Rockkanalen The Black Crowes
Jealous Again 0 : 37
Radio 208 Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
Zig Zag Wanderer 2 : 04
P5 Monday, Monday
The Mamas and the Papas 2 : 40
Radio Alfa Gold ABBA
Does Your Mother Know 1 : 17
Retro-Radio Elisabeth Edberg
Eviva España 3 : 01
P5 Fyn Monday, Monday
The Mamas and the Papas 2 : 40
P5 Nordjylland Monday, Monday
The Mamas and the Papas 2 : 40
Radio Vinyl Let It Be
The Beatles 0 : 28
Globus Guld Midt The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
P5 Ost jylland Monday, Monday
The Mamas and the Papas 2 : 41
P5 MidtVest
P8 Jazz Of Chapter Two
Ternion Quartet 4 : 31
P6 Beat No Front Teeth
Perfume Genius, Aldous Harding 3 : 08
Globus Guld Jul D‐A‐D
Jacketless in December 3 : 57
Radio Globus The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Radio Alfa Østjylland Kool & the Gang
Fresh 3 : 08
ClassicROCK København The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
P4 KBH Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 19
Radio VLR
Limfjord Mix
Jazzkanalen og Radio Humleborg Frans Bak & Sinne Eeg
Stay With Me 3 : 23
Radio Als Michael Sembello
Maniac 5 : 35
Globus Guld Syd The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Chillout, Pop allgemein, Rhythm and Blues
Radio Aura
P4 Fyn Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 04
P4 Nordjylland Next Summer
Damiano David 0 : 00
P4 Midt og vest Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 16
Globus Guld Kolding The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Alfa - Midtjylland Kool & the Gang
Fresh 0 : 09
Radio Happy DK Michael Horn
Michaels Pophjørne (11) 21 : 13
Allsound FM Peter Maffay & Peter Maffay
So bist du (Live) 2 : 29
Als The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
P4 Syd Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 21
P5 Esbjerg Monday, Monday
The Mamas and the Papas 2 : 40
P4 Esbjerg Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 12
P4 Bornholm Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 19
Globus Guld Evergreens Leo Sayer
More Than I Can Say 3 : 05
Globus Guld Nord The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Oest FM95 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
The Last DJ 0 : 24
P4 Østjylland Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 20
ClassicROCK Østjylland The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Retro - Musikken Du Kender Ronnie Milsap
Any Day Now 2 : 24
Radio VLR Horsens
Club Riva Lounge Radio Brazilian Café
Carlos Puente 0 : 39
Radio Alfa - Skive Diana Ross
Upside Down 6 : 06
Retro-Radio Millennium Christina Aguilera
The Voice Within 0 : 03
P4 Sjaelland DR P4 Sjælland 4 : 10
Radio Alfa - Silkeborg Kool & the Gang
Fresh 2 : 52
Classic Soft Hits Gloria Estefan
Don’t Wanna Lose You 3 : 25
Classic Pop A1
Caught in the Middle 0 : 46
Radio Limfjord 107.8 FM The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Classic Danske Hits Jan Larsen
Varm Chokolade 2 : 01
Det Rigtige Faaborg
90s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio Alfa - Aarhus Radio Alfa
Alletiders Bedste Sange 3 : 56
Øst FM Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
The Last DJ 0 : 23
Globus Guld Esbjerg The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Sydvest, Skærbæk Nærradio, Radio Tønder, Radio Sønderjylland, Radio Bob, Radio Update The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Always Elvis Radio Elvis Presley
Please Don’t Drag That String Around 0 : 46
Radio Freja Rasmus Walter
Ovenpå Igen 2 : 03
Globus Guld Jule The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Radio Humleborg The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio S-FM The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
VIPradio ONE
Radio 40 plus Omar X Mumle
Hele Vejen (Dk) 0 : 05
Radio ALR The Pasadenas
I'm Doin' Fine Now093959 0 : 03
ClubFM Soft
902FM - Det Nye Radio Ballerup The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Rønde, Radio Djursland, Kanal 3 Djursland, Radio Alfa The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Globus Guld Country Brad Paisley
She’s Everything 0 : 39
P4 Trekanten Det sker alt for tit
Marcus.wav 3 : 11
Holb?k Radio
Radio Alfa - Viborg Kool & the Gang
Fresh 1 : 24
Radio Horsens
Københavns Nærradio, Radio 2500, Christiania Radio, Radio Storbyen, Den grønne kanal, Radio Salam
Femern FM Her Er Musik
Bamses Venner 25 : 46
Samsø Radio
90s, Eurodance, Pop allgemein
Radio Victoria Christmas The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Køge The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Rønde The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 01
Radio Koege The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio Varde The J. Geils Band
Centerfold 1 : 00
Radio 10FM
Radio S.N.R Maroon 5 & Megan Thee Stallion
Beautyfull Mistakes 2 : 05
Marlab The Midnight Devils
Midnight Devils 3 : 14
Mariagerfjord Lokalradio Helge Engelbrecht
Et Hjerte Af Guld 1 : 46
XERS Radio Tasmin Archer
Sleeping Satellite 0 : 40
Silkeborg Naerradio
Skanderborg Lokalradio Astrid & Freddy Breck
Einladung zur Superparty (Schöne Mail-Komm unter meine Decke-Er hat ein Kanllrotes Gummiboot) 1 : 01
Viborg Naerradio
Radio Weekend
90s, Pop allgemein, Pop-Rock
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