Ray's Rants looking back to the 1960s 70s and 50s in the UK. The British music scene, Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones. The pubs and clubs, Watney's Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. Kids and schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts.
Midweek Message 205.
A new boss in the workplace, ruining everything! We've been to our first BBQ this summer, I've put up a new fence, Gary is out and about... Join me for a chat this Wednesday!
Mi 12.03.2025
11 : 08 min
Shops with no stock! Homemade pickles, chutney and jam, the weather...
Shops these days don't seem to have anything in stock! Stone the crows! Three weeks delivery and then the item is dented! Homemade pickles, chutney and jam, the weather... Join me for a good old moan about shops and stuff.
So 09.03.2025
22 : 17 min
Midweek Message 204.
Hello, I hope you're keeping well. Buying from shops... don't you hate it when they have nothing in stock? I'll be moaning about this and other stuff so do join me.
Mi 05.03.2025
11 : 04 min
Medical stuff and other bits and pieces.
Hello, it me again with a quick chat about medical stuff and other bits and pieces.
So 02.03.2025
19 : 09 min
Road Works, Tortoise, Amberley, Phones and more
Hello, it's me just popping in to see how you are. Here's a catch up on road works, Gary the tortoise, Amberley Museum, phones and more...
So 23.02.2025
30 : 35 min
Midweek Message 202.
Hello, I thought I'd pop in and see how you are. All good, I hope? We've had some sunshine so I've mown the lawn. Is that mown or mowed? Whatever!
Mi 19.02.2025
10 : 34 min
Midweek Message 203
Hello, I hope you're keeping well. I've just popped in to say hi and see how you are.
Mi 12.02.2025
10 : 05 min
A Message From Ray's Rants
Hi, as most of you know by now, I'm no longer recording regular podcast episodes. However, I will be publishing episodes now and then, when I get the time, so I won't be disappearing altogether. Family commitments have rather taken over at the moment.
So 02.02.2025
3 : 24 min
Midweek Message 200.
Another busy week! I thought retirement was supposed to be relaxing? Obviously not!
Mi 29.01.2025
5 : 42 min
Love Honour and Obey
Marriage vows, to love, honour and obey. Did you vow to love, honour and obey your husband when you married? What are your thoughts on doing as you’re told by your husband? Join me this Sunday for a good old rant.
So 26.01.2025
56 : 44 min
Midweek Message 199.
I ventured out of the house and into the woods for the first time this year! We had a lovely walk in the fresh air and weak winter sunshine.
Mi 22.01.2025
10 : 13 min
The Good Old Days
People often talk about the good old days, how they would love to go back to the good old days, including me! Is it because those days were better? Or is it because these days are worse? Does that make sense? The good old days were always particularly good, but these days seem particularly bad. Join me this Sunday for a good old rant.
So 19.01.2025
57 : 19 min
Midweek Message 198.
It's that time again! I hope you're keeping well. The sun is out here, the sky is blue, there's a gentle breeze... Happy days!
Mi 15.01.2025
10 : 57 min
Neighbours! Good ones, bad ones… are you a good neighbour?
I hear so many stories about bad neighbours. Are you a good neighbour? Do you pull fences down or grow huge hedges or park your car to block a driveway? Loud music and wild parties, gardens full of rubbish… In this episode, I’ll chat about neighbour, both good and bad. Please, join me this Sunday.
So 12.01.2025
59 : 34 min
Midweek Message 197.
Have you ever heard of a one-way street, which is two way for bicycles? What a crazy idea! I hope you're keeping warm in the Northern Hemisphere. It's zero degrees here! However, spring is getting a little closer with every passing day.
Mi 08.01.2025
11 : 04 min
What will the new year bring? The Weather, catching thieves and more.
New Year 2025. In this episode, I'll talk about the new year and what it might hold for us. I'll also be reminiscing about years gone by. The weather, catching thieves and lots of other stuff!
So 05.01.2025
58 : 24 min
Midweeek Message 196
Happy New Year! Let's hopoe that 2025 is better all round for the world.
Mi 01.01.2025
8 : 37 min
New Year 1951 to 2025 Christmas New Year Boxing Day Sales...
New Year 1951, when I was born, until now, 2025. In this episode, I ramble on about new years and Christmases of the past and today. Also, lots of other stuff!
So 29.12.2024
60 : 44 min
Midweek Messahe 195.
Merry Christmas! I hope you're all having a lovely day! Don't eat or drink too much... That includes me! Be good, be merry and enjoy yourselves!
Mi 25.12.2024
10 : 35 min
What will happen when there are no pubs left?
What will happen when there are no pubs left? Once, the pub was the heart of the community—a place where locals gathered, stories were shared, and news of the district was exchanged. It was more than just a place to drink; it was a social hub that connected people, strengthened relationships, and gave communities a sense of identity and belonging.
So 22.12.2024
58 : 56 min
What will happen when there are no pubs left?
What will happen when there are no pubs left? Once, the pub was the heart of the community—a place where locals gathered, stories were shared, and news of the district was exchanged. It was more than just a place to drink; it was a social hub that connected people, strengthened relationships, and gave communities a sense of identity and belonging.
Mi 18.12.2024
9 : 47 min
On Leaving School What Was Your First Job?
What was your first job after you left school? Did you stay in that job until your retirement? Please, join me this Sunday for a look back at work and school and girls and just about everything else back in the old days.
So 15.12.2024
57 : 25 min
Midweek Message 192.
When I was a boy, I wanted to be a steam engine driver. It was exciting, it was amazing... every boy wanted to be a train driver! What job did you want to do when you grew up? What job did you do? Let me know.
Mi 11.12.2024
10 : 52 min
The Winter of 1962/63.
Winter is here so let's talk about the dreadful winter of 62/63. I was twelve years old so I remember it well. Also, we'll have a moan about traffic jams, your favourite Christmas presents, storm Garragh, food and much more. Please, join me.
So 08.12.2024
58 : 44 min
Midweek Message 191.
Christmas eve in the old days. Over to the pub at lunch time, back to work after a few beers only to be sent home... wonderful! On Christmas day, shops were closed, pubs were closed... everywhere was closed! Happy days!
Mi 04.12.2024
10 : 18 min
Making Money Moonlighting Food Additives Christmas in the 1960s and 1970s.
How easy was it to make money back in the old days? We were a nation of shopkeepers. But we were also a nation of moonlighters. Many people worked on private jobs in their spare time. Also in this episode, brussel sprouts and Christmas trees, renting out part of your garden, food additives, hormones, pesticides… Join me for an hour of light relief, and moaning!
So 01.12.2024
60 : 35 min
Midweek Message 190.
I think we have too much in the way of technology. Mobiles phones, computers, iPads... The PC displays the blue screen of death! The TV said it has no connection, check your HDMI cable... It's all too much! Life used to be relaxed, peaceful, tranquil... Happy days!
Mi 27.11.2024
12 : 49 min
Mr Jobsworth, Firms Man, you can't do this, you can't do that...
You've heard of Mr Jobsworth. Oh, you can't do that, it's more that my job's worth to allow you to do that. Mr Firmsman... You've broken the company rules! I'll have to report you for doing that! Join me this Sunday for a chat and a laugh.
So 24.11.2024
49 : 02 min
Midweek Message 189.
In this Midweek Message, I talk about a village where the leader of parish council is a right jobsworth, a firm's man... or woman. You can't do this, you can't do that! Crikey, what a daft state of affairs!
Mi 20.11.2024
9 : 38 min
When I Was A Boy - PART TWO.
Shop rents, utopia, farmers, cuttings from plants, beer barrels, mail order... There's a lot to get through in this week's podcast episode. I hope you enjoy it!
So 17.11.2024
52 : 01 min
Midweek Message 188.
Playing in the street, grandchildren, fish and chips, pavement parking, old photos... Please, join me this Wednesday for a chat.
Mi 13.11.2024
11 : 57 min
Village LIfe, Shopkeepers, Grandparents, old Radio Plays.
Village Life, Shopkeepers, old Radio Plays... Do you remember The Navy Lark, Handcock's Half Hour, Steptoe and Son... Happy days on the radio! Also, I talk about grandparents playing a major part in children's lives. Join me for a good old chat!
So 10.11.2024
57 : 02 min
Midweek Message 187.
Hello and welcome to another Midweek Message. I hope you're keeping well. It's getting cooler here in Britain as we head towards winter. What's it like where you are?
Mi 06.11.2024
10 : 47 min
What do you do in your free time?
What do you do in your free time? Do you get any spare time? These days, it seems that everyone is so busy they rarely have time to sit down for five minutes. Retirement isn't at all what I'd thought it would be. Do this, so that, go here, go there... Please, join me this Sunday for a chat.
So 03.11.2024
50 : 07 min
Midweek Message 186.
Hi, I hope you're keeping well. It's mild here, 15C which is 59F. I've bought some coal for our open fire and sorted out the kindling wood, so we're ready to go. Are you ready for Halloween? We have a tub of sweets by the front door ready for the children should they pop round. Happy days!
Mi 30.10.2024
10 : 52 min
When perfume was called scent and petrol was 7/6d a gallon.
In days gone by, fish and chips were wrapped in newspaper, perfume was called scent, school kids got the cane, beer was 16 pence for a pint in my local pub... And, a few extracts from a little book written in 1878 about bringing up children. Please, join me this Sunday for a look back at the old days.
So 27.10.2024
49 : 27 min
Midweek Message 185.
We're getting through October. Winter is nearing! I hope you're keeping warm. The sun is out as I write this but it's pretty chilling outside. Child care, weddings, conker trees... I hope you enjoy this week's Midweek Message.
Mi 23.10.2024
9 : 43 min
Housewives 1950s 1960s. Were they slaves?
Housewives back in the old days were often no more than slaves chained to the kitchen sink! According to a book I've been reading, the man was the master of the house and his authority shouldn't be questioned! Crikey! Please, join me this Sunday.
So 20.10.2024
46 : 21 min
Midweek Message 184.
In this episode, architecture, the Isle of Wight and more... who remembers Disprin, the dissolvable aspirin tablets? They were prescribed for anything and everything back in the old days! Is it good to take several tablets every day? I don't think so.
Mi 16.10.2024
12 : 25 min
Good Things in the Good Old Days, and much more...
I love the good old days. You could get an appointment with the doctor. You didn't have to wait on the phone listening to Greensleeves for an hour. Travelling by car was a breeze. Please, join me this Sunday for a look back at the good old days.
So 13.10.2024
48 : 27 min
Midweek Message 183.
It's that time again. How are you? Keeping well, I hope. Adverts, changing times, excuses and reasons... Join me for a midweek chat.
Mi 09.10.2024
9 : 57 min
Inside British houses, my Isle of Wight trip and more…
This week, I’m looking inside British houses. Where is the bathroom situated? Is the kitchen at the back or the front of the house? Where is the lounge, the dining room, the bedrooms… I’ll also be talking about my Isle of Wight trip. Please, join me this Sunday.
So 06.10.2024
47 : 22 min
Midweek Massage 182.
I recorded this Midweek Message on Sunday 29/9/24 because I won't be here this Wednesday. I'll be having a great time, hopefully, on the Isle of Wight! You'll hear all about it next Sunday.
Mi 02.10.2024
12 : 07 min
Buildings, architecture, old houses, new houses and more...
Where have all the lovely old buildings gone? What happened to the old architecture? I’ve just driven past a new block of flats on the seafront. It looks like a prison block! Please, join me.
So 29.09.2024
51 : 37 min
Midweek Message 181.
Hello, how are you? Welcome to another Midweek Message. I hope you enjoy my 10 minute chat about new words replacing old words, farm animals, the weather and so much more.
Mi 25.09.2024
10 : 20 min
Kids Then and Now.
What did children do back in the 50s and 60s? Back then, it was a totally different world! I doubt that youngsters of today would be able to grasp the idea of life back then. Also in this episode, wireless and TV back in the old days, mobile phone these days and lots of other goodies. Please, join me.
So 22.09.2024
50 : 44 min
Midweek Message 180.
Autumn was lovely for kids back in the old days. They'd don their wellies and help dad in the garden. Sweeping up leave, poking the bonfire with a stick, baking potatoes in the embers... Happy days!
Mi 18.09.2024
11 : 16 min
The Waverley Paddle Steamer, Southampton Docks and more.
I'm not going to bore you with too much talk about the Waverley cruise but I will mention it. Also, Southampton Docks, steam engines, freight trains and more... Please, join me.
So 15.09.2024
48 : 32 min
Midweek Message 179.
It's getting colder. In fact, I've a good mind to light the coal fire! No, I must try to make the autumn last as long as I can. I hope you're keeping well. I have a quick story to tell in this Midweek Message. I know you like stories from the good old days.
Mi 11.09.2024
11 : 26 min
Stories From The Past, A Visit To Amberley Museum and more.
We visited Amberley Museum the other day. The sun was out and it was hot... just like summer! Also in this episode, stories from the past, old word we no longer use, scroungers and more...
So 08.09.2024
53 : 41 min
Midweek Message 178.
The naughty things that happened in my old school library! Old words we no longer use, let's bring some back into everyday usage. Homemade chutney and other goodies... Join me for a relaxing chat.
Mi 04.09.2024
11 : 34 min
The Weather
The good old British weather affects more than people's picnics and BBQs. Many businesses rely on decent weather, especially at weekends. In this episode, amongst other stuff, I have a good old chinwag about the weather.
So 01.09.2024
48 : 40 min
Midweek Message 177.
An English country village... the post office closes, the general store closes, the garage closes, there's no bus service, the red telephone box disappears, the pub closes... What! They can't close the pub! Join me for a good old moan!
Mi 28.08.2024
12 : 07 min
Things I Don't Like. Plus, stress and anxiety, processed food and more...
I don't like many things. Processed food, modern cars, noise, crowds, credit cards... Please join me this Sunday for a good old rant about the things I don't kike. And, of course, the few things I do like.
So 25.08.2024
50 : 58 min
Midweek Mdessage 176.
Did you go camping back in the old days? A ground sheet, a canvas tent that let the water through... Happy days. Or not! Old radios, old televisions... I've been collecting more junk! Join me for a chat.
Mi 21.08.2024
10 : 01 min
Quality Built by Craftsmen before the days of Chipboard, MDF & Plastic.
In this episode, I look back at the way furniture and other items were built by craftsmen. Sadly, the use of chipboard, MDF and plastic has replaced quality materials. Dovetail joints in furniture have been replaced by wood glue and staples. I also chat about cars, 1960s girls, music... Please, join me this Sunday.
So 18.08.2024
52 : 55 min
Midweek Message 175.
We've had some lovely weather... 23c - 73F at 7 o'clock in the morning! Excellent! Summer has arrived, albiet very late. I can feel an outside broadcast coming on if this weather holds. I hope you're keeping well. Happy days!
Mi 14.08.2024
10 : 47 min
A Typical Day In The 1960s. Off To Work!
In this episode, I recall a typical day back in the 1960s. There was a transistor radio in the kitchen but no morning television to watch during breakfast. Leaving the house, you only needed your car keys and your wallet and perhaps a packed lunch... no mobile phone, laptop or other electronic devices. Also, Chinese whispers, rumours, malicious lies and more! Please, join me this Sunday.
So 11.08.2024
49 : 55 min
Midweek Message 174.
It's that time again! How are you? Keeping well, I hope. This week I'm chatting about the old photos of me in the 1960s that have been lost over time. Such a shame! The weather... it's raining. My new Union flag and much more. Please, join me.
Mi 07.08.2024
10 : 17 min
Why are people so loud? The shops we loved and lost, and more...
In this episode, I'll ponder on why some people have such loud voices and laughter that can be heard over vast distances. They not only deafen everyone around them, but practically maim the inner ear... even at 30 yards! Also, the shops we loved and have lost. So many high street shops have gone, and we miss them! Foxes, hedgehogs, package holidays... Join me this Sunday for another good old-fashioned rant about anything and everything!
So 04.08.2024
50 : 25 min
Midweek Message 173.
Hello, I hope you're keeping well. Loud people, loud music... Yes, I'm off on another rant about my poor ears. In fact, next Sunday's episode will cover loud people, as well as lots of other stuff. If you've nothing to do then, pease, join me.
Mi 31.07.2024
10 : 08 min
English Villages, Sundays When The Shops Were Closed and more...
In this episode, I’ll be returning to a village where I once lived. Unfortunately, many villages have been absorbed by expanding towns, but a few have managed to escape the encroachment of the urban sprawl. Some haven’t yet been eaten up by the concrete monsters! I’ll also talk about Sundays, back in the day when the shops were closed and the roads were empty. Join me this Sunday for a chat.
So 28.07.2024
46 : 08 min
Midweek Message 172.
Later this week, I'm off to visit my old village. I'm sure there will have been many changes since I lived there almost 40 years ago. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday. It's nice to be home after my week away in Bognor. Have you had a holiday this year? Are you planning to go away? What's the weather doing where you are? It's been awful here! Still, I mustn’t grumble!
Mi 24.07.2024
10 : 07 min
Timeline Britain 1950s plus Bognor Butlins!
In this episode, I look back at the various events over the 50s 60s and 70s. In 1953, The first James Bond book, Casino Royale, was published. The Great Train Robbery of 1963. In 1961, the construction of the Berlin Wall begins. Plus, I’ll tell you all about my week at Bognor Butlin’s! Please, join me this Sunday.
So 21.07.2024
52 : 28 min
Midweek Message 171.
Welcome to another Midweek Message. Daft adverts, The Mysterons, the weather, post codes, zones and lots more stuff!
Mi 17.07.2024
9 : 44 min
Further Education, Technical College, Adult Classes in the 1960s
Back in the 60s, many people who had left school were keen to go back to college to learn a trade. Women wanted to learn secretarial skills such as typing and shorthand. Men could learn bricklaying, car mechanics or many other trades. It was a great way to become qualified. Please, join me this Sunday.
So 14.07.2024
48 : 27 min
Midweek Message 170.
The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is quite delightful... That's a Christmas song, and you'd think it was winter here. Rain, wind, cold... Stone the crows! No point in moaning about it, but I will!
Mi 10.07.2024
9 : 50 min
Trip to Pulborough Brooks.
In this episode, Tricia and I visit the RSPB reserve at Pulborough in West Sussex. Visit their website here. Also, what were pubs like back in the 1960s? Were they just boozers? Or, were they an integral part of the community? Plus, remembering the old record shops, hiding money beneath the mattress... Please, join me this Sunday.
So 07.07.2024
49 : 02 min
Midweek Message 169.
Do you remember recording music from Pick of the Pops on a Sunday evening? The old reel to reel tape recorder whirling away, recording your favourite tracks. More on nicknames, gardens, the doctor... and more!
Mi 03.07.2024
9 : 33 min
The Great Storm of 1987 plus What's In A Name?
Do you remember the great storm of 1987 here in the UK? What a shock it was! The National Grid sustained heavy damage, leaving thousands without power. It was astonishing that the weather reports failed to predict a storm of such magnitude.
Old names, new names, double-barrelled names—how many Christian names do you have? Are you known by your first name or your middle name? Do you have a nickname? Join me this Sunday as we explore the fascinating evolution of names over the centuries.
So 30.06.2024
49 : 37 min
Midweek Message 168.
This Sunday, I'll be chatting about people's names. Old names, new names, double-barrelled names… How many Christian names do you have? Also, I'll be recalling the events during the storm of 1987 here in Britain. Please, join me.
Mi 26.06.2024
10 : 34 min
Things We No Longer Have Or See In The UK.
Who remembers the iconic Hoovermatic Twintub washing machine? A staple in British homes during the 1960s, it was incredibly popular. And what about the Rolls Dishwasher that perched on the kitchen draining board? Join us this Sunday as we take a nostalgic journey through household and other items of the past that have since disappeared! Also, I’m chatting from Amberley Museum.
So 23.06.2024
49 : 09 min
Midweek Message 167.
Who remembers the iconic Hoovermatic Twintub washing machine? A staple in British homes during the 1960s, it was incredibly popular. And what about the Rolls Dishwasher that perched on the kitchen draining board? Join us this Sunday as we take a nostalgic journey through household and othetr items of the past that have since disappeared!
Mi 19.06.2024
9 : 58 min
Traditional English Food, Pubs, Shops...
What is traditional English food? Dishes like bubble and squeak, meat and two veg, toad in the hole, shepherd's pie and fish and chips come to mind. In this episode, Tricia chats about classic English meals, going all the way back to World War II. Not that we were around back then! Also in this episode, people opening their houses as shops in the old days. There were corner shops, of course, but also mid-terrace houses where people had converted their lounge into a shop. Join us this Sunday!
So 16.06.2024
50 : 27 min
Midweek Message 166.
Hi, I hope you're well. Traditional English meals, school dinners, chip shops, transistor radios back in the 1960s... Join me for a good old chat.
Mi 12.06.2024
9 : 53 min
School Holidays and other stuff.
Remember the joy of school holidays in the old days? Six glorious weeks of summer freedom! Imagine if we had mobile phones back in the 50s and 60s. How would we have reacted to social media? The days before computers, what did the banks do? What did the tax office do? Everything was written is huge books called ledgers. Imagine the work! Join me this Sunday as we take a nostalgic journey back to those golden, and sometimes not so golden, days.
So 09.06.2024
55 : 22 min
Ray's Roaming Rants - St Mary's Church, Sompting.
This Roaming Rant took me to St Mary's Church, Sompting, West Sussex. Built in the 11th or 12th century, the church is one of only a few on Britain with a Saxon tower. Please, join me for a look around the church.
Fr 07.06.2024
6 : 54 min
Midweek Message 165.
I've been to church! More on that later. Also, I have a sore throat, we had great weather on Sunday... Why address letters to, for example, Mrs Fred Smith? Is she a man? That's her husband's name, not hers! That was the way things were in the old days. Does that still happen?
Mi 05.06.2024
10 : 04 min
Live Your Life. Children in Pubs. Miserable People and more.
Live Your Life! Live and let live. In other words, let people get on with their lives and you get on with your life. Don't interfere with or poke your nose into other people's business. Punishing children. What are your thoughts on spanking kids? Also, kids in pubs. Should children be allowed into pubs? Please, join me this Sunday for a good old moan... I mean, chat.
So 02.06.2024
52 : 14 min
St Mary The Virgin Clapham Church West Sussex
Welcome to another of Ray's Roaming Rants. This time, I visit St Mary the Virgin Church at Clapham, West Sussex. The church, built in the 12th century, is in the woods. What better location for a lovely old building! I hope you enjoy this short episode.
Fr 31.05.2024
6 : 22 min
An Announcement!
Hi, I’m pleased to announce that my new website, raysrants.info, is now live! Check it out to explore a collection of photos and video clips from my recent travels. Many of you have been asking to see pictures from the various places I’ve visited so, I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve shared. I'll be adding more so do visit the page regularly.
Do 30.05.2024
1 : 45 min
Midweek Message 164.
It's raining again! Is the summer over? Crickey, I don't think it had even started. In this episode, the weather, falling in love with someone you should have, the Boy Scouts Bob-A-Job week... I hope you'll join me.
Mi 29.05.2024
9 : 38 min
History, London trolley buses, diesel engines, trams, trains...
History, whether global or personal, can be either boring or fascinating. In this episode, I discuss the mistakes we've made in our personal histories and whether we've learned from them. I also talk about the history of London trolley buses, trams, diesel engines, trains, the pipeline from the Isle of Wight to France, and much more. Join me for a chat which, hopefully, won’t be boring!
So 26.05.2024
47 : 18 min
Ray's Roaming Rants - Isle of Wight holiday May 2024.
This is the first of a new series, Ray’s Roaming Rants. We had a lovely time on the Isle of Wight. I made a few audio recordings of various places we visited during our stay which I hope you will find interesting.
Do 23.05.2024
16 : 01 min
Midweek Message 163.
I've been to the Isle of Wight. I won't bore you with the details but, in this Midweek message, I'll tell you a little about our holiday. Quarr Abby, Yarmouth Castle, the Solent, the weather... Please, join me for a quick chat.
Mi 22.05.2024
10 : 24 min
Steam trains, electric trains, diesel trains, getting married and more...
Steam trains, electric trains, diesel trains, getting married and... Getting married? What's that got to do with trains? I'll be in the Isle of Wight when you listen to this episode. Fingers crossed the weather is good!
So 19.05.2024
46 : 56 min
Midweek Message 162.
It's that time again. Welcome to another Midweek Message. Mods and Rockers, hippies... Who remembers the weekends in Brighton? Happy days! Did you have a scooter or a motorbike? Join me for a quick chat.
Mi 15.05.2024
9 : 48 min
Dinosaurs, Alfresco BBQs, Picnics, a story and more...
Dinosaurs roamed the Earth 66 million years ago! What's that got to do with the 1950s? Not a lot. Alfresco, BBQs, eating outside... that wasn't a thing back in the 1950s and 60s. But it's very popular these days. Join me this Sunday for a chat about anything and everything.
So 12.05.2024
54 : 43 min
Midweek Message 161.
Hello and welcome to yet another Midweek Message. The weather, cars, loud adverts, shouting and... I tell you a joke! Please, join me for a midweek chat.
Mi 08.05.2024
11 : 37 min
Stories From The 1960s and more...
In this episode, on this beautifully sunny weekend, I recall a few stories from the 1960s. PLUS! A recording of a well known DJ on a well known radio station in 1973! This snippet will bring memories flooding back for many of you. Those were magical radio days. Please, join me this Sunday.
So 05.05.2024
47 : 02 min
Midweek Message 159.
The summer has arrived! Probably only for a day or two... No, I mustn't be negative. The weather is beautiful. Holidays in Britain in the old days were great. The roads were clear, no potholes, driving was lovely... Did you go to Spain for your holidays back in the 70s? English fish and chips, English beer... You'd think we were back home!
Mi 01.05.2024
10 : 46 min
The Eternal Triangle, Lies, Deceit, Adultery, Infidelity, Carnaby Street, local shops, landline phones...
Adultery in the 1950s? Perish the thought! Did people lie and cheat on each other back in the old days? Two-timing, deceit, lies... Not in the good old days, surely? Join me this Sunday and we'll find out. Also in this episode, Carnaby Street in London, local shops, landline phones, sound effects and more!
So 28.04.2024
49 : 41 min
Midweek Message 158.
Clothes back in the 60s and 70s, strange characters, Lambretta scooters and more... Please, join me for this Wednesday's Midweek Message.
In the old days, there were loads of tradesman. There are tradesmen these days, of course. But how did they differ in the 50s and 60s? Join me this Sunday and we'll find out.
So 21.04.2024
53 : 50 min
Midweek Message 157.
Welcome to another Midweek Message. I've had a great deal of positive response about the Nurse Diane Interview so, I might try and set up more interviews. Thanks for all your emails, keep them coming. The weather here has turned colder... there's a surprise! But, we have a wall of heat of the way! Whatever that is!
Mi 17.04.2024
11 : 17 min
NHS Nursing. Chatting to Nurse Diane about the old days in the local hospital.
In this episode I welcome Diane, my sister-in-law, into the studio. She's a retired nurse and she chats about her days working in hospitals and a GP's surgery. The operating theatre, the wards, the matron, a nursing school, sticking needles in people, giving patients alcohol... Please, join me for a very interesting chat with Nurse Diane this coming Sunday.
So 14.04.2024
48 : 52 min
Midweek Message 156.
We've had an extremely high tide which caused floods in a nearby town. Where's the summer? In this Midweek Message I chat about the weather, as usual, hospitals, dentists and more. Please, join me.
Etiquette Morals Integrity Principles Respect Decency... Do such things exist these days? Would you give up your seat on a bus to a pregnant woman? Would you help an elderly lady cross the road? Please, join me for a chat this coming Sunday.
So 07.04.2024
51 : 41 min
Midweek Message 155.
It's that time again! Welcome to another Midweek Message. Idiots behind desks, youngsters shouting in the pub, people who show off and so much more...
Mi 03.04.2024
9 : 33 min
Some People Have All The Luck.
Some people have all the luck, some people have all the fun. Luck plays a big part in some people's lives. You have to be in the right place at the right time, but some people are elsewhere at some other time. Please, join me for a chat this coming Sunday about lucky and unlucky people.
So 31.03.2024
52 : 48 min
Midweek Message 154.
Summer flowers, pubs, tricycles, sourdough bread, coal fires... I have quite a selection of chat on this week's Midweek Message. Please, join me.
Mi 27.03.2024
10 : 31 min
Living Alone. Lonely, Selfish, Happy?
Living alone doesn't suit everyone. You get home after work and there's no one there, you wake up alone at the weekend, there's no one to share life with... However, some people wouldn't have it any other way. Was living alone in the 60s was any different from living alone today? Please, join me for a chat this coming Sunday.
So 24.03.2024
50 : 46 min
Midweek Message 153.
It's that time again! How are you? Keeping well, I hope? Do you remember when the shops were closed on Sundays? I do, it was lovely. Sunday was a family day. Picnics together, eating meals together, watching TV together... Happy days!
Mi 20.03.2024
10 : 27 min
Fashion, Clothes, Shoes, Hair 1950s 1960s 1970s.
Fashion has changed considerably over the years. Not only clothes but, hair. In the 60s, most of us lads had long hair. So did the girls. There was Twiggy’s side-parted pixie cut. The smooth short bob with bangs. For men there was the Afro, the long layered, the Boston and even the crew cut. Please, join me for a look back at fashion and hair over the years.
So 17.03.2024
55 : 45 min
Midweek Message 152.
More on managers and do we need them, the awaful weather in Briton and loads more stuff. Please, join me on this wet Wednesday for a good old chat.
Mi 13.03.2024
12 : 07 min
Managers, the boss, the foreman, do we need them?
This Sunday, I'll be talking about school teachers back in the day, managers... do we really need them? Swearing. Are you okay with people swearing? Please, join me for a chat.
So 10.03.2024
54 : 00 min
Midweek Message 151.
Potholes, rain, cold, dark... Apart from that, I'm doing fine. This Sunday, I'll be talking about school teachers back in the day, managers... do we need them, and other stuff. Please, join me for a chat.
Mi 06.03.2024
9 : 57 min
1950s Kids Exploring Discovering Learning...
Did you go exploring when you were a child? In the woods, down the beach, in the local park... I remember exploring all sorts of places and discovering amazing things. In this episode, I look back at the old days and, in particular, the time we discovered a man living in an air raid shelter in the woods!
So 03.03.2024
49 : 35 min
Midweek Message 150.
I've been conducting a little survey. How many of you like the seagull intro and how many don't like it? All will be revealed... at some stage. March is almost upon us, which is good news for us in the Northern Hemisphere.
Mi 28.02.2024
10 : 15 min
1950s Kids on a Wet and Rainy Half Term or Summer Holiday.
Hello, welcome to another Sunday podcast. In this episode, I chat about the things kids id during half term and summer holidays back in the 50s and 60s. Particularly on a dull and rainy day. Please, join me.
So 25.02.2024
50 : 22 min
Midweek Message 149.
Hello, how are you? In this episode, I talk about Sunday night being bath night. Do you remember that? Imagine only having one bath each week! Strewth! I also mention tomboys and, would you believe, a tomgirl. Please, join me. I'll look forward to your company.
Mi 21.02.2024
10 : 21 min
Tomboys, Tomgirls, 1960s Music, Vintage Cars and other stuff.
Did you know a Tomboy back in the old days? In this episode, I recall a mate of mine who, after a year, I discovered was a girl! I also chat about music in the 1960s, cars and shed-loads of other stuff. Please, join me this Sunday for a nice chat.
So 18.02.2024
57 : 36 min
Midweek Message 148.
It's raining again! I hope you're keeping well, and dry. In this episode I talk about old cars, the school dentist, the nit lady and lots more. Please, join me.
Mi 14.02.2024
12 : 03 min
The Dreadful Things We Did Back in the 1960s.
Did you do dreaful things in the past? In this esisode, I'll be looking at your emails and revealing some of the dreadful things you and I did in days gone by. Please, join me this Sunday for a nice chat over a beer... Or a cup of tea, if you prefer.
So 11.02.2024
60 : 02 min
Midweek Message 147.
I survived the music weekend! I am so pleased to be home, enjoying a nice chat with you. I hope you're keeping well. I had a nice walk and some fresh air this morning at the Wetlands Wildfowl Trust in Arundel this morning. The weather is gloomy and horrible but summer is on its way.
Mi 07.02.2024
11 : 04 min
The Unlikely Kleptomaniac. Or, The Thief In The Night.
The Unlikely Kleptomaniac. Or, The Thief In The Night. In this episode, I bang on about The Sompting Treacle Mines, air raid shelters, Maria from Brazil, Butlin's and loads more stuff. Please, join me this Sunday for a good old rabbit about times gone by.
So 04.02.2024
59 : 58 min
Midweek Message 146.
It's almost February! Summer is on the way! In this episode, I chat about meadows and wild flowers, grammatical genders, masculine and feminine, in languages, the weather... Please, join me for a good old heart-to-heart rabble.
Mi 31.01.2024
10 : 31 min
A Letter From England, The Story of Paula, and Terry Nappies and more.
Do you remember the Letter from America by Alistair Cooke on BBC Radio 4, which was originally the BBC Home Service? In this episode, I read my Letter from England. When I say read, I mean ramble. To be honest, I don't think I'd be any good at emulating Mr Cooke's letter. I also tell you the story of Paula, a homeless girl I met and helped. The dentist, Terry nappies and the clothes hourse... Please, join me this Sunday for a good old chat about times gone by.
So 28.01.2024
61 : 02 min
Midweek Message 145.
I've recorded a slightly longer Midweek Message for those who asked for more. I hope you enjoy it!
Mi 24.01.2024
10 : 25 min
Transport Back In Granddad's Time.
In this episode, I look back at transport over the decades. What transport did granddad have? A bicycle, a motor bike, a car... The milkman had a horse and cart! So did the coalman, the rag and bone man... Please, join me this Sunday for a good old ramble about the old days.
So 21.01.2024
57 : 55 min
Midweek Message 144.
We're half way through Janurary and the sun is shining in a blue sky! Join me for a midweek chatt about neighbour's fences, pubs and... yes, you've guessed, the weather!
Mi 17.01.2024
8 : 50 min
Looking Back Over Time
In this episode, I look back over the decades. What happened in the 1950s, the1960s and 70s? Food, fashion, cars, medicine... what developments were there? Please, join me this Sunday.
So 14.01.2024
57 : 27 min
Midweek Message 143.
After all the dreadful headlines threatening snow bombs, ice and Arctic weather, we've had snow! The temp today is 0C which is 32 Fahrenheit. Happy days!
Mi 10.01.2024
6 : 52 min
The Big Snow of 1947
I don't remember the Big Snow of 1947 but, by all accounts, it was horrendous! In this episode, I look back at that winter, and others, here in Briton. I also chat about freezing cold schools back in the day. Please, join me.
So 07.01.2024
49 : 01 min
Midweek Message 142.
Hello and happy new year! Let's hope it's a good one! I'm still losing weight, albeit slowly. The weather awful. But I'm looking forward to a great year.
Mi 03.01.2024
7 : 08 min
Happy New Year 2024!
2024! Happy New Year! What will this year bring? Happiness and health is what we all need. OK, and a little cash would come in useful. I hope you're all looking after yourselves and keeping well.
So 31.12.2023
53 : 41 min
Midweek Message 141.
Did you have a good Christmas? We now have the New Year to look forward to and... lighter evenings and the spring! Summer is on the way! Well, not quite yet. Happy days!
Mi 27.12.2023
6 : 34 min
Happy Christmas 2023
Happy Christmas to you all! I hope you have a good one! Join me for this Christmas Eve chat.
So 24.12.2023
55 : 30 min
Midweek Message 140.
Only 5 sleeps until Christmas day! I hope you're well and looking forward to the festivities. I also hope the weather improves here in Briton. Rain, wind, rain, wind... Struth!
Mi 20.12.2023
9 : 28 min
Neighbourhood Watch!
Neighbourhood Watch! An elderly lady keeping watch on the street discovers something terrible! Haha! Join me this Sunday for a good old moan and a chat.
So 17.12.2023
57 : 06 min
Midweek Message 139.
Hello and welcome to another Midweek Message. Dreadful weather here in the UK. Rain, wind, thunder and lightning... Struth! I hope you're keeping well and looking forward to Christmas. Only 12 sleeps, as our little grandson informed me this morning. Happy days!
Mi 13.12.2023
6 : 29 min
Memories From Long Ago.
What's your earliest memory? In this episode, I talk about some of your emails and your very early memories. Also, traffic jams, the weather, identical twins and loasd more stuff.
So 10.12.2023
58 : 30 min
Midweek Message 138.
It's 0 degrees Centigrade! Cripes, that's cold! This coming Sunday, I'll be talking about my earliest memories. Would you believe that I can remember my second birthday? Let me know what your earliest memories are, I'd love to hear from you. [email protected]
Winter! Weather Madness! Snow, Ice, Wind, Cold, Freeze, Blizzards... The winter is almost upon us and already the media are going mental. Arctic conditions to blast the UK. Winter snow bomb covering Briton next week! Sub-zero... blah, blah, blah! Goodness me, you'd think this was the north pole. Also, I bang on about rusty old cars and other non-related stuff. Please, join me.
So 03.12.2023
56 : 23 min
Midweek Message 137.
Gary the tortoise in now hibernating. I wish I was, it's getting colder! I hope you're keeping well. Got any ideas foe this Sunday's podcast? Let me know.
Mi 29.11.2023
7 : 03 min
Practical Jokers! And other stuff.
Practical jokers, we've all known a few in our time. In this episode, I chat about the jokers, bad drivers and other stuff.
So 26.11.2023
53 : 37 min
Midweek Message 136
Twin tub washing machines, red phone boxes, practical jokers... Join me for a quick delve into the past.
Mi 22.11.2023
8 : 11 min
Late For School, Again! And, The Big I Am.
Late for school, again! In this episode, I talk about your school experiences. Thanks for all your emails! I also chat about loads of other stuff such as The Big I Am. Do you know someone who reckons they're something they're not? It should be fun so, please join me.
So 19.11.2023
55 : 01 min
Midweek Message 135.
It's cold again this morning... but we are half way through November. I hope you're keeping well, and keeping warm. It will soon be spring! I hope you enjoy this Midweek Message.
Mi 15.11.2023
5 : 35 min
Young and Old
What's it like to be old? Youngsters have no idea what it's like to be getting on in years. In this episode, I tell them!
So 12.11.2023
50 : 34 min
Midweek Message 134.
Do you remember bonfires in the autumn? People would burn piles of leaves, filling the air with a wonderful fragrance. Happy days! That's another avenue of pleasure which has been cut off!
In this episode, I bang on about the terrible weather we've been having here in the UK. Also, school days, cars, and loads of other stuff. Please, join me!
So 05.11.2023
50 : 36 min
Midweek Message 133.
More about the weather. Stone the crows, we've had some rain! There's bound to be a hose pipe ban soon. It's Halloween! I hope you're enjoying yourself.
Mi 01.11.2023
7 : 30 min
Genetic memories, old cars, TV programs and ads, Happy days!
Do you remember pulling the choke out on your old car to start the engine? Did you have a heater in the garage to keep your engine warm during the winter nights? TV programs and adverts, Genetic memory... does it exist? Join me for another chat this Sunday.
So 29.10.2023
52 : 59 min
Midweek Message 132
Ducks and geese on the bus, do I like black pudding, North Wales... I've had some interesting emails this week. Join me for a chat... and a laugh!
Mi 25.10.2023
5 : 51 min
Public Transport. Oh, what fun!
Public Transport. Oh, what fun! Do you use public transport? Has your train been cancelled? Did your bus turn up? Join me for chat about the fun, and nightmares, of using public transport.
So 22.10.2023
52 : 21 min
Midweek Message 131.
Hello, and welcome to another Midweek Message. Thanks for all your emails about school, conkers, marbles, catapults... Happy days! The clocks change here in Britain at the end of this month. Winter is rearing its ugly head!
Mi 18.10.2023
6 : 51 min
Hello Autumn!
Autumn is here and winter is on the way. But this can be a lovely time of year. Tidy up the garden, cut the grass... It's not wise to cut the grass too short for the winter. Classic cars, acorns, conquers, wood piles, coal fires... Join me for a chat.
So 15.10.2023
52 : 39 min
Midweek Message 130.
A chilly start to the day but the forecast is good. Would you buy a new car? It's much cheaper to buy a decent classic car. No road tax, no MOT... and great fun. Conquer fights in the school playground, it's that time of year! But that's been banned... we are NOT allowed to have fun at school. Join me for a good old moan-off!
Mi 11.10.2023
7 : 42 min
Be confident in what you do. Don’t care what others think.
Do you worry about what people might be thinking about you? Are they looking at your clothes and judging you? Does it worry you? Join me for a chat about other people, the cost of living crisis and much more.
So 08.10.2023
51 : 54 min
Midweek Message 129.
Do telephones drive you around the bend? Press one... press two... Stone the crows! Have you tried to make an appointment with your doctor lately? Struth! It's almost impossible! What shall we moan about this coming Sunday? Any ideas? Let me know.
Mi 04.10.2023
7 : 21 min
Social Etiquette, Tales of the Unexpected, traffic jams...
Social Etiquette, pubs closing, Tales of the Unexpected, an employee lost in the system... Join me on Sunday for a good laugh and, possibly, a little moaning.
So 01.10.2023
53 : 23 min
Midweek Message 128.
The summer has returned! We had a great weekend in Hasting watching the Pink Floyd trible band. Great weather, great hotel, great food and, of course, excellent music! I hope you're keeping well and enjoying the lovely weather. This coming Sunday, I'll be chatting about etiquette, pubs closing down, the Isle of Wight, and much more...
Mi 27.09.2023
7 : 23 min
The War On Motorists. Twenty is Plenty.
Do you agree with the 20 MPH speed limit being introduced in Wales? Do you agree with ULEZ? In this episode, I'll be bangning on about motoring in the UK. Driving in the old days was fun but, now, it's a nightmare! I'll also be talking about that old saying... Don't compare yourself with others. Why do so many people have to look at others and comment on their clothes, their car, their house, their way of life... Mind your own business, that's what I say!
So 24.09.2023
51 : 16 min
Midweek Message 127.
People should mind their own business, speed limits, dog food, playing with fire... Just a few topics mentioned in this week's message.
Mi 20.09.2023
8 : 00 min
Live And Let Live
Live and let live. Wouldn't it be nice if people kept their noses out of other people's business? Mind your own business! That's a very old saying. These days, there are too many people who constantly look at other people, what they're doing, what they're eating, what they're thinking... Join me for an interesting look at life.
So 17.09.2023
55 : 00 min
Midweek Message 126.
What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian? According to Gail, not everyone knows the difference. How are you? What's the weather like where you are? Join me for another Midweek message.
Mi 13.09.2023
6 : 18 min
BackTo School
Back to school can be an expensive time buying school uniforms, new shoes, lunch boxes... The roads will be grid locked with school kids being dropped off in the mornings and picked up in the afternoons. When I was a boy, we walked 40 miles to school through snow and ice and freezing conditions... Well, that's not exactly true! Join me for another chat about school and other stuff.
So 10.09.2023
51 : 57 min
Midweek Message 125.
The summer has returned! Don't blink, you might miss it. I hope you're keeping well. It's a lovely time of year so I was up and about very early this morning. Join me for an early morning chat.
Mi 06.09.2023
7 : 28 min
The University Of Life - or - Education Outside School
The University Of Life... I studied there, I'm still studying there! We never stop learning, which is a good thing. In my case, I learned more outside school than I did in the classroom. In this episode I look at education outside school.
So 03.09.2023
53 : 01 min
Midweek Message 124.
A dreadful British summer, American cars, the dustmen... Welcome to yet another Midweek Message!
Mi 30.08.2023
5 : 34 min
They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To.
They Don't Make Them Like They Used To. Nothing is made properly these days. Things either don't fit, don't work, break down, need adjusting... Long gone are the days of good old British manufacturing. Please, join me this Sunday for a good old moan.
So 27.08.2023
48 : 58 min
Midweek Message 123.
Retirement was supposed to be relaxing but... I'm so busy that there's not enough time in the day to get things done! Stone the crows! Whether you're working or retired, I hope you're enjoying life.
Mi 23.08.2023
6 : 32 min
Big, Beautiful, Massive Old Houses. A Cashless Society, Colourful Clothes and more.
We had shed loads of very big houses in my town. Sadly, over the decades, most of them have been demolished and replaced by blocks of flats. People don't want huge houses these days. They're costly to heat and maintain but... They were beautiful properties. Please, join me this Sunday.
So 20.08.2023
55 : 30 min
Midweek Message 121.
Hello, welcome to another Midweek Message. This Sunday, I'll be banging on about big houses. In the old days, there were dozens of very large houses in and around town. Now, they've been replaced by blocks of flats. Join me for a good old moan!
Mi 16.08.2023
6 : 37 min
How Things Have Changed - Then and Now
In this episode, I chat about how things were in the old days and how they are now. How have things changed? How have relationships changes? Please, join me.
So 13.08.2023
56 : 00 min
Midweek Message 120.
Welcome to Midweek Message number 120. Animal and insect sounds, holiday disaster, weather report... I hope you enjoy this action packed message!
Mi 09.08.2023
6 : 44 min
Curtain Twitchers.
Curtain twitchers, people who hide behind curtains and spy on the outside world. Neighbours, people passing by, delivery drivers, the postman... They spy on everyone. Do you know of a curtain twitcher? There was one where I lived back in the old days. Join me this Sunday.
So 06.08.2023
48 : 14 min
Midweek Message 119.
Curtain twitchers, people who hide behind curtains and spy on the outside world. Neighbours, people passing by, delivery drivers, the postman... They spy on everyone. Do you know of a curtain twitcher? There was one where I lived back in the old days. I'll tell you the story on Sunday.
Mi 02.08.2023
4 : 56 min
The Worm That Turned.
The worm that turned is an old saying which is used to describe someone who is possibly downtrodden, bullied or bossed about and... One day, they've had enough and turn on their oppressor. This tale concerns a successful business man and his wife and... I'll reveal all on Sunday!
So 30.07.2023
55 : 21 min
Midweek Message 118.
Hi, I hope you're looking after yourself and keeping well. In this Midweek Message, I try out the new microphone. That's exciting, isn't it? No? Oh well, never mind. I shall see you all on Sunday with The Worm That Turned!
Mi 26.07.2023
5 : 31 min
Ray’s Rubbish Rant
Litter and rubbish everywhere! Why do people chuck their rubbish all over the place? On the beach, the countryside, in parks, out of car windows, in the street... Don't they care about their country? Don't they mind their streets looking like rubbish dumps? I'll see you on Sunday for a good old moan!
So 23.07.2023
38 : 29 min
Midweek Message 117.
Why do people drop litter in the streets and all over the countryside? I've seen people chuck rubbish out of their car windows as they're driving along the road. It's so easy to take rubbish home and pout it in the dustbin. Don't people care about their country anymore? I'll be ranting about this next Sunday. Please, join me if you can.
Mi 19.07.2023
5 : 04 min
Whats Good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
What's Good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Relationships... In this episode, I read some of your emails concerning your past relationship experiences... and some of mine! I'll also be banging on about stuff, of course, such as telephone boxes, song lyrics and... I'll see you on Sunday!
So 16.07.2023
47 : 52 min
Midweek Message 116.
Hello and welcome to yet another Midweek Message. This coming Sunday, I'll be talking about relationships, among many other things! I have a couple of stories to tell which you might find interesting. Do you have humorous or a strange story to tell about a relationship? If so, let me know and I'll mention it on Sunday.
Mi 12.07.2023
4 : 58 min
This isn’t about Etiquette and table manners. It’s about hot summer nights and other stuff.
This episode isn't really about etiquette and table manners. It was going to be but it changed. It's now about hot summer nights, hippies in the woods, thunder storms and loads of other stuff. I hope you enjoy it!
So 09.07.2023
48 : 37 min
Midweek Message 115.
I love the old days where the table was laid properly... a milk jug, a sugar bowl, a butter dish, serviettes in metal rings. Who remembers the picnic hamper? Bakelite cups and plates, sandwiches and Smiths crisps. I really do miss those happy days!
Mi 05.07.2023
5 : 49 min
Quiet Times.
Quiet Times. I've been asked whether things were noisy and loud back in the old days. TV Adverts were not as loud, restaurants were relatively quite... No, things weren't so loud and noisy back in the 50s and 60s. Join me this Sunday for a chat about noise.
So 02.07.2023
48 : 02 min
Midweek Message 114.
It's a lot cooler here in Britain, which is rather nice after the heatwave. Still no rain to speak of so the grass is going brown. There's the usual weather update on the podcast this week... because I know you're very interested in out weather!
Mi 28.06.2023
5 : 56 min
Almost Legal
We all did naughty things when we were kids. Some of us did naughty things when we were older! In this episode, I look back at things we did which were almost legal... and sometimes illegal. Please, join me for some fun.
So 25.06.2023
48 : 37 min
Midweek Message 113.
It's five o'clock Wednesday morning... and I'm up and about! It's also the 21st of June, the longest day of the summer. Join me at this early hour for a quick chat.
Mi 21.06.2023
6 : 26 min
Fun - then and now
Did we have more fun in the old days than we do now? A a child, I had great fun but, do the kids of today have fun? In this episode, I look back at having fun in the 50s and 60s.
So 18.06.2023
50 : 38 min
Midweek Message 112.
Weather reports, breaking news, seagulls, dustmen... Do you like the interruptions during my podcasts? It seems that most people do! Join me, if you will.
Mi 14.06.2023
7 : 05 min
Changing City Names & other stuff.
Why do people change the names of Cities? Apparently, Brighton City isn't Brighton City... It's now Brighton and Hove City. Join me for a rant and a moan this Sunday.
So 11.06.2023
49 : 25 min
Midweek Message 111.
This week, I'm moaning again about cars and traffic jams. I hate driving! But the summer is lovely... unless you're out on the roads, that is. I hope you're keeping well.
Mi 07.06.2023
5 : 15 min
The Nature Table, Scrap Books, School and other things from the past.
The Nature Table, Scrap Books, School and other things from the past. Did you have a nature table at school? Were you taught anything about nature? In this episode, I look back at a few things we did at school.
So 04.06.2023
47 : 47 min
Midweek Message 110.
Did teenage girls drive cars back in the 1960s? Did you have a nature table at school? These are just a couple of things I'll be chatting about this coming Sunday.
Mi 31.05.2023
5 : 13 min
This and That - a load of ranting!
We have potholes, the traffic jams are terrible, there's nowhere to park your car... Let's have a good old rant! But the summer is here!
So 28.05.2023
44 : 59 min
Midweek Message 109.
Public transport, busses, the railway... Is it good enough? I hope you're keeping well and enjoying outside happenings now that the summer has just arrived here in Briton.
Mi 24.05.2023
5 : 08 min
Road Rage
The roads are getting worse with more and more cars appearing every year. Traffic jams, road works, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, cycle lanes, pot holes... In this episode, I rant about the state of Britain's roads. Join me for a good old moan!
So 21.05.2023
45 : 17 min
Midweek Message 108.
Now I'm back from the Isle of Wight, the summer has arrived! The weather wasn't too bad on the island and we had a great week. How are you? Everything OK, I hope? Do you have any ideas for this coming Sunday's podcast? If so, let me know.
Mi 17.05.2023
5 : 17 min
The National Health Service and other chat and stuff
The NHS, that great British institution. But, does it work? All I hear on the news is how the national health service is in ruins and it's not fit for purpose. My experience of the health service has always been fantastic and I'm really proud that we have it. Please, join me for a chat.
So 14.05.2023
48 : 16 min
Midweek Message 107.
Hi, did you enjoy the King's Coronation? Or perhaps you don't agree with the monarchy and gave it a miss. Whatever you did, I hope you had a good weekend. It rained here most of the weekend, which is about normal. This Sunday,. I'll be banging on about the NHS so please join me if you can.
Mi 10.05.2023
5 : 02 min
Coronation chat and more.
I can't say a great deal about the King's Coronation because I recorded this episode before it happened. However, I will be talking about it next Sunday. In the meantime, cars parked on pavements, fish custard, vape smoking, and loads more.
So 07.05.2023
46 : 20 min
Midweek Message 106.
The summer has arrived! Well, almost. How are you? I'm doing well with lots of gardening and fresh air. Toothpaste... now, there's a subject. A friend of mine used to use Alax to clean his teeth. Hmm... interesting!
Mi 03.05.2023
5 : 48 min
Motor bike crash with a strange ending, and more stuff
A young man on his motor bike loses control on a bend. He crashes through the hedge and down an embankment. Alone and injured, he can't move. Will someone rescue him? Join me for this strange tale and other bits and pieces this Sunday.
So 30.04.2023
41 : 05 min
Midweek Message 105.
It's been the coldest April in 60 years! I can well believe that, it's freezing out there. Hopefully, we'll get some sort of summer before long. I hope you're keeping well... and keeping warm if you're in Britain!
Mi 26.04.2023
5 : 15 min
House Sitting, strange phenomena cars, burglary and other stuff... ...
Join me for another Sunday episode. House Sitting, strange phenomena cars, burglary and other stuff...
So 23.04.2023
54 : 06 min
Midweek Message104.
Hi, I hope you're well. Sun, rain, sun, rain... The weather doesn't know what to do! It can only get better... can't it? This Sunday, I'll be telling you about the time I looked after a house for friends while they were away on holiday.
Mi 19.04.2023
5 : 27 min
Life in the Village.
Life in the village wasn't always idyllic. We had a thief on the loose! In this episode, I chat about village life back in the old days. Please, join me.
So 16.04.2023
50 : 06 min
Midweek Mesaage 103.
We're expecting torrential rain and wind today but... I really don't think it's going to happen. The sky is blue, the sun is shinning... Enough of that. How are you? Keeping well, I hope. I hope the sun is shinning on you.
Mi 12.04.2023
6 : 10 min
Punishing Kids
When I think back to 50s and 60s, getting the cane at school was normal. A spanking from mum or dad was part of growing up. In this episode, I look back and those days and compare them to the way things are now. I'll also be talking about a load of other stuff so, please, join me.
So 09.04.2023
46 : 30 min
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