Läuft häufig auf:
Up The Irons
The Foundry Entombed A.D.
Midas in Reverse 1 : 35
Broken Neck Radio
FNRNRradio.com Live365
Advertisement 0 : 20
Rebel Radio JACKPIPE
Feeling the Pump 0 : 12
Heroes and Mortals Radio Blind Guardian
Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns) 0 : 34
Radio Tunel do Tempo Maskavo
Um Anjo do céu 3 : 06
Crosstime Jan Hammer
Crockett's Theme 1 : 17
Real Rebel Radio The Quaker City Night Hawks
Better in the Morning 2 : 46
Metalearth HammerFall
No Son of Odin 0 : 42
Northern Metal Radio - Vi spelar vad fan vi vill W.A.S.P.
Rebel In The F.D.G. (F?cking Decadent Generation) 2 : 00
Rockbude Bloodbound
Slayer of Kings 1 : 17
Rockhausradio Mumford & Sons
I Will Wait 4 : 07
Brutalnerd Radio
GridStream Productions
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme 0 : 42
Northern Metal Radio Extreme Vukari
Bathe in the Divine Light 6 : 05
Rebel Radio 716 JACKPIPE
Feeling the Pump 0 : 12
The Hardest Station in the Freakin' Nation! Chicago, IL USA | Rebel Radio JACKPIPE
Feeling the Pump 0 : 12
RADIO BOB - Metal Rise of the Northstar
Showdown 2 : 31
Shogun Rocks Zeal & Ardor
Götterdämmerung 1 : 14
Radio Drachenblut Thron
Under a Bloodred Sky 0 : 24
Virage Radio Metal
Metal-Rock-Radio.de Sethian
Blood Calling 2 : 20
Metal Live Radio Scorpions
Still Loving You 1 : 32
baba-yaga-radio.de Karat
Der blaue Planet 5 : 19
Virgin Radio Métal
METAL Radio Metallica
The Day That Never Comes 2 : 20
RADIO Rock SV Metallica
Eye of the Beholder 0 : 07
Hotmix Metal Wind Rose
Diggy Diggy Hole 3 : 15
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