Join Bea & Dee weekly as they dumpster dive into all their favorite cringey reality shows & characters!
231: Sister Wives Rewind - Odd Wife Out (S6 E4)
Every wife gets the keys to their homes in the cul-de-sac except for Meri, who couldn't help but make last minute changes in search of perfection. Cry harder, Meri! You did this to yourself! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 12.03.2025
47 : 51 min
230: Raccoons Sound Off! Has Robyn Been Stealing This Whole Time?
Bea and Dee take your Sister Wives calls & opinions! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 07.03.2025
32 : 27 min
229: Sister Wives Rewind - Big Boy Panties (S6 E3)
The eldest Brown kids are off to college, the cul-de-sac homes are still under construction, and Robyn drags the family to another expo to promote My Sisterwife's Closet and...spoiler! It's another failure, and we love to see it! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 06.03.2025
46 : 02 min
228: Raccoons Sound Off! Kody Brown Better Put That Beer Belly Away
Bea and Dee take your calls!Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 28.02.2025
28 : 23 min
227: Sister Wives Rewind - Four Lives of Kody's Wives (S6 E2)
This week we take the journey into the Four Lives of Kody's Wives... Robyn is the obvious favorite and the only one who gets to go on dates, Janelle is effectively a single mom parenting her emotional teens, Christine is the perpetual basement wife and #TeamTooMuch, and Meri is pretending like her marriage with Kody isn't doomed. Oh, and apparently, Meri, Kody and Robyn are the reason the cul-de-sac homes are delayed. Things are getting juicy, y'all! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 26.02.2025
50 : 41 min
226: Raccoons Sound Off! Robyn's Out Of Control Spending Problem
Bea and Dee take your unhinged dumpster calls!Join our Patreon for more cringey content! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 21.02.2025
44 : 39 min
225: Sister Wives Recap - Robyn's Dumb Business Idea Fails at Expo (S6 E1)
We are traveling back in time to Season 6 where the family is still living in Vegas rentals, Meri still can't decide if she wants to have another baby, and Robyn forces the family to launch My Sisterwife's Closet. This, to the surprise of no one, is a complete f*cking failure, and we are here for it, Raccoons! This is the kind of trashy TV we love! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 19.02.2025
48 : 38 min
224: Raccoons Sound Off! Nobody Cares About Aurora's Baptism
Bea and Dee take your calls!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 07.02.2025
32 : 57 min
223: Sister Wives Recap - For Everything There Is a Season (S19 E20)
It's the midseason finale and Janelle is moving to North Carolina, leaving Kody's balding a** behind. Robyn petitions Aurora to concoct a fake (and very boring) baptismal storyline to keep the $$ flowing, Meri is closing down the haunted B&B, and Christine is still madly in love with David. Season 19 is now on hiatus until "the spring," leaving us eagerly awaiting the return of F*CKIN' SUKANYA KRISHNAN for the Tell-All's.... Ugh. Why does TLC hate us so much?! We will be taking next week off from the general pod, because if The Browns can do it, so can we! We WILL be returning February 12th to dive back into Sister Wives Rewinds until Season 19 comes back, so stay tuned!! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe:
Mi 05.02.2025
62 : 32 min
222: Raccoons Sound Off! Kody Buys His Own Plot & The Browns Avoid Big Issues
Bea and Dee take more of your calls!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 31.01.2025
39 : 24 min
221: Sister Wives Recap - Behold I Come Like a Thief (S19 E19)
Janelle and Meri have finally lawyered up, Christine continues to bore us with her latest AirBnb venture, Kody and Robyn go to Coyote Pass to paint picnic tables and somehow, we are still not at the season finale! What is going on, TLC?! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 29.01.2025
44 : 55 min
220: Raccoons Sound Off! Is Robyn Kody's Dream Girl?
We take more calls from dumpsters around the world, one of which elated us!! You won't want to miss this one! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 24.01.2025
39 : 14 min
219: Sister Wives Recap - Money Is The Root Of All Evil (S19 E18)
Jen and Meri talk about Coyote Pass and Meri's dating life, Janelle buys a flower farm, Christine buys an Air B&B, and Kody trauma dumps on an unsuspecting realtor. This episode was full of juicy information! Now this is what we want, TLC! Keep it up! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 22.01.2025
50 : 43 min
218: Raccoons Sound Off! Kody and Robyn's Lies, Garrison's Will, and Christine's Fake Tears
Bea and Dee take your calls!Follow us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much
Fr 17.01.2025
33 : 44 min
217: Sister Wives Recap - Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind (S19 E17)
This week's episode was infuriating. Really, TLC? You're gonna show us the footage from Christine's wedding special AGAIN?! This settles it. TLC hates their fanbase. But are we going to stop watching? Of course not! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 15.01.2025
41 : 48 min
216: Sister Wives Recap - A Time to Weep, A Time to Laugh (S19 E16)
Robyn falls off a 4-wheeler and almost has to be life flighted out of Coyote Pass, Kody continues to rewrite history and blame everyone else for it, Meri cuts up her anniversary quilt at Kody (and Robyn's) behest, and we get to see the same footage of Christine's wedding... AGAIN! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 08.01.2025
73 : 17 min
215: Raccoons Sound Off! Is Robyn Evil or Stupid, David & Mykelti Twinning + a Mystery Caller...
More Raccoons from dumpsters around the globe call in to POP OFF about all things Sister Wives... and fat cats. Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Bea and Dee watch the latest episode of Sister Wives and scream into the void about Robyn and Kody's continuous lying, David and Christine's continuous engagement, and Meri's continuous failure to #WorthyUp.Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 01.01.2025
50 : 20 min
213: Raccoons Sound Off! Christine's Boob Job, Robyn's Girls, How The AUB Affected Meri, and More!
Bea and Dee dive into the latest bunch of awesome calls from the raccoons!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 20.12.2024
48 : 46 min
212: Sister Wives Recap - The Truth Will Set You Free (S19 E14)
Kody and Robyn go on a dumb date in the attic of Josephine's Bistro, Christine spills taco sauce on her white dress at her engagement party, and Meri has her friends trash talk Kody and Robyn for her because she's too scared to do it herself. Some interesting things were said this week, but man can we cut it out with all the filler? Damn! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 18.12.2024
48 : 53 min
211: Raccoons Sound Off! Kody on Steroids, Meri Being a Snitch and David's Real Motivation
We had so many of you Raccoons ready to POP OFF about the Brown Family! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 13.12.2024
48 : 11 min
210: Sister Wives - Give Up The Ghost (S19 E3)
Meri takes her weird friends to La Caille to have some interesting conversations about Kody, Robyn and polygamy, Christine tries on a million (very ugly) wedding dresses, Robyn and her dour daughters have a fake conversation about finding a Church, and Christine tries wedding cakes. Can we get some new footage already or do we have to keep seeing the same old wedding photos over and over again?! We're going crazy!!!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 11.12.2024
50 : 46 min
209: Raccoons Sound Off on TLC's Awful Production, Christine & David Fatigue and Meri the Bully
Bea and Dee host a safe raccoon space for off-gassing, raging into the void, and endless Kody Brown trash talk.Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 28.11.2024
40 : 32 min
208: Sister Wives Recap - The Eleventh Hour (S19 E11)
Kody and NATE help Meri move to Parowan while Robyn pretends to be heartbroken, Janelle finally meets Christine's fiancé David, and Kody has a moment of remorse (for the cameras) over the breakup of his family. Are his tears real or are they just for show, like Robyn's? Well, let's talk about it, Raccoons! Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 27.11.2024
68 : 14 min
207: Raccoons Sound Off On Sister Wives!
Bea and Dee talk about Meri's new Worthy Up Instagram ad before taking calls from raccoons all around the world!Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 22.11.2024
54 : 10 min
206: Sister Wives - A Man After My Own Heart (S19 E10)
Christine and Sexy Grandpa David babysit Tony and Mykelti's kids, Meri and her friends paint the haunted B&B, Ysabel has a heart to heart with Christine and Robyn + Kody learn that Meri is finally leaving Flagstaff (as if they give a sh*t)...Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 20.11.2024
66 : 10 min
205: Sister Wives - Baptism By Fire (S19 E9)
Janelle meets with Meri to talk about their Coyote Pass assets, Kody shovels snow with his real family, Christine and David are house-hunting, and Kody + Robyn meet David. Oh, and Gwendolyn and Bea are engaged, but no one (not even the parents) seems to care. Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 13.11.2024
70 : 59 min
204: Raccoons Sound Off: Kody Sells McMansion, Christine Stuck In Time, Robyn's O-Face
Bea and Dee take calls from Raccoons all over the world, ready to pop OFF on Kody and Robyn Brown.Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 07.11.2024
32 : 15 min
203: Sister Wives - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (S19 E8)
Christine continues to open-mouth kiss David in front of her kids (please stop), Meri's friends renovate her carriage house and she cries, and Janelle has lunch with Kody in which she promptly tells him they will never, ever get back together. We love to see it! Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 06.11.2024
45 : 25 min
202: Sister Wives - Labor of Love (S19 E7)
Kody shows up to "help" Meri move to Parowan, Utah with his BFF Nate and Meri's sister Rebecca. Not a lot discussed here other than Kody recounting his trauma over Sonny and Cher's divorce, Meri bringing up the catfish (barely), and Nate smugly judging Meri for her divorce. Later, Bea and Dee are forced to watch Christine and David suck each other's faces for the remainder of the episode as they pick their wedding venue. Gross! At least they're happy, though... Episode recap begins approximately 30:00 - 33:00Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 30.10.2024
70 : 31 min
201: Zac & Dakota Are The WORST - Secret Lives of Mormon Season Finale (S1 E7-8)
Bea and Dee wrap up the first season of Secret Lives of Mormon Wives by penis-shaming all the misogynists and begging the young women of Momtok to value themselves and dump those entitled gambling fentanyl-addicted losers! Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 25.10.2024
27 : 19 min
200: Sister Wives - He Delivered Me From All My Fears (S19 E6)
We can't decide who is the most cringe this week... Too Many Tacos Tony and Mykelti inserting themselves into every single conversation, Kody's delusional narcissistic ramblings and constant jabs at Meri, or Christine's infatuation with David and incessant lip biting... Please, make it stop! But actually, please don't - we can't help but love all the trashy cringe!Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 23.10.2024
52 : 01 min
199: The Audacity of Mediocre Men - Secret Lives of Mormon Wives (S1 E5-6)
More gross Mormon men for the win! Join Bea and Dee as they dissect episodes 5 and 6, discussing the necessity of vulva painting, divorce parties, and girls' trips which include insecure little men.Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 18.10.2024
29 : 57 min
198: Sister Wives - The Year of Release (S19 E5)
Another week, another infuriating episode! Kody and Robyn continue to lie (very poorly), Janelle and Gabe have an insightful conversation about the breakup of their family, Christine continues to talk about David (and nobody cares), and Mykelti flashes us all her placenta... EW! But will all this stop us from watching? Absolutely not! Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 16.10.2024
59 : 55 min
197: Welcome to Plathville Finale / Secret Lives of Mormon Wives (S1 E4)
Bea and Dee wrap up the sixth season of Plathville with much raging into the void before moving on to Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, which is getting more and more lit by the week.Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 11.10.2024
46 : 19 min
196: Sister Wives - How The Mighty Have Fallen (S19 E4)
This fight was totally produced! The snowy driveway had already been plowed, Robyn knew exactly what to say to make herself look good, TLC didn't film the beginning of their fight... we could go on and on! TLC really thinks we're dumb, but we are Forensic Raccoons! We can see the f*ckery!Get bonus cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 09.10.2024
52 : 39 min
195: The Fruity Pebbles Escandalo: Secret Lives of Mormon Wives (S1 E3) + Welcome to Plathville (S6 E11)
MomTok's impeccable reputation is in trouble (according to Whitney and her gay husband), Jen is married to a translucent Gary Busey clone, and we will never look at Fruity Pebbles the same way...ever again. Later, we recap another BORING episode of Welcome to Plathville, with Olivia and her dumb boyfriend and Kim's mini skirts... UGH! Is this season over already?! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 04.10.2024
58 : 32 min
194: Sister Wives - Am I My Brother's Keeper (S19 E3)
Does anyone actually believe Ramen and Sobb's perpetual lies? Come on, now. No one cares about your jenga and Carmel apples! Everyone in this family sucks ass! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 02.10.2024
46 : 28 min
193: Mormon Vibrators & Baby Showers: Secret Lives of Mormon Wives (S1 E2) / Welcome to Plathville (S6 E10)
Mormon Wives twerking on TikTok AND selling vibrators? Not sure the Mormon Lord on Kolob will approve... but who are we to judge? Later, we get into a recap of the absolute horse sh*t that is Welcome to Plathville. Sorry, but no one cares about your weird, dorky, dog-walker boyfriend, Olivia! Shut up, already! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 27.09.2024
48 : 20 min
192: Sister Wives - Let There Be Light (S19 E2)
This episode was really good y'all! Robyn keeps on lying, Kody is a delusional narcissist while Meri keeps making digs at him, Janelle talks Coyote Pass and the family funds, and so much more! Lots to talk about in this one, so get ready! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 25.09.2024
58 : 19 min
191: Twerking on Kolob - Secret Lives of Mormon Wives: The Book of Taylor (S1 E1)
What started as a wholesome group of Mormon wives twerking on TikTok, has turned into a slew of scandals and lies! There's swinger's, there's cheaters, there's alcohol and there's domestic violence - this show has got it all! Come on in this dumpster, Raccoons! We're about to get filthy! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 19.09.2024
40 : 37 min
190: Sister Wives - A House Divided Cannot Stand (S19 E1)
Sister Wives is BACK for another season of footage from 2 years ago, in which Kody is still a raging lunatic, Robyn is still playing victim and Christine is still living her best single cringey life! Meri is starting to #WorthyUp and use her voice in an effort to piss off Kody Brown, though, and these Raccoons sure do love to see it! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 18.09.2024
56 : 54 min
189: Sister Wives News / Welcome to Plathville - That's What Walls Are For (S6 E9)
The girls discuss some juicy Sister Wives Hot Goss in anticipation of the Season 19 premiere before diving into the trash heap that is Welcome to Plathville! Olivia goes speed dating even though she has a whole boyfriend already, Moriah Plath keeps on singing her sad songs, and Kim gives Barry the cold shoulder. Is this season over already?Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 13.09.2024
48 : 50 min
188: Meri's Over Budget and Kody's Bald - Sister Wives Rewind: Season Six Finale (S6 E8)
We are wrapping up pur Season 5 rewind, just in time for the Season 19 premiere! Meri is over budget on her Las Vegas home (shocker), Kody is balding (and insecure AF about it), and Logan is leaving for college (30 minutes away from home, lol). Who else is excited for the next season?! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 09.09.2024
46 : 59 min
187: Welcome to Plathville - Wine Helps The Sex Ed Go Down (S6 E8) / Unexpected Season 6 Finale
The girls are back to catch up on Welcome to Plathville...even though these past few episodes were boring AF! Why do we need a sex talk? Why is Moriah plugging her album for the 10th time this season? Later, Bea and Dee recap the season 6 finale of Unexpected - another snooze fest. No one cares about your wedding, Lily! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 06.09.2024
58 : 06 min
186: Sister Wives Rewind - Pilgrimage Into The Past (S5 E7)
The Brown's take a trip to the Mormon Mecca of Nauvoo, IL, and in true Brown fashion, the trip is a chaotic disaster. No one is happy, everyone is tired, and it's clear that Kody is beginning to hate Christine. Later, we get to learn some Mormon Polygamist History and Kody processes his love for the Prophet Joseph's Smith...again Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 26.08.2024
41 : 10 min
185: Welcome to Plathville - Give Me Your Mud (S6 E6) / Unexpected (S6 E12)
Sorry, Olivia and Ethan, no one cares about your weird friends, and Ethan - you can't rap! Please stop, this instant! We finally get to meet Micah's GF, though, and the vibe between these two is not it! Later, Bea and Dee get into the latest happenings over on this season over yet? We can't take much more of Emmalee's hatred of Nate, and we don't care about Aniyah's influencer career! Thank you, next! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
The Brown's discuss upgrade options for their homes, Meri and Kody travel to Lehi with their old dog Drake, Christine says they're failing as a family (she's right), and Mykelti wants to be a world class fashion designer. These rewinds are fun, but we can't wait for Season 19! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 19.08.2024
35 : 16 min
183: Welcome to Plathville - How Do I Get Rizz? (S6 E5) - Unexpected (S6 E11)
Ethan finally signs divorce papers and gets one last look at Olivia before leaving for good, Kim teaches Moriah Burlesque dance moves (why!!), and Micah teaches Barry how to get some Rizz. Later, Bea and Dee get into the latest episode of Unexpected, in which Kayleigh has the most traumatic labor ever, Aniyah claims all men will cheat (including Dae-Dae), and Lawrence gets lit AF at his bachelor party. Lots of trash to ear up in this one, Raccoons! Come and get it! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
The Browns meet some Polygamist Cult escapees and try to convince them (and the world) that Polygamy is so great! Oh, how the tables have turned...Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 12.08.2024
40 : 56 min
181: Welcome to Plathville (S6 E4) / Unexpected (S6 E9-10)
Moriah apologizes to Olivia (sort of), Ethan has quit drinking and Kim knows nothing about her houseboat. Later, Bea and Dee get into all the trash happening over on Unexpected. Who the heck is this guy Rob, and why is he in Kayleigh's delivery room!? Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 09.08.2024
65 : 23 min
180: Sister Wives Rewind - More Sister Wives (S5 E3)
The Brown's head to Oceanside, California with their friends and fellow polygamists, The Darger's. The differences between these two families and their polygamist structures is striking. Joe Darger was right - Kody's ego was his downfall! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 05.08.2024
39 : 26 min
179: Welcome to Plathville - They're All Freaks Here (S6 E3)
Bea and Dee discuss the newest episode of Welcome to Plathville and Beatrice shares how she personally relates to Ethan and Kim's relationship. (Patrons only.)Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 02.08.2024
59 : 39 min
178: Sister Wives Rewind - Kody Begs For An Answer (S5 E2)
Meri has no other choice but to build the house of her dreams, equipped with a Hobby Room, Pantry, and the infamous Wet Bar, while Janelle must settle for less (as usual). Later, Robyn conveniently misses Logan's graduation, and Kody demands Meri decide if she will have another baby and cries...again. #WorthyUp, Meri!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 29.07.2024
36 : 40 min
177: Welcome to Plathville (S6 E2) / Unexpected (S6 E8)
Bea and Dee get into all the juicy trash in Welcome to Plathville and later do a quick dumpster dive into the immature AF teen mom's of Unexpected. Lots to talk about in this one, so get ready! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Bea and Dee dive into Season Five of Sister Wives where Robyn is tap dancing as fast as she can to try and pre-qualify for her cul-de-sac home. Coins! Drama! Meri's crying!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mo 22.07.2024
38 : 28 min
175: Welcome To Plathville SEASON PREMIERE! - You Kept The Plants Alive (S6 E1)
It's the Season 6 premiere of Welcome To Plathville and there's so much to discuss! Micah's new mysterious militant girlfriend, Kim's new house boat and her love of sugar, Ethan and Olivia's toxic divorce, and so much more! If you aren't in the Plathville dumpster by now, you should be! This is some good trash! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 19.07.2024
53 : 14 min
174: Sister Wives Rewind - Leaving the Nest - Season Four FINALE
Bea and Dee break down the season four finale with the Brown Family putting earnest money down on the cul-de-sac of their dreams, plus Logan visiting colleges so he can break free from his parentified toxic life. The girls conclude the pod talking about how excited they are for Welcome to Plathville to start next week, and discuss some recent news with Olivia Plath and her conspicuous hickeys.Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 12.07.2024
55 : 21 min
173: Unexpected - Dad, Bye (S6 E6)
Could Aniyah's mom Ashley be any more of a terrible person?! Bea and Dee were incredulous at her behavior over Aniyah's induction. Meanwhile, the Raccons also speculate on the veracity of Bekki's "sickness," and whether Graham will actually step up to the plate as a present father and partner to Kayleigh. Lots of trash to go through in this one, y'all! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 10.07.2024
35 : 01 min
172: Sister Wives Rewind - Brown Family Confessions (S4 E10)
The Brown Family answers questions from the viewers...But do they actually answer these questions truthfully and authentically? Of course not, because why give the fans what they want to hear when Kody can talk about what hair products he uses instead? Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 05.07.2024
33 : 22 min
171: Unexpected - Preeclampsia (S6 E6)
Graham's mom Bekki is teaching her son how to be an uninvolved parent while Kayleigh's mom Mandy raised a spoiled brat, and Aniyah's mom Ashley is an unpathetic shrew. These parents are the worst, but hopefully these teen parents will learn to break that cycle (doubt it, though).Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Kody takes Meri to Mexico to harass her about having another child (again!) and Janelle passes her real estate licensure while Christine fails. Ahhh, to travel back to 2013, when the world didn't hate Kody or Robyn as much, and Reality TV was trashier! Those were the good ol' days! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
The girls are BACK to catch up on all the shenanigans happening in Unexpected. These teenagers are immature and obnoxious at times, but their parents are no better! So much trash to talk about in this one, Raccoons.... Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 26.06.2024
45 : 00 min
168: Sister Wives Rewind - No Place Like Home (S4 E8)
Logan, Leon, Madison and Hunter take a trip to Utah to relive their past and visit their childhood home, while Robyn is designing terrible jewelry for the fever dream that is "My Sister Wives' Closet." Oh, how the seasons change... Follow us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 14.06.2024
32 : 19 min
167: Unexpected - Edge of Seventeen (S6 E2)
Emalee is scared of Nate being a bad partner and father, Aniyah and Dakwon think they know what true love is at only 17 years old, Kayleigh is spoiled AF, and Jenna's already got an attitude. We're only on episode 2, Raccoons! How can the trash get any trashier?! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 12.06.2024
30 : 02 min
166: The Valley - Season Finale (S1 E12)
Well, that's a wrap on The Valley! Jax Taylor is the worst husband ever (and Jesse Lally is a close 2nd...), Zack finally calls out Janet for being the gossiping mean girl that she is and unfortunately, Kristen is nowhere to be seen. Bea and Dee give their trashy thoughts on this and more, so come on in Raccoons! It's cozy in the dumpster! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 07.06.2024
49 : 44 min
165: Sister Wives Rewind - Brown Boys Do Vegas (S4 E7)
Sister Wives Rewinds are BACK, Baby! We are picking up right where we left off with Kody Brown and his Balding Brothers having some much needed "Man Time" in Vegas. Later, their real estate agent Mona roasts the Browns for putting her to work in finding 4 homes they can afford with their terrible credit and poor financial decisions. It's good to be back Raccoons! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 06.06.2024
36 : 30 min
164: Unexpected - We're The Kids in America (S6 E1)
We've got some new and tasty trash for you this week, Raccoons! It's the Season 6 premiere of Unexpected and we were not expecting it to be this trashy! Custody battles, 15 year old's getting pregnant, mama drama and more to come! We are in for it, y'all! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 05.06.2024
30 : 47 min
163: Vanderpump Rules Reunion Part 3 / The Valley - Darkside Danny (S1 E11)
Vanderpump Rules Season 11 has officially concluded and these Raccoons couldn't be happier! Lala and Scheana ruined the whole season with their jealousy and shadiness, but that didn't stop Queen Ariana from thriving! Later, Bea and Dee get into the Valley where Danny gets drunk AF and makes a fool out of himself on national TV. Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Vampire Magician Nick Davis and his wives decide on whether or not Jasmine is a good fit for their family (even though they've known and dated her since 2021...), The Ryan's are still creepy and weird (and we hope to never see them again), and The Merrifield's get dumped by Nathalia but God told them to keep seeking Brazillian women to f* mean, "marry." That's a wrap on Season 5, Raccoons! P.S. Anyone notice that we made a special appearance on this weeks episode, rummaging around in the Davis' family trash? 🦝 #RaccoonParty Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 30.05.2024
40 : 20 min
161: Vanderpump Rules Reunion Pt. 2 / The Valley - Babymoon Mahem (S1 E10)
Bea and Dee get into all the hypocritical BS happening in part 2 of the Vanderpump Rules reunion (looking at you, Lala). Later, the girls dive into the Valley dumpster and whew, is there so much juice trash! Marital issues, toxic gossip, alcoholism and so much more! Lots to discuss this week, so come and get it, Raccoons!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 24.05.2024
79 : 05 min
160: Seeking Sister Wife - Seeking Common Ground (S5 E12)
Nick Davis makes Hot Tub soup with his 3 wives and new potential Jasmine (her favorite color is blue btw), Garrick starts dating yet another woman who will probably not last long, and Justin continues to date Yari even though she could do so much better... Like, infinitely better. Why is everyone so gross on this show and why do we love it so much? Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 22.05.2024
39 : 17 min
159: Vanderpump Rules. Reunion Part 1 / The Valley - The Big Bear Bombshell
Part 1 of the Vanderpump Rules Reunion was light on the trash this week, but that doesn't stop these Fat Raccoons from enjoying it! Later, Bea and Dee get into all the craziness happening over in The Valley! Janet, we see you!!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 17.05.2024
65 : 38 min
158: Seeking Sister Wife: Seeking a Connection (S5 E11)
Nick goes on a cringey AF date with Jasmine and can't stop staring at her body-ody-ody, Sara dumps the Sherwoods, the Shabooties are incestuous *allegedly*, and the Ryans are still creepy weirdoes. What a trashy episode, Raccoons! Come and get it!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 15.05.2024
37 : 26 min
157: The Valley - Invite Fight (S1 E8)
Janet and Kristen are petty AF and in a bit of a feud as both uninvite each other from their lame events. Even Jax Taylor thinks this sh*t is childish! Who does Janet think she is?! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 10.05.2024
38 : 41 min
156: Vanderpump Rules - Season Finale (S11 E15)
We made it to the Season (maybe Series?) Finale, Raccoons! We had a producer forced Sandoval redemption arc, a cringey performance by Scheana Marie, Lala being hypocritical AF, Broke ass Brock desperately trying to stay relevant, and Ariana exiting stage left and breaking the 4th wall. What a way to end a boring season. Please, Bravo Gods, give us some juicy reunions!! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Garrick and Dannielle are predatory and weird AF, The Davis Family is looking to add more to their...wolf pack (cringe), and The Shabooties are Sha-Fighting! Things are popping off, y'all! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 08.05.2024
45 : 51 min
154: Vanderpump Rules and The Valley RECAP (S11E14 / S1E7)
Vanderpump Rules was a snooze fest, so Bea and Dee decided to combine the episodes this week. The trash in the Valley was way tastier anyway! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Dannielle flies to Rio and Garrick + Nathalia don't seem happy about it, April's brother Billy thinks she's crazy for seeking a new wife for Nick, Ashley doesn't seem to give AF about Shane's feelings, and Nailah + Neem hang out with their weird polygynist(?) friends. Lots of juicy trash in this episode, Raccoons! Come and get it! Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 01.05.2024
51 : 52 min
152: The Valley - Congrats On Your Hair Loss (S5 E6)
Kristen can't seem to catch a break (or keep her mouth shut), Jax and Brittany are on track for their inevitable divorce, Jesse Lally is a toxic, abusive narcissist with a Napoleon complex and his soon to be ex-wife Michelle is no better! Whew, the trash in the Valley is mighty tasty, Raccoons! Come and get it!Subscribe for more uncensored, cringey content: us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 26.04.2024
46 : 11 min
151: Vanderpump Rules - Jax Attack (S11 E13)
Brock and Scheana are having marital problems (and no one cares), Lala continues to make everything about herself, James cries over leaving Hippie, and Scheana goes off on Sandoval. Can we get some juicier trash before the season's over? These Raccoons are hungry! Join our Patreon for more uncensored, cringey content: Follow us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 26.04.2024
50 : 51 min
150: Seeking Sister Wife - Seeking The Unexpected (S5 E8)
Shane reveals that he is battling renal cancer, Justin and Becky are still creepy weirdoes, Garrick is still the worst and Dannielle announces that she's pregnant... What could go wrong?Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 24.04.2024
50 : 39 min
149: The Valley - The D Word (S1 E5)
Big yikes! The Valley is starting to get crazy! We have gossip, we have dirty secrets, and not one - but TWO - divorces on the horizon! Whew! So much tasty trash for all of us Raccoons to eat! Let's dig in! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much
Fr 19.04.2024
46 : 11 min
148: Vanderpump Rules - How'd You Like Them Apples? (S11 E12)
Rachel goes on a podcast to talk some mad sh*t, Ariana and Sandoval are still fighting over their house, Scheana comes out with a new song (and it's terrible), James calls out Sandoval for being a liar and for singing in his dumb band and Lala chooses her baby daddy. These Raccoons want some more juicy moments this season, Bravo! Step it up!Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much
Garrick continues to make a complete ass of himself, Dannielle is still kidding herself, Naeem and Nailah go on a date with a 26-year-old, the Ryans are still creepy weirdoes, and The Davis Family is totally boring. But hey, trash is trash, right? Raccoons gotta eat! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 17.04.2024
46 : 26 min
146: The Valley Recap - Capri Chaos (S1 E4)
Brittany and Jax aren't banging no' mo, Jesse and Michelle are pretentious assholes, Janet is a gossiping B-I-C-T-H (in that order), and Kristen is, unfortunately, becoming the scapegoat of this toxic group of friends. The trash in The Valley is starting to get good, y'all! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 12.04.2024
43 : 21 min
145: Vanderpump Rules - May The Best Woman Win (S11 E11)
Schwartz dyes his hair bleach blonde to hide the fact that he's a single 42 year old dork and continues to lead poor Joseph on, Ariana breaks down over Sandoval while Lala + Scheana continue to talk sh*t behind her back, and Katie is living her best life dating the same girl as Schwartz. What a trashy mess (and we're totally here for it!) Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Shayne is still pretending like he's okay with his very pregnant wife Ashley dating other people, Garrick proposes to Natahlia just so he can get his pencil wet, Becky and Justin are creepy psycho stalker weirdoes, and Naeem is still trying to convince his stubborn mother to accept his Polygamist lifestyle. What a crazy cast of creepy, comical characters! But we're just two fat Raccoons in the bottom of a dumpster...who are we to judge?! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 10.04.2024
49 : 55 min
143: Shooting The Messenger - The Valley: Doubting Doute (S1 E3)
Is Michelle truly a Racist Homophobic Republican? Zack and Janet said what now? What is going on here?! Is Kristen Doute really the only honest person in this cast? The bar must really be in Hell! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 05.04.2024
45 : 18 min
142: Attempted Dog Murder - Vanderpump Rules: Line In The Sand (S11 E10)
Ariana and Sandoval are both petty a**holes, Lala and Scheana can't help but comment on their situations (as if they are ones to judge) and Schwartz is a slime ball who loves to trash Katie any point he can. Ooooh the trash is juicy in the Bravo Dumpster, Raccoons! Come and get it! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 05.04.2024
61 : 59 min
141: Seeking Sister Wife - Seeking Can Be Complicated (S5 E5)
The girls are back with another Seeking Sister Wife recap and Garrick just keeps getting worse! We can't help but hate his guts! Trash is trash though, and these Raccoons are hungry! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 03.04.2024
48 : 33 min
140: Jax Creating Drama - The Valley: Tit For Tat (S1 E2)
Jax is trying to start drama to distract us from his life that is about to fall apart, Jesse is a total Jerk and there's a fight about to ensue between Kristen, Brittney and the gang! The trash is getting hot and stinky in The Valley, Raccoons! Come and get it!Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 29.03.2024
39 : 28 min
139: Scheana Has Lost The Plot - Vanderpump Rules: Kiss Kiss Revenge Bang (S11 E9)
Schwartz says he's the "makeout king," Scheana is a fake friend, Sandoval is still "working on himself," Lala is fed up with everyone's lack of transparency, and Brock spills the beans about Katie's latest one-night stand with Schwartz' bestie Max... Whew! So much trash in this one, Raccoons! You won't want to miss it! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 29.03.2024
52 : 08 min
138: Garrick The Sex Pest - Seeking Sister Wife (S5 E4)
Who does this loser Garrick think he is? Why does Dannielle continue to believe his terrible lies? What does Natalia see in him anyway?! Bea and Dee are apoplectic but that doesn't stop them from consuming the complete and utter trash that is Seeking Sister Wife. These Raccoons have a job to do and it's time to get trashy!Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 27.03.2024
61 : 13 min
137: Jax Taylor Still Sucks - The Valley: Welcome To The Valley (S1 E1)
Bea and Dee got some new Trash in the dumpster this week with the Series Premiere of The Valley! This show is just like Vanderpump Rules, except every character is married, has kids and lives in Ritsy Suburbs. Everyone THINKS they have their shit together but it's all a facade... Looking at you, Jax Taylor! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 22.03.2024
51 : 39 min
136: The Return of Jax Taylor - Vanderpump Rules: Peaks and Valleys (S11 E8)
Sandoval continues to avoid responsibility and blame everyone else while Ariana STAYS living her best life and Katie calls him on his fakery. And then enter Jax Taylor, the right chaotic element to tear Tom Sandoval a new one and call him on his bullshit, because Jax knows bullshit, because Jax IS bullshit. Great trashy episode of VPR, come and get some!Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 22.03.2024
51 : 30 min
135: Seeking Sister Wife - Seeking Something Real (S5 E3)
The girls kick off the week with another Seeking Sister Wife Recap. There's a new couple in the mix, The Ryans, and they've left Bea and Dee utterly and totally confused as to how anyone would want to date old-ass dusty-ass dingus-ass, Justin. Something's fishy with these two... These raccoons know trash when they smell it! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 20.03.2024
53 : 57 min
134: The Audacity of Lala - Vanderpump Rules : Written In The Stars (S11 E7)
FINALLY, Season 11 is starting to POP OFF! Lala is going off on everyone, Scheana is still trying to be the center of attention, and Katie is having NONE. OF. IT. As for us Raccoons, we're loving it all! Bring on the drama, baby! Get a bunch of uncensored cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 15.03.2024
54 : 55 min
133: Just Admit You Wanna F*ck - Seeking Sister Wife (S5 E1-2)
Seriously, why can't these people just be honest with themselves? Looking at you, Garrick! You creepy, horny weirdo! Danielle should leave your ass! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 13.03.2024
54 : 27 min
132: Vanderpump Rules - Saw It On The Graham (S11 E6)
Bea and Dee are back with another Vanderpump Rules recap! This week, the Bravo producers are up to no good and still want us to feel sorry for Sandoval (for some reason) but what are they doing with Scheana and Lala? Are we supposed to hate them or love them? It's too hard to tell! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 08.03.2024
55 : 59 min
131: Rest In Peace, Garrison Brown
We are devastated. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Brown Family.
Mi 06.03.2024
8 : 40 min
130: Vanderpump Rules - Lake It or Break It (S11 E5)
Bea and Dee are back with another Vanderpump Rules Recap! This week, the gang heads to Tahoe, where Sandoval tries to manipulate everyone into feeling sorry for him. Cringe! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Fr 01.03.2024
56 : 56 min
129: Sister Wives Rewind + Hot Gossip (S4E6) / 90 Day Fiance Season Finale (S10E18)
Bea and Dee kick off the week with some Hot Goss surrounding the Brown family before diving right into the Sister Wives Season 4 dumpster. Later, the girls recap the Season 10 Finale of 90 Day Fiance, and whew! Bea and Dee thought this day would never come! This season took forever and we're exhausted! Starting next week, Bea and Dee will be recapping the newest season of Seeking Sister Wife, so stay tuned for a slight change in the podcast schedule to allow coverage for this shit show! We WILL cover the 2 part 90 Day Fiance Tell-All AFTER each episode airs. so stay tuned for that as well! So much trash to sift through! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your
Di 27.02.2024
89 : 45 min
128: Vanderpump Rules - Dog Days of Summer (S11 E4)
The girls are back in the Bravo Dumpster with another Vanderpump Rules recap, in which Bravo seems to want us to feel sorry for Sandoval... Ummm... Why, though? After that NYT Article?! That's a no from us, dawg. Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Bea and Dee are BACK with another Sister Wives Rewind and 90-Day Fiancé Shit Show Recap. First up on the Trashy Raccoon Docket is the Brown Family with their poor financial and business decisions, a look into their weird financing on the Las Vegas Homes, and Meri's fertility struggles as she and Kody consider IVF. Later, the girls get into the Never Ending Story that is 90 Day Fiancé. Nikki and Igor are still together... for now. Gino and Jasmine get married, Sam and Citra get married and Sam finally gets lucky (gross), and Clayton waits anxiously at the altar wondering if Anali will show up. Will this season ever end?!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your
Di 20.02.2024
51 : 21 min
126: Vanderpump Rules - The Ultimate Betrayal (S11 E2)
Bea and Dee are back with another juicy recap of Vanderpump Rules! Sandoval has returned from filming a lame reality show and touring with his dumb band, Lala calls out Ariana for being petty AF, and James finally confronts Sandoval for betraying him... So much to talk about in this one, Raccoons, so come on and dive into the Bravo dumpster with us!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Bea and Dee kick off the week with a recap of not one, but TWO episodes of Sister Wives. The girls discuss Robyn + Christine's lunch date, Kody's birthday and some interesting fan questions that the Brown Family had to answer. Later, Bea and Dee get crazy trashy and take a dive into the 90 Day Fiance dumpster. The girls go off about various cast members and their Only Fans, Rob's b*tth*le pictures, Clayton's tiny hands and so much more...All in good fun, of course (sorry Clayton!)Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! a message for us on SpeakPipe: the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 06.02.2024
85 : 15 min
124: Vanderpump Rules - Notes On a Scandal (S11E1) / 90 Day Fiance - Til Death Do Us Part (S10E15)
The time has finally arrived, Raccoons! The long awaited Season 11 Premiere of Vanderpump Rules has launched, and it did NOT disappoint!! Bea and Dee go crazy and have a very in depth conversation about the various cast members and some Hot Goss surrounding Ariana and Sandoval. Later, the girls get krunk and dive back into the 90 Day Fiancé dumpster and talk some mad shit... What else is new?! ATTENTION RACCOONS: Our schedule will be making a slight change to allow time for us to watch (and inevitably rewatch) the episodes of Vanderpump Rules each week, so these podcast episodes will be available on FRIDAYS across major platforms + YouTube (or THURSDAYS if you are a Patron!!) Sister Wives + 90 Day Fiance episodes will be available on Tuesdays (or Mondays if you're on Patreon!) Thank you for understanding! We love you!! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG to see our raccoon faces on YouTu
Do 01.02.2024
90 : 27 min
123: Sister Wives Rewind - Polygamist Date Nights (S4E2)
Bea and Dee are back with another Sister Wives Rewind! In this episode, Kody Brown takes each of his 4 wives on dates. Meri gets to finally go skiing but ends up injuring her knee, Janelle gets to go on a cheap hiking date, Christine goes paintballing, ending the night with a scenic helicopter ride, and Robyn, the favorite, gets some fondue and a movie night with the love of her life. There is much more lurking behind this Brown Family facade, and we Raccoons are here for it!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 30.01.2024
53 : 24 min
122: Vanderpump Rules Rundown / 90 Day Fiance - From This Day Forward (S10E14)
The girls are back with a Vanderpump pre-game in which they discuss the astrological signs of each cast member and their Fake Psychic Predictions for Season 11. Later, Bea and Dea get down and dirty in the 90 Day Fiancé dumpster as this season begins winds down. When are we gonna get to the weddings?! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
The girls are back with Sister Wives Rewind's, picking back up where they left off in Season 4. Christine and Kody are having marital problems, Robyn's jewelry designs are terrible, and everythings falling apart! Bea and Dee also dish on some gossip about Meri's new beau, Amos, so get ready Raccoons! It's about to get Trashy! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 23.01.2024
49 : 12 min
120: 90 Day Fiance - To Love and to Cherish (S10E13)
Bea and Dee are back with some Sister Wives News before diving into the absolute dumpster fire that is 90 Day Fiancé. Rob used to show his knob (among other things) for money, Clayton finally gets laid, Nikki is still complaining that Igor won't bone her more, Manuel and Ashley have sex in a public restroom (GROSS!), and Jasmine ruins the beautiful surprise poor unsuspecting Gino had for her. So much trash in this Dumpster, Raccoons! Bon Appetit! Reddit Post: a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 18.01.2024
55 : 57 min
119: Sister Wives - Christine and David, Part 2 (S18E20)
Bea and Dee watch the final installment of Sister Wives Season 18, and while on the surface the episode could seem quite boring, there are a lot of juicy tidbits to explore. For example, Katie's wedding speech and also, who's this Jared person? Why did that happen? What's going on?Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 16.01.2024
49 : 11 min
118: 90 Day Fiance - In Sickness Or Health (S10E12)
90 Day Fiancé has finally returned and the couples are still as ridiculous as ever! Rob is still a knob, Igor is still trying to convince himself that he's attracted to Nikki (even though he isn't), Clayton is a total boob, Manuel thinks he's entitled to Ashley's money, and Sam's mom is judgemental AF! We have quite an assortment of tasty trash here, Raccoons, so get ready! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 11.01.2024
49 : 18 min
117: Sister Wives - Christine and David, Part 1 (S18E19)
Bea and Dee kick off the week with a recap of Christine & David's wedding, part 1. This episode was a bit light on the trash but Bea and Dee always find a way to scrounge up enough tasty garbage for their favorite Raccoons! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 09.01.2024
49 : 13 min
116: Sister Wives Talk Back - Parts 1 & 2
Bea and Dee are back to recap parts 1 & 2 of the Sister Wives Talk Back episodes in which Kody is still huffing his own farts, Meri and Janelle are calling him out, and Christine is still being just a little too much. Lots of trash to go around, Raccoons! Come one, come all! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 04.01.2024
52 : 18 min
115: Sister Wives Look Back - Parts 1 & 2
Bea and Dee are back from their Raccoon holiday vacation and are here to talk some mad shit! The girls dive right into parts 1 & 2 of the Sister Wives Look Back specials, and they've got a lot to say so get ready, Raccoons! It's about to get Trashy! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 02.01.2024
61 : 29 min
114: 90 Day Fiance - For Richer or Poorer (S10E11) + Sister Wives Snooping
Bea and Dee are back to discuss the ridiculous couples on 90 Day Fiance and all their dumb problems! Rob is still a knob, Clayton is a creepy sex pest and Sam is a dirty liar! How do these girls settle for these losers?! Later, Bea and Dee dish on some juicy Hot Goss in the Sister Wives Universe. Reminder: We will be taking next week off for the holidays! We will return to catch up on Sister Wives + 90 Day Fiancé The week of New Years. Happy Raccoon Holidays! We Love you! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 21.12.2023
44 : 22 min
113: Sister Wives - One On One Part 4
Bea and Dee kick off the week with the finale of the Sister Wives One-On-One Tell-Nothings! Kody is still extremely jealous and bitter, Robyn is still a dirty liar who constantly plays the victim, and Christine is living her best life with her new man. The girls had a lot of thoughts about everything that was said, so get ready Raccoons...The trash is piping hot! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 19.12.2023
67 : 24 min
112: 90 Day Fiance - For Better or For Worse (S10E10)
The girls return for another episode of 90 Day Fiancé, and WHEW, what an unlikable cast of characters! Rob is truly a knob, Sam is high on suboxone, and Nick is a total jerk! Not much else happened in this week's episode but Bea and Dee never fail to find some trash to talk about! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 14.12.2023
40 : 54 min
111: Sister Wives - One On One - Part Three
Bea and Dee are back to talk some mad shit about Sister Wives! It's part 3 of the One-On-One Tell-Nothings and the girls are apoplectic over Robyn's blatant lying and Kody's rampant narcissism, but what else is new?! The girls dish all the trash that came out of this week's episode and then some, so get in the dumpster, Raccoons! It's about to get Trashy! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 13.12.2023
57 : 08 min
110: Welcome to Plathville (S5E14) / 90 Day Fiancé (S10E9)
Bea and Dee are back with a thoughtful discussion on the Season Finale of Welcome to Plathville. Ethan and Olivia have officially called it quits, Moriah and Ethan hash out their beef, and Kim is lowkey bitter over how much Barry has changed since she left him for Ken Palmer.Later, the girls recap the latest episode of 90 Day Fiancé which is a dumpster fire of its own! Nikki is still complaining about Igor not having sex with her, Nick is fat-shaming Devin, and there's a new couple - Sam and Citra. Is Sam homeless? Does Citra know what she's getting herself into? Oooh Lort, this season is a trip!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 07.12.2023
77 : 03 min
109: Sister Wives One-On-One - Part Two
Bea and Dee dig into part 2 of the Sister Wives One-on-One's. FINALLY, the Browns start divulging some new information, and the girls are gagged! They learn more about Janelle and Kody's sensual romance and Robyn's manipulative way of controlling Kody and the OG Wives (as if that wasn't obvious.) Later, Bea and Dee discuss how Kody melted down the wedding ring Meri gave him once Robyn came into the family... BIG YIKES!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 05.12.2023
51 : 55 min
108: Welcome to Plathville (S5E12-13) / 90 Day Fiancé (S10E7-8)
Bea and Dee have returned to catch up on the last two episodes of Welcome to Plathville and 90 Day Fiancé. Two very different shows with a whole lot of trash to satiate our Raccoon pallets! Brace yourselves, this is a long one! If you want the FULL uncensored version, head on over to our Patreon and join us in the Glitter Gates Luxury Landfill! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! Follow us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 30.11.2023
82 : 00 min
107: Sister Wives One-On-One Part One (S18E15)
Bea and Dee have returned from their Thanksgiving break to talk about the utter horse sh*t that is Part 1 of the Sister Wives One-On-One's. What a sad excuse for a Tell-All! Nevertheless, the girls still have a lot to talk about! Kody is a total narcissistic a**hole, Meri has some things to say but is probably saving the real tea for her book (hopefully), and Christine is lowkey annoying but living her best life! Will we get any satisfaction from watching these One-On-One's? NO, but that won't stop us from watching them... It's these sacrifices that we have made for you, Raccoons! #KnifeInTheKidneysGet a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! Follow us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 28.11.2023
62 : 36 min
106: Sister Wives - Always Darkest Before Dawn SEASON FINALE (S18E14)
Bea and Dee have gathered together in their cozy dumpster to discuss the Season 18 Finale of Sister Wives! Kody is still a goo-goo-ga-ga man baby narcissist, Meri is finally #WorthyingUp, and Robyn is a sobbing, delusional manipulator. Whew! What a way to end this lowkey disappointing season... The most infuriating part of it all is the reveal of the 4 part Tell-Nothings with fuckin SUKYANA KRISHNAN AGAIN!! The girls are beyond pissed but will that stop them from watching?! ... No, lol. The show must go on! We will not be having an episode this week covering Plathville and 90 Day due to the Thanksgiving holiday - we will be too busy partying and eating! We hope that all of you Raccoons have a lovely week, and if you celebrate, we hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving with your families! Never forget that we ❤️ You! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! https://spe
Di 21.11.2023
73 : 12 min
105: Welcome to Plathville (S5E11) / 90 Day Fiancé (S10E6)
The girls have gathered in their cozy dumpster to talk some mad trash! Starting with Welcome to Plathville, Bea and Dee discuss how Olivia Plath gets triggered by Micah setting a boundary, Ethan and Moriah's first conversation since their big fight, and Kim's never-ending storyline about her new boyfriend. Nobody cares that you're getting your back blown out, Kim! Later, Bea and Dee feast on the delectable trash heap that is 90 Day Fiancé. A lot happened in this episode! Nikki is still begging for sex, Deven is a crybaby, Gino is a total loser and Rob is still a knob! This season gets better and better each episode and we Raccoons are loving it!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podc
Do 16.11.2023
94 : 24 min
104: Sister Wives - Elephant in the Room (S18E13)
Bea and Dee kick off the week with yet another episode of Sister Wives in which TLC is still just re-using the same, B roll footage... How many times do we need to hear about Mykelti's twins? And how many more scenes do we need to see Kody with his bros? Nobody cares! But we're all still watching so is anything going to change? Apologies for the weird, clicking noise over our audio the last few episodes. We're just two dumb Raccoons trying to figure this shit out! We're working on a fix, so please be patient with us and THANK YOU so much for listening! ❤️ We love you!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 14.11.2023
65 : 09 min
103: Welcome to Plathville (S5E10) / 90 Day Fiancé (S10E5)
The girls are back to their regular schedule of Trashy Programming and are here to recap the latest episodes of Welcome to Plathville and Season 10 of 90 Day Fiance. Bea and Dee begin with an in-depth discussion about the Plath family dynamics as Ethan makes moves towards reconciliation. Olivia is manipulating as usual and the girls aren't buying it one bit! Later, Bea and Dee recap the last 5 episodes of 90 Day Fiancé with some CRAZY new couples! Brace yourselves, Raccoon! It's a long one, full of delectable trash!! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG! us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 09.11.2023
92 : 18 min
102: Sister Wives - Forest For The Trees (S18E12)
Bea and Dee kick off the week dishing on Good Ol' Sister Wives trash. Not much to report about this week's episode but the girls always find a way to turn trash into gold, just for you, Raccoons! Tonight's episode is dedicated to Deelia's dear friend Elenique who passed away earlier this week. She was an extraordinary and amazing person, and she loved Sister Wives almost as much as we Raccoons do. ❤️ Thank you so much for listening. Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG! us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Mi 08.11.2023
55 : 00 min
101: Welcome to Plathville (S5E9) / 90 Day Fiancé - The Last Resort (S1E12)
Bea and Dee are back to dish on the tasty trash in Welcome to Plathville and 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort! The girls waste no time as they discuss Ethan and Olivia's confirmed divorce and Kim Plath's selfish and inexcusable behavior. Later, Bea and Dee recap the Season Finale of The Last Resort, which was totally scripted and boring AF. Nevertheless, these dumpster Raccoons loved the trash this season brought and hope for more in the years to come! This is a long one y'all so buckle up and let's get Trashy! Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG! us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 02.11.2023
77 : 59 min
100: Sister Wives - Airing The Dirty Laundry (S18 E11)
The girls kick off the week with their 100th Episode, OMG! And what better way to start it than by covering another episode of Sister Wives?Bea and Dee waste no time as they dive right into all the "dirty laundry" the Browns are allegedly airing out, which by the way, we all knew. A lot was said but there's still a lot left unsaid and the girls are left wanting MORE. Come on, Meri! Just leave Kody already!Thank you all so much for supporting this Trashy A** Podcast and listening every week! We love you all so much!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG! us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Di 31.10.2023
57 : 54 min
99: Welcome to Plathville (S5 E8) / 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort (S1 E11)
The girls are back in town to talk some mad trash about the hypocrites on Welcome to Plathville and the absolute a**holes on 90 Day Fiancé: The Last Resort. Bea and Dee waste no time diving right into the crazy dynamics between Ethan and Olivia Plath as they continue to trend toward a much needed divorce.Later, the girls go OFF on Jovi and the absolute nerve he has to treat Yara like dirt. Yara needs to leave his Easter Island Head already, pronto! Big Yikes! No cap!Get a bunch of extra cringey content by joining our Patreon! us on IG! us a message on Speakpipe! to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
Do 26.10.2023
71 : 29 min
98: Sister Wives - Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket (S18 E10)
Bea and Dee waste no time as they dive into the stinking pile of trash that is Sister Wives. There's some tasty Hot Goss to kick off today's episode before the girls break down the sad and boring lives of the dissolved Brown Family. What's up with all the conversations and fake storylines? No one cares about Aurora's new boyfriend or Meri's sad, haunted B&B. Let's get to the trash, people! That's what we came here for! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon!We want to hear from you! Leave us a message on SpeakpipeSubscribe to our YouTube Channel!If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 24.10.2023
56 : 17 min
97: Welcome to Plathville (S5 E7) / 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort (S1 E10)
Bea and Dee are back again to talk some mad shit about them hoes on 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort and the Former Fundies on Welcome to Plathville. Lots going on in these shows y'all and the girls waste no time diving right into all the trash they can. Who does Kim Plath think she is?! And who does Jovi think HE is?! All these people are toxic AF and the girls ain't having none of it! Brace yourselves, Raccoons! This is a good one!Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Fr 20.10.2023
67 : 44 min
96: Sister Wives - Battle Lines Are Drawn (S18 E9)
Bea and Dee kick off tonight's episode with some Hot Goss about Gwendlyn Brown before diving right into the stinking hot trash pile that is Sister Wives! The girls didn't think it was possible, but Kody Brown seems to get worse and worse with each new episode. This man just can't take ANY responsibility for his failures as the Patriarch of the family... and Robyn! Constantly playing the victim, the Damsel in Distress! And now she's roped her kids into this charade?! This is insane! Bea and Dee have SO much to discuss and dissect from this episode y'all, so get ready! It's about to get Trashy!Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 17.10.2023
73 : 16 min
95: Welcome to Plathville (S5E6) / 90 Day Fiancé - The Last Resort (S1E9)
Bea and Dee are back in their Dumpster Studio to discuss the latest episodes of Welcome to Plathville and 90 Day Fiance: The Trash Resort! First up on the Raccoon docket, the girls join Ethan and Olivia Plath in the very beautiful town of Victoria, MN. Not much to report here except that Olivia is still an insufferable narc. Later on, Bea and Dee roast Kim and her selfish, sugar-loaded ass as she gushes about her newfound lover, Ken Palmer. Finally, the girls conclude with a discussion about the couples on The Last Resort, focusing mainly on Kalani & Asuelu. Kalani dropped some shocking allegations this week and the girls have some thoughts... Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG: ht
Fr 13.10.2023
62 : 39 min
94: Sister Wives - The Writing Is On The Wall (S18E8)
Bea and Dee are back to discuss this week's episode of Sister Wives. Lots of conversations and awkward moments going on in this one... Why is Janelle even entertaining a date with Noodle Head? And why can't Meri just #WorthyUp already?!You may notice that things are a little different in tonight's episode, as Bea is still recovering from a cold. In order to keep Dee from getting sick too, the girls recorded remotely! The audio may sound a bit different because of this but fret not, Raccoons! Once Bea is feeling better, the girls will get back to their normal trashy routine!Thank you for your patience and understanding! ❤️Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG: https://www.instagram
Mi 11.10.2023
69 : 24 min
93: Welcome to Plathville (S5E5) / 90 Day Fiancé - The Last Resort (S1E8)
Bea and Dee start off this episode with some juicy Hot Goss about Ethan and Olivia Plath before diving head first into the Welcome to Plathville dumpster. Kim is a selfish hoe, Moriah is a REBEL and Lydia released a new song that is cringe AF! Later, the girls get into 90 Day Fiancé: Trash Resort. This episode was heavy on the therapy and light on the depravity, but Angela made up for that by showing off her Sekxi Swimsuits to poor Mykal and all of us at home... Ooh, aren't we so lucky?! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Fr 06.10.2023
75 : 45 min
92: Sister Wives - Throwing In The Towel (S18E7)
Bea and Dee are back to their regular schedule of talking mad trash, starting with everyone's favorite: Sister Wives. Yet again, Ramen and Sobbs continue to lie their asses off. This week they actually want us to believe that they are the victims in all of this! What a load of sh*t. Things are looking up though, as it seems like Meri is finally taking her own advice and #WorthyingUp! Meanwhile, Christine is elated that Janelle is (seemingly) FINISHED with Kody - and we are just as excited for her!! Get you a strapping hot cowboy, Janelle! You deserve it (and Meri too!)Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 03.10.2023
61 : 59 min
91: Welcome to Plathville / 90 Day Fiancé - The Last Resort
The girls are back in town and they are feeling frisky! Bea and Dee kick off this episode with a lengthy conversation about them culty Plath's on Welcome to Plathville. With the Heart of the Father in mind, the girls try not to get TOO inappropriate in discussing the sexual proclivities of certain members of the family, but that decorum surely does not last long... Bea and Dee still have to cover the absolute depravity seen on 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort! Fat cats, razor blades, booty holes, oh my! This episode gets crazy and VERY crass, so buckle up Raccoons! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Fr 29.09.2023
86 : 21 min
90: Sister Wives - The Understatement of the Year (S18 E6)
Bea and Dee are back together again to talk some mad shit about their favorite show, Sister Wives. Kody continues to make a complete ass of himself, Christine is flirty and thriving, Janelle is over it ALL, Robyn is still playing mind games...annnnnd then there's Meri, all alone in her sad mansion, surrounded by LuLaRoe clothing, and facetiming her BFF Jen. Good Lord, woman! #WorthyUp already and LEAVE Kody's balding, narcissistic ass! Sigh. Maybe we will get to see that in the next season....Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Do 28.09.2023
63 : 38 min
89: Sister Wives - When The Going Gets Tough (S18E5)
Bea and Dee are apoplectic as they recap the latest episode of Sister Wives, in which Kody and Sobbs continue to gaslight and LIE to us all! Who do these nubs think they are?! The horseshit they are spewing is so disgusting, so blatantly narcissistic, the girls just can't take it! Bea and Dee leave no stone unturned in this episode as they dissect everything that was said (and unsaid) so get ready Raccoons! It's about to get Trashy! REMINDER: There will be no new podcast episode on 9/20-21 or 9/24-25 as Beatrice will be out of town. Expect a catch-up on Plath + 90 Day + Sister Wives when she returns on 9/27-28!Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 19.09.2023
69 : 14 min
88: Sister Wives Hot Gossip + Welcome To Plathville (S5E2) and 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort (S1E5)
Bea and Dee begin this episode with some Juicy Hot Goss from the Sister Wives Reddits, ending with a voice message from a raccoon fan! Later, they get into a lengthy recap of Welcome to Plathville and their never-ending family feud and conclude with a ridiculous summary of 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort. The girls talked their Raccoon heads off in this one y'all, so get ready! REMINDER: There will be no new podcast episode on 9/20-21 or 9/24-25 as Beatrice will be out of town. Expect a catch-up on Plath + 90 Day + Sister Wives when she returns on 9/27-28!Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Do 14.09.2023
85 : 12 min
87: Sister Wives - A Deal With The Devil (S18E4)
Bea and Dee are beside themselves as Ramen and Sobbs continue to gaslight the entire world in order to justify their mistreatment of their family! It's so enraging that Dee's blood pressure can't take it!! Do they really think we're stupid? Do they really think anyone will buy their horseshit?! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 12.09.2023
60 : 55 min
86: Welcome to Plathville (S5E1) / 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort (S1E4)
The Heart of the Father has blessed Bea & Dee with the Season 5 Premiere of Welcome to Plathville, and boy did it not disappoint! The family is fundamentally fractured over a Credit Card dispute, Barry is getting jacked AF at the gym, and Olivia is still as insufferable as ever. This shit is lit! Later, the girls get to witness the cringiest episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort, in which the couples get sex therapy. NOBODY wants to picture these buffoons having sex! NO ONE! But Bea and Dee watched it anyway so they could serve up all the trash for YOU, Raccoons! We suffered, cringed and laughed our way all through this episode, all for You! You're WELCOME!! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RT
Do 07.09.2023
67 : 24 min
85: Sister Wives - Stones in Glass Houses (S18E3)
Bea and Dee have gathered today to discuss this weeks Sister Wives episode. The girls waste NO time as they scream into the void over Kody's gaslighting of Janelle, Robyn's manipulation and Meri's sad life as the third wheel. We had SO much to say and fair warning: not all of it is nice! This is a dumpster, after all...Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 05.09.2023
67 : 55 min
84: 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort - One Last Time (S1E3)
Bea and Dee are back again with the Clown Show that is 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort. Everybody's fighting and making absolute fools out of themselves, but these Raccoons don't care! The more trashy, the better! Are you hungry for more trash?! Support us on Patreon! want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Do 31.08.2023
46 : 10 min
83: Sister Wives - Thanks For Nothing (S18E2) + Hoe Island Super Quick Wrap Up
Bea and Dee give a very brief and barely insightful recap of the Temptation (Hoe) Island finale (as if anyone cares!) Later, and most importantly, the girls discuss all the juicy things that were said (and everything that was left unsaid) in this week's episode of Sister Wives! The Audacity! the Gaslighting! The GROUP CHAT! Bea and Dee have a lot to say, so get ready Raccoons! We've got some juicy trash for you! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to our YouTube Channel! you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 29.08.2023
69 : 22 min
82: 90 Day Fiancé The Last Resort - Dead Last (S1E2)
Bea and Dee react to the absolute Dumpster Fire that is 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort. The girls are cringing HARD as they are subjected to the most disturbing of sights: Big Ed's Blurred out Shlong, and Angela's underwater Twerking. Who at TLC felt that we needed to see this with our eyes?! We have all been violated! (But it was funny though...) So get on in the Dumpster, Raccoons! It's super trashy in here!!We want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to donate to those affected by the Maui Fires: you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Do 24.08.2023
47 : 21 min
81: Sister Wives - No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (S18E1)
It's TIME!! Season 18 of Sister Wives has officially begun!! Bea and Dee have got some MAD shit to say about them Mormons down in Flagstaff. The family is falling apart, Christine is Thriving, and Sobbs + Ramen are trying to pull the wool over all our eyes (it ain't working though) This season is already off to a good start, Raccoons! So dive in, it's about to get Trashy! We want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to donate to those affected by the Maui Fires: you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Di 22.08.2023
62 : 11 min
80: Sister Wives Sneak Peek + 90 Day Fiance The Last Resort (S1E1)
It's the 80th Episode, omg! Bea and Dee have a lot of shit to say as they get into some juicy Hot Goss about Sister Wives, pending the Season 18 premiere that will air THIS WEEK! The girls can barely contain their excitement as they nibble at every piece of Mormon trash they can get! Later, Bea and Dee dish on the absolute dumpster fire that is 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort! What a glorious day it is for all of us fat raccoons! Brand New (and stinky!) Trash to fill the Reality TV Cringe dumpster! The girls have a lot to say about these couples and all their nasty problems, so come on in Raccoons! Let's get trashy! We want to hear from you! Leave us a message on Speakpipe: to donate to those affected by the Maui Fires: you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here:
Do 17.08.2023
69 : 27 min
79: Temptation Island - Mile Under Club + Secrets Revealed (S5 E9/13)
Bea and Dee Pop Off about the utter horseshit that is Temptation Island. Nothing is happening, the couples all suck, and no one is genuine! What are these producers doing?! Don't they understand we have a podcast to create? They're hardly serving up any trash that's fit to eat, Raccoons, but we're in this dumpster anyway to serve you what we can! Link to donate to those affected by the Maui Fires: you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Bea and Dee get into some more Hot Goss regarding Sister Wives and the Gosselins, but not before they dish on the VERY juicy trailer for the next season of Welcome to Plathville! There is SO much trash, Raccoons, so we hope you're hungry! We're serving all the trash that's fit to eat! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Do 10.08.2023
76 : 25 min
77: Temptation (Hoe) Island - Are You Serious, Hall? (S5E8)
Bea and Dee have gathered their Fat Raccoon Selves in the Reality TV Cringe Municipal Dumpster to once again talk about the vapidity of Temptation (Hoe) Island. The girls waste no time bashing each couple for their stupidity and hypocrisy, as every person on this damn show makes fools of themselves! Bea and Dee are offensive AF in this episode, so hide yo wife and hide yo kids! The raccoons are out and they're ready to eat some trash! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Di 08.08.2023
51 : 03 min
76: Sister Wives Deep Dive + Jon & Kate + 8 Vice Documentary
Bea and Dee get together to talk some mad trash about Sister Wives, Welcome to Plathville and Jon and 8 Plus HATE. This episode is full of juicy Hot Goss, irreverant opinions and so much more! So get in the Dumpster, Raccoons! We're just here to have some fun! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC ON IG:
Fr 04.08.2023
71 : 35 min
75: Temptation (Hoe) Island + Sister Wives Inappropro Speculation
Bea and Dee are back to talk some mad shit about the scantily clad shenanigans happening over on Temptation (Hoe) Island! There is not a brain cell nor ounce of self respect to be found as the couples continue to make fools out of themselves... except Marisela, who's just living her best life, and Christopher is losing it! Later, the girls Kiki for a bit about their plans for the pod, their unending excitement for the Season 18 premiere of Sister Wives, and their inappropriate thoughts about it all. If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: Follow RTC ON IG:
Di 01.08.2023
51 : 26 min
74: Sister Wives Rewind - Sister's Special Delivery (S3E12)
Bea and Dee are reunited in their favorite dumpster to talk some mad shit about Sister Wives! Before diving into the Season 3 finale, the girls get into some juicy Hot Goss about the fashionably late appearance of Kody and Robyn at Gwen's wedding, and Mylelti's immature photo editing! Later, Bea and Dee have a fascinating conversation about the Brown Family as they welcome baby Solomon. Lots of layers to sift through in this episode, Raccoons! So get ready, it's gonna get trashy!Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC on IG:
Fr 28.07.2023
67 : 05 min
73: Sister Wives Rewind - Sister Wives On The Strip (S3E10) + Kody Climbs Into The Ring (S3E11)
The girls are back in their favorite dumpster to talk some mad sh*t about them Mormons down in Sin City! Covering two episodes this week, Bea and Dee are embarrassed for the 3 OG Wives as they have to get weighed TWO MORE TIMES! Why must these ladies be shamed a 3rd time on national TV?!Later, Bea and Dee are subjected to the cringiest scene yet: Kody doing "MMA" in knock off designer jeans and a button down shirt. Good Lord, this man is constantly looking for any kind of attention he can get, even if its at his own expense! But hey, that's why we're called Reality TV Cringe, baby! We live for this sh*t!Reminder that next week (7/24-25) there will be NO new Temptation Island episode because Dee will be traveling! She's a world traveler, don't you know? We will be back the following week though to cover TWO episodes of Temptation Island to catch up. Thank you for understanding, Raccoons! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here:
Do 20.07.2023
61 : 02 min
72: Temptation Island - The Temptation Light (S5E5)
Bea and Dee are back for another episode of Temptation (Hoe) Island, where the heat is finally turning up! We get introduced to the Red Light (again?) and boy is that light going off! These couples aren't messing around, y'all... Boobies and bare asses are everywhere, people having sex, hypocrisy and craziness galore! Finally, we get some action in this show, despite the poor editing! Reminder that next week (7/24-25) there will be NO new Temptation Island episode because Dee will be traveling! She's a world traveler, don't you know? We will be back the following week though to cover TWO episodes of Temptation Island to catch up. Thank you for understanding, Raccoons! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC on IG:
Di 18.07.2023
53 : 03 min
71: Sister Wives Rewind - College Bound Browns (S3E9)
Bea and Dee are caravanning with the Browns again, this time to Boston! Leon, Aspyn, Logan, and Maddie tag along to look at some boring colleges and later, answer some interesting questions from curious undergrads. Oh, and Kody then has a spiritual moment with a pilgrim. Did you see his ridiculous sideburns, though?Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC on IG:
Do 13.07.2023
67 : 36 min
70: Temptation Island - Marriage, Then What? (S5 E4)
Bea and Dee dive into the absolute Trash Heap that is Temptation Island, in which a whole lot of nothing happened! These people are vapid and dumb AF, but it does make for some entertaining TV. When are we gonna see some action, though?! Come on now! We need more scenes of couples cheating and less of Mikayla's twerking, thank you very much! *Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here:*Follow RTC on IG:
Di 11.07.2023
47 : 15 min
69: Sister Wives - Another Wife (S3E8) / You, Me & My Ex FINALE! (S2E12)
Bea and Dee are here in the Reality TV Municipal Dumpster to talk about the season finale of You, Me & My Ex and another episode of the Mormon Fundies on Sister Wives! Starting in Sin City, the girls analyze the strange events happening in this episode... Mormon Hymns were sung, a weird (TLC produced?) Kody Brown sermon was performed, and a bizarre meet up with friends from their church, who are just so eager to start a Polygamist lifestyle of their own...ya know, because God called them to do it, and stuff.Later, Bea and Dee dissect the finale of You, Me & My Mole. Alex and Caroline went out with a bang (literally), Shlub and Kenzie are planning their wedding even though Chelsea is sad about it (for some reason), DeAndre and Rowan are still living their lives as "exes," and Chantel might possibly become a surrogate for Josh + Danielle (that's weird, yo!)... Oh and April + Roy were there too, but nobody cares. Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: https://patreon
Do 06.07.2023
69 : 58 min
68: Temptation Island - If There Were No Cameras (S5E3) / You, Me & My Ex (S2E10-11)
Bea and Dee are back again with another double whammy on You, Me & My Ex, plus another episode of Temptation (Hoe) Island! The trash is piping hot, and ready for some Raccoon feasting! Whether its roasting the f*ck out of Vanessa on Temptation Island, or poppin' off on DeAndre's childish behavior on You, Me & My Ex, the girls have NO CHILL! These people have got some nerve... No cap! So get in the Dumpster, Raccoons! This trash is tasty! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Di 04.07.2023
90 : 07 min
67: Sister Wives Rewind - July 4th Rebellion (S3E7) / You, Me & My Ex - Let Me Explain (S2E7-8)
Bea and Dee join the Browns at Big Bear Lake this week, where everyone is unhappy, especially Hunter, and rightfully so! Everyone has gone through a lot of change in recent months and it's a lot for the teens to handle... Annnnd of course, Robyn makes it all about herself, right on cue... #DamselinDistress Later, the girls get into two more episodes of You, Me and My Ex, in which DeAndre shows his true colors, Matt is still a shlub, and April is desperate AF! Oooh this season is juicy! Get in the Dumpster, friends! We've got some trash for you! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Do 29.06.2023
79 : 44 min
66: Temptation Island - Tiki Lights & Freaky Nights (S5E2) / You, Me & My Ex (S2 E6-7)
Bea and Dee are together in their brand new studio, baby, to talk some mad shit about the trashy people on Temptation Island and You, Me + My Ex! The trash is heating up in these shows, and it's getting GOOD! Cheaters, liars, shlubs and dad bods, this episode has got it all! The girls are poppin' off and give no f*cks, don't miss this one! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: RTC on IG:
Di 27.06.2023
83 : 00 min
65: Sister Wives - The Wives Diet Woes (S3E6) / You, Me & My Ex - You're Going To Need To Explain (S2E5)
Bea and Dee are back in the TLC Dumpster to talk about Sister Wives and You, Me & My Ex. To begin, the girls get into the triggering and unnecessary segment where the wives all go to the gym and get weighed. WHY put poor Janelle through this?! Later, Bea and Dee gawk at DeAndre's audacity as he is totally playing Elodie, the possible fraudery in Danielle + Josh + Jennifer + Chantel's relationships, and Matt's unbelievable tomfoolery as he continues to make an ass of himself every episode. What a ride! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Do 22.06.2023
52 : 32 min
64: Temptation Island - Same Island, New Twists (S5E1) / You, Me & My Ex - What To Ex-Pect (S2E4)
Bea and Dee get into the Season 5 Premiere of Temptation Island, and it is LIT! Naked bodies, sex in the showers, infidelity and toxicity! This season is fixing to be full of juicy trash and the girls can't get enough of it! Later, Bea and Dee dive into another episode of You, Me & My Ex. Matt continues to be a big dumb Ding Dong, meanwhile DeAndre has Elodie meet his mom and Rowan for the first time, and boy was that awkward! But hey, at least April + Jon + Roy & Loren weren't in this episode! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Di 20.06.2023
53 : 18 min
63: Sister Wives - Defending Polygamy (S3E5) / You, Me & My Ex Waiting to Ex-Hale (S2E3)
Get ready! This episode is so full of trash, the dumpster is overflowing! Bea and Dee have some (kinda) juicy Hot Goss and then dive right into this week's Sister Wives episode, in which Dee is TRIGGERED by Kody's friend Ken and his opinions on Polygamy! Later, the girls get into another episode of You, Me and My Ex. These couples are wild, and some are so immature! Bea and Dee are incredulous but highly addicted to the absolute dumpster fire that is this show! Get in here Raccoons! The trash is piping hot and ready for feasting! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Do 15.06.2023
79 : 13 min
62: You, Me and My Ex - Unexpected News (S2E2) / Temptation Island: Fake Psychic Predictions
Bea and Dee are back again to hash it out on the crazy couples of You, Me and My Ex. This week we have two new couples, and they're wild! Vibe Check! Bea and Dee ask the hard questions here: which couples are full of fakery and fraudery, and which ones aren't?! Later, the girls put on their Fake Psychic Hats and make their Fake Psychic Predictions for the fate of the Couples who will be on this season of Temptation Island! Time will tell if Bea and Dee's predictions will come true... What are your predictions? Are you watching any of these shows with us? Let us know on Instagram/Patreon! Want first dibs on ad-free episodes, plus plenty of bonus content?! Support us here: you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Be sure to follow RTC on IG:
Di 13.06.2023
87 : 48 min
61: Sister Wives Rewind - The 4 Lives of Kody Brown (S3E4)
Bea and Dee get into this week's JUICY Sister Wives episode, in which the girls get a glimpse of the Four Lives Of Kody Brown. Everyone's marriages seem to be doing well...except Christine's. Why doesn't she listen to Meri's sage advice and just "do more?" *insert eye roll here* Meanwhile, Robyn is busy singing her Siren Song and cultivating her perfect relationship with Kody. She will do whatever it takes, even if it means she destroys his other relationships in the process! There was a lot said and even more left unsaid in this one... Get ready for some tasty trash, Raccoons! Join us on Patreon for early, ad-free episodes plus plenty of bonus content! Support us here: if you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 08.06.2023
51 : 59 min
60: You, Me and My Ex - Great Expectations (S2E1) / The Ultimatum - Queer Love
Bea and Dee are here for their 60th episode and they've got a special one for all you trash Raccoons out there! The girls get into Season 2 of You, Me and My Ex and a brief kiki over the Ultimatum: Queer Love. The girls are in disbelief as to how ANY of these couples stay together! These shows are dramalicious and full of stinky, trash! But you know what else is full of trash?! Our Patreon - which is now is LIVE!! Come one, come all, Raccoons! Bonus content and ad-free episodes - what more could you want?! Support us here: if you love our podcast, be sure to leave a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 06.06.2023
49 : 02 min
59: Sister Wives Rewind - Sex Talk + Four Houses, Four Relationships (S3E4-5)
The girls dive into not one, but TWO episodes of Sister Wives this week! Some interesting things happening here... Kody performing for the cameras, Janelle throwing some shade to Robyn, the teens go on a cringey group date, and each wife gets a Used Furniture makeover! Come on in the dumpster with Bea and Dee, there's some tasty trash in here! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 01.06.2023
54 : 30 min
58: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Tell All Part Three
Bea and Dee begrudingly get together to recap the FINAL 90 Day Fiance: TOW Tell-all. Spoiler: The girls are pissed. Where's the accountability? Where's the fan service? This tell-all was bullsh*t and Bea and Dee were not having any of it! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star trashy review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 30.05.2023
34 : 47 min
57: Sister Wives Rewind - The Announcement (S3 E1)
The girls dive into the first episode in Season 3 of Sister Wives, in which Robyn has a big announcement she so anxiously wants to share with the family... But she can't share anything until she tells Meri first. What are her motives here? Is Sobyn Robyn truly a Machiavellian Mastermind, or is she unconciously an asshole? Bea and Dee get into all their theories as they dissect all the events of this episode, but they also have an announcement of their own for all the listeners! There's more trash coming your way, fellow Raccoons!If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 25.05.2023
56 : 30 min
56: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Tell All Part Two (S4E16)
Bea and Dee are TRIGGERED by the events that transpired on Part 2 of the Tell-All! Whether its Daniele's toxicity that goes unnoticed, the uncomfortably long conversation about d*cks, or the culturally insensitive bullying of Rishi - the girls are apoplectic and FED UP with TLC's bullshit. Do the producers of these shows care at all about their fans? Come on now! What did YOU think of this bullsh*t Tell-All? Were you just as mad as us?! Let us know your thoughts on our Instagram: if you love this podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 STAR review wherever you are listening!
Di 23.05.2023
54 : 17 min
55: Sister Wives - Sister Wives in the City of Sin (S2E11) / Welcome to Plathville - Everyone's Invited (S4E13)
It's time, fellow Trash Raccoons! We have made it to the Season Finales of Sister Wives and Welcome to Plathville! So much tasty trash in this one! After a little bit of not-so-Hot Goss, the girls begin by dissecting the drastic change in the Browns family structure, as each wife gets their own house and separates from each other. No cap, the family is forever fractured, and it's all down hill from here...Later, Bea and Dee float on down to Plathville. Despite a divorce on the horizon, the Plath family seems to want to bridge their divides and move on... but these people are so full of layers, it's obvious there's more going on behind the scenes. On God, this show is wild - for real! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 18.05.2023
81 : 32 min
54: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Where Is Love and Tell All (S4 E15)
The girls have finally arrived at part 1 of the Tell-All's. Ms. Debbie is the star of the show, Kris is an abusive person, and Daniele is dressed nice, but still sucks! Also, who does Mahmoud think he is?! The audacity! Gabe gives him a piece of his mind, and everyone had some shit to say to the renowned Poet and Artist, Oussama, but all in all, this episode was boring AF. Bea and Dee never fail to talk some mad sh*t though, so get in this Dumpster, fellow Raccoons! We got some trash for you! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 16.05.2023
59 : 07 min
53: Sister Wives - Gambling on the Future (S2E10) / Welcome To Plathville - You Know What You Did (S4E12)
Bea and Dee hitch a ride on the Brown caravan once again, this time heading to Sin City. 2 days and several flat tires later they land on their Plymouth Rock to start anew! But little do they know that they will never be the same after this... Later, the girls spill the tea on all the latest Hot Goss before getting all up in their feels as they discuss the increasingly complex layers of the Plaths. Such tasty, juicy trash in this episode! Get in this Dumpster with us... you know you want to! If you love our podcast be sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 11.05.2023
88 : 26 min
52: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Never Say I Regret... (S4 E14)
Bea and Dee return with a long awaited dumpster dive into 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way, just in time for Dee's 31st birthday! While Dee may have shed a tear over the end of Jen and Rishi's star-crossed love affair, the mood quickly shifts as the girls get into Monica and Gabe's immature Family Feud, Daniele's complete lack of self-awareness and Kris' inebriated return to Colombia after 5 MONTHS. Tasty, tasty trash for our Favorite Raccoon listeners! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC on IG:
Di 09.05.2023
64 : 54 min
51: Sister Wives - No Place For Home (S2 E9) / Welcome to Plathville - I'm Done Choosing (S4 E11)
The girls are back again for another Dumpster Dive into the crazy worlds of the Browns and the Plaths! Beginning with Sister Wives, Bea and Dee discuss Meri, Kody and Robyn's house hunting trip, Meri's goofy '70's themed birthday party, and Christine's unfortunate foreshadowing of the family's inevitable demise. Big yikes! Later, the girls get into all the layers of the Plath Family dynamic. While Kim may be toxic AF, Bea and Dee are FURIOUS with Olivia's temper baby tantrum during Joshua's birthday memoriam. The absolute audacity! Vibe Check! You suck, Olivia!If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 04.05.2023
75 : 28 min
50: Sister Wives - Sister Wives in Holiday Crisis (S2E8) / Welcome to Plathville - I Wasn't Invited (S4E10)
Bea and Dee return to the Brown Family Dumpster for another episode of Sister Wives. Christmas time is here, and it's all hapiness and cheer! But nothing is as it seems... Later, the girls head on over to the Plath Family Compost Pile, and for some reason, Olivia is there. Can someone tell this girl the world doesn't revolve around her? Big yikes. No cap...If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 start review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 27.04.2023
59 : 57 min
49: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - The Glow Soon Becomes Ashes (S4 E12)
Bea and Dee are back to their regular schedule of talking trash about the crazy couples on 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way. It's nearing the end of the season, and things are heating up! Jen's destroying her own relationship with her dumb friends, Danielle is the absolute WORST, Jeymi is deeply regretting her life choices, and Debbie sings to a donkey... Much more entertaining than the Fake Fraudery on Seeking Brother Husbands, that's for sure! If you like our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 25.04.2023
54 : 54 min
48: Sister Wives - The Brown Family Decision (S2E7) / Welcome to Plathville - You Have a Lot of Nerve (S4E9)
Despite Deelia still suffering with a nasty cold, she mustered up enough strength from The Heart of the Father to talk some mad shit with Beatrice. Whether it's the fake ass storylines on Seeking Brother Husband, Micah/Irinia/Jackie's toxic femininity on Love is Blind, Kody's fanatic mismanagement of his family, or the Plath's extremely broken family dynamic, this episode has got it all! Juicy trash for everyone!If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC on IG:
Do 20.04.2023
72 : 50 min
47: Sister Wives - Polygamist Party (S2E6) / Welcome to Plathville - I Feel Like a Cow (S4E8)
As if Sister Wives couldn't get any more boring, Bea and Dee must settle for another monotonous and pointless episode in which Meri gets a colonoscopy, and then throws a party with the rest of the family for their monogamous friends. What kind of production is this, TLC?! Snooze! Later, the girls head on to Plathville. It's poppin'! There's ballroom dancing! There's sexy pole dancing! Annnnnnnd there's deep emotional family turmoil... Big yikes. No cap. D-I-V-O-R-C-E is on the horizon, and again: these people need therapy. If you love our trashy podcast, be sure to leave us a trashy 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 13.04.2023
54 : 43 min
46: 90 Day Fiancé TOW - One Hand Does Not Clap (S4 E10) / Seeking Brother Husband - Two Men and a Baby (S1 E3)
Bea and Dee are together again to talk some MAD shit, starting with Daniele of 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way. Later, the girls discuss the complex relationship dynamics of the Couples and Thruples on Seeking Brother Husband. Is it love or is it cuckholdry? Why Polyandry and not Polyamory? We have questions that need answers! If you love this podcast, be sure to leave a good review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC on IG:
After feasting on some tasty trashy Hot Goss, Bea and Dee get into not one, but TWO, Boring Ass episodes of Sister Wives. Kody is putting on quite the facade for the camera, orange hair and all! But the girls see right through his receding hairline - and they do not prefer him! With a belly full of Goss and Fundamental Mormonism, Bea and Dee move on to Plathville, where they channel the Holy Spirit (vodka) to cringe, laugh and analyze all the ins and outs of the Plath family dynamic. Someone, please get these people some therapy! If you love our podcast, be sure to leave us a good review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on Instagram
Do 06.04.2023
74 : 16 min
44: 90 Day Fiancé TOW - A Beautiful Thing (S4 E9) / Seeking Brother Husband - Three's A Crowd, But Four... (S1 E2)
It's the first week of April, and Bea and Dee waste no time as they dive head first into the dumpster that is 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way. To no one's surprise, Nicole and Mahmoud are still mad at each other, and the girls can't figure out why the pair are still married! Later, Bea and Dee disect the puzzling (and unfair) concept of Polyandry following this week's episode of Seeking Brother Husband. If you love our Podcast, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 04.04.2023
62 : 56 min
43: Sister Wives Rewind - The Price of Polygamy (S2 E3) / Welcome to Plathville - Dirty Little Sinners (S4 E6)
Bea and Dee hop into the way back machine to watch how the circa 2011 (?) Browns try to seamlessly add a fourth wife to the family. Shocker, it ain't going well, with finances being a huge issue that apparently only Janelle cares about. From there the girls head over to Plathville where Ethan is putting a lot of hard work and dedication into being an emotional cripple while Moriah gets set off by Max's social media video explaining their breakup. Delicious trash for everyone! If you enioy this podcast, be sure to leave us a good review wherever you are listening!Follow RTC on IG:
Do 30.03.2023
72 : 40 min
42: Seeking Brother Husband - It's Raining Men (S1 E1) / 90 Day Fiancé TOW - For Every Joy There Is A Price (S4 E8)
Bea and Deelia excitedly swan dive into the first juicy episode of the new Trashy TLC series, Seeking Brother Husband - what a wild first Episode! Later, the girls dissect the fascinating and alarming developments with the couples of 90 Day Fiancé - The Other Way, starting with Nicole and Mahmoud's toxic ass relationship. What a dumpster fire!Follow RTC on IG: you enioy this pod, be sure to leave us a 5 star review wherever you are listening!
Di 28.03.2023
65 : 44 min
41: Sister Wives Rewind - Free Range Browns (S2 E2) / Welcome To Plathville Rewind - I Was Born In The Dining Room (S4 E5)
Bea and Dee catch a ride on the Brown Caravan as the family takes a trip to Wyoming to visit the Winn Cattle Ranch. On the way there, Robyn's big ass Suburban dies on her, stranding the wives and most of the kids on the side of the highway at night. And do you think that motivates holy patriarch Kody to drive one hour out of his way to ensure the safety and health of his family? Why of course not, this is Kody Brown we're talking about! After that, the girls dive to the Cairo level of the dumpster to check in with the Plaths and all their emotional problems. Lydia in particular is especially spooky as she asks Barry if IT'S THE HEART OF THE FATHER?! as she stares vacantly into her robotic dad's eyes. Elsewhere, Kim continues to shine brightly in all her malignant narcissistic glory while Ethan tries to find one small shred of empathy for his wife and fails. Did you see the new car he bought tho? Follow RTC on IG:
Do 23.03.2023
63 : 20 min
40: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Drop by Drop the River Rises (S4 E7)
This was a juicy episode! First, the girls discuss the different sides of (jealous/possessive/and kind of controlling) Isabel before watching trepidatiously as she and Gabe head to her parents to finally drop the secret of his identity. Somewhere else in Colombia, Kris from 'Bama appears to be (allegedly, in their raccoon opinions) withdrawing from something while Jeymi scrambles to administer her "candies" and figure out what the eff is going on. From there they discuss Debbie clocking Oussama's lies, Nicole and Mahmoud's endless unentertaining bickering, and Jen with her dual Masters degrees getting schooled by two based Indian Advocates who tell her she doesn't know how to read her own tourist visa. Luckily, there's no Danielle in this episode! Let the fat raccoons of the world rejoice! Follow RTC on IG:
Di 21.03.2023
49 : 58 min
39: Sister Wives Rewind - Browns Out of Hiding (S2 E1) / Welcome To Plathville Rewind - Double Life (S4 E4)
There's a lot of hot goss in the Sister Wives Universe so of course, that's right where Bea and Dee begin the pod. The raccoons actually get to hear a recent clip of Kody doing a Cameo to someone he doesn't know, explaining why he's disillusioned with polygamy and taking yet another passive-aggressive shot at the absolutely unbothered Christine. From there the girls dive straight to the bottom of the municipal dumpster to dissect the hell out of Sister Wives and Plathville and fair warning, Ethan's possible package.Follow RTC on IG:
Do 16.03.2023
60 : 46 min
38: 90 Day Fiance The Other Way - Love Is One Thing, Knowledge Is Another (S4 E6)
Bea & Dee start the pod listening to Danielle's latest TikTok rant wherein she criticizes everyone (and especially Beatrice) for not being as awesome as her, before diving into the most recent episode of TOW replete with drug-seeking, phallus-understanding, and wife-training.Follow RTC on IG:
The amount of raccoon rage is barely containable as the girls dumpster dive into the unfair ELEVEN-DAY HONEYMOON that has Top Ramen and Robyn breakdancing into the sun and surf as THREE WHOLE OTHER WIVES -- who only ever got to take ROAD TRIPS FOR HONEYMOONS -- stay salty back on the couch, spitting venom and jealousy into the blank Mormon void. Moving onto Plathville, the girls watch in horror as Barry makes his final transition into full-on robotic form as he bee boop bops around the kitchen sizing up a tall, strapping Jamaican who is more likely than not thoroughly boning his sweating, pirouetting, drunk-driving wife. Come forth and feast upon the trash, fellow raccoons! Follow RTC on IG:
Do 09.03.2023
54 : 37 min
36: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - Lies Have Got No Legs (S4 E5)
Bea & Dee discuss the latest episode of 90 Day Fiance TOW, offering a range of emotions from indignation (Nicole & Mahmoud) to full-on apoplectic rage (Danielle & Yohan). Follow us on IG:
Bea and Dee dive head-first into the reality television municipal dumpster to discuss Sister Wives & Welcome To Plathville, two objectively boring af but highly entertaining shows. Doing what only real(ly) fat raccoons know how to do, the girls masterfully turn trash into treasure with astute observations about Mormon Temple Marriage Incantations, WAPs, 2010 ringlet representation, and Bee Boop Bop Barry's dubious bedroom game. Follow RTC on IG:
Do 02.03.2023
57 : 58 min
34: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - What The Mind Does Not Want (S4 E4)
Bea and Dee discuss at length the curious problem of dingdong Americans stomping into other countries and expecting their love interests in said countries to immediately conform to their irrational Western expectations and cultural privilege. Not unrealistic at all! Follow RTC on IG:
Bea & Deelia finally get to the infamous wedding dress shopping scene on Sister Wives, promptly spinning them into convulsions of rage and then deep discussions of butt stuff and hoe houses. From there they move to Plathville where they see Kim coming into her full malignant glory as she opens a dance studio and shares morose journal entries about how animatronic beep boop bop Barry just isn't doing it for her anymore.Follow RTC on IG:
Do 23.02.2023
85 : 33 min
32: 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way - If You Can't Jump, You Plunge (S4 E3)
Bea and Dee are so happy 90 Day Fiance is back, no cap! They discuss the lovesick couples and hash out their new faves, with the top fave by far being the fabulous Debbie of the crystal necklaces and wonderful artwork, who is off to marry 24-year-old Oussama from Morocco. This season couldn't be starting off any better! Follow us on IG:
Di 21.02.2023
56 : 59 min
31: Married At First Sight - Jamaican Me Crazy (S16 E7)
The thing about Bea and Dee is that they have a strong work ethic and will show up to talk sh*t no matter what. Never mind that the Married At First Sight couples ARE STILL ON THEIR HONEYMOONS IN JAMAICA, the girls are dedicated to asking the important questions, like does Chris ever change his shirt? Can they get the streets out of Airris' aura? Can Gina talk about anything else besides Slay Bae?Follow RTC on IG:
Fr 17.02.2023
70 : 40 min
30: Sister Wives Rewind (S1 E5) / Love Is Blind - After The Altar
Bea and Dee report all the Sister Wives Hot Gossip before dissecting Kody and Meri Brown's 20th Anniversary deflections, disappointments, and manipulations. After that, the girls discuss how both of them had to straight up rage quit Love Is Blind - After The Altar. Justice for Cole! Follow us on IG:
Di 14.02.2023
64 : 54 min
29: Married At First Sight - You Dropped A Bomb On Me (The D*ck Episode) (S16 E6) + My 600lb Life
Bea and Dee just can't help it, the phallus creeps into almost every discussion around every couple. Because what if? What if the peen was so small that a man had to concoct a ruse to lure a beautiful woman into a legally binding union just so she would have to take the pamper peen? These thoughts and so many others are at the fore tonight as the girls stand in stark judgment of everybody but themselves, and rightly so.After that they dissect the latest episode of My 600 Pound Life while eating taco bell and sipping from a can of sweetened condensed milk. Yolo.Follow us on IG:
Sa 11.02.2023
87 : 11 min
28: 90 Day Fiancé TOW (S4 E2) / Sister Wives Rewind (S1 E4)
Bea and Dee break down the latest episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, in which they mutually seethe over Daniele's nasty little attitude, Kris' terrible rainbow fashion choices, and Nicole's entitled American audacity at refusing to adapt to the culture to which she's immigrating. But this is 90 Day Fiancé, so what else is new? After that, the girls get into Sister Wives Rewind (starts at about 45 mins in), where they discuss Truely's grand entrance into the world as well as Kody and Robyn's inappropriate making out behind closed doors. Follow us on IG:
Di 07.02.2023
66 : 28 min
27: Married At First sight - It's All About The Journey (S16 E5) / My 600 Pound Life - Geno & Nico's Journey (S11 E1)
Bea & Dee try to make the most of the newest episode of Married At First Sight, dissecting the cringy conversation between Gina and Clint, Airris' inappropriate sexual "jokes" to Jasmine, and the awkwardly sweet love story of Nicole and Chris, the only couple with any real chance of staying together. After, they download each other on their thoughts about the season premiere of My 600 Pound Life. Follow us on IG:
Sa 04.02.2023
70 : 39 min
26: 90 Day Fiancé TOW (S4 E1) / Sister Wives Rewind (S1 E3)
Bea & Dee brave the Texas Ice Storm to discuss the highly entertaining and entirely dysfunctional couples and storylines of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. From there they return to their first soulmate Mormon love, Sister Wives Season 1, where they witness Robyn really firing up the tears and psychopathy, and poor Christine and Meri trying hard to protect the family while fighting back the realization that my God, everything is actually falling apart.Follow us on IG! Wives content starts at approximately: 44:00
Fr 03.02.2023
81 : 42 min
It's An Ice Emergency
Only Walker Texas Ranger can find this lost raccoon...Follow us on IG:
Mo 30.01.2023
4 : 57 min
25: Married At First Sight - Honeymoon Hiccups (S16 E4) + MILF Manor - Your MILF Should Know (S1 E2)
Bea & Dee get into the latest episode of Married At First Sight, with both ladies falling hard for Chris and Nicole's new love! What they're not in love with, though, is horndog Airris bringing up sex every three seconds, Kirsten and her impossibly high standards for a woman showing up to marry someone on a reality tv show, and perpetually rude cousin Fallina who can't seem to be supportive in any situation whatsoever.After reviewing the episode, the ladies move on to the shitshow that is MILF Manor, discussing the latest cringey antics of the mature women and their ... sons. What fresh hell is this show?Follow us on IG:
Fr 27.01.2023
65 : 40 min
24: Sister Wives Rewind (S1 E2) + Love Without Borders (S1 E8)
Bea and Dee discuss the latest gossip in the Sister Wives Universe before dining on the meal of fine trash that is Sister Wives Season 1, Episode 2. After that, they guess which couples will fail first on Love Without Borders, and the gag is -- it's all of them! Follow us on IG:
Di 24.01.2023
72 : 05 min
23: Married At First Sight - Music City Matrimony (S16 E3)
Bea & Deelia dive down deep into the Reality TV Cringe dumpster to break down the last of the weddings, plus all the revealing side conversations between couples, family, and friends. Really, Domynique? You can't remember your husband's name? And seriously, Jasmine -- 13 dogs??? WTF!Follow us on IG:
Fr 20.01.2023
68 : 26 min
22: Sister Wives Rewind (S1 E1) + Love Without Borders Catchup
Bea & Dee start the pod by going over all of the Sister Wives' gossip and news from the last week -- and there was a LOT. From there they revisit the first episode of the first season of the series, comparing and contrasting the Browns of the past with the present-day split-apart Brown family. How things have changed!After getting their Sister Wives fix, the girls dive head first into Love Without Brothers to primarily celebrate the exit of Mean Gurleen before discussing all the other couples and how it's guaranteed that none will last. So much for soul mate matchmaking! Follow RTC on IG:
Mo 16.01.2023
72 : 03 min
21: Married At First Sight - Runaway Groom? (S16 E2)
Bea and Dee have a down-home raccoon party as they dumpster dive into the all-fluff and no-stuff second episode of Married At First Sight, Season 16. Even though Lifetime gave us a 2 hour episode that could have been condensed down to 15 minutes, the girls still had a whole lot to say! Follow us on Instagram:
Fr 13.01.2023
66 : 09 min
20: Sister Wives - One-on-One Part 3 (S17 E17)
No matter how low Bea & Dee's expectations are for Kody, he always seems to go even lower, and this One-on-One is no exception. Kody takes absolutely no responsibility as he continues his smear campaign against Christine and Janelle, all while Robyn tries to squeeze out a tear -- just one! -- as she victimizes herself over being the favorite wife with all the oranges. Oh, and Meri was there too, kinda. Follow us on Instagram:
Di 10.01.2023
66 : 32 min
19: Married At First Sight - Marry Me In Tennessee (S16 E1)
Bea and Dee kick off the new season of Married At First Sight by dissecting each and every person on the cast and doubling down on many of their previous psychic predictions -- except for Shaquille.Oh, and Clint? THEY DO NOT PREFER HIM. QUESTION: Would you rather us cover the upcoming Bachelor or 90-Day Fiance The Other Way? DM us on Instagram to let us know! RTC on IG:
Fr 06.01.2023
50 : 45 min
18: Sister Wives - One-on-One Part 2 (S17 E16)
Really? This is what you give the people after an entire season of gaslighting and kidney knifing? Bea and Dee cannot BELIEVE the audacity of Kody Brown as he continues to wage his campaign of grunts and pants and lies against Christine and the remaining two sane Sister Wives. And hello Suky? Are you in there? Are you awake? Or are you physically incapable of recognizing the ONE MILLION choice opportunities to ask an important and fair follow-up question?What in the world! Follow us on Instagram:
Mo 02.01.2023
53 : 11 min
17: Married at First Sight - Fake Psychic Couple Predictions
Bea and Dee get together for a bonus New Year's Eve kiki to make absolutely sweeping and irresponsible fake psychic predictions for the new couples on Married at First Sight: Nashville. Take everything they say with a grain of salt because they are doing nothing but bullshitting -- but don't be surprised if EVERY SINGLE PREDICTION COMES TRUE!!!New schedule for 2023 (starting after the Sister Wives' Tell All)Mondays - Sister Wives Retrospective (starting with Season 1)Thursdays - Married at First Sight + Bachelor (maybe) and Temptation Island (definitely)Please follow us on IG!
So 01.01.2023
56 : 30 min
16: Sister Wives Roundup + Love Without Borders
Bea and Dee kiki over Gwendlyn Brown's recent YouTube and Patreon uploads in which she spills some interesting tea on the Family Brown. From there they talk about a new show they're enjoying, Love Without Borders, which is a Utah-elevated 90-Day Fiance with a fun cast of characters!Follow RTC on IG:
Di 27.12.2022
77 : 39 min
15: Sister Wives - One-on-One Part 1 (S17 E15)
Let's just start right off by saying that WE SHOULD HAVE TOTALLY BEEN THE HOSTS OF THIS TELL ALL! Come on Sukyana, why so many softball questions to the Brown Family "Patriarch" and his Favorite & Legal Wife? Disappointment aside, we still have tons of observations and interesting things to dissect, so let's get into it! Follow us on Instagram: to us: [email protected]
Di 20.12.2022
66 : 31 min
14: Sister Wives - Which Wife Is Next? (S17 E14)
Well, that finale sure snuck up on us! The last episode of season 17 is a doozy, with Kody absolutely throwing his best diaper baby tantrum after finding out his kids with Janelle and Christine will be staying at a nearby vacation rental for Christmas -- WITHOUT HIM. Bea and Dee spend quite a bit of time dissecting ALL the verbal truth bombs that were dropped in this episode, so buckle up, the mountain's about to explode! Follow us on Instagram:
Mo 12.12.2022
82 : 38 min
13: Sister Wives - Coronapocalypse (S17 E13)
Congratulations, Janelle! You're the target now! Dee and Bea get triggered all over the place listening to Kody blather on about how heartbroken he is about the dissolution of his family while simultaneously destroying everything with a giant wrecking ball (named Robyn). Make it make sense! Follow us on Instagram:
Mo 05.12.2022
65 : 58 min
12: Sister Wives - Life After Polygamy (S17 E12)
Well, the shoe finally dropped, didn't it? Christine is gone to live life elevated in Utah, and Kody's focus now turns to Janelle, who wants nothing more than to have her OWN HOME! Sounds reasonable, but do prognosticators Bea and Dee think she'll get it? Eff no, they don't! They spend the entire episode explaining why and digging into what Kody and Robyn's real motivations are, and how things will likely pan out for Janelle (and Meri). Follow us on Instagram:
Di 29.11.2022
75 : 59 min
11: Sister Wives - The Worst Goodbye (S17 E11)
Dee is back from her travels abroad and boy does she have a lot to say about the last two episodes of Sister Wives! From there she and Bea dive into the most recent episode, dissecting the egregious audacity of Sobyn, Kody, and that final toxic, angry, and super awkward family goodbye. The pod concludes with a deep dive into Gwendlyn Brown's new Patreon and her SUPER INTERESTING answers to some of the most popular fan questions about Robyn, Kody, and the rest of the Sister Wives family. Good stuff!!Please make sure to follow Bea & Dee on Instagram, and let them know what other shows they should be watching!
Di 22.11.2022
94 : 00 min
10: Sister Wives - The Knife In The Kidneys! (S17 E10)
Join Bea and her cousin Gerty, filling in one more time for our homegirl, Deelia. This week's episode gets heated as Bea and Gerty go OFF on Kody and Robyn's ORDACITY! Do they think we're stupid?! Did Kody think we would fall for that gaslighting BS?! Absolutely not! They really are trying to blame Christine for EVERYTHING -- and why is Meri on board with it? At least Christine will always have Janelle...despite Janelle's shocking financial claims near the end of the episode. What does the future hold for the Brown Family? Next week Deelia will be BACK, and she can't WAIT to get into it with Bea on everything she missed while she was travelling. Stay tuned, and make sure if you like our podcast, leave us a great review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you for listening! Follow us on Instagram:
Di 15.11.2022
82 : 02 min
9: Sister Wives - A Polygamist Divorce (S17 E9) / 90 Day Fiancé HEA - Meet Me Halfway (S7 E11)
Join Bea and her cousin Gerty, filling in for Deelia while she is away travelling, as they discuss the newest episode of Sister Wives. Oh boy, what a ride this one was! A LOT was said in this episode. Bea & Gerty are floored as Robyn accuses Christine of LYING about the demise of her marriage with Kody. Also - why can't Meri seem to understand that Kody does NOT care about her anymore?Near the end of this episode, Bea & Gerty briefly discuss 90 Day Fiancé HEA and the disappointing decline in the franchise as TLC continues to give air time to people like Angela and Big Ed. Why are these people on our televisions, and why do we continue to watch them?! Be sure to follow us on Instagram!
Di 08.11.2022
74 : 44 min
8: Sister Wives - Hang On With Me (S17 E8) / 90 Day Fiancé HEA - Bad Blood (S7 E10)
Bea & Deelia discuss the latest episode of Sister Wives in which it's confirmed Meri knows she's absolutely an outcast, Robyn wants Christine to stay because it's all about her, Janelle increasingly doesn't give AF, and Christine is itching to get out of dodge and leave Kody in the dust. From there they move on to 90 Day Fiance - Happily Ever After, where they raise their fists to the sky after having to watch another episode of Big Ed and Angela being manipulative, abusive a-holes.Follow us on the gram!
Di 01.11.2022
88 : 12 min
7: Sister Wives - The Failed Priest (S17 E7) / 90 Day Fiancé HEA - Just Give Me a Reason (S7 E9)
Beatrice and Dee rage about what has to be one of the darkest episodes of Sister Wives yet, which is saying something given this season. Kody decides to lean into his full-on hypocrite by driving to Tulsa, Ok to officiate his friend's wedding, despite NOT going to Ysabel's surgery and also DECLINING to take her to college. This man is an ass of the highest order, and a couple of his wives aren't having it anymore, much to Bea &Dee's delight. From there, the girls get into 90 Day Fiance HEA and scream into the ether at all the absolute wastes of space who continue to show up week after week to demonstrate what not being a good human looks like, except for Sumit who looks nice in jewel tones. Follow us on IG!
Di 25.10.2022
88 : 27 min
6: Sister Wives - Telling Truely (S17 E6) / 90 Day Fiance HEA - Under Pressure (S7 E8)
Well, things just keep getting weirder for the Brown Family in Flagstaff, Arizona, and Beatrice and Dee are here to judge every last second of it. After that, they do a rundown of the complete trainwreck that is 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After, culminating with them screaming into the void about why it can possibly be that Angela is on their television sets.
Di 18.10.2022
79 : 09 min
5: Sister Wives - The Last Family Gathering (S17 E5) / 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After - Are You Happy Now? (S7 E7)
To no one's shock and dismay, Bea and Delia continue to lambast Kody Brown and his awful handling of his many wives. They also get into the most recent episode of 90 Day Fiance HEA where they debate whether Angela is even a real human person as opposed to a demonic entity in a rage suit.
Di 11.10.2022
66 : 22 min
4: Sister Wives - And Then There Were Three (S17 E4) / 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After / RHOSLC
Join Bea and Dee as they get explore the dark side of the patriarchy as they get into the latest episode of Sister Wives, 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After, and Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.
Di 04.10.2022
92 : 04 min
3: Sister Wives - The Labors of Love (S17 E3) / 90 Day Fiancé UK (S1 E10)
Bea and Deelia are left wondering, what the hell did they just watch? Join them as they try to curb their vulgarity and irreverence -- unsuccessfully -- as they have cocktails and discuss the most recent episodes of Sister Wives and 90 Day Fiance UK.
Di 27.09.2022
65 : 27 min
2: Sister Wives - Is There A Favorite Wife? (S17 E2) / 90 Day Fiancé UK - I will Get That Ring! (S1 E9)
Join B & D as they continue to off-gas their unmitigated fury at Kody Brown and his perpetual bad choices. Next they do a quick dive into 90 Day Fiance UK only to be deeply disappointed yet again.
Di 20.09.2022
73 : 09 min
1: Sister Wives - It's OVER! (S17 E1) / 90 Day Fiancé UK / Seeking Sister Wife
Bea and Dee scream into the void after watching the first episode of the new season of Sister Wives. After that, they get into 90 Day Fiance UK and Seeking Sister Wife.
Di 13.09.2022
48 : 04 min
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