Oregon HFMA's Monthly Podcast with Current Chapter President Covering Valuable information for Members and Future Members Interested in Healthcare Finance
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 6 Episode 1
Meet Oregon HFMA's 2024-2025 President, Amanda De Los Reyes and learn all that is planned for Oregon HFMA in this 2024-2025 year. A must watch!
Mi 11.09.2024
24 : 35 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 5 Episode 1
Michael Bumann, CEO of Red Dot and 'The Entrepreneur Forged in Fire' joins Oregon HFMA hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson for this outstanding session of Imagine Amazing. In this session, the team covers leadership lessons learn by Michael at Burning Man and discusses some tools being used today to help those with PTSD not just deal with their circumstances, but actually heal. It is a session you will want to listen to and watch over and over.
Di 05.12.2023
39 : 58 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 4 Episode 4
This is a fun one! It's the wrap-up from the Award Winning President Swap with the wonderful West Virginia HFMA Chapter. Join both presidents share their insights and learnings and meet Oregon HFMA's new 2023-2024 President, Tony Andrade! Great information about what is coming in 2023-2024 and a lot of fun!
In this episode of Imagine Amazing, President Meredith Peterson shares Oregon HFMA's FUN and Absolutely NEW idea to bring new information, networking and insight to the chapter. If you've ever hear of Wife Swap, then you don't want to miss this episode! Watch and Listen Now!
Do 12.01.2023
23 : 16 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 4 Episode 2
Diversity, Diversity, Diversity! It's a hot topic everywhere and one that deserves all of our attention. Join Oregon HFMA's President, Meredith Peterson and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson as they dive deep into the discussion of diversity, equity, equality and justice. Joined by Ben Shah, Oregon HFMA's Past President and Diversity Committee Chair, the team gets brutally honest about all forms of diversity, how it is impacting healthcare today and what steps can and should be taken to help organizations and individuals burst the bubbles that keep us from progressing towards a better tomorrow together.
Mi 24.08.2022
46 : 04 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Season 4 Episode 1
Join outgoing president, Tammie Coon as she introduces the new President, Meredith Peterson and everyone learns what is in store for the chapter in the upcoming year. Meredith introduces a special Equity Inclusion Committee that will be developed and lead by former Oregon HFMA President, Ben Shah. Tony Andrade, President-elect and Meredith share the secret to take advantage of your HFMA membership. A great episode that you will not want to miss.
Mi 06.07.2022
35 : 33 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Season 3, Episode 7
Chapter President Tammy Coon and host Kelly Smith discuss the challenges of out-of-state Medicaid reimbursement with Kelly Bauer from Centauri Health Solutions. It's a great podcast with a ton of information that you and your organization will not want to miss.
Sa 11.06.2022
25 : 26 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Season 3, Episode 6
Join Oregon HFMA President, Tammie Coon and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson as they are joined by DeLap's Steve Evans and David Buchanan as they share updates on Cyber Threats and how Organizations can prepare for today's Cyber world. Cyber attacks have increased for Healthcare Systems and learning to defend against them are more important than ever. This episode will give organizations all of the tips and tricks needed to ensure safety for your organization.
Fr 29.04.2022
49 : 19 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Season 3 Episode 4
In this episode of Imagine Amazing, Chapter President Tammie Coon and hosts, Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson, are joined by Professional's Justin Murphy and Lisa Kirk to discuss critical regulatory (both state and federal) that are impacting healthcare today. The information is valuable and timely and a must listen for everyone.
Mo 04.04.2022
34 : 51 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Season 3, Episode 3
Join President Tammie Coon and guests, Tammy Bickle with OHSU and Amanda Gordon Delos Reyes with Legacy Health as they discuss how to manage an HFMA Enterprise Members to make the most of it for any organization. Plus, Tammie and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson discuss some crazy laws and trends impacting healthcare today. A must listen!
Mo 07.02.2022
33 : 09 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 3, Episode 2
Another AMAZING episode for listeners. In this podcast, Oregon HFMA Chapter President along with podcast hosts, Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson, interview two key businesses supporting Oregon Healthcare Clients and learn how COVID Mandates are impacting their business and future. Tammie Coon also shares important and exciting chapter news! It's great insight from HRG - Healthcare Resource Group (#HRG) and Xtend Healthcare (#Xtend) and their representatives. As always, fun and extremely informative. A must watch and listen episode.
Sa 06.11.2021
56 : 13 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 3, Episode 1
The 3rd Season is Officially Here! Join Oregon HFMA's current president, Tammie Coon, and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson as they interview Healthcare Finance executives about the impact of the Vaccine Mandate on healthcare system in Oregon and the United States. In this podcast, they share best practices in dealing with all of the challenges and advice for the future. It's another AMAZING episode
Fr 08.10.2021
45 : 28 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 8
Another amazing podcast with Oregon HFMA's current president, Tammie Coon, as she and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson cover an important national bill being voted on by the Senate that could change the face of healthcare collections. Key Bank, an Oregon HFMA Diamond Sponsor, joins the podcast to share the secrets to Healthcare Finance in 2021. It is a CFO must listen and watch podcast. President Tammie Coon also announces the next in-person Oregon HFMA event. This is a fantastic podcast you will not want to miss!
Do 17.06.2021
31 : 26 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 2, Episode 7
Join OR HFMA President, Tammie Coon and hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson as they discuss Oregon House Bill 2360. Also joining the podcast is Diamond Sponsor, Guidehouse, to share the fascinating results from their most recent survey of over 150 Healthcare Executives. Both Bryan Chamberlin and Ryan Ashton, with Guidehouse, share valuable and intriguing insights that you don't want to miss. Thank you Guidehouse.
Do 06.05.2021
37 : 33 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 2, Episode 6
Join Oregon HFMA Chapter President, Tammie Coon, and hosts, Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson as they interview powerhouse healthcare leaders Amanda Gordon with Legacy Health, Tammy Bickle with OHSU and Erin Coffey with Asante Health to gain valuable insight into ways various organizations are engaging their staff using education and networking made available via HFMA.
Fr 16.04.2021
38 : 38 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 2, Episode 5
A heart-touching and informative healthcare leadership and finance podcast.
In this episode of Imagine Amazing, President Tammie Coon invites OR HFMA Past President, Matt Navigato (VP Revenue Cycle at OHSU) to join. Matt shares his deep insight into the face of healthcare past, present and future. Matt also shares his TOP 10 list for successful leadership in healthcare.
As Matt is preparing to retire, he is surprised during the podcast with a visit from some of his past and present mentors who share their thoughts with our listeners.
Mo 25.01.2021
36 : 59 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 2, Episode 4
In this episode, President Tammie Coon invites Tony Andrade, a partner at Moss Adams which is one of the 10 largest accounting firms in the United States. Tony addresses the important CARES ACT options including qualifying for, funding of and important reporting requirements. He also takes time to explore the impacts of Oregon's Governor Kate Brown's 2021 Budget proposals. President, Tammie Coon also addresses the much anticipated dates scheduled in 2021 to allow Oregon HFMA members to once again meet at an in-person event. A valuable and timely podcast!
Fr 11.12.2020
29 : 56 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 2, Episode 3
In this episode, hosts Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson are joined by guest, Scott Purcell, President of ACA International and Professional Credit Service and Oregon HFMA President Tammie Coon. Scott dives into amazing content to improve and drive recovery of healthcare self-pay balances. He also shares the secret to better engagement with the patients for an improved patient financial engagement. Oregon HFMA Chapter President, Tammie Coon, covers new insights to Oregon House Bill 3076 and insights on the Community Benefit Spending Floor required through the new bill. This episode is packed full of valuable information. A must watch and enjoy episode.
Fr 30.10.2020
33 : 57 min
Imagine Amazing Season 2, Episode 2
Join hosts, Kelly Smith and Jeff Johnson In this episode of Imagine Amazing, Oregon HFMA's podcast with its current president, Tammie Coon, we are joined by guests Tracy Packingham, Director of Chapter Relations for HFMA the association and Tammy Bickle, Director of Revenue Cycle at OHSU where we discuss national and chapter member resources available through HFMA and the local Oregon HFMA chapter. The team also discusses and shares trends with COVID-19 and resources available to members. A must listen episode!
Di 06.10.2020
31 : 18 min
Imagine Amazing - Season 2, Episode 1
A new Season is HERE! Join the new chapter president, Tammie Coon, as she discusses what's new for members in 2020-2021 and what the organization is doing to bring value to healthcare providers in Oregon amidst these challenging times. Get to know the new president and what to expect in 2020-2021. I great listen with fun new co-host Kelly Smith!
Di 01.09.2020
18 : 31 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 7
In this episode, President Kelly Smith is joined by most of Oregon's Healthcare Systems to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and what each is doing and preparing to do to get back to a financially secure healthcare model. Each hospital shares what has worked and what hasn't and best practices to survive. Great content!
Sa 23.05.2020
49 : 14 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 6
In this fascinating episode, President Kelly Smith interviews Meredith Peterson, VP of Finance at Tuality Health in Portland about what keeps her up at night. Meredith shares some great insight to const containment impacting all healthcare facilities. Kelly also tackles a new proposed national bill impacting healthcare. It's a true must listen!
Mo 17.02.2020
36 : 11 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 4
In this Episode, President Kelly Smith meets with Certification Chair, Jason Baker and Membership Chair Susan Donham to discuss the power and benefits of HFMA's various certification programs (free with all memberships) and the trending legislation impacting healthcare in Oregon. If you want to know how to take advantage of one of the most powerful parts your HFMA membership, then you'll want to listen to this episode.
Do 23.01.2020
23 : 09 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 5
In this very informative and interesting Episode, Kelly Smith the current HFMA President discusses the value of the upcoming Western Region Symposium along with what healthcare systems in Oregon are doing for patient pricing estimates. Technology is really driving patient estimates and you won't want to miss what is trending and coming in the future.
Special guest appearances from Kim Carter and Amanda Gordon of Legacy Health and Kristi Cushman from OHSU.
Fr 20.12.2019
33 : 05 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 3
Oregon HFMA 2019-2020 President Kelly Smith discusses some history and new issues facing healthcare in Oregon. Additionally, the Sponsorship Committee chair, Tammy Bickle shares the benefits of sponsorship within the chapter! Oregon Healthcare Finance at its finest! #orhfma #OregonHFMA #HFMA #HealthcareFinance
Mi 16.10.2019
24 : 09 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 2
Season 1, Episode 2 is a special one. It's not every day that a healthcare bill surprises systems and providers, but a new healthcare bill in Oregon is doing just that!
Streamed live from Oregon HFMA's 2019 summer conference, President Kelly Smith from OHSU along with host Jeff Johnson and guests Matt Navigato and John Esa, discuss the impact of a new healthcare bill in Oregon and explore the benefits of networking available to members of Oregon HFMA.
Sa 03.08.2019
23 : 49 min
Oregon HFMA Imagine Amazing Podcast Season 1, Episode 1
This is a unique Podcast about Healthcare Finance challenges and solutions in the State of Oregon and the Western United States with the current president of the Oregon Healthcare Financial Management Association.
If you are interested in finance and healthcare or work with a hospital or medical facility, you don't want to miss this podcast.
Fr 05.07.2019
19 : 11 min
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