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Nothing But Thieves - Unperson 


We lose all control of our senses, so slowly 
Give them up until we're defenseless, so surely 


This is not what you think it is 
This is not what you, this is not what you 
This is not what you think it is 
It's worse 


Now my computer gets sad without me, it's scary 
It's turnin' off everything I believe in 
'Cause it knows it's easy 


This is not what you think it is 
This is not what you, this is not what you 
This is not what you think it is 
It's worse 


'Cause I'm another unperson 
You created this mess 
You are the grand designer 
Revel in our unrest 


And we're getting sick of your doublethink 
We see you all and now the walls are cavin' in 
And maybe I'm flawed, but I do exist 
My thoughts are mine, I didn't sign up for this 


Now my spirit can barely function, it's ugly 
No longer fit for public consumption 
Well, I guess that's somethin' 


This is not what you think it is 
This is not what you, this is not what you 
This is not what you think it is 
It's worse 


'Cause I'm another unperson 
You created this mess 


And we're getting sick of your doublethink 
We see you all and now the walls are cavin' in 
And maybe I'm flawed, but I do exist 
My thoughts are mine, I didn't sign up for this 


I'm just another clone of a clone 
I'm out here searchin' for some meanin' 
I'm all out of love, I forget what it feels like (yeah) 
And we all take orders comin' from above us 
And they won't leave me alone 
I'm just another clone of a clone of a clone 

Interpretation of Unperson

Nothing But Thieves draws a dark picture of what can happen when mankind does not know how to deal with technical innovations in a responsible manner: the individual with all his advantages and flaws is replaced by the clone who has no feelings and does not use its mind independently. Now the computer decides what you feel, believe or think. The individual is not even called a person. The narrator in the song tries to fight against all this: "My thoughts are mine, I didn't sign up for this". 

 However, the narrator cannot free himself from this situation because he knows that he will not be given any rest as long as he is defending himself against the loss of his human qualities. The song is to be understood as a warning to everyone not to permit that we will live in such a world. 

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