Evaluating the Expansion of 12-Month Contraceptive Supply for Women Veterans
Deirdre Quinn, PhD, MSc, with the Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion in Pittsburgh, PA, talks about her work supporting family planning for women Veterans receiving VA care through the expansion of access to a 12-month supply of contraceptives.
Di 28.01.2025
18 : 42 min
Evaluating VA’s Electronic Medical Record Modernization and Physician Burnout
Ryan Sterling, PhD, research scientist with the Seattle-Denver Center of Innovation, discusses the impact that VA’s electronic health record modernization rollout has had on burnout among VA physicians.
Di 10.12.2024
11 : 28 min
Understanding and Evaluating Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in VA Care
Omonyele Adjognon, DrPH (candidate) of the HSR Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research idiscusses her work with Drs. Christopher Miller and Kate Iverson on screening for intimate partner violence in Veterans in VA primary care.
Di 10.09.2024
12 : 55 min
Genetics Providers are Key to the Integration of Genetic Testing within the Practice of Frontline Clinicians
Maren Scheuner MD, MPH, investigator and provider at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, talks with Center for Information Dissemination and Education Resources (CIDER) editor Diane Hanks at the 2023 HSR&D national meeting, about her research on integrating genetic testing in front-line healthcare practices.
Mo 26.08.2024
22 : 35 min
Learnings from the VA HSR COVID-19 Observational Research Collaboratory
Denise Hynes and Matt Maciejewski, HSR Investigators, discuss their research studying COVID-19’s effects on Veterans, with the COVID-19 Observational Research Collaboratory (CORC), and the ongoing need to study the disease in this population with CIDER writer Diane Hanks. They refer to several papers that have since been published and can be found on the CORC publications page.
Mo 12.08.2024
17 : 24 min
Is Burnout Preventable? Burnout and Engagement in VA Primary Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Eric Apaydin, PhD, MPP, MS, talks with Center for Information Dissemination and Education Resources (CIDER) writer Karen Jamrog at the 2023 HSR&D national meeting, about his research on burnout, employee engagement, and changing organizational contexts in VA primary care during the early COVID-19 pandemic.
Mo 29.01.2024
10 : 21 min
Risk and Protective Factors for Burnout among VA Psychotherapists Treating PTSD Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Steven Dobscha, MD, Director of the Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC) discusses his research investigating primary care patient perspectives on VA's population-based suicide risk screening program (Risk ID), and other related items of interest with Diane Hanks of the Center for Information Dissemination and Education Resources (CIDER).
Mo 04.12.2023
16 : 45 min
Intervention to Improve Veterans' Engagement in Therapy for PTSD
Megan Shepherd-Banigan, PhD, MPH, of the Durham Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation (ADAPT) discusses her CDA project seeking to induce family-involved initiation and completion of psychotherapy for Veterans living with PTSD.
Mi 18.10.2023
11 : 00 min
Past, Present, and Future of QUERI
Director Amy Kilbourne discusses the origin, milestones, current events, and future directions of the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) program.
Do 14.09.2023
15 : 14 min
Risk and Protective Factors for Burnout among VA Psychotherapists Treating PTSD Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Craig Rosen, PhD, of the Center for Innovation to Implementation (Ci2i) discusses his work researching burnout among VA clinicians, previous research that his most recent study was built on, and related topics of interest.
Di 30.05.2023
15 : 47 min
CONDUIT Study: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
Dr. Black discusses her experience in the CONDUIT QUERI Eval, and working with Veterans in VA. CONDUIT’s objective was to unite 6 inter-related Partnered Implementation projects to improve access to medications for Opioid Use Disorder.
Mi 10.05.2023
11 : 49 min
What is the Right Mix? Variation in the Proportion of Primary Care Delivered via Video for Veterans with Common Chronic Conditions
Jacqueline Ferguson, PhD, MS, of the VA Palo Alto Center for Innovation to Implementation (Ci2i) discusses her research into variations in patterns, by chronic conditions, for Veterans receiving primary care via telehealth as well as in-person.
Fr 28.04.2023
12 : 01 min
Increasing Use of Video Telehealth among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness with Substance Use Disorder
Lynn Garvin, PhD, MBA, of the Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR) discusses her peer-led intervention to provide VA Video Connect (VVC) telehealth to Veterans experiencing Homelessness and Substance Use Disorder.
Di 25.04.2023
16 : 38 min
VA Telehealth’s Widening Rural-Urban Divide During the COVID-19 Pandemic
VA telehealth programming had focused largely on rural populations where disparities in health care access and telehealth use existed, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced an expansion to offer telehealth more broadly. Lucinda Leung, MD, PhD, MPH, discusses rural-urban differences in VA telehealth use nationally before and after pandemic onset.
Do 09.03.2023
12 : 53 min
Using Implementation and Quality Improvement Strategies in VA
Joel Boggan, MD, MPH, of the Durham VA Medical Center talks about his experience with the Evidence Synthesis Program at VA, working with Veteran populations, and how quality improvement methodologies can be used to improve health services in Primary Care settings.
Di 07.03.2023
11 : 38 min
Understanding VA Emergency Department Care Quality through a Unique Lens—Ambulance Visits
David Chan, MD, PhD, of the HSR&D Center of Innovation to Implementation in Palo Alto, CA, discusses his work understanding how ambulance visits to VA hospitals act as an indicator of care quality.
Mi 28.09.2022
19 : 43 min
Care Fragmentation in VA Home Based Primary Care
Sam Edwards, MD, MPH, of the Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC) in Portland OR, talks about his research studying care fragmentation among Veterans receiving home based primary care (HBPC). Care fragmentation - the dispersion of a patient’s care across clinicians and healthcare settings - is associated with increased Emergency Department visits and hospital admissions among medically complex patients.
Do 25.08.2022
11 : 31 min
The Long Game: A Career Dedicated to System-wide Change for Veterans with SUD
Hildi Hagedorn, PhD, investigator with the Center for Care Delivery and Outcomes Research CCDOR in Minneapolis, MN, talks about her research focused on implementation of best-practice recommendations for the identification and treatment of substance use disorders (SUD). Dr. Hagedorn was the recipient of the 2020 HSR&D Health System Impact Award for her career-long body of work focused on increasing system-wide implementation of evidence-based treatments for Veterans with SUD.
Mo 15.08.2022
15 : 34 min
Evaluating Clinician Experiences with VA Electronic Health Record Modernization
Seppo Rinne, MD, PhD, BS of the Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR) talks about his work with the EMPIRIC QUERI partnered evaluation. The mission of EMPIRIC QUERI is to improve VA’s electronic health record modernization (EHRM) by ensuring that it is informed by frontline clinician and staff experiences. EMPIRIC is identifying challenges and best practices to support clinicians and inform the nationwide Cerner rollout.
Mo 25.07.2022
20 : 39 min
Building Resiliency, Quality, and Retention into VA’s Cardiac Cath Labs
Heather Gilmartin, PhD, NP, investigator and nurse scientist at the Denver/Seattle Center of Innovation in Denver, Colorado discusses her HSR&D Career Development Award program work, which is focused on building supportive learning environments VA’s cardiac catheter labs.
Fr 29.04.2022
22 : 13 min
In Conversation: Fireside Chat with Kristin Mattocks and Rani Elwy
Dr. Kristin Mattocks conducts a wide-ranging interview with her friend and HSR&D colleague, Dr. Rani Elwy. Dr. Elwy shares insights into her long-running VA HSR&D research career, discusses turning failure into success, and looks at the two-way relationship between mentors and mentees.
Kristin Mattocks, PhD, MPH, is an investigator and Associate Chief of Staff for Research at the VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System, Director of the HSR&D-funded Community Care Research, Evaluation, and Knowledge Center, and the Associate Dean for Veterans Affairs at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Rani Elwy, PhD, MS, is an investigator with the HSR&D-funded Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, and Director of the Implementation Science Core at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University.
Mi 23.03.2022
29 : 33 min
Evaluating the Transitioning Servicemember Support Program
Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) dissemination coordinator Diane Hanks talks with Dr. Joe Geraci, investigator and clinical psychologist at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, New York. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Geraci is the co-Director of the Transitioning Servicemember/Veteran Suicide and Prevention Center, which is a joint effort between VISN 2 and VISN 17. Recently, Dr. Geraci partnered with QUERI to evaluate the effectiveness of the Transitioning Servicemember/Veteran Sponsorship initiative.
Dr. Geraci is a retired U.S. Army Infantry Lieutenant Colonel, having served for 20 years and been deployed as a combat leader with elite Special Operations/Ranger, Airborne, and Infantry units to Afghanistan four times since September 11, 2001.
Do 09.12.2021
28 : 30 min
The Impact of COVID-19, Social Distancing, and Mental Health
Bryann DeBeer, PhD, of the Seattle-Denver Center of Innovation for Veteran-Centered and Value-Driven Care, talks about her work using social network analysis to understand the impact that COVID-19 enforced social distancing has had on Veterans’ mental health and suicide risk.
Mi 10.11.2021
22 : 00 min
Partnering to Increase Veteran Safety: Fall Prevention and Nursing Unit Design
HSR&D investigator and director of the North Florida/South Georgia Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center Ron Shorr, MD, MS, and healthcare architect Gary Fischer with VA’s Construction and Facilities Unit, discuss the value of partnered research within the context of Dr. Shorr’s HSR&D-funded project, Nursing Unit Design and Hospital Falls.
Mo 25.10.2021
21 : 35 min
Evaluating Prophylactic Anticoagulant Therapy Effectiveness for Treating COVID-19
In this episode, Dr. Christopher Rentsch, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale University, talks about a large-scale evaluation of the effectiveness of prophylactic anticoagulant therapy for the treatment of COVID-19.
Since the recording of this podcast, the largest trial to date, ACTIV-4, has found that initiating therapeutic anticoagulation compared to prophylactic anticoagulation provided additional benefit among patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Both Dr. Rentsch’s study and the ACTIV-4 study found benefit in noncritically ill patients yet not in critically ill patients.
Fr 17.09.2021
17 : 35 min
Using Temperature to Improve COVID-19 Infection Control
In part one of a two-part conversation, VA geriatrician Jim Rudolph, MD, talks about his work to develop new COVID-19 safety and screening standards based on temperature readings among residents of VA Community Living Centers. In addition to his work as a VA clinician, Dr. Rudolph is the director of the HSR&D Center of Innovation for Long-term Services and Supports, in Providence, RI
Do 26.08.2021
15 : 49 min
Understanding VA’s Vaccination Program in VA Community Living Centers
In part two of a two-part conversation, VA geriatrician Jim Rudolph, MD, talks about his work to assess VA’s response to distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in VA Community Living Centers. In addition to his work as a VA clinician, Dr. Rudolph is the director of the HSR&D Center of Innovation for Long-term Services and Supports in Providence, RI.
Do 26.08.2021
15 : 12 min
Veterans' Voices: Mark Flower
HSR&D research content editor Maria Hecht talks with Veteran Mark Flower, co-founder of the Veteran peer support organization DryHootch America. They are discussing his involvement in VA research as part of a Veteran engagement forum.
Mo 10.08.2020
13 : 12 min
Newly-separated Women Veterans' Use of VA and Community Care
Laurel Copeland, PhD, discusses her work on looking at the proportion of new women Veterans who access VA care vs. community care.
Mo 03.08.2020
11 : 45 min
Making the Most of Engagement: Listening to Stakeholders
In part two of this two-part interview, Joe Francis, MD, Chief Improvement and Analytics Officer for VHA, talks about the necessity of taking research questions to those on the front-lines of managing clinics and healthcare networks in order to continuously improve care for Veterans.
Mo 03.08.2020
10 : 43 min
Assessing Veterans' Experiences of Healthcare System Hassles: VA vs. Community Care
Polly Noel, PhD, talks about her work on understanding and assessing Veterans' experiences of healthcare system hassles with both VA care and community-based care.
Mi 29.07.2020
11 : 42 min
Veterans' Experiences Using both Care in the Community and VA Care
Christopher J. Miller, PhD, talks about his work assessing Veterans' and providers' experiences of care coordination between community providers and VA providers.
Mo 27.07.2020
16 : 16 min
Women Veterans' Experiences in Obtaining VA Mental Health
Fernanda S. Rossi, PhD, shares insights gained from her work understanding women Veterans' experiences of seeking mental health treatment in VA.
Mo 20.07.2020
12 : 13 min
Evidence-Based PTSD Treatment: Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy
Becca Sripada, PhD, talks about her work on treating Veterans with PTSD.
Mo 20.07.2020
6 : 07 min
A Community Network Approach to Supporting Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Ivette (Maggie) Freytes, PhD, talks about her work developing a community-based resource guide to refer Veterans at risk for suicide to VA care.
Mo 13.07.2020
18 : 23 min
Leveraging Data Analytics to Improve VA Care
In part one of this two-part interview, Joe Francis, MD, Chief Improvement and Analytics Officer for VHA, talks about how best to leverage healthcare data and quality measures to improve care for Veterans.
Mo 13.07.2020
16 : 37 min
Veterans' Voices: A Veteran's Experience of Working in VA Research
Kevin Payne, research assistant with the VA New England Healthcare System and a former Navy Veteran, shares his experiences as Veteran who both uses VA care and works in VA research.
Mo 06.07.2020
13 : 20 min
Media Influence on Veterans' Perceptions of VA Care
Audrey Jones, PhD, shares findings from her work assessing the influence of negative media coverage on Veterans' perceptions of VA care.
Mo 29.06.2020
11 : 54 min
Research Into Gulf War Illness
Lisa McAndrew, PhD, Director of the Behavioral Health Research Lab at VA's War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, discusses two HSR&D-funded projects that focus on different aspects of mental health treatment and Gulf War Illness.
Di 23.06.2020
9 : 47 min
Understanding Veterans' Experiences of Trauma-focused PTSD Therapy
Shannon Kehle-Forbes, PhD, shares her research as to why some Veterans complete trauma-focused PTSD therapy and yet others do not.
Mo 15.06.2020
14 : 04 min
Post-Incarceration Outcomes for Veterans with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Challenges
Bo Kim, PhD, and Keith McInnes, ScD, MS, discuss their pilot study, which looks at improving post-incarceration support for Veterans with mental health challenges and substance use disorders.
Di 09.06.2020
12 : 39 min
Optimizing Medication Assisted Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
Hildi Hagedorn, PhD, talks about her recent study looking at why Veterans with opioid use disorders may or may not receive medication-assisted treatment.
Mi 03.06.2020
12 : 14 min
Engaging Rural Dwelling Veterans in VA Mental Health Treatment
Karen Seal, MD, MPH, shares insights from a recent randomized-controlled trial comparing the impact of peer coaching versus usual care to increase mental health treatment among rural-dwelling Veterans.
Di 26.05.2020
15 : 10 min
Homeless and Vulnerable Veterans' Experiences of Primary Care
Allyson Varley, PhD, MPH, and Stefan Kertesz, MD, talk about their work surveying and understanding the clinical experiences of vulnerable Veterans.
Di 19.05.2020
27 : 27 min
Moral Reconation Therapy for Justice-Involved Veterans
Investigator and clinical psychologist Daniel Blonigen, PhD, discusses his work with treating justice-involved Veterans at risk for criminal recidivism.
Mo 11.05.2020
18 : 03 min
Participating in VA Research: A Veteran's Perspective
Career Air Force Veteran Becca Keller shares her perspective on what it's like to be a Veteran who receives care from VA and also participates in VA research.
Amy Linsky, MD, MSc, discusses her research in the area of medication safety and effective excess medication management strategies.
Di 28.04.2020
12 : 13 min
Understanding LGBTQ Veterans' Risk for Homelessness
Ann E. Montgomery, PhD, MSW and John Blosnich, PhD, MPH, talk about their work on assessing LGBTQ Veterans' risk for homelessness.
Di 21.04.2020
23 : 27 min
Understanding Who's at Risk for Food Insecurity
Alicia Cohen, MD, MSc, talks about her research assessing clinical reminders to assess the risk factors for food insecurity among Veterans.
Di 14.04.2020
24 : 29 min
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