Join me as I sit down and chat with some fascinating guests from Sports and entertainment, community leaders, TV and Radio personalities and people who have made a great impact in the community and around the world. We will take a trip down memory lane and get a in depth look at what drives them, what adventures they have experienced and talk about some of the Ups, Downs and everything in between and of course eat some Tacos. -Ace
Taco Tuesday With Ace EP #25 - Katie Scott - View from the Top Marketing
Great episode recorded with Katie Scott @ktscott02 in the Lab 🥼 here at @downtownspacesep As we chat about life , the pageant lifestyle and how she has been building a career in business and news media All this and more with the Episode Dropping tomorrow Tuesday Aug 22 2023 on the @epsportsnet and your favorite podcast platforms 🎙️Visit @neewer for your photography video accessories and more and used code “KTSCOTT02” for 20% off #tacotuesday #podcast#neewer #katieScott
Di 22.08.2023
57 : 08 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace EP #24 - Aura on the Moon
On this next episode of @tacotuesdaywithace with the lovely @auraonthemoon 🎙️✨🌙♠️
We talk about life growing up, her career / Mental Health/ Modeling some of the Do’s and Don’ts of Photogs/ Cosplay Fitness and Her @meganfox obsession and more!
Use code “aura” for 20% off Neewer products 🤙Catch this episode on Tuesday Aug 15 on the @epsportsnet and your favorite podcast platforms #auraonthemoon #TacoTuesdayWithAce #Podcast
Di 15.08.2023
64 : 24 min
Taco Tuesday WIth Ace - EP 23 - Logan Radio Rocks
Ace chats with Logan Radio Rocks , Learn about Logans journey through the world from Life at ESPN, making that jump from a desk job to finding his passion and going 100%
Hear about all the new and exciting things happening for Logan and more!
Use code "Logan" for 20% off neewer equipment
#LoganRadioRocks #TacoTuesdayWithAce #EPSportsnet
Di 08.08.2023
52 : 43 min
Taco Tuesday With Ace EP 22 - Jesse Estrada
Ace chats with his brother from another mother, from Soco Loco, Professional Baseball Stud , El Grandote, Moose Jesse Estrada! We catch up talk about his life doing something he loves playing baseball for all these years. Taking a trip down memory lane from life in the minors to life in Mexico and now playing ball on the east coast. His love for his family and especially his wife and how that bond has helped him throughout the years and we dig into all the new and exciting things he has going on!
Plus find out how the old nickname of Ace "Ducks" was used to trigger someones memory... Tune in to find out!
#JesseEstrada #TacoTuesdayWithAce #EPSportsnet
Di 01.08.2023
58 : 48 min
Taco Tuesday With Ace - EP 21 - Jorge Salgado
Ace sits down with one of the top photogs in the Sun City Mr. Jorge Salgado! We catch up talk about life post Covid and all the new and exciting things he has going on!
Plus are we into a new Fitness mindset ? Tune in to find out!
Check out @Salgadophoto to get your hands on some cool merch like stickers and the Annual Salgado Calendar!
#SalgadoPhoto #TacoTuesdayWithAce #EPSportsnet
Di 25.07.2023
76 : 09 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 10- With Special Guest Entrepreneur Mark Hernandez of American Entertainment Management Group (AEMG)
Welcome to Season 2 Episode #10 of Taco Tuesday with Ace with my very special guest entrepreneur Mark Hernandez of the American Entertainment Management Group (AEMG) and American Solar Group.
We take a trip down memory lane and see how Mark got his start in the Business world in Dallas and making moves that would eventually have him return to the Sun City where he has continued to build his brand and give back to the community.
Hear how one comment was all it took to light the fire within and he hasnt looked back ever since. From his accounting business to the Roofing and Solar industry and now in his new Venture along sine Wrestling Superstar Cinta De Oro, they look to bring back the Lucha Libre experience to a new generation and at the same time help grow and give wrestlers a platform to showcase their talents and do what they love, Lucha.
All this and More on this episode of Taco Tuesday with Ace Recorded live from the Downtown Spaces in El Paso, Texas.
for more info on AEMG go to f
Mi 20.01.2021
71 : 02 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 9 with my very special guests Eddie R and Victor V. and we are talking about the El Paso Disc Golf!
Welcome to Season 2 Episode #9 with my very special guests Eddie R and Victor V. and we are talking about the El Paso Disc Golf!
Eddie and Victor join me as we talk about a sport that not that many people realize is happening all over... Disc Golf! we talk about the Disc Golf came to be and a special event happening in February the El Paso Ice Bowl, a Great Cause that will benefit the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger .
Learn how you can get involved and learn to play this pretty awesome sport! We also talk about a great moment for Mexican F1 Race car driver Racing Point's Sergio Perez, who's exciting victory caused tears of joy!
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #DowntownSpacesEP #EPDIscGolf #PhotosByAceStudios #LosPhotogs #CityofThe915 #Podcast #TwoForTuesday #ElPasoHeraldPost
Di 05.01.2021
88 : 06 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 7 Part One- Mr Wil Herren from KVIA Ch7
Welcome to Season 2 Episode #7 Part One with my very special guest Mr Wil Herren!
This session was so good we needed to split it into two parts! We will take a trip down memory lane on how Mr Wil got his Start, the third times a charm for College and We will talk about some of the Ups and Downs and everything in between and of course eat some Tacos. Shout out to Gasoline Ray's for the DELICIOUS tacos!
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #DowntownSpacesEP #WilHerren #PhotosByAceStudios #LosPhotogs #CityofThe915 #Podcast #TwoForTuesday #ElPasoHeraldPost
Di 22.12.2020
47 : 42 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 6- with Priss and Vic of the Show Stay Tuned El Paso
On this episode, i sit down with the hosts Priss and Vic of the New video podcast show " Stay Tuned El Paso with Priss and Vic! we will take a trip down memory lane, on how they got their start, the new challenges that we are currently facing and what is in store for the future and more!
Be Sure to Subscribe to all our social media channels to stay up to date with all the latest episodes and announcements.
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #Podcast #STEP #StayTunedElPaso #DowntownSpaces #RodeMic #RodecasterPro #ElPaso
Di 27.10.2020
39 : 02 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 5 - with Special Guest Mr. Felix Chavez, Veteran Sports Reporter from the El Paso Times
Recorded live from the Brand New Downtown Spaces in Beautiful El Paso Texas, Taco Tuesday with Ace returns with Episode Numero Cinco!
My special guest is one of the hardest working persons I know! Veteran Sports Reporter from the El Paso Times... Mr Felix Chavez!
In this Episode we will chat on how he got his start in the Business, His love of Horse racing and the current state of racing in the future. and then we dive on in to Texas High School football! its opening week here in the Sun City ( Due to this Pandemic) and we chat on the outlook of high school sports and what teams can make a run!
Be sure to follow us on our social media accounts!
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #Podcast #DowntownSpaces #Cityofthe915 #PhotosByAceStudios
Di 29.09.2020
38 : 26 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 4- Victor Cruz - Radio Legend
Welcome to Season 2 Episode #4 with my very special guest Mr Victor Cruz Radio personality Legend!
We will take a trip down memory lane on how and why he got started in the radio biz. We will get a in depth look at what the state of the industry is currently in and what he thinks might happen. And we get to hear what was is about the legend “Prince” that made him a #1 for life and what adventures he has experienced. We will talk about some of the Ups and Downs and everything in between and of course eat some Tacos.
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #DowntownSpacesEP #TellMeSomethingPodcast #PhotosByAceStudios #LosPhotogs #CityofThe915 #Podcast #TwoForTuesday #ElPasoHeraldPost
Di 08.09.2020
87 : 42 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 3- Cruz "Robbie" Villanueva from The "Tell Me Something Podcast"
Welcome to Season 2 Episode #3 with my very special guest Mr Cruz “Robbie” Villanueva from the “Tell Me Something Podcast”.
We will take a trip down memory lane of life at Socorro, College and Military and Family life. We will get a in depth look at what was the driving force to start his own podcast, what adventures he has experienced and talk about some of the Ups and Downs and everything in between and of course eat some Tacos.
#TacoTuesdayWithAce #DowntownSpacesEP #TellMeSomethingPodcast #PhotosByAceStudios #LosPhotogs #CityofThe915 #Podcast #TwoForTuesday #ElPasoHeraldPost
Di 08.09.2020
50 : 48 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 2- Jesse Estrada- Socorro Alumni - Pro Baseball player
A brand new episode of Taco Tuesday with Ace with my very Special Guest: the Socorro Bulldog alumni & current Professional Baseball player Mr Jesse Estrada 🙌🙏🎙
We take a trip down memory lane about growing up in Texas, college and life in there Pros and reveals a major life changing announcement and more! Be sure to subscribe to the channel #TacoTuesdayWithAce #losphotogs #photosbyaceStudios #downtownspaces
Di 01.09.2020
79 : 27 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Season 2- Ep 1- Ray Jackson from Rayworks Productions
Taco Tuesday with Ace returns for Season #2! In Episode 1 we have Ray Jackson from Ray Works Productions on the show as we take a trip down memory lane and discuss sports, comic cons, and get the inside scoop on his new show " Locally Sourced EP"
#LosPhotogs #TacoTuesdayWithAce #LocallySourcedEP #PhotosByAce #DowntownSpacesEP
Di 25.08.2020
29 : 18 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace " The Quarantine Edition" Episode 2 with Special Guest Iris Lopez, Founder of " Mija Yes You Can" organization.
Taco Tuesday with Ace " The Quarantine Edition" Episode 2 with Special Guest Iris Lopez, Founder of " Mija Yes You Can" organization.
In this episode we will hear how Iris got her start in the business, from Hitting the airwaves with HitFM Radio, to being live on TV reporting for KVIA- Ch 7. and in this next chapter hear the reason why she started the movement to spreading positivity and help empower women with a phrase, " Mija Yes You Can!"
Di 05.05.2020
38 : 47 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace " The Quarantine Edition" Episode 1 with Special Guest Jorge Salgado
Taco Tuesday with Ace " The Quarantine Edition" Episode 1 with Special Guest Jorge Salgado from the El Paso Inc.
We will chat a little about his history, some of his up's and down's, some of the best things he has seen so far? And, Can we get him to do another calendar?
Mi 29.04.2020
27 : 38 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 6 with Special Guest Quarterback Steven Montez
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 6 with Special Guest Steven Montez. The Colorado Buffaloes and Former Del Valle Conquistadores QB joins me on set as we discuss life growing up in Texas, playing sports on the big stage in the State of Texas and in the Pac-12 football conference. Get a insight on what adversity and greatest moments he has had in his young football career so far as he prepares for the upcoming Reeses Senior Bowl game and NFL Draft. So tune in for this and Steven's personal message to the City of the 915!
Mo 24.02.2020
20 : 23 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 5 with Special Guest Harry Ruiz!
Taco Tuesday With Ace Special Holiday Episode #5 with the One & only Harry Ruiz 🙌🎙. Join us as we talk about how he got his start in the business by taking a chance at a young age in Mexico to being able to cover professional sports, how he got to become friends the Comedian George Lopez and his WWE Superstars connections and more!! #Losphotogs
Mo 24.02.2020
51 : 17 min
Taco Tuesday With Ace Episode 4 with Special Guest - Colin Deaver
Taco Tuesday With Ace with Special Guest - Colin Deaver joins me as we talk about his journey, from Life at Oregon and the Ducks to working in an intense SEC Sports area and why he now calls the City of the 915... Home. Also, do you love Salsa as much as Colin? Tune in to Episode 4 of Taco Tuesday with Ace to find out!
Mo 24.02.2020
28 : 39 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 3 With Eddie Morelos, Sun Bowl Association Media Relations Director
Taco Tuesday With Ace Episode 3 with Eddie Morelos, Media Relations Director, Sun Bowl Association. I sit down with Eddie as we talk about his journey from Lordsburg NM all the way to life in El Paso and working for the 2nd oldest College Bowl in the nation. Hear about the adventures at Aggie Land with NMSU, NCAA Basketball Tournaments and Working at the College football National Championship game and more!
Mo 24.02.2020
24 : 27 min
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 2 Patrick Chalvire
Taco Tuesday with Ace Episode 2 with Special Guest - KFOXTV Sports Anchor Patrick Chalvire. Join me as I sit down with the former Miami native as we take a look at the journey from Life as a Sports reporter from FIU and sunny Florida all the way to the Sun City! We talk about Cuban and Mexican foods and the grand spectacle that is Texas High school football and of course grab a bite of some Tacos!
Mo 24.02.2020
28 : 49 min
Taco Tuesday With Ace Episode 1- Paulina Nieto
Taco Tuesday With Ace - Episode 1- Hosted by: Ace Acosta Interview with the UTEP Alumni and current Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blue Veteran Dancer Paulina Nieto.
Mo 24.02.2020
13 : 27 min
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