I’m a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition who specializes in holistic keto for women who have hormone imbalances and thyroid conditions like: PCOS, Endometriosis, Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. I’m ready to help you lose weight consistently, gain confidence, love the way you look while being able to decrease and even get off your thyroid medication! Watch this short video to learn more about me and how I can help you live your most FREE life here:https://ketogirlnutriti...
Client Rachel 26 Pounds Down & Almost Off Meds
My client Rachel shares her experience inside KGN University while healing her Hashimoto's in our year long program. She has lost over 26 pounds, 7", while thriving, and is almost off her thyroid meds! She shares hot tips for adovacting to get the care you deserve to make this all happen!
Mo 10.03.2025
22 : 28 min
Addressing Perimenopause with Dietitian Casey Farlow
Guest speaker Dietitian Casey Farlow is a Perimenopause specialist, sharing insight on symptoms and management so to live best life. Perimenopause can start as early as age 35! You can find Casey Farlow on IG here as Perimenopause.Nutritionist
Mo 24.02.2025
33 : 11 min
What It Looks Like To Be In Remission
I commonly get asked, "what does it look like to maintain once I've reversed my condition" or "do I have to be this restrictive forever???" We answer all the maintenance questions today! Need support along with customization and weekly meal plans? Get it here.
Mo 10.02.2025
12 : 55 min
Want To Lose More Weight?
Want to know how to lose more weight?! Today I'm sharing my #1 strategy for helping hundreds of women with a hormone and thyroid condition reach their long-term weight loss goal. For weekly meals plans, coaching and training, join KGN University to support you reaching your goals faster!
Mo 20.01.2025
15 : 05 min
Trauma In The Body with Therapist Nicolette
On our show today guest Clinical Trauma Therapist Nicolette shares how the affects of trauma play a huge role on the thyroid and hormone condition. Find Nicolette here. She is also the Mindset Therapist for our members inside KGN University wtih weekly coaching calls to dive deeper.
Do 26.12.2024
30 : 21 min
Major Tips to Boost Metabolism
Do you struggle with a slow metabolism? Perhaps your Dr said it's due to "getting older." Perhaps the diet initially worked and then it stopped?! You're not alone! Today we chat about how to boost your metabolism with 4 strategies I use personally with clients who have hit goal weight and gotten off of thyroid meds. Join the membership here for the proven framework!
Mi 13.11.2024
19 : 09 min
The 4 Phased Thyroid Healing Journey
I'm spilling the beans and sharing my greatest kept secret on the 4 Phased Thyroid Healing Journey of losing the weight, feeling great and getting off thyroid meds! This is the proven framework I've used with thousands of members and you can have this too! Get the support and accountability in the 4 Phased Thyroid Healing Journey by joining KGN University today! Get 40% off your first month using promo code: KGN40 Two episodes mentioned in this show to refer to: Should I fire my Dr & Fasting 101
Di 22.10.2024
18 : 20 min
Should I Fire My Dr?!
I provide 8 Tips on How to know if you have a great Dr or one you need to say goodbye to. It can feel intimidating to stand up for your self and advicate for your health. It is key to confidently do so and while in good company. Want to confidently walk into the doctor's office knowing what to expect? We dive deeper on this in KGN University, so that you feel well equiped and on an equal playing field.
Mo 23.09.2024
18 : 43 min
Mindset & Affects on Weight Loss with Lyndsay Gilson
Join us today as guest expert in Mindset & Stress, Lyndsay Gilson, shares some powerful insight on minset along with helpful tips! Mindset is a core foundation of Keto Girl Nutritionist. Knowing the right strategy is the first half, the rest is mindset! You can find Lyndsay at: Instagram & Website. She is also a guest expert in the KGN University Membership going LIVE and providing valuable training with Q/A.
Mo 26.08.2024
27 : 12 min
Summer Slump & 3 Hacks!
The summer slump is real! Coming out of summer, and then realizing "ugh, I didn't meat my goals and I feel blah." I will be providing 3 helpful hacks including mindset and meal prep to help ease you back in gently! Routine is amazing, but taking gentle actionable steps to see effective results are key! Click here to grab my NEW 14 Day Thyroid Reset Course!
Di 13.08.2024
14 : 21 min
Should I Be In Ketosis?
Today we chat about "to be or not to be" in ketosis with a hormone and thyroid condition, and what exactly that looks like. Click here to purchase the blood ketone and glucose kit. Get 10% off using promo code: KETOGIRL Join the KGN University Membership TODAY!
Mo 29.07.2024
17 : 01 min
Why I Stopped Losing Weight?!
Today we are chatting about why you may have stopped losing weight following the Keto Girl Method, how to troubleshoot it, and discussed what the difference was in a weight plateau vs a set-point weight. Feeling like you need support and accountability with monthly trainings, meal plans, & community? Join KGN University today!
Mo 08.07.2024
17 : 40 min
90% Of Those With Hypothyroidism Have This
Today we are chatting about how 90% of women with Hypothyroidism do in fact have this according to the research. In fact, by testing your TPO Antibody lab, you could discover it up to 10 years before even receiving any thyroid diagnosis. Ready to receive the support with all the training and meal plans to help you heal your thyroid condition? Click here.
Mo 10.06.2024
15 : 47 min
Are Eggs Bad?!
Are eggs bad?! We discuss the current research on eggs and break it down on whether it's inflammatory or anti-inflammatory based on your hormone or auto-immune disease. Join KGN University here and get weekly meal plans with training + community!
Mo 20.05.2024
13 : 22 min
Mindful VS Intuitive Eating
Today I chat about the difference and similarities between Mindful and Intuitive eating, and how it really does play a role in how you utilize it in healing your hormone and thyroid condition. Join KGN University Membership here.
Mo 06.05.2024
14 : 15 min
Best Thyroid Supplements
Toda we talk about the thyroid and supplements. How do you know what supplements to take and when? Here is my blog to read about the supplements. Ready to get to the root of your thyroid condition? Join the KGN University Membership today by clicking here.
Mo 22.04.2024
14 : 33 min
How It's Medically Possible to Get Off Thyroid Meds
Today we talk about how it's medically possible to get off thyroid meds. As long as you have a thyroid, you can absolutely get off and stay off; even if you've been on meds for 30+ years! The key? We talk all about that and stay till the end to find out just how short it takes. To join the KGN University Membership, click here. Get 40% off your first month with code: KGN40
Mo 25.03.2024
15 : 17 min
3 Phases of Reversing Hypothyroidism for GOOD!
Today we are chatting about the 3 phases of reversing your thyroid condition, for GOOD! This is the proven method I use with clients who have lost 10, 20, 50+ lbs, regained their energy, and got off thyroid meds and continue to maintain this after years! You can have this too! My special offer is 40% off your first month when you join KGN University membership by using promo code: KGN40. Click here to lock in this temporary offer!
Mo 04.03.2024
19 : 30 min
Losing Your First 10 Pounds
We chat about the 4 tips on how to lose your first 10 lbs successfully, in a manner that makes it sustainable and consistent. Weight loss looks different for someone with a hormone and thyroid condition. Need more support? Join my NEW Membership: KGN University! Click here to learn more.
Mo 05.02.2024
16 : 16 min
4 Tips Staying On Tracking During The Holidays & Vacation
Today we chat about how to align your goals while enjoying your holiday and vacation! It is possible to enjoy eating what you love while feeling great and staying on track! If you're ready to get to the root for good, join the KGN University Membership here.
Mo 11.12.2023
16 : 24 min
Adrenal Fatigue and the 3 stages
Today we chat about Adrenal Fatigue, including the 3 stages and identifying which one you may be in.
Mo 13.11.2023
19 : 16 min
Is It Possible to Trust Your Body Again?!
Today I provide 3 incredible tips to help you ACTUALLY trust your body again while losing consistent weight, feeling great, and getting off thyroid medication. As always, grab my FREE 3 day meal plan here Ready to get to the root for good? Apply Here
Mo 30.10.2023
16 : 32 min
It's An Inflammation Problem
Today we talk about all things pertaining to inflammation. When it comes to a hormone and thyroid condition, the root is getting to the inflammation in the gut. Whether you struggle with weight gain, body aches and pains, fertility, thyroid disease, etc...it all comes back to an inflammation issue. Ready to have support to get to the root for once and for all? Click here
Mo 09.10.2023
15 : 06 min
Labs Are "Normal"...Now What!?
Today I chat about what to do when your Dr says your labs are "normal" but you do not feel normal! I provide info on what thyroid labs to get drawn and why. You can find these labs on my blog here. Also, grab my FREE 3-day Meal Plan here! At-home thyroid lab panel Paloma Health. Promo Code: KETOGIRL
Mo 18.09.2023
18 : 41 min
The 3 Biggest Weight Loss Myths
Today I am talking about the 3 BIGGEST weight loss myths, specifically geared for women. Age is just a number. The reason you're not losing weight has very little to do with how old you're getting, and more with the hormonal imbalances that have developed and are compounding, taking a toll on your health and wellness. Grab my FREE 3 day meal plan linked here.
Mo 04.09.2023
20 : 16 min
Fasting 101 Keto Girl Style
Is fasting right for you? Today we talk all things fasting, and what it looks like for women with a hormone or thyroid condition. It does look different. I give you the toolset to assess what it looks like for you. Being kinda and gentle is key. Read more about fasting on my blog! https://ketogirlnutritionist.com/fasting-and-keto/
Mo 21.08.2023
17 : 34 min
What is the Keto Girl Method
Today I talk about how the Keto Girl Method is unlike any other diet you've ever done. It is a mindful, anti-inflammatory approach that is based on the 3 types of Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto's: Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, & Adrenal Fatigue. It is specifically designed to help women lose consistent weight while managing symptoms and reducing/getting off thyroid meds. Want to discover your thyroid type? Take the quiz and I'll provide a custom video along with a 3 day menu based on your type. https://ketogirlnutritionist.com/thyroid-quiz-type/
Mo 07.08.2023
24 : 03 min
Priscilla's Story
In this first episode, I share my story and how I came about developing the Keto Girl Method for women with a hormone and thyroid condition. I touch on my weight loss and mental health struggle, and how it played a huge part in helping women with hormone and thyroid conditions find freedom. Check out how you can start seeing results by starting today! Learn more here. Grab the FREE 3 day meal plan to lose 2-5 lbs Here:https://ketogirlnutritionist.ck.page/6c5f2e7528 Come Say “Hi” on Instagram @keto.girl.nutritionistl: https://www.instagram.com/keto.girl.nutritionist/
Di 25.07.2023
20 : 13 min
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