Läuft häufig auf:
Metal World Radio Dream Theater
Midnight Messiah 3 : 10
DistFM 100% ROCK! South
We Took The Wrong Road 3 : 11
HR80s.com 4G Stream Widowmaker
Stand By for Pain 1 : 57
100 Capital Bra & Samra
100k Cash 1 : 48
FNRNRradio.com Metal Church
Start the Fire 2 : 42
Hardrockvinyl Nirvana
Heart‐Shaped Box 4 : 06
Rebel Radio
Olirocks Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden 1 : 12
Lord Und Schlumpfi Alkaloid
Liquid Anatomy 3 : 20
alien rocks radio Internal Bleeding
Fatal Dependency 1 : 37
HR80s 3G Stream Widowmaker
Stand By for Pain 1 : 56
Radio Highway Pirates Girlschool
I Spy (Dio Mix) 3 : 58
Monkey Radio
Rockhausradio Layment
The Seafarer 2 : 09
Out To Get Me 0 : 49
Violent Forces Radio: '80s Thrash Forced Entry
Unrest They Find 4 : 10
Rock Dragon Backyard Babies
Th1rt3een Or Nothinh 2 : 43
HR80s 1G Radio Widowmaker
Stand By for Pain 1 : 55
Metal Old-Stuff
Hammer Stream Judas Priest
You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ 1 : 25
Funny Bone Radio Allan Sherman
Harvey and Shelia 0 : 28
Shredded Hypocrisy
Pleasure of Molestation 5 : 23
Radio Bizzz Timo Kotipelto
The Beginning 1 : 27
Rebel Radio 716
The Hardest Station in the Freakin' Nation! Chicago, IL USA | Rebel Radio
Dead to Rights 4 : 14
Shogun Rocks Primal Fear
The End Is Near 2 : 45
Virage Radio Metal Our Hollow, Our Home
Funeral Verse 2 : 23
Metal Live Radio Annihilator
Demon Code 2 : 35
Virgin Radio Métal Megadeth
Holy Wars… The Punishment Due 6 : 11
97underground.com BlackRain
Nobody but You 0 : 56
RadioBloodstream.com Mushroomhead
Prepackaged 2 : 46
97 Underground Radio
Mix Rock Metal Radio Rush
Distant Early Warning 1 : 04
MetalRadio LIVE Lamb of God
In Your Words 2 : 33
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