How can I record music streaming from Internet radios to MP3 audio file?
With this step-by-step description you can record music from Internet radios with the web radio recorder for your personal use as MP3 file for PC, smartphone, tablet, apple iphone and ipad.

Best Windows software to record radio
Listen to and record music from more than 100,000 online radio stations. Create your personal music wish list and get it fulfilled automatically. Listen to and record podcasts. Try Audials Radio now for free!
Radio streams that can be recorded with Audials do not use any effective protection against recording and output unencrypted audio e.g. on the PC's sound card. Audials always only records such unencrypted audio data. According to US Copyright Law “No action may be brought … alleging infringement of copyright based on … distribution … or based on the noncommercial use by a consumer of such a … digital audio recording device”.
How to record from web radios with Audials Radio for Windows 11 or Windows 10
Step 1: Install and start the radio recorder and radio player
Download for free the Windows software Audials Radio without any registration and install it. Start Audials Radio and switch to the “Radio” section. Select e.g. a music genre. Alternatively, you can enter a search term into the search bar, for example your favorite artist.
Step 2: Click the Mass recording button and play back the music on the Web radio station
Now click on “Mass Recording”. Choose how many songs from how many online radio stations Audials Radio should record. Then confirm by clicking "Start mass recording now". The music files that match the genre or the search term you selected will be recorded.
Step 3: Audials Radio will record the songs and save them automatically as MP3
Audials automatically adds ID3 tags, covers and song texts. Once the recordings is completed, the files will show up in the Audials player on the right side of your screen. You can now play them with Audials, edit them or drag and drop them into another application or Windows Explorer to export them.
Choose from many different genres
To fulfill your music wishes perfectly, you can select all radio stations by country, top artists, top hits, genres and subgenres and you can be assured that you get exactly the music you want.
Besides Audials Radio also Audials One offers all radio functions. Both programs have all that you ever wished for in the radio sector. A database with more than 100.000 radios, 1,450,000 artists, 3,000,000 albums and 12,000,000 mp3 is the fundament to fulfill all your music wishes automatically.
Explore different Music Genres and find new Music
Here you can find a short overview and interesting information about the most important music genres:
Instructions for Recording Music from Radios using the Wishlist Feature
1. Start Audials Radio and switch to the “Music” view.
2. Open the “Wish” tab.
3. Type your wish in the search box, or click through the proposals in "Artist"/"Playlists & Compilations"/"Related artists"/"Music zoom".
4. Select an album, artist or title and click "+". The selected item is marked with a magic wand symbol and is added to your wish list. Add more wishes, if you like.
5. Below your wish list, click "Activate list...".
6. Choose the fulfill settings for your wishlist.
7. Confirm your settings by clicking "Activate wish list".
Audials Radio Player and Radio Recorder at a glance!
Radio - Listen to and Record Internet Radio Stations
- Make individual song recordings (MP3, WMA, AAC) from any Internet radio station
- The world's largest database containing over 100.000 Internet radio stations
- Optimized navigation with page tabs to display by genre or country
- Display and filter by editing quality, bitrate, stream type
- Live radio player that displays the album cover of song currently played
- High-powered instant search function for radio stations by genre, country, commonly played artists and/or stream quality
- Top artists by genre deliver matching radio stations
- Make automatic and parallel mass recordings of numerous stations by genre, country, artist
- Recordings edited to the millisecond via PerfectRadio, fingerprint-based editing of individual songs
- Display stations not requiring post-editing after recording (diamond stations)
- Detailed adjustable quality: only those songs that fulfill your specifications for editing accuracy, bitrate, etc. are saved
- Timer for time-controlled radio recordings
- Job-Function: assign track count and data quantity
- Automatically add ID3 tags and album artwork to radio recordings via Internet meta searches
- Automatically add song lyrics via Internet meta searches
- Create as many favorite lists as you want
- Automatic synchronization of favorites on all user PCs
- Pin various radio views to navigate quickly to your favorites
- Song history: subsequently saves all music previously listened to
- Normalize the volume of all radio recordings to a uniform level
- Fading features can be set to the ends of the recording
- High-performance editing enables fine-tuning of radio recordings
- Add your own radio stations
- Automatic categorization of recordings by genre
- Audials Apps: synchronize all your favorite media to use on smartphones/tablets
Music wishes - Songs from Radio Stations and the Internet
- Monitor thousands of radio stations simultaneously according to desired music
- Simultaneously run a parallel meta search of all the major online portals
- Automatically record a radio station from around the world, whenever it plays your desired music
- Recordings from radio stations with perfect recording quality (no post-editing necessary) available
- Wishlists completed as audio files, music videos, or both
- Bolster search database with plugins from the plugin-community
- Comprehensive music database helps you define your music wishlist
- Wishlists may contain complete albums
- Wishlists may contain several artists; the best-quality songs by each artist are recorded
- Wishlists may contain sampler albums; all songs are recorded
- Use wishlists from the wishlist-community
- Generate wishlists by genre
- Automatically generated suggestions simplify creating wishlists
- Use as many wishlists as you want
Podcasts - Subscribe to and Enjoy Episodes
- Comprehensive database with more than 120,000 international podcasts
- Watch or listen to episodes immediately via streams
- TV shows, informational, music - more than 25 popular categories
- Find and sort by language, name and popularity
- Record all episodes with a click, and automatically convert into the desired format
- Subscribe: monitor new episodes and record automatically
- High-powered search by title, episode, topic, comments
Media Center - Enjoy music and entertainment everywhere
- Convenient player with playlist management functions and graphic cover display
- Various displays available according to artist, genre, etc.
- Easy to use for beginners, expert displays available with configured information columns
- Automatic reloading and display of artist photos
- High-power search of entire medial collection
- Playlists for similar artists and genres generated automatically
- Supports links and videos in playlists
- 2High-performance dual-device display enables flexible transfer from and to a wide-variety of devices and file locations
- Optimized for Android-Smartphones & Tablets, Apple iPhone™ & iPad™
- Preconfigured for all major clouds: upload, download, sync and use in playlists
- Copying in the background, status bar for devices
- Audials Anywhere enables remote access to media collection, use PC as private media cloud
- Automatic Internet searches for missing ID3 tags, album artwork and song lyrics
- High-performance tag editor, easy drag-and-drop tagging available
- Flexible rule-based re-sorting of file names / folders available for entire music collection
- Ringtone editor: create ringtones conveniently. Wireless uploading to cell and smartphones available
- Audio Editor enables post-editing of music files
Where do we have the radios from that are in our database?
Radio Stations from Shoutcast and Icecast
Shoutcast and Icecast are freeware streaming servers for audio streaming and by this allow to operate internet radios. In their internet radio directories you can find thousands of web radio stations from different genres Audials has access to. Thus Audials can offer a big amount of different radio stations for every taste which can be recorded at any time.
The Shoutcast directory has over 45,000 radio stations from music, talk and sports from the whole world. By using the integrated radio web player you can simultaneously listen to radios and explore new ones.
Icecast is developped by Xiph.Org Foundation since 2001. The fundamentally changed Version 2 is developped since the beginning of 2004. In November 2012 Icecast announced that they've got over 14,800 available radio streams, more than 13,600 in the MP3 format.
Terrestrial Radios
In Audials we've got many radio stations that originally come from the terrestrial area and that are still broadcasting that way. Nevertheless those radios by now also offer streams over the internet, which allows you to listen to your favourite radio station even if you are not in the broadcasting area. Among those are the most popular English-language radio stations, which can be played and recorded with just one click!
Also available as App for Android Smartphones & Tablets and iOS for Apple iPhone & iPad
Audials Radio Apps as free Player and Recorder
Please note
Music played by online radio stations is copyrighted. Any redistribution of it without the consent of the copyright owners may be a violation of the law in most countries, including the USA. Audials AG is not affiliated with the online radio stations, the music played by them, nor the company that owns the trademark rights to the online radio stations. This page is provided for compatibility purposes only, and in no case should be considered an endorsement of Audials Software products by any associated 3rd party.