LEO Radio is a podcast for law enforcement professionals to keep up with current topics in your profession. LEO Radio is brought to you by the J. Harris Academy of Police Training, www.jharristraining.com.
Episode 32: EXPERT ANALYSIS of an Officer Involved Shooting
Lieutenant Joey Sperlazza, Ed.S. is joined by J. Harris Academy of Police Training Instructor Lieutenant Collin Congleton, JD in LEO Radio Episode 32. Collin is a subject matter expert in Use of Force. Collin founded and now supervises the Force Investigation Unit for a major urban Police Department in New Jersey, is a United States Marine Corps combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a nearly 20 year veteran law enforcement professional. He earned a B.S. in National Security Studies (Summa Cum Laude) from New Jersey City University and a Juris Doctorate from Rutgers School of Law (Newark) where he was awarded the prestigious Judge J. Skelly Wright Prize for work in civil rights. He also completed the Certified Public Manager Program at Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration, where his research work on police training reform was nominated for the nationally recognized American Academy of CPM’s Askew Award. Some of his certifications include: FBI certified hostage and crisis negotiator; Fo
Mo 03.03.2025
48 : 59 min
Do the police need to advise Mirada during Booking Questions? – NJ V Ruffin
Join instructor Joey Sperlazza as he breaks down NJ v Ruffin decided on 1/7/2025. This is an appellate Unpublished opinion that reaffirms a lot of what we already know about the important topic of Miranda.
Do we need to advise a subject of their Miranda Rights during booking questions?
What do we do if during a formal statement, a defendant says "Well, I want a Lawyer then"?
As always, the items described in these cases are for information only. Determine how the situation impacts you in your agency and in your state. Follow your state laws, state guidelines, and department policy and address questions to your superiors and legal advisors.
Mo 20.01.2025
10 : 46 min
Episode 23: Leadership Series Part 2
PART 2 CONTINUES on with the leadership lessons we learn through personal development. In this episode, our instructor team continues with a review of "Extreme Ownership". For more information about our Command Series of leadership courses, visit our website at www.jharristraining.com
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Author(s): Jocko Willink; Leif Babin
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (Macmillan US Trade)
Print ISBN: 9781250183866, 1250183863 / Print ISBN 9781250183866, 1250183863
eText ISBN: 9781250184726, 125018472X
Sa 25.11.2023
57 : 40 min
LEO Radio #23: Extreme Ownership – The Leadership Series Part 1
Leadership is a critical aspect of success in any organization. When we recently read "Extreme Ownership", we recognized that we are reviewing many of these common leadership concepts in our classes. This book reinforced our thoughts and theory on the practical application of leadership in law enforcement. Based on this, we decided to start our 'leadership series'. In Part 1, we review the first two chapters of this book and how it relates to the concepts we share with others in our classes. For more information about our Command Series of leadership courses, visit our website at www.jharristraining.com
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Author(s): Jocko Willink; Leif Babin
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (Macmillan US Trade)
Print ISBN: 9781250183866, 1250183863 / Print ISBN 9781250183866, 1250183863
eText ISBN: 9781250184726, 125018472X
So 05.11.2023
63 : 23 min
Episode 21: State v. Sheppard & Miranda
An officer is asking routine booking questions and discovers and injury on the suspect. The question about the injury leads to incriminating statements. Will the statement hold up in court? This is so critical, especially for this case of murder/homicide.
This case is for information only as it was an interesting case involving routine booking questions. It is not a binding case and is for guidance only.
Do 05.10.2023
0 : 00 min
Episode 20: State v. Maclean
This podcast examines a recent "unpublished" case out of New Jersey regarding the questioning of a suspect and Miranda. Although this is out of New Jersey, we discuss the US Supreme Court Case regarding Edwards and the "Edwards Bright Line Rule" for questioning a suspect.
Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477
State v. McLean, 205 N.J. 438, 16 A.3d 332 (N.J. 2011)
Sa 23.09.2023
0 : 00 min
Episode 19: Idaho K9 Search Going to US Supreme Court
An officer makes a motor vehicle stop and a drug sniffing dog arrives to assist. During the exterior sniff, the police dog indicates on the car and then puts its paws up on the vehicle. The defendant is claiming that the dog did an unlawful search of the vehicle by placing it's paws on the car. The Idaho Supreme Court agreed. This may now be heading to the United States Supreme Court. This podcast explores the case and information.
Case Citation: State v. Dorff, 526 P.3d 988 (Idaho 2023)
Mo 18.09.2023
0 : 00 min
Episode 18: Police K9 Deploys on Truck Driver
On July 4, 2023, a truck driver was being stopped by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The incident led to a pursuit. Upon stopping, Ohio troopers were giving commands to the driver when an canine officer from the Circleville Police Department deployed his canine. The video has attracted a lot of nationwide attention. Jim Harris, Collin Congleton, and Joey Sperlazza examine this incident in this podcast.
It is important to note that all parties are innocent until proven otherwise through any internal affairs investigation and/or civil/criminal investigation.
Fr 28.07.2023
0 : 00 min
Episode 17: Generational Differences & Supervising the Gap
Communication in an organization is difficult at all levels. Understanding the generational differences is one key factor in improving relationships and building morale. This is the first of many conversations about this topic.
Mi 11.01.2023
43 : 21 min
Episode 16: Tampa Chief Controversy
A recent off-duty situation regarding a police chief stirs up controversy. Officers being stopped are now questioning if they should or shouldn't identify themselves. Officers utilizing discretion when dealing with officers are second-guessing if their agency will back them up when they let an officer go for a minor violation. This podcast will address the issue and discuss these items.
Di 06.12.2022
0 : 00 min
Episode 15: Did the Cops Need to Given Miranda?
Miranda Warnings seem basic. They are stated loud and clear in TV shows and movies. However, the waters are getting muddy with when and how they should be provided to suspects. Recent case law decisions out of New Jersey clarified some issues with regard to what the court will be reviewing when you are dealing with Miranda and your case. Although these cases stem from New Jersey, they do provide some 'best practices' to think of around the country when conducting your investigations.
Fr 25.11.2022
34 : 01 min
Episode 14: The Toxic Employee
In this episode, J. Harris Instructors hit upon a common area that is brought up in our open discussion forums of our Command Series Courses. The Toxic employee is a cancer to the organization. They believe they are better than others and superior to their supervisors. This episode discusses those issues and tactics to deal with them or minimize their impact on the team.
Fr 11.11.2022
44 : 25 min
Episode 13: Law Enforcement Morale
In this episode, Jim Harris and Phil Rizzo explore morale within the law enforcement profession. This topic is a hot button item in all agencies across the US and was brought up again while on the road teaching one of the J. Harris Command Series Level 1: Developing First Line Supervisors courses.
Mi 23.03.2022
44 : 34 min
Episode 4: Entry-level Psychology with Dr. George Peters
We sit down with Dr. George Peters, licensed clinical psychologist and talk about the ins and outs of the entry-level psychological evaluation process. What do you need to know? How can this fit into your agency's evaluation process? What will the police psychologist do for you; and what can't they do?
Sa 09.05.2020
44 : 56 min
Episode 2: Educated Encounters LIVE from Atlantic City, NJ!
This episode was recorded LIVE at the Police and Security Expo in Atlantic City, NJ! We talk with Captain (ret.) Andrea Craparotta and her new program in Middlesex County, using history classes to integrate law enforcement with high-schoolers, discussing key issues in the Constitution and law, and improving understanding and relations on both sides.
Mo 22.07.2019
34 : 02 min
Episode 1: So, You Want To Join Law Enforcement?
For our first episode of LEO Radio, we wanted to talk to the applicants, the future of the profession!
What do you need to know about the hiring process? What can help you rise above the competition, or sink your chances at your dream career?
We draw on the experience of cops who have supervised and managed hiring processes, and we share the tips, tricks, and strategies that top applicants use to get where they want to be!
Mo 08.07.2019
46 : 41 min
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