A weekly review of all thing related to the X-Men in comics by four Black and Queer men.
Issue X - The Gala of Hellfire
We come back in this special episode to discuss the gala of all galas. As we prepare to walk into the Fall of X. We hit some of your hot topics and dive into it. Our thoughts and concerns for the future of Marvel’s Merry Mutants.
Fr 11.08.2023
77 : 40 min
Issue #69 - KRKA Radio Omega
Here we are at the end of an era. Sins of Sinister ends and the truth shapes Krakoa forever. Deadpool’s date night is crashed by the Atelier. Why are the Braddocks defending Britain from "Captain Britain"? In our Circuit Party, we answer your questions! Excelsior!
Do 04.05.2023
99 : 13 min
Issue #68 - Short and Sweet, Like My Men
Sage and the Quiet Council decide the future of X-Force in the aftermath of Beast's machinations with new teammates, a new base, and Quentin Quire? Bishop’s time on an alternate earth leads him on the hunt for Tempo to only find that this Tempo isn’t a mutant. And in Nightcrawlers, the endgame of Mother Righteous is revealed with an array of double crosses, sacrifices, and Moira MacTaggert.
Fr 28.04.2023
27 : 29 min
Issue #67 - P*ssy to the World
The X-Men decide what to do with the Brood. Genocide… or something else? Scott and Bishop have something in common with Beast. Storm and the Brotherhood bring back an iconic, legendary mutant to take out another iconic, legendary mutant. Who will survive? No circuit party this week but we have some… news.
Mi 19.04.2023
67 : 53 min
Issue #66 - Where is the Body?
Rogue and Gambit are on the run from the Black Panther while the immoral future shows the betrayal of Rasputin IV. Wolverine brings the Quiet Council the body of Beast and no one is stopping him from taking revenge. Also, the Scarlet Witch versus the leader of a violent Amazon sect and what does Darcy have to do with this? Finally, in our circuit party we discuss which X-Man would be paired with which Pokémon.
Mi 12.04.2023
73 : 45 min
Issue #65 - Futures Impact
In order to save the gene pool and the future, a circuit meets in Genosha to complete the job in Marauders. With the quick rise and fall of Carnage the Atelier has to make new choices while Deadpool is in love. Morgan le Fay is after a new Captain Britain and it’s an unlikely ally in Otherworld. The Exiles finale is here and the Sabretooth War is coming. Finally, Storm in an attempt to protect the future, makes a sacrifice that no one sees coming.
Do 06.04.2023
109 : 39 min
Issue #64 - Get Your Lick back
Wagnerine releases that something is amiss within the queendom of hearts. The X-Juniors of the New Mutants are on a mission and are they ready? It’s a Wanda and Lorna team up to save the quantum realm. Bishop is in a timeline where everyone is Black as his team battles Fenris. The X-Men find Broo and the return of two enemies for revenge. Beast in his final strike takes drastic measures to protect Krakoa and breaks every law to do so. And the future of sinister sins features Hope, resurrection and it’s fate.
Fr 24.03.2023
102 : 02 min
Issue #63 - Trust Your Destiny
X-Force sews up Xeno and save the missing mutant child while discovering what they were really up to. Rogue and Gambit at the behest of Irene Adler are sent to acquire Manifold for a secret mission. And in our circuit party, what if the X-Men were in the Fantastic Four?
Mi 08.03.2023
81 : 08 min
Issue #62 - X = 70% of Vonte
It’s the X-Men vs the Brood and rescue of Corsair but where is Broo? The Marauders reveal their new mission and it involves Genosha. The Death of Beast and his revenge begins in Wolverine, be prepared. The Legion of the Night and Mother Righteous seek the Moira Engine and the fourth Sinister is revealed. Captain Britain and Askani versus Everforge and Morgan Le Fey. Deadpool is captured and only Valentine can save him. The death of an Exile and the return of an exile? Emma Frost is taking charge and everyone, even Sinister needs to get in line.
Mi 01.03.2023
88 : 34 min
Issue #61 - Headmasters
Bishop starts his war college with mutants new, old, and foreign. With push back from the Quiet Council what’s next? Storm and her Brotherhood fight to protect their world or what’s left of it after the Sins of Sinister to be betrayed from within. In our circuit party, we race swap our merry mutants.
Mi 15.02.2023
97 : 05 min
Issue #60 - Revel in the Reveal of Revelations
Scarlet Witch saves Viv Vision from the progeny of Nightmare and then gets some later assistance from Storm to spill some tea. The Man with the Peacock Mask is revealed in X-Force as Domino relives her lost memories. The Legionnaires vs Nimrod, the rise of a new Omega in death, and the fourth Sinister is nigh. Dark Web concludes and Spider Man, Goblin Queen and the X-Men vs Chasm. And for our Circuit Party, the X-Men Vote!
Mi 08.02.2023
86 : 54 min
Issue #59 - Revenge, Sins and Astral Tings
The X-Terminators get the last laugh on Dazzler’s vampiric “ex” and Jubilee shows out! The Exiles are still in the astral plane and discover Victor Creed? The Sins of Sinister begins here, the Quiet Council of Sinisters take over the Earth with only Destiny, Mystique, and Storm to stop them. And in our circuit party, casting porn stars as X-characters.
Mi 01.02.2023
108 : 23 min
Issue #58 - Sowing the Sins of Sinister
Deadpool returns and is on a date at the zoo with Renesme versus Doc Ock and Harrower. Dark Web: X-Men concludes with the Goblin Queen getting exactly what she wanted and now they must stop Chasm. The Immortal X-Men vs Mr. Sinister - no holds barred. Also, we discuss our theories for the Sins of Sinister.
Mi 25.01.2023
84 : 18 min
Issue #57 - Ghosts of Krakoa's Past
Logan while in the Pit - getting healing from Krakoa - discovers a virus named Creed. The Legionnaires vs Margali Szardos and sum of Pi. In the X-Men, Wolverine and Old Lady Laura have a conversation while fighting vampires. Finally in our Circuit Party, who should run the Krakoan branch of the Hand?
Mi 18.01.2023
99 : 34 min
Issue #56 - Planet Size KRKA Radio
We are back from our seasonal hiatus with not just 4 but 10 books to review. Wolverine, still under Beast’s thrall, escapes. Sabretooth and the Exiles, in an attempt to save Orphan Maker, his powers are unleashed. It’s Cyclops and Firestar versus Whirlwind? The X-Terminators land back on earth and are on trial with the Quiet Council and Dracula himself. As we go back into the Dark Web it’s Synch versus Venom. New Mutants are victorious and begin a new path. The battle is here, Storm versus Vulcan. The Marauders leave Threshold with new members and a new truth of Krakoa is revealed. X-Force is back and after Xeno. Wanda Maximoff is back!
Do 12.01.2023
114 : 33 min
Issue #55 - Season's Beatings
Deadpool and Deathstrike? Against Doc Ock and the Harrower? Then the Dark Web ensnares Magik, Jean, Havok, and Cyclops leaving the Amazing Friends to save NYC. In Legion of X, we meet an old character but a new mutant and Nightcrawler’s mom shows up but it’s not Mystique. Finally, in our Circuit Party we set a roast with our merry mutants and we discuss Bleach for our blerd anime heads.
Mi 21.12.2022
90 : 22 min
Issue #54 - Krakoa, You In Danger Gurl
The women of the X-Terminators escape the vampires to realize that they are in outer space? The Marauders are in Threshold and are fighting for their lives with the resistance led by Grove and an old villain rears his head. The new New Mutants & Wolfsbane are trying to escape the clutches of Sublime while a prophecy is coming to fruition. X-Force infiltrates Beast’s prison world and Sage faces her sobriety. The throne room meeting erupts and it’s the best plot twist we have seen in a while. Finally the Immortal X-Men’s mortality is challenged and Sinister is playing for keeps.
Mi 14.12.2022
109 : 41 min
Issue #53 - Beast and the Big Blue Prison
Hank McCoy is up to something really bad and no one on Krakoa knows. Find out what Beast has been scheming. Forge finishes his time in the Vault after making an agreement with Serafina. And in our Circuit Party, Gregory from Abbott Elementary?
Fr 02.12.2022
85 : 04 min
Issue #52 - Sinisterly Yours
We arrive in a flashback of Mystique and Destiny’s origins with Nathaniel Essex and how he became Mr. Sinister. For our circuit party, who would you pick for a new Illuminati?
Mi 23.11.2022
107 : 35 min
Issue #51 - Judgment Day Fulfilled
A.X.E. Judgment Day is finished and Eternals deal with their new status as Ajak Celestia unpacks her godhood. Wolverine is under Beast’s control and X-Force is now public. In Marauders, the biggest mutant circuit seen - next to the making of Planet Arakko - time travel to Threshold. Legion of X starts its new arc and Nightcrawler has mutated further and another mutant as well who is his opposite. And finally Victor LaValle returns with Sabretooth and the Exiles. Sabretooth is a victim of Orchis and the Exiles rescue him, only for Orphan Maker to be captured for his ability.
Do 17.11.2022
72 : 58 min
Issue #50 - Giant Size KRKA Radio Part 2
We did it Joe! 50 issues in and still going. We talk about the unknown fifth member, what the podcast means to us and our usual shit taking. No books just fellowship.
Do 17.11.2022
61 : 09 min
Issue #49 - Mercs With Mouths and Hands
Deadpool awakes on the slab of the Harrower and what does the organization Atelier and Doctor Octopus have to do with this? The X-Men Red team are after the truth of Abagail Brand’s schemes while at an intergalactic council meeting she pulls out her wild card. In our circuit party we discuss which non-mutants and flatscans would be an X-Men or an Avenger.
Do 10.11.2022
93 : 15 min
Issue #48 - Final Judgments
Judgment Day nears its conclusion with a gift from Krakoa and the rise of a new Celestial. Wolverine is auctioned off piece by piece and a team member is complicit. The X-Terminators are fighting for their lives against the vampire nation. While a new mutant makes an arrival and the return of an old foe. And for our circuit party, where've we seen the Dark Phoenix before?
Mi 02.11.2022
116 : 46 min
Issue #47 - Shadow Rooms, Vaults and Good Reads
Forge is inside the Vault and what he finds is more than what he bargained. It’s Wolverine vs Kraven while trying to save Beast in the Shadow Room, while Krakoa is being attacked. And no Circuit Party, we are just reading each other. More laughs than anything this week.
Mi 26.10.2022
132 : 03 min
Issue #46 - 9 F#$king Books!
As Judgment Day goes into overdrive, we visit the Flatscan Ghetto of the Fantastic Four, Iron Fist, and Captain Marvel’s tie-ins. Wolverine faces judgment with Solem and the Hellbride in tow. It’s X-Force vs Kraven and our blue furry Beast is bait. Ajak and the Progenitor meet and does she pass? In Death to the Mutants, to save the machine that is Earth a hard choice is made and Phastos' heart breaks. What happened between Legion and Uranos and what did Magneto gift Legion? And f*ckin finally, in Immortal X-Men, we find out Nightcrawler’s mission and a temporary alliance is formed with the worst of enemies.
Mi 19.10.2022
88 : 23 min
Issue #45 - Sobering Truths
We meet the mutant of Threshold, well.. mutants and find out who is on the horizon and everyone is in danger. Jean Grey meets her judgment and truth reveals her unknown connection to the Phoenix. The Brotherhood and Great Ring mourn Magneto. The Great Ring is forever changed: some leave, roles change. And in our circuit party, it’s DC’s pantheon versus Marvel’s.
Do 13.10.2022
77 : 50 min
Issue #44 - The Girls Are Kiki'ing
The judgment of Tony Stark arrives while he and the remaining X-Men and Eternals journey inside the Progenitor. In X-Men, we return to the Vault and it’s up to Forge to stop the Children. And in our Circuit Party, if they weren’t mutants, what would they be doing for a living?
Do 06.10.2022
114 : 59 min
Issue #43 - The Girls Are Fighting!
The first arc of Legion of X comes to a close with the schemes of Ora Serrata revealed. The New Mutants' 40th anniversary is here with mixed reviews. It’s ladies night and the X-Terminators have arrived. Judgment Day continues and its final call for Earth. And finally in our circuit party, we are reframing the Quiet Council with only Omegas.
Do 29.09.2022
99 : 38 min
Issue #42 - Nocturnal Emissions
The Brotherhood and the Great Ring mobilize to silence the armory of Uranos and a mutant circuit of two mutants change how we look at circuits ever again. Also, we meet the mysterious Table Night. As Judgment Day continues, we crown a new Prime Eternal and apocalypse is now!
Mi 21.09.2022
84 : 33 min
Issue #41 - Judgment Be Damned
In this issue we find out why Kro is the truth! Sebastian Shaw’s past is revealed and strikes a deal with Eros the Starfox. The Marauders, with the arrival of Birdy, create a circuit to process their judgments. Wolverine and Solem join forces to combat a woman they scorned. And finally in New Mutants, Scout is missing and it’s up to Warpath and Fang to find her, after a heart to heart about family.
Do 15.09.2022
99 : 48 min
Issue #40 - Interrogative Acts
Kraven is on the loose and he is looking for a way into Krakoa and Deadpool is the key. The Knights of X final battle in Mercator ends here with far reaching implications for Otherworld, Krakoa, and resurrection. The X-Men still defending Krakoa are met with a world ending attack and Iceman and Firestar are the catalyst. Then we get to our circuit party this week… take a listen lol.
Do 08.09.2022
102 : 38 min
Issue #39 - Celestial Marauding
The A.X.E. event elevates and the key to destroying the celestial god is revealed. The Marauders complete their quest in the Shi’ar Empire and we see the arrival of a mutant from 2099. And by the way, the whole issue is a circuit party. You’ll see.
Do 01.09.2022
98 : 36 min
Issue #38 - X-Men Reassembled and Disassembled
X-Force tries out new members while a legacy Spider-Man rogue is hunting for Krakoans. The seat of Limbo is restored and Magik gets an upgrade. Ikaris’s team of Eternals align with the Krakoans on special but to do what? The new X-Men team on their first mission and it’s questionable if this team will survive. Finally, Krakoan culture versus Olympian culture, the mutants and the eternals how do they contrast and compare?
Mi 24.08.2022
115 : 35 min
Issue #37 - Arishem Ain't Got Sh*t On Me!
The events of Judgment Day are escalating on Krakoa and Arakko. Anti-mutant sentiment is at an all time high. With the combined efforts of Ajak, Makkari, Mr. Sinister, and Iron Man they have a solution. Also, Marvel, why is Wolverine still being forced down our throats? Finally, we discuss X-Men '97 showrunner Beau DeMayo and his controversial thoughts on the current X-Men comics run.
Mi 17.08.2022
72 : 25 min
Issue #36 - Arakko Has A Problem
The Legionnaires with the help of Zsen get closer to finding the missing god from Arakko and all is revealed to Nightcrawler. Exodus’s past is revealed as he and the mutants of Krakoa battle the Eternals. The battle between Uranos and the Arakkii is revealed and a revelation begins. Finally, your favorite mutants and Beyoncé’s Renaissance?
Do 11.08.2022
130 : 33 min
Issue #35 - Parabellum
The Knights of X, without a moment to mourn their fallen teammate, immediately rush into the land of Mercator and are followed by not only Arthur but Merlin himself. A.X.E. begins here with a siege and two pronged attack on Krakoa and Arakko with many casualties and specific targets. Finally, in our circuit party, we discuss the intricacies of the racial identity of Arakkii mutants.
Mi 27.07.2022
94 : 11 min
Issue #34 - Hellfire Judgments
This is a full week. With the truth of mutant resurrection in the air. The Eternals want war and have captured someone from Krakoa. The Marauders reveal the First Shame. Magik and the gals get two new visitors in Limbo. Wolverine and Deadpool have their final showdown with Danger and her X-Men. Emma reveals a secret she’s been hiding and the Hellfire Gala is here! New revelations and judgments.
Mi 20.07.2022
122 : 50 min
Issue #33 - Astral Planes, Trains, Audible Reads
Sabretooth comes to a close and we find out the final fate of Victor Creed via the incomparable writings of Victor LaValle and what does Destiny know about Creed’s future. While Blindfold leads two Legionnaires into the astral plane, David has a heart to heart with his Uncle Cain. With a circuit party amuse-bouche we critique the leaked, upcoming X-Men team and then for the entree we review your fan made Hellfire Gala looks.
Mi 13.07.2022
117 : 43 min
Issue #32 - Not For Play Play
We return to the Pit with Sabretooth and the gang. Third Eye reveals the true levels of his power and we find out how everyone arrived in the Pit. Wolverine and Domino take on Cerebrax but not before a member of X-Force is killed indefinitely. On Arakko, in the Seat of Loss, Magneto speaks for himself and Storm and agrees to follow Arakko’s laws to the letter, while the voice of Sol in a galactic council makes some things very clear. Also, where do U.N. agreements and Krakoa stand?
Mi 06.07.2022
118 : 44 min
Issue #31 - Mutantgasm
In this overpacked issue prepare to be regaled by six books! In Immortal X-Men, Destiny sees the future again and the betrayal of Mr. Sinister. One of the Knights of X dies at the hands of Merlyn but who? Still in Limbo, Magik and the crew meet Old Lady Magik and Old Man Warlock. The fight for The Seat of Loss in X-Men: Red is at hand and three people have to die to get it! The X-Men reach some new agreements with Gameworld, Ben Urich, and within the team itself. We also get more information on Dr. Stasis aka Sinister of Clubs. Finally in Wolverine, still teamed up with Deadpool the pursuit for Cerebra Danger is on and ends in the last but first place in the mutant world.
Mi 29.06.2022
107 : 02 min
Issue #30 - All New, All Different KRKA Radio
Allow us to reintroduce ourselves. We are changing the format of the show to get to the meat and potatoes. Meanwhile, in Marauders, Cassandra Nova is spilling tea and dragging asses. In Knights of X, the knights are under siege from the armies of Merlyn in an attempt to rescue Whitechapel. In the debut of Legion of X we meet the mysterious Ora Serrata and learn the power of deities. Finally, in our circuit party, we rank the Omegas.
Mi 15.06.2022
107 : 56 min
Issue #29 - One Is Not All
In this full issue we see X-Force on the tail, well tentacles of Cerebrex. Wolverine is finding out what brought Deadpool his way and it’s more sinister than we imagined. Selene abandons Krakoa and Hope and Exodus save it in Immortal X-Men. Magik & friends with the Goblin Queen establish a new Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo, but not before S'ym intervenes. Also in X-Men: Red, we meet the Brotherhood of Arakko and Vulcan sets his sights on the Regent of Sol. Finally, our circuit party features our big three and is there beef with Storm?
Mi 25.05.2022
159 : 22 min
Issue #28 - Shames, Gameworlds, Resurrections and Multiverses
The Marauders are in Shi’ar space and we start to learn what they did to the First Mutants. Thunderbird is back, large and in charge and is heading home to new enemies. Also, the ladies of the X-Men are at Gameworld and it’s hell to pay; they didn’t need a Phoenix but they have a Jean Grey. Finally, mutants and the multiverse, gird your loins and your cups?
Do 19.05.2022
140 : 30 min
Issue #27 - Cursed Times Abound
We return to Otherworld and all witchbreed are under attack from Merlin and his Lunatic Court, save for the Captain Britain Corps who will save them? A new round table forms and a long lost child returns. While in another cursed land of the Pit. We are finding out what Melter did to get put in the Pit as the other members of this impure land seek outside help to rally for their freedom. Finally, any curses you want to get off your chest?
Mi 04.05.2022
138 : 45 min
Issue #26 - Of Blood and Guts
Wolverine thinks that one of her cloned sisters is being held on Phobos. In an unsanctioned solo mission she goes to retrieve her but find another sister of sorts. Meanwhile her father Logan is in hot pursuit of his missing hand with the help Sage but his mission is interrupt by the Merc’ with a Mouth while they uncover something more insidious. Finally, it’s here. We discuss the 2022 Hellfire Gala looks.
Do 28.04.2022
78 : 19 min
Issue #25 - Seeing Red
The Marauders are back and they have found their final member and some aren't happy about it, as they head off into the Shi'ar Empire. X-Force is experimented on and Omega Red is resurrected? Finally, in X-Men: Red, Arakko and Storm, what team is she building and why aren't they X-Men? Also, is the world really ready for the X-Men as things get darker?
Mi 13.04.2022
93 : 00 min
Issue #24 - End of An Era, Beginning of Another
This week we discuss the ending of Devil's Reign: X-Men and X Deaths of Wolverine - much to our chagrin - before moving into the first new book of the Destiny of X era, Immortal X-Men. We also answer who's talking to who on social media in the X-community.
Mi 06.04.2022
114 : 12 min
Issue #23 - X Returns of Dr. Showtime
We welcome the return of Dr. Showtime and complete our thoughts on X Lives of Wolverine. We witness the fate of Omega Red and Mikhail Rasputin. Also, we are giving you a jumbo Circuit Party!
Do 24.03.2022
95 : 43 min
Issue #22 - Haus of Ferocity
The five mutants who arrive to The Pit are soon under attack from Sabretooth and we get a better understanding of how it all works. In X Lives, the battle rages on between Omega Red and Wolverine. In X Deaths, Team Wolverine is in hot pursuit of Moira X and we get the truth of the sixth life from Powers of X. Also, what abilities do we not see discussed anymore in our merry mutants?
Mi 16.03.2022
100 : 30 min
Issue #21 - Et Tu Mutant?
In an effort to figure out their next plans of action, The Quiet Council, The Great Ring and the Orchis Protocol are all plotting how to take the other down in X-Men. Meanwhile in Devil's Reign, Emma is on the run fro her past working for Wilson Fisk, and it's an all out brawl with the Wolverines vs Phalanx Wolverine in X Deaths of Wolverine. Amidst all these tales two traitors are revealed and one is a savior.
Mi 09.03.2022
102 : 53 min
Issue #20 - Jampacked
This week we are hitting you hard with five books. Listen to us describe the closer in New Mutants, getting some answers in X-Men to the development of Synch, who are the Secret X-Men and who is the telepath that leads, and another peek into the X Lives and X Deaths of Wolverine.
Do 24.02.2022
76 : 05 min
Issue #19 - The Pit and Butterfly Effects
We finally find out what happened to Sabretooth and what is life like in exile, an "angel" offers him a deal and we meet new mutants who are in this hell. Wolverine is still trying to stop the deaths of Xavier but it considering a choice that could damage the time stream. Also, who is Oya?
Fr 11.02.2022
67 : 29 min
Issue #18 - Who's Zoomin' Who?
The Marauders with some team departures adds new teammates and a villain from 2099 makes his debut. Moira is on the run after Inferno and we see where it takes her in X Deaths of Wolverine. The X-Men are shaken to the core from the death of Cyclops and who is Dr. Stasis? T'Challa also on the run takes refuge on Arakko and Gentle is there to greet him. Finally, what is Judgement Day and what does it mean for the X-Men, the Avengers and the Eternals?
Mi 02.02.2022
107 : 29 min
Issue #17 - F*ck Beast, F*ck Merlyn, F*ck Kingpin
The X Lives of Wolverine begins and this wild ride is a temporal adventure that is a little bit of Legion Quest and Fox's Days of Future Past movie. Then the X-Men get tangled up in the Death of Dr. Strange and a new Black Knight has to save them but, she has a secret. We also get to learn more about Emma's past with Wilson Fisk as his "angel". And finally, is Beast worthy of forgiveness?
Mi 26.01.2022
61 : 38 min
Issue #16 - Hellfire's Future Past
Emma has been forever changed by the series of events in Inferno and what does this mean for her and specifically the Hellfire Trading Company? Speaking of hellfire, the internet rained on hasbeen creative Joss Whedon and we will tell you why. Finally, we discuss the X-Men Vote which will be later revealed in the upcoming Hellfire Gala one shot this summer.
Mi 19.01.2022
91 : 42 min
Issue #15 - Destiny Fulfilled
We finally reach the end of Inferno and the official exit of Jonathan Hickman from the X titles. We find out what happens to Moira, Professor X and Magneto while a council member reveals themselves as the wildcard that no one saw coming. Also, we see the arrival of Captain Krakoa and Cyclops is none too happy, while Feilong makes a bold move for Arakko. Finally, man and machine, what does their bond mean after Inferno and what stakes does it hold for mutants?
Mi 12.01.2022
111 : 24 min
Issue #14 - Final Destinies, Part III
In these final issues, a mutant Moby Dick is causing problems on the shores of Krakoa, featuring Wolverine as Captain Ahab. The real traitor to SWORD is revealed and they officially want war with Krakoa and someone dies to make the message clear. Finally the end of the Trial of Magneto. We “kinda” find out who the killer is and in a twist, Scarlet Witch leaves a gift to the mutants of Krakoa. As Hickman’s participation comes to a close in the greatest era of mutants. We have some thoughts as we rank every book and event published.
Mi 29.12.2021
105 : 41 min
Issue #13 - Final Destinies, Part II
In a forced evacuation of Otherworld and then Braddock Isle, we find out how Saturnyne became Omniversal Majestrix. Also, in this final issue of Excalibur, one member makes the ultimate sacrifice. Meanwhile, Wolverine and X-Force are in hot pursuit of the three babies stolen from the Bower by Pike. They rescue two of the babies but, where is the third? And the return of Cassandra Nova, what does this mean for the Marauders?
Mi 22.12.2021
59 : 44 min
Issue #12 - Final Destinies
We have reached the next chapter of Inferno and Omega Sentinel reveals a major plot twist to the House of X stories. We see the ending of Hellions. What becomes of them and a certain queen makes her return to Krakoa. And finally we discuss the Destiny of X promo photo, our thoughts and concerns and what does this mean for the house that Hickman built.
Mi 15.12.2021
106 : 22 min
Issue #11 - A Karen Named Wanda
As we dredge through the Trial of Magneto, we have some thoughts about Wanda's part in all of this nonsense! Mr. Drake is feeling his omega level oats and shows out! While Amahl Farouk is battling the New Mutants, some truths are revealed. Speaking of mutants, can Spider-Man and his variants be true allies to Krakoa? And a little love to Wonder Woman: Historia.
The showdown with Wolverine and Maverick comes to a close, while it also revealed in that the vote for new X-Men was tainted causing a member to leave. Also, our Dr. Showtime leads a conversation on the art of Rob Liefeld as well as the problem of the laws of Krakoa and what it means for Nature Girl.
Mi 01.12.2021
83 : 38 min
Issue #9 - The Coming Endgame & Crisscrossing
With some of our merry mutant titles coming to their endings. We are preparing to see the results of the betrayal in S.W.O.R.D. by Wiz-Kid. What does Merlin have in store for Otherworld? While Orphan Maker goes off the rails for Nanny, what was the cost? Also, someone has betrayed Wolverine and we know, that doesn't end well, but in a SNIKT!!
Mi 24.11.2021
96 : 56 min
Issue #8 - Eternally Yours
And we are back! After a week hiatus we are back with a special issue of KRKA Radio. This week, much to JustxHenry's chagrin, we are discussing the Eternals move. We talk about it all and this is *not* a spoiler free review! So, gird your loins boys, girls and theybies. It's about to be good!
Mi 17.11.2021
68 : 21 min
Issue #7 - A Litany of Double Crosses
Mystique reclaims the Mistress of Manipulation title, while Emma finds out a dark truth that destroys all she knew. The Marauders want revenge and they want it now. The Shi'ar visit Planet Arakko and the SWORD team has a mole for Orchis in their midst. Maverick shows up on Krakoa and the question becomes "is he friend or foe?" Also, the upcoming Eternals movie: we share thoughts, concerns and accusations!
Mi 03.11.2021
108 : 05 min
Issue #6 - The Dragging of Magneto & Kick
We are only discussing The Trial of Magneto #3. In this issue we are stating our thoughts on the current run of this book. Some questions… Why Polaris? Why isn't Quicksilver? Also, how do we feel about drugs and our merry mutants?
Do 28.10.2021
58 : 39 min
Issue #5 - Miss Grey and Mr. Rasputin If You're Nasty
We are discussing X-Men #4 and X-Force #24. In the aftermath of the death of Dr. Strange, Marvel Girl encounters Nightmare and it's not pretty. Mikhail Rasputin and The Chronicler have dark designs for Colossus but what are they planning and what did they make him do? Also, an X-Men movie in the MCU and what does that look like?
Mi 20.10.2021
106 : 06 min
Issue #4 - Teamwork Is Not Making the Dream Work
We are discussing Blaqueword's favorite book, Excalibur #24 and then followed up with Hellions #16 & New Mutants #22. Krakoa is continuing to unravel. Excalibur is at war, The Hellions are starting to split and The New Mutants and Shadow King take it astral. Also, is Charles Xavier a gift or a curse to Krakoa?!
We are discussing the much anticipated Inferno #1, SWORD #8 and Wolverine #16. There is something amiss in Krakoa and we really would like to know who's to blame. Storm is commencing a reckoning on Planet Arakko. While we find out what this Muramusa Blade business is all about. Who said Madelyne Pryor?!
Mi 06.10.2021
85 : 12 min
Issue #2 - Strange Annihilations and the end of X-Corp (Thank En Sabah Nur!)
We are discussing X-Men #3, X-Men: Onslaught Revelations, and the end of the disastrous and unnecessary X-Corp with issue #5. Also, we chat about the finale of The Last Annihilation and beginning of the Death of Dr. Strange with a little bit of stanning.
Mi 29.09.2021
149 : 15 min
Issue #1 - Giant Sized KRKA Radio
ISSUE#1 : Giant-Sized KRKA Radio
KRKA Radio returns!!! We are back and now in a podcast format from our stint on Twitter Spaces. In our giant-sized return, we are discussing Excalibur #23, X-Force #23, Marauders # 24 and X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2. With our new Circuit Party segment topic on Magic and Witchbreed!! Make sure you subscribe!!
Di 21.09.2021
87 : 00 min
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