In a devastated post apocalyptic future full of mutants, monsters robots and zombies, a lone human survivor heads out of the safety of his bunker to run a radio talkshow with a mutant, a robot and a zombie.Inspired by many other improvisational shows, the Afterworlds podcast is a fictional adventure that builds on itself from episode to episode.
S4E22: Scary-Go-Round
Stuck on the roof of the radio station, our merry band of miscreants comment on the action, but how long can they avoid getting caught up in the conflict! Editing by Corinne BrockJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 20.03.2024
36 : 33 min
S4E21: What is it good for?
The time has come. The war for Junktown and the bunker has started, but, it also looks like we have a visitor. The war is going to have to wait its turn, we have a guest, and we don't want to be rude. Editing by Corinne Brock, Hunter O'Guinn and Udo Long!Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 18.05.2023
37 : 01 min
S4E20: Upstairs Grey Area
Our Quasi dimensional roommate returns!Editing by Corinne Brock, Hunter O'Guinn and Udo Long!Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 17.03.2023
35 : 20 min
S4E19: What the Dickens
SEASONS BEATINGS AND MERRY DIBSMASS IN FEBRUARY.Editing by Corinne Brock and Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Sa 25.02.2023
54 : 58 min
S4E18: Malpractice Makes Perfect
What a wedding! Time to deal with the aftermath of getting those two together.Editing by Corinne Brock and Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 03.02.2023
41 : 26 min
S4E17: Love, Violence and Nanites
Parker really needs help with this dating thing. Time to call up the healthiest couple we know. Editing by Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 20.01.2023
52 : 52 min
S4: Special - 4 Joeys and a Funeral
We got a special episode for you! With a cast of varied characters, this episode is sure to have something for everyone!Editing by Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Sa 07.01.2023
35 : 58 min
S4E16: Precious
Whatever happens today, I hope I don't fall into a pit and get stuck in something as ridiculous as riddle battle.Editing by Corinne Brock and Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Sa 24.12.2022
36 : 15 min
S4E15: Remembering to Forget
Miss Swiss says we are slacking and not fulfilling our contracts. Do we even still HAVE contracts? Better find a guest soon!Editing by Corinne Brock and Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 16.12.2022
43 : 34 min
S4E14: Romancing the Thorn
The roof of the old radio station has got to be the most romantic place in all of Junktown, for what it is worth. Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
So 11.12.2022
35 : 47 min
S4E13: Murder He Wrote
Today we have a guest! Apparently they are really killing it! Wait no, it says he is really killing people. Is that a typo?Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 17.11.2022
39 : 45 min
S4E12: Monster Smash
There are plenty of fish in the sea. They are mutated and mostly predatory, but still, there are fish there. I guess we need to go to the ocean?Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 02.11.2022
37 : 00 min
S4E11: Shooting Star
We got a big famous guest today. I wish I knew who it was!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Di 25.10.2022
43 : 12 min
S4E10 - Building Something to Protect
Things are going well in Junktown, time to find out how wrong it really is!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Di 26.07.2022
49 : 44 min
S4E9: Reunions and Funerals
Its nice to get everyone back together. Its bad when they are taken away.Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongFeaturing Elunoir Background track by Sigmeinn Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 08.07.2022
45 : 01 min
S4E8: A Beautiful Mourning
The stages of grief are complicated and can take quite a bit of time to process. The first stage is realizing that you need to grieve. Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 15.06.2022
47 : 12 min
S4E7: Suns, Guns, and My Son
Preparing for war is difficult business. There is so much logistics, and carrying stuff, and moving things and building stuff. I wish there was someone more adept at this stuff.Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Sa 11.06.2022
43 : 05 min
S4E6: Breaking Brad
Now that the old drone in the bunker is fixed, its time to cook. Waffles that is! How will this new addition to the station work out for our reluctant heroes!?Featuring PaisleyEditing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 03.06.2022
42 : 45 min
S4E5: Diplomats and Dingbats
The enemy armies have begun sending diplomats to negotiate terms and demands. They are going to have to meet with the Junktown leadership. Hey! That's us!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 26.05.2022
43 : 02 min
S4E4: The Birds and the Rad-Bees
We have a guest! Miss Swiss said that we are going to be interviewing someone with some very interesting insights on interactions between something something! I dunno, I wasn't paying attention! Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongGuest Staring Tara Marie KirkJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 18.05.2022
44 : 25 min
S4E3: It Will All Pan Out
Junktown is on the rise. Now with new leadership, the town has to bring some law and order to these wasteland streets!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 13.05.2022
38 : 25 min
S4E2: Matters of State
Finally back inside the station. It only took us a little while to get the smell of giant cyber augmented arachnid out of the room. Time to get down to business and start taking care of this town now that the Mayor has been declared!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 04.05.2022
44 : 00 min
S4E1: An Idiot in the Shadows
We made it back to Junktown. Home sweet dilapidated home. The crew can't wait to settle in and recover from our long, and utterly failed adventure in the wastelands!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 13.04.2022
40 : 12 min
Interlude: Tales of the Atomic Sails
Adventure! Romance! HIGH WAY ADVENTURE!Editing by Hunter O'Guinn, Corinne Brock and Udo LongRachel Radiation by Air Real.Wally Wastrel by Michael Harris.Askatuan John by Ryan Gregg.Joey by Adrick Kolokythas.Joey by Hunter O'Guinn.Joey by Rin Brock.
Mi 30.03.2022
33 : 17 min
Interlude: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors
Running a radio show is hard. You have to work with old tech, you have to make sure you don't miss your timing, and you have to pay for all of it to keep it going. Fortunately, with the power of advertising, that is all possible!Editing by Corinne BrockJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 23.03.2022
28 : 47 min
S2E24: Consolation Prizes
This is it! The reason we went on this whole adventure! To hold a metal themed cookoff competition for glory and prizes! I think. Right?Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongRachel Radiation by Air Real.Wally Wastrel by Michael Harris.Askatuan John by Ryan Gregg.Joey by Adrick Kolokythas.Baker by Rin Brock.Tiffany by Human Girl Scarblade.SUPPORT COMMUNITY THEATER!Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 11.03.2022
74 : 50 min
S3E23: Old World Blues
Tiffany has not given up on chasing us the way we gave up on her! I think this is supposed to teach us a lesson or something. Time to find some place to hide. Maybe we can do something right for a change. That building looks good.Editing by Hunter O'Guinn, Corinne Brock and Udo LongSUPPORT COMMUNITY THEATER!Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 03.03.2022
46 : 17 min
S3E22: Beating Your Heroes
I'm not sure we are going to survive 5 nights in this old pizza joint. Better just crash for the night, do a quick show, and be on our way. I feel like we are supposed to be doing something.Featuring ScarBladeEditing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 24.02.2022
37 : 40 min
S3E21: The Chase
The American mall is a classic institution! They were post apocalyptic before it became vogue. Time to hit the mall and find some cooking supplies!Editing by Hunter O'Guinn, Corinne Brock and Udo LongSUPPORT COMMUNITY THEATER! Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 17.02.2022
41 : 19 min
S3E20 Paper or Plastic
The American mall is a classic institution! They were post apocalyptic before it became vogue. Time to hit the mall and find some cooking supplies!Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 10.02.2022
44 : 34 min
S3E19: Possumabilites are Endless
The boys are back at it. Time to finally find Tiffany. I hope she is doing ok. We are the worst rescue party that anyone could ever ask for.Editing by Hunter O'Guinn, Corinne Brock and Udo LongJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 03.02.2022
49 : 51 min
S3E18: The Inconvenience Store
On the road again. Always makes you thirsty for a frosty beverage. I wish we weren't the only radio show, but only because we could use some tunes. That fuel gauge is looking mighty empty again.Editing by Corinne Brock and Udo LongCheck out our guest! our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 27.01.2022
40 : 53 min
S3E17: Poutine Traffic Stop
I hate it when traffic gets out of hand. Baker has gone out to get us some food but we are stuck here for the time being. Out of gas, and out of luck.Editing by Hunter O'Guinn, Corinne Brock and Udo Long Join our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 20.01.2022
35 : 40 min
S3E16: Mushino Royale
With nothing but a rumor from a gambling addicted canadian land pirate, we bravely move ever closer to our goal! I think. I hope. I'm pretty sure this isn't it. But hey, maybe they have a buffet!Editing by Udo Long and Corinne BrockJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 14.01.2022
43 : 41 min
S3E15: Hornswaggle Eh?
Once again, on the trail to find Tiffany, we find ourselves marooned in the town of Landport. This place is very confusing and we really don't know where we are going, but the show must go on. Anyone smell maple syrup and seasalt?Featuring Ryan Gregg of the Roleplaying Grenade PodcastEditing by Udo Long and Corinne BrockJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Do 06.01.2022
46 : 42 min
S3E14: Dreaming of a White Dibsmas
This blizzard is getting pretty rough, and on Dibsmas of all days. Well, I hope we can make it through. Tis' the season.Featuring Adrick Kolokythas as Joey Soda Pops and Corinne Brock as Baker.Editing by Udo Long and Corinne Brock and Hunter O'GuinnJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Mi 22.12.2021
51 : 40 min
S3E13: Ruff-housing
Another day on the trail to find Tiffany. The city of Landport is an impossible nightmare of maze like streets and abandoned craft beer stores. This place looks a good as any to stop and take a break! Looks recently used though...Featuring Kelso as JunkyardEditing by Udo Long and Corinne BrockJoin our discord!Join our Patreon!
Fr 17.12.2021
55 : 09 min
S3E12: Diamond in the Rough
Well. The Bramble Lady has come to take her due, for our berry related transgressions. I wonder what terrible fate awaits us. Oh, the radio equipment is still working. I guess we will do a show!Featuring TheNerdyEffect as Diamond Dumpster CarlEditing by Hunter O'Guinn and Corinne BrockJoin our discord!
Do 09.12.2021
50 : 14 min
S3E11: Welcome to Landportia
Hot on the trail of our quest to rescue little Tiffany, we have arrived in one of the largest fallen cities in the Pacific Northwaste. At least there is plenty to eat...
Mi 01.12.2021
38 : 15 min
S3E10: No Children Were Harmed
Back on the road. Out of the van. I really hope we don't randomly encounter anything.
Do 25.11.2021
43 : 03 min
S3E9: It Goes Dibs in the Night
Its been a long road. Time to take a break by the fire and tell a spooky tale or two.
Mo 15.11.2021
47 : 04 min
S3E8: It Takes a Village
Welp, it was only a matter of time before baker kicked us out of the van for arguing with the AI. But, we still have work to do. But, what are we going to do when we finish?
Di 02.11.2021
36 : 29 min
S3E7: Awesome Zone
We made it. Parkers dream is about to come true. Finally, he will be a real wastelander.
Mi 20.10.2021
31 : 26 min
S3E6: Flashback to Yesterdays Future Tomorrow
We are back on the road to Awesome Zone! Wait What? You wanna know how we got out of the raider prison? Well, I remember it like it was yesterday...
Di 12.10.2021
37 : 48 min
S3E5: The Comeback King
Well. We found ourselves locked in prison. Its only a matter of time until we are executed or starve to death. Maybe we can find a way out. Who is that regal looking man over there?
Mi 29.09.2021
53 : 06 min
S3E4: 5 Skull Rating
Our hosts discuss food, foraging, and fearsome raiders while wandering into trouble.
Do 23.09.2021
34 : 58 min
S3E3: The Silent Tea
This is it! Finally we have made it to another settlement! How do they live? What goes on inside a survivor colony? Lets find out.
Di 14.09.2021
46 : 58 min
S3E2: The Picked Peck
Running low on food. Running low on entertainment. Covered in lizard guts. What is our merry band going to do? Also, what is that smell?
Fr 10.09.2021
47 : 00 min
S3E1: Delicatessen
Finally on the road, the crew takes a second for lunch! Time to learn about hunting, cooking and foraging in the wastelands.
Do 02.09.2021
37 : 38 min
S2.5 E2 Elevator Hour Presents: A Taste of Love
Elevator Hour contines with it's segment What Lifts Us Up.Miss Swiss and Baker interview the leader of a rag-tag discount mercenary group, Hatrick Battleburton, and learn about the services he provides. Also the game show A Taste of Love, where Baker has to choose between three elligible bachelors!Stay tuned.
Mo 30.08.2021
34 : 49 min
S2.5 E1: Elevator Hour Presents...
With Parker's crew gone on adventure, the folks left behind at the station get back to the WKZED's roots with The Elevator Hour, and it's new segment What Lifts Us Up.Join Miss Swiss, Baker, Joey Sodapop, and Joey Sodapop? As they attempt to host their own side show.
Mi 18.08.2021
32 : 22 min
S2 E24: Beginning at the End
Its time. Its now or never. We've taken 48 weeks to prepare for this. Its time to leave the station, and begin our wasteland quest. Are we rushing it a bit? Should we prepare a bit more? Tiffany should be fine right? I mean, how much can one little girl eat? How long does it take for abandoned kids to starve?
Do 15.07.2021
38 : 26 min
S2E23: The Update
Its been a quiet few days. The day we set out on our epic adventure fast approaches. We need to make sure everyone is ready to go. Can't let anything hold us back.
Mi 07.07.2021
39 : 43 min
S2E22: A Rough in the Diamonds
Harvey and I are gonna go check out the crater that has been smoking next to the station for 2 weeks. DJ didn't wanna come outside today. He said he had important things to do. I can't wait to see a desolate lifeless scar on the wasteland!
Mi 16.06.2021
36 : 47 min
S2E21: It Begins
The crew is back at it again with another episode of the survival radio show! Time to get down to learning how to survive in this harsh wasteland. Why do I suddenly feel like we are REALLY unprepared?
So 06.06.2021
38 : 46 min
S2 E20: Locker Jockeys
Sigma said they were sending a drone to collect their money. And we took care of all of the sigma drones in the area. Feels good. One step ahead.This episode features Chris Hecker as Dr. Onẽ
Sa 29.05.2021
44 : 58 min
S2E19: Playing it Cool
Todays guest is Mr. Flash Bang. Wow, that name sounds like, an action adventure hero, or like a porn star or something! I can't wait to meet the guest. Also, looks like we got an email from our smallest fan? What's that all about?
Sa 22.05.2021
45 : 50 min
S2E18: Spoiler Alert
If you have been following along, you already know how this one ends. Or at least you should, because you have already listened to the entire show, and all the shows to come. At some point. Man, timelines are hard.
Di 18.05.2021
39 : 53 min
S2E17: Turkey Noises
We are about to go live, and we can't find Harvey anywhere! This isn't like him, he's always there and ready for the show! I hope something didn't run into a bearbug, or a robgoblin!
Sa 08.05.2021
40 : 55 min
S2E16: Back to Our Roots Cellar
We are going back to basics! This is a show about survival. We keep getting sidetracked by stuff. Time to refocus and get back to our roots. Cellar.
Sa 01.05.2021
45 : 29 min
S2E15: Robot in Da Skies
Very excited to have a drone specialist come and help us with our imminent drone invasion situation! I bet he's gonna be so cool and debonair! Like some sort of tactical badass who eats other drones for breakfast.
Sa 24.04.2021
38 : 18 min
S2E14: Its High Noon Somewheres
We have really been on top of things lately. We keep just wrapping up loose ends. Everything is going our way and we are sure that there will be no repercussions due to our actions. Anyone smell exhaust and leather chaps?
Di 20.04.2021
40 : 30 min
S2E13: 404 Salvation Not Found
Having someone around the station that actually wants to do a job is really working out for us! They lined us up a guest, and we just get to sit here and do nothing!
Sa 10.04.2021
37 : 57 min
S2E12: Udder Chaos
Haven't seen Deadman in a long. Wonder what he's up to. Anyone else smell beef?
Sa 03.04.2021
31 : 23 min
S2E11: Biggest Fans
Just getting ready for another normal day, in the post apocalyptic future in our radio station on the hill. I wonder how our fans are doing, and if we will ever get to meet any of them?
Sa 27.03.2021
37 : 53 min
S2E10: Mail Call
After a desperate plea from a mysterious man, the crew has received a whole bunch of mail! What better to do than answer them all, on air!
Sa 20.03.2021
31 : 25 min
S2E9: Wasteland Justice
Time to form up a posse! But where are we gonna get one? Its not like one is just gonna kick in our door and offer to do the job for us.
Sa 13.03.2021
28 : 39 min
S2E8: The Dangers of Exposition
The crew has been robbed! What are they gonna do about it!? Probably nothing. Unless they can solve real world problems with exposition and commentary.
Sa 06.03.2021
32 : 41 min
S2E7: Has This Ever Happened to You
The crew gets a visit from a door to door murder... I mean, Merchant. Featuring special guest, Adal Rifai.
Sa 27.02.2021
40 : 07 min
S2E6: Dusty Trail
Looks like a traveler has blown into our little town! What could this lonesome stranger have in store for our crew?! Lets find out.
Mi 24.02.2021
33 : 03 min
S2E5: Catch and Release
Time to do some house cleaning! We called in an expert. We hope he's as good as the reviews say he is. Hoo, the windows in this room are nice. Just thought I would mention that.
Sa 13.02.2021
35 : 43 min
S2E4: Family Calamity
Its always a good time when family comes to visit. Will the station survive this family reunion? What the Truck are we gonna do?
Sa 06.02.2021
37 : 55 min
S2E3: Break-in News
Sa 30.01.2021
37 : 12 min
S2E2: Something Vicked Thisway Comes
Another visitor from the wasteland! Who could it be this time? And who ordered Pizza?
Di 26.01.2021
43 : 02 min
S2E1: Assault and Vinegar
The crew is back! They have a plan to save Junktown. But its gonna cost a lot of caps!
Sa 09.01.2021
40 : 40 min
18: Seasons Beatings
Tis the season to discover the meaning of the season. Learn about parkers past, wrap up a few loose ends and the return of a guest of Dibsmas past!
Mi 23.12.2020
43 : 25 min
17: Bad Branding
Parker is sick! What will happen to the show with only 2 hosts? Will they find out what is wrong with parker?
Di 15.12.2020
36 : 31 min
16: Wheel of Cyberware
The radio station staff get some new tools installed. Parker has questions. Dj and Harvey have "answers".
Fr 04.12.2020
37 : 20 min
15: Window Jumping
All four of the crew discuss the finer aspects of jumping through time and space. And windows.
Fr 20.11.2020
35 : 43 min
14: Some Fresh Air
The crew goes on an adventure and finally leaves the safety of the bunker and the radio room. Explore with them in this perilous journey!BillDog Rehab clinic music obtained from
Fr 13.11.2020
34 : 26 min
13: Aliens Do Chems Too
The gang gets an unexpected visit from someone who has been there for quite a while! Did we finally resolve a storyline? FIND OUT!
Fr 30.10.2020
43 : 32 min
12: The Smell of Friendship
The gang gets a visit from a specialist to chase down the intruder in the station.
Fr 09.10.2020
34 : 15 min
11: Popular Demand
Back by popular demand, we return to our regularly scheduled programming.
Fr 02.10.2020
20 : 43 min
10: Loose Ends
The gang tries to wrap up some of the loose ends around the station as they wait out a radiation storm.
Fr 25.09.2020
34 : 01 min
09: Welcome to my ZED TALK
The guys at the station have a quick talk about how the infected (Zombies) work, and survival tips and they try their best to stay on topic and almost succeed!
Fr 18.09.2020
37 : 26 min
08: Pear Butter
We are joined by a surprise guest, and they bring us goodies! What a wholesome episode. Just don't ask about what goes bump in the night...
Fr 11.09.2020
37 : 50 min
07: Tissue Sample
(Due to editing issues, this episode has a lot of effects on the Stitches character. We were unable to re-record due to time for everyone involved. So, just use your imagination that she is as spooky as needed for the effects)A set of visitors have come to the station! Are they here for soap? Or do they want something more... appetizing?
Sa 05.09.2020
43 : 20 min
06: Its not drugs, its chems
The crew discovers a hidden cache of pre-fall advanced chemicals! They are totally not drugs according to the food and drugs administration of 2026. Parker has been... experimenting?
Sa 29.08.2020
38 : 31 min
05: Relief Effort
On today's episode, we get a visit from Crissie from the Dead Cross. She says they have a relief effort in the works for Junktown! Could this be the help we didn't know we needed all along?
Sa 22.08.2020
41 : 23 min
04: It's not a sex thing.
We have a few call in guests give us their survival tips! And we discuss local fauna WAY TOO DEEPLY.Special thanks to Jacob, Wes, James, Curtis, Jesse and Myke for help with the episode!
Sa 15.08.2020
38 : 14 min
03: Cranial Economy
We survived our first encounter with our first guest! Time to get back to work on finding how to survive in this crazy world!
So 09.08.2020
34 : 14 min
02: Dibs is Law
Our hosts have survived the attack by the Extra Rowdy Bois. Time to sit back and celibrate with a brewki or twoski!
So 09.08.2020
43 : 07 min
01: The Key to Surviving is Survival
This is the beginning of the wastelands favorite and likely only talk radio show! Our hosts get to know each other a little better and see if they can learn the basics of running a show!
So 09.08.2020
37 : 34 min
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