The Daily CornMeal is dedicated to Native American Pueblo Contemporary Culture. It is a podcast version of Content produced by the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo's (a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe) Radio Station KUEH 101.5 FM LP.
Breaking Mental Health Stigma
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo's Circle of Hope Interns and UTEP graduate students Paola Ortiz and Angelica Lastra-Farley, discuss mental health stigma and the impacts it can have on individuals and families. They also provide input on how we as a community can work towards breaking the stigma and building a healthier community.
Mo 26.09.2022
9 : 47 min
Three graduate students from the University of Texas at El Paso describe their challenges in grad school and how they overcame them! Also, they discuss the importance of taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. With Natalie Castro, Alyssa Pedregon and Richard Hernandez.
Mi 24.08.2022
15 : 28 min
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with LCSW Elisa Dobler
June is PTSD awareness month with LCSW Elisa Dobler Circle of Hope.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur due to different circumstances such as a car crash, being a victim of an assault, or being military personal who have served in a war zone. PTSD symptoms can vary per individual, however these are some of the common symptoms: avoiding thinking of the event that happened, irritability, and flash backs. If you or anyone you know are suffering from these symptoms please give us a call at Circle of Hope 915-860-6180.
Di 21.06.2022
2 : 53 min
Children’s Mental Health
Vanessa Caraveo discusses Children’s Mental Health. She discusses statistics concerning children’s mental health such as prevalence and common disorders. Listen in to hear the warning signs parents can look out for in their children and who they can ask for help.
Mo 16.05.2022
5 : 29 min
Dealing with Stress
"Dealing with Stress” by MSW Intern, Denisse Rascón.
Mo 04.04.2022
5 : 02 min
Co-dependency and Interdependency
By: Vanessa Caraveo and Denise Rascon, MSW Interns with the Circle of Hope
Mi 02.03.2022
6 : 25 min
Teen Risky Behaviors and How Parents Can Support Them with Destiny Mora
Destiny Mora is a Licensed Master Social Worker for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Circle of Hope Division. On this episode Destiny talks about risky behavior in teens and how parents can be more supportive. For more information contact Circle of Hope at 915-860-6180 the emergency 24-hour line is 915 479-2591.
Fr 04.02.2022
12 : 05 min
Grief and Loss During the Holidays with MSW Becky Gonzalez
Becky Gonzalez is a MSW Therapist for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Circle of Hope Division. On this Episode Becky talks about Grief and Loss During the Holidays. Ms. Gonzalez talks bout types of loss, diagnosis, adjustment to loss, coping, and available Circle of Hope services. For More information contact Circle of Hope at 915-860-6180 the emergency 24-hour line is 915 479-2591.
Do 02.12.2021
36 : 29 min
Codependency and Substance Use With Gabriela Prieto
In this Episode Master Of Social Intern with Circle of Hope Gabriela Prieto talks about Codependency and Substance Use. In this episode we discuss
What is Codependency?
13 Warning Signs of Codependency
The Relationship Between Codependency and Addiction
Can you call it love if it’s codependent?
So, how can you tell a codependent relationship apart from a healthy relationship?
How to Reduce Codependent Tendencies
Building Boundaries
For More Information Contact
Sacred Connections - Circle of Hope
9180 Socorro Rd, Bldg A, STE 400
El Paso, TX 79907
Phone: 915-860-6180
Fr 12.11.2021
44 : 06 min
2021 Flu Vaccine Drive Through Clinics with Public Health Nurse Mitchell Koch
Mitchell Koch is the Public Health Nurse for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health and Human Services Department. On this episode we talk about the upcoming Drive Through Vaccination clinics that will start for Tribal Household on Tuesday October 12, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Monday Through Friday while supplies last last. To Schedule your appointment contact the Clinic at (915) 858-1076. The Ysleta del Sur Pueblo clinic is located at 9314 Juanchido 79907.
Mi 06.10.2021
20 : 26 min
Free Legal Services for Low Income Individuals with Becky Gonzalez
Becky Gonzalez is a MSW Intern for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Circle of Hope Division. In this episode Becky talks about Legal Services that are available for Low Income Community through Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid. There will be two workshops introducing the services to the Pueblo community via Zoom, the 1st will be held for the Tribal Government Workforce on September 21, 2021 at 4:00 PM and the 2nd for the Pueblo Community on September 22, 2021 at 4:00 PM. For more information contact Becky Gonzalez or Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid:
Becky Gonzalez
[email protected]
(915) 860-6180 Ext. 6288
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid:
Mo 13.09.2021
21 : 43 min
The Opioid Crisis with Felipe Silerio Peer Recovery Coach YDSP
Felipe Silerio is a Peer Recovery Coach for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Sacred Connections Circles of Healing Division. In this episode he discussed Opioids, talks about what they are, how they work, signs of addiction, overdose, and the use of Naloxone to save a person over-dosing. For more information contact Circles of Healing at (915) 860-6118.
Mo 03.05.2021
40 : 58 min
Successful Nation to Nation Collaborative Efforts with Amerind CEO Derek Valdo
Derek Valdo is a Citizen of the Pueblo of Acoma, where he previously served on the Tribal Council for 14 years. He has been with Amerind Insurance for 21 years, 9 of which he has spent as the CEO. In this episode we discuss how Native Nations Collaborated to bring their insurance cost down in their unique Nations and ongoing efforts to protect contemporary Native American issues such as the fight to protect the Indian Child Welfare Act, Native American Inclusion in main stream education, protecting sacred sights, and fighting for getting the best health care in Indian Country.
To learn more about Amerind visit
Fr 16.04.2021
51 : 35 min
Natives Seeking Public Office with Former Sandoval County Commissioner Darryl Madalena
Darryl Madalena is a member of Jemez Pueblo and the youngest ever elected County Commissioner in the State of New Mexico. In this episode we discuss Native Americans who run for public office, barriers for elected Native Officials, historical Native Americans who have been elected, and voter turnout.
Here are a few articles referenced during the discussion:
Di 30.03.2021
56 : 35 min
The Eagles Landing Trading Post with Sonialisa Esquibel
The Eagles Landing Trading Post is a website for Tribal Entrepreneurs and people who have side gigs they use to make extra money. The Eagles Landing was developed by the Economic Development Department Small Business Development Team to help Tribal Small Businesses by giving them a platform to showcase their products and services during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Sonialisa Esquibel is the Small Business Development Specialist and joins the show today to talk about the website. The website can be found at For more information about the Eagles Landing Trading Post contact Sonialisa or Irma Gomez, Small Business Development Specialist Assistant at 915-859-8151.
Fr 26.03.2021
33 : 23 min
Sacred Connections Services with Becky Gonzalez
March is National Social Work Month in the United States. This is the fourth podacast in our series dedicated to Social Work, Becky Gonzalez is a Master Social Work Intern for the Sacred Connections Circles of Healing Division. In this Episode Mrs. Gonzalez details the Trauma Informed Care Model of Services Provided to the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Community along with detailing all of the available services provided by Circles of Healing, Circles of Hope and Circles of Harmony. Follow Sacred Connections on their Facebook Page @ydsphhs. Call Sacred Connections at 915-860-6180 for more information about their services.
Do 25.03.2021
27 : 47 min
The Native Pathways Program w/ Outreach Councilor Jennifer Roldan
Jennifer Roldan joins the Daily CornMeal to talk about the Native Pathways Program that serves Native American People enrolled with Federally Recognized Tribes in 122 Counties in West Texas from San Antonio to El Paso Texas. The Program Provides training, internships, job placement and supportive service for participants. Jennifer works in the San Antonio Office and virtually with participants.
Mo 22.03.2021
37 : 21 min
Talking about COVID 19 with Your Children Featuring LMSW Destiny Mora
Continuing with our Series for National Social Work Month, Destiny Mora LMSW, Social Worker II for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, Sacred Connections, Circles of Hope Division talks to us about strategies and coping mechanisms for children from ages 0 to Teens. Contact Sacred Connections at 915-860-6170.
2020-21 Back to School Safely / Latest News (
2020-21 Back to School Safely / Latest News (
Do 18.03.2021
36 : 02 min
8 Dimensions of Wellness with Viridiana Sigala
Viridiana Sigala LCSW, CCTP is the Thearapist of the Sacred Connections Circle of Hope Program at Ysleta del Sur Pueblo. In this episode Viridiana gives valuable information on finding balance within the 8 Dimensions of Wellness including Spiritual, Emotional, Occupational, Environmental, Social, Physical, Financial & Intellectual Wellness. For more information contact Circle of Hope at 915-860-6170.
Fr 12.03.2021
48 : 56 min
Health Education Fitness Trainer Cedrick Marcelin
Cedrick Marcelin is a the Fitness Trainer for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Education Department focused on helping citizens of the Pueblo obtain their personal goals for a healthy life. In this episode, Cedrick shares information about his program.
Mo 08.03.2021
29 : 52 min
Substance Abuse and Dependency with Angel Montoya
Angel Montoya is the Program Coordinator for Ysleta del Sur Pueblo's Circles of Healing Program, a program that serves Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Citizens with Substance Abuse and Dependency Treatment. In this episode Mr. Montoya discusses risk factors, symptoms, protective factors, and disparities in Native American Communities. Circles of Healing Can Be Contacted at 915-860-6170. Follow Circles of Healing on Facebook @ydsphhs
Fr 05.03.2021
41 : 48 min
When Substance Abuse and Mental Health Collide with Gabriela Prieto
Gabriela Prieto is a Master of Social Work Intern at Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Circle of Hope. On this episode we discuss co-occurring disorders including also know as dual-diagnosis. In this episode, we discuss risk-factors, statistics related to co-occurring disorders, and holistic treatment. March is National Social Worker Month and this is the first episode in a weekly series that will drop every Friday. For more information contact Circles of Hope at 915-860-6180 and follow Circle of Hope on Facebook @ydsphhs.
Fr 26.02.2021
35 : 11 min
Phase 2 COVID 19 Vaccinations Wednesday February 24th
Health Services Mitchel Koch calls in to talk about Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Health Services completing Phase 1 of its COVID-19 vaccination clinic and moves on to Phase 2. Tribal members and non-tribal household members, 18 years of age and older, who reside in the El Paso/Las Cruces region can now call the COVID-19 Hotline at 915-860-6140 to begin the registration process. All vaccine clinics will be by SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT ONLY.
There is availability for the Moderna Vaccination on Wednesday February 24th, you must be scheduled to receive a vaccination. Call 915-860-6140.
Di 23.02.2021
8 : 56 min
COVID 19 Vaccination Update w/ Mitchel Koch
On the Eve of the Federal Drug Administration meeting to approve the COVID 19 Vaccination Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Public Health Nurse Mitchel Koch calls in to give an update on the vaccination process at Ysleta del Sur and what that entails. Resources discussed during this episode can be found below:
Do 10.12.2020
26 : 56 min
Celebrating the Holidays in a Pandemic with Public Health Nurse Mitchell Koch
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Public Health Nurse Mitchell Koch provides our communities with information on celebrating the upcoming Holiday season in the midst of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Mitch is also part of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo COVID 19 Vaccination Task-Force and provides an update on status of the upcoming distribution of COVID 19 Vaccination on the Pueblo.
If You are a Citizen of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo please fill out the COVID 19 Vaccination Survey by visiting the Quick Links Section of the Pueblo's Website at For more information contact the Health Education Program at 915-858-1076.
Di 24.11.2020
18 : 19 min
YDSP COVID 19 Vaccination Survey with Public Health Nurse Mitchell Koch
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Education Division's Public Health Nurse Mitchell Koch calls in to talk about an important Tribal Community Survey regarding the distribution of the COVID 19 Vaccinations for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Community. Mr. Koch explains how the data collected will help the planning and distribution efforts. The Survey can be found under the "Quick Links" Section of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Website
Fr 20.11.2020
28 : 21 min
COVID 19 Frequently Asked Questions & Guidance
In this episode we go over the most frequently asked questions in regards to your recent diagnosis of Covid-19 and general guidance from the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Clinic. Below is the link to Isolation Guidance from the CDC:;
For More Information Contact the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Clinic at 915-858-1076.
Fr 06.11.2020
13 : 13 min
Getting Vaccinated for the Influenza Virus with YDSP RN Mitchell Koch
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Public Health Nurse Mitchell Kock talks about the importance of getting vaccinated for Flu Season especially in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. RN Koch talks about the procedures for getting vaccinated at YDSP and how to protect yourself and family during Flu season.
Do 01.10.2020
23 : 28 min
YDSP Tribal Councilman & Tribal Fire Captain Andrew Torres COVID 19 Update
Tribal Councilman Andrew Torrez wears two hats for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, aside from being a Tribal Leader, Councilman Torrez serves as the Fire Captain for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribal Fire Department one of the Pueblo's Essential Services during the COVID 19 Epidemic. Councilman Torrez calls in to give an update talking about the community checkpoints, safety measures, the importance of wearing masks and Social distancing.
Do 23.04.2020
14 : 17 min
Tips For Staying Healthy During the COVID 19 Pandemic with Miriam Cardenas
Miriam Cardenas, MCHES is the Health Education Services Manager for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Education & Outreach Division. In this episode Ms. Cardenas talks about ways to stay healthy during the COVID 19 Pandemic focusing on Nutrition to boost your immune system, practicing good self and food hygiene and the use of cloth mask in public places. For more information on eating right during the pandemic visit
Do 16.04.2020
25 : 43 min
Native's Coping with Stress & Anxiety in the Wake of COVID 19
Viridiana Sigala is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Sacred Connections Department. In this episode Viri discusses the unique affects of Social Distancing in Tribal Communities, gives strategies for coping with fears, anxiety, and stress for Tribal Elders, Children, First Responders and Medical Professionals who are all dealing with COVID 19. Sacred Connections is available 24 hours a day for the Citizens of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo by calling 915-479-2511.
Additional Resources for Dealing with Stress & Anxiety anxious-child-or-teen-about
Sa 04.04.2020
36 : 43 min
Celebrating Indigenous People's Month W/ The Impact Program
On this Episode of the Daily CornMeal Chris welcome's the Impact Program's Saray Argumendo, Brenda Gutierrez. Stephanie Paz, and Katherina Arteaga in to discuss their Discussion Panels that took place over the last month at El Paso Community College, & the Juvenile Detention Center to recognize Indigenous People's Month. Today's Guest Discuss their Experiences within Educational Institutions, Maintaining Cultural Identity, Modern Native American Activism, the Effects of Social Media on Activism and raising awareness of about Indigenous People in Modern Education.
Di 26.11.2019
63 : 12 min
Civilian Response To Active Shooters with Officer Jacob Solis
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Patrolman Jacob Solis has been an Officer with the Tribal Police Force for 3 Years. On August 10, 2019 he was one of the supporting Law Enforcement Officers responding to the Walmart Active Shooting. Officer Solis visits the KUEH Studio to talk about that experience and provides information about an upcoming Civilian Response to Active Shooting Training that will be coming up for Civilians on November 2, 2019 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Tribal Court House (9241 Socorro Road 79907) hosted by the Tribal Police and El Paso Constables.
Mo 21.10.2019
20 : 42 min
2019 YDSP Rocking the Rez Pow Wow with Councilman Raphael Gomez Jr.
Its' Pow Wow Season at Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Tribal Councilman Raphael "Shorty" Gomez Jr. Stops by the Pakitu Studio to talk about the upcoming "Rocking The Rez Pow Wow" Taking Place October 5-6, 2019 at the Pakitu Community Park located at 11100 Tiwa Blvd. 79927. This years Pow Wow is extra special as Councilman Gomez and Host Chris Gomez talk about 10 Years of Pow Wow Memories, the crowning of a new Pow Wow Princess, and meeting great people and making new friends from all across Indian Country.
Mi 02.10.2019
22 : 34 min
Hip Hop Artist & Fancy Dancer Supaman
A Special Interview with Native American Hip Hop Artist, MTV Video Music Award Winner, Fancy Dancer, Social Media Influencer Supaman takes time prior to doing a motivational presentation for the Youth of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo to talk about his career, traveling through Indian Country, being authentic, and social media influence. He also speaks about his fight for raising awareness about missing Native people throughout Indian Country.
Supaman Can Be Found on Social Media at
@Supamanhiphop On Instagram
@supamanhiphop On Facebook
billy-ills on Snapchat on Youtube
@supamanhiphop on Twitter
Mo 23.09.2019
21 : 55 min
YDSP Emergency Management Division: National Disaster Preparedness Month
Julie E. Smithart, Josh Garcia, and Spetcie Archuleta stop buy KUEH 101.5 to talk about National Disaster Preparedness Month (September). The team goes over a good disaster check list, signing up for the Pueblo's Emergency Notification System at and the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). There is a lot of great information in this episode.
Do 22.08.2019
53 : 05 min
Community Health Visioning Events & Outreach with Rachel Candelaria
Rachel Candelaria, Health Education and Prevention Specialist drops by the KUEH 101.5 FM Studio to Discuss upcoming community Visioning events that will be taking place August 7-8, 2019 and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey for randomly selected community members.
Do 25.07.2019
19 : 34 min
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Men's Health Awareness Month with Rachel Candelaria
June is Men’s Health Awareness Month at Ysleta del Sur Pueblo. Rachel Candelaria Health Education & Prevention Specialist, from the Department of Health Services visits the KUEH Studio to discuss Cancer's prevalent to men at various ages and types of illness that are more prevalent in Native American demographics.
Fr 21.06.2019
27 : 00 min
ICWA In Indian Country Featuring Leah Lopez
This is a Throwback Thursday Episode of the Daily CornMeal From January of 2019. Leah Lopez is a Supervisory Social Worker for the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Sacred Connections Department. Ms. Lopez has 7 plus years of experience working with Foster Care and Adoption cases utilizing the Indian Child Welfare Act more commonly known as ICWA. In this Episode host Chris Gomez and Leah dive into ICWA, the challenges of working with State entities, and the Sacred Connections department.
Do 20.06.2019
57 : 57 min
Using Drumming to Treat Opioid Addiction
On this special episode of the Daily CornMeal Chris interviews Angel Montoya, Daniel Paiz, & Felipe from the Sacred Connections Circles of Healing Peer Recovery. The guest talk about the stigma of addiction and how Native Drumming has helped their people in treatment reconnect with to their Pueblo culture and overcome obstacles. This is an amazing episode and one you should not miss.
Do 30.05.2019
56 : 04 min
Department of Health Services Family Medicine w/ Luis Moncayo
On location at the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Community Health Center, Chris Gomez interviews Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Registered Nurse Luis Moncayo on family medicine. The two talk about cultural factors that contribute to diabetes, preventative check-up, and healthy lifestyles.
Fr 17.05.2019
37 : 00 min
The Department of Health Services Dental Division
On this edition of the Daily CornMeal, we are honored to have our Tribal Dental Director Dr. Ankita Vishwamitra & Dental Hygienist Edgar Zamora in studio to discuss the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Department of Health Services Dental Division. During this episode both guest talk about their experiences with the Pueblo as well as give great information on oral care & talk about a grant they received from the Indian Health Services to serve children between the ages of 0 to 5.
Do 09.05.2019
32 : 02 min
Department of Health Services Billing & Coding Supervisor Cristina Gutierrez
Department of Health Services Billing & Coding Supervisor Cristina Gutierrez visits the Studio to talk about the importance of her division to YDSP Health Center's Clinical Operations. Cristina also spends time talking about her trip to the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow, The Native American Princess Competition, and Native American Music from the Pow Wow.
Fr 03.05.2019
32 : 35 min
YDSP Health Services Department Clinical Operations
On this episode of the Daily CornMeal YDSP Health Service Department Clinical Operations Manager Melissa Gomez stops by the studio to discuss the current Clinic Operations, the future Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Clinic that is being designed, and the upcoming Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Saint Anthony's Feast Day.
Do 02.05.2019
38 : 41 min
Purchased Refereed Care
Purchased Referred Care (PRC) Supervisor Monica & PRC Claims Specialist Dora visit the KUEH Studio to talk about the PRC Program including how to enroll & renew, how to submit a claim, the service area, & Federal funding. This is a great episode for people from the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Community to understand the PRC Program.
Fr 26.04.2019
31 : 10 min
Health Education Services
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Health Education Manager Miriam Cardenas & Health Education & Prevention Specialist Rachel Candelaria stop by the KUEH 101.5 FM Studio to talk about the upcoming "Pea in A Native POD Classes, the 8 Week Feast Day Preparation Boot Camp, Healthy Lifestyle Classes, the upcoming 2019 Adult Behavioral Risk Factors Survey & World Diabetes Day.
Do 18.04.2019
36 : 13 min
The Tribal Skateboarding Episode
In this episode host Chris Gomez interviews professional Skateboarder Aaron "Jaws" Homoki from the Toy Machine Skate Demo that took place Wednesday March 27, 2019 at the Pakitu Skate Plaza on the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo. Other interviews include Tribal Member entrepreneur and owner of Dumbco. David A. Gomez. Follow the guest for this show on Instagram @aaronjawshomoki @dumbco @davidhasadeathwish.
Mo 01.04.2019
21 : 47 min
Community Health Representative Transportation Supervisor Governor Elias Torrez
Former Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Governor Elias Torrez stopped by the KUEH 101.5 FM Studio to talk about his work as the Community Health Representative Transportation Supervisor Position at the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Department Of Health Services. Governor Torrez and Chris Gomez talk about the importance of maintaining preventative health care, transporting Tribal Citizens to their appointments, checking in on members of the Pueblo Community and a little bit of baseball on opening day and their appreciation for the band Chicago.
Do 28.03.2019
36 : 13 min
Native Language Preservation with Language Coordinator Richard Hernandez
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Language Coordinator Ricardo Hernandez talks with host Christopher Gomez about preserving and teaching the Southern Tiwa language at the Pueblo, Native Pottery, & generational issues that impact the learning of Native Languages.
Mi 20.03.2019
53 : 04 min
Talking Native Issues with Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribal Councilman Ralph "Shorty" Gomez
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribal Councilman Ralph "Shorty" Gomez stops by the studio to talk about his work with Native American Youth, the 20th Anniversary of the Native American Film "Smoke Signals", Environmental Preservation Issues, The Rocking Rez Pow Wow, and the Pakitu Skate Park. Follow Councilman Gomez at
Rocking The Rez Pow Wow:
Pakitu Skate Park:
Mo 18.03.2019
33 : 57 min
Tigua Animal Services & The Rez Dog Drama
Adam Nevarez Tigua Animal Services Supervisor stops by the KUEH Pakitu Studio to talk about Rez Dogs, Tribal Pet Ordinance, and overall good stewardship of pets.
Mo 11.03.2019
34 : 06 min
The Future of Pueblo Women w/ Stephanie Paz, Brenda Gutierrez, & Katherina Arteaga
The Daily CornMeal Episode for February 28, 2019 Features 3 Young Native Women from Ysleta del Sur Pueblo who discuss their experiences growing up as Native Women, getting educated, becoming professionals, and what the future holds for Native American Women. Stephanie Paz, Brenda Gutierrez & Katherina Arteaga from the IMPACT Program stop by to discuss their experiences and provide insight as young educated Native American Women from the Pueblo.
Do 28.02.2019
52 : 44 min
Episode 6 Native American Race Relations
In this episode host Chris Gomez looks at the Incident that took place on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on January 28th involving people from the Indigeounos People's March & Nathan Philips, the Covington Catholic High School Students & The Black Hebrew Israelites. Chris breaks down the incident as it escalated, why the video went viral, & the absence of empathy for Native American racial causes.
Articles sited in this podcast:
Follow KUEH 101.5 FM Radio:
Instagram @cfexm_chris_made
Di 26.02.2019
30 : 29 min
The Daily CornMeal Episode 190122
Martin Cena from the Tigua Community Development Corporation stops by to talk about the program, financial literacy, small business lending, and other financial literacy topics. Hosted by Christopher Gomez
So 17.02.2019
59 : 50 min
The Daily CornMeal Episode 190125
Elva Silvas & Elsa Rodela drop by KUEH 101.5 FM to talk about the Target Tigua AmeriCorps Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sight that is open January 28, 2019 to April 17, 2019 at 9180 Socorro Rd. B El Paso Texas 79907.
So 17.02.2019
18 : 13 min
The Daily CornMeal Episode 190201
Carlos Maese & Stephanie Lopez drop by the KUEH 101.5 FM Studio from the Tribal Empowerment Brave Program to talk about integrating athletics into after-school activities, Ft. Night Dancing, and the benefits of positive role models. Hosted by Christopher Gomez
So 17.02.2019
27 : 44 min
The Daily CornMeal Episode 190215
Cene Madrigal & Joe Urranga Stop by the KUEH 101.5 FM Studio from the Tribal Empowerment Department Brave Program to discuss Student safety, transportation & upcoming activities. Hosted by Christopher Gomez
So 17.02.2019
30 : 42 min
The Daily CornMeal EPISODE 190208
Augie & Clara from the Tribal Empowerment Department Brave Program stop by to talk about the Brave Program, Introducing Chess to Tribal Students & Other activities. Hosted by Christopher Gomez.
So 17.02.2019
41 : 05 min
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