Läuft häufig auf:
Dark Star Radio Abriosis
Peering Into Oblivion 4 : 43
Raged by Pain 2 : 11
Energy Rock Radio
Destroyed Indian Nightmare
Fire Meets Steel 0 : 03
Hellradio 666
Henker Radio Supertramp
Goodbye Stranger (12 Inch Version) 9 : 22
NRV Radio Тінь Водяної L'Ombre de l'Ondine
Сирени Дніпра Les sirènes du Dniepr 1 : 15
Rebel Radio Trouble
The Misery Shows (Act II) 5 : 35
Metrockcity State of Mine
The Wolves 1 : 21
Rockfeuer Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons
Welcome to Hell 1 : 23
alien rocks radio Slipknot
All Out Life 4 : 52
Rudixy Nitrogods
Did Jesus Turn Water Into Beer 2 : 36
TATTOO METAL Radio Stream Judas Priest
Rock Hard Ride Free 2 : 11
KMGN 2.0 blink‐182
I Miss You 1 : 54
Metaltv Radio Forty Legs
Summon The Guts 0 : 13
Newclear Radio Breaking Benjamin
Feed the Wolf 2 : 49
Pinguin Aardschok Iced Earth
The Reckoning (Don’t Tread on Me) 2 : 30
Sbc Radio
Rebel Radio 716 Trouble
The Misery Shows (Act II) 5 : 35
The Hardest Station in the Freakin' Nation! Chicago, IL USA | Rebel Radio Trouble
The Misery Shows (Act II) 5 : 35
RADIO BOB - Metal Powerwolf
Sanctified With Dynamite 2 : 40
Port Rock radio Mister Misery
Ballad of the Headless Horseman 4 : 17
Shogun Rocks Bullet for My Valentine
The Last Fight 2 : 26
Letters into Eternity
Who I Am 2 : 44
Radio Fucking Metal Twilight Force
Dawn of the Dragonstar 0 : 47
Alternative X-Rock Station Skillet
Forever or the End 2 : 02
RADIO BOB - Women Of Rock Royale Lynn feat. Danny Worsnop
Death Wish 2 : 19
Breakout Dj's Radio Jet
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 1 : 04
97.3 The ARC Havok
Intention to Deceive 0 : 58
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