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WR15 PRI George McCrae
Rock Your Baby 1 : 39
Best of 1974 George McCrae
Rock Your Baby 0 : 39
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SimplyRadio.com Simply Disco Radio Jazz Conspiracy
Clean and Clear 5 : 43
Koenigsburg 70er-80er Mike Oldfield
Moonlight Shadow ft. Maggie Reilly 3 : 30
Radio House Party Die Prinzen
Alles nur geklaut 0 : 59
Freemusic Radio James Brown
Night Train 0 : 29
NORA Oldieparty Buggles
Video Killed the Radio Star 2 : 17
Radio Esr Supertramp
Give a Little Bit 3 : 23
Rockradio Pur The Rubettes
If You've Got The Time 1 : 43
Jimmys Hitbox 2020 Paul Anka
(You're) Having My Baby 1 : 30
Fh Radio Billy Ocean
Loverboy 1 : 48
Cde 49 Radio Hot Chocolate
Every 1’s a Winner 1 : 56
WR09 PRI Blondie
Heart of Glass 1 : 02
Wupper Radio Doc Oldie
Internationale Oldies aus Wuppertal 12 : 26
Syndicate KarakTzorn
Borderline-Syndrom 0 : 47
Wunschbox Radio
Disco Radio Lahnperle Sailor
Girls, Girls, Girls 2 : 52
Forever 70 Earth, Wind & Fire
After the Love Has Gone 1 : 14
kronehit disco The Rolling Stones
Miss You 3 : 45
1974 Brownsville Station
Smokin’ in the Boy’s Room 2 : 45
1975 Gladys Knight & the Pips
Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me 2 : 29
Stammtisch 38 AC/DC
Hard as a Rock 2 : 03
The Ritchie Family
American Generation 1 : 02
BLUES MANOR Ohio Players
Ecstasy 11 : 51
Radio SOL SLOW Christina Aguilera
Beautiful 3 : 44
ABC Music The Real Thing
You to Me Are Everything 1 : 26
ANTENNE NRW Disco Fever Heatwave
Boogie Nights 1 : 26
OLDIE ANTENNE Disco Fever Heatwave
Boogie Nights 0 : 56
FEIERFREUND Oldie-Party Buggles
Video Killed the Radio Star 2 : 09
Radio Ostschweiz Stream Pet Shop Boys
Always on My Mind 2 : 15
Best of 1974 George McCrae
Rock Your Baby 0 : 39
KL Disco The Isley Brothers
That Lady 3 : 38
The Disco Paradise - T.K. Disco The Ritchie Family
American Generation 1 : 02
Hotmix Disco Fever Carol Douglas
Doctor’s Order 4 : 06
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