Takyah Love, a Christian author and singer, shares her testimony as well as her perspective on contemporary Christian topics. She encourages women to deepen their faith, heal, seek The Lord & grow into the powerful women God called them to be.
Happy, Holy and Married
Before you say "I Do" here are 8 things you should know about marriage and how to keep it happy and holy.
Sa 08.03.2025
91 : 40 min
She is Worthy
You are worthy to be loved sis.
Fr 28.02.2025
60 : 49 min
My Heavenly Lover
There is no one more prideful than a person who thinks they know better than God.
Sa 22.02.2025
100 : 16 min
Battle of the Hearts
If you don't know me by now. You will never, never, never know me.
Sa 15.02.2025
42 : 06 min
My Hellish Lover
Love is a lot of things, but these four things it is NOT. Four signs you’re in a counterfeit relationship.
Fr 07.02.2025
53 : 48 min
Love Me Right
The four things every person needs to be loved right.
Fr 31.01.2025
61 : 21 min
Adam and Eve
5 steps on how to love your spouse until both of you feel naked and unashamed.
Fr 24.01.2025
62 : 46 min
Let them Eat Cake
May we never trade cake for Destiny.
Sa 18.01.2025
53 : 37 min
Last Prelude: Goodbye Letter
No matter how hard it is, sometimes saying goodbye is the only thing that needs to be said.
Sa 11.01.2025
16 : 57 min
Prelude: Loving Inside of God's Will
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Mi 08.01.2025
62 : 19 min
Destiny is unyielding. It cannot be stopped, blocked or hidden. Even in the most darkest places, it will always find you and light up your path.
So 11.06.2023
17 : 14 min
There is no greater place to be, than in the Will of God.
Fr 09.06.2023
94 : 45 min
It is better to remain single than to marry outside of God’s Will.
So 28.05.2023
53 : 08 min
How precious our souls must be, that both God and the devil are after it.
Sa 20.05.2023
37 : 25 min
There is no view scarier than the reflection of yourself.
Fr 12.05.2023
26 : 04 min
Pride destroys Destiny.
Fr 05.05.2023
24 : 31 min
“Beauty provokes harassment,” they say. But it looks through the eyes of men when deciding what provokes it.
Fr 28.04.2023
38 : 55 min
Time does not heal all wounds, and neither does FAME.
Fr 21.04.2023
51 : 13 min
To love or have been loved, that is enough.
Fr 14.04.2023
45 : 21 min
Before you can be an overcomer, you must have something to overcome.
Fr 07.04.2023
18 : 52 min
Godly Chik Podcast (TRAILER)
Fr 07.04.2023
0 : 29 min
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