Everything about life, reasons why your passions turn purpose. Breaking the silence on suicide and mental health one conversation at a time.
Early Morning Thoughts
On this episode of the Lifted for Life Podcast Casey jumps on with some quick thoughts of the day!
Di 02.07.2024
1 : 49 min
Stay Lifted 17
On this episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey gets on the topic of being stuck mentally and small habits to break through that.
Sa 28.10.2023
1 : 53 min
Stay Lifted 16
On this episode of the Lifted for Life Podcast, Casey talks about communicating through action not just by speaking words!
Sa 21.10.2023
2 : 27 min
Stay Lifted 15
On this episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey jumps on for a stay lifted episode about never peaking. Change comes with a lifestyle adjustments! Stay Lifted
Sa 14.10.2023
2 : 51 min
Stay Lifted 14
Welcome back to another stay Lifted episode with Casey. Mental health issues are real and can be controlled. Let’s stay Lifted together. One habit at a time!
Do 12.10.2023
1 : 43 min
Flash Friday 48
Don't give up.
Fr 17.03.2023
3 : 42 min
Stay Lifted 13
On this stay lifted episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey talks about being at a low and doing something uncomfortable. If this has provided you some sort of value please share the show! #staylifted
Sa 04.03.2023
2 : 36 min
Flash Friday 47
Treat your mental health like your fuel tank!
Fr 03.03.2023
3 : 25 min
Flash Friday 46
Stop, close your eyes and listen. Two minutes to change your day.
Fr 24.02.2023
2 : 38 min
Ep: 39 Cold Plunges??
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey dives right in with Tyler, Danny and Lisa from Mindsetmade. They talk about cold plunges and the advantages and the mentality behind it. Don't think about it dive right in! #staylifted
Di 21.02.2023
19 : 56 min
Flash Friday 45
Flash Friday on a Saturday?! Yep, here's your sign to keep pushing even when things get hard. Bumps in the road are inevitable, get back on the wagon as soon as possible.
Sa 18.02.2023
4 : 17 min
Ep: 38 Does time really heal?
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey and Danny jump on to talk about grieving. Does time really heal? As usual per episode we go around the wheel and off tangent to the topic, hope you enjoy! Please Share the show! #staylifted
Di 14.02.2023
35 : 47 min
Flash Friday 44: Be YOU
Never waiver from the core version of yourself.
Fr 10.02.2023
1 : 54 min
Ep 37 WTF is Enneagram???
On this weeks episode of the Lifted For Life podcast, Casey and Tyler talk about Enneagrams. Not much expierance but they dive into their own scores and explain what it means. Also some book mentions, and getting uncomfortable going into the week! Stay Lifted
Di 07.02.2023
27 : 14 min
Flash Friday 43: how to make a habit
Tyler's two tips for positive habit reinforcement
Fr 03.02.2023
4 : 32 min
Flash Friday 42: Someone wants you to hear this.
Share the love with someone you care about, love or just want to help through a struggle.
Fr 27.01.2023
1 : 58 min
Stay Lifted 12
When life gives you lemons, make orange juice
Di 24.01.2023
2 : 04 min
Flash Friday 41: the success of personal development
Weekly flash Friday segment touching on Standford University statistics.
Fr 20.01.2023
4 : 17 min
Stay Lifted 11
On this Stay Lifted episode of the lifted for life podcast, Casey jumps on to talk about your why and some things you can do to evolve from it. #staylifted
Mi 18.01.2023
2 : 47 min
Ep: 36 Emotional Management
On this weeks episode of the lifted for life podcast, Casey and Tyler jump on with Danny from MindSetMade. They dive into Emotional Management and talk about different ways to handle it. #staylifted
Di 17.01.2023
34 : 25 min
Flash Friday 40: PSA (Public Service Apology)
PSA - you might be feeling this way too, keep pushing and don't look back!
Fr 13.01.2023
3 : 15 min
Flash Friday 39
On this flash Friday episode of the lifted for life podcast, Tyler dives into a quick recap of setting goals and staying true to your goal!
As always #staylifted
Fr 06.01.2023
3 : 06 min
Ep 35: GOALS
On the new season opener of the Lifted for Life Podcast Casey and Tyler are joined by Danny from mindset made. They dicuss goals, conversations you have within and ways to beat them. Welcome to 2023 happy new year, set your goals, and lets win together!
Di 03.01.2023
29 : 17 min
Ep: 34 Ending 2022
On this weeks episode of the lifted for life podcast, Casey and Tyler jump on to give a quick recap of 2022. Momentum going into 2023 and why start today rather than wait till jan1. Happy New Year, as always Stay Lifted.
Fr 30.12.2022
21 : 21 min
Flash Friday 38
This too shall pass
Sa 24.12.2022
1 : 25 min
Ep: 33 Reflection and progression
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Tyler and Casey go around the mic reflecting on highs and lows of 2022. Gaining momentum and a two week head start for goal in 2023. Lets get it! Stay Lifted!
Di 20.12.2022
20 : 56 min
Flash Friday 37
You're not alone, keep fighting, keep pushing
Sa 17.12.2022
2 : 34 min
Ep: 32 Selfish to be selfless
On this weeks episode of the Lifted For Life podcast, Tyler and Casey jump on to have a conversation about Selfishness. The importance of being selfish to move forward toward your own personal goals. Please Share the show, if you have any suggestions please reach out to us!
Di 13.12.2022
21 : 09 min
Ep: 31 Mindset Shift
On a brand new Season of the lifted for life podcast, Casey jumps on with Danny from Mindsetmade. Talking about mind shifting from not doing the right thing to doing the right thing every day. If you have found this episode insightful please share it! Stay Lifted!
Di 06.12.2022
24 : 53 min
Stay Lifted 10
On this weeks episode of the lifted for life podcast, Casey jumps on for a stay Lifted episode for some quick insight. WHAT IS YOUR WHY??
Mi 30.11.2022
2 : 33 min
Flash Friday 36
Why not me?
Fr 18.11.2022
3 : 22 min
Stay Lifted 9
On this weeks episode of the lifted for life podcast Casey jumps on for a stay lifted episode. He reads off some data and statistics from the asp.org website. If you would like to be a guest on the show or have any questions you would like answered please reach us at. [email protected]
Stay Lifted
Mo 24.10.2022
4 : 16 min
Flash Friday 35
You can only go up!
Fr 21.10.2022
1 : 27 min
Ep 30: Where are you now?
On this weeks episode of the lifted for life podcast Casey and Tyler jump on for an around the horn discussion! They talk about being present in the moment and everyday thoughts. Who knows, will you try some tips or tricks to beat the wrong habits out of your head?
Di 18.10.2022
22 : 01 min
Flash Friday 34
Your smallest actions can compound and provide exponential return on investment!
Sa 15.10.2022
1 : 58 min
Ep: 29 Were in this together
On this weeks episode of the Lifted For Life podcast, Casey and Tyler jump on with a special guest Alex from TWNY. As a non profit TWNY (this world needs you) aims to break the silence on suicide in their own way. Alex discuss' missions and goals. They also discuss how the two brands relate and how they can end the stigma!
Di 11.10.2022
33 : 20 min
Flash Friday 33
Start it now! There is no time like the present and there will never be a "perfect condition" situation.
Sa 08.10.2022
2 : 33 min
Stay Lifted 8
On this weeks Stay Lifted episode of the lifted for life podcast, Casey jumps on to talk about being still in your mind during intense moments. Book recommendations- Stillness is the key- Ryan Holliday
Di 27.09.2022
3 : 31 min
Flash Friday 32
Find your anchor ⚓
Fr 23.09.2022
2 : 47 min
Stay Lifted 7
On this weeks stay lifted episode Casey jumps on to give words of encouragement. DO NOT GIVE UP!
Mi 21.09.2022
3 : 16 min
Ep: 28 Changing perspective through conversation
On this weeks episode of the Lifted For Life podcast, Casey and Tyler jump on and recap the last couple weeks. They talk about how conversations change perspective through experience. Share the show and leave a review! Stay Lifted!
Di 20.09.2022
25 : 32 min
Flash Friday 31
PBT Flash Friday! Don't give up, here's your sign.
Sa 17.09.2022
3 : 59 min
Ep: 27 Mastering the daily Stresses
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey and Tyler sit down with Evan from Hotfoils. The guys talk about daily stresses, making time for one self, as well how to deal with delegating different work! Check out hotfoils instagram @hotfoilehs_powdercoating for all the custom design and painting they do! Always remember we are here to listen! Share your story with us! Stay Lifted
Di 13.09.2022
31 : 36 min
Flash Friday 30
Tyler shares a few facts about suicide during suicide prevention month!
Sa 10.09.2022
6 : 26 min
Ep:26 From War to Home ft: Mike Newman
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for life podcast, Casey sits down with Mike Newman. Mike is a retired army combat veteran whose dealt with mental health issues as a leader in the military, as well as being out of the military carrying into the civilian life. If you or someone you know suffer from ptsd please reach out to the military crisis hotline- DIAL- 988 and press 1. Remember we are always here to listen. Stay Lifted
Di 06.09.2022
20 : 34 min
Flash Friday 29!
Welcome to Suicide Prevention Month and a note on change 🟦🟣
Sa 03.09.2022
3 : 54 min
Ep: 25 Round the horn we go
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey and Tyler start off with being real. They speak from the heart about wanting to quit and if its worth it. When you're stuck and leveled out its time to Level up. Stay Lifted
Di 30.08.2022
23 : 37 min
Flash Friday 28
Upcoming events, announcements and the understanding of not achieving everything.
Fr 26.08.2022
5 : 15 min
Stay Lifted 6
On this weeks Episode of the Lifted For Life podcast, Casey brings us a quick stay lifted episode to explain some things going on within the organization. Stay Lifted!
Di 23.08.2022
4 : 47 min
Flash Friday 27
Prioritizing yourself to provide the best result for others.
Fr 19.08.2022
2 : 51 min
Ep: 24 FIVE things to beat depression!
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life Podcast, Tyler and Casey recap the previous week. They dive into 5 things to battle depression as well as give their own insight on what they do! Stay Lifted!
Di 16.08.2022
24 : 59 min
Ep: 23 Catching Up
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey and Tyler play catch up. Casey opens up about regretting some things and we also hear about the Atlantic City Truck Meet. Hope to see y'all at Summer Truckin Tuesday! #StayLifted
Di 09.08.2022
24 : 59 min
Flash Friday 26
Accountability! Hold yourself accountable and execute on the items that you need even when they are not perfect.
Fr 05.08.2022
3 : 22 min
Ep: 22 Traction
On this weeks episode Tyler jumps into a quick recap of Atlantic City truck meet. What our vision here at lifted for is and a couple quick stories for perspective shifts.
Di 02.08.2022
8 : 40 min
Flash Friday 25
Our 25th flash Friday! Prepping for AC truck meet don't forget the golden rule!
Fr 29.07.2022
2 : 41 min
Flash Friday 24
On this Flash Friday Episode of the Lifted for Life podcast Casey jumps on with some words of encouragement going into the weekend! Stay Lifted!
Fr 22.07.2022
1 : 25 min
Ep:21 Chitter Chatter
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey and Tyler dive into the future. If your interested in the community outreach team please message us! Casey dives into a little mentality of jumping from different schedules and tips to tackle the change!
Di 19.07.2022
23 : 28 min
Flash Friday 23
Tyler gives a weekly segment and touches on 'you reap what you sow' mindset.
Fr 15.07.2022
2 : 06 min
Stay Lifted 5
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life podcast, Casey jumps into a stay lifted episode to discuss recent events. Get out there and make someones day. Stay Lifted!
Di 12.07.2022
5 : 23 min
Flash Friday 22
The power of ONE! Quick clip from Tyler with how one simple action can change your entire life or someone else's!
Fr 08.07.2022
2 : 33 min
Ep: 20 Helping yourself while helping others!
On this weeks episode of the Lifted for Life Podcast, Casey and Tyler dive into personal stories all the while helping others. Help us help others! lftd4life.com for merch. Like share and comment! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY
Di 05.07.2022
16 : 24 min
Flash Friday 21
On this weeks episode of the flash Friday segment, Tyler brings us some awareness on mental health! Like Comment and share maybe you could help someone else! Stay Lifted
Fr 01.07.2022
2 : 45 min
Ep: 19 MindsetMADE
On this weeks episode Casey talks with Danny from mindset made about the daily struggles of being in the moment. Live in the moment and don't beat yourself up. Enjoy the process and stay lifted!
Di 28.06.2022
16 : 21 min
Flash Friday 20
On this Flash Friday episode Tyler talks about failure and the opportunity to keep pushing forward. Don't give up and stay lifted
Fr 24.06.2022
4 : 27 min
Ep: 18 Fathers Day Special
On this weeks episode Casey and Tyler jump on real quick to discuss the importance of the Father Figures in our lives and how important it is to discuss what they are going through. Also giveaway winner was announced and never claimed! Stay Lifted!!
Di 21.06.2022
10 : 26 min
Flash Friday 19
On this weeks episode of the Flash Friday Segment, Tyler encourages you to push yourself through the hardship and gain one more day but do it everyday! Tyler gives us an update on the giveaway as well.
Fr 17.06.2022
3 : 26 min
Ep: 17 Giveaway Announcement
On this weeks episode, Casey, Tyler, and Danny jump into breaking bad habits and doing things with intent! Also the giveaway winner is announced at the end of the episode! Please share the episode! Keep your head up and Stay Lifted!
Di 14.06.2022
25 : 41 min
Flash Friday 18
On this episode of the flash friday segment, Tyler explains what happens when you blink! Live in the moment, stay present, and stay Lifted!
Fr 10.06.2022
3 : 21 min
Ep: 16
On this weeks episode, Casey and Tyler dive into a discussion on recent life feelings, leadership, gratitude. Want to be on the podcast? Email us today!
Di 07.06.2022
24 : 06 min
Flash Friday 17
Feeling down? Tyler gives some insight on how he’s been feeling and something he has done to rid that feeling! Stay Lifted
Fr 03.06.2022
3 : 25 min
Stay Lifted 4
Remember what Memorial Day is for. Thank You all those who have served and lost their lives for our freedom. Stay Lifted!
Di 31.05.2022
3 : 34 min
Flash Friday 16
On this Flash Friday episode Tyler explains the importance of reflection, the purpose behind Memorial Day and presents the listeners with a task! Stay Lifted!
Fr 27.05.2022
6 : 02 min
Ep:15 Another's Perspective
On this weeks episode, Casey brings on Justinna, a young hairstylist to talk about women's mental health and a different perspective. Communicating through work with clients and the intent to listen!
Di 24.05.2022
26 : 11 min
Flash Friday 15
No Matter what life is going to be hard, you got this. Stay lifted!
Fr 20.05.2022
2 : 57 min
Ep: 14 Virtual Round table talk
Casey brings on two very inspirational people for an discussion on mental health, daily habits, and staying rich in your mind.
Visit Mindsetmade.com and richmindswin.com for more info on everything we discussed and ideas to move your life forward!
Di 17.05.2022
31 : 44 min
Flash Friday 14
Be grateful. Be present.! Tyler express gratitude on this episode of flash Friday.
Mo 16.05.2022
2 : 37 min
Ep: 13 Your Thoughts?
Casey dives into some questions for the listeners to answer and give some feedback! We appreciate the responses! Keep them coming! Stay Lifted!
Di 10.05.2022
6 : 38 min
Flash Friday 13
Influence and mentors. No one can do you better than YOU! Stay lifted!
Fr 06.05.2022
2 : 12 min
Ep 12: Meaning Of Lifted For Life
Casey explains the purpose for lifted for life and what we aim to do as a Team. Win the week and stay lifted!
Di 03.05.2022
4 : 57 min
Flash Friday 12
Casey brings us some uplifting motivation to keep the momentum into the weekend! Stay Lifted!
Fr 29.04.2022
1 : 54 min
Ep: 11 Visualize
Tyler dives into a quick realization of visualizing YOUR future. Once you visualize yours you'll be on your way to helping others as well
Di 26.04.2022
2 : 35 min
Flash Friday 11
Tyler coming at you with a fire flash Friday! Be grateful do your daily habits and stay lifted!
Fr 22.04.2022
2 : 37 min
Flash Friday 10
Tyler brings the heat with some inspiring words on this lovely Friday morning! Stay Lifted!
Fr 08.04.2022
1 : 03 min
Ep: 10 ComunINTENT
From Communication to Daily Habits the guys go on track as well as OFF track in a deep discussion on communication. Thank You all for the support! Please like and share!
Hit Up
For Merch and JOURNALS. Get your mind right and remember STAY LIFTED!
Di 05.04.2022
27 : 22 min
Flash Friday 9
What is your definition of fun? Go find your fun this weekend! As always Stay Lifted!
Fr 01.04.2022
1 : 21 min
Ep 9: Daily Habits
Casey and Jordan dive into some daily habits to fight the insanity of the work week!
Di 29.03.2022
26 : 02 min
Flash Friday 8
Fighting those demons
Fr 25.03.2022
0 : 52 min
Stay lifted 3
Casey jumps on to talk about daily habits and some habits to break that slump!
Do 24.03.2022
3 : 55 min
Stay Lifted 2
Tough love Tuesday! Hold YOURSELF to the standard you hold others! Watch yourself grow! Stay lifted
Di 22.03.2022
2 : 18 min
Ep 8: "Life" Management
We put the title "LIFE" in quotes because we hardly managed to get recording. Time management is huge as we jump into a busy season with warm weather!
Di 22.03.2022
26 : 46 min
Ep 7: Mentality of Mental Toughness
In a rut and don't know which way to turn? Casey and Tyler talk about the slump they've been in and what to do to get out? Do they get out? Stay tuned
Di 15.03.2022
23 : 05 min
Flash Friday 7
Feeling like your hitting rock bottom alone? Tyler explains who’s got your back in times of need and why! Let’s get it! Have a good weekend family! Stay lifted
Fr 11.03.2022
1 : 54 min
Ep 6: Gaining momentum
Casey and Tyler bring new member Jordan on board and discuss what mental health means to him not only through the truck industry but as well as other hobbies!
Di 08.03.2022
29 : 34 min
Flash Friday 6
Tyler with another flash Friday coming directly to your bitch voice!
Fr 04.03.2022
1 : 22 min
EP 5: Mens After Birth Expierence
We put Tyler on the spot on What to expect after expecting DAD version! Leave some suggestions, we don't judge nor are we professionals! Stay Lifted!
Mo 28.02.2022
22 : 26 min
Flash Friday 5
Tyler gives us a jump on the weekend with some words of encouragement. It’s all about perspective!
Fr 25.02.2022
1 : 46 min
E4: Examining Life
Casey has a special guest Tom Boesch (uncle). They get into his career as a trooper and medical examiner. Any questions send an email [email protected]
Di 22.02.2022
19 : 50 min
Flash Friday 4
Tyler hypes us up for the weekend with explaing why discomfort=growth
Fr 11.02.2022
1 : 02 min
As we aim to break the silence the guys discuss how music influences them, and how they deal with stress/anxiety. Tyler puts Casey on the spot regarding stress in the past week.
Mi 09.02.2022
28 : 06 min
Flash Friday 3
Tyler coming in hot with some motivation to win over the weekend
Fr 04.02.2022
0 : 54 min
Stay lifted 1
Casey opens up a little bit of emotion As we near the 2 year anniversary of the loss of his brother.
Di 01.02.2022
4 : 01 min
Flash Friday 2
Tyler brings us another flash Friday. Dive into the weekend feeling uplifted and motivated!!! Stay Lifted!
Fr 28.01.2022
0 : 52 min
EP 2: Passion
Casey and Tyler get into what brought them together and what drives them toward their passion. Also mentioned are great companies that have helped drive those passions. Have an idea or what to be featured shoot us an email at [email protected]
Fr 28.01.2022
13 : 07 min
Flash Friday 1
Get your quick burst of encouragement with our new segment FLASH FRIDAY!
Fr 21.01.2022
0 : 55 min
EP:1 Hello World
Casey and Tyler introduce Lifted for Life and the purpose behind it. Mental health matters and so does your voice! Like and share please!
Mi 19.01.2022
11 : 39 min
The beginning
Definitely new to this but hey here we go! Let’s learn together!
Do 13.01.2022
3 : 43 min
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