Kent Cummins has spent more than seventy years in a lifetime of magic. It began when a six-year-old received a magic set for Christmas and declared he was going to be a magician. He made that prediction come true with an extensive career and performances all over the world. Kent takes you behind the curtain and shares a back-stage view of history, personalities, and personal experiences in the life of a magician, presented from his personal museum, The Fantastic Magic Center. Become a supporter at https:...
Marketing Magic - Part 1
Kent has always had a fascination with marketing, starting when he was but a lad. Of course, Kent's approach to marketing often involves magic with a message. He shares stories and techniques that may help you work your own marketing magic. +++++ See more, take a virtual tour, and become a supporter at
Mo 10.03.2025
14 : 16 min
More Consequential Magic
Kent's conversations with Doc Grimes got him thinking about his own consequential magic, what he has called "magic with a message." +++++ See more, take a virtual tour, and become a supporter at
Mo 03.03.2025
13 : 21 min
Doc Grimes - Part 2
Kent continues the conversation with Doc Jeff Grimes about consequential magic. +++++ See more, take a virtual tour, and become a supporter at
Mo 24.02.2025
14 : 29 min
Doc Grimes - Part 1
Kent talks with Doc Grimes about consequential magic. +++++ See more, take a virtual tour, and become a sponsor at
Mo 17.02.2025
15 : 17 min
The Texas Magic Center - Part 2
Kent continues with updates about the current state and direction of the Texas Magic Center and how you can be a part of it.+++++See more, take a virtual tour, and be come a supporter at
Mo 10.02.2025
14 : 49 min
The Texas Magic Center - Part 1
What is the Texas Magic Center? Find out, as Kent weaves a tale of what might have been and what will be.
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Mo 03.02.2025
16 : 09 min
World Famous Austin Magic Auction
Kent has talked about the origins of the World Famous Austin Magic Auction. But now it's time to put on the 50th anniversary auction!
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Mo 27.01.2025
15 : 19 min
Magic Books
Where can you find the real magic? Why, in books! Kent shares his past and present love of magic books and gives you some hints on where to find them, if you dare!
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Mo 20.01.2025
14 : 23 min
Kent is no stranger to competition in his magical world. But, is the easiest way to win not competing?
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Mo 13.01.2025
19 : 27 min
Christmas Magic
Christmas is a time of sharing, so Kent shares this special episode with Peter the Adequate, Mark Wilson, Scott Wells, and Chris Walden. They talk about a special surprise show Peter developed and what it's like to bring Santa to life in the season.
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Mo 06.01.2025
27 : 47 min
Coin Magic
Kent is not a card guy. He's also not a coin guy. So here, he talks about his favorite aspects of coin magic.
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Mo 23.12.2024
15 : 31 min
Playing Cards
Playing cards are one of a magician's tools. Kent dives into the variety of common and unusual cards he has used throughout his 70+ years of performing.
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Mo 16.12.2024
15 : 31 min
Card Tricks
How many card tricks are there? Nobody knows! But Kent knows a few of them, even though he's not a "card guy." He shares some favorite connections with card magic.
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Mo 09.12.2024
14 : 12 min
Seeing Is Believing
We think of magic as a visual art, but Kent describes how he has broken this barrier time and time again, including an award-winning illusion designed specifically to be experienced by the blind.
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Mo 02.12.2024
19 : 59 min
Even More Magic Magazines
Kent completes his series on magic magazines with a focus on publications that were written especially for teen magicians.
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Mo 25.11.2024
16 : 26 min
More Magic Magazines - The Linking Ring
Kent continues sharing about the mysterious world of magic magazines, focusing on The Linking Ring
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Mo 18.11.2024
15 : 12 min
Magic Magazines—Genii
Did you know that there are dozens of magazines, both print and digital, especially for magicians? The print ones go back decades! Kent shares stories including one favorite: Genii.
Mo 11.11.2024
16 : 18 min
Mr. Mystery
Kent has had a journey of alter egos, from Mysto the Magician to Mr. Mystery to the Fantastic Kent Cummins. Mr. Mystery has had a little more influence than you may imagine. Kent shares the tale.
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Mo 04.11.2024
24 : 21 min
We enter into Kent's favorite time of the year, and has he got stories to tell you!
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Mo 28.10.2024
15 : 48 min
Mark Wilson
Before Copperfield, Before Henning, before Blayne, Mark Wilson brought magic into people's living rooms through the marvel of television. Kent talks about how magic on the small screen, and the man who made it happen, impacted him.
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Mo 21.10.2024
18 : 02 min
Magic Texas
Texas is magic, but Kent shares a magic convention that happened in Texas that was so unique we may never see its like again.
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Mo 14.10.2024
13 : 36 min
Kent and Chris Walden
Kent turns the tables and shares his own recollections about his collaboration with Chris Walden over the years.
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Mo 07.10.2024
13 : 26 min
Behind the Scenes with Chris Walden
Kent steps back and invites Chris Walden to share more about how he came to collaborate with Kent and how these tales make it to your ears week after week.
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Mo 30.09.2024
19 : 16 min
Still more magic wands!
Kent wraps his stories about magic wands with a listen to some of his favorite magic wands. How? You'll have to have a listen. He also shares how you can use a real magic wand to get what you desire.
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Mo 23.09.2024
17 : 38 min
More Magic Wands
Kent shares more lore about magic wands, including ways he helped magic campers and corporate executives create magic out of seemingly ordinary objects.
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Mo 16.09.2024
15 : 51 min
Magic Wands
Kent shares secrets of the one tool that is unique to the magician... the magic wand!
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Mo 09.09.2024
16 : 38 min
Dylan Love - Part 4
Kent wraps his conversation with Dylan Love as they share their love and adventures in San Antonio, Texas.
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Mo 02.09.2024
10 : 07 min
Dylan Love - Part 3
Kent and Dylan discover that their lives overlap in a number of ways through mutual acquaintances.
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Mo 26.08.2024
15 : 44 min
Dylan Love - Part 2
Subtitle: I did a card trick for David Letterman
Kent continues his conversation about the diverse adventures of Dylan Love. This week they talk about his time working with David Letterman and Conan O'Brien.
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Mo 19.08.2024
13 : 02 min
Dylan Love - Part 1
Kent talks with Austin magician, Dylan Love, who is much more than he appears! This is the first of four parts.
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Mo 12.08.2024
16 : 30 min
Kent told you about how the guillotine has always had a special place in his heart (episode 13). This week he shares another lifelong love... flowers!
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Mo 05.08.2024
12 : 31 min
What do contracts have to do with magic? A lot if you are a full-time-professional magician like Kent Cummins. Listen and learn!
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Mo 29.07.2024
16 : 05 min
Kent doesn't just wear Dracula's cape. He's had a lifelong relationship with the count. He recounts the tales this week.
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Mo 22.07.2024
14 : 56 min
Ghostly Memories of the Spook Shows
In they heyday of Spook Show, Kent was there. He goes back and time to remember the players and what they presented.
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Mo 15.07.2024
16 : 06 min
Hypno Dis-kovery
Kent continues his hypnosis memories with a hypno-themed magic trick he invented.
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Mo 08.07.2024
11 : 02 min
Kent tells stories about his involvement with hypnosis over the years.
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Mo 01.07.2024
16 : 32 min
Peter the Adequate, Part 4
Kent concludes his conversation with Peter the Adequate with more stories of their unique collaborations.
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Mo 24.06.2024
15 : 11 min
Peter the Adequate, Part 3
Kent and Peter talk about their parallel journeys in magic, including a cringy pseudo-Asian phase.
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Mo 17.06.2024
12 : 47 min
Peter the Adequate, Part 2
Kent continues his conversation with Peter the Adequate about Abrakorndabra and being like Houdini.
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Mo 10.06.2024
15 : 32 min
100th Episode, with guest, Peter the Adequate
Kent celebrates his 100th episode with a very special conversation with friend, magician, and collaborator, Peter the Adequate
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Mo 03.06.2024
19 : 22 min
Magic is more than the secrets, but what would it really be without them? Kent revisits secrets with new thoughts and stories.
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Mo 27.05.2024
16 : 20 min
More Magic in Germany
Kent shares more stories about his magic life and Germany.
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Mo 20.05.2024
14 : 23 min
Magic in Germany
Kent's magical journey has passed through Germany. He takes you down his own magische Straße with some tales of performance and discovery.
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Mo 13.05.2024
17 : 08 min
Kent is a member of the prestigious magic circle in london. However, he is only been able to visit a couple of times. Here he recounts his earliest and latest visits to London and it's magic.
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Mo 06.05.2024
18 : 01 min
Transportation is a problem
In order to perform a magic show you have to get there. This isn't always easy, especially when transportation is a problem. Kent shares some adventures from the road.
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Mo 29.04.2024
14 : 34 min
More Card Tricks
Kent Cummins, the magician who claims not to be a card guy, remembers more stories about card tricks in his 70+ years of magic.
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Mo 22.04.2024
14 : 34 min
Card Tricks
Kent will be the first to tell you that he's not a card guy. So, naturally he has a full episode about card magic!
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Mo 15.04.2024
15 : 34 min
The first ever Fantastic Magic Center Expo
Kent is opening the doors of the Fantastic Magic Center to a select few for an unforgettable event. He tells you what led to this and some of what you might experience.
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Mo 08.04.2024
13 : 01 min
Oops! 3 - The Final Chapter
How many oopses can a magician have? As Kent can tell you after more than 70 years of performing, they can be many and varied. Closes this chapter with a few more spectacular surprises!
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Mo 01.04.2024
18 : 03 min
Oops! - The Sequel
If you think wardrobe malfunctions are the only mistakes Kent has made in more than 70 years of magic, you have another think coming! Kent continues to reflect on some of the times when things have not gone according to plan.
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Mo 25.03.2024
19 : 59 min
Oops! (Wardrobe Malfunctions)
A magician is poised, elegant, and graceful... except when he is not. In 75 years of doing magic, Kent Cummins has had his share of Oopses. As part of looking behind the scenes of a magical life, he will reveal some of these special moments of show business. This week: Wardrobe Malfunctions.
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Mo 18.03.2024
17 : 00 min
While Kent often uses magic to illuminate and educate, there is also an important need to entertain. Kent reflects on his understanding of this throughout his life and how he continues to remind himself to engage.
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Mo 11.03.2024
12 : 06 min
Without libraries Kent would likely never have fulfilled his dream of being a full-time, professional magician. Here, he shares what he has taken from and given back to the libraries.
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So 03.03.2024
15 : 55 min
1957 was a very magical year for fourteen-year-old Kent Cummins. Join him on a journey back in time.
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Mo 26.02.2024
12 : 21 min
Will Kent tell you the magic secret of misdirection, or is this episode just a distraction?
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Mo 19.02.2024
12 : 10 min
Podcasting, with Scott Wells, part 3
Kent concludes his conversation about podcasting and finding the stories.
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Mo 12.02.2024
20 : 33 min
Podcasting, with Scott Wells, part 2
Kent continues his conversation with fellow podcaster, Scott Wells, as they discuss continuity and finding stories for an ongoing broadcast.
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Mo 05.02.2024
16 : 47 min
Podcasting, with Scott Wells, part 1
Kent talks to fellow magician and podcaster, Scott Wells, about this unique form of expression and how they both entered into it. This is part one of a three-part conversation.
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Do 01.02.2024
17 : 12 min
More Magic Music
Kent has always made music a major part of his performances. Let him take you on a walk through his history, which turns out to be a history of music technology as well.
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Mo 22.01.2024
14 : 51 min
Magic Music
Magic when well performed touches people emotionally. Music does the same thing. When you combine good music with good magic it creates something that can deeply move people. Kent shares his own connections with music and magic and reveals a few personal secrets.
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Mo 15.01.2024
11 : 56 min
Do goals a magician make? You bet your top hat they do! Kent share some of his own approach to goal-setting, and goal-achieving on his magical path.
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Mo 08.01.2024
12 : 19 min
Circus Magic
The circus has always been magical for Kent. He shares some of his favorite circus memories, some even before he became the Fantastic Kent Cummins!
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Mo 01.01.2024
15 : 43 min
Birthday Magic
Kent's magical journey began on a Christmas, but there have been many birthdays as part of that path. Listen as he shares the joys of receiving magic for birthdays, and performing magic for birthdays.
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Mo 25.12.2023
14 : 25 min
Christmas Magic
Kent's magical journey really began on a special Christmas morning. He shares other ways in which Christmas has been part of the magic for him over the years.
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Mo 18.12.2023
11 : 00 min
Magic Misogyny
The stereotype of the magician is a bewhiskered man in top hat and tales flanked by scantily clad, female assistants. These women are subjected to uncounted tortures as they hold things or bring them on and off the stage, smiling the whole time. Is it any wonder that the growth of women in magic has been slow? Kent tackles this topic with encouragement to all women, young and old, who see themselves working wonders.
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Mo 11.12.2023
13 : 34 min
Harry Anderson
Kent has been a magician for more than 70 years. In that time, he's known a lot of performers before they made it big. In this case, he met Harry Anderson at an Austin copy shop.
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Mo 04.12.2023
14 : 46 min
Juggling has been a big part of Kent's life, winning him awards and gaining him connections around the world. Here he revisits some of the important juggling moments including how he first learned to juggle through correspondence!
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Mo 27.11.2023
17 : 37 min
The Power of Puppets
Kent has been fascinated by puppetry for just as long as he's been fascinated by magic. Here he shares some tales and details about being a puppet master.
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Mo 20.11.2023
13 : 15 min
Library Summer Reading Program
As a child, Kent got a lot from the library as he developed as a magician. In 1978 he began to return the favor with his first summer reading program.
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Mo 13.11.2023
15 : 22 min
Austin Cabaret Theatre
For a time, Kent owned his own theatre. There were melodramas, fantastic theatre, and, of course, magic! He leads you on this fascinating part of his journey.
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Mo 06.11.2023
15 : 46 min
The Samwitch Shops
Some of Kent's earliest promotional magic was for the Samwitch shops in Austin, Texas. Kent was a part owner of the sandwich chain. He talks about how the shops came about and how they launched Westgate Wizardry.
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Mo 30.10.2023
13 : 34 min
For magicians, October is a special time of the year. Kent shares tales of wonder about the spookiest season of the year.
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Mo 23.10.2023
18 : 43 min
Kent considers the importance of magic secrets
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Mo 16.10.2023
14 : 31 min
Magic on TV
We didn't always have magic featured on television. Kent was there when it began and has made a few TV appearances himself. He tells it all.
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Mo 09.10.2023
16 : 17 min
The Magic of Change - Part 2
Kent continues his discussion with Tom Britton about how they came to write The Magic of Change, The Illusion, The Excitement, The Reward.
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Mo 02.10.2023
13 : 05 min
The Magic of Change - Part 1
Kent and longtime friend, Tom Britton, talk about how magic brought them together and have kept them together over the years.
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Mo 25.09.2023
15 : 49 min
The Self-Eating Watermelon
"We just don't have the budget for that" is often the end of a negotiation. Kent has developed a technique to overcome this and get his full value. He calls it the self-eating watermelon and he shares it with you here.
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Mo 18.09.2023
16 : 20 min
Speaking of Magic
Magic and public speaking pair together nicely. Kent shares thoughts and stories.
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Mo 11.09.2023
12 : 15 min
Labor Day weekend is important to Kent. In particular, September 4, 1944, is the origin of the two love of Kent's life. He'll explain it all.
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Mo 04.09.2023
12 : 28 min
Environmental Magic
While we know we can't fix our planet's environmental issues with a wave of the magic wand, magic is a fantastic tool to inspire people to understand the issues and how they can make a difference. Kent talks about his experience with this powerful magic with a message.
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Mo 28.08.2023
17 : 49 min
Optical Illusions
Kent shares some of his favorite optical illusion--over audio?! If Edgar Bergen could do ventriloquism over the radio, and Dunninger could perform mentalism, why not optical illusions? It works. You'll have to listen to understand.
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Mo 21.08.2023
16 : 41 min
Fishy Magic
Kent goes fishing in his memory for more fish tales about fish-themed magic. Sounds fishy? You have no idea!
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Mo 14.08.2023
16 : 47 min
Fortune Telling Fish
Kent explores the wonder that can be had by a tiny fish made of cellophane. You will be surprised.
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Mo 07.08.2023
12 : 41 min
Fresh Fish Sold Here Today
Kent met the creator of the trick "Fresh Fish Sold Here Today," and has used it in a variety of ways in performances around the world. He will also reveal a surprising secret about the origins of this routine.
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Mo 31.07.2023
11 : 04 min
The Rope Trick
It sounds so simple, but The Rope Trick has many places in Kent's tales. From modest performances as a fourteen-year-old to a mysterious Indian legend, let Kent string you along with some rope stories.
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Mo 24.07.2023
19 : 44 min
I Want To Be Like Houdini
Kent has had a special relationship with a famous magician. He shares something about what has made Houdini so special for magicians, though his has been gone for nearly a hundred years.
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Mo 17.07.2023
18 : 12 min
Kent talks about the right way to open a show
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Mo 10.07.2023
17 : 24 min
Numbers are magical in many ways. Kent counts them in episode number 52!
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Mo 03.07.2023
15 : 33 min
More Good Magic: The Square Circle
Kent continues his reflection on good magic with a tool he has used again and again. It' called the square circle.
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Mo 26.06.2023
14 : 31 min
Good Magic: The Ball and Vase
Kent shifts gears to some good magic, including something that has been an old, reliable item, the Ball and Vase
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Mo 19.06.2023
15 : 07 min
Magic that Hurts
Last episode, Kent talked about bad magic that hurts your pride. This time he shares stories about how magic gone awry can hurt your body. Prepare yourself for some tales that may make you flinch!
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Mo 12.06.2023
18 : 01 min
Bad Magic
Have you ever seen bad magic? Have you ever done bad magic? Kent has done both, though, thankfully, only rarely. Hear the tales and play the "What can go wrong?" game.
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Mo 05.06.2023
21 : 24 min
Down the Rabbit Hole with Saul Ravencraft
This episode conclude Kent's conversation with Saul Ravencraft. They discuss the nature of doing performances that take audiences down the rabbit hole.
Mo 29.05.2023
17 : 03 min
Kent and Saul Ravencraft talk about the psychology of deception
Kent continues his conversation with Saul Ravencraft. They talk about their collaboration on Kent's Psychology of Deception class and some perspectives on paranormal ideas.
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Mo 22.05.2023
9 : 09 min
Saul Ravencraft, the Paranormal, and the JSPR
In the May 1 episode, Kent described is experience with founding the Junior Society for Psychical Research (JSPR). Now he talks with Saul Ravencraft about the nature of paranormal experiences and what the JSPR did in their investigations.
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Mo 15.05.2023
16 : 34 min
Conversation with Saul Ravencraft
Kent Cummins talk with long-time friend, Saul Ravencraft, about the nature of magic, magick, inspiration, and going down the rabbit hole.
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Mo 08.05.2023
18 : 11 min
As a teenager, Kent had a curiosity about the paranormal world. He didn't just ponder it. He founded the Junior Society for Psychical Research. Sit back as he tells you the tale.
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Mo 01.05.2023
11 : 49 min
Secrets are at the heart of magic, or are they? Kent talks about secrecy and magic and what it's really all about.
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Mo 24.04.2023
13 : 31 min
BIG Ideas
Kent has a reputation for taking simple requests and expanding them into big ideas. He shares some of his favorite stories as he reflects on his current big idea.
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Mo 17.04.2023
15 : 35 min
Tigers! Oh, My!
Siegfried and Roy dazzled audiences with their tiger illusions. Kent has more modest tiger moments in his career, but his daughter, Carolyn, has a doozy! Settle in for some tiger tales.
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So 09.04.2023
12 : 46 min
Costume Characters
In his lifetime of magic, Kent has worked with roaming gorillas, Chinese lions, and many giant rabbits. Are these the works of mad science? No! They are the creations of clever costumers and actors who bring fantastic creatures to life. Let Kent tell you more.
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Mo 03.04.2023
17 : 55 min
The Skunk Vanish
Kent shares the origins and return of the controversial Skunk Vanish.
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Mo 27.03.2023
12 : 40 min
Magic with Animals - Part 2
For someone who doesn't really do much magic with animals, Kent has a lot of stories about animals in his magic. You won't believe Splat the Cat!
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Mo 20.03.2023
9 : 32 min
Magic with Animals - Part 1
Kent's magic doesn't usually involve animals. However, there have been times when it's been necessary to conjure an animal or few.
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Mi 15.03.2023
16 : 16 min
Robert Orben
Kent recalls his personal history with the multi-faced Robert Orben. Who is that? If you don't know, then you definitely must listen!
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Fr 03.03.2023
13 : 25 min
Balloon Sculpture
For someone who does not twist balloons into little doggies, Kent has a lot of connections with this allied art.
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Mo 27.02.2023
14 : 51 min
The Bungling Juggler
You know about Kent's background with puppetry. Today he shares how he not only became a juggler, but a certified juggling instructor!
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Mo 20.02.2023
23 : 53 min
Continuing his exploration of magic's allied arts, Kent talks about the strange practice of ventriloquism.
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Mo 13.02.2023
17 : 01 min
Kent has been a magician for more than 70 years. He's also a juggler. Did you know that he has also explored the art of puppeteering? He tells about his introduction to puppetry and the tragic event that forced him to let it go. We're getting into the allied art to magic!
Photo credit: Berit from Redhill/Surrey, UK, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
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Mo 06.02.2023
17 : 19 min
Sawing People In Half
Oddly enough, sawing people in half has become as much a trademark of the magician as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Has Kent Cummins sawed people in half? Yes, thousands of them. Hear stories about the origin of this illusion and the way it became a staple for Kent's performances.
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Mo 30.01.2023
21 : 07 min
The many types of illusions
Kent has touched on different types of illusions, but did you know there is actually a list? Today he shares the many categories of illusions and some of the ways he has connected with all of them.
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Mo 23.01.2023
18 : 32 min
Last episode Kent talked about vanishing elephants. Today he talks about making people appear? Who? Corporate bigwigs, beauty pageant contestants and himself! It's another tale from the Fantastic Magic Center.
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Di 17.01.2023
14 : 22 min
The Vanishing Elephant
When you think about magicians you may picture making rabbits appear. But do you ever think of vanishing elephants? You will after Kent shares some of his own experiences with The Vanishing Elephant.
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Mo 09.01.2023
12 : 26 min
Hocus Pocus Hundai and Houdinis Stocks of Zanzabar
Kent starts the new year with stories about the Hocus Pocus Hundai adventure, with the lessons learned. He also shares how he continued the legacy of Houdini's Stocks of Zanzibar.
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So 01.01.2023
13 : 42 min
Santa Claus Illusion
How do you give Santa Claus a fantastic entrance in the middle of a mall full of enthusiastic families? In a magical fireplace, of course! Kent talks about how he developed, constructed, and used the Santa Claus Illusion, which served him for many years.
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Mo 26.12.2022
9 : 49 min
Giant Top Hat Illusion
Magicians have a history of pulling things out of top hats. What's the biggest thing you can produce? Sometimes you need a bigger hat! Kent shares his own love of hat tricks and how he grew into producing people out of a hat.
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Mo 19.12.2022
13 : 16 min
La Mansion Tree Production
In 1983, the same year that David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on national television, The Fantastic Kent Cummins created a unique illusion to magically produce a tree as part of a topping ceremony for the La Mansion Hotel in Austin, Texas. Kent talks about that challenge and how he created an event that had never happened before and will likely never happen again.
See bonus video of this event.
See video of this illusion on the web site:
Mo 12.12.2022
13 : 40 min
The Book of Magic Illusion
It is said there are books about magic and there are books OF magic. In this case, it's a bit of both as Kent shares his time with the Big Book of Magic, which has served him well for hundreds of performances. We also spend a little time with Satan's Seat!
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Mo 05.12.2022
12 : 09 min
More Illusions
Kent shares more memories about the big stuff, featuring the tale of the Chinese Dress Change illusion.
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Mo 28.11.2022
15 : 35 min
Kent talks about the big stuff, magic with lions, tigers, and bears, and one of his personal favorites: floating a beautiful woman in the air.
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Mo 21.11.2022
20 : 41 min
Youth Leader Training Academy
How do you create a successful, motivating, life-changing, inclusive experience for young people? You let the monkeys run the circus. Kent Cummins explains how trust did things he never could have imagined and how young people have so much to teach us if we will pay attention.
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Mo 14.11.2022
18 : 49 min
Magic Camp
For this eighteenth episode, Kent shares a labor of love he did for eighteen years. It was the Magic Camp, then the Kent Cummins Magic Camp, and lives on as the Fantastic Magic Camp
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Mo 07.11.2022
24 : 01 min
The World Famous Austin Magic Auction
The World Famous Magic Auction has a fascinating history, from it's humble beginnings to becoming the largest magic auction in the world. It's been away for a while, but it's coming back. Kent tells you about the origins and his own dedication to this unusual event.
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Mo 31.10.2022
20 : 57 min
Horror Hiphops
In episode 15 Kent told you about his experience watching the Ghost Shows of the 50s. In this episode he gives you an inside look at how he and his partner, John, created their own. This episode features several vintage commercials and soundtracks from their original marketing and performances. Happy Halloween!
Mo 24.10.2022
22 : 12 min
Ghost Shows
Kent takes you back into cinematic splendor of William Castle, Roger Corman and the midnight ghost show! Thrill to the chills of monsters, spooks and unspeakable things in the darkness.
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Mo 17.10.2022
15 : 18 min
Keeping with the spooky season of October, Kent shares history and personal experience for one of the most alarmingly named magic effects of all time. Is the zombie a person under the total power of the magician? Is it a flesh-eating member of the undead? The real answer may surprise you. Join Kent on another journey into the world of magic.
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Mo 10.10.2022
11 : 35 min
The Guillotine
Of all the illusions that Kent Cummins has performed in his career, the guillotine has a soft spot in his heart. Originally created as a "humane" form of execution, the guillotine tore swaths of terror through the aristocracy in the French Revolution. As Kent has discovered, it can also be light-hearted entertainment with an edge. It's an unusual love story.
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Mo 03.10.2022
17 : 33 min
Houdini and the Carnival
Early in his career as a full-time, professional magician, Kent Cummins packed up his son, his daughter, and Harry Houdini to tour with the Mighty Thomas Carnival in Canada. Learn how all this came together and some of the adventures along the way.
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Mo 26.09.2022
16 : 01 min
Felonious the Fool
Many people know Kent as a speaker, teacher, magician. Did you know he is also a great fool? Many years ago, Kent created Felonious the Fool as a character for Renaissance fairs in Texas. Comedian, juggler, magician, Felonious is the fool for all seasons, and still makes appearances at special events. Kent shares the unexpected journey of getting out of his comfort zone and into the wilds of festival performing.
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Mo 19.09.2022
15 : 53 min
The Broken Wand Ceremony
Very few people experience a ceremony unique to magicians who have passed. It is called the "broken wand ceremony." As an elder statesman of the magic community, Kent has been called upon to conduct many of these observances. It is a bittersweet honor that he takes to heart. Kent talks about the nature of these rites and how they have moved him over the years.
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Mo 12.09.2022
16 : 50 min
The Hand Is Quicker Than the Eye
Early in his journey as a full time, professional magician, Kent Cummins portrayed Mr. Seeit, the magician with a vision. The experience gave him perspective on show development, magic with a message, and many other things that stayed with him in his more than 70 years as a magician.
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Mo 05.09.2022
13 : 50 min
The Magic of Books
Kent talks about a favorite magic book that has contributed to his performances for years. It's probably not a book that you're thinking of. Magic really can come from a book!
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Mo 29.08.2022
15 : 09 min
A Magician Among the Spiritualists
Magicians and spiritualists have not necessarily gotten along since the earliest days of spirit knocks and seances. Kent provides a surprising perspective as he tells about his own experiences with spiritualism from his early youth.
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Mo 22.08.2022
16 : 48 min
Magic Stores
Did you know that there are mysterious stores hidden all over the world just for magicians? They are easy to find, if you know what you're looking for, but most people are completely unaware of their existence. Kent takes you into this world and shares the magic shops that have influenced him over the years.
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Photo: Magic, St James's Street by Simon Carey, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
So 14.08.2022
18 : 57 min
Mysto the Magician
There wasn't always a Fantastic Kent Cummins. The passion for magic that grew out of that first A. C. Gilbert magic set was originally embodied in Mysto the Magician. Find out more about the life and times of Mysto and what parts of him remain.
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Mo 08.08.2022
19 : 01 min
Origin Story
Think only super heroes have origin stories. Kent shares how a pair of family gifts launched the trajectory for a lifetime of magic.
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Mo 01.08.2022
19 : 50 min
Magic Convention Stories
Can you imagine what it would be like to attend a magic convention? It's a wondrous gathering with magicians of all different kinds with performances and treasures for sale. Now imagine what it would be like to go as a fourteen-year-old boy who is obsessed with magic! Kent shares stories and unexpected connections from attending his very first magic convention in 1957 in this week's tale from the Fantastic Magic Center.
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Di 26.07.2022
11 : 38 min
Blackstone - a legacy of magic
Kent shares his connections to the legacy of Blackstone the Magician. It begins as a nine-year-old Kent makes his way to the stage to participate in the classic vanishing birdcage. It continues to he personal connections with Harry Blackstone, Jr. Sit a while and enjoy another tale from the Fantastic Magic Center.
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Di 19.07.2022
21 : 52 min
Welcome to The Fantastic Magic Center
Meet magician, Kent Cummins, introduces you to the Fantastic Magic Center and share how he first entered into a lifetime of magic with a wondrous Christmas gift.
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Mo 11.07.2022
10 : 01 min
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