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Evanescence - The Game Is Over

Had enough, I've really had enough
Had enough of denial
I'm not alright, but I'm not gonna lie
I don't know that I ever was
All alone, I've waited, all alone
Held it in as I played by your rules
I've been biting my lip, but I'm losing my grip
I'm coming down, down, down

When all the hate burns off
I'm left here with the pain
Behind our vain devices
Are we all the same?
Ooh, ah, ah, ah

Change me into something I believe in
Change me so I don't have to pretend

Take a breath and try to play along
But I'm a terrible liar
I feel the world like a brick on my chest
And the party's just begun
Throw the rope, I'm wading through the mud
From your mouth flow a thousand truths
But you know
There's only one

When all the hate burns off
I'm left here with the pain
Ooh, ah, ah, ah

Change me into something I believe in
Change me so I don't have to pretend
Sweet words, they mean nothing, they're not true
'Cause the game is over

I want it all or I want nothing at all
Maybe I can

Change me into something I believe in
Change me so I don't have to pretend
Your sweet words, they mean nothing, save your breath
The game is over

Interpretation of The Game Is Over

In “The Game Is Over”, the narrator denounces that society forces him to pretend and that most of the people are dishonest to him. But the narrator does not want to tolerate this anymore and he no longer wants to stick to these rules because he is emotionally exhausted. His goal is a behavior that he himself considers right and not that one other people expect. 

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