Family Minimalism & Simple Living: I share tips and tactics to declutter and simplify your house quickly!
The Story Behind the Stuff: Emotional Decluttering with T.K. Coleman
Are you burdened and overwhelmed by stuff? T.K. Coleman joins Dawn and encourages us to start with the story! When we unpack the story we find that is where the emotional declutter lives.
0:00 Intro
:52 - Why do we sometimes feel bad after decluttering?
6:10 - You have permission to get rid of things as slowly as you need!
8:57 - Decluttering is not one size fits all
9:34 - The story of the cork
13:50 - The correlation between our internal and emotional clutter
21:00 - T.K.’s entrance into minimalism
24:02(GEM) - The t-shirt example
28:30 How telling the story helps
ABOUT THE T.K. Coleman
T.K. Coleman has been an educator and entrepreneur for the past twenty years. He is a co-founder of the Praxis apprenticeship program, a former head coach for Seth Godin's altMBA, and the former Education Director for the Foundation for Economic Education. Combining his experience in entrepreneurship, finance, philosophy, and theater, he delivers compelling workshops on entrepreneurshi
Fr 15.11.2024
35 : 52 min
I want all of the holiday joy, but none of the clutter! (Q&A)
Do you love holiday decor, but also desire simplicity? Is your pile of recipes growing with no end in sight?
Join Dawn as she tackles viewer questions and offers expert guidance to make decluttering easier and more manageable.
If you'd like to leave a voicemail with your own question, you can do so here:
0:00 Intro
:50 - Minimalism and holiday decor
3:38 - How do I stop shopping?
9:11 - Simplicity in sentimental items
14:53 - Thrifting is my hobby - but I want to declutter!
19:08 - How do I organize my recipes?
22:51 - I LOVE reselling - now it’s hard to let go!
25:36 - How much food storage should I have?
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you! Dawn
Fr 01.11.2024
31 : 09 min
Does a cluttered house mean a cluttered mind? (with The Urban Monk)
In a world of endless distractions and consumerism, can minimalism and mindfulness offer a pathway to deeper fulfillment?
Join us as Dawn of The Minimal Mom and Dr. Pedram Shojai of The Urban Monk reveal how simplifying our surroundings and connecting with our inner selves can lead to a life of purpose, clarity, and peace."
0:00 About Dr. Pedram Shojai
4:26 - Where do we begin?
9:03 - What is it like to become a monk?
12:30 - What work comes from?
17:20 - How can we regain focus?
24:04 - How did you look at things differently after returning from the monastery
28:37 - But what about the guilt of decluttering good things?
33:06 - How do you navigate technology with kids?
Pedram Shojai is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and New York Times Bestselling Author of The Urban Monk and The Art of Stopping Time. As an acclaimed Qigong Master, Taoist Abbot, husband and dad, he uses Eastern thinking and practices to help himself and others overcome the Westernize
Fr 11.10.2024
43 : 13 min
How to make people get rid of stuff (with Matt Paxton & Zoe Kim)
Find Matt & Zoe's Master Class Here:
Whether you're anxious about inheriting unwanted items or overwhelmed by the thought of passing on a stockpile of stuff, this episode will help you navigate the emotional and practical side of managing family possessions.
0:00 Introduction
:40 Are some people just more sentimental?
4:07 Letting go of the pressure to keep things
7:38 How do we help our parents get rid of stuff?
10:30 About the legacy list
15:04 ...but everything is sentimental!
18:21 Navigating family members that think we should keep things
20:51 Artifcts
22:52 A bit about hoarding
25:58 - Should we keep things that make us sad?
28:06 Matt and Zoë's master class
31:14 To the person feeling guilty
ABOUT THE PODCAST GUEST: Zoë’ is the author of Minimalism for Families, minimalist mom of four, and the voice behind Raising Simple. She is married to Matt Paxton, a downsizing and cleaning expert, speaker, author, radio perso
Fr 27.09.2024
35 : 00 min
Your House Isn’t the Problem – Your Cleaning Approach Might Be
The cleaning gurus make it look so easy! Why can’t I keep up?
Is your house the problem, or is it your cleaning method? Listen in is as Dawn talks with Sarah McGlory about her adaptive cleaning method that really works!
0:00 About Sarah
5:05 the correlation between the amount of support and cleanliness
6:28 how adaptive cleaning came about
9:40 (GEM) The basics of low capacity lists
13:25 - how hot mess mom culture failed us
20:00 the inventory connection
26:05 - about perfectionism
29:45 - the power of small steps
Sarah is an advocate for adaptive cleaning, offering practical solutions for those who struggle with traditional cleaning methods. She focuses on flexible routines and strategies that adapt to individual needs, making home care more manageable and less overwhelming for people with busy lives or unique challenges.
Fr 13.09.2024
33 : 53 min
I LOVE beautiful things, but want to be a minimalist!" And more! (Q+A)
WOW your family with a decluttered house! Join Take Your House Back for just $84 through Monday night!
Today I'll answer YOUR questions! If you'd like to leave a voicemail with your own question, you can do so here:
0:00 Answering your questions
0:48 I don’t have storage spaces - what are my options?
4:39 How do you organize all your chicken eggs?
9:26 I’m attracted to beautiful things, but I want to be a minimalist!
14:08 Tell me more about memory boxes!
21:03 How to keep a minimal wardrobe when your weight changes?
25:34 The stuff is gone - but now I feel empty.
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you! Dawn
Fr 06.09.2024
30 : 08 min
When solving a horrific problem is just simple math.
350,000 churches. 400,000 kids in the foster system. Listen in as Dawn talks with Trisha and Eric Porter of Backyard Orphans on their vision of how the church can solve this problem!
0:00 - Intro
1:06 - How Eric and Trisha started Backyard Orphans
8:07 - How Backyard Orphans provides support for families wanting to foster
10:40 - How to take the stigma out of foster care
13:34 - Success stories
19:16 - Four ways to get involved in foster care
24:00 - Getting churches connected to agencies
33:50 - The best way to get involved in foster care
Eric Porter is the founder and CEO of Backyard Orphans. This 501c3 interdenominational ministry is focused on engaging and equipping the church to care for hurting children in their own backyard. Since 2012, Eric and his wife Trisha have been in full-time orphan care ministry with the vision to train Church leaders to develop a foster care, adoption, and support ministry.
Check out Backyard Orphans: h
Fr 30.08.2024
35 : 41 min
How to stop impulse spending with the trash can method
Get your FREE ticket to Get Organized HQ here:
What if the key to getting out of debt is owning less and spending smarter?
Could cutting the clutter in your life also mean cutting down your debt?
Listen in as Dawn talks with Jen and Jill from The Frugal Friends podcast and be inspired to buy less, live well, and be a good steward!
00:00 - intro
:44 - The Trashcan Trick
2:50 - History of frugal friends
5:02 - Simplicity goes hand-in-hand with getting out of debt!
6:22 - Tips for impulse spending
8:29 - A no-spend bucket list
11:40 - Influencers affect on our spending
15:06 - First time pay full price?
24:18 - (GEM) What to say to the woman who can’t get out of debt
27:00 - Anchors of debt freedom
30:33 - The freedom of living within your means
32:33 - Get Organized HQ
Jen and Jill help you control your spending without all the guilt and shame of
Fr 23.08.2024
34 : 05 min
25 Funny Questions Twins get Asked
Diana's Friendship Workshop:
This is for you:
- If you're tired of surface-level interactions, or friends who are always too busy to get together.
- You crave a support system of friends who understand your unique challenges, limitations, or stage of life. - Your nest is empty, and you're ready to build friendships based on your own interests and faith.
- You've moved homes or changed churches and you're eager to connect, but aren't sure how to break the ice. You don't have to live lonely. Please join us!
COST: $10.00
In this episode:
00:00 25 Questions for Twins
00:48 Surprise! Twins!
01:28 Who is the oldest?
03:00 Can you read each other's mind?
03:15 Feel each other's pain?
03:34 Did you trick people?
04:05 How do we tell you apart?
04:48 Which twin is smarter? Funnier? Prettier?
06:57 Own secret language?
07:50 What's it like to be a twin?
09:18 Do you like the same foods?
09:46 Dress alike when kids?
10:36 Do you get tired of getting mixed up?
So 18.08.2024
26 : 48 min
Anti-Procrastination Techniques that Truly Work
Do you find it challenging to declutter with ADHD? Are you looking for effective anti-procrastination techniques that truly work? How do you manage the constant stream of thoughts in your mind? How can you get your spouse to support your decluttering efforts?
Join Dawn and Amy Revell, author, podcaster, and leading organizing and decluttering expert in Australia, as they discuss anti procrastination techniques that actually work and decluttering the most impactful areas in your home.
Amy is a leading Decluttering and Organising Expert in Australia. She is a successful author, podcaster and blogger, and loves equipping people to find freedom through decluttering and organizing their homes.
Connect with Amy:
Instagram: Facebook:
0:00 The Art of Decluttering
Fr 16.08.2024
29 : 59 min
How to Walk Into a Room with Emily P. Freeman
Do you find it difficult to trust your own judgment? Are you uncertain about what you truly believe? How do you make the tough decisions about whether to stay or move on? Is the idea of closure just a myth? Join Dawn as she talks with Emily P. Freeman, a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of five books, including her latest, “HOW TO WALK INTO A ROOM: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away,” about spiritual decluttering, and the connection between simple living and spirituality.
3:01 How do you build trust with yourself?
5:35 Decluttering your inner life
6:50 How to find safe relationships
8:09 Just pick what you like and see how it grows.
10:37 How to walk into a room
11:42 Our lives are a house, and every room is a story.
15:40 How do you decide what you and your family REALLY believe (without outside pressure)?
17:32 Spiritual decluttering
19:50 It’s OK to investigate
21:15 When it's better to leave, than to stay.
24:58 Is closure a myth?
29:13 Breathe prayers
Sa 27.07.2024
33 : 01 min
Addressing Negative Comments (I don't usually do this!)
I don't generally like to draw attention to negative comments, but I think I felt misunderstood when it cam to a recent video I did on home organization. Was it plastic junk and unnecessary, or the icing on top of all of my hardworking decluttering!?!
Testing Out New Organizing Products Video:
Minimal Mom Mentorship Group:
Clear Trash Bag Organizer:
Small Acrylic Containers:
Ikea Acrylic Containers:
Large Spice Jars:
Small Spice Jars:
Spice Shelf:
Seasoning Packet Organizer:
Ikea Shoe Bench:
Wall Mount Shoe Racks:
Car Trash Bag Holder:
Do 25.07.2024
27 : 38 min
Why I wouldn't homeschool again
Get your Early Bird Brave Conference Ticket Here (just $37 until Monday at midnight!): Whether this is your first year or your 10th year of homeschooling, the Brave Conference is designed just for you! Join in to find encouragement, gain fresh inspiration and new ideas, build a supportive network, and prepare for the future with purpose. The sessions are tailored to meet you where you are in your homeschooling journey. Don't miss out on our early bird sign-up for only $37! Secure your spot today and take the next step toward a fulfilling and successful homeschooling experience.
Find the speaker line-up and more details here: ......................................
ABOUT THE MINIMAL MOM: Hi, I'm Dawn, if we haven't met before, I'm married to Tom and we have four kids ages 8-13. We live outside of the Twin Cities in MN and have called ourselves minimalists for 9 years now. We got rid of 85% of our stuff and don't miss ANY O
So 14.07.2024
30 : 58 min
A Deathbed Epiphany + The Power of a Life Audit with Dr. Leonaura Rhodes
Ever feel like, "this isn’t the life I signed up for?" Wondering if it’s OK to want a better life? Struggling to simplify while managing ADHD? Join Dawn and Dr. Leonaura Rhodes—a physician, counselor, coach, relationship strategist, and neurotherapist—as they discuss how to navigate unexpected life challenges, understand neurodiversity, embrace identity changes, and develop a clear strategy for creating the life you desire.
In this episode:
1:29 I hated my “dream job.”
2:55 Unexpected life challenges
5:15 Death bed epiphany
6:05 This isn’t what I signed up for
7:00 Simplifying with ADHD
8:20 Neurodiversity in kids
9:09 Object Permanence
9:53 “Your house is SO messy!”
10:55 Tips for those with ADHD
12:09 What’s in it for you?
13:28 You are NOT here to be a martyr
14:20 “Women are REALLY selfish these days.”
17:30 Neurofeedback therapy
19:43 Mindfulness practice
24:04 Take identity inventory
25:18 We CAN want a better life for ourselves
25:56 Invest 30 min a day in YOU!
Di 09.07.2024
30 : 16 min
The "Bucket List" needs to go! Managing Summer Anxiety with Britt Frank
Are you experiencing more anxiety than relaxation this summer? Are your expectations realistic? Do you feel stuck or broken? What is anxiety doing to you? How can we maintain momentum when we don’t feel like it? Join Dawn and Britt Frank- a licensed neuropsychotherapist and author of The Science of Stuck and her newest release The Getting Unstuck Workbook- as they talk about seasonal summer anxiety, setting expectations, and getting “unstuck.”
2:36 Seasonal summer anxiety
3:51 Reset expectations
4:06 #Chuckthebucket
4:29 Don’t worry about the why.
5:14 My brain is on my side.
8:10 How do we help our kids?
10:17 It’s ok to need time.
11:32 Stimulation requires down regulation.
12:40 Boredom is NOT a problem to solve.
16:00 Microdose relaxation
18:42 Name it and own it.
22:25 Better done than good
23:01 How do we keep momentum going when the “pink cloud” goes away?
27:10 There is no such thing as a broken person.
27:35 Getting unstuck
32:20 Brains CAN change.
Resources Ment
Fr 28.06.2024
34 : 03 min
Q+A: Letting go of Gifts, Hoarding & Homesteading, Fear & Guilt when Decluttering
Today I'll answer your questions like: How do I stop feeling overwhelming fear and guilt when letting go of things people have gifted me, even though I don’t want them anymore? I’m a homesteader, do I keep EVERYTHING in hopes of using it “someday?” My 3 kids share a room. Is there a better way to manage toys for older kids so the youngest doesn’t get into everything (or do I need to be reminded this is just a season)?
If you'd like to leave a voicemail with your own question, you can do so here:
In this episode:
1:30 I’m a homesteader, do I keep EVERYTHING?
4:58 How do I know when to stop decluttering a room?
7:58 Hoarder, feeling fear and guilt when letting go of things
14:46 What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without cleaning?
18:38 Decluttering with special needs
22:57 My 3 kids share a room. Is there a better way to manage toys for older kids so the youngest doesn’t get into everything (or do I need to be reminded this is just a seaso
Mo 24.06.2024
27 : 25 min
Cheap and Easy Design Tips for a Bright and Cheery Home
What are some of the biggest design mistakes? What is the #1 design tip? How can you avoid making this $10,000 design mistake? Today Dawn visits with Melanie Zaelich, an interior designer and owner of Home Stylist - a company that uses the power of design to bring more happiness to people. Melanie shares insights on how to avoid the biggest design mistakes and how she got started in design after being on HGTV.
1:18 Melanie's start on HGTV
3:37 Conventional vs. unconventional design
4:48 Biggest designs mistakes
5:00 #1 Design tip (get rid of your stuff!)
5:43 Save $10,000 with this one tip
12:21 Bring life into your space
14:58 Architectural Design vs. Minimalism
18:24 How do I discover my own style?
23:35 Get an outside perspective
24:05 Newest design trends
Plant watering globes
Melanie is the owner of Happy Place Interiors. She loves seeing people light up when they enter a space that has been transformed. Melanie believes that your environment impacts your
Fr 14.06.2024
27 : 17 min
How to Raise a Healthy Gamer with Dr. Alok Kanojia
Is my child addicted to video games? How do I know? What is a healthy amount of video game playing? Today Dawn visits with Dr. Alok Kanojia, also known as Dr. K, to discuss practical steps for preventing video game addiction. Dr. K, a former gaming addict and Harvard-trained psychiatrist, shares insights from his book "How to Raise a Healthy Gamer" on how to identify and manage gaming addiction in children.
How to Raise a Healthy Gamer Book:
00:00 Welcome Dr. Alok Kanojia
01:13 Can we REALLY raise a "healthy" gamer?
03:58 What about gaming addiction?
04:59 How have video games changed over time?
10:00 Sense of virtual identity
13:46 Are there actually benefits to playing video games?
15:47 Practical steps to getting video games under control
16:50 Get on the same team
22:09 25% rule
24:52 Can kids learn to manage video games on their own?
26:20 Ideal age to start playing
31:06 What if my spouse is the addicted gamer?
33:15 Do first person shooter games dese
Di 11.06.2024
40 : 26 min
Q+A: "Can you settle a decluttering debate?" "How do I manage a 'Monica' closet?"
Our Summer Declutter Challenge kicks off on Monday! Find full details here:
Today I'll answer YOUR questions! If you'd like to leave a voicemail with your own question, you can do so here:
In this episode:
00:50 How do I solve my “Monica” closet?
06:27 My husband and I can't agree on this, help?
11:25 How do I push further without feeling guilty?
15:90 How do I get out of the comparison trap?
17:50 Decluttering with ADHD and no motivation, how do I get going?
23:30 How do I let go of perfectly good things?
Resources mentioned:
Podcast with Sarah McDonald: 5 Tips on Surviving, Thriving & Decluttering with Chronic Illness
The Science of Stuff by Britt Frank
The Minimal Mom Mentorship Group
Fr 31.05.2024
29 : 49 min
5 Tips on Surviving, Thriving & Decluttering with Chronic Illness
Summer Declutter Challenge: Refresh & Re-Home begins soon! Find full details HERE!
Do you or someone you love struggle with decluttering due to chronic illness?
Listen in as Dawn talks with Sarah, a professional organizer and decluttering expert who also deals with chronic illness. She shares five tips to help those with chronic illness overcome hurdles in decluttering and simplify their lives.
0:00 Top tips for surviving and thriving with chronic illness
01:05 Sarah’s Story
3:10 Planning for sickness
5:50 Ask for help how you need in the way YOU need
11:24 How to help others
14:20 Recognizing the mental load
17:26 Encouragement for those with chronic illness
18:46 Simple doesn’t mean bad 26:48 Weird but it works
28:37 Not all jobs are equal
36:34 Convenience sometimes is survival
Sarah is a declutter expert, professional organizer, minimalist and simple living enthusiast; embracing simplicity, one change at a time. She came from a family of hoarde
Fr 24.05.2024
39 : 12 min
Clutter-Free Organization Tips for Neurodivergent Families
“How do I help my kids declutter when they are attached to EVERYTHING? I don’t want the pressure of minimizing our stuff to lead my kids into hoarding!”
Listen in as Dawn speaks with Laurie, a professional organizer, about her personal experience raising a neurodivergent child, helping kids declutter, and her learnings along the way.
0:00 Intro
4:35 - Personal experience of Laurie
7:26 setting healthy boundaries with kids and treasures
18:42 - (GEM) “But will I turn them into hoarders?”
24:49 - When your kids are ready to move on, and you’re not
26:36 - setting up your kids for success
37:42 - reach out to Laurie
Laurie is the founder of Simply B Organized (SBO) where she writes, teaches, and works with people of all ages helping them to declutter and work smarter. She also hosts This ORGANIZED Life, a weekly podcast where she chats with awesome guests about life, work, parenting, and the role that organization has in their lives.
Sa 18.05.2024
40 : 43 min
Growing up with very little, what we learned
What do two polar opposite, yet identical twins unanimously praise as the most impactful elements of their upbringing by their incredible mom (and dad, too!)?
Listen in as Dawn and Dianna share about the benefits of growing up with little and the wonderful way it has shaped them.
0:00 Catching Up
8:50 Dawns new mothers necklace and wanting more kids?
11:05 Parenting tips that we learned from our mom
11:58 Tip #1 - Be realistic about what the family can handle and afford
22:33 Tip #2 Celebrate well
23:22 Tip #3 Don’t draw attention to the difference in families
27:28 - Tip #4 Love unconditionally
Pink Sweater I'm wearing on repeat:
Color block shirt I love:
My jewelry is from Trades of Hope (Shop to help women out of poverty!):
Mother's Necklace on Etsy: (I have the gold in 18")
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a
Fr 10.05.2024
31 : 40 min
Q+A: "HELP! My 'fantasy self,' 'Just-in Case,' and 'Some Day' keep talking to me all at once!"
My kids want to keep everything - how do I help them declutter? I want clear counters, but where do I put the stuff? My “fantasy self,” “Justin Case,” and “Some Day” keep talking to me all at once - HELP!
Listen in as Dawn answers from listeners on these topics and more!
Want to record a decluttering question? You can do so here:
1:05 - How do I navigate kids with an age gap sharing room?
4:13 - I want clear counters, but where do I put the food?
7:26 - How do I get rid of my kids sentimental items?
13:49 - My “fantasy self,” “Justin Case,” and “Some Day” keep talking to me all at once!
19:19 - Do I include my kinds in decluttering?
24:28 - How do I handle a partner who wants to keep piles of stuff?
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you! Dawn
Fr 03.05.2024
27 : 54 min
Clever Home Design Hacks (for any space & budget)
Does your home still feel cluttered even after ruthlessly decluttering? Have you ever wondered why your home doesn’t look like the Pinterest rooms you love?
Today, Dawn is joined by Myquillyn Smith. Myquillyn shares several tips, from “house hushing” to designing on a budget, and more!
For the past ten years, Myquillyn Smith, also known as “The Nester,” has been encouraging women to embrace their homes—imperfections and all. Her lived-in, loved-on home has been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Ladies' Home Journal and Cottages & Bungalows. Myquillyn is the author of The Nesting Place and Cozy Minimalist Home and was chosen by Christianity Today as one of the top twenty creatives in 2016. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and three boys.
Instagram: @thenester
1:30 Let’s talk house hushing.
7:55 What is cozy minimalism?
12:35 - How can we test out design changes on a budget?
15:53 Navigating home changes with
Fr 26.04.2024
38 : 11 min
Screen Time SOS: Simple Steps to Rescue Your Child from Digital Overload
Are your kids suffering from digital overload? Do you wonder if it’s too late for your already addicted kids? Listen as Dawn speaks with Melanie Hempe on screen addiction and how to help our kids thrive in a digital age.
Melanie Hempe helps parents prevent screen addiction, rescue their kids, and enjoy family life again. After her oldest son dropped out of college due to his video game addiction, Melanie Hempe, BSN, utilized her nursing degree from Emory University to warn families about the dangers of screen overuse and founded ScreenStrong. Melanie simplifies medical science for parents, empowering them with the reasons to skip not all screen use but the most harmful screen use—social media, violent video games, and pornography—through adolescence.
2:39 - How Melanie became interested in screen safety
15:45 - Kids 0-5
23:02- How long will it take to detox?
29:40 - The science behind screens
33:07 - Kids 6-12 year olds
42:40 - “I want to reduce
Fr 19.04.2024
59 : 39 min
We have no money, I can't risk needing to replace these things! (Q+A)
Take Your House Back (Just $94): The Next ALL DAY DECLUTTER is Saturday, April 27
The Take Your House Back Course is a powerful way that I can come along side you and make sure you get your home simplified in the new year! (And it's only $94 right now - normally $597!)
*Replays available if you can't join us live (Payment plan available, too!)
Does the fear of getting rid of something you might need later paralyze you from decluttering? Are you holding on to items so that you can sell them for top-dollar? How many baby clothes should you keep for future kids? Listen in as Dawn answers all this and more!
1:50 - How do I downsize my craft projects?
7:18 - How can I declutter confidently when I know I can’t afford to replace anything?
13:11 - How do I find the best top-dollar buyer for my mothers old collectables?
16:04 - Have you found that decluttering helps your family value what you have more?
18:34 - How many baby clothes do I kee
Fr 12.04.2024
28 : 52 min
Project 333: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Wardrobe
Do you have a closet filled to the brim with nothing to wear? Are you looking for a way to test out a minimalist wardrobe?
Today, Dawn is joined by Courntey Carver, the originator of project 333, a minimalist fashion challenge that invites participants to dress with only 33 items of clothing for 3 months.
Courtney Carver is a writer, speaker, and minimalist lifestyle advocate known for her work on simplifying life and embracing minimalism. She gained prominence through her blog, "Be More with Less," where she shares her personal journey of living with less stuff and less stress.
-What surprised dawn about project 333
- Recap of project 333 and common objections
-Encouragement for the woman feeling like she’s doing too much
One Sec app:
Courtney’s IG:
Courtney's Website:
More details on Project 333:
Project 333 htt
Fr 05.04.2024
34 : 04 min
"Minimalism has saved our sanity & brought freedom to our lives!" with Minimalist Zoe Kim
Do you want to live in a home that actually helps you enjoy being a mom, but don’t know where to start? Have you given up on decluttering after not seeing improvement?
Today, Dawn is joined by Zoë Kim to delve into strategies for moms wanting to cultivate a peaceful home environment.
-Where in your home should you start?
-Zoë Kims start to minimalism
-Managing inventory that relates to kids
-How to manage sentimental items
-How do I get my spouse on board?
Want to join Dawn and Zoe for 6 Hours of Guided Decluttering & “Body Doubling? Check out their Going Deeper Minimalism MasterClass: A Chance to Fully Declutter a Room in Your Home & Experience the Joy & Freedom of Minimalism! -
Zoë’ Kim is the author of Minimalism for Families, minimalist mom of four, and the voice behind Raising Simple. She partners with individuals to tackle the challenges of a cluttered home and life, and believes in
Fr 29.03.2024
33 : 43 min
Chaos to Curated: How to Organize Your Digital Photos
Are you completely overwhelmed by the amount of digital photos saved in multiple places, on multiple devices? Do you dream of quickly and easily creating yearly photo books for your family, or simply being able to enjoy the memories?
Today, Dawn and Casey von Stein (known online as Miss Freddy) share organizational strategies for digital photos so that you and your family can stop being stressed and start enjoying the memories.
Casey is a professional photo organizer who took the organizational skills she fine-tuned during her 10 years as a professional photographer and created simple workflows that allow her clients and students to conquer their photo overwhelm and enjoy their photos again.
-If you can only do one thing…
-The positive emotional affect digital organization can have
-GEM Where to even begin making yearly yearbooks (minute 12:40)
-How to handle working through family photos
-What trends are coming in the photo world
Ollie photo o
Fr 22.03.2024
25 : 06 min
Q+A: Am I setting my kids up to hoard? Where to start with inherited things?
How can I encourage the value of decluttering without it pushing my kids in the opposite direction? Is it even possible to stop the constant flow of things from coming into our homes?
Listen in as Dawn answers real questions from listeners! Want to record a decluttering question? You can do so here:
Find Candace at Simply this Life here:
-equipment sometimes fixes problems - but sometimes it doesn’t!
-GEM: how to encourage your family to declutter without causing resentment or leading to more attachment to things (minute 6:25)
-how to stop the influx of constant things entering your home
-where to start when working through others/inherited belongings
Dyson Cordless Vacuum:
Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff by Matt Paxton:
Matt’s podcast with Dawn:
Welcome to The Official Minimal
Fr 15.03.2024
34 : 53 min
Busy Kids Now Displaying "Trauma Brain"?
Why are so many of our kids showing signs of trauma when they live in relative safety? How do we raise counter-cultural kids in a world of excess?
Today, Dawn is joined by Kim John Payne, M.ED., who has been a counselor, educator, consultant, and researcher for over thirty years.
-The one thing Kim would say to parents right now
-What lead Kim to study simplicity in parenting
-A formula for unstructured playtime
-Importance of rhythms vs. routines
-Parenting as a governor, gardener, and guide
Kim John Payne is an Australian who has, for 24 years, worked throughout the world as a counselor, consultant/researcher and educator of both children and adults. He has been helping children, adolescents and families explore issues such as social difficulties with siblings and classmates, attention and behavioral issues at home and school, and a range of emotional issues such as defiance, aggression, addiction and self-esteem.
Simplicity Parenting Book: https://a
Fr 08.03.2024
66 : 14 min
Q+A: “You have time to do what???”
How do I get myself out of the messy middle? How many kids books should I keep? How can I move towards minimalism with with chronic illness, young kids, busy schedules, etc. etc?
Listen in as Dawn answers from listeners on these topics and more!
Want to record a decluttering question? You can do so here:
In this Episode:
How Dawn manages to keep up with daily cleaning tasks in about 40 minutes
How to minimize with a chronic illness
Get out of the messy middle
Sharing small living spaces with kids and their friends
Deciding what kids books to keep in the house
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you! Dawn
Fr 23.02.2024
27 : 07 min
“We don’t have to own all this stuff!”
What would your reaction be if you heard, “We don’t have to own all this stuff”? Do you dream about a life where less time is spent cleaning and organizing and more time actually living?
This simple phrase jump started Joshua’s journey to minimalism. Listen in as he and Dawn reminisce about his early days of minimalism and the benefits he’s seen in his life and family through it.
-Joshua’s introduction to minimalism
-Biggest friction between his spouse when decluttering
-GEM: Joshua’s best advice for raising kids with less (minute 17:50)
-What Joshua has been up to recently
Joshua Becker is a prominent author, speaker, and minimalist advocate.
He is known for his practical advice on simplifying possessions, relationships, and priorities to foster a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.
Things that Matter:
The More of Less:
The Minimalist Home:
Fr 16.02.2024
32 : 57 min
The Fascinating Brain Science Behind Keeping "Just in Case" & Extra Items
Why do so many of us struggle with moderation and pursue the unpredictable? Why do we constantly crave more, when we have enough?
In today’s episode, Dawn is joined by Michael Easter, a New York Times Bestselling author, journalist, and professor who wrote the books The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain.
Together, they discuss how our society's pursuit of ease has drastically changed the way in which we think and live - and tactics of how to not fall into the scarcity mindset trap!
ABOUT MICHAEL EASTER: Michael's work explores how we can leverage modern science and evolutionary wisdom to perform better and live healthier and more meaningful lives. His ideas have been adopted by NASA, MLB teams, NCAA D1 athletic programs, US Special Forces units, Fortune-500 companies, top tier universities, and millions of people worldwide.
Scarcity Brain:
Comfort Crisis:
Newsletter Signup:
Clearspace app: https
Fr 09.02.2024
35 : 38 min
Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff with Matt Paxton
Are you struggling to downsize a home filled with memories? Does the fear and guilt of purging family keepsakes keep you from decluttering?
In this episode, Matt Paxton shares helpful insight on how to discern what heirlooms are worth keeping, and what to do with the rest.
-helping loved ones dealing with hoarding
-the most misunderstood thing about hoarders
-dealing with the guilt of stuff
-how does this actually work?
About Matt
Matt Paxton is a downsizing and cleaning expert, speaker, author, radio personality, and host of the 2-time Emmy nominated television show Legacy List with Matt Paxton.
Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff by Matt Paxton: More info about Legacy List:
Save the stories with Artifacts:
Minimalism for Families by Zoë Kim
Zoë Kim’s Instagram:
Welcome to The Official Minima
Do 01.02.2024
52 : 05 min
Q+A: “I can’t say no to free” & getting kids to help
Do you want to involve your kids in decluttering but have trouble figuring out how? Have you ever shared your excitement over living with less only to be told, “good for you, but I could never!” Do you find it nearly impossible to say, "no" something free?
Listen in as Dawn answers real questions from her listeners and helps navigate some of the sticky situations that can come up when decluttering.
Want to record a decluttering question? You can do so here:
- how to get kids on board with cleaning
- dealing with guilt of, “good for you, but I could never”
- when you just can’t say no to free
- how to keep pushing through the layers of decluttering
Welcome to The Official Minimal Mom Podcast. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you! Dawn
Fr 26.01.2024
44 : 46 min
Baggage in Boxes: Clutter's Link to Hidden Trauma
Have you ever had the thought, “why do these decluttering tactics work for everyone BUT me?” Is it possible that emotional or psychological trauma has contributed to the clutter and disorganization in your life?
Listen in as Dawn and Anna Runkle from The Crappy Childhood Fairy address how clutter can often be a symptom of trauma and give encouragement on how to start the process of overcoming these hurdles in your life or in the lives of those you may know.
-Anna’s motivation in starting Crappy Childhood Fairy
- Encouragement on the “doability” of starting to heal and where to start
- Why It can be more helpful to write it out rather than talking it out!
- Removing mental clutter in order to help reduce physical clutter
- Theories on helping others who struggle with clutter
- Encouragement for the woman who always feels like an outlier
About Anna
Anna Runkle is not a doctor or therapist; she’s someone who grew up in a rough family that was deeply affected b
Fr 19.01.2024
49 : 09 min
The interruption of stuff (and how to stop it!)
Do you feel stuck waiting for motivation to show up? Are you struggling to answer the elusive “why” in hopes it will propel you into transformative lifestyle habits? Is the work of decluttering even worth it? Listen in as Brit Frank, a licensed Neuropsycholotherapist, shares WHY decluttering can be the most powerful mental health practice that you can do and HOW to get started!
- (GEM) Our misunderstanding of motivation 3:12
- A prescription for decluttering
- Self compassion vs. self permission
- How changing your self talk can change your life!
- Why kids don’t need perfect parenting
- The question you should be asking to find friends
- You don’t need motivation - you need momentum!
About Brit: Britt Frank, LSCSW, SEP is a licensed neuropsychotherapist and author of The Science of Stuck. In this new book, Britt offers an eclectic and customizable plan, addressing old habits, trauma, and the paralyzing nature of incessant "why" questions. Recognizing that simply thinking our wa
Sa 13.01.2024
41 : 43 min
The Crushing Weight of Debt (and how to get out this New Year!) with Frugal Fit Mom
Take Your House Back (Just $94):
The Take Your House Back Course is a powerful way that I can come along side you and make sure you get your home simplified in the new year! (And it's only $94 right now - normally $597!)
The Next ALL DAY DECLUTTER is Saturday, Jan. 13 - replays available if you can't join us live (Payment plan available, too!)
Are you struggling with post-holiday letdown, discouragement over credit card statements, and navigating a sense of unease as the new year unfolds?
While getting out of debt is hard, listen and hear Dawn and Christine of Frugal Fit Mom encourage you to start taking steps to replace the weight of debt with the lightness that comes from debt-free living!
-Christine and Dawn’s personal stories of getting out of debt
-How to start your debt-free journey
-Motivating yourself and others towards paying off debt
-The freedom that comes from minimizing access to social media and streaming services
Fr 05.01.2024
39 : 25 min
How to get rid of piles on counters (and other places, too!)
Take Your House Back (Just $94):
The Take Your House Back Course is a powerful way that I can come along side you and make sure you get your home simplified in the new year! (And it's only $94 right now - normally $597!)
The Next ALL DAY DECLUTTER is Saturday, Jan. 13 - replays available if you can't join us live (Payment plan available, too!)
Today I'm joined by Dana from A Slob Comes Clean. She is a friend and colleague and I'm a believer in her No Mess Decluttering Method!
Mo 01.01.2024
36 : 37 min
What Really Happened with Cas from Clutterbug
Take Your House Back (Just $94):
The Take Your House Back Course is a powerful way that I can come along side you and make sure you get your home simplified in the new year! (And it's only $94 right now - normally $597!)
The Next ALL DAY DECLUTTER is Saturday, Jan. 13 - replays available if you can't join us live (Payment plan available, too!)
Today I'm joined by Cas from Clutterbug. She is a colleague and friend and I'm really looking forward to visiting with her today!
Here is what we talked about today:
00:00 The Minimal Mom & Cas from Clutterbug
01:37 Making Friends
04:35 Her Flooded House
09:46 What did she love about the new house
19:14 Why no home inspection?
22:49 Do you have a house keeper?
28:15 How have the kids dealt with moving?
29:52 Has she been called to any emergencies?
35:55 Emotional experience at ADHD conference
49:50 How is your relationship with food now?
52:35 Follow up on dog that passed away at kennel
54:20 What do you want for Christmas this year?
Fr 22.12.2023
60 : 07 min
Ask Me Anything and why I haven’t talked about THIS
Today I answer YOUR questions! May I also ask you a question: Were you able to acheive your decluttering goals in 2023? If now, may I help you more closely?
The Take Your House Back Course is a powerful way that I can come along side you and make sure you get your home simplified in the new year! (And it's only $94 right now - normally $597!)
Take Your House Back (Just $94):
- Do you & Diana pay each other?
- What are you looking forward to in 2024?
- What if I feel stuck decluttering?
- If you had free time, how would you spend it?
- How do I declutter hobby stuff?
- What to do with an unfinished scrapbook?
- Why don't you talk about foster care?
- Will you help others declutter again?
- What are your favorite minimalists books?
- Does minimalism always lead to contentment?
- Will you talk about homeschooling?
- Favorite thing about being minimalist family?
- Have you offended people
Fr 15.12.2023
57 : 05 min
The Secret to Successful Meal Planning & Cooking at Home
Is the thought of dinnertime stressful and full of overwhelm? Has meal planning failed for you in the past?
Listen in as Lauren as Liz from Tastes Better from Scratch talk with Dawn on how to implement simple steps that allow dinnertime to turn from a stressful event to a great time bringing your family together. When you have a plan, cooking can become a joyful experience!
-The passion behind cooking from scratch
-Handling recipe overwhelm
-5 key values to help get organized with meal planning
-How simplifying kitchen inventory can help
-GEM: Where to start (minute 12:50)
-Involving kids in the kitchen
ABOUT LAUREN AND LIZ: Lauren Allen grew up in a home where everything was made from scratch; from egg noodles and chicken stock to jam and bread. Upon leaving home and entering the world of dreary college cafeteria food, she, along with her twin sister, Liz, were eager to compile their treasured recipes into an online collection, and Tastes Better from Scratch (TBFS) was born!
Mo 11.12.2023
29 : 01 min
Clutter, Anxiety & What We Can Do About It with Dr. John Delony
Today I visit with Dr. John Delony about the real cost of clutter on our lives and mental health. There is a strong connection between clutter and stress and anxiety and yet it's not wrong that we keep things hoping for security.
- Why do we keep this stuff? 03:28
- Decluttering induced anxiety
- The 6 Daily Choices for Less Anxiety
- 90 Days to a Non-Anxious Life 16:45
- How to Instantly feel better 19:56
- The 40% Rule
- GEM: Anxiety & Kids (Minute 31:37)
Building a Non-Anxious Life Book:
The Dr. John Delony Show:
90 Days to a Non-Anxious Life Video:
Fr 08.12.2023
36 : 48 min
5 Steps from Surviving to Thriving in Motherhood
Are you in survival mode as a mom? Do you frequently feel overwhelmed and like you just aren't doing this right? Do you want to learn a better way?
With candor and warmth, Jessica delves into the heart of motherhood, addressing the challenges that many moms face in feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and constantly on the brink. Throughout this episode, Jessica unravels practical strategies and mindset shifts that empower mothers to reclaim their joy and purpose amidst the chaos of everyday life.
- Navigating really hard seasons as a mom
- The 5 Step Path from Surviving to Thriving
- Understanding the truth about Survival Mode
- Re-entry when your support has gone home
- Normalizing and the power of "Good Enough"
- Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence
- GEM: Helping her pessimistic son have a more positive attitude (minute 20:13)
- The power of decluttering to be a better mom
ABOUT JESSICA: Jessica Jackson is a homeschooling mother of four children, host of the Thriving in Moth
Di 05.12.2023
25 : 36 min
How to find time & energy to declutter (when life doesn’t allow for it)
How do you declutter when you have little kids at home and no extra time or energy to dedicate to it? Today we'll answer two listener questions. The first is about finding motivation when there seems to be no extra time to declutter. The second is about knowing how far to go with minimalism and how to maintain it.
So 04.06.2023
33 : 48 min
How to get dads and kids to help more with Tidy Dad
Today I'm joined by Tyler from Tidy Dad. Tyler is a New York school teacher, writer, husband and dad to three young girls. Through his Tidy Dad blog and Instagram account he shares tips to help you develop systems, rhythms, and routines for tidying, cleaning and organizing. His tactics are practical and inspiring and he offers great advice for involving all of our family members in the keeping of our homes.
You can find Tyler here:
Tidy Dad on Instagram:
Tidy Dad Website:
Di 30.05.2023
34 : 46 min
Q&A: How to Handle Kids Sentimental Items & Baby Gear
Kids stuff! There is SO much stuff that comes along with having kids! The good news is: you don't have to keep it all! Today we'll talk about how you can very confidently know what to keep and what to let go when it comes to children's items.
Do 25.05.2023
21 : 53 min
Solve your closet TODAY!
Today I'm joined by Courtney Carver from Be More with Less and Project 333. Courtney says that Be more with less means: Be more you. Give yourself all the space, time and love to remember who you are. Living with less clutter, busyness, stress and simplifying your life will help you make the room to do what you need to do. Simplifying my life gave me the space, time, and love to be more me, and the following practices led me back.
Find Courtney here:
Learn more about project 333 here:
Mi 17.05.2023
22 : 18 min
Becoming The Minimal Mom
I don't often start at the beginning of the story. Today I talk about my upbringing, finding minimalism and the decision I made to pursue YouTube.
If you'd like help decluttering, I'd love to SHOW you my favorite tips for simplifying on my YouTube Channel!
Sa 06.05.2023
34 : 23 min
What do we do about GIFTS!?!
I have been seeing SO many comments about gifts lately! How do we keep people from GIVING them, what do we do once we GET them and HOW long do I have to keep it for!?! Today we'll cover all these topics and hopefully leave you feeling a little less stressed about the upcoming holiday season!
Mercy House Global Gift Boxes:
Take Your House Back Course (join the waitlist):
So 03.10.2021
19 : 16 min
Birthday Blues & the Physical Effect of Friendship
Earlier this week Diana shared a YouTube video talking about how hard it is on our health to be lonely. Not just our emotional health (that's what we usually think of in regards to relationships) but our actual physical health suffers, too, when we're lonely. I know from some experience that this isn't always easy to overcome, but the Lord has been faithful to provide relationships when we've asked. (And we also talk about our upcoming birthday!)
And Diana's video that we referenced can be found here:
Blinkist Link: use this link for 1 week to try it out free. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership.
So 19.09.2021
19 : 22 min
You haven‘t deleted that yet!?! (Diana‘s top time management tips)
Back "in the day" Diana became a time management guru. She was organized and productive and really developed a strong value for managing our resources well. Today we talk about our favorite time management tips, how they've changed over the years and why you should JUST DELETE those emails hanging over your head!
So 12.09.2021
14 : 32 min
3 Things (Most) People Need to Declutter Successfully
As we've gotten to visit other people's homes to help them declutter, I've learned SO MUCH. And it never ceases to amaze me that we're all more alike than different when it comes to the stuff that we collect. Today, Diana and I visit about the three things I'm finding that most people need to be successful with decluttering.
Diana's Channel:
How to Lighten Your Load video mentioned:
Take Your House Back Course Details:
So 05.09.2021
18 : 45 min
Dear friend who has been hurt by the church
Today Diana visits with Dawn, a licensed family therapist, about healing from pain caused by the church. This is a replay from a YouTube video they did earlier this week (I'm sorry the audio isn't a little better!). You can find their YouTube channels here:
Dawn (Living by Heart):
So 29.08.2021
17 : 52 min
The Guilt Free Timer (& Snake Attacks!)
Decluttering brings up SO many emotions...often guilt and regret which makes it harder to part with things. That's why I came up with the "Guilt-Free Timer", allowing you to declutter without any guilt-- it's perfect! Plus, I'll share my most recent saga with tree watering :)
So 22.08.2021
17 : 05 min
3 Characteristics of ”Good” Moms with Dawn Ramaker, M.A., LMFT
Today I visit with Dawn Ramaker, she's a family therapist and homeschooling mom and I wanted to know: What has she observed as successful habits in successful moms? Not perfect moms, but those who seem to have it together. She has so much wisdom to share and I especially love what she had to say about validation.
You can find Dawn's New YouTube channel here:
Do 19.08.2021
14 : 23 min
Mental Minimalism in REAL Life
"Mental minimalism says that just like too much physical and digital stuff can distract us from our values and the things that matter most in life, our own mental stuff can do the same thing.
Thoughts, emotions, memories, and imagination can all become cluttering of our mental space. And when this happens, not only do we consistently experience negative feelings like stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and depression, but perhaps more tragically, we become distracted from living our lives." - Nick Wignall, The Case for Mental Minimalism
We *know* we should be more protective of our minds, but how do we achieve mental minimalism in the real world? Diana and I will talk about it today!
Book Mentioned: "Get Your Life Back" by John Eldredge:
So 15.08.2021
19 : 40 min
Lessons from the Laundry Room
There has been something magical with our laundry room transformation...a benefit I never expected! We'll talk about that today along with donating ironing boards, laundry strips and more!
Laundry Products Mentioned:
Tru Earth Laundry Strips:
Earth Breeze Laundry Sheets:
(affiliate links-- THANK YOU!!!)
Mi 11.08.2021
13 : 11 min
Betrayal, Redemption & Secret Places (the day I got fired from radio)
This is a day I don't think of much anymore, but looking back, it was a pivotal point in my life and has been something I've drawn on in many ways since then. Diana will also share some really interesting information about secret places and spending time with the Lord.
So 08.08.2021
20 : 22 min
How I (accidentally) got into YouTube
I never set out to be a "YouTuber" fact, as an introvert and always happiest behind the scenes, that actually sounds horrifying to me! But, apparently it was meant to be and today I'll share the story of how I got here!
Fr 30.07.2021
9 : 34 min
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