Hey, my name is Riley, a radio host from Baguio City, Philippines. I go on the air weekday afternoons at 4 PHT; but most of the time, it's radio-friendly (a little too wholesome for who I am off the air). My friends know me for being a motormouth on things that I'm passionate about—music, film & TV, superheroes, tech, pop culture, personal development, why ants carry more than their weight, and other stuff. "Riley Off The Radio" is where you get to hear me talk about these things with no filter and e...
I'm the King of the BRAAAM 'Cause I Say So
Join me as I try to recreate one of the most recognizable sounds in movie trailer history. If you like Christopher Nolan's INCEPTION, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen it yet, let me take ya to school!
Special thanks to Ben Symons for allowing me to use his BRAAAM masterpiece.
Mo 29.08.2022
13 : 38 min
Abducting a Fake Influencer for Science
Since it took me a while to come up with a new episode, I'm upping the ante for this one. I brought a fake influencer to an undisclosed location so I can interrogate them about why they are the way they are. I guess it didn't end as well as I expected. Welp, let's talk about influencers and how authenticity ironically seems like fakery in itself.
Podcast Artwork by @DompDOMPDomp on Twitter
So 16.05.2021
24 : 36 min
A Hipster Eulogy
Do you remember when hipsters we're a thing? Let's take a look back at the interesting subculture that rocked millennials to their core and see how it came to be. And since this subculture has long been dead, I'm calling this episode a delayed eulogy.
Mi 22.07.2020
17 : 00 min
Minimalism Remixed
Minimalism is so much more than trying hard to lessen irrelevant stuff from your life or reduce the clutter at home. In this episode, I shuffle some minimalist concepts around so you can learn about how I apply it to different aspects of my personal life and career.
This is minimalism explained and remixed.
1. MINIMALISM: A Documentary About the Important Things (2016), dir. Matt D'Avella - https://www.netflix.com/ph/title/80114460
2. What Is Minimalism? How to Become a Minimalist by Joshua Becker - https://www.becomingminimalist.com/what-is-minimalism/
3. Minimalism Is Not a Radical Lifestyle by Joshua Fields Millburn - https://www.theminimalists.com/radical/
4. Matt D'Avella, the Minimalist Filmmaker - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ24N4O0bP7LGLBDvye7oCA
5. [BOOK] Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - https://gregmckeown.com/book/
Mi 08.07.2020
18 : 46 min
Confessions of a Church Dropout
We all know how Church can be for anyone. It can be a place for fellowship with like-minded believers and knowing more about God. However, it can also be a cesspool of existential doubt and unfulfilled potential. I was once a VERY active member of a church. I even got as far as preaching the word!
But despite that, I eventually figured out that I'm better off without Jesus or religion in my life.
This is my story as a Church Dropout.
1. WASHINGTON POST: Why millennials are skipping church and not going back - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-millennials-are-skipping-church-and-not-going-back/2019/10/27/0d35b972-f777-11e9-8cf0-4cc99f74d127_story.html
2. PEW RESEARCH: Millennials increasingly are driving the growth of ‘nones’ - https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/12/millennials-increasingly-are-driving-growth-of-nones/
Contradictions - https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/number.html
Mi 24.06.2020
21 : 46 min
When A Hobby Goes Sideways
Hobbies are a good thing. But sometimes, one couldn't help but ask, "am I just merely engaging in this for fun, or is it becoming a bit too much?" Don't get me wrong, I love my hobbies. So to eliminate the feelings of guilt, let's take a deep dive into the fine line (and similarities) between our hobbies and when it becomes borderline consumerist.
After all, hobbies can never be a bad thing, right? RIIIGHT?
Mi 10.06.2020
17 : 00 min
Glitch In The Matrix: My Biggest Unsolved Mysteries
Have you ever experienced something deeply weird that until now, you have no explanation for it? Maybe it’s a paranormal encounter, a creepy sense of deja vu, or an occurrence that’s simply beyond your comprehension.
I’ve gone through a pair of weird phenomena that are categorized as a Glitch In The Matrix—an odd house and a misplaced memory.
Only a few people know about this, and I’m sharing it publicly for the first time.
Hopefully, I find some answers.
1. What’s a Glitch In The Matrix? - thoughtcatalog.com/juliet-lanka/2017/11/25-people-give-their-glitch-in-the-matrix-story-that-made-them-believe-in-the-supernatural/
2. Glitch In The Matrix Subreddit - reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/
3. Time Moves In a Circle - cosmology.com/RotatingUniverse.html
Mi 27.05.2020
24 : 38 min
Introducing Riley Off The Radio
Hey there, I'm David Riley, a radio host from Baguio City, Philippines. Welcome to Riley Off The Radio, where I talk about all the good stuff that I love—minus the restraint and wholesome filter of the radio.
So 17.05.2020
0 : 37 min
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