French for undefined territory, Terrain Vague is a thematic mix of experimental, outsider, savant and popular music with various sound sources: cinema, radio, literature and TV extracts, interviews and field recordings. Terrain Vague is broadcasted on the French radio station FPP 106.3.
Cars, Cars, Cars
La DS racontée par JL Trintignant Roland Barthes Les MythologiesLonesome Road Dean Eliott And His Swinging Big Big BandBrand New Cadillac Pascal ComeladeRoute Nationale 7 Les Tueurs De La Lune De MielLa Route Michel MoersVoitures De Marques Diverses, Parmi Lesquelles... Georges PerecLa voiture SheilaBip Bip Joe DassinOh Bagnole ArltEusapia Klane Remembers Vimala PonsAutobahn Señor Coconut Y Su ConjuntoCar Car Car. DJ HellA Day At The Races The Art Of NoiseCorvette (max.E.10/vinyl) Thomas BrinkmannMy Red Hot Car. SquarepusherCosmic Cars (Detroit Style Mix) CybotronThe Last Race Jack NitzscheFast Cars BuzzcocksDriving This Road Until Death Sets You Free (Joakim Remix) Zombie Zombie Accidental Death Desmond Briscoe & Glynis Jones & The BBC Radiophonic WorkshopAn Accident Waiting To Happen Michele MercureÉtude Aux Accidents (1958). Luc FerrariLa Voiture Elsa Michaud
Sa 20.05.2023
59 : 32 min
O Superbug
A propos de Bernie KrauseDerrière la porte Jean PoinsignonKoroni (solo de flûte) Musique DayakDas insekt Der PlanLes insectes Maurice JarreRetour vers la canopée. Jean PoinsignonLes éphémères Knud ViktorRobert et les insectes. Albert MarcoeurMireille Dick AnnegarnAji fly FoodmanFly eye Daniel JohnstonFly in the pool Boards of CanadaLa terre est rouge Cha Cha GuitriPhase IV Saul Bass 1974La maladie des fourmis Guigou Chenevier & Sophie JausserandLe roi des fourmis Michel PolnareffLa cigale et la fourmi Charles TrenetBumble Boogie Freddy MartinBee Oh DialectBusy Bee Arthur AskeyEphemeroptera Ikue MoriLe bourdonnements des abeilles Pygmées BakaMélodie d’harmoniques (insectes) Papua New GuineaThe insect dancers Dave ClarksonInsect fear Cavern Of Anti-MatterInsects IQ ZeroLa Métamorphose Franz Kafka lecture de Dominique BlancRitual with Giant Hissing Madagascar CockroachesMetamorphoses God is GodThe naughty little flea Miriam
So 23.10.2022
59 : 31 min
Phone message
sourire d’abord... Pierre Bellemare Allo from Le disque qui parle Allo Brigitte Henri SalvadorTelephone and Rubber Band Penguin Cafe OrchestraBusy Signal Rose MurphyMiss téléphone n°1 André et Marcelle Le Bihan Operator (Demo) Johnny BurnetteElvis Presley and Red West secret phone call, 1976 Bigelow 6-200 Brenda Lee Miss telephone n°2 André et Marcelle Le BihanBip Bip Los CangaceirosEt ben moi ça va pas trop mal Pierre Richard Les Compères (1983) -Nice Of You To Call AardvarkSounds Phoney The Free AssociationHail To Power [Pharaoh Hiding Version] The UpsettersRequest Line Rock Master Scott & The DynamiTelephone Computer Crazy GangI Called U (But You Weren't There) Lil' Louis & The WorldThe Telephone Call (2009 Remaster) KraftwerkHarry Allen's Interactive Super Highway Phone Call To Chuck D Public EnemyDirect Line 2 Dean BluntQui appelle-t-on encore au téléphone ? Régis DebrayEmily (2003) ScannerLost Highway - Mystery Man
Mo 08.08.2022
59 : 31 min
Ramasse miettes nucléaires
How Much Time Do We Have (Fortress Main Street) Civil Defense SpotJohnson: Cold War Suite - 1. Lawless Things Kronos QuartetNuclear War The Sun Ra ArkestraNuclear Weapon Prince Far IAncien combattant ZaoWhy Go To War William OnyeaborCivil Defense Spot: Excellent Chances Groucho MarxJava Des Bombes Atomiques Andre PoppTic, Tic, Tic Doris DayCivil Defense Spot: Every Living Thing Joni JamesThe Russians Are Coming The Red SquaresRussian Band Stand Spencer & SpencerCivil Defense Spot: Be Prepared Today, For Survival Tomorrow Connie FrancisAt War RP BooWaves & Radiation PVTLove That Bomb Dr. Strangelove And The FalloutsNeutron Bomb Art AttacksApocalisse Atomica Piero UmilianiUranium KraftwerkMetal Sheet Second LayerBack to the burner ProrokyApres L'Apocalypse Gilbert DeflezBad Things Happen Dub IdealistThe End Of Europe Ryuichi Sakamoto
Mo 08.08.2022
59 : 31 min
Hortus Conclusus
Gilles ClémentLe jardinier Jean ConstantinThe First Garden Stevie WonderDebussy: Estampes, Jardins Sous La Pluie Jean-Pierre ArmengaudLe jardin extraordinaire Eddie BarclayPublicité Villemorin jardinLe jardin des fleurs vivantes KlimpereiROSE GARDEN 矢野顕子Jardim Das Delicias Quintal De ClorofilaLe Jardin Des Délices François TusquesHortus Conclusus Sophie LécuyerD'un Jardin À L'Autre Christian ZanesiGarden Party ZNRPineak Doeulang Knong Soun (Walk In The Garden) Keut RanJardin ActressDerek JarmanFravaer Robin Rimbaud aka ScannerIn Gardens' Muteness Julia HolterThe Shadow Garden Bill NelsonGarden Nicolas Jaar
Mo 03.01.2022
59 : 32 min
The bird flew out the window. I'm sorry
Ghost Dog-The Way Of The Samurai (Flying Birds), 1999Bird Wings. The Future Sound Of London LifeformsPresque rien avec filles A Luc Ferrari Presque RienOstrich Feathers Played On Drum MoondogBirds In The Morning The Poetics, Mike Kelley, Tony OurslerMyna bird Eden AhbezSong of the Cacique bird Wayapi (Guyane)Bird Up BananagunCasoar Rol BastiLe Corbeau et le renard Louis de Funès, 1970Swan's Splashdown Perrey & KingsleyLes oiseaux sont des cons ChavalBirdbrain Dark DayKicking A Pigeon The MabusesDead Pigeon Suite CANThe Party Peter Sellers (Birdie Num Num)Birdy Num-num Lizzy Mercier DesclouxLittle Birdy Ween Pure GuavaCoiffe de parade David Fenech CagesanBirds Of Scotland Joe Jones + Chicken To Kitchen FluxsaintsOiseaux à 4 pattes Dick AnnegarnJaybird Scott DunbarGrand Duc Bertrand BelinLe Petit Duc (pt. I) – Dansk Knud ViktorLes Hiboux Anne et GillesLa belle histoire de Jacotte et ItoSimone's Song (The Parrot Song) Jim GillBird Code
Sa 15.05.2021
59 : 32 min
Une maison de sons
Une Maison de sons Pierre HenryTrois chambres d'inquiètude Michèle BokanowskiPlay Room Deux FillesMon oncle Jacques Tati (1958)Ideal Home Exhibition Maddelena FagandiniLe fantasme de la maison du futurMaison Cube Emmanuelle ParreninOde pavillonnaire Frédéric Ramade (2012)Ma Maison Oui OuiSleeping Household Felix LabandLe bordel dans ma chambre KlimpereiNews from House / News from Home Amos Gitai (2006)Kal Ya Baita Lana (Our Home) FairuzStudio Architettonico Daniela CasaAnne chez elle Albert Marcoeur 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle Jean Luc Godard (1967)Fatefullness Ken ClingerC'est normal Brigitte FontaineCarry Me Home Primal ScreamMaison dieu ÈlgResonant Architecture, Maison Latapie Art FailureMa maison est hantéeA Noise in My House Solo MusicDashing home/What on earth took you? Broadcast & The Focus GroupOn connait la chanson Alain Resnais (1997)Pay The Rent The Rammellzee feat. Shockdell'Clean Room' ITT TV S
Mo 25.01.2021
59 : 30 min
Le temps ne surprend pas le sage
The Clock Paul SimonClocks Paul BrettHenachoko Clock Yuko NexusUn jour sans fin Harold Ramis avec Bill Murray 1993Beat the Clock Madeline BellClock Bird Minimal CompactTime On My Hands Rose MurphyCamac, porte du temps Alain KremskiLes Maîtres du Temps René Laloux 1982Time Is Like A River The SaxophonesLa Vielle Montre ZNRPlaytime Jacques Tati 1967If You Wait A Little Longer Nico Muhly / TeiturWaiting For The D Train Yoko Ono Plastic Ono BandMy Time Ann SteelTimepiece Dark DayMove It Time Glorious StrangersIn My Life Time The Flying LizardsFinale de temps croisés Luis NaonVingt secondes Brigitte FontaineSignalétique Jacques Higelin & Areski BelkacemI Want My Future Back DJ Hell Tazardrama Ghédalia TazartèsPast, Present And Future The Shangri-LasThe Chess Game Magical ThinkingLe Temps Retrouvé Marcel Proust read by André Dussollier
So 09.08.2020
59 : 30 min
Île impossible
Come to the Caribbean The Eloise TrioL'Ïle Fantastique -Série TV Gene Levitt 1977Anna Macao The Eloise TrioJe Suis Une Île Halo MaudI Walked With a Zombie (Vaudou) Jacques Tourneur 1943Die Die Die (Invocation - Zepaules) Destiné Jeanleon Haiti VaudouCoumbite (Suite no. 1) Frantz CasseusAiguise l'aire de cette île Pierre BastienLord of the Flies Peter Brook 1963Pattes de mouches Jean-Claude VannierLes gardes volent au secours du roi Jean-Claude VannierFragment #2 MerzougaNarration Count Ossie And The Mystic Revelation Of RastafariJamaica Day FactionTales From Kiribati Island Roberto Musci - Giovanni Venosta - Chris CutlerSavage Sea The Pop GroupInaccessible Island Nico MotteLes garçons sauvages Bertrand Mandico 2017Zug Island Kyle Hall & KeroLes Iles ("The Islands") Lise Garnier Phonetic Poetry On Spatialism 1962Island Of Woods Ryuichi SakamotoJavan's Call Darkstar
Di 14.07.2020
59 : 31 min
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Main Title (Overture) Louis and Bebe Barron Forbidden Planet (Original Soundtrack)Forbidden Planet « Robbie the Robot arrives » Fred McLeod Wilcox (1956)Rusty machines RadianFirst Law Isaac AsimovRobots Are Coming The Android SistersWall-e & EveMoins Banal (Interlude, Ou Impromptu) Pierre SchaefferF-4000 FearlessRutger Hauer speaks about Blade Runner with Max Headroom (80s TV Show) Blade Runner (1982) « Zhora , Running from Death » Ridley ScottCybernetic Permutations In The Key Of A Danyel GalaxyTon Ursula BognerRobot-Bolero Der Plan Normalette SurpriseJoueuse de Tympanon Automate Autechre Oversteps (WARP210)Variation Cybernétique DJ Spooky featuring Daniel Bernard Roumain OptometryMean Machine Chant / Mean Machine The Last PoetsRoboCop « Malfunction Scene » Paul Verhoeven (1987)Ich Bin Meine Maschine. Atom TM Robot Radif Ata Ebtekar, Sote. Persian Electronic MusicEx Machina « Are You Attracted to Me? » Alex Garland
Mo 29.06.2020
59 : 31 min
Comme à la radio
Tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil Jean Yanne (1972)The Radio Karlheinz Stockhausen SPIRAL with Electronium Sebastian Ars Acoustica (1968) Artificial Dance Savant Numbers Game Radio PyongyangCommie Funk And Agit Pop The Hermit Kingdom Radio Drill Time Josef KPump Up The Volume Allan Moyle (1990)Radio Rhythm (Dub) Clandestine feat. Ned Sublette Radio stimme microphone stimme Konstantin RaudiveTransmission Hot ChipRadio Gnome Prediction Gong Camembert ElectriqueLucknow Explosion / Very Impressed With Calcutta Radio IndiaTheme Tune Of The Radio Show 'La Factoría’ Il Epoca Del HombreThis is Radio Clash The ClashRadio Republik Indonesia Radio JavaTraducteur de Transmission Glenn Kotche vs Konono N°1 Tradi-Mods vs RockersRadio Music John Cage (1956)
So 19.04.2020
59 : 31 min
"Une couleur ne vient jamais seule »
Fiery Yellow Stereolab, Mars Audiac Quintet (Expanded Edition)"Une couleur ne vient jamais seule » Michel Pastoureau, Editions du Seuil Yellow Ken Nordine, ColorsYellow Tyler The Creator, Cherry BombColors Underglass, Musique Concrète Works for Children (It's Not Easy) Bein' Green (From "The Muppet Show"/Soundtrack Version) Kermit The Frog Dome Phantom Orchard, OrraGreenery Quasimoto, The Further Adventures Of Lord QuasRhapsody In Green Mort Garson, Mother Earth's Plantasia Messiaen on Debussy and Color En Rouge Et Noir Materiali Miguel Angel Coria, En Rouge Et NoirThe Innocents (1961) Jack ClaytonUriel's Black Harp Actress R.I.P.The Black Dog Runs at Night Thought GangBlack Sun Demdike Stare Tryptych Part 3, Voices Of DustBlue Window Actress, AZDBlue Roses Minny Pops, FAC Dance 02: Factory RecordsTintin et les oranges bleues (1964) Orange Bleue Isabelle MayereauAzul Bené Fonteles, Outro Tempo: Electronic And Contemporary Mu
So 19.04.2020
59 : 31 min
Fire Walk With Me
Gaston Bachelard La poésie et les éléments - Le FeuOne Warm Spark Colleen A Flame My Love, A FrequencySmoke/Fire Alexandre Desplat Moonrise Kingdom (Original Soundtrack)Sacrifice Andrei Tarkovsky (1986)Watching A Bulding On Fire John Foxx & The Maths InterplayFire Group Rhoda Out Of Time - Out Of TouchFire Ant Noodle Silver Apples The GardenThief Of Fire. The Pop GroupEl Fuego Borja Flames Rojo VivoAustralia wakes after night of bushfire devastation Nine News AustraliaFeu et rythme Colette Magny À coeur et à crisBurning Hell Diamanda Galas La Serpenta Canta (Live 1999)Valencia In Flames MuslimgauzeBabylon's Burning The RutsFirecoal Version Sound Dimension Version Dread ReggaeFahrenheit 451 François Truffaut (1966)Dirty Sound SystemLangues de feu Jacques Dudon
So 19.04.2020
60 : 04 min
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