If you were stuck on a desert island with only 4 video games to choose from for the rest of your life, what would they be? That's what our guests will be trying to answer, while also telling us about their history within the world of gaming. Hosted by Matthew Hurlow, we'll be talking to various people to see what they would spend their lives playing. New epsiodes will be up ususally on a Saturday, but on occasion this may become Sunday.
The New Year Special: 2020 in review (Sort Of)
Each year with Christmas and the New Year comes a lot of busy IRL stuff, so we've had a small break, and recorded this year in review, where we will each give some of our personal highlights for 2020 in gaming, and also just generally chat about games while going off on a tangent like we do!
I brought in all the guest hosts I could get hold of for this to have a good fun chat with.
You can find each of us at:
I hope you enjoy, and as always, have a good one.
So 03.01.2021
156 : 19 min
Streamer Stories 1: Meddadog
Streamer Stories is a new section of the podcast where we pull organizers and racers from different tournaments and charities on Twitch. Listen to how they started building their community, what they wished they knew, and what they hope for the future of their endevour
On this episode; DPX and DPC, both invented by the infamous Meddadog. Where did they come from? What will become of them? There's a funny story or two that hasn't been heard before about a father and a son. Tune in to find out!
Sa 19.12.2020
48 : 37 min
Our Lives in Gaming 8: It's Thanksgiving?
It's Thanksgiving in the USA this week, and so I've turned this into a losely themed Thanksgiving episode for my american co-hosts.
We've brought back mm2nescartridge and Cheesereaver to show thanks for the entertainment they bring us, and because unfortunately Jaychalke was unavailable.
The quiz this week has a thanksgiving twist, and we are going to go way off topic with the Steam Autumn sale going on!
If you want to show some love and support you can find us all on twitch at:
And as always, we are most thankful to you, for taking the time to listen.
So Thanks, and have a good one!
Mo 30.11.2020
124 : 28 min
Our Lives in Gaming 7: Return of the Prodigal...
My throat is mostly better, Cinaeth turns up on time for the show, and Jaychalke returns this week to give us our first true steam clear update in a while.
We talk about what we've been playing, what's news is around in the world of gaming (console release time), and what games are free right now.
We also have our quiz, and it's pretty straight forward for a change, can Jaychalke finally get a legitimate win?
If you want to check any of the group out we can be found on twitch at:
And as always, thanks for listening, and have a good one!
Di 17.11.2020
92 : 43 min
Our Lives in Gaming 6: MegaMan Mega Man saves the day!
Once again I join up with Cinaeth and we're joined by recent Desert Island Gaming guest mm2nescartridge as Jaychalke is yet again unavailable due to other commitments. Fair warning, some bad language is used.
As always we talk about what we've been playing, what's news is around in the world of gaming, and what games are free right now.
We also have our quiz, for which I've selected a topic Jaychalke would have loved if he was here, I'm not sure these guys will feel the same.
If you want to check any of the group out we can be found on twitch at:
And as always, thanks for listening, and have a good one!
Mo 02.11.2020
80 : 30 min
MM2nescartridges' Live in Gaming
In this episode of Desert Island Gaming, we talk to mm2nescartridge, our youngest guest yet at Your Lives in Gaming, and a real fun guy to game with.
There is some slight language use in this episode.
What games has mm2 chosen to be stuck with on our desert island with?
If you want to know more about mm2, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at https://www.twitch.tv/mm2nescartridge
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Do 29.10.2020
115 : 19 min
Our Lives in Gaming 5: Legend of Cheese
Once again I join up with Cinaeth and guest host Cheesereaver as Jaychalke was unavailable due to other commitments. Fair warning, there may be some language used.
As always we talk about what we've been playing, what's news is around in the world of gaming, and what games are free right now.
We also have our Legend of Zelda quiz, will the cohosts feel sufficiently punished after their attempts at cheating last time out? Come find out.
If you want to check any of the group out we can be found on twitch at:
And as always, thanks for listening, and have a good one!
Mo 19.10.2020
105 : 22 min
Our Lives in Gaming 4: A Knife to the Back
As always we discuss what we have been playing, what's the news and what's free in gaming, and this week we get a more accurate update on Jaychalke's Steam clear adventure.
When Cinaeth and Jaychalke go head to head in this episode's quiz, prepared by our previous guest Cheesereaver, there is an unexpected twist, with accusations of dishonesty starting pretty early.
Come and check it out!
You can catch all of us streaming at twitch.tv:
As always, thank you for listening, and have a good one!
Mo 05.10.2020
76 : 30 min
Our Lives in Gaming 3: Something Cheesy
First off a little warning, there is some swearing in this episode.
Due to other commitments Jaychalke isn't available this week, so we brought in the best guest we could find, CheeseReaver, as always we discuss what we have been playing, what's the news and what's free in gaming, and we get an update on Jaychalke's Steam clear adventure.
There is also our quiz, in which Cheesereaver and Cinaeth go toe to toe on gaming movie trivia.
You can check all of us out on stream at twitch:
As always, thank you for listening, and have a good one!
Mo 21.09.2020
103 : 57 min
Cinaeth's Lives in Gaming
In this episode of Desert Island Gaming, we talk to Cinaeth, one half of the excellent new co-host team here at Your Lives in Gaming, what game's has Cinaeth chosen to be stuck with on our desert island?
If you want to know more about Cinaeth, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at https://www.twitch.tv/cinaeth
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Mo 14.09.2020
126 : 13 min
Our Lives in Gaming 2: Have We Even Got a Title?
I am joined again by Jaychalke and Cinaeth to catch up on what we've been playing, what's been going on in the world of gaming, Jay has brought some 'real' gaming questions to us, and I quiz the co-hosts on random things again!
Don't forget to check us out on twitch and show some love:
As always thanks for listening, and have a good one!
Di 08.09.2020
96 : 39 min
The Start of Something...
So we will begin this week with a small update on the what is happening with the podcast. Basically IRL is super busy and so a few things are changing for the time being.
For the bulk of this episode I will be joined again by good friends Jaychalke and Cinaeth, and we are gonna chat about gaming in general and what we've been playing.
My co-hosts can be found at https://www.twitch.tv/jaychalke and https://www.twitch.tv/cinaeth if you'd like to show them some love.
And if you can catch me stream it will be at https://www.twitch.tv/mrddraig.
And as always, thanks for listening, and have a good one.
Sa 22.08.2020
121 : 51 min
The All Kids Deserve To Eat Special: The Review
In another special episode, I am again joined by twitch streamers Jaychalke and Cinaeth to review and chat about the All Kid's Deserve to Eat charity marathon.
We follow up on how the event what down, how much was raised, and what were some hype moments that occurred, and a few other little bits as we go!
You can find each of my guests at:
And myself at:
And again, a huge thank you to everyone who supported and donated to the event, it was an incredible showing all in all, I want to give a special shoutout to Cheesereaver for the excellent commentary he brought at so many points of the event, plus all the other people who got involved in commentary for each run.
And finally, huge shout outs to all the people listed below who ran in the event:
Sa 01.08.2020
86 : 04 min
The All Kids Deserve to Eat Special!
In this special episode, I am joined by twitch streamers Jaychalke and Cinaeth to get a little preview on the upcoming All Kid's Deserve to Eat charity marathon.
We have a chat about the origins of the event, what people have been doing to raise money for it so far, and what's actually happening at the event.
I hope we'll get to see you show up for the event to show your support.
The event itself is taking place at https://www.twitch.tv/jaychalke on July 17/18th starting at 10am Eastern
The shedule can be found at http://tiny.cc/AKDTE_Schedule
The event merch mentioned in the episode can be found at https://route2apparel.com/AKDTE
Do 16.07.2020
55 : 56 min
Sam Kirwan's Lives in Gaming
In this latest episode I interview my good personal friend Sam Kirwan to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
Sam isn't a streamer or a speedrunner of anything, he's just a good friend that likes videogames, and I wanted to see what he would go for.
We also give a little reminder of the All Kids Deserve to Eat marathon, which you can find July 17/18, on https://www.twitch.tv/jaychalke, starting 10 AM Eastern Time. Hopefully you'll be able to check some of that out.
As always,
Thanks for listening, and have a good one.
So 12.07.2020
96 : 14 min
Cheesereaver's Lives in Gaming
In this latest episode I interview twitch streamer Cheesereaver to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
This again is a bit of a longer episode, but it's hard to cut much out of such a fun chat.
If you want to know more about Cheesereaver, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at https://www.twitch.tv/cheesereaver
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Mo 06.07.2020
124 : 44 min
P0llymorph's Live's in Gaming
In this latest episode I interview twitch streamer P0llymorph to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
f you want to know more about P0llymorph, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at https://www.twitch.tv/p0llymorph
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Mo 29.06.2020
92 : 26 min
swap_space's Lives in Gaming
In this latest episode I interview twitch streamer swap_space to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
We also discuss some of the plans for the previously mentioned All Kids Deserve to Eat charity marathon, which you can find more information on at https://discord.gg/QVdWjep
If you want to know more about swap_space, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at https://www.twitch.tv/swap_space
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Sa 20.06.2020
114 : 50 min
Android_dreams' Lives in Gaming
In yet another delayed episode I interview twitch streamer android_dreams to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
After some electrical issues at home slowing me down, this episode has ended up a little bit longer than expected, but again I didn't want to cut too much out of what had been a really great talk around some great games selected.
If you want to know more about android_dreams, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at twitch.tv/android_dreams
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
So 14.06.2020
119 : 11 min
Azder's Lives in Gaming
In this much delayed episode I interview twitch streamer Azder to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time. This episode has been delayed quite a bit due to an unexpected hard drive failure, thankfully I've been able to recover almost all of the data, this episode is a little bit longer than the previous episodes, but I didn't want to cut anything out of what had been a really great chat about some great games.
If you want to know more about Azder, or you'd like to show some love and support, you can find him at twitch.tv/azder.
As always, thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Sa 30.05.2020
113 : 16 min
Zach Williams' Lives in Gaming
To start off, a little warning, there is some language in this episode.
In this episode we interview Zach Williams, host of the mostbestpodcast, and a personal friend, to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
Zach is someone who does not consider himself a gamer, and I think that brings a different perspective to things. We do go off on a few tangents, but had great fun recording the episode.
If you want to know more about Zach, check out the mostbestpodcast at anchor.fm/most-best-podcast, you can also follow him on various social media under mostbestpodcast, and definitely check out some of his bands work at palebastard.bandcamp.com.
Thanks for listening
I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Do 23.04.2020
76 : 00 min
TracieM's Lives in Gaming
In this episode we interview twitch streamer TracieM to see what games she's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
This episode is a bit longer than the others because we just spent so long chatting about games.
If you want to know more about TracieM, or you'd like to show her some love and support, you can find him at twitch.tv/traciem. Thanks for listening
This is the first episode in which some actual editing was needed, almost entirely to reduce the overall length, but I've tried to keep it to a minimum hence the longer episode.
I hope you enjoy, and have a good one.
Mi 15.04.2020
84 : 02 min
Ponk's Lives in gaming
In the second episode we interview twitch streamer Ponk to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time. If you want to know more about Ponk, or you'd like to show him some love and support, you can find him at twitch.tv/ponktus. Thanks for listening.
Mi 08.04.2020
63 : 52 min
Jaychalke's Lives in Gaming
In the inaugural episode we interview twitch streamer Jaychalke to see what games he's chosen to be stuck with until the end of time.
If you want to know more about Jaychalke, or you'd like to show him some love and support, you can find him at twitch.tv/jaychalke.
Thanks for listening.
Mi 01.04.2020
71 : 34 min
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