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RADIO BOB - Rock Hits Powerwolf
Sinners of the Seven Seas 0 : 33
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Gaming Funk
Radio 3 Sixty Beyond the Black
Human 0 : 38
Rock Fusion 27 Nightwish
The Poet and the Pendulum 8 : 10
Speedradio 1 Slayer
Raining Blood 2 : 21
Philsrockstation Grave Digger
Rebellion 0 : 05
Radio Euro Alphaville
Big in Japan 1 : 52
Darkwave Sounds Noisex
Vrain On Vacation 0 : 54
Radio Ghost Tempel Eskimo Callboy
MC Thunder 3 : 47
Gothmetal Arch Enemy
The World Is Yours 4 : 36
666 Metal Amon Amarth
Twilight of the Thunder God 1 : 38
Toni Written by Wolves
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover) 0 : 02
Lord Und Schlumpfi
Alpha Linkin Park
Leave Out All the Rest 1 : 20
6 FM Nightwish
Bless the Child 2 : 44
Metalmaniacs Radio Act of Creation
Violet Red 1 : 44
Htd Rock Limb Bizkit
Nookie (no laughter) 3 : 55
ROCK ANTENNE Symphonic Rock Nightwish
The Crow, the Owl and the Dove 3 : 58
The Dark Family Radio
Filiinoctis Battle Beast
The Hero 1 : 26
Metaltv Radio Monastery
Shiksha (The Path) 3 : 13
Radicals FM Kärbholz
Überdosis Leben 0 : 09
Black Raven Van Canto
Fear of the Dark 0 : 01
Top Rock Danny Worsnop
Best Bad Habit 0 : 21
RADIO BOB - Power Metal Scanner
Terminal Earth 0 : 54
History Radio Weezer
Beverly Hills 0 : 53
RADIO BOB - Metal Testament
Stronghold 2 : 19
Greta Van Fleet
Highway Tune 1 : 38
Real Metal Beartooth
The Surface 2 : 04
ROCK ANTENNE Hamburg Symphonic Rock Nightwish
The Crow, the Owl and the Dove 3 : 57
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