If KISS, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Ozzy Osbourne, became Christians, they would totally dig the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast! Every episode delivers a fresh injection of bible-based spiritual encouragement and classic Christian hard rock & metal music!
Pastor Brad Rocks 037 SAGA! The Story of God – Salvation & Eternity!
The Story of God—Salvation & Eternity in ONE Podcast! Dude—strap in and prepare to be ROCKED UP FOR JESUS! In this episode Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a
Mi 21.04.2021
29 : 32 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 036 SOUND THE ALARM! Waking Up – Remaining Diligent In Christ!
Are you AWAKE in the Lord? The Bible contains a lot of teaching that calls us to WAKE UP and REMAIN DILIGENT in our walk with Christ! Pastor Brad Rocks 036 SOUND THE ALARM! Waking Up – Remaining Diligent In Christ, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Sol
Mi 14.04.2021
22 : 59 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 035 NO TURNING BACK! How We Actually GROW Spiritually!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 035 NO TURNING BACK! How We Actually GROW Spiritually, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the
Mi 31.03.2021
23 : 53 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 033 I’m Alright—What It Means To Be “ALRIGHT” In Christ!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 033 I’m Alright—What It Means To Be “ALRIGHT” In Christ! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad.
Mi 24.03.2021
18 : 47 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 034 GRACE—God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 034 GRACE—God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the lead
Mi 17.03.2021
25 : 03 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 033 I’m Alright —What it REALLY means for a Christian to say, “I’m alright!”
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 033 I’m Alright —What it REALLY means for a Christian to say, “I’m alright!” Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Chri
Mi 03.03.2021
18 : 47 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 032 FAITHFULNESS—Resting & Trusting In The Faithfulness Of God!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 032 FAITHFULNESS—Resting & Trusting In The Faithfulness Of God! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad.
Mi 17.02.2021
20 : 55 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 031 Jaded Heart—Exploring The Mysteries Of The Heart & How God Heals & Transforms It!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 031 Jaded Heart—Exploring The Mysteries Of The Heart & How God Heals & Transforms It! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Chr
Mi 10.02.2021
15 : 06 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 030 SHADES OF GRAY—How God & His Word Exposes Falsehood & Deceit!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 030 SHADES OF GRAY—How God & His Word Exposes Falsehood & Deceit! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Br
Mi 03.02.2021
26 : 11 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 029 I Will Follow–Choosing To Follow Jesus In A Non-Jesus World!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 029 I Will Follow–Choosing To Follow Jesus In A Non-Jesus World!
Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Bra
Mi 27.01.2021
25 : 18 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 028 The Way – Answering Three Of The BIGGEST Questions In Life!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 028 The Way – Answering Three Of The BIGGEST Questions In Life! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Br
Mi 20.01.2021
22 : 21 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 027 The Invitation – The Gospel Is The Greatest INVITATION Ever!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 027 The Invitation – The Gospel Is The Greatest INVITATION Ever! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named B
Do 14.01.2021
20 : 37 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 026 Living a WELL DONE (Matthew 25) Life For The Lord Jesus!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 026 Living a WELL DONE (Matthew 25) Life For Our Lord JESUS, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. H
Do 07.01.2021
29 : 20 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 025 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 5 – Because of Jesus—We Can Become Children of God!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 025 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 5 – Because of Jesus—We Can Become Children of God, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a C
Mi 23.12.2020
22 : 38 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 024 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 4 – Jesus Came To Redeems us from The Law!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 024 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 4 – Jesus Came To Redeems us from The Law, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pa
Mi 16.12.2020
18 : 44 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 023 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 3 – Jesus-Born of a Woman—to Redeem Us!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 023 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 3 – Jesus-Born of a Woman,
Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad.
Fr 11.12.2020
19 : 48 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 022 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 2 – God Sent His Son To Be Our Savior!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 022 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 2 – God Sent His Son To Be Our Savior, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor
Mi 02.12.2020
24 : 31 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 021 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 1 – “When The Set Time Had Fully Come!”
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 021 Have A Metal Christmas – Part 1 – “When The Set Time Had Fully Come,” Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian P
Mi 25.11.2020
18 : 56 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 020 Frodo & Sam – Biblical Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings About Loyalty & Friendship!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 020 Frodo & Sam – Biblical Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings About Loyalty & Friendship, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a C
Mi 11.11.2020
24 : 11 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 019 Out Of The Hellhole – MY STORY – Being a WITNESS for JESUS!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 019 Out Of The Hellhole – MY STORY – Being a WITNESS for JESUS, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Br
Mi 04.11.2020
25 : 55 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 018 Back To The Pit – Why We NEVER Need To Be Afraid Of The Devil!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 018 Back To The Pit – Why We NEVER Need To Be Afraid Of The Devil, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named B
Mi 28.10.2020
27 : 44 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 017 BATTLE SONG – Fighting The Good Fight of Faith - Spiritual Warfare!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 017 BATTLE SONG – Fighting The Good Fight of Faith - Spiritual Warfare, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor na
Mi 21.10.2020
31 : 21 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 016 THIRSTY – How Jesus Quenches The Ultimate Thirsts Of Life!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 016 THIRSTY – How Jesus Quenches The Ultimate Thirsts Of Life, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad.
Mi 14.10.2020
23 : 14 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 015 Two Dogs – How Spiritual Growth & Warfare Work!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 015 Two Dogs – How Spiritual Growth & Warfare Work, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the
Mi 07.10.2020
15 : 32 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 014 UPSIDEDOWN – Why Christians Don’t Feel At Home In This World!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 014 UPSIDEDOWN – Why Christians Don’t Feel At Home In This World! Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named
Mi 30.09.2020
14 : 46 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 013 FORBIDDEN FRUIT – Why God Says, “Don’t Do That!”
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 013 FORBIDDEN FRUIT – Why God Says, “Don’t Do That!”
Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He
Mi 23.09.2020
16 : 03 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 012 JESUS – Why I Can’t Imagine Life Without JESUS!
In this episode Pastor Brad Rocks 012 JESUS – Why I Can’t Imagine Life Without JESUS, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is th
Mi 16.09.2020
17 : 49 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 011 Two Roads – Life Is All About Choices!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 011 Two Roads – Life Is All About Choices, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the lead pas
Mi 09.09.2020
13 : 54 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 010 Cat Of Nine Tails – Reflecting On The Suffering Of Jesus For Our Sin!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 010 Cat Of Nine Tails – Reflecting On The Suffering Of Jesus For Our Sin, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor
Mi 02.09.2020
17 : 06 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 009 Don’t Play With Fire – What The Bible Teaches About Defeating Temptation!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 009 Don’t Play With Fire – What The Bible Teaches About Defeating Temptation, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian
Mi 26.08.2020
17 : 36 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 008 Rock You Up – Jesus is THE ROCK!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 008 Rock You Up – Jesus Is THE ROCK, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the lead pastor at
Mi 19.08.2020
17 : 21 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 007 Out Of Heaven – The Gospel - God Sent Jesus To Our Rescue
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 007 Out Of Heaven – The Gospel - God Sent Jesus To Our Rescue, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad
Mi 12.08.2020
18 : 50 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 006 Thief In The Night– Thinking About The Return Of Jesus Christ.
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 006 Thief In The Night– Thinking About The Return Of Jesus Christ, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named
Mi 05.08.2020
14 : 12 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 005 I’m Gonna Live For The Lord – What Does It Mean To LIVE For JESUS?
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 005 I’m Gonna Live For The Lord – What Does It Mean To LIVE For JESUS? Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor
Mi 29.07.2020
16 : 31 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 004 God Is Great – A Power-Packed Summary Of Why God & The Gospel Are Great!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 004 God Is Great – A 15 Minute – Power-Packed Summary Of Why God Is Great & Greatly To Be Praised, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he soun
Mi 22.07.2020
25 : 47 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 003 The Race of Life – How Run Life’s Race With Joy, Faith & Perseverance!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 003 The Race of Life – How Run Life’s Race With Joy, Faith & Perseverance, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pas
Mi 15.07.2020
17 : 21 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 002 VICTORY IN JESUS – Discovering The Amazing Freedom Jesus Offers!
In this episode, Pastor Brad Rocks 002 VICTORY IN JESUS – Discovering The Amazing Freedom Jesus Offers, Pastor Brad Windlan, 80s Christian metal recording artist and teaching pastor Rocks You Up with an inspirational Bible teaching, wrapped in a classic, 80s Christian Metal Vibe! Each episode ends with a Pastor Brad 80s Christian metal song!
Become a PATREON https://www.patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://www.pastorbradrocks.net & http://www.guitarjams.net
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/pastorbrad1985
If you enjoy Christian metal and encouraging teaching from the Bible you will love the Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast. The Pastor Brad Rocks Podcast is all about classic Christian metal/hard rock music, inspirational Bible teaching and Christian community. Fans of bands like Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross, Barren Cross, Sacred Warrior, Holy Soldier, Angelica, etc. will love this podcast!
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor name
Mi 08.07.2020
18 : 17 min
Pastor Brad Rocks 001 Get Real - Moving Past Religion To A Real Relationship With God - Bible Study & 80s Christian Metal Music!
Prepare to be ROCKED UP for JESUS! In this debut episode, 80s Christian Metal Pastor Brad "gets real" as he shares about the reality that God isn't looking for perfect people, just REAL people, who sincerely want to have a genuine relationship with Him. Every episode ends with a Pastor Brad, 80s style, Christian metal song. This one is capped off with GET REAL, the title track on Pastor Brad's 2003 demo, GET REAL.
CONNECT With Pastor Brad:
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pastorbradrocks
WEBSITE: http://pastorbradrocks.net
PATREON: https://patreon.com/pastorbradrocks
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Christian Pastor named Brad. He is the lead pastor at First Christian Church in Cookeville, TN.
Brad is also a gifted, 80s style, Christian metal artist. Growing up in the era of "Hair Metal" & "The Guitar Hero," Brad couldn’t help but pick up a guitar and start rocking.
In 1987 he became a follower of Jesus Christ--a decision that reshaped his life--and continues to do so
Mi 01.07.2020
19 : 09 min
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