One verse | One day | Building saints.On this podcast you’d find daily bible study & weekly interviews all from YouVersion verse of the day. You’ll learn from the different guests here and find wisdom to tackle life’s issues. Feel free to leave a question or comment if you have any. New posts from every Monday 6am. You can freely share these podcasts. Background music credit: Dappy T Keys.Blessings !!!
Ep 361 - Wrong is now considered Right
What would you do if you were hounded for doing right? This is fast becoming the norm. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 08.07.2024
9 : 34 min
Ep 360 | A Special kind of REST ! Hebrews 4:11
Ever wondered how to labour into God’s rest ? This is not rest when we die but rest right now. Let’s find out more. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 24.06.2024
10 : 58 min
Ep 359 | Law vs Love
Are you a process or people person? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 09.06.2024
11 : 17 min
Ep 358 - FULLY PAID !
What would you do if you went on an all expense paid holiday and you were asked to pay for meals which you have already paid for?Will you pay a second time? I hope not. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 03.06.2024
9 : 11 min
Ep 357 - Words as Salt
Ever given thought on the value of salt ? What can salt really do? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 27.05.2024
11 : 15 min
Ep 356 - Pentecost 🔥
Have you ever denied anyone you really loved and then turned round to prove your love? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 19.05.2024
11 : 20 min
Ep 355 - What to do when God’s word makes no sense
What do you do when God speaks to you and it makes no sense? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 12.05.2024
13 : 16 min
Ep 354 - Real Love
This episode talks about REAL LOVE ! What does this mean ? Let’s find out Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 06.05.2024
11 : 06 min
Ep 353 - The Fruits of True Wisdom
How do we identify true wisdom from counterfeit?Let’s find out on today’s episode. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 29.04.2024
11 : 19 min
Ep 352 - Thankful in ALL circumstances
How possible is it to maintain a heart of gratitude in every circumstance? Come with us as we explore this subject. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 21.04.2024
12 : 09 min
Ep 351 - The Greater One lives INSIDE of you
Did you know that you have authority over Satan and his cohorts? For the greater one lives inside of you! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 14.04.2024
12 : 15 min
Ep 350 - The unseen battles of our world today
In the little time I’ve spent around there’s been almost a 360 degree change from what’s normal to being abnormal and vice versa and our verse for today tell us how to be equipped to fight this sort of battle. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 07.04.2024
13 : 19 min
Ep 349- The difference between Christianity and other religions
In a world where there are many options, how do we know the right one? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 01.04.2024
12 : 17 min
Ep 348 - The PASS over ! Mixed reactions
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re being cheered on for your exploit but your mind is on something coming which isn’t palatable ? And you want it to PASS over ? We hope this episode blesses you! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 24.03.2024
12 : 55 min
Ep 347 - Jesus cried loudly
What do you do when the saviour of the world cries ? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 18.03.2024
10 : 34 min
Welcome back ! God’s Masterpiece
As of 2023 Mona Lisa was the world most expensive piece of art valued at $970 million. On this episode, we look closely at God’s masterpiece. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 11.03.2024
10 : 09 min
Ep 345 | Faith over Fear | Matthew 6:25
How can you conquer your fears? This episode tells us how to live above our fears. Blessings!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 11.12.2023
12 : 51 min
EP 344 | Accessing the SUPERnatural nature of God
Ever wondered how to gain access to the supernatural nature of God?This episode shares some thoughts on this. Hope it blesses you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 04.12.2023
13 : 01 min
Ep 343 | Gifts from God
Have you any gift from God?What could that be? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 27.11.2023
14 : 19 min
Ep 342 | Walking in the Spirit | by Uyiosa
Ever wondered about the 3 components of walking in the Spirit ? This will definitely bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 21.11.2023
10 : 54 min
Ep 341 | How to obtain True Freedom | 2Cor 3:17
In our world many are held captive but know not how to obtain true freedom. This episode tells us how, no matter the situation. Be blessed ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 12.11.2023
11 : 55 min
Ep 340 | Benefits of light 💡 | Matthew 5:14
What would our world look like without light ? We hope this blesses you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 05.11.2023
18 : 51 min
Ep 339 | The greatness of God | Joe Shurmer
Hey guys, tanks for tuning in. Joe takes us in a journey sharing his thoughts on the verse of the day which talks about idols and the greatness of God. Bless you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 30.10.2023
11 : 55 min
Ep 338 | Broad vs Narrow way by Bro Siji | Mat 7:13-14
Life is a sum total of our choices. The life we have today is a reflection of the choices we have made and the life we will have is dependent on the choices we make. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 16.10.2023
8 : 18 min
Ep 337 | Our response to Spiritual Leaders | 1Thess 5:12–13
We sometimes think spiritual leaders have no need. Well… they’re humans just like us and have needs as we do.. let’s see what this verse advises. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 08.10.2023
13 : 06 min
Ep 336 | Deceptive Ideologies | 2Cor 10:5
Have you ever encountered a deceptive idea?How did you get through? Wolf love to hear. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 02.10.2023
12 : 14 min
Ep 335 | Blessed are the PURE in Heart ❤️
God is not looking for perfect people, he’s looking for those who know they’re struggling and need his help ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 24.09.2023
14 : 14 min
Ep 334 | The Holy Spirit & Our Weakness | Romans 8:26
Growing up , I was not taught to share my weaknesses. Some who had similar experiences like myself have either drowned holding back or fought through. Where are you at? This episode will inspire you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 17.09.2023
11 : 48 min
Ep 333 | Overcoming Worry & Anxiety | Phil 4:6
Are you willing to do what it takes to overcome worry & anxiety ? Please write us if you need further help or support on your journey. Blessings Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 10.09.2023
14 : 47 min
Ep 332 | New Order Of Worship | Psalm 100:4
There’s a new order of worship and that’s what we discussed on today’s episode. Let us know your thoughts.Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 03.09.2023
10 : 58 min
Ep 331 | God’s Unlimited Resources | Eph 3:16 with Temi
Life is in stages and phases, and we ought to progress from one level to another even in our Christian walk. We hope this blesses you ! Peace !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 28.08.2023
14 : 51 min
Ep 330 | God bears your burdens DAILY ! | Psalm 68:19
How distressing would life be if we had to go through it by ourselves. But God bears our burdens daily!Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 20.08.2023
13 : 09 min
Ep 329 | God is Good Father to you | Psalm 103:13 by Bro Siji
You may or may not have had a taste of what a good Father is but that should not determine the outcome of your life because God has promised to be GOOD FATHER to ALL who Fear Him. Lovely teaching by Bro SijiHave a blessed week ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 13.08.2023
12 : 47 min
Ep 328 | The Power of God’s Spirit | Romans 8:11
You have LIFE-GIVING power in you if you are a believer ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 07.08.2023
12 : 51 min
Ep 327 | The Above & Beyond Power of God | Eph 3:20
I have noticed that when we have a huge request we always try to figure out how God is going to bring it to pass. We hope this blesses you ! Shalom Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 31.07.2023
13 : 02 min
Ep 326 | The Beginnings of Life | John 1:1
In life there are several beginnings.In todays episode we look at how John’s gospel described Jesus as the Beginning.God bless you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 23.07.2023
12 : 36 min
Ep 325 | Living Sacrifice | Romans 12:1
How can we be a living sacrifice? This was the core of our discussion today. We hope you find this useful. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 17.07.2023
11 : 48 min
Ep 324 Present challenges Vs Future Glory | Lion Heart Festival
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. We sometimes wonder why we go through what we go through. This episode sheds light on this subject. Lion Heart Festival holds this week on the Isle of Wight. Do grab your tickets as they’re still selling at discounted rates ! !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 10.07.2023
13 : 11 min
Ep 323 | Christ is your employer | Colossians 3:23-24
Do you feel your work is not appreciated? Has it affected the quality of your work? How do we deal with that? We hope you find this helpful. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 02.07.2023
8 : 52 min
Ep 322 | Where’s your Treasure ? | Matthew 6:21
Where you treasure is, there lies your heart… Ever given this a thought? Matthew speaks on this on today’s episode. Hope you find this useful ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 26.06.2023
12 : 11 min
EP 321 | Everyone’s assignment | 2 Cor 5:18
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Sometimes we get complacent after we get saved but that’s the beginning of the Journey. We also think that it’s the Vicar’s job to do the rest… let’s see what this passage tells us today. Haha Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 19.06.2023
12 : 53 min
Ep 320 | You’ve got 24-7 COVER ! | Psalm 119:114
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Why does a good God allow evil?How can one hide in a God we cannot see ? These and many more questions were answered on todays episode. We hope you find this helpful in some way. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 11.06.2023
14 : 40 min
Ep 319 | The Seed of the Spirit | Gal 5:22-23
Hi there,Thanks for stopping by.Have you ever thought of your life as a garden?That’s what this episode is about. What do you plant in yours? Hope this blesses your week ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 04.06.2023
8 : 00 min
Ep 318 - Dealing with Fear & Anxiety by Bro Siji | Isaiah 43:2
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at how to deal with fear and anxiety in life’s situations. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 30.05.2023
8 : 26 min
Ep 317 | Perfect vs Fragile Peace | John 14:27
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at perfect peace, a gift we could only get through Jesus. We hope you find this helpful. Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 22.05.2023
12 : 25 min
Ep 316 | The Spirit of Wisdom | Ephesians 1:17
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were never confused in any situation? We hope this blesses you!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 16.05.2023
15 : 00 min
Ep 315 | Two KEYS to GUARD your Heart | Prov 4:23
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at how we can guard our hearts from the devil one .We hope this blesses you. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 08.05.2023
14 : 02 min
Ep 314 - Gal 5:14 | Self Love | Self-harm | Sacrificial love
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today, we will look at how to love our neighbours as ourselves. Matthew took this discussion to some interesting level.Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 01.05.2023
14 : 29 min
Ep 313 - Not just the “what” but “HOW” you give
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at the WHAT and HOW of giving. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 24.04.2023
13 : 33 min
Ep 312 - How can you be sure Jesus is The way?
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at meaning of Easter and answer a few burning questions about Christianity. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 10.04.2023
14 : 51 min
Ep 311 - Mark 11:17 - Jesus REACTS
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at how Jesus prepared the people for a transition from the old to the new temple. We hope you’re Blessed!Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 03.04.2023
14 : 29 min
Ep 310 - Faith Vs Positive thinking
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today, we looked at positive thinking, Faith and hope and how they differ from one another. Our weekly task is Hebrews 11:6.Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 27.03.2023
14 : 30 min
Ep 309 - 3 John 1:11 - AVOID these habits
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at how we can keep ourselves from imitating certain practices. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 21.03.2023
13 : 23 min
Ep 308 - Colossians 3:1-2 - Set your Minds above
Hello WORDup Podcast community, glad to have you back and if you’re new here, we’re excited you’ve joined us. Today we will look at how to rise from a fallen State and set our minds on things above. Please send all responses and tasks to [email protected] !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 13.03.2023
15 : 00 min
Ep 307 - Romans 8:31 - if God be for you !
Hello WORDup Podcast family,Glad you o have you here for another episode. Have you wondered what you could do to make sure no one and nothing dares you ? Find out from today’s inspiring episode.Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 06.03.2023
14 : 20 min
Ep 306 - Peace in your Heart
Hello WORDup Podcast family, welcome to today’s episode. Matthew shared on how we can receive and walk in the Peace that God gives. We hope you find this inspiring. Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 28.02.2023
13 : 51 min
Ep 305 - The Legacy - Phil 4:13
Hello WORDup Podcast family, thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shared on Philippians 4:13 with a focus on Legacy and believing in yourself. What do you think about believing in yourself? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 19.02.2023
14 : 06 min
Ep 304 - How to build yourself and deal with the lows of life
Hello WORDup Podcast family, hope you’re doing great ! How do you get built and deal with the lows of life ?We hope this blesses you. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 10.02.2023
13 : 39 min
Ep 303 - Light | Fitness | Flight
Hello WORDup Podcast family. Hope you are doing well! We are super excited to be back. Today, Matthew shares what’s been on his heart for the year. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 10.02.2023
5 : 38 min
Ep 302 - Jesus Quenches Thirst
Hello lovely people, glad you stopped by today. Have you experienced intense thirst on a sunny day? What feeling do you get when you take a sip of ice cold water? We hope this episode is helpful in your journey. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 24.10.2022
14 : 29 min
Episode 301 - Every time I think about you - Philippians 1:3
Hi there, thanks for tuning in today. It’s been a while we were here. Is there someone/something you think about and burst into thanksgiving? We hope today’s podcast will stir something in you. God bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 16.10.2022
12 : 50 min
EP 300 - Joshua 1:9 - Living above fear
Thanks for tuning in today. It is the enemy’s plan that we are afraid but not God’s. Fear is not part of what God has given us. How do we live above fear?Be blessed !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 23.08.2022
10 : 34 min
EP 299 - 1Cor 16:13 Stand Firm in your Faith
Thanks for tuning in today. We doubtless face diverse challenges that test our Faith but we are to stand firm in Faith to obtain the promise. If God has given you a word, don’t let anything take it away from you. Bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 14.08.2022
11 : 44 min
EP 298 - Ephesians 3:20-21 ABLE GOD !!! Discussion with Temi
Thanks for tuning in, we have had promised from God and our minds have sometimes wondered if God is able because of the magnitude of what we hope for. As you listen to this episode, it is our prayer that you will have a revelation of the ability of God Almighty. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 01.08.2022
14 : 39 min
Luke 6:35 Who is your enemy? Discussion with Temi
Have you ever wondered why some people are hostile to you? Who do you consider to be your enemy? On this episode, Temi and I discussed this topic in detail. We hope you are blessed by it. Please share widely to bless those that might need it. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 18.07.2022
20 : 44 min
Proverbs 4:23 heart matters with Bayo Opaleye
Thank you for tuning in to the WORDup podcast. Today, We have a special guest in the person of Mr Bayo Opaleye, popularly known as MD B. We shared on the poisons that could spread through the heart and how to prevent this from happening. Be blessed as you listen and shareHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 27.06.2022
34 : 56 min
Psalm 103:13 - Fathers Day Special
Hello listeners, thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Yesterday was commemorated as Fathers day in many parts of the world. We talked about fatherhood as well as those who have not had a good experience of Fatherhood. Be blessed as you listen and share. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 20.06.2022
14 : 55 min
Galatians 5:14 - There summary of the whole bible
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. If you were asked to summarise the entire Bible in one sentence how would you go about it? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 06.06.2022
14 : 55 min
Discussion on James 4:7 - Victory over satan
Thanks for joining us today on the WORDup Podcast. We’re excited to have you here. Today, Matthew & Temi will be discussing how to resist satan and his gimmicks. Satan is not as powerful as we make him seem. When we do what we’re meant to do, it’s a done deal. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 30.05.2022
14 : 49 min
Hebrews 4:16 - God does not reject you
Hello beloved listeners, thanks for tuning in today. We spent some time talking about how we have been given an open invitation to come to God. Sometimes we feel God has rejected us based on our faults but listen and hear what we have to say. Be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 23.05.2022
14 : 32 min
Matthew 6:25 - How to deal with worry
Hello beautiful people, thanks for tuning in today. We shared on a very difficult topic today. It’s naturally impossible not to worry but God tells us not to worry. How do we go about that? Be blessed as you listenHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 16.05.2022
14 : 49 min
Romans 8:26 How does the Holy Spirit help us pray?
Thanks for tuning in today. We had a discussion on the Holy Spirit helping us to pray and we delved into some important aspects of the subject matter. Does that mean we have to stop praying if the Holy Spirit is already doing so for us? Let’s find out on this episode with Matthew & TemiHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 09.05.2022
14 : 23 min
2 Corinthians 12:9 - Should Christians face trials?
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Temi and I discussed the life of a believer and whether or not Christians should face tribulations or not and what to do of you face one. Be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 02.05.2022
14 : 34 min
John 3:17 - is Jesus the Son of God ?
Thanks for tuning in today. This interview with Temi answers many questions about Jesus Christ. If you have the thought of coming to Christ, You don’t need to change who you are, just say those words, He’s listening. Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 25.04.2022
14 : 09 min
Philippians 2:7-8 Interview on The Essence of Easter
Thanks for tuning in to our first interview series on the essence of Easter. We apologise for the not so good audio as we’re still working hard to get you the best interview audio possible. We had Temi on the show and the discussion was rich. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 18.04.2022
14 : 50 min
Guess what ?
Hello WORDup Podcast community. Something brand new is coming your way from WORDup Podcast. We are now taking the Podcast to the next level with interviews and group discussions as we share God’s word and this will be broadcasted every Monday 06:00 GMT. We look forward to an exciting time with you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 11.04.2022
2 : 28 min
Psalm 4:8
Thanks for tuning in today. We looked at the peace of God and how to access rest in a world full of distress. Be blessed as you listenHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 08.04.2022
6 : 20 min
Galatians 5:22-23
As leopards are identified by their skin and a tree by its fruits, so is a Christian distinguished by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thanks for tuning in. Blessings as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 07.04.2022
9 : 40 min
Romans 5:8
What would be your reaction if Elon Musk gave you his entire possession? How does this compare to what Christ did for us by giving his life? Thanks for tuning in. Be blessed as you listen.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 06.04.2022
7 : 43 min
Joshua 1:8
Have you ever seen life as an examination? What do you do an preparing for an exam ? Thanks for tuning in today. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 05.04.2022
10 : 08 min
Psalm 27:4
If there’s one thing you want to seek in this life, what would it be? Thanks for joining in today. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 04.04.2022
9 : 30 min
Ephesians 6:11
What’s the probability of success in battle if one goes without an armour? Our beloved Brother Sijibomi Adekunle shared on the whole armour of GodHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 01.04.2022
8 : 52 min
Psalm 40:1-2
What do you do when you are in a pit? How do you get out of it? Let’s find out through this teaching by our Brother Sijibomi Adekunle. Thanks for tuning in today. Be blessed as you listenHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 31.03.2022
12 : 01 min
Psalm 68:5
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today’s teaching was centred on God as Father to the fatherless and defender of the widows. Our Brother in Faith Siji shared and this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 31.03.2022
11 : 36 min
Proverbs 16:3
How do we involve God in the planning process? What’s God’s thought for you? Thanks for tuning in today. Be blessed as you listenHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 30.03.2022
8 : 43 min
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thanks for tuning in today. Is there a need to trust in God when you’rean expert in a field? How can being an expert/novice affect our trust in God. Blessings Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 28.03.2022
7 : 31 min
Proverbs 16:24
Kind words are like honey ! How easy is it to speak kindly when the other part is hostile? Thanks for joining in..Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 25.03.2022
7 : 02 min
Matthew 6:34
Worry is something that is almost inseparable from humans according to the natural but God says to us not to worry. How do we achieve that? Thanks for joining us today. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 24.03.2022
8 : 49 min
1 Peter 3:12
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. What is your experience with the eye of the Lord ? Have you had any experience with it? Matthew shared on the eye of the Lord and what it does for us. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 24.03.2022
8 : 22 min
Zechariah 14:9
Thanks for tuning in today. The early church used to remind themselves about the day of the Lord and this helped the way they lived. How are we living today? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 22.03.2022
7 : 47 min
Jeremiah 29:13
What would life be like if we made God a vital necessity in our lives? Let’s find out on this episode. Thanks for joining in, be blessed as you listen! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 21.03.2022
8 : 32 min
James 1:27
Do you know any widow or orphan around you?If not, then it’s high time you searched for one as God leads you to be a blessing to them for it is pleasing to God. Let’s make life easier for them. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 18.03.2022
8 : 47 min
James 1:12
Life is like a hurdle race. Sometimes we face opposition and other times it seems smooth. What do we do in the face of opposition?Thanks for tuning in today!Remain blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 17.03.2022
9 : 18 min
Psalm 91:2
What’s the difference between God is a refuge and God is MY refuge? Have you experienced God as your refuge?Join us today as Temi shares on this subject. Remain blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 16.03.2022
9 : 16 min
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon formed against you shall prosper! None. You have authority in Christ to refute the gimmicks of the enemy. Thanks for tuning in today. Be blessed as you listen. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 15.03.2022
10 : 18 min
Psalm 139:23-24
Did you know that due to the chronicity of a problem we could accept it thinking it’s now part of our lives? But that’s not God’s will for us. He wants us to stand and enjoy the finished with of Christ ! Freedom ! Thanks for joining us today.We hope you’re blessed by this teaching. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 14.03.2022
10 : 03 min
Philippians 4:7
How can we enjoy peace in this world? This is a question many are trying to answer. Thanks for joining us today. We hope you find this inspiring. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 11.03.2022
9 : 07 min
Luke 11:13
Thanks for joining in today!Have you thought about what God’s best gift to us might be? Could it be houses, children or cars? Let’s find out!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 11.03.2022
8 : 22 min
1 John 3:18
What’s your opinion about theoretical and practical love? Which end of the spectrum do you stand? Thanks for joining us today on the WORDup Podcast. We hope you’re blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 09.03.2022
7 : 49 min
Proverbs 31:20 international women’s day
Thanks for stopping by. Today, we celebrate our women for the numerous things they do for us. Please join us as we look at proverbs 31:20Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 08.03.2022
7 : 22 min
Matthew 4:4
Which is more important? The engine or the body of the car? I know you’d say the answer is obvious but let’s see if our lives have depicted that we know this. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 07.03.2022
9 : 37 min
Colossians 4:2
What is your perspective of Prayer? Do you think we can give ourselves wholly to prayer in this day and age? Please Join us as we look at the 4th chapter of Colossians and the second verse.Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 04.03.2022
12 : 03 min
1 John 1:9
What’s your thoughts regarding confessing one’s sins ? Do you think it’s old fashion or should we carry on that practice? Clive Latter shared on this subject matter. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 03.03.2022
7 : 38 min
Acts 3:19
Is repentance a one of event ? How many times does anyone need to repent? Thanks for joining us as we share on this exciting topic. Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 02.03.2022
8 : 48 min
Psalm 42:2
Have you ever tried drinking fizzy drinks when you needed water? What was your body’s response? Please let us know in the review/comment section below. Thanks for joining us as we go through psalm 42:2 we hope this blesses you! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 01.03.2022
8 : 12 min
Revelation 3:20
Thanks for joining in!What would be your reaction if you realised your president or prime minister is knocking at your door? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 27.02.2022
10 : 41 min
Proverbs 21:21
What do you consider most important in life? What drives you? Join us as Matthew shares his thoughts on proverbs 21:21. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 23.02.2022
9 : 54 min
Luke 16:10
Have you ever thought that we could be asked to give account of our lives including the money we spent on earth ? Let’s hear Matthew’s thoughts on the subject. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 22.02.2022
10 : 19 min
John 15:5
Have you ever thought about life in isolation ? What would life be like without God ? Matthew shares on Union with ChristHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 21.02.2022
10 : 43 min
John 14:26
What if We told you that everything you were searching for you could easily get if you established a better relationship with the one inside you? Life can be less stressful with the help of the Holy Spirit. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 18.02.2022
10 : 19 min
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Have you ever been in a situation and wondered where God is? Join us today as Clive Latter takes us on an exposition of God’s word and this Faithfulness. He uses a very apt and relatable example. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 17.02.2022
7 : 59 min
James 1:22-24
What do you do when you look into the mirror and find something wrong? Do you ignore or fix it? Join us as Sijibomi Adekunle takes us on a word ride. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 16.02.2022
13 : 52 min
Matthew 3:8
Is it sufficient to feel bad about wrongdoing ? Is there something else we could do to make things better ? Join us today on this journey as Matthew teaches on the Matthew 3:8Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 15.02.2022
10 : 10 min
1 Corinthians 13:4 ♥️ on Valentine’s Day
Have you got plans for Valentine’s Day ? Join us as we share on the attributes of love. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 14.02.2022
10 : 10 min
Romans 1:16
Have you ever been ashamed to tell someone about Christ? How’s that going for you now? This teaching by Sijibomi Adekunle will bless you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 10.02.2022
9 : 06 min
Matthew 5:10
Have you ever been treated badly for doing right?In other words, do you feel you’re being persecuted? Sijibomi Adekunle Shared on the blessedness of persecution of a Christian. This will bless you !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 09.02.2022
12 : 31 min
Hebrews 4:12
What do you think about someone who’s got all the fighting weapons but is defeated in battle ? Thanks for joining in today !Matthew shared on the potential of what we possess. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 08.02.2022
11 : 19 min
Jeremiah 29:11
Have you ever wondered if God had a plan for you?Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shared on God’s plan for us and how we’ve got a bright future. We hope you found this inspiring !See you tomorrowHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 07.02.2022
10 : 33 min
Proverbs 13:20 discussion
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we delivered our thoughts in a new style as Joe and Peter discussed God’s word which brought light to us. This will bless you mightily ! Please let us know below on the review/comment section if you want us to continue discussions like this. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 05.02.2022
8 : 02 min
1 Corinthians 9:25
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Have you ever pictured yourself as an athlete? We’re all in the race of life abs are different stages. Joe shares with us how we ought to run life’s race. This will bless you richlyHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 04.02.2022
12 : 09 min
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Dear friends, thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Joe Shurmer shared on a key element on our Christian Faith. Compassion ! How much of this do you show to those around you? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 02.02.2022
9 : 08 min
Psalm 121:12
Thanks for tuning in today. Joe Shurmer shared on the WORDup Podcast about where to get help when we need it. We hope you’re blessed by this teaching. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 01.02.2022
7 : 05 min
James 1:5
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. Joe Shurmer shared on wisdom and how we can access it for daily living. We need wisdom everyday and this will bless you richly. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 31.01.2022
7 : 05 min
Luke 6:45
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Temi shared on the connection between our hearts and mouth. We trust this to bless you!See you next week for yet another season with God’s word! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 28.01.2022
11 : 45 min
1 John 2:15-16
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. What’s the world’s system and how does that affect us as Christians? Matthew shared today. We hope you’re blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 27.01.2022
9 : 46 min
1 Timothy 6:12
Thanks for stopping by today on the WORDup Podcast. We’ve got something inspiring for you. Should Christians fight? If yes why? If no, why not? Matthew shared on the approved fight for Christians. We hope this blesses you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 26.01.2022
11 : 59 min
Colossians 3:1
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today, we’re glad you’re here. Matthew shared on the new life in Christ and how we can get and enjoy the fullness of it.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 25.01.2022
9 : 47 min
Deuteronomy 6:5
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shared on how we could advance our love walk with God. We believe this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 24.01.2022
6 : 54 min
Matthew 5:7
Hi guys, Thanks for joining in today for the WORDup Podcast. Matthew shared on a very important quality of God. “Mercy”We all need mercy ! We believe this would bless you!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 21.01.2022
8 : 30 min
1 Corinthians 10:13
Hello beautiful people, thanks for joining us today. Have you ever thought about why temptations come our way?Matthew shared on temptations and how we can deal with them. We believe this will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 20.01.2022
11 : 09 min
Psalm 19:14
Hello friends, thanks for joining us today for another Bible study. Today, Matthew shared on the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts. We believe this will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 19.01.2022
10 : 15 min
Matthew 28:19
Hi there, thanks for joining us on the WORDup Podcast today. Matthew shared on feelings versus Faith. How acting based on feelings can rob us of God’s purpose for our lives. This is a powerful episode and we believe you’d be blessed by it. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 18.01.2022
11 : 06 min
1 Peter 5:10
Hi friends, Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. Matthew shared on God’s promise and assurance to us as we go through hard times. Many are going through difficult times today and this message is just right for you. We believe you’d be blessed by it. Please share to those it would benefit abs direct any questions to [email protected] Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 17.01.2022
8 : 22 min
2 Corinthians 5:17
Hi there,Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. We’re always excited to have you stop by for some bible study. Matthew did a teaching on the new Creation and answered questions like who can be a new creation? What’s the responsibility of the new creation? We hope this blesses you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 14.01.2022
9 : 00 min
Psalm 24:1
Hey Fam,Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. Matthew shared on creation mysteries, comparing science to the bible. What’s your thought about creation? How did the earth come about? You can share your thoughts with us via email [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 13.01.2022
9 : 13 min
Amos 5:24
Thanks for tuning in to the first bible study episode. Today, Matthew shared from Amos 5 and he also shared some thought provoking truths about believing in yourself. We hope you’d be blessed listening.Please share freely. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 13.01.2022
7 : 40 min
2022 New year Prayer
Hi there,We’d like to wish you a very big Happy new year🎉🎉🎉 and thank you for tuning into the WORDup podcast. This year promises to be very phenomenal and Matthew starts us off with a delightful prayer. We hope you find this refreshing. See you tomorrowGod blessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 11.01.2022
4 : 55 min
2021 end of year Prayers and appreciation
We’re excited that you were part of this journey with us. We studied, we learnt, we grew with the word of God. I chatted to the speakers and they as well as myself saw growth as we engaged with these verses of scriptures. We’re sure that was your experience as well. These contents were birthed from a place of meditation and inspiration by the Holy Spirit. They are loaded with benefits. If you’re new here, we’re glad you’re here, we love to see you again and again. If you’ve got any comments, we’d love to hear them!!!Happy New Year ! 💥🎉🎉💥💥💃🏽🕺🏾See you in 2022Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 29.12.2021
1 : 58 min
Isaiah 7:41 - God with us
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Humans have always and are still looking for a way to connect with a supreme being. While some are engaging in this search, God has demonstrated his interest in us by coming down to us. We don’t need to look for him anymore, for He’s here with us. Temi taught. We hope this blessed you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 22.12.2021
7 : 47 min
Matthew 1:21 - He shall be called Jesus
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, Temi shared on the most popular and most powerful name in the entire universe and how it came about. We hope you’re blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 21.12.2021
7 : 57 min
Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind and compassionate
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Joe rounded off this week’s teaching with an admonition from Christ for us to forgive one another and extend a hand of kindness to those around us as well as ourselves. We hope you were blessed by this week’s season.See you next week for another exciting time on the WORDup Podcast. Compliments of the season. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 17.12.2021
8 : 12 min
Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice !!! 🕺🏾💃🏽
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Joe brings us God’s word telling us how we can make rejoicing a lifestyle. This is indeed a blessed teaching and very apt in the season we’re in. Please listen and share freely. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 16.12.2021
6 : 26 min
Hebrews 11:22-23 - Faith for life. Overcoming doubts.
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Joe shared on heroes of faith and how we can by Faith step into what God has for us and overcome our doubts. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 15.12.2021
9 : 28 min
John 8:12 light of life
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Joe Shared from a very exciting verse talking about the light of life. There is something called the light of life. Have you got it? What are you doing with it if you already have it? Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 14.12.2021
7 : 41 min
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Rejoice
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Joe Shurmer, Worship Pastor shares on how we can rejoice in spite of what’s going on around us. In this covid times, messages like this are much needed. We’re certain this will bless you. Please listen and share freely.Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 13.12.2021
7 : 41 min
Hebrews 11.1 - Powerful teaching on Faith
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. If you’re part of a Christian body, you would have heard the teaching on faith many times. The beauty of the Holy Spirit is that He teaches us new things with stuff we think we already know. Be blessed by this powerful teaching by our beloved Brother Sijibomi. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 10.12.2021
14 : 57 min
Philippians 4:6 - How to deal with anxiety and other issues
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Siji shared on ways we can deal with anxiety and other life’s problems. This is a key we all need. Listen and share freely to those who need it. BlessingsHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 09.12.2021
9 : 55 min
Matthew 5:16 - How to light up your world 🌎
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. You must have heard this scripture Preached one way or another as a Christian as it’s quite popular but we assure you that Sijibomi Adeola through the power of the Holy Spirit delivers a revelation that will change your entire life.We’re certain this will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 08.12.2021
12 : 14 min
Romans 5:3-5 — How to rejoice in troubles
Thanks for tuning in today. Siji shared on the gift of love and the act of rejoicing in tribulations. The Holy Spirit is the centre of attraction if we must succeed in these. We believe this will bless you. Please share Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 07.12.2021
14 : 38 min
2 Chronicles 7:14 - Keys to revival on any level
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Matthew shared on keys we can use to kickstart revival in our lives, homes and land. God was speaking directly to us in this verse and it’s instructive. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 06.12.2021
11 : 20 min
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast your anxiety, cares and worries
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Life throws different challenges at us and could leave us worrying trying to figure the way out. That can sometimes be daunting but how beautiful is it to know that we don’t have to go through that stress. This episode teaches us how to cast our cares and get relief. We believe this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 03.12.2021
10 : 34 min
Ephesians 2:8 - Grace beyond salvation !
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. The nature of humans is such that we feel the need to do something to earn everything. Salvation counters that rule which is why some are still not saved today. Salvation is not free in itself but the price you were meant to pay has been paid by someone. Uyi talks about this in detail and explains the concept of Grace even beyond salvation. We believe you’ll be blessed by this. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 02.12.2021
10 : 40 min
John 7:38 - Living Water
Thanks for joining in for another episode of the WORDup Podcast. Today, Uyi shared on an amazing revelation of living waters and what it can achieve for us. Do you want to find out?Please listen and share freely. God bless Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 01.12.2021
10 : 30 min
2 Corinthians 9:6 - How to sow effectively
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Uyi shared on the life and benefits of sowing. What mindset do you sow with and what’s your expectation ?This will bless you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 30.11.2021
10 : 25 min
Colossians 1:13 - Rescue
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Uyi shared on rescue from Colossians 1:13. This is a phenomenal teaching that we believe will bless you richly. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 29.11.2021
11 : 38 min
James 1:17 - Good and perfect gifts
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast Today, Matthew shared on good and perfect gifts from God. God always gives us what best suits us, tailored to our abilities. We believe this would bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 26.11.2021
7 : 02 min
1 Chronicles 16:34 - Give thanks
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Matthew Shared on the importance of thanksgiving and we had the opportunity to express our gratitude to God using a song by Pastor Don Moen. We hope this helps you appreciate God better. See you tomorrowHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 25.11.2021
8 : 24 min
Psalm 28:7 - Strength and Shield
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Matthew shared on a psalm 28:7 with special highlights on God being our strength & shield. We believe this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 24.11.2021
9 : 03 min
Jeremiah 17:10 - Hidden motives of the heart
Thanks for joining us again today for another exciting episode. Today, Matthew shared on the secret motives of our heart. How that what we term secret is laid bare before God. How does that affect the way we live? We believe this will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 23.11.2021
9 : 13 min
Psalm 91:2 —Secret place, comfort and refuge
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Temi shares on psalm 91:2. God as our place of safety and comfort. She also talked about the secret place and what it means. Join in for today’s bible study and let’s have some fun!!! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 22.11.2021
11 : 24 min
2 Cor 3:17 Freedom
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Matthew shared on 2 Corinthians 3:17 with with emphasis on relationship with the Holy Spirit and Freedom from strongholds and addiction. We believe this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 19.11.2021
10 : 03 min
1 John 4:7 - Continued Love
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Matthew shared on the concept of continual love and it’s relationship to our Christian walk. We believe this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 18.11.2021
9 : 38 min
1 Samuel 2:2
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shared on the story of Hannah and there were many lessons to pick from this verse. We’re sure this will bless you and encourage your walk with GodHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 17.11.2021
10 : 00 min
Psalm 119:2 - The Blessing in obedience
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. We shared on the benefits of obedience and the power of the blessing and God’s presence on our lives. We also talked about the dangers of ignoring God’s direction. Matthew shared a personal experience. We hope you find this useful. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 16.11.2021
9 : 16 min
The God-Human Partnership
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. We appreciate all our listeners from all over the world. Today, we looked at partnership between humans and God. This will definitely bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 15.11.2021
13 : 09 min
3 simple things God wants from us.
Thanks for tuning in today. We’re delighted to have you on the WORDup Podcast. We sometimes want to do big and complex things when God wants us to do simple things. This simple 7 minute teaching will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 13.11.2021
7 : 15 min
Surviving through dark times
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Your agree with us that life is in stages and although we hope to have it all green, it doesn’t always turn out to be so. We sometimes go through the valley. How do we survive that experience?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 11.11.2021
9 : 28 min
The life giving power in the Word
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. God’s word is alive and powerful, able to make alive that which was dead. How can we effectively utilise the word?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 10.11.2021
11 : 22 min
gods & God - The Dominion Mandate
Thanks for tuning in today… we had an explosive time talking about the Mandate given to humans at The executive meeting of the Godhead…. Should we worship trees or animals? We again delved into this abit… Enjoy ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 09.11.2021
12 : 41 min
Grasses, Flowers & the Word
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. We began this week’s season with a comparison between grasses, flowers and the word of God. Flowers can be used to pass a message of love but you need to care for them still. For some, no matter how much you care, they’ll give up after sometime. What’s the comparison ?Let’s find out.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 08.11.2021
9 : 39 min
4 Things your bible can do for you
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. In the past few days we have looked at the word of God in more detail. Today, we shall examine 4 benefits from the word of God.This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 05.11.2021
10 : 44 min
The bible is not another book
Thanks for tuning in today. The bible isn’t just another book. It is a living entity with life and power. It has unusual effect on humans.find out more on today’s episode.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 04.11.2021
8 : 56 min
Dealing with depression the Christian way
Thanks for tuning in today. The issue of Depression has been on the rise and even peaked in the time of covid 19 as many were made redundant, and shut off social interaction. Can Christians be depressed?How do we deal with it?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 03.11.2021
12 : 12 min
How to know if you truly love God
Thanks for tuning in today. Today’s episode looks at a true test of our love for God. Love is not in word only but in action. Do you really love God?This will bless you Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 02.11.2021
8 : 52 min
Seasonal obedience
Thanks for tuning in today. Obedience is part of the core of Christianity. We’re encouraged to obey not only when it’s convenient but at all times. On this episode, we looked at seasonal obedience and disobedience and how Satan tricks God’s children to act contrary to what what pleases the father. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 01.11.2021
10 : 00 min
Practice of the Word
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Christianity is incomplete without making practice of the word. What does this mean? What are the dangers of Solo Christianity?These and many more were answered in this episode. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 29.10.2021
9 : 05 min
Power over death
Thanks for tuning in today. Today’s topic is an interesting one. Did you know that you have authority over death? This teaching will bless you richly. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 28.10.2021
9 : 14 min
Sheep among wolves - The life of a believer
Thanks for tuning in today. Today’s topic is an interesting one. Sheep are constant prey to wolves but bible describes Christians as sheep among wolves… how does this apply to us and what is our approach to such environment?This will transform your Christianity.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 27.10.2021
13 : 04 min
Father’s love ❤️
Thank you for joining us again today. If you’re joining for the first time, we’re excited to have you here. If you’ve been listening, we’re glad to have you back. Today, Temi shared on the Father’s love and how we can receive it. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 27.10.2021
10 : 45 min
A.S.K - Ask Seek Knock
Thanks for tuning in to today’s Podcast. Temi Shared from a popular verse of scripture and taught on hindrances to our receiving from God. This will bless you. Please share freely. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 25.10.2021
11 : 09 min
Thanks for tuning in this week, hope you have been blessed?Today, we talked about how to know where our treasure lies and how to invest right not to suffer loss. This will bless you. Have a super weekend. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 23.10.2021
8 : 35 min
Surely !!! Goodness and mercy will follow you
Thanks for tuning in today. In a world where there’s so much going on, being assured of the goodness and mercy of God is what everyone needs and that’s what today’s Podcast was about. You be highly blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 21.10.2021
9 : 12 min
We are the clay
Thanks for tuning in today. Have you considered our relationship to God as that of the clay and potter? That was the basis of our discussion today. This will help you find God’s will for your life. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 20.10.2021
11 : 08 min
Jesus is surely coming soon
Thanks for tuning in today. You’ve probably been hearing this a long time that Jesus is coming soon. Do you still believe it? Listen to today’s Podcast and hear what we think. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 19.10.2021
9 : 00 min
How to guard your heart
Thanks for tuning in. Hope you had a good weekend? We shared today on how we could have the good effect of guarding the core of our being as this determines where one’s life ends up. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 18.10.2021
11 : 30 min
True Friendship - After listening to this you’ll need to reevaluate yourself
Thanks for tuning in. We’re quick to point fingers and castigate others for not keeping up to standards with us. May we ask you today, what kind of friend are you to others? Are you a true friend? What’s your definition of friendship?This 10 minute teaching will transform your thought process about friendship. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 15.10.2021
11 : 25 min
Mercy Assured and insured
Thanks for tuning in today. Mountains seem very conspicuous and immovable but today, Bro Siji Shared on the steadfastness of God’s Mercy for you. You’ll be blessed by thisHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 14.10.2021
13 : 10 min
When God lives within you !
Thanks for tuning in today. Do you know what it takes to have God living inside you?Apparently, your life takes a whole new turn. Find out in more details by listening to this 14 minutes Podcast by Sijibomi Adekunle. I’m certain this will bless you immensely. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 13.10.2021
14 : 05 min
3 Keys to living the best life possible
Thanks for tuning in today. Our speaker, Siji leads us into an exposition on proverbs 3 and delivers to us 3 Keys for living the best life available to us. Would you Longe to find out what the keys are? Then listen to this 14 minute life transforming teaching. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 12.10.2021
14 : 31 min
Help is available for you !!! Don’t give in
Hi friends, thanks for tuning in this fantastic week! Hope you enjoyed your weekend? There’s absolutely no human being that’s not in need of one sort of help or another. Bro Siji shares on how we can access suitable help when we need it.This will change your life!See you tomorrow 😇Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 11.10.2021
13 : 01 min
What is heaven like ?
Thanks for tuning in today. On today’s episode we shared on a constant culture that takes place in heaven and is meant to be our practice here on earth. What’s that culture?Find out on this episode.It’s been an exciting week!See you next week !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 08.10.2021
9 : 37 min
Loving like Him
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the ways we can love like Jesus and how that can be achieved in a world full of hurt and pain. This will bless you ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 07.10.2021
6 : 41 min
Rich in the word
Thanks for tuning in today. We shared on the benefits of being rich in God’s word. This teaching will transform your life. Blessings ! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 06.10.2021
10 : 20 min
Dealing with offences
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.How do you handle when someone offends you?Find out in today’s episode. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 05.10.2021
8 : 25 min
Examples to follow
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Hope you had a great weekend?Today, we shared on practical examples on Christian living based on Apostle Paul’s teaching. This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 04.10.2021
10 : 03 min
Stay Alert 🚨
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Do you realise that we’re in a warfare ? Hence the admonition to be alert ! This will bless you. See you next week. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 01.10.2021
8 : 57 min
Thanks for tuning in today. On this episode, we talked about the wages of sin and how we can access eternal life ensgeadHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 01.10.2021
5 : 21 min
The colours of wisdom
Thanks for tuning in today. Very briefly, we looked at the attributes of wisdom. What’s should be the character of the wise? Hope you’re blessed by this sort exhortation!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 29.09.2021
5 : 31 min
The Weak, Proud and indecisive
Thanks for joining us today. We looked at 3 categories of people the verse of the day was referring to. If you happen to be in any of the groups, no need to fret. This will bless you.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 28.09.2021
7 : 54 min
How to get Perfect Peace
Thanks for joining us this week… today we shared keys on how to stop being troubled enjoy a life of perfect peace. This will bless you greatly…Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 27.09.2021
10 : 09 min
Seek this Foremost
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. It’s been lovely having you all week with us as we’ve had a very exciting time with God’s word. Today, Temi teaches about seeking God first. Are you putting the cart before the horse?Let’s find out !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 25.09.2021
8 : 23 min
Taste & See
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, Temi continues sharing and brings us God’s word in the place of tasting to see that God is good. Have you experienced him for yourself? Don’t make your conclusion on someone else’s assumptions of experience. Taste for yourself and see!Blessings !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 23.09.2021
8 : 59 min
Deliverance from all your troubles
Thanks for joining us today on the WORDup Podcast. Temi continued sharing with us and she taught from palms 34:19 . “The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;” NIVThis will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 22.09.2021
7 : 53 min
Be Hopeful and Rejoice
Thank you for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Temi shared on the acts of Rejoicing, Hoping, Patience and Prayer. Hoping you find it edifying and soul lifting. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 22.09.2021
10 : 03 min
Humility before Honour
Thanks for joining us today. Temi brings us God’s word today and she taught from 1Peter 5:6 on the benefits of humility and the dangers of pride.This will bless you!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 20.09.2021
7 : 15 min
The nature of Mercy
Thanks for joining us today. As we bring this weeks episodes to a wrap, we looked at Luke chapter 6 verse 36 and discussed on mercy, one of God’s attributes which he’d like us to have. As we head to the weekend, make space for God’s word in your heart and ponder on the things we’ve shared. Be merciful…Blessings !!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 17.09.2021
5 : 15 min
Fix your thoughts
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Our thoughts are considered the engine room from which everything we say/do emanate. You are what you think. If this is true, then we must make effort to think right. How do we do that?This is bless you! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 16.09.2021
10 : 29 min
Completely forgiven
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Sometimes people think that they have no place in God’s Kingdom based on what they’ve done in the past. What does God think?Listen to this and it will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 15.09.2021
6 : 48 min
Perfect Love ❤️ - No fear in sight
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Have you ever heard or seen perfect love in action?What comes to mind when you hear the word perfect love?This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 14.09.2021
7 : 54 min
The Great Day of the Lord
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the prophecy shared by Zechariah and also reflected in revelations of the things to come. There is a day called the day of the Lord. We don’t know the time. So be ready!!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 13.09.2021
6 : 57 min
God is near !
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Our beloved Brother in faith Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word on how we can be intimate and nearer to God. This will change your life.Thanks for listening this week, see you next week.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 11.09.2021
7 : 49 min
The Great Harvest
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Our Brother in Christ, Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word in season about the Great harvest. This teaching will change your life. Blessings !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 09.09.2021
9 : 25 min
The cheerful giver
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word on giving. He teaches about what and how we give. He talked about our motives and how this affects the outcome. This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 09.09.2021
9 : 41 min
You’ve been set free ! Walk in freedom.
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Did you know that everyone in Christ have been set free? It is our responsibility to walk in the freedom we have received.Bro Sijibomi Adekunle blesses us with God’s word.This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 07.09.2021
11 : 11 min
Come to me !!
Welcome to Brand new week and thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Bro Sijibomi Adekunle shares God’s wordword afresh on the benefits of coming to Him. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 06.09.2021
8 : 17 min
Now is the Time !
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.We bring this weeks season to a wrap by responding to God’s call… Sometimes we get carried away and love the gift more than the giver… but Now is the time to return!This will bless your heart. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 03.09.2021
7 : 31 min
How to overcome evil with good.
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at how we can subdue the evil in the world around us. I shared an analogy which came to my heart as I prepared this little exhortation and it will bless you indeed!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 02.09.2021
8 : 50 min
No weapon formed against you shall prosper
Welcome to the last quarter of the year 2021 and thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the level of security we get by being children of God. The enemy tries so hard but no scheme of his will propose against you or yours. You’re secured !!! This will bless you so much!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 01.09.2021
9 : 06 min
We war !!!
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.We’re in battle. But it’s important to know with whom we’re battling. Listen to this as Temi brings us God’s word. This will bless you.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 31.08.2021
7 : 49 min
How to Profit from God’s word
Welcome to the last week in the month of August. Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the profitability of God’s word. His word is intentional and has a specific purpose in your life. This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 30.08.2021
8 : 43 min
Everyone who asks this way, receives
Thanks for joining the WORDup Podcast all week.We bring this season to a close by sharing on the appropriate way to approach God in request. How to get your requests answered.This will bless you!!! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 27.08.2021
6 : 58 min
You’ve got all you need !!!
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Do you realise you have everything you’d ever need?Find out from this episode!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 26.08.2021
9 : 02 min
For this cause we don’t faint !
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.This is a short but wide episode reading and addressing several topics in one verse. Issues of identity and purpose. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 26.08.2021
6 : 48 min
Why do Christians feel ashamed to share the gospel?
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Why do Christians feel shy to share the gospel? We explored that subject and shared 5 life applicable lessons from the verse of the day. Blessings !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 24.08.2021
9 : 04 min
The fear of God - Life Lessons
Thanks for tuning to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the subject “the fear of God” and we shared life applicable lessons to help us move from one level to another. This will bless you.You can freely shareHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 23.08.2021
9 : 52 min
Conqueror !!! You won even before the fight
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at some explanations to unexplainable events in our lives and how we can walk in the victory we already have. This will bless you. Please share freely and bless someone else with it.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 21.08.2021
7 : 44 min
Burden bearer
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. If you’ve been battling with a burden/worry, Jesus would have you know today that he’s present to DAILY bear your burden, just hand it over to him. This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 20.08.2021
5 : 47 min
The warrior
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the warrior who never lost a battle. He says to tell you that He is with you. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 19.08.2021
6 : 52 min
Don’t Babble - God knows what you need even before you ask.
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, we shared on one of Jesus’ teaching about prayer. He admonished us not to babble but to pay according to the will of God.This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 17.08.2021
8 : 54 min
Crucified with him, yet alive.
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.It’s a brand new week and We’re happy to have you here. Today, we looked at the benefits of being crucified. Have you ever experienced it in any way?This will bless you.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 16.08.2021
10 : 04 min
False humility
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.We have an interesting topic before us today and it was a blessing dissecting what this could mean and examining its features. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 13.08.2021
7 : 50 min
Revenge 😡
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, we talked about revenge and its place In our lives as Christians. There was actually a basis for revenge in the old covenant but we’re now operating in the New !!! So where does revenge lie ?This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 12.08.2021
8 : 36 min
This Life
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, we talked about this life of ours and what we can do to preserve it. Jesus gives us the ultimate key to preserving life not just here on earth but eternally. The choice is ours.This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 11.08.2021
7 : 35 min
When I’m afraid
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at how we can sometimes be afraid and what we can do in those times. This will definitely bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 10.08.2021
6 : 26 min
Imitating God
Thanks for tuning in here today. We’re glad to have you on this podcast. Today, Temi brings us God’s word about how we can be imitators of God. Let’s ride on !Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 09.08.2021
7 : 47 min
WHEN you go through Fire 🔥
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.We sometimes wish that life is without struggles but Jesus did not guarantee such life. In fact he said in this world we would have tribulations but be of good cheer for he has overcome the world. When we feel lonely in terrible situations, are we really lonely or there’s company we can’t see? Find out in today’s episode. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 06.08.2021
6 : 22 min
Silence is not Consent
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.We sometimes think amongst ourselves that silence is consent but is that so with God? What do we do when God is silent? Do we proceed or wait? This short Podcast will bless you.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 05.08.2021
5 : 20 min
All have sinned
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the scripture which says everyone has sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. This is a general but specific statement. I shared my testimony how Christ changed me. This will bless you. Please listen, comment, share freelyHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 04.08.2021
8 : 34 min
The conclusion of the matter
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today , We looked briefly at what the wise king called the conclusion of the matter. He mentioned 2 things that we must pay attention to as children of God. Listen and be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 03.08.2021
5 : 51 min
Bear each other’s burdens
Welcome to The month of August and thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we shared 3 lessons to Karen from Galatians 6:2.We believe this will bless you.Please listen, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 02.08.2021
8 : 53 min
God is able to do immeasurably more
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Brother Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word of his Grace teaching how God is able to do more than we ask think or imagine. This will bless you mightily Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 31.07.2021
9 : 22 min
Do good
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. We bring this season to a close with a teaching by our dearly beloved Bro Sijibomi Adekunle on doing good especially to those in the household of faith. What does that mean?Listen to find out. Remain blessed!!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 30.07.2021
8 : 53 min
The merciFULL God
Thanks for tuning to the WORDup Podcast today. Beloved Brother Sijibomi Adekunle shared on God’s mercy. No matter what you have done, there’s mercy for you!!! God does not go about looking for your mistakes.This will bless you. Please listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 28.07.2021
9 : 28 min
Dominion over all
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Our Beloved Brother in Faith, Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s truth on how we as citizens can operate in dominion over all circumstances. We have a Father who rules over all so we cannot be underneath. God has given us the mandate to rule !!! As He is, so are we in this world. This will surely bless you.Please listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 27.07.2021
9 : 44 min
Jesus the same
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Our dear Brother Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word, teaching about the dependability and reliability on Jesus. This will bless you immensely. Please listen, comment and share. Be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 27.07.2021
7 : 46 min
Love your enemies
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Temi shared on living our enemies. She acknowledged the difficulty in doing that and showed us how to be successful in it. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 23.07.2021
5 : 12 min
This thing called Faith
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the subject of Faith. Faith is the fuel for the Christian walk without which we can’t move from one point to another. This will bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 22.07.2021
11 : 05 min
Hope again
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at God as our source of hope. Hopelessness is not from God. As long as we put our trust in God not in ourselves or someone else, we are radiant, filled with joy and peace.Listen and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 21.07.2021
9 : 10 min
Wisdom Calls out !!!
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at the benefits of walking with the wise and craving wisdom. Wisdom calls out to everyone. It is a free gift from God which we can all access if we desire.Listen and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 20.07.2021
8 : 20 min
Non-transactional Praise
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast today. We begin this week’s season by looking at Praise, the very core of our existence here on earth. Should our praise be transaction based?Listen and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 19.07.2021
9 : 06 min
Casting down ideologies
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. We wrap this weeks season with a teaching on subtle concepts sold by the enemy and how we can overcome. Listen and be blessed. Don’t forget to share !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 16.07.2021
8 : 56 min
Ask whatever you wish and it will be done
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today’s episode teaches about what we need to do to receive our petitions from God. God is more willing to grant your request than you’re willing to ask him. What do we have to do?Listen, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 15.07.2021
10 : 10 min
What to do when you feel spiritually attacked
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we learnt an important life lesson from King David. His response when he was about to be killed by King Saul. This encounter is not strange to us as some of us face this is diverse ways. This will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 14.07.2021
8 : 55 min
What if your thoughts were known by others
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast…. Today’s topic is quite sensitive as we all like to protect our thoughts from others. It’s no doubt that we may lose friends/family if they knew what we were thinking but we have a God who loves us and does not condemn us but saves us from our mess. We’re certain this will bless you.Please listen and share !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 13.07.2021
9 : 56 min
Love Vs Spiritual gifts || What’s your take?
Hello listeners , welcome to the WORDup Podcast and thanks for tuning in. Today, we looked at a tricky comparison. Is it really tricky? Which would you pick if you were asked to choose?Listen and let’s hear your opinion on the comment section.Shalom !!! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 12.07.2021
8 : 10 min
Do not Fear - The Lord will help you : Isaiah 41:13
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. It’s been an amazing week. Today, we looked at the subject of fear. Many things happening can cause one to be afraid but there’s a promise and assurance of help from Jesus. Turn your fears over to him for he cares.Have a pleasant and fearless weekendHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 09.07.2021
8 : 38 min
I will not be afraid - Isaiah 12:2
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.There are many things out there to bring fear into ones life but fear is not from God but the enemy. We looked at Isaiah 12:2 today and the emphasis was on trusting in the Lord and how he’s going to help when least expected. Listen and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 08.07.2021
6 : 45 min
Rock Vs Sand - Matthew 7:24
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, we looked at Jesus’ final words on the sermon on the mount. Having said many things he made the comparison between rock and sand builders. Listen she be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 07.07.2021
9 : 16 min
Checks and balances
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. With each passing day, we get busier and reading the word of God has to be intentional otherwise we may slip. Today, we looked at psalm 119:11 how storing God’s word in our heart can help us be be in check. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 06.07.2021
8 : 17 min
For the Lord is good - Psalms 100:5
Thanks for joining the WORDup Podcast. Last week, we published our 100th episode to the Glory of God. It’s been an exciting journey in God’s word. Today we look at the goodness and love of God.God bless you!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 05.07.2021
5 : 05 min
Secured in His Love - Romans 8:39
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. It’s been an exciting week with God blessing us daily.Today, we looked at the Father’s assurance to us of his eternal love to us in spite of what we face or where we are. This love is unconditional and God has expressed this through his son Jesus and has also poured it out to us by His Holy Spirit giving us the ability to live like him. We believe this will bless you.Listen, comment, share and be blessed!!!See you next week Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 02.07.2021
12 : 21 min
Come Boldly - Hebrews 4:16
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast.Today, we talked about the open invitation from God the father to us all even when we’re at our lowest moments… He says to us COME !!! He’s not condemning us.. He’ll never do that. No matter where you’re at, he says COME!!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 01.07.2021
8 : 59 min
LOVE your enemies - Matthew 5:44
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Temi teaches us how to achieve a humanly impossible task by the power of the Holy Spirit. Loving our enemies or someone being obviously wicked to us is quite humanly difficult but if we’re children of God, He expects us to be like him. God loves us when we were his enemies (sinners) This will bless you!!!We’d like to respond to your questions if you have any. See you tomorrowHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 30.06.2021
6 : 28 min
Be calm !!! Let God Fight for you
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Temi shared an important principle that we all need to imbibe. Calmness in the midst of fierce opposition. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t know what to do???Listen, share and be blessed.!!!See you tomorrowHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 29.06.2021
7 : 28 min
The Witness - Acts 1:8
Thanks for joining us for this week’s podcast. We’re excited to have you. Today, we looked at the empowered witness. Are you an action or recipient witness? Who is a witness?Listen and be blessed. See you tomorrow Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 28.06.2021
7 : 02 min
Back to the TOP - Acts 3:19
Thanks for joining us this week, it definitely has been an exciting moment for us. We hope you have been blessed so far. Ms Temi Brings us the word of God today teaching from Acts 3:19 and she lays emphasis on how we can get back to the top. Please listen and share. See you next week by His Grace.God blessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 25.06.2021
6 : 04 min
New Jerusalem ( No more tears )- Rev 21:4
Thanks for tuning in today…yesterday we talked about the caring God and today still in same light God is interested in wiping every tear from your eyes. He’s not just interested, he wants to do it if you let him. Listen and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 24.06.2021
9 : 11 min
God cares for you
Thanks for tuning in today. We looked at the scripture Palms 8:3-4. God us mind FULL of you. He’s always thinking about you. God cares for you. That’s our message to you today.Please listen and share freelyHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 23.06.2021
9 : 02 min
The benefits of waiting on God- Psalm 27:14
Thanks for tuning in this beautiful day. We shared on the subject waiting on God and this is not an easy task especially as we’re in a microwave world. Fast food and everything happening fast. Listen to see how you can benefit from waiting on God.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 22.06.2021
11 : 55 min
Fear is a spirit - 2Timothy 1:7
Welcome to this brand new week and thanks for tuning in. We shared today on the Spirit of fear and how to overcome it. We can’t use physical means to fight spiritual things. Fear is a Spirit and it must be defeated as such. Listen, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 21.06.2021
9 : 35 min
Love your neighbour
Thanks for tuning in today. We bring this week’s episodes to a wrap being blessed by the ministry gift of Minister Sijibomi Adekunle as he teaches on loving your neighbour. This is a profound teaching and dear to God’s heart if we are able to put to practice. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 19.06.2021
8 : 16 min
Dealing with the fundamentals of human worries
Thanks for tuning in today. Minister Sijibomi Adekunle teaches us about our worries and how to deal with them. Life can bring much concerns our way but what’s our response?Listen and share freelyHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 17.06.2021
11 : 27 min
How to overcome your weakness
Thanks for tuning in today. We All experience struggles in one area or another but Minister Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word of hope on how we can overcome the challenges that have held us down thus far. This word is so apt in our world. We all need to hear this message again and again to receive the help available to us.Please Listen and share freely.God bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 16.06.2021
8 : 53 min
How to have good success
Thanks for tuning in today. Today’s teaching by Minister Sijibomi Adekunle is focused on how to use God’s word to achieve success. He laid emphasis on our relationship with God’s word and we can with it to work for us. This is a life principle for success. Please share with your loved ones .Shalom Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 15.06.2021
12 : 14 min
The Shadow Resident
Hello Friends, thanks for tuning in today. Our verse for the day is Psalm 91:1-2 and Minister Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word with so much precision and zeal, rightly dividing the word of truth. I encourage you to listen and share as this will immensely bless you. See you tomorrow Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 14.06.2021
11 : 51 min
Don’t be troubled - John 14:1
Thanks for tuning in this whole week. It’s been a pleasure having you on the podcast. Today we shared on how to handle the troubles of life coming into our heart and we featured Pastor Marvin Sapp’s he saw the best in me. This will bless you. See you next week. God bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 12.06.2021
13 : 47 min
Intoxicated - Jeremiah 31:25
Thanks for tuning in today. On this episode we looked at the promise of God to fill us till we’re drenched. There’s a vacuum in humans that no one can fill. No matter how we try, that space will remain empty until we fill it up by the right means.God blessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 10.06.2021
8 : 32 min
The Password called Praise - Featuring Pastor Jonathan Nelson
Thanks for tuning in today. In this episode we shared on the open password. We All protect our passwords but God has given His to us openly. It’s no secret. We also featured Pastor Jonathan Nelson’s praise. God bless youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 09.06.2021
14 : 55 min
How to change your season
Thanks for tuning in today. On this episode we shared on the different seasons we experience in life. Special attention was paid on the night season, how we handle it to change the narrative. We trust this will bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 08.06.2021
8 : 46 min
Stone or Flesh
Thanks for tuning in today. On this episode we considered the nature of our hearts as depicted in Ezekiel 36:26. What’s the state of your heart? Stone or flesh?Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 07.06.2021
8 : 10 min
The power of the tongue
Thanks for tuning in this week. It’s been lovely having you on the podcast. Today, we shared on the power of the tongue. You’ll be amazed what impact this little member of the body has on your life. I shared my personal experience on this episode as well, how I dropped the ball. Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 04.06.2021
11 : 37 min
When the Door does the knocking
Thanks for tuning in today. In this episode, we looked at the guest standing at the door of our hearts knocking repeatedly. The Door himself is knocking at our door. He won’t force his opinion on you. Will you let him?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 04.06.2021
7 : 31 min
The Ambassador
Thanks for tuning in today. In this episode, we looked at the life of a Christian being a representative of Christ everywhere. Colossians 3:17. We shared practical examples on how to represent Christ in the work place, home and neighbourhood..Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 03.06.2021
12 : 35 min
Overcoming Temptation
Thanks for tuning in today. In this episode, we looked at the measure of temptation each of us are faced with. Scriptures make us understand that we won’t be tempted with more than we can bear... there’s so much to learn from this episode. It’s practically longer than our average verse of the day. Please listen to the end as some keys are released at the end. God blessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 01.06.2021
14 : 45 min
Give Thanks
Thanks for tuning in today. It’sa brand new week and the last day in the month of May, 2021. Today, we looked at the importance of giving thanks and how it can open current and future doors for us. When you develop a lifestyle of thanksgiving, God has unlimited access to move in your life and you’re filled with testimonies of his goodness. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 31.05.2021
7 : 02 min
5 Wardrobe essentials
Thanks for tuning in today. In today’s episode we talked about 5 essential clothing everyone needs in their wardrobe. It’s been an amazing week with you. We hope you have been blessed by the WORDup Podcast. Do have a pleasant week. See you next week. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 28.05.2021
9 : 31 min
John 3:17
Thanks for tuning in today. On this episode, Matthew shared on one key differentiating belief between Christians and others. Why we believe what we believe. How is Jesus the son of God when God has no wife?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 27.05.2021
5 : 53 min
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shares on the subject of forgiveness and how it impacts our lives as children if God. Unforgiveness is a major hindrance to the prayers of the saints. Please listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 26.05.2021
8 : 37 min
How to live an easy life
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew teaches on how Christians can live an easy and stress-free life. The person of the Holy Spirit is so under utilised by the ones he’s been sent to help. He is the key to a stress-free life. Please listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 25.05.2021
10 : 32 min
Yes you can !!!
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew shared how Jesus reacted to the act of neglect demonstrated by Jesus’ disciples to him when he was arrested. A time when we would consider that he needed their support as friends to go through the unimaginable sacrifice at least to encourage him. Listen, comment, share and please do leave us a review If you’ve been blessed by the WORDup Podcast... you’d help us reach more people with the word of God.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 24.05.2021
9 : 11 min
How to change your life with your words
Thanks for tuning in today. This week’s podcast ends with a profound teaching on how we can change our lives with our words. We may think we’re only joking when we say certain things but bible makes us understand that we will give account of every idle word. This teaching will change your life. Ensure not to listen alone but share will your friends and family.Have a pleasant weekend.See you next weekHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 22.05.2021
9 : 25 min
How to get your desires met
Thanks for tuning in today. In today’s episode, we talked about how to get our desires granted by God. God is not only keen on meeting your needs and wants, he also wants to grant the desires and cravings of your heart. You can have your desires in a godly way if you love him. Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 20.05.2021
11 : 30 min
The untapped power of Praise
Thanks for tuning in today. In today’s episode, we shared on the untapped power of praise. Praise to God is a sacrifice and God moves in ways we cannot explain when we praise him genuinely with a pure heart. Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 19.05.2021
9 : 05 min
The EYES of the Lord - 1Peter 3:12
Thanks for tuning in today. Matthew talks about the eyes of the Lord being upon the righteous. He uses 2 profound analogies to drive his point home. Like a parent loves their children, even more, God loves us and his eyes are upon us to help us. Listen, comment, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 18.05.2021
9 : 45 min
Is He good? Nahum 1:7
Thanks for tuning in today. In today’s episode, Matthew asks a very sensitive question, is He good? Talking about Jesus. What’s your opinion about him. He himself had to ask his disciples what they thought about him. What’s your opinion based on? Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 17.05.2021
11 : 24 min
What do you do when things are not working as planned?
Thanks for tuning in today.Minister Siji delivers to us keys to help forge ahead when things are not going as expected. It’s been a phenomenal week. If you didn’t join all for every episode, we advise you go back and listen to this week’s episodes. They will transform your life for better.Listen, comment, share!!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 15.05.2021
9 : 44 min
The Gift of Peace
Thanks for tuning in today. Minister Sijibomi Adekunle shares how that the peace of God is one under-utilised gift from God. He shows us how to access God’s peace in a troubled world where the media portrays doom and gloom.Listen, comment, share and be blessed Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 13.05.2021
6 : 17 min
The Treasure within
Thanks for tuning in today. Minister a Siji brings us the word of Grace and speaks about the treasure we are and have. You are not who others say you are. People only speak based on their store and that doesn’t define you. Listen, comment, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 13.05.2021
10 : 07 min
How to refresh your mind
Thanks for tuning in today. In a world where so many things are troubling minds, Minister Sijibomi Adekunle brings us God’s word showing us how to refresh our minds and make right decisions at all times.Listen, comment, share and be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 11.05.2021
10 : 48 min
Doing Good - Hebrews 13:16
Thanks for joining in today. Minister Sijibomi Adeola Adekunle brings the word of God expressly to us today from Hebrews 13:16. Have you given up on doing good? Who are you loving to please?Listen, share, comment and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 11.05.2021
10 : 06 min
The strong tower
Thanks for tuning in to The WORDup Podcast. Today, we shared on the name of the Lord being a strong tower. Unchanging and unending. His reign is forever.Listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 07.05.2021
7 : 33 min
How to pray effectively
Thanks for tuning in to the podcast. Today, Matthew shared about prayer and the keys to pray effectively.Listen, state and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 06.05.2021
6 : 35 min
Whoever calls
Thank you for tuning in to today’s podcast. Matthew shares on the name Jesus. There is a guarantee that whoever calls on Jesus will be saved. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve been through. He’s waiting for your call. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 05.05.2021
7 : 34 min
How to overcome sin
Thanks for tuning in to the WORDup Podcast. Today, Matthew shared the keys a Christian needs to overcome the life of sin. Although were Christians saved from the life of sin, we sometimes err but does that make us sinners?Are we still sinners if we make one mistake as Christians?Listen, comment, share!!!!Blessings Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 05.05.2021
11 : 46 min
One God
Thanks for tuning in to the podcast today. I welcome you to the month of May.Today, we shall answer these questions?Do all religions serve one God?How does God cope with everything happening in the world with billions of people?Listen, share and be blessed!!! Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 03.05.2021
7 : 19 min
Healing by his stripes
Thanks for tuning in to today’s podcast. Today, we talked about the healing Jesus wrought for us on the cross. There’s no ailment that exempted. You can access your healing by Faith in His stripes.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 30.04.2021
8 : 01 min
The Righteousness of God
This episode talks about the struggle mankind have faced for generations to achieve righteousness. The bloods of bulls and goats have been tried but they could only suffice for a time. Can we have a permanent solution to this?Can anyone really be righteous in this world.Listen, share & be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 29.04.2021
8 : 59 min
How to love perfectly
Thanks for tuning in today. This episode teaches us how to be perfected in love. How to move from one level of love to another. Listen, share and be blessed. I look forward to your questions & comments .Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 28.04.2021
6 : 08 min
It’s my decision
Welcome to The WORDup Podcast. In today’s episode we talked about the quality of our decisions and our will. Can we trust ourselves to get to The best destination or is there something better?God sees far and beyond. Hence we can trust his judgement to guide us in every aspect of life. [email protected] Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 27.04.2021
8 : 57 min
The tactics of Satan
This episode addresses the tactics of the enemy and how he constantly devises means to bring you down. How can you overcome ? You have already overcome if you’re in Christ but you must not buy what he sells. What is he selling?Listen, share and be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 26.04.2021
9 : 26 min
How to fulfil the law
This episode talks about the fulfilment of the law by the recommended means. There are people who still struggle with the fulfilment of the law but it shouldn’t be a struggle anymore if you do it this way. Listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 23.04.2021
8 : 20 min
The earth is the Lord’s
This episode talks about the earth, how it was created and who had ownership over the earth. Please listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 22.04.2021
4 : 44 min
Self Love
This episode talks about self love and the deceptive nature of social media life which many live. We’re all unique and will get to our destinations in time. Are you living to impress others? What’s the motive for what you do?Listen, share and comment. [email protected] Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 21.04.2021
7 : 49 min
The Lord is my shepherd - Psalm 23
This talks about the nature of Christ being our shepherd and we as sheep. What’s the most difficult thing you think a sheep does ? Let me know in the comment section below.Please listen, share and be blessed.Email - matthewojars @gmail.comHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 21.04.2021
8 : 20 min
Exalt the Lord
On this episode we spent some time worshiping Jesus. Special song by a very anointed music minister, Solomon Johnson.Listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 16.04.2021
8 : 25 min
The equation of prayer
This episode talks about the balanced equation of prayer. The fundamental requirements to have a meaningful and result oriented prayer. Listen, share and be blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 15.04.2021
8 : 11 min
Secrets to Successful Leadership
This episode talks about the ideal style of leadership and the path to greatness. It changes the narrative from what is popularly known and presents you with the best model as practiced by Jesus. Please listen, content and share.God blessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 14.04.2021
6 : 30 min
Keys to Success in life
This episode teaches us about the keys to living an exceptional life in a fast paced society. No matter how busy life is, if you engage these keys, you must get results. Listen, share and be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 13.04.2021
8 : 50 min
How to deal with Trials
This episode teaches about the response we ought to have in the face of challenges and what troubles do to us. Depression is on the rise, but is that God’s will for his children? Life is not without challenges so how do we overcome?Please listen, leave a comment & shareHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 12.04.2021
10 : 30 min
Those who wait
Thanks for tuning in today. Minister Siji Adeola Adekunle continues to explain the scriptures by the power of the Holy Spirit. He talks about those who wait on the Lord, the benefits that await those who do. Please listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 10.04.2021
10 : 21 min
He can hear you
Thanks for tuning in today. Our beloved Minister Siji takes us on a word ride as he shows us that God ain’t deaf as some think. He’s constantly hearing everything you say especially when you use the magic word. Listen, share and be blessedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 09.04.2021
9 : 36 min
Jesus was there and I didn’t know it.
Thanks for tuning in today. Minister Siji Adeola Adekunle shares on the priceless presence of Jesus Christ and how we have neglected/ignored/snubbed him even while he’s very present with us. He also enlightened us on the benefits of his presence. Please Listen, share and be blessed. You can also drop a comment, question or review if this blesses you. Shalom Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 07.04.2021
9 : 36 min
The untapped greatness in the little
Thanks for tuning in today. Our guest, Minister Siji Adekunle Adeola shares from the scriptures by divine revelation, keys to accessing the untapped greatness in what we already possess. Your golden egg might just be with you and you don’t know it. You might have be treating your goose poorly that’s why it’s not yielding golden eggs. Listen, share and be blessed. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 06.04.2021
10 : 10 min
Wonders of God’s word
Thanks for tuning in today. Our guest, Minister Siji Adeola Adekunle speaks about the wonders of God’s word. This teaching will transform your life and change your approach to God’s word. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 05.04.2021
10 : 34 min
When God says NO !!!
This episode talks about the struggle a renowned Apostle went through and how he cried to God but got an unexpected response from God. What do you do when you’re expecting a yes from God but get a different response?Do you get angry and walk away or you wait patiently?Listen and be blessed.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 03.04.2021
6 : 13 min
The MAN Jesus - Must listen for all Christians & non-Christians
This is the good Friday special. This episode talks about Jesus as a man and how he’s different from other leaders. Please Listen and share. After listening to this you will not be confused any longer.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 02.04.2021
7 : 43 min
Fear Not !!! How to overcome your fears
This episode tells us why we should be afraid of nothing. It exposes us to the fact that the eternal champion is walking with us and he’ll go all out to ensure you’re safe so fear not!!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 01.04.2021
7 : 30 min
How the world can be saved
This episode discusses the only way salvation comes. There are no two ways but only one. Listen and let’s hear your opinion.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 31.03.2021
6 : 50 min
The Mandate
This episode talks about the ultimate mandate. It is my desire that as you listen, zeal will be stirred up in you to do more in favour of the mandate.Shalom. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 29.03.2021
14 : 32 min
Dead yet Alive
Thanks for tuning in.This episode talks about the importance of being dead yet much alive. As promised here’s my email if you have any questions.Subject it as WORDup Podcast then the topic. [email protected] I would love to read your comments and questions.You could ask questions or comment on any episode you choose. See you next wellHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 27.03.2021
10 : 14 min
The Power of Focus
This episode teaches us about the power of focus and transition. What you focus on become magnified. These are life applicable principles which when practiced bring mind blowing results. Listen and be transformed!!! Please leave a feedback or review if you’re being blessed by these contents. God bless you. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 25.03.2021
9 : 31 min
The Toxic relationship
In this episode I shared what God showed me about a lady in a toxic relationship with a guy.Listen and share to those affectedHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 25.03.2021
7 : 40 min
Let go
This episode talks about how to release our burdens to the Lord. Sometimes we get used to old problems and think they’re part of our lives but God wants to care for you. Let go and let God.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 24.03.2021
5 : 30 min
The Master plan
This episode talks about the infallible nature of God’s plan and how he has promised to bring you up out of that which has held you down for ages. His plan may not be all rosy like you’d expect but you can be sure of the outcome.Who’s plan are you working with?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 23.03.2021
5 : 10 min
THE light
This episode emphasises the definitive nature of us being THE light of the earth. Don’t undermine your impact. You’ve been sent to the world. If you refuse to shine, some people may remain in darknessHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
So 21.03.2021
4 : 50 min
Love is a verb
You cannot say you love God when you fail to display same to the people around you. True love is not mere Words but in actionHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 19.03.2021
4 : 50 min
Praying in the Spirit
This episode teaches us about the unspeakable benefits of praying in the Spirit and some of the reasons why we struggle with it. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 18.03.2021
14 : 39 min
Are you thirsty?
This episode addresses the desires we have and how we go about satisfying them.It tells us clearly that while some means may seem popular, there may not bring actual satisfaction of the need. Hence, we need to seek the right solution.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 17.03.2021
8 : 50 min
Big Bang Theory ? The answer scientists are still looking for.
This episode answers the question of what brings into existence the Earth. Scientists who believe a Big Bang took place are still in the dark as to what gave rise to the force which existed before the “Big Bang” This episode answers the question.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 16.03.2021
9 : 24 min
Who’s the King?
Who’s the king???Listen and find out for yourselves.Thanks for tuning in.Please leave a comment/question if you have any.CheersHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 13.03.2021
7 : 00 min
Sure reward
This episode talks about the reward that comes with doing good. It acknowledges that sometimes we get tired of doing good especially when we don’t receive much good ourselves but scriptures encourage us not to give up because we have a good reward for our good deeds.Please leave a feedback/review if this podcast is a blessing to youHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 11.03.2021
6 : 30 min
The Pacemaker
This episode of the WORDup Podcast talks about the Peace making culture of the Christian walk. This is not what we choose to do at some point when we feel like it. It is Christianity. Christianity is Peace. Anything outside of this should raise questions in our heart. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 11.03.2021
8 : 00 min
Coming out strong - 1 Peter 5:10
Today’s episode on the WORDup Podcast talks about our struggles on earth. How short lived they are and what God has promised to do to get us to the place we ought to be.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 10.03.2021
6 : 34 min
Today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast talks about the kind of relationship God expects us to have with him. He does not want some of you but ALL OF YOU. He wants us to demonstrate that we’re truly interested and he will reveal himself to usHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 09.03.2021
10 : 29 min
Plans made, steps ordered- Proverbs 16:9
Thanks for tuning in. Today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast talks about the perils of man living life without God. Humans will always need God to get to where God has destined us. Humans are smart and can make plans but God’s plan is definitely the best.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Sa 06.03.2021
10 : 59 min
How to access the Peace of God
Thanks for tuning in. Today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast teaches us about The peace of God. How to differentiate it from others. How to access and enjoy it in a world full of troubles and worries. God bless you !!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 05.03.2021
9 : 51 min
The Blessing
Thanks for tuning in.Today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast teaches us about the blessing in the face of persecution. When men persecute you for doing right, God calls you blessed. God has taken away the curse From everyone who is in Christ Jesus. You’re not cursed anymore. He doesn’t see a curse when he looks at you. He sees a blessed man / woman.What have you been saying about yourself?Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 03.03.2021
10 : 00 min
3 Types of Wisdom
Thanks for tuning in.Today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast talks about 3 types of wisdom and lays emphasis on the most important one and the consequences of walking away from it. What are the 3 types of wisdom you know?Please leave your questions and comments below if you have any. God bless you.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 02.03.2021
11 : 00 min
Novel - The new way
This episode of the WORDup Podcast talks about the unprecedented nature of love we’re meant to be operating in with Christ being our perfect example.We also examined the 4 types of love. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 01.03.2021
11 : 00 min
Thanks for tuning in today. In today’s episode of the WORDup Podcast, we address key issues affecting the society from a biblical standpoint. The effect of the pandemic and how we ought to react. I’m certain you will be blessed. Please Leave your questions and comments belowHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 26.02.2021
10 : 30 min
Refuge and strength
Thanks for tuning in today. I’m sure God has something for you. This episode of The WORDup Podcast teaches us about God being our refuge and strength. The benefit and the possible outcome if we choose not to.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 25.02.2021
8 : 02 min
Thank you for tuning in to today’s podcast. I’m glad you did.This episode of the WORDup Podcast teaches us the importance of thanksgiving. Casting our minds back to see where we have been brought from and what we could have become if not for God’s intervention can sometimes help up thank God better. We also would see David‘s attitude toward God when he was told his son would build the temple in his stead. Very important life lessons to learn. Leave a question or comment if you have any.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 24.02.2021
4 : 19 min
Giving is Living
Thank you for joining in today. This episode of the WORDup Podcast tells us about the benefits of giving and the right attitude to giving. Some people may have TVs giving culture, but we need the right attitude to get our full reward.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mi 24.02.2021
5 : 34 min
The Rescue Plan
Thanks for tuning in to the today. We’re glad you’re here.This episode of The WORDup Podcast helps us Understand the rescue plan of God for humanity. Feel free to have a comment if you have a question or a comment on any of the listening channels & we’ll be more than happy to respond as quick as possible. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 22.02.2021
10 : 00 min
Demand & Supply
Must hear!!! This episode of the WORDup Podcast teaches us the principles of demand and supply. Supply increases as demand increases. Supply ceases when there’s no demand.Matthew 6:11.Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 19.02.2021
7 : 30 min
What’s your response?
This episode teaches us how to respond to the tactics of the devil when he comes tempting.What’s your response???Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Fr 19.02.2021
4 : 11 min
This episode of the WORDup Podcast challenges us to check where we stand whether In or around.John 15:5.Please let us know how this blessed you!!Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Do 18.02.2021
10 : 00 min
Be strong and courageous !!! You can achieve your dreams
This episode teaches us how to be strong and courageous in the face of opposition. It sheds light on how to grow in strength when we’re weak and lonely. It also teaches us how to deal with fear. Deuteronomy 31:6Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Di 16.02.2021
8 : 59 min
New Creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17
In this episode, we explored 3 lessons to learn from 2Corinthians 5:17.#daily #bible studyHello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 15.02.2021
6 : 00 min
WORDup Podcast intro
This is an introduction to WORDup Podcast with Matthew Oj & Friends !!!!We’re glad to welcome you to this platform as we study God’s word together from YouVersion’s verse of the day. We hope you find these useful in your walk on earth. Hello Fam, thanks for being in the WORDup Podcast community. We’d like to connect with you. You could send us a text from here regarding this episode or previous ones and we’d do well to respond as soon as possible.
Mo 15.02.2021
2 : 15 min
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