Do you get that shiver of satisfaction when you hear the whir and click of a fresh Polaroid? If so, you just might like the sound of this podcast too! We're a couple of Polaroid-loving misfits who found a sense belonging in the PolaCommunity and now we just can't stop talking about it. Check out the series descriptions below to explore the variety of topics discussed here. Series Descriptions✨ EmotionLift: Therapeutic talks over emulsion lifts PassionPresents: Interviews w/ instant-film artists InstantCo...
Emotion Lift: Second Chances
Holidays can be a time for second chances, perhaps with family and friends or maybe a second chance at that pie recipe! If your latest Polaroid is in need of its own second chance, grab some water, a paintbrush and join us; Each month we discuss a thematic emotion while actively creating new lifts! To provide us with his unique perspective on second chances, we've invited fellow @koreatownrunclub runner John Magaña @tailchip on to today's episode. From career moves, to life-saving surgeries and running marathons. We explore what it means to be given a new opportunity.
Sa 26.11.2022
58 : 44 min
Emotion Lift: Ambition & Adversity
In pursuit of a goal, or have you hit that proverbial wall? In today's episode, Alex and Natalie explore the relationship between ambition and adversity. If it's all about the journey rather than the destination, can ambition also be defined by the adversities faced along the path to our goals? Listen in for a detailed discussion, or skip ahead to a summary as Natalie attempts to overcome the adversity of removing her emulsion lift from the water bath. Join us by attempting a lift of your own while listening- we'd love to see the product of your ambition!
Do 18.08.2022
46 : 10 min
Emotion Lift: Procrastination & Patience
Instant film artistry can offer a variety of therapeutic benefits- in our very non-professional opinion. Join us each month as we discuss thematic emotions while actively creating new emulsion lifts. Each episode will feature an emotion beginning with letters that spell out PASSION, and today's episode is all about (P) procrastination and patience; Alex reflects on the flirtatious overlapping of the two concepts, while Natalie celebrates the lack of patience that can lead to a cleaner lift! Some folks discuss life over a drink at the bar, while we prefer emotions over lifts by the microphone. What's your process?
Editing Note *Natalie jokingly refers to her polaroid taking a "cold plunge," but we advise the use of warm water when performing emulsion lifts*
Mo 04.07.2022
29 : 44 min
PassionPresents: Kelter Photography
If you're looking to power up that creative momentum for the summer, then this is the perfect episode to give you that boost! Listen in as your hosts interview the master artisan of emulsion lifts herself, Anne-Mette Kelter. Hailing from Denmark, Anne is widely known throughout the Polaroid community for her fashionable lifts and ethereal decays. Filled with strategic knowledge, Anne shares her techniques and strategies for achieving successful emulsions and tips for what to do when the product is less-than-successful. This episode is an essential for anyone looking to either start or enhance their emulsion lift journey. Or, take a detour and explore Anne's most recent project involving decays- which involves it's own unique patience and bravery. This episode was originally recorded Spring 2021.
Your hosts welcome not just one, but three guests on today's show! Discover how these Polaroid artists became instant friends one autumn afternoon in 2020, and how each brings his own unique skill set to their super secret public hangouts. Pete @polaroidemoji shares some devilishly good tips on acquiring used cameras for bargain prices. Pat @patspolaroidz proves himself to be a true "ninja of the pit", diving into his experience shooting Polaroids at hardcore shows around town. And the ever-fantastical James @a.polaroidist reveals the mystery behind the supernatural sightings captured in his debut zine "Instant Evidence." To everyone with a Polaroid BFF (or in search of one!) this episode is for you. This episode was originally recorded in March of 2021.
Mo 09.08.2021
91 : 04 min
PassionPresents: the.instantgram
Alex and Natalie are thrilled to be back interviewing your favorite instant film artists! This month's esteemed artist, Ben Fraternale, is well-known for his YouTube channel "In An Instant", featuring Polaroid product reviews, photo shoots, film breakdowns, and so much more. Your hosts delve into Ben's history in photography, videography, and...astronomy? Let Ben regal you with tales of doo wop neighborhoods and fictional fireplaces, all while we discuss more on his first book "Roadside: Hudson Valley." Instagram accounts referenced in this episode include: @intothepolaroid @jamieswick @upsidewalkdown @brooklynfilmcamera @accidentallywesanderson
Di 16.03.2021
65 : 29 min
Instant Community: Naughty or Neutral...Density Filters Included
This month your hosts delve into all sorts of questionable topics, from flying dinosaurs to Instagram's censorship- be sure to buckle up for this ride of a conversation! A new voice joins the show to take over the Technique-to-Try segment; After several features by Polaroid official, her methods are certainly in popular demand! Be sure to stay through 'til the end to hear which artist will be featured in this month's Passion Present interview. *While our content is not explicit, please exercise caution for young ears today.* Episode recorded 3/7. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @a.polaroidist @pola.matrix @polaroid_poor @jadejones.97 @pola.stitch @picturemanbob @brunoroids @warmjulysun_polaroidaday #randomactsofkindnessday #passionthrupolaroids
Di 09.03.2021
33 : 42 min
Instant Community: Chocolate + Polaroid = Love
Spread the love this February with Polaroid bouquets and a boxed pack of Chocolate. Natalie eyes up an artist's recent series while Alex serves up a bittersweet tale regarding their film of choice- the rare Polaroid Chocolate 100. Rather skip all the lovey stuff? Maybe a series of decayed artwork might be more your speed- we've got just the thing! Whether you're creating a Valentine for a special someone, or just feeling mischievous regarding a not-so-special-someone, this month's Technique-To-Try may just be that idea you've been waiting for. Episode recorded 1/31. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @mr_uglyface @polaroid_tales_ @pola.matrix @polaroidemoji @picturemanbob @m0niquesullivan @polaroids_by_matthew @brunoroids @casual_photophile #passionthrupolaroids
Di 02.02.2021
34 : 28 min
Instant Community: New Year, New Polaroid Goals
Ready for 2021?? Your hosts ring in the New Year with a new monthly format and a Passion Presents lineup, filling 2021 with such potential! Share some laughs as your favorite Polaroid couple discuss festive holiday photo finalists- do you spy the same Santa that Alex spies? Looking for a Polaroid goal to kick off a creative year? Listen in for the month's Technique-To-Try and be sure to tag us to share your experience. Episode recorded 1/3. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @polaroids_by_matthew_ @sicknelassie @princess_of_manhattan @a_weirdo_guy @intothepolaroid @montebellophoto @the.instantgram #myholidaymoment #mypolaroidnow #passionthrupolaroids
Mo 04.01.2021
33 : 28 min
Instant Community: Festive Lights, Book Announcements, and Low-Risk Manipulations
Returning from a brief Thanksgiving break, your hosts are full of gratitude as they celebrate 1K listens! Have the holidays got you planning out gifts for your loved ones? Alex and Natalie discuss the latest Polaroid book releases from community artists, that would be sure to look stellar under the tree. We then hear the heart-warming tale of a young artist receiving her first camera, and where it has led her today. Be sure to listen to the latest Technique of the Week to learn how you can play with manipulations with zero-risk to your photos! Perfect for gifting. Episode recorded 12/6. Research gathered the weeks of 11/22- 12/5/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: #polaroidphotochallenge @elirainpolaroid #sharethemagic @polaroid.persuasion @jamieswick @the.instantgram @retrospekt_ @carrotsbyanwarcarrots
Mo 07.12.2020
32 : 41 min
Instant Community News: Nov. Wk. 3
There's so much to be thankful for in this episode- including artist highlights, a second helping of film battery hacks, and a sweet announcement. During this week's fact segment, Alex explains the historical relationship between Polaroid and the retail holiday today known as Black Friday. Natalie shares the details on her latest manipulation creation for holiday gifting. Episode recorded 11/22. Research gathered the week of 11/16-11/22/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: #polaroidphotochallenge @Maripolarama @portroids @picturemanbob @warmjulysun_polaroidaday @elirainpolaroid
Mo 23.11.2020
21 : 21 min
Instant Community News: Nov. Wk 2
This week is filled with warm little knowledge-biscuits for you, Polaroid fans! Listen in as @elirainpolaroid shares her brave method for using trendy iType film in 600-film model cameras. We'll then delve into the photos by select artists of Analog Forever Magazine's exhibit "In an Instant," followed by a discussion of the latest @the.instantgram YouTube video (all about 8x10 portraits!). Episode recorded 11/15. Research gathered the week of 11/9-11/15/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: #mypolaroidnow @elirainpolaroid @analogforevermagazine @kelterphotography @aglassbrightly @misscafecito @andreadefusco @lukaroid @the.instantgram @brooklynfilmcamera @picturemanbob @warmjulysun_polaroidaday
Di 17.11.2020
32 : 28 min
Instant Community News: Nov. Wk 1
Welcoming the start of the holiday season, your hosts return to discuss how the U.S. Presidential Election inadvertently affected a recent photo challenge. Plus, we've got the details on the latest special edition film release! Concluding with their "Focus On" segment, Alex explores various filming locations around LA for instant film inspiration, while Natalie begins to plan for gift-worthy manipulations this Holiday season. Please let us know your thoughts and how we can improve this community resource to better serve the needs of its members. Episode recorded 11/8. Research gathered the week of 11/1-11/8/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: #filmisnotundead @passion.over.purpose @cromschu @picturemanbob @derailthesnail @polaguts @warmjulysun_polaroidaday
Mo 09.11.2020
25 : 37 min
Instant Community News: Oct. Wk 4
Wrapping up the month of October, Natalie and Alex share the details of their recent visit to MIT Museum's " The Polaroid Project, Part II" exhibit. Your hosts delve into some instant film history in order to provide context regarding several aspects of the museum. Alex, then, explores the idea of a future Polaroid run by Disney- a prediction he hopes to be disproven! Concluding with their "Focus On" segment, Natalie shares how she has begun to use her camera as an excuse to practice bravery, while Alex divulges his latest use of the Polaroid Pocket Printer. Please let us know your thoughts and how we can improve this community resource to better serve the needs of its members. Episode recorded 11/1. Research gathered the week of 10/26-11/1/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @mitmuseum @anibalcatalanstudio @polaroid #shareyourmagic @picturemanbob @derailthesnail
Mo 02.11.2020
28 : 54 min
Say Cheese & Die //ft. From the Depths
Trick or Treat! In the spirit of Halloween, we've teamed up with horror movie-reviewer Tyler of the From the Depths Podcast to bring you this sticky-sweet episode. Cozy up and listen in as your hosts discuss Goosebumps' TV episode "Say Cheese and Die," based on the YA book by R.L. Stein. Alex dissects the differences between the book and show, while Tyler terrifies us with tales of his own ghostly photo encounters. Natalie shares the spooky (and not-so-spooky) stories behind the Polaroids submitted in their recent #SayCheeseAndDie photo challenge. If you appreciate instant film and a good scare- this episode is for you!
Do 29.10.2020
47 : 59 min
Batch No.008: The Process
Completing their first podcast season, Alex and Natalie close out the original how-to "Batch" collection with a topic very dear to them. This episode will focus on what we call "The Process," the photographer's experience between photo conceptualization and the final capture. In addition to hearing from each of our hosts, we will also hear about the Process of fellow Polaroid artist Jerome (@jromethehuman), in addition to a few of his own tips & tricks. Be sure to catch our continuing episodes on Instant Community News, in addition to interviews with more beloved instant film artists and photographers in our Passion Presents series.
Di 27.10.2020
45 : 27 min
Instant Community News: October Wk. 3
This week, Alex and Natalie reflect on Autumn's Polaroid Week, sharing their observations, perspectives, and mini-life lessons. PictureManBob makes a special stop at the Analog Lounge for a brief update, in-person! We'll hear all the details regarding Bob's cross-country road tour to visit the instant film artists of Instagram. Wrapping up with their weekly "Focus On" segment, Natalie shares the latest developments in her Halloween-inspired DuoChrome project, while Alex slows things down to reconnect with the role Polaroid can play in overcoming personal obstacles. Please let us know your thoughts and how we can improve this community resource to better serve the needs of its members. Episode recorded 10/25. Research gathered the week of 10/19-10/25/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @polaroidweek #polaroidweek #roidweek @polaroid #shareyourmagic @polaroids_by_matthew @kelterphotography @analogforeverzine @picturemanbob @polaroidemoji @patspolaroids @a.polar
Mo 26.10.2020
29 : 21 min
Instant Community News: October WK. 2
Welcome back for the second installment of Instant Community News. This week the community focuses on celebrating this autumn's "Polaroid Week". Alex and Natalie share what this occasion entails as well as how to celebrate! After updating us on the latest photo exhibitions and submission opportunities, including their own "Say Cheese and Die" competition, your hosts explain why Polaroid film packs come in eight, rather than ten. Concluding with their weekly "Focus On" segment, Alex discusses his progress with collage manipulations, while Natalie shares the details of her latest DuoChrome project. Please let us know your thoughts and how we can improve this community resource to better serve the needs of its members. Episode recorded 10/18. Research gathered the week of 10/12-10/18/2020. Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @polaroidweek #polaroidweek #roidweek @polaroid #shareyourmagic @analogforeverzine @experimentalphotofestival @kkphoto37 @picturemanbob @diaries_o
Mo 19.10.2020
24 : 11 min
Instant Community News: October Wk. 1
Alex and Natalie have started something new! Consider this episode to be the pilot for Instant Film Community News. Nearly two years deep into their Polaroid experience and our hosts continue to make weekly discoveries within the community. Notorious social media algorithms make staying up-to-date with beloved artists difficult at times. This podcast aims to unify by researching and reporting on current events, trends, and artists within the instant film community of Instagram. Please let us know your thoughts and how we can fine-tune this community resource to better fit the needs of its members.
Episode recorded 10/11. Events discussed occurred the week of 10/5-10/11/2020.
Instagram accounts and #tags referenced in this episode include: @polaroid @sicknelassie @invalid_film @polasbysara @nakaiakio @picturemanbob @brunoroids @polawink @m0niquesullivan @aglassbrightly @misscafecito @instantshutterlust #mypolaroidnow #SFXpolaroidchallenge #creatingfromafar #saycheeseanddie
Mo 12.10.2020
25 : 48 min
PassionPresents: AGlassBrightly & MissCafecito
Feel all the love in this episode as Alex & Natalie interview their first couple. Carlton and Sarah share their beginnings as both photographers and partners, providing advice for others who may be looking to take their relationship to the next level- the creative level, that is! And, what could be more creative than using an instant lab to conduct virtual Polaroid photo shoots? These two may have even convinced Natalie to adopt a new attitude regarding the technological advances of the instant film industry. Between puns, Carlton offers tips for posing subjects while Sarah reflects on her own experience modeling. This episode is the sixth in the Passion Presents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe.
Di 22.09.2020
47 : 48 min
PassionPresents: warmjulysun_polaroidaday
Offering your ears a warm hug on a cloudy pandemic-ridden day, Addison joins Alex and Natalie to share her journey with and, more importantly, away from Polaroid. She shares the significance instant film has played in strengthening her well-being, growing alongside her daughters, and remaining ever-playful with her husband. Furthermore, Addison teaches us how stepping away from a Passion can actually help us take a stronger step forward. This episode is the fifth in the PassionPresents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe. 📸 Credit: warmjulysun_polaroidaday
Di 08.09.2020
28 : 38 min
PassionPresents: derailthesnail
A young heart with an old soul, Derrell shares the development of his Polaroid experience, moving from his small hometown to a college campus. Defying all the assumptions of a Gen Z "digital native," Derrell elaborates on his analog interests, including sizeable vinyl and VHS collections. Alex and Natalie catch up with this vibrant photographer as he prepares to head back to Santa Fe for a new semester of classes. This episode is the fourth in the PassionPresents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe. 📸 Credit: @derailthesnail
Di 25.08.2020
35 : 15 min
PassionPresents: diaries_of_a_rogue_elefant
A true storyteller from the roadside, Silas introduces us to the vegabond life. Marking evidence of his existence are his precious Polaroids, filled with landscapes of wild living, preserved for an audience inhabiting the future. Join us for these first-hand accounts of a rogue elefant. This episode is the third in the PassionPresents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe. 📸 Credit: @diaries_of_a_rogue_elephant.
Di 11.08.2020
29 : 57 min
PassionPresents: PictureManBob
His friends call him Bobby. The in-between refer to him as Bob. We know him fondly as @PictureManBob. Eliciting the most honest laughter from your hosts, Bob regales us all with early stories of selling Polaroids to tourists in New York and snazzy-dressed students between classes. If the pandemic has you feeling a bit lonely, check out Bob's most recent series @distant_socialing and hear how he's turned quarantine into a time to reconnect with even the most distant friends. This episode is the second in the PassionPresents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe. 📸 Credit: PictureManBob
Di 28.07.2020
32 : 45 min
Passion Presents: InstantShutterLust
This episode marks the first in the Passion Presents collection, in which Alex & Natalie interview and showcase instant film artists around the globe. Today's episode features a heartfelt discussion with Forrest Danielle @InstantShutterLust. Forrest shares her origins with instant film, her love for the Polaroid community of Instagram, and her aspirations in art therapy. If you're new to instant film and looking for a community of supportive artists, then consider this episode a friendly introduction! 📸 Credit: InstantShutterLust
Di 14.07.2020
46 : 45 min
Batch No.007
Coming to you from Koreatown, L.A. Alex & Natalie breakdown the basics of creating a double exposure, but not before breaking down their own privileges and perspectives, first. Reevaluating their direction with Passion, this episode is teeming with forward purposeful momentum. Together, let's learn how we can take old ideas and expose them to something new. 📸 Credit: @frankie_skyjacker
Di 30.06.2020
36 : 46 min
Batch No.006
Newlyweds Alex and Natalie return to discuss some rather large life changes, through which they will be transitioning in the months to come. How has Natalie coped with the stress? By cleaning the rollers in every camera of their Polaroid collection, naturally. What are rollers? How do you clean them? Listen in as Alex elaborates on the function of rollers, detailing how they can affect a photo when not cared for and concludes with concise directions for proper cleaning. This episode is all about transitions and how to prepare for the smoothest of them.
Di 05.05.2020
15 : 03 min
Batch No.001
Alex and Natalie discuss the origins of their venture into the instant film world, while reviewing some basics to get you started on your own journey. Looking to play with Polaroids but not sure where to start? Start here with us!
Meet us on IG @passionthrupolariods
**This episode was rereleased unedited 2/26/20**
Do 27.02.2020
24 : 02 min
Batch No.005
Returning from their aging hiatus, Alex and Natalie are back to discuss preservation pointers and display ideas. After some bad jokes, Natalie introduces the basics to "Help That Polaroid Last". Meet us on IG @PassionThruPolaroids
Di 21.01.2020
21 : 51 min
Batch No.004
Alex thinks he's so punny as he and Natalie discuss creating and applying masks and filters. Natalie explains how cartridge manipulations can add a personalized creative touch to any Polaroid, while Alex shares tips regarding application methods. Meet us on IG @passionthrupolaroids
Di 17.12.2019
27 : 46 min
Batch No.003
Following the Thanksgiving holiday, Alex and Natalie focus on the meaningful things- like focus itself! Whether you have a convenient Close-Up feature, or you've got to manually adjust (...or if you're not even sure what that those options are)... we're ready to help you focus on what matters most in your world. Meet us on IG @PassionThruPolaroids
Mo 02.12.2019
9 : 32 min
Batch No.002
As we release our latest photo series "mis[takes] accidentes" we thought we'd challenge the Sasquatch of our own mistakes- lighting. In this episode we'll discuss our knowledge and experience with types of lighting, as well as how to establish mood with light properties (quantity, direction, and color). All in all, Alex teaches Natalie about exposure but she repeatedly confuses herself. Meet us on Instagram @passionthrupolaroids
Di 12.11.2019
21 : 46 min
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