Rockkanalen Presidents Of The USA
Video Killed the Radio Star 1 : 01
Radio 208 Vibrators, The
Baby Baby 1 : 47
Globus Guld Midt
80s, Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock
Radio Globus
P5 Baby Come Back
The Equals 2 : 37
P6 Beat
Radio Alfa Østjylland BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 2 : 25
Retro-Radio The Toys
A Lover's Concerto 1 : 01
ClassicROCK København
Radio Als Roxette
Listen to Your Heart 1 : 30
Limfjord Mix Billy Joel
Tell Her About It 18 : 54
P4 KBH DR P4 København 0 : 51
P5 Fyn
Globus Guld Syd
P5 Nordjylland Baby Come Back
The Equals 2 : 36
Radio VLR Lionel Richie
Do It to Me 2 : 02
P4 Fyn
Globus Guld Kolding
Radio Alfa Gold The Police
Message in a Bottle 9 : 56
Nordic Lodge Copenhagen Jaegar Bomb
Horse Noodles 1 : 27
Skala FM Nik & Jay/Burhan G
Tættere På Himlen 0 : 35
P4 Nordjylland DR P4 Nordjylland 0 : 55
P4 Midt og vest DR P4 Midt og Vest 0 : 56
Radio Alfa - Midtjylland BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 2 : 26
P5 Ost jylland Baby Come Back
The Equals 2 : 37
P5 MidtVest Baby Come Back
The Equals 2 : 37
Globus Guld Nord
P4 Syd
P4 Esbjerg
P4 Bornholm DR P4 Bornholm 0 : 51
Radio Oest FM95 Plain White T’s
Hey There Delilah 3 : 43
Jazzkanalen og Radio Humleborg Paul Harrison
Jeg lytter til JK 2 : 01
ClassicROCK Østjylland
P4 Østjylland DR P4 Østjylland 0 : 46
Radio Alfa - Skive BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 3 : 30
TNT Radio 1 Smash Into Pieces
The Game (Womanizer) 1 : 00
Radio Limfjord Depeche Mode
Personal Jesus 5 : 07
Radio Victoria - Esbjerg Bob Marley & Funkstar De Luxe
Sun Is Shining 2 : 46
Retro-Radio Millennium MN8
I’ve Got a Little Something for You 1 : 06
SydhavsOerne Mads Langer
Raketter 5 : 02
Radio Alfa - Silkeborg BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 4 : 25
P4 Sjaelland DR P4 Sjælland 0 : 54
Radio VLR Horsens Lionel Richie
Do It to Me 2 : 02
Radio Aura
Radio Limfjord 107.8 FM
Cécile McLorin Salvant 5 : 54
Radio Skive Tove Styrke
Start Walking 4 : 54
Globus Guld Jul Annika Askman
Julen kalder 1 : 17
ANR The Ghost of You
Mimi Webb 0 : 52
Globus Guld Jule
Radio S-FM
Radio Sydvest, Skærbæk Nærradio, Radio Tønder, Radio Sønderjylland, Radio Bob, Radio Update
Radio Humleborg
Globus Guld Esbjerg
Radio SOLO Burhan G
Jeg' i live 4 : 58
World Music Radio Jacob Miller
Baby I Love You So 0 : 13
Chillout, Pop allgemein, Rhythm and Blues
Radio Alfa - Aarhus BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 3 : 00
Øst FM Plain White T’s
Hey There Delilah 3 : 43
Classic Soft Hits Aretha Franklin
I Say a Little Prayer 3 : 26
NOVA fm Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
Radio Freja Hele Danmarks Netradio
Mere musik om lidt. 1 : 08
Radio Retro - Musikken Du Kender
The Voice
Alternative Rock, Gemischtes, Hip-Hop
Classic Pop Maria McKee
Show Me Heaven 0 : 23
Radio ALR Bananarama
Cruel Summer 1 : 18
Radio Happy DK Dodo and the Dodo’s
Hele natten lang 1 : 01
902FM - Det Nye Radio Ballerup
Radio Rønde, Radio Djursland, Kanal 3 Djursland, Radio Alfa
Radio Koege
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio SLR - Koege
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
P4 Trekanten DR P4 Trekanten 0 : 54
Det Rigtige Faaborg
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
ClubFM Soft
Radio Viborg Andreas Odbjerg
I Morgen Er Der Også En Dag 1 : 18
Radio Vinyl
60s, Classic Rock, Oldies
Radio Alfa - Viborg BZN
Rockin’ the Trolls 3 : 50
Allsound FM Baccara
Parlez-vous Français? 1 : 39
P5 Esbjerg
Radio Rønde
Radio Koege
Radio Varde
Radio Victoria Christmas
Radio Køge
Radio Horsens
Radio 40 plus Vaya Con Dios
Time Flies 1 : 07
Pop FM on Radio Play Midt i en drøm
One Two 2 : 52
Radio S.N.R Rasmus Walter
Heart Of Stone 0 : 46
Club Riva Lounge Radio Borrowed Matches
Tape Machines 1 : 53
Radio SLR Slagelse
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio Klitholm
Country, Pop allgemein, Rock
Samsø Radio
90s, Eurodance, Pop allgemein
Radio SOLO - Skive Burhan G
Jeg' i live 2 : 30
Radio SNR, SNR Hits, SNR Mix Rasmus Walter
Heart Of Stone 0 : 46
VIPradio ONE Medina
12 Dage (Live) 1 : 44
VIPradio One at the 80s Madonna
La isla bonita 1 : 32
VLR Lionel Richie
Do It to Me 2 : 02
XERS Radio 10cc
Dreadlock Holiday 3 : 34
SBS Discovery - Radio 100 Cannonball
Damien Rice 3 : 21
Københavns Nærradio, Radio 2500, Christiania Radio, Radio Storbyen, Den grønne kanal, Radio Salam
Holb?k Radio
Radio SOLO - Silkeborg Burhan G
Jeg' i live 5 : 02
Radio 10FM Bonnie Tyler
Lost in France 1 : 29
Femern FM Should I Give It All Up
James Blunt 0 : 40
Radio Weekend
90s, Pop allgemein, Pop-Rock
Music For Dreams Radio
Elektronisch, Funk, Synthiepop
Radio SLR Ringsted
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio MFK - Lyden af Mariagerfjord Radio MFK Nyhederne & Vejret
Lokalt og Nationalt. Altid opdateret og ligetil 1 : 39
Radio Globus Radio Globus
Altid godt for dig! 0 : 38
Globus Guld Country Ned Miller
From a Jack to a King 0 : 31
Always Elvis Radio
Radio Viva Bob Marley & Funkstar De Luxe
Sun Is Shining 4 : 30
Radio Viva Bob Marley & Funkstar De Luxe
Sun Is Shining 4 : 30
Radio Stinesen
Charts, Club, Pop allgemein
Radio Slavonija
Charts, Nachrichten, Rock
Globus Guld Evergreens
Radio SLR Kalundborg
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio SLR Holbaek
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio SLR Naestved
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio SLR Vordingborg
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein - Christmas Nik & Jay/Burhan G
Tættere På Himlen 0 : 35
NOVA - Århus 88.6 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
Radio SOLO - Herning Radio SOLO Herning
Kun gode sange! 1 : 53
Radio Boost DJ Aligator
Danser Natten Ung 1 : 21
Radio Playback
Disco, Pop allgemein, Rock
Charts, Club, Pop allgemein
VIPradio One World Bruce Hornsby & the Range
The Way It Is 0 : 23
Radio Odsherred 107.9 FM
Charts, Pop allgemein, Rock
NOVA - Varde 87.8 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
NOVA - Hirtshals 107.0 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
Jukebox - Nonstop Music
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
E2 Mr. Belt & Wezol
It’s Not Right But It’s Okay 1 : 06
NOVA - Ålborg 106.0 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Rangstrup 89.3 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
NOVA - Rønne 105.7 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
NOVA - Thisted 87.9 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
Dance, Gemischtes, Synthiepop
70s, Alternative Rock, Wave
Gemischtes, Synthiepop, Wave
NOVA - Vejle 99.3 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
NOVA - Tønder 92.4 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Horsens 103.6 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Grenå 98.6 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Aarkirkeby 106.2 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Sønderborg 98.9 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Nordborg 107.5 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Tolne 102.4 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43
NOVA - Randers 92.5 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Tinglev 88.8 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Nexø 104.6 FM
Britpop, Charts, Pop allgemein
NOVA - Sydals 106.6 FM Cold Heart
Elton John and Dua Lipa 4 : 43 Danmark Vågner C-Soul
A Moment Of Clarity (Ft. Bluemillenium , Kara Square (Mindmapthat) , Aussens@Iter) 2 : 43
Mountain Stream
Horsens Garage Radio
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