VIPradio EuroDance Twenty 4 Seven
Leave Them Alone 2 : 04
Globus Guld Midt Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Globus Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Alfa Østjylland Joe Jackson
Steppin’ Out 2 : 11
ClassicROCK København Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Als Kool & the Gang
Get Down on It 0 : 26
Limfjord Mix Fleetwood Mac
Big Love (DMC Mix) 44 : 00
Radio VLR Rocazino
Elsk mig i nat 1 : 47
P4 KBH NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 06
Globus Guld Syd Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Italo Sound Radio - Italian Dance Music 24/7 DJ Mark Bass
Notturno 3 : 17
Skala FM Daft Punk
Around the World 3 : 22
Globus Guld Kolding Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 24
Radio Alfa - Midtjylland Joe Jackson
Steppin’ Out 1 : 13
Als Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
P4 Fyn NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 05
P4 Nordjylland NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 07
Globus Guld Nord Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
P4 Midt og vest NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 07
TNT Radio 1 Sonaba x Next Promises
I Was Made For Loving You 1 : 11
Radio Oest FM95 The Order
Blue Monday 22 : 44
P4 Syd NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 05
ClassicROCK Østjylland Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
P4 Esbjerg NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 1 : 47
Globus Guld Jul CHRIS & MASS BAND
Christmas time for all 2 : 19
Radio Victoria - Esbjerg John Parr
St Elmo's Fire 2 : 03
P4 Bornholm NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 06
Radio Alfa - Skive Billy Idol
Rebel Yell 1 : 17
Radio VLR Horsens Rocazino
Elsk mig i nat 1 : 46
SydhavsOerne Starship
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now 2 : 53
Radio SOLO Rick Astley
Take Me to Your Heart 1 : 10
Radio Limfjord Keith Urban & P!nk
One Too Many 2 : 49
Radio 208 Puhdys
Die Sonne kennt ihren Weg 0 : 48
Radio Alfa - Silkeborg Billy Idol
Rebel Yell 3 : 28
ANR Murder on the Dancefloor
Radio Retro - Musikken Du Kender
P4 Østjylland NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 07
Retro-Radio Millennium East 17
House of Love 1 : 45
Allsound FM
Classic Pop På Slaget 12
Hjem Til Aarhus 0 : 55
Radio Limfjord 107.8 FM Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
P4 Sjaelland NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 15
Radio Skive
80s, Charts, Pop allgemein
Radio Alfa - Aarhus Billy Idol
Rebel Yell 0 : 49
Globus Guld Jule Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Humleborg Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Globus Guld Esbjerg Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 24
Radio Sydvest, Skærbæk Nærradio, Radio Tønder, Radio Sønderjylland, Radio Bob, Radio Update Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio S-FM Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Koege Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Music For Dreams Radio NaraBara
Nara Nara Nara (islandman Remix) 0 : 30
Øst FM The Order
Blue Monday 22 : 45
Radio SLR - Koege Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Radio Freja Hoobastank
The Reason 3 : 36
Classic Soft Hits ONE TWO ONE TWO
Midt I en Drøm 0 : 06
Jazzkanalen og Radio Humleborg Mo 'El Gringo Starr' Green
Calle Raballero (Rabalderstræde) 2 : 14
Radio Viborg
902FM - Det Nye Radio Ballerup Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Rønde, Radio Djursland, Kanal 3 Djursland, Radio Alfa Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
P6 Beat
P5 Fyn
VIPradio One at the 80s Bananarama
Love in the First Degree 1 : 26
Club Riva Lounge Radio Early Chords
Moe Turk 2 : 55
VIPradio ONE Marie Frank
Symptom Of A Time 2 : 18
Radio Alfa - Viborg Joe Jackson
Steppin’ Out 2 : 55
ClubFM Soft Savage Garden
The Animal 0 : 22
P5 Nordjylland
Radio Horsens Rocazino
Elsk mig i nat 1 : 47
Radio 40 plus Brenda Lee
Let’s Jump the Broomstick 1 : 23
P4 Trekanten NiceToMeetYou
Myles Smith 2 : 05
Radio SOLO - Skive Rick Astley
Take Me to Your Heart 2 : 17
Radio Koege Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Varde Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Victoria Christmas Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Køge Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio Rønde Irene Cara
Flashdance... What a Feeling 1 : 25
Radio ALR
Radio S.N.R
Radio SLR Slagelse Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Pop FM on Radio Play letthemusicplay
Shannon 3 : 00
Radio Weekend Cypress Hill
I Ain’t Goin’ Out Like That 3 : 02
Samsø Radio
90s, Eurodance, Pop allgemein
VLR Rocazino
Elsk mig i nat 1 : 47
Radio SNR, SNR Hits, SNR Mix
P5 Ost jylland
P5 MidtVest
Femern FM Du Er Det Bedste
Klaus & Servants 0 : 53
Holb?k Radio Cliff Richard
Some People 2 : 49
Radio SOLO - Silkeborg Shannon
Let the Music Play 0 : 41
Det Rigtige Faaborg
XERS Radio Phil Collins
Another Day in Paradise 1 : 31
Radio MFK - Lyden af Mariagerfjord Malte Ebert
Kalde Dem For Du 2 : 35
Radio SLR Ringsted Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Classic Danske Hits Anette Klingenberg
Snart Er Du Mer' End 17 År 0 : 10
Globus Guld Evergreens
Københavns Nærradio, Radio 2500, Christiania Radio, Radio Storbyen, Den grønne kanal, Radio Salam Hvor Solen Ik' Skinner
Mumle and Svea S 0 : 31
Radio Boost Jimmy Somerville vs. Susan Cadogan
(Statik) Hurt So Good 3 : 57
SBS Discovery - Radio 100 umbrella
Rihanna and Jay-Z 4 : 25
Radio Viva John Parr
St Elmo's Fire 3 : 48
Radio Viva John Parr
St Elmo's Fire 3 : 48
Jukebox - Nonstop Music
Radio 10FM Cheryl Cole
Beats N Bass 2 : 18
TNT Radio Dance Hedegaard
Ni**as in Paris 0 : 09 - Christmas Daft Punk
Around the World 3 : 22
Radio SLR Naestved Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Radio SLR Vordingborg Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 28
Radio SLR Kalundborg Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Radio SLR Holbaek Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
I Like to Move It 3 : 29
Radio SOLO - Herning Rick Astley
Take Me to Your Heart 2 : 51
VIPradio One World Cazzette, TooManyLeftHands & Nadia Gattas
Ready 4 Luv 0 : 19
Dance, Gemischtes, Synthiepop
Gemischtes, Synthiepop, Wave
VaporFM Miranda Carey & Sunglasses Kid
Steal My Love 0 : 56
P5 Esbjerg
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