Audials News

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Audials Play is available for Android Automotive


Audials is part of Google's vehicle operating system!


Audials is one of the first apps to support Android Automotive. Android Automotive, unlike Android Auto, is a standalone operating system in a vehicle. Apps can thus be installed independently of a smartphone. Google is currently the leading provider of such a platform. Based on Android Automotive, car manufacturers can provide a customized version of Google's operating system in their vehicles.
The first production vehicle to be equipped with the system is the Polestar 2, which was released in 2020. The Volvo XC40, XC60, S90 and V90 followed later. Other major car brands such as Volkswagen, Stellantis, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, Honda, General Motors and Ford are also planning to use Android Automotive.


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