Logan Craft and Kampfire Kenny Walls come together and talk about absolutely nothing. On a show with no set topic anything and everything can be discussed. From pinecones, armadillo hitmen, bigfoot, ghosts and the meaning of love to why it hurts sometimes when you pass gas a little to ferociously. Come on and listen to two Texans do what they do best, ramble about nothing. The views expressed on this show are soley that of the parties involved. They are for comedic purposes and ment to be humorous.
Ep 18: The Bodacious Threesome (Live Featuring Corey Hukill and Sam Simpson)
We bring the show back around with our first ever in person live show from Galveston Texas. How long will Logan be able to keep everyone in line? How many companies will try to sue us by the end? Will you even be able to tell what everyone is saying? Who knows, and who cares at this point! You're here for penile related humor and off color humor, so strap in and go for the ride. Joined by Trainwreck Corey Hukill and his Trifling White Woman Sam Simpson, Logan and Kenny put on a show that is probably not acceptable in most hotels, and there will be a couch that is never the same.
Di 03.05.2022
55 : 31 min
Ep 17: Logan Reviews Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Is this the best movie review ever? In this special episode Logan reviews the new Netflix edition of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and just why he thinks that Leatherface is now a Texan hero.
Mo 21.02.2022
66 : 37 min
Ep 16: Triflin' Hobo's and Moonshine
A variety of topics are touched in this jam packed and rant filled episode of Logan Vs. Kenny. Idiotic drivers are shown no mercy, while the issues of credit and debit cards are brought forward. The duo discusses if the future is really too much to take in, and Logan talks about his dream house and his possibilities as a baby. Chuck Norris vs The Six Million Dollar Man also becomes a topic of interest. Kenny brings up hobo's and moonshine while Logan talks about shamanism. All of this is centered around a good old-fashioned rant about trifling men and women, and the conditions that come with it.
Mi 08.12.2021
79 : 51 min
Ep 15: Cubed Meat?
Logan talks about a business venture into the untapped cubical meat market, and what all that would stir up. Then the duo talks about how the Fouke Monster Halloween Bash went back in October. Kenny gives life advice the only way he knows how. The official announcement of the Logan Vs. Kenny block party to be held next year. We address Tic Tok and its hatred for beans, while also discussing how dentists are the superior doctors.
P.S. This episode was edited in a weird way because Audacity decided to act up halfway through, sorry for that.
Mi 01.12.2021
93 : 36 min
Ep 14: Acid Trips and Ring Rust
"Welcome Back To A Show"
Logan Craft and Kampfire Kenny Walls are back from their unfortunate impromptu departure to once again claim their status as the kings of the most professional unprofessional podcasters. They talk about where they've been, what they've done and more importantly what's to come. This whole episode was a random phone call turned glorious return home show. Hear what Logan would do for five dollars. Kenny reminds us all that real family is who we chose and much more. Come on in for Round Two, of Logan Vs. Kenny.
Fr 10.09.2021
69 : 29 min
Ep 13: Bigfoot Isn't Real
In a ramble filled episode Logan and Kampfire Kenny jump back on the horse in glorious fashion. Logan complains about utility companies and their apparent hatred for each other. While Kenny explains like only he can just what the Coon-a-gator is, and what it loves to do and eat. The duo tackles the issue of claiming areas and locations in the name of Bigfoot "research". Logan talks about his and his friends nearly costly misadventure at the bar. Then they talk about something everyone hates, taxes. This and more on this episode of Logan Vs. Kenny.
Di 20.04.2021
70 : 52 min
Ep 12: The Awakening
Logan and Kenny discuss the 2021 Fouke Monster Campout and the events that transpired. The duo tries to land a new sponsor for the show, and ramble about tattoos. Logan explains exactly what the awakening is and how it occurred. A short talk about editing and funerals gets thrown in. The ever present threat of a chocolate milk crisis is brought to light. Kenny talks about his ongoing battle with vertigo, while rant sessions rage on in this episode of Logan Vs. Kenny.
P.S. Sorry Steven.
Do 18.03.2021
68 : 27 min
Ep 11: Who Killed Kenny? Voice Of An Angel
In a final ditch effort to find the possibly murdered Kenny Walls, Logan purchases a five hundred dollar Ouija Board in an attempt to communicate with his spirit. Sidetracked in this effort things are discussed such as Tic Tok and the tyranny of Facebook. Wrestling memories and the surprising ages of wrestlers still currently in the game are thrown into the mix. Logan shares some of his ideas for a beach party while throwing tuna at party goers, while the ghost of Kampfire Kenny tries to prove he is still alive and well. Catch it all in this edition of Logan Vs. Kenny.
Do 04.02.2021
71 : 13 min
Ep 10: Who Killed Kenny? A Cryptic Connection (Feat. Steven James)
While Logan searches for answers to the murder of his now deceased co-host Kampfire Kenny he continues the even more daunting task of finding a new co-host. Whilst rummaging through a Cracker Barrel dumpster, most certainly for clues, Logan came across one Steven James. The trash covered individual had possible information to share about the dearly departed Kenny's whereabouts. This obviously turns into an interview for the co-hosting position. Topics such as Craigslist and scandalous activities flare in this more than provocative conversation.
Extra. I would like to thank Steven for editing this episode himself after technical difficulties happened on my part.
Do 21.01.2021
57 : 59 min
Ep 9: Who Killed Kenny? Murder, She Wrote. (Feat. Lauren A. Smith)
Who killed Kenny?!?!?! Due to the apparent disappearance and or murder of our beloved co-host Kampfire Kenny Walls, Logan sets out to find out who committed the dastardly deed. Will he succeed, will he himself be killed in the process? He also has to find a new co-host to work with in the meantime, from a stack of past applications he found one from a Lauren Smith, will she make the cut? Tune in to see what exciting revelations take place. P.S. Sorry for audio issues something with my internet screwed up during the recording.
Mo 11.01.2021
45 : 14 min
Ep 8.5: Episode 8 Bigger, Longer, Uncutter
For Christmas, Kenny and I are going to give everyone a look into what goes into making a typical LvK show. However with the scripted premise of "Ep 8: Where Will You Be When Portals Strike? (Feat. Anne Walls and Logan Craft)" there are a lot more bloopers and funnies within the background. With that being said this is the unedited version of that episode containing more than 25 minutes of comedic blunders and unused material. You get to witness the speed of our improvisation in real time or see us fall on our face. Just see how many times everyone involved broke or caused someone to break character, take a glimpse at Kenny's pronunciation of the word "videographer" and much more. While hopefully this shows just how much work is put into editing an episode of Logan vs. Kenny and just why it is, in fact a professional podcast. From Campfire Kenny and Logan Craft, we wish you Merry Christmas and a safe holiday season.
Do 24.12.2020
70 : 59 min
Ep 8: Where Will You Be When Portals Strike? (Feat. Anne Walls and Logan Craft)
Kenny Walls takes the reigns on this episode since Logan was stuck in the hospital. The original duo already had a very important politician scheduled to be interviewed. So Kenny reaches down into his bag of tricks and calls in a special co-host Anne Walls of Squatch Dogs to help him with the questioning. The illustrious guest on this episode is the candidate for King of the Cryptids, Logan Craft, but make sure you say his name right he isn't the Logan you're thinking of. Portals, hoaxing, red circles and more are discussed in this very off the wall episode of Logan vs. Kenny.
Mo 21.12.2020
46 : 08 min
Ep 7: Anti Holiday, Holiday Special
Logan and Kenny present an episode all about the holidays, that ironically has almost nothing to do with the holidays. Kenny talks about squirrels while Logan struggles with the idea of walking pairs of pants. The undynamic duo talk about how covid has affected the 2020 holiday season. They talk about future projects on both of their fronts. Plus the official announcement of Beaver Hook Productions. What randomness can happen in a pseudo-holiday themed episode? Tune in and find out.
Di 08.12.2020
71 : 34 min
Ep 6: It's A Schlong Story
Due to the subject matter of this episode we strongly advise no sane person listen to it at all. Logan and Kenny tackle the ever so elusive topic of Sasquatch phallus. They discuss why people who think Bigfoot have relations with horses are wrong and could a Bigfoot capture prey with its penis. Logan takes a look through the eyes of a horse in distress, and then discuss what has been going on for the last six weeks. Have the epic duo hit a new low in podcasting history, or have they discovered a scientific breakthrough in Sasquatch research?
Fr 20.11.2020
88 : 27 min
Ep 5: Conference Stories, Mishaps And A Shot Of Fur Slipper
Kenny and Logan talk about strange, humorous or otherwise behind the scenes stories from bigfoot conferences or outings they have attended. Things such as, Shesquatch's interaction with the boy scouts, Logan finding out just exactly how nasty Fur Slipper is and Kenny's dedication to keeping campfires alive. What it's like to get necked on top of a mountain. They discuss why get togethers are better than conferences, and bring up two possible events coming up in the near future. Then the all important topic of alcohol is brought up and what is the best way to make a drink. This definitely isn't all of their funny stories from events, but it's a good start.
So 04.10.2020
67 : 35 min
Ep 4: The Book Of Love (Feat. Chris Holm)
This episode we sit down with the host of Conspireatheory, Chris Holm to talk about the dreaded subject of love. From love gone wrong too how to pick up a girl, we talk about the different varieties of love that are out there, and how it has changed over the years. What would happen if you were to use carrier pigeons in modern times and what happens when someone asks to speak to the manager, and you are the manager. All of that and more will be discussed in this rapid fire edition of Logan vs. Kenny.
Di 29.09.2020
58 : 35 min
Ep 3: Memory Lane Is Full Of Potholes
Logan and Kenny talk about how they were raised and brought up as children and young adults. What got them into the paranormal and cryptid fields. The duo tries to figure out who could have possibly placed a hit out on Logan, and how wrestling and football compare to one another. Logan talks about how to conquer a country and kill a bear as a newborn, while Kenny recalls how many ways he got in trouble as a child.
Do 24.09.2020
88 : 50 min
Ep 2: Ramblings Of A Professional
Logan talks about having his teeth ripped out violently, attempted homicide by armadillos and his newly launched political campaign. Kenny remembers 9/11 and talks about what he did while the wife was away. From voices in the woods to a possible porn contract, this is a roller coaster of an episode.
Di 15.09.2020
84 : 31 min
Ep 1: 60+ Minutes For 60+
Logan and Kenny discuss the all important topics of golf, saftey in professional wrestling, riding in limousines and what the target age demographic is for the show.
So 23.08.2020
75 : 26 min
Episode 0: In The Beginning
Logan and Kenny try to figure out how to make a podcast. Kenny talks about his job, and Logan explains the magic of pinecones. Disclaimer, the audio quality is poor for now sorry about that.
Mo 17.08.2020
53 : 30 min
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