A Podcast About Story Expansion and IP Entrepreneurship with Houston Howard, the author of You're Gonna Need a Bigger Story. If you want your story, your brand, your project or your business to survive in an age of fragmentation, distraction, over-stimulation and commoditization and become bigger than you've ever imagined, you're gonna to need a new strategy. You're going to need a Super Story. Welcome to the Super Story Podcast. The #1 podcast for creators who don't just want to stories, but want to tel...
049. Don't Give Up! (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston discusses what creators can learn from an article about 12-year-old girl accidentally running a marathon.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mi 17.11.2021
12 : 42 min
048. What Creators Can Learn From the Pixar Theory (FILM COURAGE INTERVIEW)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically about what creators can learn from the Pixar Theory. If you've never heard of the Pixar Theory, check this out: (https://youtu.be/RgpJPVoDZf8)
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Sa 02.10.2021
11 : 59 min
047. Interview with Houston on The Storyworld Explorers Podcast with Jack and Frank Konrath
This episode is an in-depth interview that Houston did with Jack and Frank Konrath, the creators of The Storyworld Explorers podcast, where he shares a host of transmedia stories from the trenches of Hollywood.
Be sure to subscribe to The Storyworld Explorers podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/story-world-explorers/id1503626990
Also, support them on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/inconversation
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Do 12.08.2021
75 : 15 min
046. 'A' is for Audience - The A, B, C's of Super Story Transmedia
In this episode, Houston Howard kicks off a new series - The A, B, C's of Super Story by talking about how 'A' is 'Audience'.
In a current, commoditized entertainment market, valuing your audience and factoring them into your market approach is more important than ever before.
Mo 05.07.2021
21 : 40 min
045. Is Someone Going to Steal Your Idea? (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston puts on his lawyer hat to discuss whether he thinks you should actually be afraid of someone stealing your idea - and a mindset shift that needs to happen in order for you to better protect your concepts.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Di 01.06.2021
32 : 44 min
044. What is the Future of Gaming? Pocket Gamer Connects Panel (KEYNOTE KLIPS)
This episode is the audio from a recent panel on which Houston appeared which focused on the future vision of gaming, interactive entertainment, NFT's and everything in between.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Do 13.05.2021
50 : 20 min
043. Super Story, Indie Projects, Captain America on Twitter and the Public Domain - Houston's Interview on the Indie Film Cafe's Podcast
This episode is an interview Houston did with Jonathan Moody (@JonathanMoody) of the Indie Film Cafe podcast. In this wide-ranging conversation, Jonathan talks with Houston about multiplatform entertainment, how to use social media in a Super Story way, the Producers Guild, public domain projects and more.
Be sure to follow Jonathan on Twitter and be sure to check out the Indie Film Cafe podcast at https://indiefilmcafe.podbean.com
Also, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Fr 23.04.2021
55 : 57 min
42. Two Transmedia Lessons from the Army of the Dead Trailer (SOLO ROUND)
Transmedia professor and practitioner, Houston Howard, gives two big lessons we can learn from the trailer of Zak Snyder's 'Army of the Dead' trailer.
Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI1JGPhYBS8
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - http://youtube.com/one3creativerocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Mi 14.04.2021
13 : 53 min
041. Is Transmedia Immoral? (FILM COURAGE INTERVIEW)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically focused on answering the question, "Is Transmedia immoral?"
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 06.04.2021
19 : 56 min
040. Meanings Over Mugs - Finding Truth In...Hillbilly Elegy
This episode of The Super Story Podcast is the debut of a new format called Meanings Over Mugs where the One 3 Creative crew, along with some special guests, pops the hood on pop cultural and discuss the meaning of and themes in main stream entertainment. Here, Houston, Travis and guests, Mattlock London and Rory Partin, discuss the recent film, Hillbilly Elegy.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/mes ...
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Do 25.03.2021
82 : 10 min
039. How Super Story Changes How You Approach the Job Market (INTERVIEW)
This episode is an interview Houston did with Raeyn St. Clare of the University of Oklahoma Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Also, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 08.03.2021
24 : 26 min
038. Storyworlds are the Key to Tentpole Vision & Indie Execution
In this episode, Houston Howard discusses how great Storyworlds are beneficial to any IP in any genre - and are the key to having Tentpole Vision, but Indie Execution.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/mes...
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 01.03.2021
40 : 01 min
037. The Dynamic Connections in WandaVision and The Mandalorian (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard discusses how to create intertextual connections between your stories and how WandaVision and The Mandalorian do it so well.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/mes...
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Sa 06.02.2021
29 : 38 min
036. How a Film Student Raised $230K for a Short Film (FILM COURAGE INTERVIEW)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically about the essential elements to creating a Storyworld that is viable to produce stories across a myriad of platforms.
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 26.01.2021
26 : 23 min
035. The Reasons 'Bridgerton' Can Become a Super Story for Netflix (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard discuss the reasons why he thinks the Shondaland romance saga, Bridgerton, has what it takes to become an inter-connected, multiplatform Super Story.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Fr 08.01.2021
25 : 15 min
034. Transmedia, Tabletop Roleplaying Games and Star Wars featuring Jeff Ratliff (TOY CHEST CONVERSATION
In this episode, Houston Howard has a fun, wide-ranging conversation with his oldest friend, Jeff "Ffej" Ratliff about tabletop RPG's, Star Wars and the importance of a good creative sandbox.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 28.12.2020
71 : 50 min
033. According to a Six-Year-Old: The Untapped Transmedia Potential of 'Jingle Jangle' (A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL)
In this episode, Houston Howard and his six-year-old daughter, Sariah Praise, discuss the new Netflix original Christmas film, 'Jingle Jangle' and how the movie has untapped transmedia potential.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected] and be sure to check our Sariah's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJb5QKkYH1Svz-F9eytek5w
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 21.12.2020
15 : 32 min
032. You Should Be Watching Star Wars (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard encourages everyone to watch Star Wars and see how Super Story rolls out before your eyes.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Fr 11.12.2020
8 : 12 min
031. Adopting the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Entertainment - (ONE ON ONE CONVERSATION)
In this episode, Houston Howard and Travis Carter discuss the mindset of an entrepreneur and how creatives in entertainment can begin adopting it.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 23.11.2020
58 : 11 min
030. Beyond Games Panel at the PG Connects Digital Video Game Conference (KEYNOTE KLIPS)
This episode is a recent panel Houston spoke on at the PG Connects Digital Video Game Conference. With some other industry professionals, Houston talks about the effect 2020 has had on the entertainment industry.
Be sure to check out the PG Connects at https://www.pgconnects.com
Also, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/One3CreativeRocks
Twitter - @one3creative
So 15.11.2020
39 : 14 min
029. The Most Common Super Story Objections - "Super Story is Not For Me" (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard discusses the most common objections he receives when speaking, discussing and pitching the Super Story transmedia model -- and how to overcome them.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Sa 07.11.2020
38 : 13 min
028. That's One's For Free - Transmedia Consultation with Ekta Joshi on How to Pitch a Super Story
In this episode, Houston Howard and Travis Carter zoom with Ekta Joshi, a former student of Houston's at the Los Angeles Film School. Over the course of this 45-minute consultation, Houston and Travis talk her through pitching a multiplatform, transmediated Super Story.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/mes...
or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Do 29.10.2020
46 : 57 min
027. That One's For Free - Transmedia Consultation with Tashi Non-Stop and the One 3 Creative Team
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher zoom with super creative kid's entertainer, Tashi Non-Stop ( http://tashinonstop.com ). Over the course of this one-hour consultation, the One 3 Creative team help her brainstorm ideas of how to use Super Story to grow her educational kids brand.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/mes...
or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 19.10.2020
70 : 20 min
026. How to Transmediate Politics 😱 - Roundtable Discussion
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher discuss how Super Story can be applied to the crazy world of politics. Don't worry, there won't be any policy discussions! Just about how the Super Story process can be applied to political communications.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Do 15.10.2020
65 : 17 min
025. The Most Common Super Story Objections - “Let’s Do It In Success” (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard discusses the most common objections he receives when speaking, discussing and pitching the Super Story transmedia model -- and how to overcome them.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Di 06.10.2020
25 : 37 min
024. The Most Common Super Story Objections - "But It Doesn't NEED Transmedia!" (SOLO ROUND)
In this episode, Houston Howard discusses the most common objections he receives when speaking, discussing and pitching the Super Story transmedia model -- and how to overcome them.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
• One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
• The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
• The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
• Twitter - @one3creative
Di 29.09.2020
26 : 30 min
023. According to a Six-Year-Old: The Untapped Transmedia Potential of The Goonies
In this episode, Houston Howard and his six-year-old daughter, Sariah Praise, discuss the classic film, The Goonies and how the movie has untapped transmedia potential.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected] and be sure to check our Sariah's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJb5QKkYH1Svz-F9eytek5w
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mi 23.09.2020
11 : 45 min
022. The Essentials of Building a Storyworld - (FILM COURAGE INTERVIEW)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically about the essential elements to creating a Storyworld that is viable to produce stories across a myriad of platforms.
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Do 16.07.2020
21 : 23 min
021. Storyworlds: The Creative Engine for Your IP - Super Story Vidcast - Transmedia Roundtable
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher discuss the foundational aspects of the Super Story Model, where the fundamental value lies and address some key objections that some people have.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message or, better yet, email us a video to [email protected] and we'll include it on a future episode.
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstoryvidcast
The Super Story Podcast - https://tinyurl.com/superstorypodcast
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Mo 06.07.2020
68 : 35 min
020. Filmmaking is a Crazy Dream That Requires Crazy Hustle (FILM COURAGE INTERVIEW)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically about the how anyone who wants to be a filmmaker is crazy (as in "audacious," not "lunacy") needs to have a crazy entrepreneurial hustle in order to realize their bold vision.
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 30.06.2020
13 : 28 min
019. Top Five Fathers Day Movies - Father’s Day Special
In this episode, Travis Carter and Houston Howard give a special Fathers Day shoutout and encouragement to everyone, while counting down their Top 5 “Father” Movies.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mo 22.06.2020
41 : 40 min
018. Learn Craft, Not Strategy From Your Idols and the Trouble Launching Lemonade Stands Today (SOLO ROUND)
In this quick solo episode, Houston Howard covers a common, yet dangerous, objection that many screenwriters and creators give in regards to Super Story.
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Sa 20.06.2020
13 : 08 min
017. Keynote for the London Screenwriters Festival 2020
In this episode, we're spotlighting a recent keynote presentation Houston Howard, the Chief Storyteller for One 3 Creative, gave to the London Screenwriters Festival regarding, "The Game-Changing Power of Super Story."
Be sure to check out the LSF at http://londonscreenwritersfestival.com
Also, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 16.06.2020
60 : 38 min
016. According to a Six-Year-Old: The Never Ending Story and the Value of a Great Storyworld
In this episode, Houston Howard and his six-year-old daughter, Sariah Praise, discuss the classic film, The Never Ending Story and the story potential that comes with having a great Storyworld.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected] and be sure to check our Sariah's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJb5QKkYH1Svz-F9eytek5w
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
So 14.06.2020
11 : 46 min
015. Shifting Models of Entertainment - Roundtable Discussion with Transmedia Heavyweight Jeff Gomez
In this episode, Houston Howard and the team talk with transmedia producer, Jeff Gomez of Starlight Runner Entertainment. In this wide-ranging interview, Jeff talks about the power of a fan community and the necessity of using new models in today’s world.
Please follow Jeff on social media with these links:
Twitter: @Jeff_Gomez
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffgomez
Website: https://starlightrunner.com
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 09.06.2020
77 : 23 min
014. According to a Six-Year-Old: The Dangers of Adaptation, The Hobbit and Why New Stories are Better
In this episode, Houston Howard and his six-year-old daughter, Sariah Praise, discuss The Hobbit franchise and specifically the detriments of adapting story across platform, rather than choosing to tell new stories using the Super Story method.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected] and be sure to check our Sariah's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJb5QKkYH1Svz-F9eytek5w
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
So 07.06.2020
10 : 09 min
013. Empowering the Black Community Through Super Story - A Special Roundtable Discussion
In this episode, Travis Carter and Houston Howard discuss the current racial tensions in the country and a project they feel can both help empower the African American community and heal our wounded nation.
As always, be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
So 31.05.2020
91 : 50 min
012. Creating a Thematic Premise & the Big Idea for Your Storyworld - Super Story Hacks
In this Super Story Hack, Houston Howard, the Chief Storyteller for One 3 Creative and a professor of Transmedia Design, clicks into professor-mode and takes you step-by-step through the tactical, creative process of developing a thematic Soapbox foundation for your Super Story - which then inspires and helps fuel the initial "big idea" for your Storyworld.
Be sure to send us your mailbag questions at [email protected]
Also, if this video brought you value, be sure to check out these other resources:
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/One3Productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Di 26.05.2020
24 : 32 min
011. Don't Just Create To Be Cool, Create To Be Important - A Soapbox Conversation with Rory Partin of The ROAMies.
A great conversation with Rory Partin of TheROAMies about what it means to create with meaning, purpose and passion and ultimately finding your Soapbox.
Be sure to follow The Roamies on social at @theroamies.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Mi 20.05.2020
26 : 42 min
010. The Game-Changing Power of Soapbox - Creating with Passion, Purpose and Meaning - Roundtable Discussion
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher discuss the power and of creating entertainment that is rooted in your passion, purpose and perspective and how doing so can be the fuel of a transmediated Super Story brand.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Sa 16.05.2020
62 : 42 min
009. Rebooting Hollywood - Roundtable Discussion with Former Top Fox Executive Tomas Jegeus
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher are joined by Tomas Jegeus, the former 20th Century Fox Co-President of Global Theatrical Marketing & Distribution. Together they discuss post-COVID-19 Hollywood and the changing Hollywood landscape.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Sa 09.05.2020
66 : 43 min
008. Super Story 101: Foundations of the Model - Roundtable Zoom Session (STORY BUSINESS)
In this episode, Houston Howard, Travis Carter and Brad Lusher discuss the foundational aspects of the Super Story Model, where the fundamental value lies and address some key objections that some people have.
Be sure to send in a voice message that we may include on a future episode: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
So 03.05.2020
64 : 10 min
007. How to Ensure Brand Coherence as You Diversify Across Platforms - Solo Round With Houston (SUPER STORY HACKS)
In this quick solo episode, Houston Howard discusses the essential creative elements a creator needs in order to maintain brand coherence across their diversified entertainment brand - and draws inspiration and wisdom from mayonnaise.
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/superstoryworks/message
Di 28.04.2020
11 : 46 min
006. How to Execute on Small Platforms While Maintaining a Large Creative Vision - Roundtable Zoom Session (STORY BUSINESS)
This episode, Houston Howard, Brad Lusher and Travis Carter discuss the importance of creators (filmmakers, music producers, novelists, etc) creating for and leveraging small platforms while maintaining a large, creative vision for your IP.
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
Do 23.04.2020
64 : 31 min
005. Telling Stories in Songs and Tribute to John Prine - Roundtable Zoom Session (SUPER STORY HACKS)
This episode, we're graced with THE ROAMies as special guests as we discuss how to tell stories in songs, creative strategies to use in a writers room and give tribute to great musical storytellers such as John Prine, Joe Diffie, Bill Withers and Kenny Rogers.
One 3 Creative Website - http://superstory.works
The Super Story Vidcast - https://youtube.com/one3productions
Twitter - @one3creative
THE ROAMies - @theroamies
Do 23.04.2020
70 : 10 min
004. Post-CoVID Hollywood — Roundtable Zoom Session (STORY BUSINESS)
This episode is the audio from the first of our Zoom Sessions on the One 3 Creative YouTube channel. Houston, Brad and T~Rev discuss what the post-COVID19 entertainment will look like and what opportunities are there for creators.
Mi 15.04.2020
54 : 47 min
003. Easter Lesson — How Creatives Find Inspiration in COVID-19 — Convo with TheROAMies (JUMPSTART)
aGreat conversation with Alexa and Rory Partin of TheROAMies about what lessons a creative can pull from Easter during the COVID-19 crisis. Be sure to follow The Roamies on social at @theroamies.
Mo 13.04.2020
33 : 54 min
002. Practical Strategies for Developing Super Stories - Film Courage Interview (SUPER STORY HACKS)
This is a small piece of a three-hour interview Houston did with the fine folks at Film Courage (https://www.youtube.com/filmcourage). The interview was wide-ranging, but this chunk was specifically about the practical strategies a creator can use to create transmedia and multiplatform opportunities within their Super Story.
Tons of people talk about theory, but here Houston dives into the practical and tactical strategies that can actually help you in a writers' room.
PS: If you want to see the actual filmed interview, be sure to go to the Film Courage YouTube channel and show them some love.
Mi 08.04.2020
10 : 29 min
001. COVID-19 Has Given Creatives a Gift ... Use It! (JUMPSTART)
A short bit of encouragement for creatives during the coronavirus quarantine.
Di 07.04.2020
10 : 31 min
The Super Story Podcast Promo Trailer
A Podcast About Story Expansion and IP Entrepreneurship
If you want your story, your brand, your project or your business to survive in an age of fragmentation, distraction, over-stimulation and commoditization and become bigger than you've ever imagined, you're gonna to need a new strategy. You're going to need a Super Story.
Welcome to the Super Story Podcast.
The #1 podcast for creators who don't just want to stories, but want to tell super stories.
Brought to you by One 3 Creative - superstory.works
Mo 06.04.2020
4 : 18 min
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