A return missionary, Jaron, formerly known as Elder Carman, just can't stop living in the past. With a love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and fond memories of sharing it with strangers in different parts of the world, Jaron reminisces about the good old days as a full time missionary. His goal is to help young people who have desires to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ is Latter Day Saints know what they can do to be prepared for their experience as a missionary. He shares stories, give...
How to Seek and Rely on the Spirit
In this episode, Jaron discusses concepts from chapter 4 of Preach My Gospel to help you better understand the role of the Holy Ghost in missionary work.
Sa 03.02.2024
16 : 16 min
How to Develop Teaching Skills
In this episode, Jaron goes over chapter 10 of Preach My Gospel and talks about why it is important to develop teaching skills as a missionary
So 10.12.2023
25 : 01 min
Teaching Your Investigators to Think for Themselves
In this episode, Jaron talks about how you can help your investigators come to their own conclusions as they seek for truth.
So 26.11.2023
18 : 28 min
Tips for Preparing Mentally
In this episode... ahhh forget it... just read the title yo!
So 12.11.2023
22 : 27 min
The "Small and Simple Things" Effect
In this episode, Jaron talks about how usually, we try and do big, amazing things with just one great effort, when in reality, those amazing things happen over time with small and simple efforts.
Sa 28.10.2023
16 : 01 min
Missions and Mental Illness
In this episode, Jaron shares his experience with depression and what he was able to learn from it while he was on his mission.
Sa 07.10.2023
19 : 26 min
It's Not So Much About Who Has Your Membership, As to Who Has Your Heart
In this episode, Jaron discusses what the term "holy envy" means and how we can adopt that idea to help us appreciate and see the good in other religious denominations.
Sa 30.09.2023
14 : 57 min
Tackling Concerns with Church History
In this episode, Jaron talks about why we don't need to be afraid of church history and how you can approach it through the lens of faith to get the right picture.
Fr 22.09.2023
26 : 09 min
Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs
In this episode, Jaron talks about beliefs that we may hold that limit our capabilities and how simply changing those beliefs will help you reach your full potential. https://www.instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast/
Fr 15.09.2023
14 : 28 min
Redefining Failure
In this episode, Jaron talks about how we have been brought up to see failure in the wrong way. We've been taught that failure is a bad thing. In this episode, Jaron shows how having a willingness to fail is what will help you find the success you desire.
Fr 08.09.2023
15 : 05 min
Becoming the Master at Feeling Uncomfortable
In this episode, Jaron talks about what you guys can do once you master the skill of feeling your emotions rather than escaping them. https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Fr 01.09.2023
18 : 34 min
Stop Seeking Comfort
In this episode, Jaron talks about how we sometimes try to escape uncomfortable emotions and how doing that keeps us from making the most of our life. https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Mi 16.08.2023
16 : 12 min
Embrace Unanticipated Challenges
In this episode, Jaron gives some commentary on and a little behind the scenes of his Liahona article in the July 2023 issue titled "Not Easy, but Still Worth it." He also talks about how motivation is overrated and how you don't need motivation to do hard things. https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
So 02.07.2023
15 : 56 min
Trust the Process, Not the Outcome
In this episode, Jaron goes over an effective way to set goals and then talks about where the real success in achieving your goals lies. It may not be what you think! https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Di 20.06.2023
15 : 53 min
You're Going to Feel Crappy Sometimes, and That's OKAY
In this episode, Jaron talks about how experiencing "negative" emotion is just a part of life and that it doesn't necessarily mean you aren't worthy or don't have the Spirit with you. https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
So 04.06.2023
14 : 55 min
How to Be Bold Without Being Overbearing
In this episode, Jaron talks about what it means to be bold as a missionary and also how to avoid being overbearing. Here is the link to the article that he shares in this episode! https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-7-no-3-2006/only-true-church-boldness-without-overbearancehttps://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Sa 22.04.2023
22 : 52 min
Who Is Jesus to You?
Happy Easter everybody!! In this episode, Jaron talks about why it's important to know who Jesus Christ is to you personally.https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
So 09.04.2023
15 : 14 min
How Can I Better Understand the Scriptures?
In this episode of the Mission Prep Podcast, Jaron talks about how we can better understand the scriptures and how that helps us as missionaries.https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Fr 31.03.2023
18 : 04 min
How Do I Know If "I Know?"
In this episode, Jaron spends some time on a question submitted by a listener.https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Di 28.03.2023
19 : 54 min
What About My Girlfriend?
In this episode of the Mission Prep Podcast, Jaron tackles the tricky subject of missions and girlfriends. Are they a good fit? To find out, listen to the advice that Jaron has to give and hopefully you come away knowing what to do.https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Mi 15.03.2023
16 : 02 min
What Do We Mean When We Say the Church is True?
In this episode, Jaron talks about how sometimes we will testify that the church is true without ever really thinking about everything that entails. So here, he dives in head first to try to figure out what it means when we say that the church is true.https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Fr 10.03.2023
16 : 46 min
What is Your Purpose as a Missionary?
In this episode, Jaron takes you on an adventure to find what your purpose as a missionary is!https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Mo 06.03.2023
16 : 04 min
Why Are You Going on a Mission?
In this episode, Jaron talks about how sometimes you don't really need all the "best" reasons to serve a mission. Sometimes you have to start small to get going!Check out the instagram!https://instagram.com/mission_prep_podcast?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Mi 22.02.2023
14 : 22 min
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