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Gradski Media Service Johnny Hates Jazz
Shattered Dreams 0 : 34
Lechtal Johnny Hates Jazz
Shattered Dreams 0 : 58
Blue fm Poznan Johnny Hates Jazz
Shatered Dreams 1 : 53
megafm Johnny Hates Jazz
Shattered Dreams (Remastered) 2 : 50
Johnny Hates Jazz
Shattered Dreams 0 : 31
Radio Livre 95 Johnny Hates Jazz
Turn Back the Clock 1 : 18
80er-Revival Johnny Hates Jazz
Turn Back the Clock (12’’ extended mix) 3 : 53
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PRESSING 90.1 Luca Carboni
Farfalina 3 : 47
ExtraNoticias Radio Def Leppard
Make Love Like a Man 1 : 11
Magic Radio Phil Fearon & Galaxy
What Do I Do 1 : 09
Beats 80 George Michael
I Want Your Sex 1 : 06
Diamondfmde Jennifer Lopez
On The Floor (Feat. Pitbull) 1 : 53
Volkers Musicbox Gerard Joling
Spanish Heart 6 : 17
Frankiepaloma Brad Paisley
He Didn’t Have to Be 1 : 54
K 1 Ngs Radio Christopher Cross
Sailing 2 : 58
105.5 BiG SOUND fm DWAA, San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines
Beach Of Waffles Christina Perri
Jar of Hearts 0 : 12
2 Decks Mad Damon
Shazam Valley (Seamus Remix) 4 : 37
Goodnews 4 U FPI Project
Rich In Paradise (Original Club Mix) 0 : 25
boomerang1980s Culture Club
Karma Chameleon 2 : 42
harmony Pet Shop Boys Radio Talk Talk
Give It Up 1 : 49
COMUCOSAS teamwork., Loote & John K
Wasted Summer 0 : 54
R.SH 80er Arthur Baker and the Backbeat Disciples featuring Al Green
The Message Is Love 2 : 19
Donderschoer Radio Vandenberg
Burning Heart 3 : 52
RDG Music (Classics Only) Nick Kamen
Each Time You Break My Heart 0 : 36
Flonux Radio
Regenbogen Radio Kim Wilde
Kids in America 2 : 57
VIPradio One at the 80s Def Leppard
Hysteria 1 : 50
uevsbv2zcd3vv Gordon Lightfoot
If You Could Read My Mind 0 : 26
Boy Meets Girl
Waiting for a Star to Fall 3 : 42
FG New Wave Men at Work
Down Under 2 : 49
harmony nrw Tears for Fears
Mad World 2 : 08
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