On Podcasting Q&A, you'll hear the best tips and strategies to launch, grow, and monetize your podcast. Whether it's getting more podcast listeners, promoting your podcast on social media, or how to produce high-quality episodes in your editing software, Podcasting Q&A has everything you need to succeed. New episodes come out every Monday.
How To Get Your Podcast into the New and Noteworthy
Megan from the Wild Healers podcast asks, "Is it possible for an independent podcast to make it into the Apple New and Noteworthy section?"Special thanks to Kris Emerson, host of the Excel Still More podcast, for sharing his experience getting into the New and Noteworthy section.TL;DRThe Apple Podcasts New and Noteworthy section is a common goal for new podcasters. The appeal is that if you can get your podcast listed there, you'll be able to grow your audience faster, build momentum, and ride that wave off into the sunset of your podcasting dreams.So... how exactly do you get in? In this episode, we'll share what we know and ask Kris, a fellow Buzzsprout podcaster, what he did to land in the New and Noteworthy section.What's the best strategy?The best way to get into the Apple New and Noteworthy section is to focus on getting a lot of listeners to subscribe to your show in Apple Podcasts in a short period of time. As a new podcast, your window to make this happen is typically 90 days from when you launch you
Mi 21.02.2024
6 : 57 min
What are good stats for a new podcast?
Letty from My Sweet Business with Letty Alvarez asks, "What kind of download stats can you expect with a new podcast?"TL;DRLaunching a new podcast is a lot of work and is something you should celebrate! It’s only natural to want as many people as possible to listen to it, but where should you place your expectations?In this episode, we’ll walk through 3 questions that will help you determine what your benchmark for success should be.1. Do you have an existing audience?If you’re starting from scratch, you should expect fewer downloads than someone who has 100,000 followers on Instagram.It’s okay if you’re just getting started, just set your expectations accordingly.2. How popular is your podcast subject?The reality is, some podcast topics have larger built-in audiences than others. As an example, True Crime podcasts are currently more popular than Home Gardening podcasts and will naturally have a larger audience.We would never recommend you start a podcast just to become popular, just recognize that
Di 20.02.2024
3 : 48 min
Best Podcast Recording & Editing Software
Norman from Antifool asks, "What is the best way to record someone using a phone for a podcast interview?"TL;DRIn recent years the number of new software options for podcasters has increased quite a bit. Some of them are great for experience podcasters that want every bell and whistle imaginable. While others are focused on streamlining the process as much as possible.So in this episode, we'll share the pros and cons of the top five recording software options that we use and recommend at Buzzsprout to help you decide which one is best for you.1. AudacityAudacity is the most popular podcast recording and editing software in the world (and for good reason). It's free to download, it's available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and has the full suite of audio editing features.Just be aware that Audacity tends to be a bit buggy (like, won't work because Apple updates their OS kind of buggy) and does destructive editing. Destructive editing means that if you delete a portion of your audio and then save your project f
So 18.02.2024
10 : 01 min
How to record phone calls for a podcast
Krystal from The Proffitt Podcast asks, "What is the best way to record someone using a phone for a podcast interview?"TL;DRIt's not uncommon to have a guest interview lined up where the only microphone that person has access to is the one on their smartphone. In that case, you just want to keep things simple so your guest can focus on what they want to say and not on the tech involved.So in this episode, we'll share some coaching tips you can give to your guest to get better sound quality as well as several software options that allow you to record phone calls.Phone Call Recording TipsTip #1: Make sure they are in a quiet space. Nothing ruins a recording faster than screaming children, barking dogs, our crazy amounts of echo. Help them find a quiet space with good acoustics (Heck! Tell them to go in their walk-in closet) to get a better recording.Tip #2: Have them use Apple Earbuds or something similar. Even if they don't own an iPhone (which comes with a free pair of headphones), chances are they know someo
Sa 17.02.2024
4 : 34 min
Podcast Marketing: Getting your guests to promote your episode
Bill from Happy Valley Hustle asks, "How do you get your guests to consistently promote their podcast episodes?"TL;DRHaving guests on your podcast is one of our favorite marketing strategies. They have a great time sharing their expertise and, if everything goes well, they're eager to share it with their network of friends and followers. Unfortunately, guests are known to drop the ball in this area, so here are 3 tips to help your podcast guests share their episodes more consistently.1. Communicate early and oftenAt first, you're going back and forth to schedule the interview, grab headshots for promotional graphics, and get links to their website. Don't drop the ball once the interview is over! Keep them in the loop about when their episode is coming out and reaffirm how much you appreciated them as a guest.2. Do all the heavy liftingIf you want your guest to promote their episode on your podcast, you need to make things really easy for them. That means creating social media graphics they can share with thei
Fr 16.02.2024
4 : 35 min
Podcast Promotion: How do I get my podcast in front of more people?
Jonathan from Halfwits & Failed Crits asks, "How do you promote a podcast?"TL;DROne thing most podcasters don't realize is how much work it takes to grow your audience and find new listeners. Podcast marketing and promotion often take as much time as creating the podcast episodes themselves. The key to making any marketing strategy work is to find new listeners that would be interested in your podcast and telling them about it. Here are the top 3 strategies for promoting your podcast.1. Social MediaSocial media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram are great places to find potential podcast listeners. Use each platform's built-in community tool, whether it's groups or hashtags, and start engaging with people. Leave helpful comments, establishing yourself as a trustworthy expert, and point people back to your podcast when prompted.2. Be A Podcast GuestGoing on someone else's podcast is a great promotion strategy. The people listening to that show have already shown they're intereste
Do 15.02.2024
7 : 23 min
Podcast Networks: Are they valuable? When should you start or join one?
Jonathan from Halfwits & Failed Crits asks, "My question is about podcast networks. When should you start one, join one, or should you avoid them?"TL;DRMany of today's most popular podcasts are a part of podcast networks. These networks pool together groups of shows for better access to sponsors, faster growth, and better exposure. They can be an excellent option for independent podcasters, but there are a couple of things to be aware of before signing on the dotted line.Pro #1: Easier access to sponsors. The truth is, unless you're getting upwards of 50,000 downloads per episode, you're not going to get much interest from sponsors. But when you bundle your show together along with a dozen others, now you can negotiate based on your collective downloads across the entire network.Pro #2: You may grow faster. One of the fastest ways to grow your podcast audience is by being a guest on other podcasts. Being a part of a podcast network means you'll be able to consistently land guest spots on multiple podcasts, ex
Mi 14.02.2024
5 : 10 min
How to create a podcast intro your listeners will love
Kwame from Negotiate Anything asks, "What are some things we should keep in mind when it comes to doing an introduction?"TL;DRA well-produced podcast intro can increase the quality of your podcast, retain new listeners, and serve as a launching point for the rest of your episode. When done poorly, however, it can have the opposite effect.In general, there are three main things you want to communicate in your podcast intro - who you are, what your podcast is about, and why they should care. The first two are pretty self-explanatory ("Hi, my name is Travis Albritton. Podcasting Q&A dives into the tips and strategies independent podcasters need to take their show to the next level"), but the third element can really take your intro over the top.If you can effectively communicate the impact that your podcast will have on someone's life, you'll have new listeners subscribing at a constant rate. Will your podcast help them lose weight? Make more money? Save more money? Improve their relationships? Serve as an escap
Di 13.02.2024
7 : 08 min
Podcast Reviews: How do I get more reviews? And how can I see them?
Klaas from the RPG Heroes asks, "Do I need a custom website for my podcast?"TL;DRWhile many podcasters are under the impression that getting more reviews in Apple Podcasts leads to a higher position on the podcast charts (or even inclusion in the New & Noteworthy section), those things are not influenced by the number of podcast reviews you have.So what purpose do podcast reviews serve? Podcast reviews are one way to see what your listeners think about your podcast and serve as "social proof" to encourage new podcast listeners to subscribe.The more 5-star reviews your podcast has, the more likely someone new is going to download an episode of your podcast and become a dedicated listener.The best way to track your podcast reviews is with www.MyPodcastReviews.com. There you can see all of your reviews, from every country, and every app that allows listeners to leave you a review (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Castbox, and Podchaser).3x Strategies To Get More Reviews:Ask your audience at the end of each episodeRead
Mo 12.02.2024
4 : 15 min
Podcast Websites: Do I need to create one for my podcast?
Brad from the Gay Mystery Podcast asks, "Do I need a custom website for my podcast?"TL;DRPodcast websites have three main benefits. First, building a custom website frees you from the restrictions that the website your podcast host provides for you probably has. You can literally make it whatever you need it to be.Second, having a website will help you build your online brand or online business. You can use your podcast as free marketing to promote your products and turn your listeners into customers.Third, websites work on any internet-connected device. If you're going to confidently share a link that you know will work no matter what kind of phone, tablet, or computer someone is using, a link to your website is the one.That being said, most podcasters don't need a custom podcast website. If you just need a place for people to listen to your episodes and read your show notes, the website from your podcast host is just fine.4x Questions To Ask When Designing Your Podcast Website:What do you need your website
So 11.02.2024
5 : 41 min
Podcast SEO: How to grow your podcast with SEO
Krystal from The Proffitt Podcast asks, "What's the most important information to look at when you're deciding on keywords for podcast SEO?"TL;DRSearch Engine Optimization (also known as SEO) is the practice of tailoring your online content in a way that's easy for search engines like Google to index and display in their search results. When done well, this means that more people find you without having to spend a dime on advertising.Podcast directories also use this kind of information when populating results in their apps. If you open up Apple Podcasts and type "Business Podcast" into the search bar, Apple combs through its entire catalog of podcasts and presents the top results based on what you searched.What is a keyword? It's the word or phrase that your target audience is searching in the search bar. Once you know what those words and phrases are, you can create episodes around them and separate yourself from other podcasts in your category.In short, podcast SEO is the key to reaching new listeners in y
Sa 10.02.2024
8 : 55 min
How long should your podcast episode be?
Brandon from Digital Marketing Tool Talk asks, "What is the ideal length for a podcast episode?"TL;DROne of the great things about podcasting is that there are so few rules regarding what makes a great podcast. There are some podcasts that have episodes longer than 3 hours (*cough* Joe Rogan *cough*) and some that are 10 minutes or less. Focus on making your podcast as long as it needs to be to say what you need to say without worrying about hitting a certain target.As an overall trend, we've seen the average podcast episode length hover around 43 minutes (and it hasn't really changed for 5+ years). There have certainly been plenty of short-format podcasts coming out recently, but there's nothing magical about having shorter episodes.Also, because there are no rules around how long your episodes need to be, you can have varying lengths of podcast episodes within your show. If your episodes normally come in around 15 minutes, it's totally fine to drop a 25-minute episode if you know your audience is gonna love
Fr 09.02.2024
4 : 41 min
What makes a successful podcast?
Kylie from Halfwit History asks, "What makes a successful podcast?"TL;DRHow you choose to define success is up to you. There's no right or wrong answer, but having a clear sense of purpose for your podcast will help you stay focused on the right metrics instead of getting caught chasing download numbers (which is only one way to see if your podcast is doing well).Regardless of the definition you choose, you can maximize your podcast's potential by doing a handful of things consistently right - get listed in the major podcast directories, focus on audio quality, and promote new episodes when they come out.4x Possible Ways To Measure Success:Get leads for your businessInterview cool peopleShare your passionsBuild an online communityMore Tips From Sarah:Our favorite microphone for new podcasters is the Samson Q2U, a USB/XLR mic that records great audio at an affordable priceCheck out our blog post with a dozen royalty-free music options for podcasters (including nine free options)Need an easy way to create compe
Do 08.02.2024
5 : 46 min
Why we used 99designs for our new podcast artwork
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we'll share our top recommendations for podcast artwork and royalty-free music.Get $20 off any design contest at 99designs.com/BuzzsproutRoyalty-Free MusicSoundstripeAudioblocksEpidemic SoundRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 07.02.2024
4 : 18 min
Introducing Podcasting Q&A
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn all the details about the show that’s replacing this one, Podcasting Q&A.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 06.02.2024
7 : 01 min
How to change your podcast without losing any listeners (HINT: We're doing it!)
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn whether you should rebrand your podcast or start a new one.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 05.02.2024
5 : 06 min
How to record a podcast with your phone
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn how to record and edit podcast episodes using just your phone.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Microphones:RODE smartLav+ Kit for iPhonesRODE smartLav+ MicrophoneRODE SC6 (Android users)Movo Podcast Interview MicrophoneHeadphone to Lightning DongleHeadphone to USB-C DongleSoftware:GarageBand (iPhone, iPad)Recording Studio Light (Android)Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 04.02.2024
4 : 32 min
How the coronavirus is impacting podcast downloads
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll talk about the impact that the coronavirus is having on podcast listening around the world.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 03.02.2024
5 : 10 min
Best online courses for podcasters
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn why an online course may be the key to your podcast's next breakthrough.Courses we recommend:Gimlet AcademyHow to Start a PodcastAmp'd Up PodcastingPodcast Production CourseFill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 02.02.2024
4 : 50 min
Should you use Podcorn to monetize your podcast?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we'll cover the pros and cons of using Podcorn to monetize your podcast.Learn more about Podcorn for podcasters.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 01.02.2024
5 : 57 min
How to nail your long distance interview recordings
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to nail your remote interview recordings.Watch our Auphonic Tutorial for Podcasters to see if it will help your workflow.If you're looking for a plugin to help remove reverb in your recordings, consider the ERA 4 Reverb Remover.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 31.01.2024
4 : 52 min
Should you translate your podcast to grow your audience?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, I’ll discuss whether or not it makes sense to translate your podcast to grow your audience.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 30.01.2024
3 : 34 min
How to incorporate multiple episode formats into your podcast feed
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to incorporate multiple episode formats into a single podcast.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 29.01.2024
4 : 46 min
How to use Listener Locations to your advantage
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to use your Listener Locations data to tailor your podcast for your audience.Check out our in-depth tutorial on the Buzzsprout Advanced Podcast Statistics on YouTube.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 28.01.2024
4 : 41 min
Which podcast apps do your listeners prefer?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to tell which apps your listeners prefer and why that’s important.Check out our in-depth tutorial on the Buzzsprout Advanced Podcast Statistics on YouTube and our Overcast Ads Video.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 27.01.2024
4 : 19 min
How to tell if your podcast is growing
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to tell if your podcast is growing.Check out our in-depth tutorial on the Buzzsprout Advanced Podcast Statistics on YouTube.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 26.01.2024
5 : 00 min
Is it best to use theme music in your podcast intro?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to properly incorporate music into your podcast episodes.Check out our blog featuring 9 places to get free music for your podcast.Places to purchase royalty-free music:Audio JungleSoundstripeFill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 25.01.2024
4 : 58 min
How to pull off a "podcast episode swap" to grow your audience
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll dive into a relatively untapped marketing strategy that could pay big dividends for your podcast.Learn more about how to do a podcast episode swap.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 24.01.2024
4 : 57 min
When should you upgrade your audio editing software?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll explain when it’s finally time to splurge on some pro audio editing software.Software we recommend:Hindenburg Journalist ProAdobe AuditionLogic Pro XFill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 23.01.2024
4 : 52 min
5 Tips to Avoid "Podfading" in 2020
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we'll cover five strategies that will help you stay motivated and make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 22.01.2024
4 : 59 min
How long SHOULD it take you to make a podcast episode?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn approximately how long it SHOULD be taking you to record, edit, and upload a podcast episode.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 21.01.2024
5 : 33 min
5 Unique Podcast Segment Ideas
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll cover five podcast segments you can insert into future podcast episodes.Check out our blog post with 18 Unique Podcast Segment Ideas.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 20.01.2024
4 : 57 min
Should you script your podcast episodes?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll discuss whether or not you should script your podcast episodes.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 19.01.2024
4 : 49 min
Should you join a podcast network?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we’ll cover the pros and cons of joining a podcast network.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 18.01.2024
4 : 49 min
What is dynamic ad insertion?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn about dynamic ad insertion and how it can (potentially) help your podcast.Platforms that offer DAI:Art19MidrollMegaphoneCheck out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 17.01.2024
4 : 58 min
How to make money with coaching and consulting
In this episode, you’ll learn how to package your knowledge and expertise into a coaching program or consulting serviceCheck out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 16.01.2024
4 : 52 min
How to create and sell podcast merch
In this episode, you’ll learn how to create and sell podcast merch without turning your garage into a warehouse.Here's a helpful guide that explains how Print-On-Demand services work - https://www.printful.com/how-printful-works/on-demand-drop-shippingCheck out Printful, our recommended POD solution - https://www.printful.com/Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 15.01.2024
4 : 51 min
Create info products to sell to your podcast listeners
In this episode, you’ll learn how to create and sell information products that your listeners will love.Online Course Platforms:TeachableThinkificPodiaPick up "Published" by Chandler Bolt to learn how to write your first book.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 14.01.2024
4 : 58 min
Monetize your podcast with Patreon and PayPal
In this episode, you’ll learn how your listeners can directly support your podcast.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 13.01.2024
4 : 57 min
Affiliate Marketing 101
In this episode, you’ll learn how to make money by promoting someone else’s products.Learn more about the Buzzsprout Affiliate Marketplace in this recent blog post.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 12.01.2024
4 : 42 min
How to get podcast sponsors
In this episode, you'll learn how to find and secure sponsors for your podcast.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 11.01.2024
4 : 44 min
Making money with host-read ads
In this episode, you'll learn about the most well-known podcast monetization strategy - the host-read ad.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 10.01.2024
4 : 47 min
How to choose the right podcast monetization strategy
In this episode, you'll learn how to decide which monetization strategy is best for your podcasting goals.Check out our new blog podcast: How to Make Money Podcasting.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 09.01.2024
4 : 45 min
Why you MUST record each person on their own track
In this episode, Travis explains why you absolutely must record each person to their own track (and how to do it).Gear we recommend for multitrack recording:Scarlett 2i2Zoom H4n ProZoom H6Rodecaster ProRead our Podcast Accessories Guide to find even more options.Disclosure: Some of these product links are affiliate links, which means Buzzsprout might receive a small commission if you decide to purchase them.Remote recording solutions:Zoom.usSquadcastZencastrRead our Long-Distance Interview blog to learn which solution is best for you.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 08.01.2024
4 : 34 min
Loudness Normalization for Podcasters
In this episode, you’ll learn how to set your podcast episodes to the perfect volume using loudness normalization.Loudness Target Guidelines:Mono Audio Files: -19 LUFSStereo Audio Files: -16 LUFSCheck out our Auphonic guide for podcasters.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 07.01.2024
3 : 40 min
Audio Leveling 101
In this episode, you’ll learn how to level your audio so you don’t blow out your listeners' eardrums.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 06.01.2024
4 : 05 min
Audio Clipping explained (and how to fix it!)
In this episode, you’ll learn what clipping is and how to keep it from destroying your podcast episodes.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 06.01.2024
4 : 18 min
How to name your podcast
In this episode, Travis teaches you how to come up with the perfect name for your podcast.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 05.01.2024
4 : 59 min
Don't waste money on FB ads. Spend it here instead!
This is Week 5 of a 5-week miniseries to help you grow your podcast and get more listeners.In this episode, Travis explains why Overcast ads are his go-to paid promotion strategy.Learn more about running ads on Overcast by visiting overcast.fm/adsFill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 04.01.2024
4 : 59 min
Pat Flynn's "Ninja" marketing strategy
This is Week 4 of a 5-week miniseries to help you grow your podcast and get more listeners.In this episode, Travis teaches you why you should feature Facebook Group admins on your podcast.Read Pat Flynn's full blog post at smartpassiveincome.comFill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 03.01.2024
4 : 05 min
The #1 free marketing strategy for podcasters
This is Week 3 of a 5-week miniseries to help you grow your podcast and get more listeners.In this episode, Travis teaches you the top, free marketing strategy that is working for podcasters right now.Read How to Get Booked on Podcasts on the Buzzsprout blog.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 02.01.2024
4 : 29 min
How to reduce churn and STOP losing listeners
This is Week 2 of our 5-week miniseries focused on helping you grow your podcast and get more listeners.In this episode, Travis teaches you how to reduce churn so when new people discover your podcast they become longterm listeners.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 01.01.2024
4 : 30 min
Go from an "amateur" to a "pro" podcast in 3 steps
This week we're kicking off a 5-week miniseries to help you grow your podcast and get more listeners.In this episode, Travis tells you the 3 things you have to do to go from "amateur" to "pro" podcaster.Stuff mentioned in this episode:99designsAuphonic.com"The Complete Guide to Microphone Technique""Acoustic Treatment for Podcasters"Go to the "Resources" tab in your Buzzsprout dashboard to get 20% of your 99designs Design Competition.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 31.12.2023
4 : 29 min
What does success look like for a new podcast?
Mandee asked "How do you know when your new podcast is a success? How many listeners/downloads should I expect in my first week to know if I'm doing what I should be doing?"In this episode, I'll ask you three questions to help you discover what success looks like for your podcast.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 30.12.2023
4 : 46 min
What do you do with a bad interview or guest?
What do you do if you find yourself not liking the guest you’ve asked to be on your show? How do you decide not to use the interview without offending the person?In this episode, I'll teach you how to break the news in a way that minimizes conflict and protects your podcast.Fill out this short questionnaire to submit a question or topic for a future episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 29.12.2023
4 : 17 min
How to get clean audio from almost any microphone
Unless you know how to use proper mic technique, that new $400 microphone isn't going to do you any good.In this episode, we'll teach you the four (plus one bonus) techniques you can utilize to get high-quality audio out of almost any microphone.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 28.12.2023
4 : 46 min
Best online podcast communities
The best place to get high-quality answers for your podcast-related questions is in an online podcast community.In this episode, we'll break down four communities we believe every podcaster should be a part of.Links to the podcast communities:Podcasters' Support GroupPodcast Movement CommunityPodcasts We Listen ToBuzzsprout Podcast CommunityNeed some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 27.12.2023
4 : 48 min
Breaking down the changes to Apple Podcasts
Apple recently sent an email to every podcaster on their platform letting them know about some changes that are coming in the near future.In this episode, we'll break down the three big pieces of news and how it affects you as a podcaster.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 26.12.2023
4 : 44 min
How to make a "lead magnet" for your podcast email list
Once you sign up for an email service provider, you need a strategy that will incentivize your audience to sign up for your list.In this episode, we'll give you three lead magnet ideas you can create for your new podcast email newsletter.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 25.12.2023
4 : 54 min
Why your podcast needs an email list
What's the best strategy for connecting with your audience and scaling your podcast?In this episode, we'll give you three reasons why email beats social media every time.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 24.12.2023
4 : 57 min
Podcast show notes best practices
What should you include in your podcast episode description? How much information do you need to include? How do your show notes compliment your podcast episodes?In this episode, we'll give you two things to avoid and two things to consider when putting together your show notes.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 23.12.2023
4 : 58 min
Should you put your podcast on YouTube?
In this episode, Travis explains the pros and cons of uploading videos for your podcast on YouTube.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 22.12.2023
4 : 33 min
How to rebrand your podcast
Are you thinking of changing the name of your podcast and taking it in a different direction? In this episode, Travis helps you decide if rebranding is right for you and how to do it without losing your subscribers.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 21.12.2023
4 : 55 min
Why your podcast needs a website
It's really important that you have a single place that you can send literally anyone to learn more about your podcast and subscribe on the app of their choice. In this episode, Travis explains why your website is the "home base" of your podcast and introduces the new Buzzsprout podcast websites.Purchase your podcast domain at one of these websites:HostGatorBluehostGoDaddyGoogle DomainsNeed some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 20.12.2023
4 : 15 min
How to promote your podcast on social media
What's the best way to promote your podcast using social media? In this episode, Travis explains how to create content that people will feel inspired and motivated to share with their friends.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 19.12.2023
4 : 49 min
How to take a break without losing subscribers
Podcasting is a lot of work and you'll reach a point where you just need to step away for a while. But how do you do that without losing the momentum that you've built? In this episode, I'll teach you how to use seasons so you take planned breaks from your podcast.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 18.12.2023
4 : 54 min
When is it time to upgrade your microphone?
When should you pull the trigger and invest in some nicer podcast gear? Answer: when your current setup is holding you back.Microphones mentioned in this episode:Rode ProcasterHeil PR40Shure SM7B (+Cloudlifter)Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 17.12.2023
4 : 54 min
Best practices for uploading to Buzzsprout
What's the best method for uploading a new podcast episode into Buzzsprout? What fields should you spend more of your time on? In this episode, Travis dives into the most effective way to upload each episode.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 16.12.2023
4 : 58 min
Should you use a USB microphone or an XLR microphone? It depends... In this episode, Travis explains the pros and cons to each microphone and which one is best for you.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 15.12.2023
4 : 55 min
How to make "clickable" episode titles
In this episode, Travis explains how to make your episodes irresistible to both subscribers and casual passers-by.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 14.12.2023
4 : 57 min
Where to find music for your podcast
Where do you find high-quality music that you can use in your podcast without the risk of being sued? In this episode, Travis breaks down what "royalty-free" music is and where you can find it.Websites mentioned:SoundCloudAudioJungleSoundstripeNeed some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 13.12.2023
4 : 58 min
Should you use dynamic ad insertion?
Dynamic ads promise to make monetization easy for smaller creators, but is it the right choice for your podcast? In this episode, Travis breaks down the pros and cons of dynamic ads.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 12.12.2023
4 : 20 min
Make sure you're in these 5 podcast directories
You want it to be "stupid easy" for someone to find and listen to your podcast. In this episode, Travis walks through the 5 directories every podcaster needs to submit their podcast to.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mo 11.12.2023
4 : 30 min
Stop looking at your download numbers
The only thing more exciting than launching your podcast is watching your download numbers grow over time. But if you're looking to your stats to validate that your podcast is a success, you'll be continually discouraged.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 10.12.2023
4 : 08 min
Use Auphonic to polish your audio
Auphonic is an online software tool that gives you pro-level audio processing with the click of a button.Try out Auphonic for free.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 09.12.2023
4 : 55 min
How to prep your podcast guests
The difference between a great interview and a mediocre one comes down to how comfortable your guest feels. In this episode, Travis shares 3 strategies to help your guests trust you with their stories.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 08.12.2023
4 : 37 min
Make custom audiograms for FREE!
With Headliner, you can create custom audiograms using your podcast audio and share them on social media. Did we mention it's free?Check out Headliner.app and get started.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Do 07.12.2023
4 : 00 min
Our favorite microphone for podcasting
You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get professional sound quality, just grab our favorite microphone and you're good to go!Check out our recommended microphonesAudio-Technica ATR2100Samson Q2U (if outside the US and Canada)Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 06.12.2023
4 : 29 min
How to find high-quality guests
What are the most effective strategies for landing high-quality guests on your podcast? In this episode, Travis outlines three of his favorite strategies.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Mi 06.12.2023
4 : 55 min
How to make great podcast artwork
When potential listeners are scrolling through their podcast app first impressions are everything! Make sure your podcast artwork isn't holding you back.Get High-Quality Podcast ArtworkCanvaFiverr99 DesignsNeed some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 05.12.2023
4 : 57 min
Best online interview solutions
In this episode, Travis breaks down the two online interview solutions that we recommend for podcasters.Check out our recommended solutionsZoomZencastrNeed some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Di 05.12.2023
4 : 57 min
How to Create the Perfect Podcast Intro
Video: 7 Best Places to Get Free Music for Your PodcastA good podcast intro is your first impression with new listeners and convinces them that your podcast is worth listening to.So in today's episode, we'll cover the basic elements that every podcast intro needs so you can create the perfect intro for your show.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 04.12.2023
4 : 00 min
New Year's resolutions for podcasters
Every January people take up new resolutions to improve their life in some way. Today we'll talk about three resolutions you can make that will grow your podcast and help you reach your goals.Watch the Buzzsprout webinar - "10 Tips to Grow Your Podcast Audience"Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 03.12.2023
4 : 58 min
The magic of podcast Facebook groups
Have you ever wanted to interact with the people that listen to your podcast? With Facebook groups, you can!Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
So 03.12.2023
4 : 55 min
Why you should make a Xmas episode
One of the smartest (and easiest) ways to come up with relevant episode topics is to figure out what dates, events, or holidays matter to your audience and create timely content around them.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Sa 02.12.2023
4 : 05 min
Get superior audio quality in your home
How do you get that professional studio sound quality in the convenience of your own home? Choose a recording space with lots of clutter.Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.
Fr 01.12.2023
4 : 52 min
What if Friends and Family Won't Listen to Your Show?
Launching a podcast is an exciting accomplishment! But it can be discouraging if you don't get the support you want from your family and friends. In this episode, Jordan and Angie Griffith talk honestly about family support and how to stay positive when the people in your inner circle don't cheer you on!Thanks, Vineeta, for your question! Vineeta's podcast is launching soon! Follow Vineeta on Instagram to be the first to know! @vineeta_santoshiFIND ANGIE ONLINE:Follow and listen to Podfluencer Society at: https://www.podfluencersociety.com Connect with Angie online at: https://beacons.ai/theactualangie/socialmedia More Podcast Resources: https://podfluencerbrands.com Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!Podcasting Q&A is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordanpods.NOTE: Since recording this episode, Angie Griffith's podcast was rebranded to the new title: Podfluencer Society. As such, some links mentioned may have changed. Visit the contact f
Mo 19.09.2022
13 : 32 min
Make Your Podcast Stand Out in a Crowded Niche
In this episode, Joshua asks, "in a niche with lots of competition, what's something we can do to stand out?"Thank you, Joshua, for your question! You can check out his podcast, 4th and Flex Fantasy Football Podcast, here: https://4thandflexpodcast.buzzsprout.com/Special thanks to our guest, Arielle Nissenblatt! Arielle is the founder of Earbuds Podcast Collective & Co-Host of Sounds Profitable. You can find Arielle on Twitter @arithisandthat and at https://www.ariellenissenblatt.com/Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!Podcasting Q&A is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordanpods.
Mo 12.09.2022
8 : 16 min
How To Start A Second Podcast + Other Ideas For Pivoting Your Show
In this episode, Badr Milligan joins Jordan to brainstorm how to start a second podcast or leverage your current show's success when new podcast inspiration strikes! Thanks for your question, Kelly! You can find Kelly's podcast, This vs. That: Wedding Decisions with Kelly McWilliams here: https://www.kellymcwilliams.com/blog/this-vs-that-wedding-podcast Guest Badr MilliganHost of The Short Box PodcastTwitter: @TheShortBoxJaxCheck out his podcast here: https://www.theshortboxpodcast.com/ HOW TO ANNOUNCE NEW PODCAST CONTENTAnnouncement promo in dynamic content pre-rollTell listeners in podcast intro/housekeeping segmentSpread the word on social mediaWEIGHING OPTIONS WHEN YOU HAVE A NEW PODCAST CONCEPT:Start a second podcastIntegrate new bonus content into the current podcastRebrand the original podcasthttps://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/how-to-rebrand-a-podcastHave a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!Podcasting Q&A is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordan
Mo 05.09.2022
13 : 49 min
How to Get Big-Name Guests
Getting a big-name guest, whether it be a celebrity or industry expert, can seem impossible to an indie podcaster. Our guest, Angie Griffith, shares her top tips for landing the guest interview of your dreams!Thanks to Jenna Duddleston for the question! You can find her podcast, Bar Talk with Jenna, here: https://bleav.com/shows/bar-talk-with-jennaFIND ANGIE ONLINE:Follow and listen to Podfluencer Society at: https://www.podfluencersociety.com Connect with Angie online at: https://beacons.ai/theactualangie/socialmedia More Podcast Resources: https://podfluencerbrands.com Angie's "3 P's" for getting big-name guests on your show:1. PITCHING: Prepare a one-sheet or pitch deck for your podcast; find a direct representative of the celebrity; have a clear and informative subject line; say why this guest is important to you; describe what your podcast is about; tell them why they would be a good fit for your podcast; say what qualifies you to speak on the subject; give the invitation and what you intend to discu
Mo 29.08.2022
42 : 04 min
Top Must-Attend Podcast Conferences
Conferences are a great opportunity to learn new things, network with other podcasters and get inspired. In this episode, Arielle Nissenblatt joins Jordan to discuss the top podcast conferences to attend, no matter your location or budget!Thanks, Patricia, for the question! You can listen to her show, Preppy Podcast here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1004692Special thanks to our guest, Arielle Nissenblatt, for sharing her experiences and tips! Arielle is the founder of Earbuds Podcast Collective & Co-Host of Sounds Profitable. You can find Arielle on Twitter @arithisandthat and at https://www.ariellenissenblatt.com/📆 View the podcast event calendar from PodNews! https://pod.events/Conferences mentioned in this episode:Podcast MovementPodcast Movement EvolutionsBlk Pod FestivalOn Air FestOutlier Podcast FestivalPodfestPodfest OriginsShePodcasts PodthonRadiodays EuropeRadiodays AsiaRadio Days AfricaPodcast Show LondonAfrica Podcast FestivalHave a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzspr
Mo 15.08.2022
14 : 06 min
Best Free Podcasting Tools
In this episode, Ross asks "where can I get free music & what is the best editing software?" for a podcasting project. Thanks for your question, Ross!Guest Badr MilliganHost of The Short Box PodcastTwitter: @TheShortBoxJaxCheck out his podcast here: https://www.theshortboxpodcast.com/EDITING TIPSBuzzsprout Podcast Editing PlaylistEDITING SOFTWAREAudacityFree, open source audio editing software compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux & more!Audacity Help & How-to's: https://forum.audacityteam.org/GarageBandFree audio editing software compatible with macOS. Apple App store also has a mobile version. FREE MUSICBuzzsprout Podcast Music PlaylistYouTube Audio Libraryhttps://freemusicarchive.orghttps://pixabay.comhttps://incompetech.comFREE SOUND EFFECTShttps://freesound.org/ Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!Podcasting Q&A is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordanpods.
Mo 08.08.2022
11 : 01 min
The Pros & Cons of Episode Artwork
In this episode, Andrew asks, "what are the pros and cons of episodic artwork?"Thank you, Andrew, for your question! You can check out his podcast, The Family Histories Podcast here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1712992FIND ANGIE ONLINE:Follow and listen to Podfluencer Society at: https://www.podfluencersociety.com Connect with Angie online at: https://beacons.ai/theactualangie/socialmedia More Podcast Resources: https://podfluencerbrands.com Having episodic artwork is an easy way to add uniqueness to your podcast, but is it worth all the extra time and effort to create?PROSAdds uniqueness & elevated visualizationGuest feature makes them feel specialRe-use imagery for social promotionCONSCareful to not have guest feature make them appear as the host of the podcastDifficult to update if there is a mass change in your podcast (i.e. name, branding, network)Time consuming & potentially expensiveSmaller than main cover art in the feed Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be
Mo 01.08.2022
18 : 00 min
Support Mailbag: Directories
In this episode, Buzzsprout support team members Gilon & Priscilla join Jordan to answer some of the most asked questions about podcast directories! Questions answered in this episode:Does Buzzsprout submit my podcast to directories for me?What is required to get listed?How long does it take to get listed across all directories? Why am I not listed yet in a specific directory yet? What can I do? Once I am listed, how do new episodes show up? What do I do if a new episode isn't showing? Have a question?Record & submit your podcast question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!Podcasting Q&A is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordanpods.
Mo 25.07.2022
24 : 14 min
Ways to Boost Audience Engagement
In this episode, Mary asks, "do you have any tips for audience engagement?" Thank you, Mary, for your question! You can check out her podcast, Stop Drinking & Start Living here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/894589Guest Gill TietzHost of Sober Powered Podcast, where she uses science, psychology, and compassion to help you understand why you struggle to moderate, why it's so hard to quit drinking, and how to develop the coping skills you need to stay sober. Check out her podcast here: https://www.soberpowered.com/It can be tough to get your audience engaged and participating with your calls to action. Here are some quick tips to increase listener interaction!1. Be AccessibleMake sure that listeners know where and how to reach you (Facebook Group, Email, Discord, etc.). 2. Be SpecificTell your audience exactly what to contact you about. For example, instead of "Ask me anything!" try saying "What is something you've struggled with lately?" to generate more focused engagement. 3. Be Authentic Audience members don't
Mo 18.07.2022
13 : 06 min
How to Get Guests to Promote Your Podcast
In this episode, Kate Casey joins Jordan to share her strategies for getting celebs to promote their guest interviews on her podcast! Thank you, Marie, for your question! You can check out her podcast, Culture and Leadership Connections here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/202666Guest Kate CaseyHost of Reality Life with Kate Casey, where she interviews the directors, producers, and stars of unscripted television. Follow Kate and her podcast here: linktr.ee/KatecaseyTIPS FOR GUEST PROMOTION: 1. MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF GUEST MARKETINGBe mindful that guests are not a marketing team, and they might not share the interview at all! You can prepare the guest by asking them to please share the episode after it publishes, and make sure that the quality of the podcast is good to increase t. 2. COMPLIMENT THE GUEST TO BUILD TRUST & CONFIDENCEComplimenting starts when you pitch them to come on the show! Tell them after the interview what an amazing job they did and be specific about things they said that were meaningfu
Mo 11.07.2022
13 : 17 min
Pitching a Podcast Sponsor: How to Write a Winning Pitch Email
In this episode, we give tips on how to craft the perfect pitch email to grab the attention of a potential sponsor. TIPS FOR MAKING A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSIONDo your research: look into the brand to be sure they are a good fit & customize the pitch with information about the potential sponsorLook the part: use a pitch deck or one-pager to show you mean business! Check out our previous episode about how to make a pitch deck or one-pager here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/328913/10857825Be clear & confident: be concise, friendly, & confident in the way you write your emailCREATE AN EMAIL TEMPLATECreating a word document and saving it as a template to copy & paste into the body of an email will save lots of time!A pitch email should have three basic things: Podcast name and a brief descriptionWhy you think the sponsor would be a good fitLinks to the podcast website & socialsRemember, be personable and friendly!Things to avoid:Complaining about how hard it is to find sponsorshipsIncluding large attachments such as
Mo 04.07.2022
7 : 06 min
Pitching a Podcast Sponsor: Create a Pitch Deck or One Pager/Single Sheet
In this episode, we give tips on how to create a simple yet effective pitch deck or one-pager to send to potential sponsors. PITCH DECKHere are some sites that have pitch deck templates:https://www.beautiful.aihttps://www.canva.comhttps://slidebean.comhttps://www.google.com/slidesSlides to include in your pitch deck: TITLE: Podcast Artwork, Name, & TaglineABOUT: Short summary, podcast info & genre, mission, etc.AUDIENCE/STATS: Downloads, listener demographics, and/or podcast industry statsGet podcast industry stats from: Buzzsprout Global Stats (https://www.buzzsprout.com/global_stats), Edison Research (https://www.edisonresearch.com/podcast-research), or Podcast Insights (https://www.podcastinsights.com)PRICING: List cost per 1,000 downloads, bundle discounts, or just a flat-rate you feel comfortable with. TEAM/CONTACT INFO: Include people making the podcast happen, along with the podcast email, website, and socials.ONE PAGER/SINGLE SHEETUse a resume or newsletter template from any word processor to create
Mo 27.06.2022
4 : 45 min
How to Create an Effective Podcast Promo
Want to create a podcast promo but not sure where to even start? In this episode, Buzzsprout Head of Marketing, Alban Brooke, joins Jordan to give tips that are sure to make your promo shine!Things covered in this episode & links:WRITE A SCRIPTA podcast promo must be 12-40 seconds long, so be concise with information. 5 Things to Include:Podcast nameOne-sentence descriptionWho the podcast is forWhy they should listenCall to actionRECORDRecord in a sound-treated environmentUse a microphone Record multiple takes and versions (practice makes perfect!)EDIT & POLISHTips for editing vocals:Remove unwanted sounds or awkward pausesConsistent audio volume throughoutIf ad is too long, try speeding up vocals 1-5% to fit Sound effects and music:https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/free-music-for-podcastsNow that you've finished your podcast promo, you'll want to get it in front of as many podcasters as possible. Head over to buzzsprout.com/ads to buy your first ad and get your promo in front of the right audience.ALBAN'S T
Mo 20.06.2022
30 : 04 min
Using QR Codes for Podcast Promotion
In this episode, Claire asks how to make the most of the QR Code she purchased for her podcast. To listen to Claire's podcast, From the Horsebox, visit her website: https://fromthehorsebox.buzzsprout.com/Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!
Mo 13.06.2022
3 : 16 min
Why Podcast Transcripts are Important & How to Create One
In this episode, Joshua asks, "Exactly how important is transcribing?" Thanks for the question, Joshua! You can check out Joshua's podcast, 4th and Flex Fantasy Football Podcast here: https://4thandflexpodcast.buzzsprout.com/What podcast transcripts do:make your content more accessible to listeners who are hard of hearing.boost SEO so search engines like Google can find your content.can heighten listener engagement, andmake it easy for listeners to share quotes to social media.Human-Transcription Services:Rev ($1.25/min and 99% accuracy),GoTranscript ($0.86/min and 99%+ accuracy), orhiring a freelance transcriber from Upwork ($10-$100; accuracy varies).Automated Transcription Services: Otter.aiTemiRevSonix.aiDescriptScribieTrintDo-It-Yourself Transcription:For examples of transcript formatting, check out Buzzcast & Podcasting Q&A transcripts. https://pqa.buzzsprout.comhttps://buzzcast.buzzsprout.comBuzzsprout Blogs & Videos:How to Transcribe Your Podcast [2021]: https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/transcribe-y
Mo 06.06.2022
5 : 15 min
SEO for Podcasts
Buzzsprout Head of Marketing, Alban Brooke, joins this week's episode of Podcasting Q&A to give SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips and how to optimize your podcast's discoverability with easy SEO techniques. Thank you, Taylor for your question! You can check out Taylor's podcast, Eros Rising, at https://www.taylorjohnson.life/podcast/Links & Resources: PodNews: SEO data for Podcast Apps https://podnews.net/article/who-indexes-whatKeyword Tools:https://ahrefs.com/keyword-generatorhttps://keywordseverywhere.com/https://answerthepublic.com/Have a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!
Mi 25.05.2022
26 : 34 min
Creating a Private RSS Feed
Co-founder of Buzzsprout, Tom Rossi, joins this week's episode of Podcasting Q&A to explain how RSS Feeds work & different ways to create a Private RSS Feed. Thanks to Ryan for the question! You can check out Ryan's podcast, AntiArt Podcast at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1636159Links & Resources: 6 Best Ways to Create a Private PodcastHave a question?Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!
Mo 16.05.2022
10 : 41 min
How to Keep Your Podcast Interesting
In this episode of Podcasting Q&A, Jordan and Krystal answer a question from Mel about how to keep your podcast interesting.Special thanks to the Queen of Content, Krystal Proffitt, of the Proffitt Podcast and The Poddy Report for her amazing insight! You can also find her at www.krystalproffitt.com! Links & Resources: 75 Podcast Ideas and Topics to Explore in 202220 Unique Podcast Segment IdeasHow to Take a Break from Your PodcastPodcraft: Growing Your Audience by Running a Listener SurveyHave a question? Record & submit your question at podinbox.com/buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode!
Mo 09.05.2022
18 : 59 min
Creating the Perfect Visual Soundbite
Visual soundbites, or audiograms, are a great way to promote your podcast on social media. But sometimes, it can be hard to choose the right clip or artwork to share. In this episode of Podcasting Q&A, Jordan and Alban answer three questions from Charles, the host of JUMP...Success is Waiting!, about selecting what soundbites to share, what length they should be, and what kind of artwork works best for audiograms. Links & Resources: How to Create a Podcast AudiogramGet Free Images from UnsplashGet Free Images from PexelsHave a question? Upload your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 02.05.2022
17 : 37 min
Free Podcast Marketing Strategies that Work
You've spent all this time creating a podcast, but now you want to make sure your show is being listened to.In this episode of Podcasting Q&A, we discuss 5 ways to grow your podcast that don't cost money.Resources from the episode:How to get into every podcast directoryHow to Get Booked on PodcastsPodMatch.comHow to Grow Your Podcast by Using TikTokPodcast Marketing: 100 podcasters share tactics they used to grow their showsHow to Promote Your Podcast: 8 Simple StrategiesGrow Your Podcast By Advertising in Podcast AppsHave a question? Upload your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Di 26.04.2022
20 : 13 min
How to Find the Perfect Niche for your Podcast
Video: How to choose the right podcast categoryMany podcasters launch their show hoping to appeal to as many listeners as possible. However, when you try to appeal to everyone, you often end up appealing to no one in particular. So in today's episode, we're going to help you niche down so that you can get your podcast to connect to the right people.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 28.03.2022
3 : 25 min
How to Record a Podcast on Zoom (Best Settings)
Blog Post: How to Record a Podcast on Zoom [Best Settings for 2022] Video: How to Record a Podcast Remotely [The Ultimate Guide]In today's world nearly 40% of podcasters are recording their interviews using Zoom. The only problem is that Zoom's default settings don't provide the high-quality audio that will podcasters are looking for.So in this episode of Podcasting Q&A, we'll show you how to get the best audio quality from your Zoom recordings.
Mo 21.03.2022
4 : 19 min
How to measure success in podcasting
Video: How to get more podcast ratings and reviewsWhether you're in the beginning stages of your podcast journey or if you've been podcasting for some time now, you might wonder, "What's the best way to measure the success of my podcast?"Of course, success is defined differently for all of us. So in this episode, you'll learn some helpful metrics for gauging the success of your podcast.Links We Mentioned:Buzzsprout's Global StatsPatreon
Mo 14.03.2022
6 : 07 min
4 proven strategies to find podcast topic ideas
Video: How to make your podcast one-of-a-kind Whether you're just starting out or you're on your 50th episode, it can feel like a slog coming up with unique topics for your show. So in this episode, we'll cover four easy strategies for generating new podcast topics.Keyword Research Tools:Keywords EverywhereAnswer the Public
Mo 07.03.2022
2 : 48 min
Grow your podcast with Facebook
Blog Post: Facebook Podcasts UpdatesMarketing your podcast tends to be an afterthought if you are new to podcasting and if you're a seasoned podcaster it tends to be the chore of your passion project. However, marketing is an integral part of running a successful podcast and Social Media Marketing provides a crucial touch point with current listeners and gives you the opportunity to get in contact with new potential listeners to grow your audience.So in today's episode, you'll learn all the ways you can market your podcast on Facebook.
Mo 28.02.2022
4 : 58 min
How to find high-quality podcast guests
Video: How to land great podcast guestsHaving an occasional or rotating cast of guests is a great way of adding value to your podcast. A great guest can bring a fresh perspective, new information, and captivating stories for your listeners. And inviting a well-known or established guest on your podcast can help you grow your audience, especially if they share that episode of their audience. But before you can benefit from having great podcast guests, you need to know where to find them. So in this episode of Podcasting Q&A, you'll learn some of our favorite methods on how and where to find great guests for your podcast.Resources We Mentioned:Matchmaker.fmPodMatchRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 21.02.2022
3 : 47 min
How to get booked on podcasts
Video: How to Record a Podcast Remotely [The Ultimate Guide]Guide: Download Sarah's Podcast Pitch Email TemplateThe truth is your favorite interview podcast is always looking for their next great guest.So in this episode of Podcast Q&A, we'll break down what you need to do to get noticed and to land that next guest spot.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 14.02.2022
5 : 07 min
What is a podcast?
Have you ever tried to explain what a podcast is to a friend or family member?Here's a quick breakdown of how podcasting works and how you can easily find and listen to new shows.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 07.02.2022
2 : 25 min
Should YOU start a podcast?
Video: How to Start a Podcast: The Step-by-Step Guide [2022] To say podcasting is a growing or popular medium and hobby would be an understatement. Spotify alone claims have added more than 1.2 million new podcasts in 2021.You may be among that group of inspired and motivated future podcasters right at the cusp of starting your own show, and you just need that extra push. In this episode of Podcasting Q&A, you'll learn about four important factors to consider if on the fence about starting your first podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 31.01.2022
4 : 01 min
Create the Ultimate Podcast Guest Checklist
Video: Top 5 Podcast Interview QuestionsIt may seem like getting a guest on your podcast is really simple, right? Send an email and that's it.But the truth is, there are quite a few more steps if you want to seamlessly book your guest, have them have such a great time on your interview that they're excited to share your show, and follow up with them when the episode is actually published.So let's walk step by step through the ultimate podcast guest checklist.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 24.01.2022
4 : 38 min
Podcasting ABCs: Technical terms explained in plain English
Oftentimes, it's not until you begin the research portion of starting a podcast that you realize podcasting has its own language.What is an RSS feed? What is a directory? Why do I need a hosting site? No problem. We are going to go over those terms and more to make sure that you can knowledgeably start your podcast (and impress all of your friends).Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 17.01.2022
4 : 10 min
How to Monetize your Podcast without Ads or Affiliates
Felice from Action Packed Travel asks, "How can I monetize my podcast without doing ads or affiliate promotions?"Ads and affiliates are two popular ways to monetize your podcast, but that doesn't mean they are always the best strategy. Depending on how large your audience is and the payouts offered by the affiliates you choose, you might be better off trying something else.So in this episode, we'll share our three favorite ways to generate revenue from your podcast without running ads and affiliate links.Links from this episode:Big CartelPatreonBuzzsprout's Support Show LinkRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 10.01.2022
4 : 53 min
7x Tips to Avoid PODFADE in 2022
There's a lot of moving parts to a podcast, and it can be difficult to fit all of those tasks into your life. So in this episode, we're going to help you break through the overwhelm, so that you can create a show that lasts and overcome "podfade."Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 03.01.2022
5 : 30 min
How to Start a Podcast Network
For many podcasters, building a show successful enough to be acquired by a major podcast network is #goals... But if you're someone who likes to create your own opportunities, there's nothing stopping you from building your own podcast network and connecting with other creators in your space.So in this episode, we'll explain the decisions you'll need to think through to create a successful podcast network.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 27.12.2021
4 : 42 min
3x reasons Apple Podcasts won't approve your show (and how to fix it)
Apple Podcasts is one of the largest podcast directories in the world and accounts for millions of downloads every month, so it's important that your podcast is available on their directory. With that said one of the biggest obstacles and headaches a new podcaster can experience when first trying to get the show off the ground are delays and getting listed in Apple podcasts.So in this episode, we'll break down some of the most common causes of why you might be experiencing those delays and what you can do about it. Links from this episode:Podcasts ConnectSupport for Apple PodcastsRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 20.12.2021
3 : 53 min
7 ways to grow your podcast with Instagram Stories
Instagram is a great way to promote your podcast, and there are plenty of features you can utilize to create an engaged audience and build awareness for your show. So in this episode, we're going to look at some ways you can effectively promote your podcast using Instagram Stories.Links from this episode:Buzzsprout's Visual SoundbitesWavveHeadlinerRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 13.12.2021
4 : 09 min
How to set up an Instagram account for your podcast
If you've been podcasting for any amount of time, you already know that creating content is sometimes the least of what you do. Getting that amazing content in front of your audience and potential listeners is another big piece of what goes into podcasting and social media marketing can be a free, accessible way to do that. So on this episode, we are going to show you the key steps to setting up an Instagram account for your podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 06.12.2021
4 : 04 min
Top 3 Transcription Services for Podcasters
Transcripts are a word for word manuscript of your podcast, so creating transcripts from episodes of your podcast is a great idea if you're looking to increase your show's discoverability.So in today's episode, you'll learn about three of the best transcripts and services available to you.Transcription Services we recommend:Otter.aiRevHappy Scribe Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 29.11.2021
4 : 27 min
Facebook Podcasts: How it Works (and How To Get Listed)
For the past five months, you've all been asking the same questions (including some of the questions we've been asking ourselves) What is Facebook podcasts? How does it work? And how do I get listed? Well, Facebook just made some big changes. So in this episode, we're going to answer those questions and explain how to add your podcast to Facebook.Check out our Facebook Podcasts blog for updates on when the feature is available in your country.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 22.11.2021
4 : 20 min
Top 6 Ways to Promote a New Podcast
Dana asks, "What's the best way to promote a brand new podcast?"There are so many podcast marketing strategies out there, it's difficult to know which strategy will be most effective for your show (ESPECIALLY if you're launching a brand new podcast).So in this episode, we'll share six proven strategies that you can use to lay a solid foundation and start your show off with a bang.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 15.11.2021
4 : 53 min
When should you monetize your podcast?
When should you monetize your podcast? That's the million dollar question, or probably more appropriately the $1,000 question, and it's a question that we get a lot at Buzzsprout. So in this episode, we'll break down the benchmarks we recommend for independent podcasters before they start pursuing monetization.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 08.11.2021
4 : 27 min
How to get fresh ideas for your podcast
What are you supposed to do when you run out of ideas of things to talk about on your podcast?In this episode, Travis and Gilon will share their best tips and strategies so you never run out of ideas.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 01.11.2021
3 : 48 min
When is your podcast good enough to publish?
If you're about to start a podcast and have started putting the pieces in place (podcast name, artwork, first episode, etc.) you may be wondering..."When is it good enough to publish?"So in this episode, Travis shares some thoughts for when to hold back publishing your first episode and when you should go full-speed ahead.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 25.10.2021
4 : 12 min
Pros and Cons of Recording with a Live Audience
While most podcast episodes are recorded from home, the office, or over the internet, one fun way to change it up is to record in front of a live studio audience!So in this episode, Badr and Travis discuss the pros and cons of recording with a live audience and how to pull off a successful show.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 18.10.2021
6 : 34 min
3 Tips to Kick-Start Your Podcast
What should you do if you've been podcasting for a little while, and you realize that your audience just isn't growing anymore? No matter what you do, or how good the episodes are, you're not getting more listeners and more downloads for your podcast.In this episode, we're gonna talk about three things that you can do to break out of that plateau and keep growing your podcast.Software to survey your podcast listeners:Google FormsSurvey MonkeyRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 11.10.2021
5 : 04 min
Top 5 Podcast Interview Questions
When it comes to interviews, it can often feel like snagging the guests is the most intimidating part of the process. But once you got the guest, what do you do? How do you make the most of that moment with them? You ask quality questions.So in today's episode, we're going to give you five amazing questions to help you maximize the time that you have with your podcast guests.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 04.10.2021
5 : 44 min
Best Remote Podcast Recording Software
There are so many options out there for recording long-distance podcast interviews it can be difficult to know which one will best fit your needs.That's why in this week's episode of Podcasting Q&A, Gilon breaks down our top 3 remote recording software options and helps you decide which one you should go with.Software We Recommend:ZoomRiversideSquadcastRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 27.09.2021
4 : 03 min
How to Start a Podcast for Free
In this episode, we'll show you how to record, edit, and publish a brand new podcast using only free tools and software.Everything you need to get started:GarageBand (iOS) or Audacity (Windows, iOS) to edit your podcastCanva to design your podcast artworkFree places to find royalty free musicBuzzsprout to host your podcastDive deeper with these videos:How to Edit a Podcast in GarageBandHow to Edit a Podcast in AudacityPodcast Music: Everything you need to know!How to add intro and outro music to your podcastHow to Design Stunning Podcast Cover ArtRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 20.09.2021
5 : 58 min
How to ask for Listener Support (without sounding desperate)
Gez from Motivation Without the Hype asks, "How can you ask for listener support without sounding too desperate?"TL;DRWhether it's a one time donation, becoming a member of your Patreon community, or buying your merch, asking for listeners to give you money can feel weird. But the thing is, you'd be surprised at how much your listeners want to support you when given the opportunity.So in this episode, we'll share five tips to help you ask for listener support without sounding desperate. Links from this episode:Buzzsprout's Listener Support FeaturePatreonSupercastRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 13.09.2021
4 : 30 min
How to choose the right podcast category
Will from the Skeptic Metaphysician podcast asks, "How would you go about selecting the best category for your podcast?"TL;DRThe podcast category you choose for your show helps directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify index your podcast and make it easier to find for the listeners that will love it the most. But not all podcasts fit neatly into the categories that are available.So in this episode, we'll share several pointers to help you pick the best podcast category for your show.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 06.09.2021
4 : 17 min
How to measure podcast subscribers
Felice from the Action Packed Travel podcast asks, "Is there any way of finding out how many subscribers my podcast has?"TL;DRPodcast directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify have different ways of measuring subscribers. And, unfortunately, it's difficult to make sense of the data that available to podcast creators.So in this episode, you'll learn about a few different places where you can look at your data, why it's not always accurate, and a better way to measure audience growth and engagement using the advanced stats you get with Buzzsprout.Links from this episode:Learn more about Buzzsprout's Advanced Podcast StatsApple's Podcast Connect DashboardSpotify's Podcaster DashboardGoogle Podcasts ManagerRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 30.08.2021
3 : 36 min
How to Create an Email Newsletter for your Podcast
Brad from the Queer Writers of Crime podcast asks, "What is the purpose of having a newsletter for my podcast and what should I include in one?"TL;DRBuilding an email list allows you to maintain a direct connection with your audience without having to wrestle with any kind of social media algorithms.In this episode, Ona and Gilon discuss the real value of having an email newsletter, what you should include in one, and how to leverage your email list to grow your podcast and get more listeners.Links from this episode:Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on FacebookLearn more about MailChimpRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 23.08.2021
4 : 11 min
Grow your podcast with Instagram
Simone from the Memoirs From Abroad podcast asks, "How can I use Instagram to engage with my audience and get more listeners?"TL;DRInstagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, but how can podcasters use it to engage with their audience and find new listeners?In this episode, Ona and Travis discuss what's working right now on Instagram and how to create a comprehensive Instagram strategy.Links from this episode:InstazoodRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 16.08.2021
9 : 22 min
How to build an online community for your podcast
In Part 12 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to create an online community to connect with your listeners and promote your podcast.Listen to Krystal's show "The Proffitt Podcast" for more podcasting tips.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 09.08.2021
5 : 03 min
Podcast SEO - How to get more listeners in your sleep
In Part 11 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to use search engine optimization techniques to make your podcast more "findable" by your ideal listeners.Links from this episode:Keywords EverywhereKrystal's show "The Proffitt Podcast"Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 02.08.2021
6 : 09 min
How to Promote Your Podcast on Social Media
In Part 10 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to use social media as an effective podcast marketing strategy (and the beginner mistakes you should absolutely avoid!).Links from this episode:Check out the Major League Eventers FB GroupLearn more about Buzzsprout's Visual SoundbitesWavveHeadlinerRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 26.07.2021
5 : 55 min
Grow your podcast with ads in Overcast and Podcast Addict
In Part 09 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to promote your show to new podcast listeners with apps like Overcast and Podcast Addict.Links from this episode:Buzzsprout blog: Grow Your Podcast By Advertising in Podcast AppsBadr's Overcast and Podcast Addict case studyRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 19.07.2021
2 : 54 min
How to land coveted interviews on other podcasts
In Part 08 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to pitch yourself as a guest to other podcasters and gain exposure to more potential listeners.Resources from Gloria Chou:Download Gloria's "Proven Podcast Pitch Template" for FreeSmall Biz PR Pros Facebook GroupFollow Gloria on Instagram @gloriachouprRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 12.07.2021
5 : 59 min
3 tips to grow your audience with podcast guests
In Part 07 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to leverage guest interviews to grow your podcast audience and get more subscribers.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 05.07.2021
2 : 53 min
How to get more podcast ratings and reviews
In Part 06 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to build "social proof" by teaching your listeners to subscribe, rate, and review your show.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 28.06.2021
3 : 07 min
Podcast Marketing: Turn your podcast listeners into an army of promoters
In Episode 05 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to leverage "word of mouth" marketing to find new listeners.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 21.06.2021
3 : 19 min
Podcast Directories: Everything you need to know!
In Episode 04 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to maximize the size of your audience by submitting your show to the top podcast directories.Links from this episode:Create podcast artwork using Buzzsprout's Canva integrationCreate a new Apple IDSpotify submission tutorialRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 14.06.2021
8 : 37 min
Podcast Artwork: 7 Tips to Grab NEW Listeners with Your Cover Art
In Episode 03 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn the rules of podcast artwork design so that your podcast jumps off the screen and attracts new listeners.Watch Travis walk through the new Buzzsprout + Canva artwork integration.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 07.06.2021
5 : 16 min
8 Tips to Get Pro-Level Podcast Audio on a Budget
In Episode 02 of our Podcast Marketing Series, you'll learn how to create a show with stellar audio quality no matter what microphone you use.Links from this episode:SquadcastRiverside.fmRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 31.05.2021
4 : 24 min
How to make your podcast one-of-a-kind
In Episode 01 of our Podcast Marketing Series, discover the secret to making a podcast that's unlike anything your listeners have ever heard.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 24.05.2021
4 : 57 min
We're kicking off a fun new series on Monday!
Hear about the 12-part Podcast Marketing series we're doing here on the show starting this upcoming Monday.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Fr 21.05.2021
1 : 30 min
Podcast Sponsorships: How to create the perfect pitch
Jacqui from the Sew Mindful podcast asks, "What's the best approach for pitching potential sponsors?"TL;DRPutting together a thorough sponsorship proposal helps you make an amazing first impression with potential sponsors. So what makes a good first impression?In this episode, we're going to discuss the steps to putting together a solid proposal that potential sponsors simply cannot refuse.Learn more about Podcorn and how it can help you monetize your podcast with brand sponsorships.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 17.05.2021
6 : 31 min
How to design stunning Podcast Cover Art that stands out in Apple Podcasts
If you want your podcast to be successful, you need your podcast's artwork to truly stand out from the crowd. It's your listeners first impression when they discover your show, and sets the tone for what people can expect when they subscribe. So in this episode, you'll learn how to make your podcast artwork stands out and how to easily create stunning artwork inside of Buzzsprout if you're not a graphic designer.Learn more tips about how to make podcast artwork that stands out over on our blog.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 10.05.2021
7 : 59 min
When should you pivot your podcast's subject?
Greg from Substitute Teachers Lounge asks, "When is it a good idea to pivot the subject matter of your podcast?"TL;DRThere are several reasons you may consider changing the focus or subject of your podcast. Perhaps your topic was relevant for a certain period of time, you ran out of ideas of things to talk about, or your interests have shifted to something different.In this episode, we'll dig into several reasons why changing your podcast's subject can be a good idea and provide some guidelines for how to do it well.If your podcast pivot includes changing the name of your podcast, be sure to check out our episode on how to rebrand your podcast without losing any of your listeners.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 03.05.2021
3 : 40 min
Podcast Microphones: XLR or USB?
When you're shopping around for a new microphone for your podcast, you're going to find a variety of opinions about which one is the best for you.You'll have some people telling you that you really need to get a USB microphone like the Blue Yeti, while others say, if you really want to be serious about it, you should get an XLR microphone like the Rode PodMic.So in this episode, we're gonna break down the difference between USB microphones and XLR microphones and to help you decide which one is going to be the best decision for your podcast setup.Check out our review of the Samson Q2U and why we think it's the best microphone for new podcasters.Mixers/Interfaces that support multitrack recording:Scarlett 2i2Zoom PodTrak P4Zoom H6Rodecaster ProRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you
Mo 26.04.2021
5 : 14 min
How to name your podcast
When it comes to naming your podcast it can feel really overwhelming. On one hand you want to peak listener interest, and on the other you want to perfectly encapsulate what your show is about.So in this episode, we'll help you come up with the perfect name for your podcast.Thinking about rebranding your show? Check out this previous episode of Podcasting Q&A where we discussed the do's and don'ts of rebranding your podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 19.04.2021
3 : 44 min
Podcast Sponsorships: How much should you charge?
Mimi from Get High on Motivation asks, "How much should I charge for sponsorships?"TL;DRIf you're to get sponsors for your podcast, the first question is often "how much should I charge?" So in this episode, we'll break down how to price your ads when pitching potential sponsors.Learn more about Podcorn and how it can help you monetize your podcast with brand sponsorships.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 12.04.2021
4 : 07 min
How to take a break from your podcast
TL;DRWhether you've been podcasting for a long time or you're just getting started, you may come to a point where you consider taking a break from podcasting.So in this episode we'll share some tips and tricks that will give you peace of mind during your hiatus and tell you about a feature within Buzzsprout that lets you hit pause on your show.Ready to hit pause on your podcast for a little while? Learn more about Buzzsprout's Archive Plan.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 05.04.2021
3 : 02 min
Share Time-Sensitive Info with Dynamic Descriptions
Learn how two of Buzzsprout's newest features, Dynamic Descriptions and the Episode Selector, can take your dynamically inserted pre-rolls and post-rolls to a whole other level.Click here to learn more about Dynamic Content.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 29.03.2021
4 : 08 min
7 tips for conducting better podcast interviews
TL;DRWhen you have a great interview, it's going to sound like an effortless conversation. You're interested in what your guest has to say, your guest is interested in what you have to say, and everything just flows. So in this episode we'll share seven tips on how to conduct great podcast interviews and give your audience something worth listening to.Podcasts with great interviewers"Sway" with Kara Swisher"Creating a Brand" with Alex Sanfilippo"The School of Greatness" with Lewis Howes"The Jordan Harbinger Show"Having trouble finding quality guests for your podcast?Try PodMatch, a service which uses A.I. to painlessly match ideal podcast guests and hosts together to produce high quality interviews.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 22.03.2021
6 : 07 min
Podcast Music: Everything you need to know!
Ahmad asks, "Can you explain everything related to music and podcasting?"TL;DRMost podcasts incorporate music in some fashion, whether it's a cool intro for an interview show or an immerse audio drama.The most important thing is to find music that you can use on your podcast without getting sued.So in today's episode, we're going to explore some common myths around using copyrighted music and present some options for where you can find music that sounds amazing and is safe for your podcast.Where to find free musicPixabayYouTube Audio LibraryFree Music ArchiveWhere to find high-quality paid musicStock MusicSoundstripeCheck out our recent episode of Buzzcast to hear how you can use premium music from Soundstripe to create an audio masterpiece.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 15.03.2021
5 : 22 min
How to interview guests that aren't used to being recorded
Will from the Current Climate podcast asks, "What's the best way to interview guests that aren't used to being recorded?"TL;DRIf your guest isn't used to being recorded, their inexperience might play a big role in why they're a little hesitant or nervous being on your podcast. People can feel uneasy knowing that their every word or action is being recorded. So in this episode, we'll share several tips to help you put your guest at ease and record an amazing interview.Having trouble finding quality guests for your podcast?Try PodMatch, a service which uses A.I. to painlessly match ideal podcast guests and hosts together to produce high quality interviews.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 08.03.2021
4 : 11 min
How to promote a seasonal podcast
Nosa from the Culture Class Podcast asks, "How can I promote a seasonal podcast?"TL;DRIt may seem like promoting a seasonal podcast is wildly different (or even more difficult) than promoting a show that publishes episodes regularly.The good news is the best practices for marketing a weekly podcast can absolutely apply to seasonal podcasts, you just have to tweak them a little bit.So in this episode, we'll share six tips on how you can promote a seasonal podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser or Apple Podcasts to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 01.03.2021
4 : 43 min
Pay to promote your show in podcast apps
There aren't many digital advertising platforms that work for podcasters, mainly because strategies like Facebook Ads and Google AdWords aren't designed to measure how many subscribers you receive from a particular ad campaign.That's where third-party apps like Overcast, Podcast Addict, Castbox, and Pocket Casts come in!So in this episode, Travis and Badr will peel back the curtain and show you results from sponsored campaigns within Overcast and Podcast Addict so you can decide if it's a worthwhile investment for your podcast.Links from this episode:Overcast AdsPodcast Addict AdsRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 22.02.2021
10 : 13 min
Do you need to use a Guest Release Form for your podcast?
Paul from Are You Ready to Roll? asks, "How prudent should I be about getting guest release forms for my podcast?"TL;DRGuest release forms are one of those things that you'll hear a lot about in the podcasting industry, but you won't necessarily find a consensus answer regarding whether you need one or not.So in this episode, we'll share two perspectives and help you decide which one's going to be the best for your particular podcast. Gordon's Guest Release FormsPodcastRelease.comGuestRelease.com (for video podcasts)Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 15.02.2021
6 : 54 min
How to make your podcast stand out
Trevor from 1PDnD asks, "How do you stand out when there's quite a few podcasts in your category?"TL;DRIt is true that as podcasting has grown over the last several years, certain categories and certain types of shows have become more saturated. But that doesn't mean that there's no room for anything new or that you can't build a meaningful audience talking about something that you love.In this episode, you'll learn three ways to separate yourself from the pack so you can grow meaningful audience (even if you're podcasting in a crowded category).Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 08.02.2021
5 : 12 min
Five ways to promote a brand new podcast
Jack from Reading Caste with Jack asks, "How can I promote my brand new podcast?"TL;DRWhen you first launch a podcast, promotion is just as important as recording and releasing new podcast episodes. But which strategies work best when you're first getting started and don't have an online audience yet?So on this episode, we're going to discuss five strategies for promoting a brand new podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 01.02.2021
4 : 04 min
How to get the best results with Magic Mastering
Marisa from the Live Blissed Out podcast asks, "What adjustments should I make to my podcast episodes when using Magic Mastering?"TL;DRMagic Mastering is a new feature that we recently added in Buzzsprout that allows you to automatically mix and master your podcast episodes to improve your audio quality without adding a ton of extra work. But there are certainly some things that you still want to do when you're editing your podcast episode to get the best results.In today's episode, we'll explain how to get the best results with Buzzsprout's Magic Mastering tool.Learn more about Magic Mastering.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 25.01.2021
4 : 37 min
Should you create an LLC for your podcast?
Jared from the Remarkable People podcast asks, "When should create an LLC for your podcast?"TL;DRJust as a disclaimer, we are not legal or tax experts but we have formed a few LLCs in our time (so take our advice with a grain of salt). Filing an LLC for your podcast can allow you to "write off" podcast-related expenses, leading to a larger return come tax season. So why isn't it something we recommend for all podcasters?In today's episode, we'll walk through the pros and cons of creating a business for your podcast and help you decide if it's a good fit for your show.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 18.01.2021
6 : 13 min
Add Pre-Rolls and Post-Rolls with Dynamic Content
In today's special episode, we're breaking down Buzzsprout's newest feature - Dynamic Content.Leave a comment in the post pinned to the top of the Buzzsprout Podcast Community Facebook Group to let us know how we can make Dynamic Content even better.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 11.01.2021
6 : 32 min
How to repurpose old podcast episodes
Tim from the Thinking Nutrition podcast asks, "What's the best strategy for republishing old content??"TL;DRRepublishing or repurposing your old podcast content is an excellent way to highlight your best content, revisit old topics that are newly relevant, or simply take a short break without missing any publishing dates.In today's episode, you'll learn the right and wrong way to repurpose old podcast episodes so you can take that well-deserved break.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 04.01.2021
5 : 15 min
How important are podcast reviews?
Dr. Varsha from Women and Shakespeare asks, "How important are podcast reviews?"TL;DRPodcast reviews are one of the primary ways that you can hear from your listeners and learn just what they like about your show. They also serve as social proof for new listeners who might be interested in finding out just how good your podcast really is. So in today's episode, we'll discuss why podcast reviews are important, and how to encourage your listeners to leave a glowing five star review.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 28.12.2020
3 : 13 min
How to pull off a podcast collaboration
Ashley from Dear Food asks, "What tips do you have for collaborating with other podcasters?"TL;DRCollaborating with other podcasters is a fantastic way to grow your network of personal connections and grow your podcast's audience. But what's the best way to execute this strategy?In this episode, you'll learn what kinds of podcasts to collaborate with and three unique methods for pulling off a great podcast collaboration.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 21.12.2020
6 : 17 min
BONUS - How to Grow Your Podcast with Colin Gray
In this bonus episode, Buzzsprout's Head of Marketing, Alban Brooke, sits down with Colin Gray to discuss Colin's new book "Podcast Growth: How to Grow Your Audience."Grab the book at ThePodcastHost.com/PodcastGrowthBookConnect with Colin on Twitter @colinmcgray and @thepodcasthostRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mi 16.12.2020
38 : 49 min
How to land great podcast guests
Asett from Free Thought Revolution asks, "How do I find great guests to have on my podcast?"TL;DROne of the most important elements of a great interview podcast is landing great guests. But what's the best process for finding and pitching prospective guests to come on your show?In this episode, we'll explain how to identify good guests and the most effective way to pitch them to do an interview for your podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 14.12.2020
4 : 02 min
Maximize the usefulness of your podcast transcripts
David from the Remarkable People Podcast asks, "How do I maximize the usefulness of my podcast transcripts?"TL;DRPodcast transcripts are a fantastic way of improving your podcast's findability and providing a written version of your episodes for those who are hard of hearing. But there are also some other ways you can utilize and repurpose them as well.So in this episode, we'll explain all the ways you can repurpose your podcast transcripts to maximize their usefulness.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 07.12.2020
4 : 38 min
Update your podcast episode in Buzzsprout without losing your stats
Vincent from Raw moVement: Your Headhunting Guy asks, "Can you replace the audio file for episodes you've already published?"TL;DRIf you host your podcast with Buzzsprout, replacing your episode's audio file is super easy. And, best of all, you can keep your episode title, show notes, and stats in tact!In this episode, you'll learn how to easily replace an existing podcast episode's audio file and under what circumstances you should consider updating old episodes.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 30.11.2020
2 : 13 min
Three tricks to get great audio from your podcast guests
Andrea from the Italy: Inside Out podcast asks, "How do I get good audio from my guests when all they have is their laptop microphone?"TL;DRIt's very common to have podcast guests (especially long-distance podcast guests) that don't have any recording equipment or podcast experience. And while you don't expect their audio to sound like it was recorded in a sound studio, you don't want to it to sound like it was recorded in a cave either.In this episode, we'll share three tricks that you can use with your guests to get really good audio recordings.Our long distance software recommendations:SquadcastRiverside.fmRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 23.11.2020
5 : 47 min
How to add intro and outro music to your podcast
Alan from Discovering and Living the Best Version...of YOU! asks, "What's the best way to add intro and outro music to a podcast episode?"TL;DRCreating a high-quality podcast intro using some great music is an excellent way to introduce yourself and your podcast to new listeners and delight your loyal subscribers.In this episode, we’ll teach you how to add music to your podcast episodes and reveal some beginner mistakes you should avoid.Helpful blogs from BuzzsproutHow To Create a Podcast Intro Your Listeners Will Love7 Best Places to Get Free Music for Your PodcastRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 16.11.2020
3 : 18 min
Four beginner mistakes to avoid at all costs!
Jared from the All Things Connected podcast asks, "What are some classic beginner mistakes we should avoid?"TL;DRWhile every podcaster is bound to make mistakes from time to time, there are certainly some best practices and things to steer clear from for experience and beginner podcast hosts alike.In this episode, we'll share four things that every podcaster should do their best to avoid.Our long distance software recommendations:SquadcastRiverside.fmCheck out our "How to Start a Podcast" YouTube playlist to learn everything you need to know to launch and grow a successful podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 09.11.2020
4 : 24 min
How to use Patreon for your podcast
Jacob from Saft Podcast asks, "How should I use Patreon for my podcast?"TL;DRPatreon is a platform that allows your dedicated listeners to financially support your show in exchange for perks, exclusive episodes, and behind-the-scenes content.In this episode, share some best practices for using Patreon to support your podcast and talk about how to leverage your Patreon private RSS feed to serve up bonus content to your listeners.Helpful articles for getting started on Patreon:Start my creator page on PatreonWhich podcast apps will my custom audio RSS link work with?Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 02.11.2020
3 : 08 min
Get to know our newest PQA host
In this episode, you'll hear how our newest host, Badr Milligan, started his first podcast in a barn and why he's excited about becoming a contributor to Podcasting Q&A. Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode. Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Do 29.10.2020
3 : 40 min
The complete guide to podcast sponsorships
Jordan from the Dreamful podcast asks, "How do you find companies that want to sponsor your podcast?"TL;DRPodcast sponsorships and host-read ads are the two of the more popular strategies for monetizing your podcast, but it can difficult to land sponsors for your podcast unless your podcast is incredible popular or you happen to be a part of a podcast network.In this episode, you'll learn how to find, pitch, and secure sponsorships as an independent podcaster, no matter how many downloads you have.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 26.10.2020
10 : 22 min
How often should you publish new podcast episodes?
Kathryn from There She Goes: Solo Travel podcast asks, "How often should you publish new podcast episodes?"TL;DRThere are a few well-worn publishing frequencies that tend to work for podcasts. Some of the more popular ones are weekly, bi-weekly, daily, and seasonal release schedules.In this episode, we'll help you decide which publishing frequency is best for you and your podcast.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 19.10.2020
4 : 08 min
How to get a job in podcasting
Kerry-Ann from the Carry On Friends podcast asks, "How do you leverage your skills to get a full-time job in podcasting?"TL;DRThere are a number of ways that you can break into the podcasting industry. Some jobs require you to leverage one skill really well (like podcast editing for instance), while others give you an opportunity to produce a podcast from start to finish.In this episode, we'll break down the top seven ways to break into the podcasting industry on a part-time or full-time basis.Best Jobs in Podcasting:Podcast EditingGraphic DesignConsultingMarketing ServicesContent CreatorDone-For-You ServicesMedia CompaniesRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 12.10.2020
6 : 54 min
How to identify your podcast's niche
Harsha from the Two Cents on Thursday podcast asks, "How do you decide which niche to focus on for your podcast?"TL;DRRecording a podcast with multiple hosts is a lot of fun. You're able to lean on one another to create the content, and the fun banter and chemistry you get with close friends definitely increases the entertainment value.But there are some technical hurdles you have to deal with in a multi-person podcast recording that you don't if you were doing a solo podcast. So in this episode, we'll explain the best practices for recording multiple people.What can you talk about?One of the keys to podcast longevity is choosing a topic you both love to talk about and won't run of ideas for. If you're really into video games and can talk about that non-stop, make that the focus of your podcast.Once you've identified a topic you want to focus on, try to find an angle or sub-topic that isn't being served in the podcast community. If you're talking about video games, for example, perhaps you focus solely on Nin
Mo 05.10.2020
4 : 12 min
How to record multiple people at the same time
Jamie from the The Smash Quiz podcast asks, "What are the best practices for recording multiple hosts for a podcast?"TL;DRRecording a podcast with multiple hosts is a lot of fun. You're able to lean on one another to create the content, and the fun banter and chemistry you get with close friends definitely increases the entertainment value.But there are some technical hurdles you have to deal with in a multi-person podcast recording that you don't if you were doing a solo podcast. So in this episode, we'll explain the best practices for recording multiple people.Recording Tips2-Person RuleUse Non-Verbal CuesPodcast GearEvery person should have their own Dynamic XLR microphoneChoose an audio interface that supports multitrack recordingEditing TipsPut each person's recording on its own trackRemove silent portions to reduce microphone bleed/spillGear We RecommendSamson Q2UScarlett 2i2Scarlett 18i20Rodecaster ProZoom H6Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
Mo 28.09.2020
7 : 33 min
What are the benefits of podcast seasons?
Ethan from the The Young Perspective podcast asks, "What are the benefits of podcast seasons?"TL;DRPodcasting in seasons can make things a lot more manageable. It can relieve the pressure of constantly having to release new episodes and give you some breathing room to focus on make the best podcast possible.But with every strategy, there are some drawbacks. So in this episode, we'll lay out the pros and cons of organizing your podcast into seasons.Benefits to Seasons:Easier to produceYou get to take breaksTackle meatier subjectsDrawbacks to Seasons:More work up frontHarder to grow an audienceAt the end of the day, you should make the choice that works best for you and the kind of content you want to create.Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 21.09.2020
5 : 35 min
How Apple Podcasts Analytics help you understand your audience
Dan from the SkyPilot: Faith Quest podcast asks, "How are the Apple Podcasts analytics helpful?"TL;DRThrough Podcasts Connect, podcasters are able to access additional stats and data points that Apple doesn’t share with podcast hosts like Buzzsprout. And while more information is usually a good thing, it can take a keen eye to know what to look for.In this episode, we’ll explain why your Apple Podcasts stats look different in Podcasts Connect than they do in Buzzsprout and talk about three data points within Podcasts Connect that can help you get to know your audience on a deeper level.Why are my stats different in Apple than in Buzzsprout?In Podcasts Connect, Apple only shows you a portion of your podcast's stats from the Apple Podcasts app. For a download to appear in your analytics, it must meet two criteria:They listened on the current version of Apple PodcastsThey've given permission for Apple to receive their usage dataBeyond that, there's a 72 hour delay from when someone plays your podcast episode
Mo 14.09.2020
5 : 03 min
How to make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast
2020 has been a crazy year all around, but there's still time to take your podcast to the next level and make this your best year yet!The best thing you can do to accelerate your podcast's growth is sign up for the Podcast Movement Virtual Conference which is taking place at the end of October.Leave a comment under the YouTube version of Podcasting Q&A letting us know why you want to go to Podcast Movement Virtual for a chance to win a free ticket!It's 10 days of keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking to help take your podcast to the next level. And 9 separate tracks to help you focus on your podcast's biggest need at the moment.Podcast Movement Virtual Tracks:Creation TrackIndustry TrackMarketing TrackMonetization TrackSociety, Culture, and AdvocacyTechnical TrackAudio Fiction TrackBrand and Content MarketingInternal PodcastingRecord your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.Review Podcasting Q&A in Podchaser to let us know what you think of the show.
Mo 07.09.2020
4 : 09 min
How to make a great podcast trailer
Gillian from the Breaking Through Careers podcast asks, "Do you need a podcast trailer? And if so, what should you put in one?"TL;DRA podcast trailer helps you build anticipation for your new show or new season, while also allowing you to submit your podcast to all the major directories before you release episode one.This is important, because some directories (like Apple Podcasts) can take up to 2 weeks to approve new shows, and you want your podcast to be available everywhere when it's time to launch.So in this episode, you'll learn how to make a great podcast trailer that builds anticipation for your show's release.#1. Make it shortYour podcast trailer should be shorter than a full episode. And, honestly, it doesn't have to be much longer than 60 seconds. The idea is to tell your listeners what they need to know and give them a reason to subscribe to your podcast.#2. Things to includeName of your podcastWhat your show is aboutWho your podcast is for (and not for)A call-to-actionA call-to-action is the thin
Mo 31.08.2020
4 : 33 min
How to write podcast show notes
Kwame from the Negotiate Anything Podcast asks, "What is the value of show notes?"TL;DRGood show notes allow you to highlight important information for your podcast listeners, link to relevant information, and help your audience take action on the things you discuss.So in this episode, we'll discuss how to write good show notes for your podcast episodes.#1. Make them easy to readPeople tend to skim through podcast show notes, so make them easy to scan. Include bullet points and write in short paragraphs so that it's easier for your listeners to find what they're looking for.You can also organize your show notes into different sections. An example would be splitting them up into a summary of the episode, links to resources mentioned in the episode, and specific calls to action you want your listeners to take.#2. Don't write a bookWhen it comes to show notes, less is more. Include the main points, quick links to additional resources, and your calls to action, but don't write any more than you need to.#3. Create
Mo 24.08.2020
2 : 47 min
How to livestream a podcast recording
Krystal from The Proffitt Podcast asks, "To incorporate video, should I livestream my podcast recordings or use pre-recorded video instead?"TL;DRAdding a video strategy to your podcast is a great way to potentially double the amount of content you produce every week with just a little bit of planning and a couple of pieces of software.So in this episode, we'll cover the difference between live streaming and pre-recorded video and talk about several software options for live streaming to social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.Live stream if...You don't want to edit the videoYou're okay with a less-polished episodeYou want the flexibility of incorporating listener comments and questionsPre-record if...You want a more polished videoYou want to edit the video before you release itThe two live-streaming software solutions we recommend:Zoom.usStreamyardSpecial thanks to the podcasts that shared their video recordings for the YouTube version of this show!The Bearded CactusLead From The Inside Ou
Mo 17.08.2020
3 : 49 min
BONUS - 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started a Podcast
Enjoy this bonus podcast episode where we went back through the Podcasting Q&A and 5 Minute Mondays archives to find the top 10 things we wish we knew before starting a podcast.10 Tips (Check the Chapter Markers for time stamps)Focus on audio qualityPodcast introsIdeal podcast lengthGo on other podcastsGuest promotion tipsUse templatesFormat your show notesDo you need a website?Promoting on social mediaBatch your episodes
Do 13.08.2020
12 : 34 min
Podcast Marketing: How to promote your podcast on social media
Sharon from the All God's Women podcast asks, "How can use social media to introduce audiences to your podcast and encourage them to subscribe, download, and listen to it?"TL;DRSocial media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can help you find new podcast listeners and provide ways for your existing listeners to share new episodes with their friends.In this episode, we'll breakdown which podcast marketing strategies work best for social media and tell you what to include in your posts.#1. Start with one platformIt's tempting to try and promote your podcast everywhere, but doing that will only stress you out and make you feel overwhelmed. Instead, choose the platform that's the most popular with your current listeners and focus on that one.#2. Create teaser contentRather than uploading your entire podcast episode to social media, focus on creating teaser content that whets their appetite and encourages them to listen to the full episode in a podcast listening app.A good teaser post contai
Mo 10.08.2020
4 : 00 min
3x Tips to Streamline Your Podcast Editing Workflow
Al Pete from the Flowers For The Culture Podcast asks, "Are there any tricks or integrations I should use to decrease the amount of time it takes to edit my podcast?"TL;DRIt’s easy to spend hours upon hours refining and critiquing your podcast to make sure you deliver consistent, high-quality episodes to your audience. But if you’re looking to optimize your workflow and produce the same high-quality episodes in less time, there are some proven strategies you can implement.In this episode, we’ll cover the top 3 ways that you can streamline your podcast editing workflow#1. Use TemplatesTemplates allow you to reuse work you've done in the past so you don't have to keep repeating your work for every podcast episode. Some low-hanging fruit would be creating email templates for prepping your guests for interviews, starting with the previous episode project in your editing software and keeping your intro and outro segments saved, and copying your show notes from the last episode to get a head start.#2. Batch P
Mo 03.08.2020
6 : 39 min
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