"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening. Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life and spiritual perspective. From his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dual understanding of reality, influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various t...
41 - Ordinary Life
In this episode, Terry explores moments of ordinary life, visiting the topics of family, travel and music, as well as the lessons they can bring about.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spiritu
Mo 10.03.2025
19 : 42 min
40 - Nothing New Comes From Repetition
In this episode, Terry talks about music and creativity, and explores how looping and repetition cannot bring about anything new.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #
Mo 24.02.2025
10 : 25 min
39 - Fear. Darkness. Adventure. Insecurity.
In this episode, Terry takes a musical approach to describe the darkness of current world events, exploring how fear can prevent us from fully engaging with the present moment.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #non
Mo 10.02.2025
7 : 12 min
38 - Have We Had Enough Of Trying Everything?
In this episode, Terry delves into the topics of happiness, money, job, houses and relationships, questioning the sources of joy in life. He stresses that happiness is found within, and that the spiritual path does not really lead anywhere.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to expe
Mo 27.01.2025
13 : 13 min
37 - From Acting To Observing. From Desire To Trust.
In this episode, Terry explains the shift from the role of an actor to that of an observer. He encourages us to let go of the ego's desire to know everything, and to be ok with not knowing... guiding us towards trust.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soun
Mo 13.01.2025
8 : 32 min
36 - Nothing Left To Do
In this episode, Terry revisits the metaphor of "flicking a switch", discussing the transformative perceptual shift that happens when we achieve true understanding.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #adv
Mo 30.12.2024
9 : 23 min
35 - See It. Drop It. Be. Repeat.
In this episode, Terry analyzes the ego, calling it an automation machine. He explains how the future will take care of itself, and the importance of being present with What Is.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #no
Mo 16.12.2024
15 : 17 min
34 - Discussing Truth In A Group Setting
In this episode, Terry discusses his desire to foster connections and cultivate discussions about our truest selves. Despite the ineffability of this knowledge, he finds utility in dialogue and connection.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Mo 02.12.2024
13 : 47 min
33 - A Peaceful Space With Nothing Going On
In this episode, Terry exlpores the peace that comes from being present with What Is, and the futility of trying to force things into what we want them to be.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #
Mo 18.11.2024
9 : 17 min
32 - Understanding Is A Matter Of Grace
In this episode, Terry talks about the transformation from reactive to intelligent action, exploring how understanding is not a matter of intellect, but grace.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita
Mo 04.11.2024
10 : 21 min
31 - Communication And Relating To Others
In this episode, Terry discusses the complexities of communication and relating to others, particularly when navigating different conceptions of self.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spiritua
Mo 21.10.2024
12 : 29 min
30 - We Fear The Emptiness So We Try To Fill The Gaps
In this episode, Terry delves into our fear of emptiness. Dwelling in the present moment, we can find joy in the simple things in life.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenm
Mo 07.10.2024
7 : 20 min
29 - The World Doesn't Really Need Me
In this episode, Terry discusses his critical breakthroughs, his old way of living, and how the walls of this life have crumbled down. He raises questions about the nature of Life, and our existence in it.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Mo 23.09.2024
24 : 06 min
28 - On Boredom, Intelligent Action, And Being Lived
In this episode, Terry covers a wide array of topics such as boredom, intelligence, and the illusion of separation among others.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #ha
Mo 09.09.2024
13 : 03 min
27 - Losing The Eye: Grief, Relationships, And The Present Moment
In this episode, Terry shares his experience losing his eye, and how it required and adaptation that helped him to connect even deeper to the present moment.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #s
Mo 26.08.2024
16 : 21 min
26 - Transcending The Automatic Way Of Living
In this episode, Terry continues his exploration of other realities. He does a "deep dive" into how our belief systems shape our realities, and also shares some anecdotes about Sai Baba.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
Mo 12.08.2024
11 : 26 min
25 - Reality As A Hologram
In this episode, Terry discusses the holographic nature of existence, opening up the possibility of realities that exist beyond our realm.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enligh
Mo 29.07.2024
17 : 21 min
24 - The Fear Of Death
In this episode, Terry tackles the topic of death, offering insight into why and how we must get as close to death as possible. He turns a tipically feared subject into a required step towards enlightenment.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Mo 15.07.2024
6 : 58 min
23 - Out Of The Body: Alternative Realities
In this episode, Terry talks about out of body experiences and alternative realities, referencing the works of Robert Monroe and Carlos Castaneda.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality
Mo 01.07.2024
14 : 39 min
22 - Highs And Lows. Walking Through The Flames.
In this episode, Terry discusses the spiritual journey, likening it to a seesaw with highs and lows. Everything must be faced. A truly fulfilling experience is a complete one.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #non
Mo 17.06.2024
9 : 54 min
21 - Letting Our Story Go
In this episode, Terry talks about facing the music in the context of a relationship.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
non duality
non dualism
Mo 03.06.2024
7 : 16 min
20 - Release And Growth: Welcoming The New
In this episode, Terry talks about facing the music in the context of a relationship.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
non duality
non dualism
Mo 20.05.2024
16 : 22 min
19 - Facing The Music With Your Soulmate
In this episode, Terry talks about facing the music in the context of a relationship.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
non dualit
Mo 06.05.2024
14 : 01 min
18 - Living Completely
In this episode, Terry explains how living completely involves taking it all in, excluding nothing. This requires that we give up trying to achieve anything. We cannot reach this point through personal will, or by following formulas or techniques.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity
Mo 22.04.2024
10 : 14 min
17 - The Flow Of Creation
In this episode, Terry explains a concept he calls The Flow Of Creation, and discusses how the relationship with this flow should be in order to find satisfaction in life.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tag
In this episode, Terry explores the ego's obsession with problem-solving, as well as the chasing of a feeling of security, and new experiences.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #e
Mo 25.03.2024
13 : 04 min
15 - The Exegesis Experience
In this episode, Terry describes his first awakening experience through the "Exegesis" workshop.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
Mo 11.03.2024
9 : 43 min
14 - On Music And Musicians
In this episode, Terry talks about his music career, his encounters with Hans Zimmer, and his concept of being an artist.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #
Mo 26.02.2024
11 : 27 min
13 - What The Mind Cannot Grasp: Openings In Awareness
In this episode, Terry talks about how we, as an ego, cannot achieve enlightenment. We need to stop trying to make sense of things from the point of view of the intellectual mind in order to know reality first hand.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique sounds
Mo 12.02.2024
8 : 52 min
12 - Who Am I? How Do I Stop Suffering?
In this episode, Terry contemplates the big questions: "Who am I?", "How do I stop suffering?". He continues to explore the topics of incomplete experience, the pain body, and seeing the world as a reflection of our inner condition.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience
Mo 29.01.2024
12 : 05 min
11 - The Role Of Apparent Evil
In this episode, Terry explores the role of apparent evil and difficult times in human experience.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
non duality
non du
Mo 15.01.2024
8 : 56 min
10 - Back To The Present Moment: Switching Myself Off
In this episode, Terry shares his experience of switching himself off due to stress and exhaustion, and how following his doctor's advice, started a transition phase into living permanently in the present moment.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscap
Mo 01.01.2024
10 : 48 min
09 - Feeling without the reasons
In this episode, Terry talks about rage, depression, music, the pain body, and not looking for reasons for what we are experiencing or feeling.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #ad
Mo 18.12.2023
8 : 43 min
08 - Surrender To That Which Takes Care Of Itself
In this episode, Terry talks about surrendering to that which is already taking care of itself. He also describes his personal account of the process of awakening.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a non-dualistic path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
Mo 04.12.2023
14 : 59 min
07 - Spiral: A Deep Dive Into Terry's First Solo Composition
In this episode, Terry provides commentary on his first solo composition, Spiral, a musical offspring of all of his interests and studies, and the beginning of his career as a composer.
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlightenment #happiness
non duality
non dualism
Terry Oldfield
Mike Oldfield
Spiritual enlightenmen
Mo 20.11.2023
20 : 22 min
06 - Tubular Bells, Virgin Records & Soundtracks
In this episode, Terry talks about his musical beginnings: the performance of Tubular Bells at the Queen Elisabeth Hall and the BBC studios, his time working for Richard Branson at a Virgin Records store, and his initial struggles in the music industry.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners th
Do 16.11.2023
11 : 55 min
05 - Fear In The World - Adapting To A New Way Of Living
In this episode, Terry touches on current events in the world, the fear campaign, and the illusion of separateness from all that happens around us.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nondu
Do 16.11.2023
12 : 21 min
04 - Dissatisfaction dictates direction and adventure
In this episode, Terry discusses how the direction of our lives is related to our dissatisfaction, as well as the importance of having a spirit of adventure
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advai
Do 16.11.2023
8 : 58 min
03 - How to navigate the pain - Creativity and life experience
In this episode, Terry talks about human suffering, and the role of art and creativity to help us recognize and navigate the pain.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #enlig
Do 16.11.2023
12 : 05 min
02 - No resistance: dissatisfaction & transformative experience
In this episode, Terry talks about how dissatisfaction is the first step into the spiritual path, how complete experience is transformative, and the shortcomings of systems and methods of spiritual knowledge.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique sound
Do 16.11.2023
14 : 29 min
01 - Who is Terry Oldfield? Letting go of certainties.
Episode description:
In this first episode, Terry introduces himself and his understanding of personal identity.
Terry Oldfield's Website - https://TerryOldfield.com
Podcast Information Page - https://iTheSound.com/terry
Produced by Jon Valdivia @ iTheSound - https://iTheSound.com
Podcast description:
"Facing the Music" is an intimate limited series that delves deep into Terry Oldfield's personal journey, highlighting the evolution of his musical career and spiritual awakening.
Each episode focuses on different aspects of his life, from his early days collaborating with his brother Mike Oldfield and the inception of Virgin Records, to his transition towards a more introspective path influenced by the wisdom of Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, and sages from various traditions.
The podcast features Terry's mesmerizing flute compositions, giving listeners the opportunity to experience his unique soundscapes.
Photo by Jack Anstey
Topics and tags
#podcast #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #e
Do 16.11.2023
16 : 32 min
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