised, as the family line is a crucial aspect of God's plan of redemption. Decisions about marriage, family, and lineage are essential in shaping the future.
So 30.04.2023
37 : 40 min
Why Do We Bury The Dead? // #LiveLunch Season 15 Episode 1
This week we are joined by Stephen Dawson, Tim jones, Yohaan Philip and Rachel Jeffs as we unpack Sundays preach and discuss key questions that arise, such as "Why did Jesus have to be buried?" We also discuss topics such as forgiveness, and how and why we should forgive.
Di 25.04.2023
33 : 52 min
Buried // 2 In the Pit - Stephen Dawson // Genesis 37:12-36
Joseph's betrayal at the hands of his brothers shows us how God works in the midst of difficult and seemingly impossible circumstances. Just as God was with Joseph every step of the way, even in the pit and in slavery, so too He is with us in our own trials and hardships.
Mo 24.04.2023
37 : 05 min
Buried // 1 Your Timing, God's Timing - Joel Virgo // Genesis 37:1-11
In this first talk, Joel introduces a new series of messages on the story of Joseph in the Bible, Buried.
The talk aims to introduce the story of Joseph, present a God who is Sovereign and lovingly controls all things with good purpose, and provide practical lessons for handling responsibilities, personal destinies, and prophetic promises.
So 16.04.2023
33 : 55 min
Easter Sunday: Starting Again - Joel Virgo // Matthew 28:1-15
Easter means we are not locked into the universe that we might have imagined. Life and hope have broken out. Things begin again.
So 09.04.2023
34 : 43 min
Jesus' Crucifixion & The 3 Curses // #LiveLunch Series 14 Episode 10
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Tim Jones, and Tobi Ford-Western unpacking our Sunday Preach on the topic of 'The Cross'.
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
Cross of Christ by John Stott -
The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge -
Di 04.04.2023
28 : 59 min
Hope is Here // 11 Gethsemane - Matt Carvel // Matthew 26:30-56
The image of Gethsemane on the slope of the Mount of Olives where Jesus went the night before his crucifixion provides a vivid picture of Jesus' suffering. The weight of the sins of the world pressed down upon him like a heavy slab of rock pressed down on olives in their baskets.
Matt Carvel looks at the story of Jesus in Gethsemane from Matthew 26:30-56
So 26.03.2023
34 : 31 min
Why Do We Take Communion? // #LiveLunch Season 13 Episode 9
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Tim Jones, and George Benson unpacking our Sunday Preach on the topic of 'The Lord's Supper'.
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
Di 21.03.2023
26 : 57 min
Hope is Here // 10 The Lord's Supper - Joel Virgo // Matthew 26:17-35
Hope is Here // 10 The Lord's Supper - Joel Virgo // Matthew 26:17-35 by Emmanuel
So 19.03.2023
35 : 23 min
Destructive Miracles, Blessings/Curses, and Gary Lineker // #LiveLunch Season 13 Episode 8
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Tim Jones, and Christine Liddiard unpacking our Sunday Preach on the topic of 'Jesus Curses The Fig Tree'.
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
Di 14.03.2023
29 : 57 min
Hope is Here 9 // Jesus Curses The Fig Tree - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:12-14, 18-22
Hope is Here 9 // Jesus Curses The Fig Tree - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:12-14, 18-22 by Emmanuel
So 12.03.2023
38 : 41 min
Money, Money, Money! - #LiveLunch Season 13 Episode 7
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, George Benson, and Stephen Dawson unpacking our Sunday Preach on the topic of 'Giving' looking at 2 Corinthians 9:7.
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
The Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey -
Di 07.03.2023
31 : 56 min
Time To Build - Stephen Dawson // 2 Corinthians 9 - 7
As part of our Gift Day Sunday, Stephen Dawson looks at two ways to give and two ways not to give.
So 05.03.2023
31 : 53 min
Discerning Sin, The Church, and Fearing God - Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 6
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, George Benson, Christina Omoloso, and Tim Jones unpacking our Sunday Preach 'The Cleansing of the Temple' from our teaching series ‘Hope is Here’
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
Di 28.02.2023
30 : 14 min
Hope is Here // 7 The Cleansing of the Temple - Joel Virgo // Matthew 21:12-17
Hope is Here // 7 The Cleansing of the Temple - Joel Virgo // Matthew 21:12-17 by Emmanuel
So 26.02.2023
35 : 07 min
Suffering, Donkeys, and the End of Time // Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 5
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, George Benson, and Tobi Ford-Western, unpacking our Sunday Preach 'The Triumphant Entry' from our new teaching series ‘Hope is Here’
Listen back to the Sunday Teaching:
Di 21.02.2023
30 : 37 min
Hope Is Here // 6 The Triumphant Entry - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:1-11
Hope Is Here // 6 The Triumphant Entry - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:1-11 by Emmanuel
So 19.02.2023
38 : 20 min
Hope is Here // 5 What do you want? - Joel Virgo // Matthew 20:17-34
Hope is Here // 5 What do you want? - Joel Virgo // Matthew 20:17-34 by Emmanuel
So 12.02.2023
34 : 10 min
Authority, Corruption, and Sexuality // Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 4
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Christine Liddiard, discussing Christianity and culture, from our new teaching series ‘Hope is Here’.
We also spoke about the Clear Vision conference, and discussed insights on themes such as identity, gender, and sexuality.
Find the talks here:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Helping people find their way back to God. #weareemmanuel
Mi 08.02.2023
38 : 42 min
Hope is Here // 4 The Temple Tax - Matt Carvel // Matthew 17:24-27
Hope is Here // 4 The Temple Tax - Matt Carvel // Matthew 17:24-27 by Emmanuel
So 05.02.2023
33 : 09 min
Is It Wrong To Force Children To Church? // Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 3
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Christine Liddiard, discussing our latest sermon ‘Jesus and the Children’ from our new teaching series ‘Hope is Here’.
Di 31.01.2023
32 : 17 min
Hope is Here // 3 Jesus and the Children - Matt Carvel // Matthew 19:13-15
Hope is Here // 3 Jesus and the Children - Matt Carvel // Matthew 19:13-15 by Emmanuel
So 29.01.2023
32 : 22 min
Stranger Things, Spiritual Warfare, and Demonic Oppression // Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 2
In the new season of Live lunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Tobi Ford-Western, discussing our latest sermon ‘Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon’ from our new teaching series ‘Hope is Here’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
00:00 - What Is Live Lunch?
00:44 - Today's lunch
00:54 - Introduction
03:22 - Sunday Sermon Recap
06:42 - Demonic Experiences in India
09:36 - Are Westerners Arrogant?
011:54 - Demonic in the West
15:43 - What is Spiritual Warfare?
16:26 - How To Break Free From Spiritual Warfare
17:30 - Identifying Signs of Demonic Oppression
19:36 - Can Christians Experience Demonic Oppression?
23:54 - Generational Perspectives to the Demonic
27:32 - Manifesting
34:50 - Closing Comments
Di 24.01.2023
35 : 33 min
Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon // Matthew 17:14-20 // Tobi Ford-Western // Hope is Here 2
Jesus chooses this moment of chaos to bring some teaching to the father and the disciples, rebuking them for their lack of faith. At the time the boy’s healing would have felt much more pressing but for Jesus, healing people under dark oppression is easy. He was much more concerned by the doubt that persisted in the hearts of the disciples.
So 22.01.2023
37 : 10 min
Andrew Tate, Hearing God, and Die Hard // Live Lunch Season 13 Episode 1
In the new season of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Christine Liddiard, discussing our latest sermon ‘The Transfiguration’ from our new teaching series ‘Hope is Here’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Di 17.01.2023
40 : 16 min
Hope is Here // 1 The Transfiguration - Joel Virgo // Matthew 17:1-9
Jesus is the revelation of the living God, we can get to know the Father through the Son and this is how He communicates with us… but we must listen!
So 15.01.2023
40 : 46 min
Stephen Dawson - Begin with Prayer // Colossians 1:9-14
Stephen Dawson - Begin with Prayer // Colossians 1:9-14 by Emmanuel
So 08.01.2023
35 : 28 min
The Advent Series 3 // Knowing God - Tobi Ford-Western // John 1:14-18
The Advent Series 3 // Knowing God - Tobi Ford-Western // John 1:14-18 by Emmanuel
So 18.12.2022
37 : 52 min
The Advent Series 2 // Receiving God - Stephen Dawson // John 1:10-13
The Advent Series 2 // Receiving God - Stephen Dawson // John 1:10-13 by Emmanuel
So 11.12.2022
26 : 26 min
The Advent Series 1 // Seeing God - George Benson // John 1:1-18
The Advent Series 1 // Seeing God - George Benson // John 1:1-18 by Emmanuel
So 04.12.2022
30 : 33 min
Joy Has A Name // 11 Rejoicing in Christ - Joel Virgo // Philippians 4:2-9, 21-23
Paul instructs the Philippians ‘rejoice in the Lord always’. This is one of his greatest concerns - that they would experience the joy of the Lord. This can be hard to hear when we walk through difficult seasons.
So 27.11.2022
38 : 00 min
Joy Has A Name // 10 Christ The Goal - Tobi Ford-Western // Philippians 3:12-4:1
Paul wants all christians to grow in our understanding and application of grace. We are often taught that grace means that our sins are forgiven and we don’t have to work for our salvation. But, Paul says ‘I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’ He is showing us that perseverance does not mean working FOR our salvation, it means working OUT our salvation.
So 20.11.2022
35 : 18 min
Joy Has A Name // 9 Riches In Christ - Stephen Dawson // Philippians 4:10-20
Joy Has A Name // 9 Riches In Christ - Stephen Dawson // Philippians 4:10-20 by Emmanuel
So 13.11.2022
34 : 12 min
Joy Has A Name // 8 The Surpassing Worth Of Christ - Matt Carvel // Philippians 3:1-11
As alien as the context and content of this passage may seem to contemporary hearers - even Christians - Paul is referring to a very familiar universal trait: the human proneness to self-reliance. Explain it in any which way you will (sin, instinct, evolutionary behaviour, etc.) but human beings seem inherently self-focused and will do anything they need to do to survive and work for their own self-interest.
We must come empty-handed to Christ, and the more we have in life the more we might be tempted to trust in it instead of trusting in Christ.
So 06.11.2022
34 : 36 min
Joy Has A Name // 7 Workers For Christ - Joel Virgo // Philippians 2:19-30
The way that God works in our hearts to grow and mature us often involves pain and suffering. It is not often that progress comes from a context of comfort. Paul describes Timothy and Epaphroditus as a slave and a soldier, implying that they have experienced pain. Here Paul is wanting to encourage the Philippians to look at mature Christians who display Christ-likeness in order to learn from them.
So 30.10.2022
38 : 46 min
Joy Has A Name // 6 The Fear Of Christ - Tobi Ford-Western // Philippians 2:12-18
‘Work out your own salvation’ can be a confusing sentiment for the grace-filled Christian. ‘Fear and trembling’ don’t sound too fun either! What does Paul mean? Isn’t he leading us on the path of joy?
So 23.10.2022
34 : 19 min
Joy Has A Name // 5 The Humility and Glory Of Christ - Matt Carvel // Philippians 2:5-11
A common question that people ask about Christianity is, why, if God is real, does He not make His existence more obvious to us. We ask this question because we want things to be simple and straightforward. However, we see in the bible that God chooses to reveal Himself on His own terms, through Jesus.
Do 20.10.2022
34 : 43 min
Joy Has A Name // 4 A Christ-shaped Mind - Matt Carvel // Philippians 2:1-4
The humility of Christ (which is about to be unpacked in the following passage) is a demonstration of the other-person focus of the Gospel. Love is selfless, not selfish.
So 09.10.2022
30 : 39 min
Joy Has A Name // 3 A Christ-shaped Walk - Matt Carvel // Philippians 1:1-27-30
Obedience to Jesus when we believe true joy is found elsewhere is drudgery. But when we see Christ for who He is, and believe that in Him is true joy, following Him with our lives is full of meaning and purpose and joy.
So 02.10.2022
33 : 24 min
Joy Has A Name // 2 A Christ-shaped Life - Neville Jones // Philippians 1:1-12-26
The sovereignty of God and the supremacy of Christ.
Again, Paul demonstrates a provocatively joyful attitude. In the face of his unjust imprisonment and even ‘gospel advocates’ trying to make his life even more difficult, he still rejoices. He does so, because he chooses to see life from a Christ-perspective. If Christ is glorified, then I am more than happy! What happens to me physically doesn’t even matter, even death!
So 25.09.2022
33 : 17 min
Joy Has A Name // 1 Joy in Christ - Joel Virgo // Philippians 1:1-11
Joel looks at the union and unity that Christ brings us into. As a provocation to our current society, Paul and the Philippians rejoice not in themselves or selfish joy/pleasure they have found (Paul is in prison, remember!), but by revelling in the fact they are part of something much bigger than themselves that even involves the glory of God.
So 18.09.2022
39 : 29 min
If I Could Tell You One Thing // Glen Scrivener - The Trinity Saved My Life // Galatians 3:26-4:7
Glen Scrivener is Director and Evangelist at Speak Life, an organisation that exists to revive Christians, resource the church and reach the world with the good news of Jesus.
So 04.09.2022
30 : 10 min
If I Could Tell You One Thing // Kenny McCoosh - In His Presence // Isaiah 6:1-13
Kenny McCoosh leads Emmanuel Belfast which is part of our global family of churches
So 28.08.2022
32 : 24 min
If I Could Tell You One Thing // Malcolm Gamon - Knowing God as Father
Malcolm Gamon leads Cornerstone Church, Bath which is part of our global family of churches
So 21.08.2022
39 : 57 min
If I Could Tell You One Thing // Stephen Dawson - Make every effort // 2 Peter 1:1-11
Stephen Dawson is an elder at Emmanuel and leads the Clarendon Centre location
So 14.08.2022
35 : 50 min
If I Could Tell You One Thing // Terry Virgo - God's Lavish Grace // Romans 5:17, 7:1-6
Terry Virgo is the founding pastor of Emmanuel and Newfrontiers, an international network of 1500+ churches in over 60 nations.
So 07.08.2022
37 : 29 min
The Promise Endures // 14 The Promise Endures - Matt Carvel // Genesis 33-1-20
As we bring the series to a close, we reflect on Jacob’s life and realise that he hasn’t really changed that much! Despite all the encounters with God, he is not as mature or trusting in God as he perhaps should be. But his unexpected reconciliation with Esau shows that it is God’s faithfulness and grace that underpins his life and causes it to be ‘successful’, not his own efforts.
So 31.07.2022
40 : 01 min
The Promise Endures // 13. Unless You Bless Me - Tobi Ford-Western // Genesis 32.22-32
In one of the strangest passages in the whole bible, we see God seek to do business with his son, Jacob. He ambushes him, seeking to teach him to pray. The result? Jacob is a changed man and would never walk the same again.
So 24.07.2022
38 : 35 min
How To Trust God And Not Be Fearful // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 12
In the final episode of season 12 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Jess Debenham, discussing our latest sermon ‘Training For Faith’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Listen to Jess Debenham on Spotify:
Presave Infrastructure:
Rejoice and Tremble:
Find out about our Thrive Smallgroups:
Apply to do the Emmanuel Internship:
Do 21.07.2022
29 : 41 min
The Promise Endures // 12. Training for Faith - Joel Virgo // Genesis 32.1-21
The sermon is about God’s goal of making us more confident in his faithfulness and favour. He wants for us to grow in real trust. Jacob was a slow learner. Most of us are. We need to keep beholding the Lord Jesus in his faithfulness. This is how we grow.
So 17.07.2022
41 : 24 min
Mental Health & Enemy Attacks // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 11
Is mental illness caused by the demonic? What is the difference between the accusation of the Devil and the conviction of the Holy Spirit?
In season 12 episode 11 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Sophie Cox, discussing our latest sermon ‘The ‘Our True Home. Our True Enemy.’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Mi 13.07.2022
23 : 50 min
The Promise Endures // 11. Our Real Home. Our Real Enemy - Joel Virgo
This story speaks to our emancipation from the dominion of sin and condemnation.
So 10.07.2022
44 : 17 min
Rights vs Responsibilities // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 10
What does it practically look like to take responsibility in your life? What do you do when you feel like you have a lack in an area of responsibility?
In season 12 episode 10 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Christine Liddiard, discussing our latest sermon ‘The ‘What Am I Doing?’ Moment’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Mi 06.07.2022
30 : 49 min
The Promise Endures // 10. The 'What Am I Doing' Moment - Matt Carvel
We’ve reached the point in the story where Jacob finally starts to take responsibility for his life. He tussles with Laban but he is trying to get home and properly provide for his family. In the midst of this, he also begins to more and more recognise God’s hand on his life.
So 03.07.2022
36 : 32 min
Polygamy, Abortion, and Kendrick Lamar // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 9
Does God condone polyamorous relationships? Is marriage a good thing? Why do we believe that abortion is wrong?
In season 12 episode 9 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel, Purity Omolo and Stephen Dawson, discussing our latest sermon ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Mi 29.06.2022
30 : 26 min
The Promise Endures // 9. The Pursuit of Happiness - Stephen Dawson
This story contrasts the placing of one's happiness in love and family versus placing it in the Giver of true happiness.
So 26.06.2022
37 : 43 min
Should I Give If I'm In DEBT? // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 8
Why should we give to churches instead of just giving to the poor? Should I give if we are not earning money or in debt? How do I balance Gift Day giving and monthly tithe?
In season 12 episode 8 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel, Megan Nicholas, and Sophie Spital discussing our latest sermon ‘The Parable of the Ten Minas’ from our Gift Day Sunday.
Resources mentioned:
Gentle & Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund -
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Mi 22.06.2022
32 : 28 min
Summer 2022 Gift Campaign // Time To Plant - Neville Jones
Across the month of June, together with churches in Amsterdam, Berlin, London and Ottawa, we will be giving towards continuing to help establish churches in key cities. We are committed to helping people find their way back to God, and starting new churches is something that we feel God has called us to.
So 19.06.2022
38 : 12 min
Women, Jesus and the Church // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 7
How can we be valuing and dignifying men AND women within the church?
In season 12 episode 7 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel and Christine Liddiard, discussing our latest sermon ‘The Victims of Deception’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
Thrive smallgroups:
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Mi 15.06.2022
29 : 07 min
The Promise Endures // 8. The Victims of Deception - Matt Carvel
This is yet another horrible story about how one man, not obviously walking with God, creates a messy family situation where everyone suffers. But these themes of identity, comparison, beauty, and desire find their contrast and fulfillment in the Gospel and how God deals with us.
So 12.06.2022
37 : 16 min
What makes a true hero? // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 6
What is a true hero? As a Christian, how do you navigate having exclusive beliefs in a pluralistic society without coming across as intolerant? When you say you are opening the door to Jesus does that also imply a change in behaviour?
In season 12 episode 6 of Livelunch we are joined with Yohaan Philip, Tim Jones and Larissa Matson, discussing our latest sermon ‘The Gateway to God’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Resources mentioned:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
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Do 09.06.2022
33 : 54 min
The Promise Endures // 7. The Gateway to God - Matt Carvel
Jacob's vision of a gateway to heaven points towards Jesus as the ‘door’ to God. Jesus is the revelation of God, but also the invitation to know Him and come into the promise of the family of God.
So 05.06.2022
32 : 39 min
Living in the peace of Christ // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 5
How do we practically live in the good of Jesus’ peace? What does it mean to grieve the Spirit? How should you respond to the consequences of others’ sin?
In season 12 episode 5 of Livelunch, we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, Stephen Dawson and Purity Omolo, discussing our latest sermon ‘The Consequences of yesterday’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’.
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
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Mi 01.06.2022
30 : 16 min
The Promise Endures // 6. The Consequences of Yesterday - Stephen Dawson
Sin is like a grenade, that when it goes off, has all kinds of impact. But God is gracious and happily associates with the dysfunctional family and has them in His family line as His ancestors and us as His descendants.
So 29.05.2022
36 : 38 min
Rebecca’s Moral Dilemma // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 4
As Christians, are we allowed to use deceptive methods if the ends justify the means?
In season 12 episode 4 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, and Sophie Cox discussing our latest sermon ‘A Very Dysfunctional Family’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures’ as well as opening up topical discussions relevant to our culture today.
Resources mentioned:
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Mi 25.05.2022
31 : 20 min
The Promise Endures // 5. A Very Dysfunctional Family - Matt Carvel
The very messy story of a very messy family. All the characters are bad in different ways and yet God’s blessings and promises endure. Ultimately, Jacob gets blessed because of grace and him pretending to be Esau is a picture of us being ‘hidden in Christ’. We get God’s favour because we have the righteousness of Christ, not our own righteousness.
So 22.05.2022
35 : 53 min
A Busy Person's Guide to Spending Time With God // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 3
How can I find time with God when I’m so busy? What does spending time with God practically look like?
In season 12 episode 3 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Jess Kaloki, and Larissa Matson discussing our latest sermon ‘The ‘Story of an Unremarkable Man’ from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures as well as opening up topical discussions relevant to our culture today.
Resources mentioned:
Find out more about our Thrive groups:
Jen Wilkin’s Bible Study Books:
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
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Mi 18.05.2022
28 : 58 min
The Promise Endures // 4. The Story of an Unremarkable Man - Stephen Dawson // Gen 26.12-35
Isaac is named among the 3 patriarchs, but in reality, his story is pretty unremarkable. Anything of note in his life is just a repeat of what has been done before by Abraham. But God uses the ordinary actions of ordinary people to carry out His extraordinary plan of blessing to the world.
So 15.05.2022
33 : 35 min
Abortion, Suffering, & Finding God in every Season // Live Lunch Season 12 Episode 2
How should we respond to the topic of abortion? How can I practically walk through seasons of famine and failure?
In season 12 episode 2 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, and Christine Liddiard discussing our latest sermon 'I’m the Middle of the Famine' from our current teaching series ‘The ‘Promise Endures as well as opening up topical discussions relevant to our culture today.
Listen to last Sunday's sermon:
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Mi 11.05.2022
32 : 15 min
The Promise Endures // 3. In the middle of the famine - Matt Carvel // Gen 26:1-16
God blesses Isaac despite his circumstances (famine) and his sin. The cross is the ultimate example of God bringing blessing and forgiveness through adversity and through (and because of) sin.
So 08.05.2022
36 : 53 min
How A Bowl of Lentil Stew Changed Everything // #LiveLunch Season 12 Episode 01
In season 12 episode 1 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, and Matt Davis discussing our latest sermon 'How A Bowl of Lentil Stew Changed Everything' from our current teaching series 'The Promise Endures'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
Di 03.05.2022
29 : 45 min
The Promise Endures // 2. How a bowl of lentil stew changed history - Neville Jones // Gen 25.19-34
Easu rejects his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew. But the revelation of the wonder of Christ is key to resisting the temptation to go after other things.
So 01.05.2022
35 : 18 min
The Promise Endures // 1. A Journey of Faithfulness - Stephen Dawson // Genesis 24
Both Abraham's servant and Rebekah are examples of faithfulness, pointing us to the true Faithful Servant who said, ‘not My will but Yours’
We see how God orchestrates and works through the normal circumstances of life for His higher purposes.
So 24.04.2022
34 : 26 min
A True Dawn - Tobi Ford-Western // 2 Corinthians 1:8-10
As we begin to look to the future post-pandemic, optimism can be checked by the reality of war, financial challenges and a sense of false dawn. The end of the pandemic hasn't solved all our problems.
But there is hope.
So 17.04.2022
25 : 24 min
Resilient 14 // Prone to Wander - Stephen Dawson // James 5.19-20
At first blush, James’ compassionate last words might seem at odds with the robust way he has spoken to hypocrites (echoing his older brother) and called them to account for their double standards. What is different here? A ‘wanderer’ is not a hypocrite pure-and-simple, not seemingly a self-deceived pride-filled God-hater but rather a bruised reed (and we know how the Lord feels about those…)
So 10.04.2022
34 : 18 min
Resilient in Community // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 09
In season 11 episode 9 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt, Yohaan, and Sophie discussing our latest sermon 'Resilient in Community' from our current teaching series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
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Instagram: @WeAreEmmanuel
Twitter: @WeAreEmmanuel
Facebook: /WeAreEmmanuelChurch
Mi 06.04.2022
31 : 18 min
Resilient #13 // Resilient in Community - Matt Carvel // James 5.13-18
Wisdom in community is not a po-faced and earnest thing: Celebration, healing, prevailing prayer and forgiveness are the pulsing blood of the community of Christ. Authority is given by the Lord to his under-Shepherds to minister as servants in healing power to one another and make manifest the Kingdom that is coming.
The power of the kingdom is exercised in gentleness, confidence and joy.
So 03.04.2022
32 : 05 min
Ruling in Prayer // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 08
In season 11 episode 8 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, and Tobi Ford-Western discussing our latest sermon 'Ruling in Prayer' from our current teaching series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
Book Recommendations:
Circle Maker - Mark Batterson
Secrets of a Prayer Warrior - Derek Prince
Mi 30.03.2022
32 : 08 min
Resilient #12 // Ruling in Prayer - Tobi Ford-Western // James 5.13-18
The ‘prayer of a righteous person’ - does this mean that one needs to attain a certain level of holiness of life before being heard? No, we are righteous in Christ. But there is something to be said for the pure of heart being able to ‘see God’
So 27.03.2022
42 : 08 min
Stability and Endurance // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 07
In season 11 episode 7 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, and Christine Liddiard discussing our latest sermon 'Stability and Endurance' from our current teaching series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
Di 22.03.2022
33 : 39 min
Resilient #11 // Stability and Endurance - Joel Virgo // James 5.7-12
Sitting tight, standing firm, staying confident in the midst of seeming stasis. All of these depend upon the depth of confidence possessed, and that in turn depends on the knowledge of and belief in the utter sovereignty of God.
So 20.03.2022
42 : 10 min
Rich Forever // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 06
In season 11 episode 6 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, Sophie Cox, and Matt Davis discussing our latest sermon 'Rich Forever' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
For more information and resources follow:
Follow Emmanuel on these platforms:
Instagram: @WeAreEmmanuel
Twitter: @WeAreEmmanuel
Facebook: /WeAreEmmanuelChurch
Mi 16.03.2022
28 : 26 min
Resilient #10 // Rich Forever - Matt Carvel // James 5.1-6
What’s wrong with being rich? Why are they told to ‘weep and howl’? Do riches make you de facto unrighteous? No, but Jesus does say it is harder if you are rich. You are carrying a greater burden and can’t run so freely.
So 13.03.2022
29 : 43 min
What Is Your Life? // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 05
In season 11 episode 5 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Yohaan Philip, Christine Liddiard, and Matt Davis discussing our latest sermon 'What Is Your Life' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
Book recommendations mentioned:
1. We All Know how this Ends: Lessons about Life and Living from Working with Death and Dying by Anna Lyons and Louise Winter
2. J. Hudson Taylor: A Man in Christ by Roger Steer
For more information and resources follow:
Follow Emmanuel on these platforms:
Instagram: @WeAreEmmanuel
Twitter: @WeAreEmmanuel
Facebook: /WeAreEmmanuelChurch
Mi 09.03.2022
27 : 54 min
Resilient #9 // What Is Your Life? - Joel Virgo // James 4.13-17
Our endeavours should be both whole hearted and tentative: Wholehearted in the sense of commitment and others-oriented responsibility. Tentative in the sense of humility at circumstances beyond our control and particularly the Lord’s Will.
So 06.03.2022
35 : 58 min
Human Passion vs God passion // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 04
In season 11 episode 4 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Jess Kaloki, LeAnn Gyekye, and Tobi Ford-Western discussing our latest sermon 'Human Passion vs God Passion' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Listen to this Sunday's sermon:
For more information and resources follow:
Follow Emmanuel on these platforms:
Instagram: @WeAreEmmanuel
Twitter: @WeAreEmmanuel
Facebook: /WeAreEmmanuelChurch
Di 01.03.2022
25 : 05 min
Resilient #8 // Human Passion Vs God Passion - Tobi Ford-Western // James 4.1-12
Where do personal conflicts come from? Grasping for prominence and fear of missing out can be so great as to compromise and exceed our care for others. How are our hearts to be captivated with His cause? His majesty and beauty?
So 27.02.2022
35 : 55 min
Wisdom From Above // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 03
In season 11 episode 3 of Livelunch we are joined with Matt Carvel, Christine Liddiard, and Stephen Dawson discussing our latest sermon 'Wisdom from Above' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Di 22.02.2022
27 : 41 min
Resilient #7 // Wisdom from Above - Matt Carvel // James 3.13-18
We are not sovereign as we think - rather we are at the mercy of messages coming from above and below. ‘Wisdom calls’ as we read in Proverbs, but so does Folly. This latter ‘wisdom’ gains consensus with the age we live in. James calls it earthly, unspiritual, demonic which points to the ephemeral, temporary and passing. This is opposed to the really-real, eternal and permanent - a Wisdom which is offered and accessible and infinitely preferable.
So 20.02.2022
30 : 21 min
Resilient #6 // The Power of Speech - Stephen Dawson // James 3.1-12
Does it matter what we say? Do we have the freedom to speak our mind? James looks at the power of the tongue and the life or destruction it can bring.
So 13.02.2022
38 : 17 min
Don't Discriminate // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 02
In season 11 episode 2 of Livelunch with Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel, LeAnn Gyekye discussing our latest sermon 'Don't Discriminate' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Mi 02.02.2022
29 : 57 min
Resilient #4 // Don't Discriminate - Matt Carvel // James 2.1-13
If people in need revolt you and people who can ‘open doors’ attract you, you are at odds with the ethos and practice of Jesus. Love as He defines it is the opposite of sycophantic favouritism.
So 30.01.2022
30 : 57 min
Did You Do It? // #LiveLunch Season 11 Episode 01
In season 11 episode 1 of Livelunch Yohaan Philip, Matt Carvel, Christine Liddiard & Tobi Ford-Western discuss our latest sermon 'Did You Do It' from our newest series 'Resilient'.
Mi 26.01.2022
29 : 49 min
Resilient #3 // Did You Do It? - Tobi Ford-Western // James 1:19-27
It’s easy to listen to ideas, advice and commands and agree that they are good but not to follow through on their implications! God has said it, you agree with it; Did you do it?
So 23.01.2022
37 : 23 min
Resilient #2 // Don't be Deceived - Joel Virgo // James 1:9-18
In the end, our ability to face trials and temptations has everything to do with our perception of the heavenly Father, in whom there is no shadow of turning, and from whom every good gift comes.
So 16.01.2022
39 : 49 min
Resilient #1 // The Joy of Trials - Matt Carvel // James 1:1-8
James begins by urging his readers to gladly receive the trials that wash into their lives, since these trials produce steadfastness.
So 09.01.2022
35 : 06 min
Seeking God - Matt Carvel // Exodus 33:1-19
In the midst of a pandemic, many of us are tired and weary and not at all spiritually sharp. Seeking God is a great thing to do at the beginning of a new year, but are we even ready?
So 02.01.2022
26 : 57 min
Advent 2021 // Pay Attention To Who Jesus Is
Joel Virgo continues our Advent teaching series from Hebrews 2:1-4
So 12.12.2021
42 : 57 min
Advent 2021 // 1 Jesus: Prophet, Priest and King
Tobi Ford Western kicks off our Advent teaching series from Hebrew 1:1-14
So 05.12.2021
38 : 56 min
Your People // Your Kids - Matt Carvel // Deuteronomy 6:1-9
What kind of relationship might I have with my children? Matt Carvel finishes the Your People Bible teaching series looking at Your Kids from Deuteronomy 6:1-9
So 28.11.2021
37 : 41 min
Your People // Your Neighbour - Stephen Dawson // Luke 10:25-37
Stephen Dawson continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at who is your neighbour?
So 21.11.2021
36 : 31 min
Your People // Your Partner - Joel Virgo // Ephesians 5:15-33
Why Is marriage important? Joel Virgo continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at Your Partner from Ephesians 5:15-33
So 14.11.2021
40 : 18 min
Your People // Your Crush - Matt Carvel // Matthew 16:1-6
What does Jesus say about dating? Matt Carvel continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at Your Crush from Matthew 16:1-6
So 07.11.2021
34 : 30 min
Your People // Your Parents - Joel Virgo // Ephesians 6:1-3
What does honouring parents mean for me? Joel Virgo continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at Your Parents from Ephesians 6:1-3
So 31.10.2021
37 : 01 min
Your People // Your Colleagues - Tobi Ford-Western // John 13:1-15
How do I respond to negativity in the workplace? Tobi Ford-Western continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at Your Colleagues from John 13:1-15
So 24.10.2021
38 : 12 min
Your People // Your Singleness - Joel Virgo // 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 and 32-35
How can I make the most of being single? Joel Virgo continues the Your People Bible teaching series looking at singleness from 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 and 32-35
So 17.10.2021
36 : 43 min
Your People // Your Friends - Joel Virgo // Proverbs
What does true friendship look like?
So 10.10.2021
33 : 24 min
Your People // Your Boss - Matt Carvel // 1 Peter 2:13-25
How should I respond to my boss when it isn’t easy?
So 03.10.2021
25 : 06 min
Emmanuel: The Future - Haggai 2 // Joel Virgo
The final of a 3 part teaching series from Haggai looking at our past, present and future.
So 26.09.2021
38 : 21 min
Emmanuel: The Present - Haggai 1:1 - 2:5 // Joel Virgo
Emmanuel: The Present - Haggai 1:1 - 2:5 // Joel Virgo by Emmanuel
So 19.09.2021
35 : 57 min
Emmanuel: The Past - Haggai 1:12-15 // Stephen Dawson
The first of a 3 part teaching series from Haggai looking at our past, present and future.
So 12.09.2021
31 : 48 min
reboot_dying // Genesis 23.1-20, 25.1-18
A poor and desolate ending for the carrier of God’s promises. And yet Abraham inherits everything. Tobi Ford Western completes our reboot series with a final talk on dying.
So 05.09.2021
32 : 03 min
reboot_sacrifice // Genesis 22:1-24
Malcolm Gamon takes us through the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac and draws parallels with the crucifixion of Jesus.
So 29.08.2021
35 : 31 min
reboot_sacrifice // Genesis 22:1-24
Stephen Dawson continues our reboot_ preaching series looking at Genesis 22:1-24. When Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain to sacrifice, they seem to lack a very important part of the equation: the lamb! Tune in to see how God proves his trustworthiness and goodness through this testing of Abraham's faith, and how he can and will do the same in your life.
So 22.08.2021
33 : 42 min
reboot_legalism // Galatians 3:21-31
Simon Brading continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of legalism.
So 15.08.2021
29 : 48 min
reboot_compassion // Genesis 21:1-21
Stephen Dawson looks at God’s compassion for Hagar and Ishmael and what this says to us today.
So 08.08.2021
28 : 59 min
reboot_fear // Genesis 20:1-18
reboot_fear // Genesis 20:1-18 by Emmanuel
So 01.08.2021
26 : 32 min
reboot_desire // Genesis 19.23-38
Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at Sodom during it's destruction. Tobi Ford-Western unpacks these two shocking stories of sin and judgement and what this teaches about a God of grace.
So 25.07.2021
36 : 02 min
What do you think of when you hear, 'Soddom and Gomorrah'?
How about 'Fire and Brimstone'?
Guest preacher Glen Scrivener walks us through the difficult passage of Genesis 19:23-38, and shows us how this story is all of our stories. But that God's grace, mercy, and love is what is able to seize us from our sin addicted lives, and bring us into true freedom and family through Christ.
So 18.07.2021
31 : 48 min
Here we have one of the high points of scripture on the subject of praying. Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah – especially with Lot’s family in mind. Joel Virgo teaches us about the nature of intercession and how we can learn to pray. But more importantly we see a type of the great intercessor.
So 11.07.2021
30 : 27 min
This passage finds Sarah and Abraham experiencing delay, doubt, and overall weakness as they wait for the fulfilment of God's promise of a Son. Joel helps us see how they, and we, find our fulfilment in God despite these very relatable, human conditions, in this continuation of our reboot preaching series focusing on 'fulfilment'
So 04.07.2021
31 : 44 min
God introduces circumcision as a sign of covenant. What does this mean and what difference does it make to us?
Matt Carvel continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'obedience'.
So 27.06.2021
28 : 50 min
Happy Father's Day! Moving on to Chapter 16 of Genesis, Abram is distracted and allows himself to be swayed from his focus on God... Leading to a big mistake. How can we keep from doing the same? Joel Virgo continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'family'.
So 20.06.2021
30 : 40 min
Despite having just won a great victory, Abram is still in angst over his childlessness. This is the biggest issue in his life. God answers him in his pain not with a physical solution, but with a promise.
Tobi Ford-Western continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'promise'.
So 13.06.2021
29 : 04 min
Sometimes we can live as though our lives are dictated by the things that remain unfulfilled. We can feel like we will never be who we should, but God has come down to us and through faith in Him - everything changes.
Matt Carvel continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'faith'.
So 06.06.2021
26 : 51 min
What is priesthood, and why do we need Jesus as our great high priest? Stephen Dawson continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of priesthood.
So 30.05.2021
27 : 16 min
How can we live in the tension of being peaceable and also distinctive? Glen Scrivener continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'rescue'.
So 23.05.2021
29 : 56 min
What does it look like to be glad to give and have faith to be generous? Joel Virgo continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'generosity'.
So 16.05.2021
32 : 47 min
What happens when we lose sight of what God has called us to? Even though we are sinners and sufferers, God rescues us and invites us into a bigger story. Matt Carvel continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'faithfulness'.
So 09.05.2021
27 : 40 min
What does it look like to have confident trust in God? God is always on-the-go, coming close to you wherever you are and fulfilling His promises. Tobi Ford-Western continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'humanity'.
So 02.05.2021
28 : 18 min
Is the Bible reliable and trustworthy? Is it profitable and spiritual?
When the Bible confuses you, you've got to think, read and consider over time to see the joy that it brings. Joel Virgo continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'history'.
So 25.04.2021
28 : 45 min
What does it look like for different cultures to come together? God's intention for humanity is dependence on Him and diversity within communities. Matt Carvel continues our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'diversity'.
So 18.04.2021
28 : 22 min
What happens when we chase dreams that aren't suited for us? Are we building futures on our own sense of security? Joel Virgo opens our reboot_ series looking at the theme of 'purpose'.
So 11.04.2021
30 : 27 min
Roadmap To Life // Joel Virgo
As we begin to talk about a roadmap out of lockdown, deep down we know that even with the elimination of COVID, the reality is that not all our problems go away. There is a greater hope available to us. In the death of Jesus, God reveals His intention to save and reduce people from much bigger problems.
So 04.04.2021
24 : 31 min
Relational Wisdom | Imitation
In a culture with a lot of information and so little wisdom, what does it look like to follow good examples and firm instruction? Matt Carvel finishes our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Imitation'.
So 28.03.2021
27 : 10 min
Relational Wisdom | Handling Disagreement
Can we be friends when we don’t agree? How can we approach disagreement with love, forgiveness and prayer? Tobi Ford-Western continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Handling Disagreement'.
So 21.03.2021
27 : 51 min
Relational Wisdom | The Clique
How can friendships become toxic? We know what it's like to be an outsider but is it just as painful to be on the inside? Joel Virgo continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'The Clique'.
So 14.03.2021
30 : 27 min
Relational Wisdom | Freedom & Conscience
If they are doing it does that mean I should? If they are not doing it, does that mean I shouldn’t? If I am free from ‘their rules’ that means I can ignore them, right? Where there is a moral disagreement we should approach with humility & thanksgiving to God.
Matt Carvel continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Freedom & Conscience'.
So 07.03.2021
29 : 09 min
Relational Wisdom | Self Awareness
Are my strengths, weaknesses and temptations the same as everybody else’s? Learning how to lovingly consider the needs of those around us will take a deliberate willingness to understand others as well as ourselves. Joel Virgo continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Self Awareness'.
So 28.02.2021
32 : 29 min
Relational Wisdom | Vulnerability
True vulnerability is costly. How can we be vulnerable by walking in the light with the right people? How do we trust God's promises when putting ourselves in the hands of others? Stephen Dawson continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Vulnerability'.
So 21.02.2021
25 : 51 min
Relational Wisdom | Challenge & Rebuke
How do we challenge each other when something is morally wrong? Rebuke is not a personal attack but a constructive process of seeking repentance, forgiveness and restoration. Matt Carvel continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Challenge & Rebuke'.
So 14.02.2021
26 : 26 min
Relational Wisdom | Race & Cultures
The root of understanding different races & cultures starts, not with our own righteousness, but with the heart and authority of Jesus. Joel Virgo continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Race & Cultures'.
So 07.02.2021
27 : 01 min
Relational Wisdom | Encouragement
We all need to be encouraged and words have the power to uplift. What does it look like to build each other up through the lens of Jesus? Tobi Ford-Western continues our Relational Wisdom series looking at the theme of 'Encouragement'.
So 31.01.2021
27 : 44 min
Relational Wisdom | Authority
How can we lead our teams and families well? Matt Carvel continues our Relational Wisdom Series, looking at the theme of 'Authority'. It's easy to think that you're not qualified to be a leader or a parent but God's given you this role and wants to help you on the journey.
So 24.01.2021
25 : 41 min
Relational Wisdom | Peace And Reconciliation
Stephen Dawson continues our Relational Wisdom Series, looking at the theme of 'Peace and Reconciliation'. Sometimes a relationship simply can't work without something being at least addressed. How can we bring peace to our relationships when we've been offended or offended others?
So 17.01.2021
27 : 24 min
Relational Wisdom | Authenticity and Truthfulness
Joel Virgo continues our Relational Wisdom series, looking at the theme of ‘Authenticity and Truthfulness’. We need to think more biblically (thus more patiently, sensitively and bravely) about the relationship between truth telling and loving.
So 10.01.2021
30 : 26 min
Relational Wisdom | Laughter
Matt Carvel opens our Relational Wisdom series, looking at the theme of ‘Laughter’. Our relationships are not primarily meant to be contexts for gruelling self-denial. They are arenas in which we get to know and enjoy the goodness of God and His wisdom in making us.
So 03.01.2021
27 : 08 min
Emmanuel Rewind | A New Residence
In the last sermon of 2020, Joel Virgo speaks to us from Haggai 2 and references the prophetic word shared by Mike Spence, Temporary Residence.
So 27.12.2020
19 : 41 min
A Christmas Unlike Any Other | Government
Tobi Ford-Western continues our Christmas series, A Christmas Unlike Any Other, looking at the theme of 'Government’. This year governments struggled to shoulder the burden, BUT He came for the government to be on His shoulders. Exploring the wonder that Christ came to inaugurate perfect governance, in a time of imperfect government.
So 20.12.2020
28 : 22 min
A Christmas Unlike Any Other | Human Race
Tobi Ford-Western continues our Christmas series, A Christmas Unlike Any Other, looking at the theme of ‘Human Race’. This year we spoke about race, BUT He became part of the human race. Exploring the wonder of Christ humbling himself to take on human form and culture in a culture of racial inequality.
So 13.12.2020
29 : 01 min
A Christmas Unlike Any Other | Freedom
Matt Carvel opens our Christmas series, A Christmas Unlike Any Other, looking at theme of Freedom. This year we lost freedoms, BUT He gives freedom. Exploring the wonder of God being confined to a human body so that might know freedom.
So 06.12.2020
27 : 24 min
Story | Purpose
Matt Carvel brings our Story preaching series (going through Exodus) to a close, looking here at the theme of Purpose. Moses and the Israelites were taking God’s leading by following the cloud; not always at convenient times. In 2020, all of our plans have been changed. However, we can be confident that God’s purpose prevails and He continues to lead.
So 29.11.2020
30 : 49 min
Story | Presence
Stephen Dawson continues our Story preaching series (going through Exodus) looking at the theme of Presence. Moses and the Israelites were distraught at the prospect of entering the Promised Land without God going with them. The purpose of humanity is to glorify God and to connect with Him. He wants to presence Himself in our lives.
So 22.11.2020
34 : 04 min
Story | Worship
Joel Virgo continues our Story preaching series (going through Exodus) looking at the theme of Worship. After being rescued from slavery the Israelites create golden statues to worship as soon as Moses’ back is turned! The truth is, we worship our way out of slavery to idols. By worshipping Jesus, we purposefully make Him the object of our heart’s affection.
So 15.11.2020
28 : 29 min
Story | Comfort
Matt Carvel continues our Story preaching series (going through Exodus) looking at the theme of Comfort. We are at the point in the story where the people of Israel are in the wilderness, lacking food. Many of us can fill lack in life and look to things for comfort. Ultimately, we find our comfort in Jesus Christ.
So 08.11.2020
30 : 34 min
Story | Identity
Matt Carvel continues our Story preaching series (going through Exodus) looking at the theme of Identity. At the Red Sea, God was dealing with the Israelites’ past. They hadn’t just ‘moved on’ from it, it was crushed, defeated, forgiven, wiped out forever. God established this ‘line in the sand’ so they could walk into their new identity of children of God (not ashamed children of slavery).
So 01.11.2020
33 : 52 min
Story | Forgiveness
Joel Virgo continues our Story preaching series looking at the theme of forgiveness. This chapter of Exodus reveals to us that we’re not one of the ‘good guys’. We’re in need of Jesus’ forgiveness.
So 25.10.2020
28 : 12 min
Story | Deliverance
Matt Carvel continues our Story preaching series looking at the theme of deliverance. We unpack how God begins to lead us forward into change, by addressing the lies in our hearts.
So 18.10.2020
31 : 05 min
Story | Silence
Joel Virgo continues our Story preaching series looking at the theme of Silence. We understand the world and our experience as chapters in an unfolding story. The Exodus story is one of slavery to freedom and begins in a very dark place.
So 11.10.2020
34 : 03 min
Story | Transformation
Matt Carvel begins our Story preaching series looking at the theme of transformation.
So 04.10.2020
28 : 24 min
Paradox | clean_unclean
Matt Carvel looks at Jesus and his discussion with the pharisees. Looking at the importance of what is going on in the heart.
Matthew 15: 10-20
So 27.09.2020
28 : 08 min
Paradox | death_life
Matt Carvel continues our Paradox teaching series looking at the parable of The Pharisees and the Commandments, answering the question what does this passage teach us about obedience and law?
So 20.09.2020
22 : 08 min
Paradox | patient_persistence
Joel Virgo looks at The Faith of a Canaanite Woman
Matthew 15: 21-28
So 13.09.2020
32 : 17 min
Paradox | worthless_worth more
Tobi Ford-Western looks at the parable of the talents.
Matthew 25:14 - 30
So 06.09.2020
27 : 20 min
Paradox | foolish_wisdom
Tobi Ford-Western looks at the parable of the ten virgins.
Matthew 25:1-13
So 30.08.2020
26 : 04 min
Paradox | royal_outcast
Matt Carvel looks at the parable of the wedding feast.
Matthew 22:1-14
So 23.08.2020
25 : 10 min
Paradox | rejected_ruling
Stephen Dawson looks at the parable of the tenants.
Matthew 21:33-46
Fr 21.08.2020
27 : 51 min
Paradox | reckless_religion
Joel Virgo looks at the parable of the two sons.
Matthew 21:28-32
Fr 21.08.2020
27 : 53 min
Paradox | forgiven_justice
Simon Brading looks at the parable of the unforgiving servant.
Matthew 18:21-35
Mo 03.08.2020
28 : 10 min
Paradox | ninety-nine_the one
Stephen Dawson teaches on the parable of the lost sheep
Matthew 18:10-14
So 26.07.2020
25 : 50 min
Paradox | common_treasure
Terry Virgo continues our Paradox teaching series, looking at the parable of the Kingdom of Heaven being like treasure.
Matthew 13:44-46
So 19.07.2020
26 : 44 min
Paradox | little_big
Tobi Ford-Western looks at the expansion of the kingdom of God from the parable of the mustard seed.
Matthew 13:31-33
So 12.07.2020
30 : 06 min
Paradox | seeds_weeds
Through the parables of the sower and weeds, Matt Carvel teaches us how the ‘inside out’ kingdom of heaven must be received personally.
Matthew 13:1-9/24-30
So 05.07.2020
23 : 26 min
Racism On Your Mind
Owen Hylton speaks to us on the issue of #racism and helps us understand more about what the Bible has to say about racial injustice.
Exodus 2:23-25, Ephesians 2:14-16
So 28.06.2020
24 : 53 min
The end of the world as we know it // The New Normal
This week Matt Carvel concludes our teaching series on the story of Noah by looking at how his example of faith can help us to endure the trials that we face.
So 21.06.2020
28 : 07 min
The end of the world as we know it // Post-lockdown Hangover
Stu Gibbs from Emmanuel Church, London joins us this Sunday to teach us from Genesis 9:18-29
So 14.06.2020
28 : 59 min
The end of the world as we know it // Chase The Rainbow
The end of the world as we know it // Chase The Rainbow by Emmanuel
So 07.06.2020
27 : 49 min
The end of the world as we know it // Restarting the Economy
The end of the world as we know it // Restarting the Economy by Emmanuel
So 31.05.2020
31 : 50 min
The end of the world as we know it // Never Again
Matt Carvel looks at the theme of God's sovereignty from Genesis 8:20-22
So 24.05.2020
29 : 40 min
The end of the world as we know it // First Steps
Noah has an opportunity for a fresh start. Matt Carvel unpacks the theme of new beginnings from Genesis 8:13-19
Mo 18.05.2020
25 : 14 min
The end of the world as we know it // The Storm Subsides
The Bible says that God remembered Noah in the ark. Often in the midst of great hardship, it's hard to feel like God remembers us. Matt Carvel explores this by looking at Genesis 8:1-12
So 10.05.2020
26 : 47 min
The end of the world as we know it // The Waters Rise
What does the shocking story of the destruction of the world through the rains and the flood teach us about God's goodness, justice and mercy?
Genesis 7:17-24
So 03.05.2020
36 : 04 min
The end of the world as we know it // Lockdown
What does it mean for us today that God shut Noah inside the ark?
Genesis 7:1-16
So 26.04.2020
34 : 58 min
The end of the world as we know it // Building Protection
We observe how one man made a difference to world history simply by obeying God.
Genesis 6:9-22
So 19.04.2020
41 : 20 min
Easter 2020 // Unshakeable - Tobi Ford Western
During these uncertain times, we long for a refuge that is secure. What does the God of the Bible offer us at this time? This Easter Sunday Tobi Ford Western explores a safety that is unshakeable from Psalm 16
So 12.04.2020
34 : 32 min
The end of the world as we know it // Finding The Cure
Looking at the life of Noah, we search for the cure, as one man finds favour in the eyes of God and we receive grace as a result.
Genesis 6:5-8
So 05.04.2020
32 : 29 min
The end of the world as we know it // The Wicked World
Looking at the life of Noah, whose story is appropriate for our time, as we work out how to respond as households and the church, to the presence of a virus that threatens society and changes our day-to-day lives in unprecedented ways.
Genesis 6:1-7
So 29.03.2020
37 : 05 min
Virus OYM - Livestream Preach
Joel Virgo looked into how he would respond to those being anxious about the future in the midst of the Coronavirus.
Mo 23.03.2020
34 : 58 min
Paradox | first_last
Joel Virgo teaches from Matthew 19:16-30 on our Gift Day Sunday
So 15.03.2020
45 : 41 min
Paradox | blood_adopted
Matthew 12:46-50
So 08.03.2020
38 : 55 min
Paradox | labour_rest
Matthew 12:1-21
Mo 02.03.2020
44 : 01 min
Paradox | rejection_acceptance
Matthew 11:16-24
So 23.02.2020
41 : 45 min
Paradox | dungeon statesman
Matt 11:1-19
Mo 17.02.2020
45 : 26 min
Paradox | peace sword
Matthew 10:32-42
So 09.02.2020
45 : 41 min
Hearing God: WORLD
How can hearing God personally and as a church bring God’s Kingdom to the world? Andy McCullough concludes the Hearing God series by looking at this question from Acts 16
So 02.02.2020
42 : 17 min
Hearing God: CHURCH
What does a praying church look like in terms of its priorities and practices?
Tim Jones explores this question by looking at how the church can hear God.
So 26.01.2020
49 : 28 min
Hearing God: HOME
Hearing God: HOME by Emmanuel
So 19.01.2020
42 : 17 min
Hearing God: YOU
How can I really be led by Jesus day-to-day? Joel Virgo explores this question by looking at how we can hear God.
Di 14.01.2020
36 : 45 min
Hearing God: WORD
Hearing God: WORD by Emmanuel
Mo 06.01.2020
44 : 05 min
Advent: A Season Of Worship
Following on from the highlighting of joy for the lowly last week, we shift focus in Mary’s Song to consider her response of worship to God being revealed in the Incarnation.
Luke 1:46-55
Mo 23.12.2019
42 : 25 min
Advent: A Season of Revolution
In one of the most explosively political bits of writing that’s ever been, Joel Virgo looks at the Magnifcat, Luke 1:46-55
Mo 16.12.2019
41 : 43 min
Advent: A Season of Humanity
Having considered Mary’s response to the Angel last week, we turn our attention to focus in on the reality of the incarnation. Glen Scrivener speaks on the 'Word became flesh' from John 1:1-5, 14-18
So 08.12.2019
42 : 35 min
Advent: A Season of Decision
Tim Jones speaks on the Virgin Mary's response when the Angel Gabriel appears to hear from Luke 1:29-38
So 01.12.2019
43 : 12 min
Family on your mind
Joel Virgo looks at what Genesis 2 has to say about family.
Mo 25.11.2019
45 : 11 min
Doubt On Your Mind
The disciple Peter doubted Jesus whilst walking on water. What can we learn from this story? Joel Virgo looks at the subject of doubt in the penultimate talk on the On Your Mind series.
Di 19.11.2019
50 : 36 min
Money On Your Mind
Stephen Dawson speaks about the anxieties around money at our Gift Day Sunday
So 10.11.2019
35 : 43 min
Depression On Your Mind
Tobi Ford-Western looks at how the gospel ministers to those suffering from depression.
So 03.11.2019
46 : 22 min
Brexit On Your Mind
Joel Virgo discusses anxieties around Brexit and how the gospel brings hope and peace in times of political uncertainty.
So 27.10.2019
46 : 46 min
Suicide On Your Mind
Joel Virgo looks at what the Bible has to say about suicide.
Mo 21.10.2019
43 : 38 min
Sex On Your Mind
Matt Carvel and Emma Goulds discuss anxieties around sex and how the gospel brings healing and hope.
Mo 14.10.2019
42 : 59 min
Mental Health On Your Mind
In this talk, Steve Horne looks at the issue of Mental Health.
So 06.10.2019
42 : 55 min
Body Image On Your Mind
'and as one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.' In this talk, Matt Carvel and Emma Scrivener look at anxieties around body image.
So 29.09.2019
47 : 09 min
Success On Your Mind
‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?’ In this talk, Joel Virgo looks at success and what the Bible teaches us on the anxieties this can cause.
Mo 23.09.2019
44 : 25 min
Tomorrow on your mind
Jesus said, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." In this talk, Joel Virgo looks at how the Bible teaches us to deal with our anxieties about the future.
Matthew 6:25-34
Mi 18.09.2019
47 : 25 min
Stress on your mind
What hope does the Bible offer us in the midst of stress?
Di 10.09.2019
44 : 24 min
Way of the Master 12 | Sending the 12
Matthew 10:1-33
Mi 04.09.2019
28 : 52 min
Way Of The Master 11 | The Harvest Is Plentiful
Matthew 9:32-38
Mi 04.09.2019
41 : 00 min
Way of the Master 10 | Healing of the blind and mute
Matthew 9:27-34
Mo 19.08.2019
48 : 50 min
Way of the Master part 9 | Healing of woman with haemorrhage and dead girl
Matthew 9:18-26
Sa 10.08.2019
44 : 38 min
Way of the Master part 8 | Wineskins - Glen Scrivener
Matthew 9:14-17
So 04.08.2019
37 : 15 min
Way of the Master part 7 | The Man Called Matthew
Mattew 9:9-13
Do 01.08.2019
39 : 07 min
Way of the Master part 6 | True Healing
Matthew 9:1-8
Mi 24.07.2019
44 : 14 min
Way of the Master part 5 | The Demoniac
Matthew 8:28-34
So 14.07.2019
40 : 30 min
Way of the Master part 4 | The Storm
Matthew 8:23-27
Mo 08.07.2019
44 : 41 min
Summer Gift Day 2019
Acts 4:32-37
Di 02.07.2019
42 : 27 min
Way of the Master part 3 | Come and see, Come and die
Matthew 8:14-22
Di 25.06.2019
45 : 49 min
Way of the Master part 2 | The Centurion
Matthew 8:5-13
Di 18.06.2019
42 : 25 min
Way of the Master part 1 | Unclean
Matthew 8:1-4
Mo 10.06.2019
45 : 59 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 14 | Words And Action
Matthew 7:24-29
Di 04.06.2019
40 : 10 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 13 | The Way Is Narrow
Matthew 7:12-23
Mi 29.05.2019
42 : 02 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 12 | Jesus Shares His Secret
Matthew 7:6-11
Mi 22.05.2019
43 : 57 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 11 | Judging
Matthew 7:1-6
Mo 13.05.2019
43 : 31 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 10 | Fasting
Matthew 6:16-18
So 05.05.2019
44 : 02 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 9 | Your Prayer Life
Matt 6:5-15
Mo 29.04.2019
44 : 32 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 8: Easter Service | Rise
Matt 28
Mo 22.04.2019
41 : 30 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 7: Divorce
Matthew 5:31-32
So 14.04.2019
41 : 13 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 6: Lust
Matt 5:27-30
So 07.04.2019
39 : 29 min
Sermon On The Mount Pt 5: Mercy and Grace
Matthew 5:38-48
Di 02.04.2019
36 : 40 min
Sermon On The Mount part 4: Anger
Matthew 5:21-26
Di 26.03.2019
38 : 32 min
Sermon on the Mount part 3: False Treasure, True Treasure
Matthew 6:1-4, 19-24
Mo 18.03.2019
44 : 49 min
Sermon on the Mount part 2: Jesus and the Law
Matthew 5:17-20
Di 12.03.2019
40 : 20 min
Sermon on the Mount part 1: Salt and Light
Matthew 5:13-16
Di 05.03.2019
47 : 55 min
Makings of an Overthrow part 4: Turning the World Upside Down
Matt 4:12-25
Mo 25.02.2019
45 : 09 min
Makings of an Overthrow part 3: The Overcomer
Matthew 4:1-11
Di 19.02.2019
50 : 40 min
Makings of an Overthrow part 2: The Champion
Matthew 3:13-17
Di 12.02.2019
40 : 48 min
God with us | Makings of an Overthrow part 1: Breaking the Silence
Matthew 3:1-15
Mo 04.02.2019
36 : 02 min
Thrive: Legacy
Joel Virgo concludes our Thrive series by looking at the parable of the talents.
Di 29.01.2019
45 : 17 min
Thrive: Power
Looking at how we can grow in the talents and power that God gives us.
Mo 21.01.2019
47 : 01 min
Thrive: Money
Looking at how we can be good stewards of the money that God has given us.
Di 15.01.2019
42 : 33 min
Thrive: Time
Joel Virgo looks at how we can make the time that God has given us, fruitful and effective for Him from 2 Peter 1:1-9
Mo 07.01.2019
45 : 21 min
Advent series: The Gift | Peace
In the final part of our advent series, The Gift, Joel Virgo looks at Jesus, the Prince of peace
Isaiah 9:6
So 23.12.2018
42 : 10 min
Advent series: The Gift | Deliverance
Joel Virgo looked at how Jesus is promised as our Messiah who sets us free from oppression.
Isaiah 9:3-5
So 16.12.2018
37 : 02 min
Advent series: The Gift | Hope
Joel Virgo looked at the subject of hope from the view of Isaiah, the OT prophet who predicted the first coming of Jesus.
Di 04.12.2018
46 : 31 min
Creed 12 | Why believe in God who gives us eternal life?
In this final part of the Creed: Why I believe series, Joel Virgo talks about the resurrection of the body and life everlasting from Isaiah 25:6-9
Fr 30.11.2018
42 : 22 min
Creed 11 | Why believe in God who forgives?
Joel Virgo looks at the forgiveness of sin from Psalm 130.
Do 22.11.2018
46 : 24 min
Creed 10 | Why believe in God's church?
Joel Virgo looks at the concept of ‘believing in the Church from the heart', in the same ways as we believe in Jesus or God the Father.
Galatians 5:13
Di 13.11.2018
41 : 57 min
Creed 9 | Why believe in God the Holy Spirit
Joel Virgo looks at the person and work of the Holy Spirit - our ongoing and daily experience of Jesus in our lives.
Romans 8:3-4
Di 06.11.2018
45 : 59 min
Creed 8 | Why believe in God as Judge?
Glen Scrivener teaches us that our view of history can take on 3 shapes: a circle, a frown or a smile.
Phil 2:5-11
Sa 27.10.2018
45 : 13 min
Creed 7| Why believe in God who has all authority?
Joel Virgo looks at the ascension of Jesus. This often bypassed belief is key to how we understand the story that the Bible tells of the person and work of Jesus.
Psalm 24
Do 25.10.2018
46 : 05 min
Creed 6 | Why believe in God who has defeated death?
Joel Virgo looks at the importance of the Resurrection - there simply isn’t a Christianity without Resurrection. Death and life are caught up in an eternal tussle, but the Resurrection gives a final closure to this and announces the victory of Christ. This changes everything. If Jesus is raised then He is Lord. Everything He said about Himself gets vindicated.
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Mo 15.10.2018
44 : 56 min
Creed 5 | Why believe in God who descended to the dead?
Joel Virgo looks at what Jesus did when He descended to the dead. The Bible’s teaching about the nature of death is a little bit complicated and needs some consideration.
Isaiah 25:7-9
Mo 15.10.2018
44 : 42 min
Creed 4 | Why believe in God who lived as a man?
Michael Ramsden exploring the physical death and resurrection of Jesus. In a world where we’re searching for identity, the incredible thing that Jesus does is that He comes to us and offers us a new identity in Him. The ultimate thing that defines us is who we are in relationship to Him.
1 John 1:1
Mo 15.10.2018
41 : 17 min
Creed 3 | Why believe in God who was born of the Virgin Mary?
Joel Virgo explores the belief that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary.
Luke 1:26-38
So 23.09.2018
47 : 37 min
Creed 2 | Why believe in God as the creator?
Joel Virgo explores the attractive and yet, difficult, idea that there is a Creator of everything. If there is a Creator, then we are not at the centre of the Universe. We’re not even the centre of our lives. We can’t construct our lives around our own personal attempts to make the world fit around us. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. This can cause us to struggle.
Hebrews 11:1-3
So 16.09.2018
48 : 47 min
Creed 1 | Why believe in God as Father?
Matt Carvel kicks off our Creed series looking at the first line of the Creed, ‘I believe in God, the Father Almighty.’ If God comes into our lives without our starting point being as a Father, He can be impressive, powerful and very scary.
Ephesians 3:14-15
Di 11.09.2018
42 : 20 min
True Faith Wk7: Adoniram Judson
02 Sep 2018
Andy Mcollough
Di 04.09.2018
41 : 03 min
True Faith Wk6: Charles Spurgeon
Toby Ford-Weston
So 02.09.2018
42 : 36 min
True Faith Wk5: Selina Hastings
True Faith Wk5: Selina Hastings by Emmanuel
So 26.08.2018
44 : 15 min
True Faith Wk4: Corrie ten Boom
Stephen Dawson
12 Aug 2018
So 19.08.2018
44 : 54 min
True faith Wk3: Abraham Kuyper
Tim Jones
05 Aug 2018
So 12.08.2018
43 : 56 min
True Faith Wk2: John Knox
True Faith Wk2: John Knox by Emmanuel
So 05.08.2018
42 : 50 min
True Faith Wk1: Hudson Taylor
Joel Virgo
22 July 2018
So 29.07.2018
48 : 15 min
Emmanuel Men | Noel Heikkinen
April 2018 Men's meeting
Di 17.07.2018
40 : 33 min
Level Up 4 | Ben Rowe
Level Up 4 | Ben Rowe by Emmanuel
So 15.07.2018
38 : 12 min
Level Up 3 | Joel Virgo
Level Up 3 | Joel Virgo by Emmanuel
So 08.07.2018
44 : 20 min
Level Up 2 | Stephen Dawson
01 July 2018
Part 2 of 4
So 01.07.2018
43 : 28 min
Level Up 1 | Joel Virgo
24 June 2018
Part 1 of 4
So 24.06.2018
46 : 37 min
Royal Outcast 10 | Joel Virgo - Disintegration
2 Samuel 19:40 - 20:15 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 24.06.2018
42 : 55 min
Royal Outcast 9 | Joel Virgo - The King Returns Pt.2
2 Samuel 19:9 - 43 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 17.06.2018
44 : 00 min
Royal Outcast 8 | Joel Virgo - The King Returns
2 Samuel 19:9 - 43 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 10.06.2018
44 : 25 min
Royal Outcast 7 | Joel Virgo - Mortified
2 Samuel 18.19-19:8 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 03.06.2018
45 : 55 min
Royal Outcast 6 | Stephen Dawson - Destruction
2 Samuel 18.1-18 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 27.05.2018
44 : 16 min
Royal Outcast 5 | Joel Virgo - Allegiance
2 Sam 16.23-17:29 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 20.05.2018
42 : 25 min
Royal Outcast 4 | Stephen Dawson - Wisdom
2 Sam 16.15-23 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
Mo 14.05.2018
41 : 18 min
Royal Outcast 3 | Joel Virgo - Cursed
2 Sam 16.5-14 | 2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign.
So 06.05.2018
38 : 53 min
Royal Outcast 2 | Joel Virgo - Betrayal?
2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign. In this talk, Joel Virgo looks at how we can handle betrayal.
So 29.04.2018
46 : 49 min
Noel Heikkinen - Why the resurrection matters
Noel Heikkinen - Why the resurrection matters by Emmanuel
Mo 23.04.2018
35 : 54 min
Royal Outcast 1 | Joel Virgo - Loyalty
2 Samuel series exploring the final days of King David's reign. In this talk, Joel Virgo unpacks how to be loyal and wise in midst of exile.
Mo 16.04.2018
41 : 55 min
#weareemmanuel 11 - Joel Virgo - Stay Inspired part 3
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Stay inspired Jesus calls us to adventure.'
Mo 09.04.2018
42 : 12 min
Easter2018 - Joel Virgo - Jesus The Joker?
This year, Easter Sunday fell on 01 April, April Fool's Day. Joel Virgo explores Jesus the Joker? The foolishness of God's plan.
Di 03.04.2018
43 : 46 min
Gift Day Spring '18 - Matt Carvel - Working With God
For the first time, our friends in Berlin, Amsterdam and Ottawa, are standing with us as they also host Gift Days this term; so that as four churches we we can work together to plant even more churches in global cities.
Di 27.03.2018
44 : 29 min
#weareemmanuel 10 - Stephen Dawson - Stay Inspired part 2
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Stay inspired Jesus calls us to adventure.'
Fr 16.03.2018
42 : 22 min
#weareemmanuel 9 - Matt Carvel - Stay Inspired part 1
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Stay inspired Jesus calls us to adventure.'
Mo 12.03.2018
43 : 06 min
#weareemmanuel 8 - Joel Virgo - Play as Team part 2
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Play as team: However great I am, I get to be part of something greater.'
Sa 03.03.2018
43 : 55 min
#weareemmanuel 7 - Stephen Dawson - Play as Team part 1
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Play as team: However great I am, I get to be part of something greater.'
Sa 03.03.2018
40 : 49 min
#weareemmanuel 6 - Stephen Dawson - Everything Changes Except The Gospel part 3
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Everything changes except the Gospel: We ask “what is best for right now”?.'
Sa 03.03.2018
41 : 22 min
#weareemmanuel 5 - Joel Virgo - Everything Changes Except The Gospel part 2
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Everything changes except the Gospel: We ask “what is best for right now”?.'
Do 08.02.2018
41 : 51 min
#weareemmanuel 4 - Joel Virgo - Everything Changes Except The Gospel part 1
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Everything changes except the Gospel: We ask “what is best for right now”?.'
Do 01.02.2018
41 : 03 min
#weareemmanuel 3 - Joel Virgo - Jesus Leads The Church part 2
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Jesus leads the Church: The bible is final, our first call is prayer and leaders who follow can be followed.'
Mo 29.01.2018
42 : 41 min
#weareemmanuel 2 - Joel Virgo - Jesus Leads The Church part 1
Exploring the Emmanuel value 'Jesus leads the Church: The bible is final, our first call is prayer and leaders who follow can be followed.'
Mo 29.01.2018
42 : 24 min
#weareemmanuel 1 Joel Virgo - Helping People Find Their Way Back To God
Exploring Emmanuel's strap line 'Helping people find their way back to God'
Mo 29.01.2018
42 : 18 min
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